
Question for people who knows: are characters over 18 at the end of manga? They supposedly graduated at the end of it
You know the ones who usually emphasize this topic tend to be pedos right?
She's a drawing shizo, that imaginary number next to her name that you so desperately need means nothing.
It sucks to live with ocd
She looks like an adult, and is acting like an adult, so there isn't much of a problem. She isn't displaying any sort of childishness.
Whatever you say, you stupid woke liberal.
You haven't died yet, you fucking useless and talentless faggot?
Imagine senpai has to wipe her ass and oil her fat rolls due to her immobility, haha.
Jeez, do people not recognize BambooAle anymore?
There's nothing that can hurt him more.
No, and I'm thankful they don't. His art is genuinely shit

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