
Selene got a reference sheet!
*Chicken little celebration video here*
Is there something changed in the Pic or what are we talking about?
(621 KB, 1698x1696, 0fbee4db4d1b445709b3948de8b2fc8231e8ed66ad3db82b8ee860569c0cf3d2.png) (992 KB, 1658x2481, 2b808c8db09076012901248da15acaf01fdca94d5be7d6ad90c06165332f23bc.png) (3.0 MB, 2514x4071, 664efbeeccc9dafcc9aae42a7f92eec9c98b64e7c84bdd6b9dcdd1579bf3581b.jpg) (688 KB, 1547x1300, 20240710_110603.png) (2.6 MB, 1485x3032, 94e3558d01a765e287fd81c034e1131e9a02fd5282a20d5a1f81ce7ab1c54be0.png) (2.8 MB, 2500x3148, 3e3fa78f01c2085b6e543c31adc5675246d2aadc020d2d93373dfad6cd40e542.png)
Salt’s USSBBW OCs size ranking, now that they all got a ref sheet:
1. Val
2. Selene
3. Courtney
4. Chloe
Yo. What the fuck kinda link is that.
Damn, that Erina sketch is kinda old. I still hope someone will suggest it for one of the upgrade polls
What I'm afraid is going on, She's little smaller in referense sheet than she in beach bod part 7-9 and the sauna.
But I hope we can see she in bigger size again
It could be because those aren’t available to non patrons while the other USSBBW ones all got pieces that non patreon can see at the bigger sizes
It's just a ref sheet. Courtney and Val are also way smaller on their sheets.
Calm down dude, BWS isn't gonna stop drawing USSBBW stuff
I’ve reported it but they still haven’t done shit. I’m too much of a bitch to open the files linked but it’s probably really bad given the site’s history of trolls posting horrific shit.
>offensive post was already deleted
Welp, that aged poorly.
Shit, we really need that Mai sketch to be upgraded
It's funny that the fatter the character, the more the image weighs. (in most cases)
Uh...guys, why are you posting the same old shit every time a new thread pops up?
Sorry, just thought I'd post this for easier comparison.
Sophia has a giga Sammy figure.
Sammy has a more blocky gut and plumper tits she's just bigger and more deflated
praying this komi pic gets a nude alt like the swimsuit one did
Sammy did use to be an athlete and Sophia is just an ordinary woman who never played any sports
he’s been on a hotstreak recently imo
Holy fucking shit, this is why I prefer the OC stuff. Most of the time he goes all out
Haters have been pretty silent since this month dropped...
>>211410 I think they like the OC stuff, but then you also had the Christmas incident. Fuckers destroyed three threads within a month.
What was that incident?
(1.7 MB, 2550x2158, halloween_binge_by_better_with_salt_damx5ki.jpg) (123 KB, 1024x1129, return_of_the_witch_by_better_with_salt_dbs5n8f-fullview.jpg) (87 KB, 1280x970, no_tricks__just_treats_by_better_with_salt_dcqnoxv-fullview.jpg) (4.2 MB, 4696x1510, halloween_heist_by_better_with_salt_de7py6h.png) (580 KB, 950x1300, halloween witch.png)
Alright, obscure Salt OC: witch he drew on Halloween in 2016 and remade almost every year until 2020 when he stopped except for a single sketch in 2023. Yeah, this one isn't getting a sheet, huh? Is it too early to talk about -- yes, but if Spirit Halloween can be open in July then so can I.
>>211413 So basically, around Christmas Day, Salt posted an artwork about Courtney and Shannon, which led to people complaining about the OCs, which then spiraled into a bitchfest of nonsense that spread over three threads, with people such as the discovery of the neighborhood schizo and his delusions of grandeur, who was half responsible for the VPN bullshit, along with the cheese pizza peddler. These said three threads were being killed instantly in one month. The Community Salt thread was way more tame when that happened, and those threads can spiral out into /gen/ arguing really quick.
God damn, that's one of his best works ever!

Because this has been is only really good month this year. Lots of his art this year has been painfully average, but he's been trying much harder with >>211140 (OP) and >>211402. If all of his art were more like these, you can bet there wouldn't have been any complaining outside of the usual Lucys he does.
I remember he made a comment about why he stopped drawing her, I think he said something along the lines of simply not having any idea of how to continue with her. These days though I think he'd be more open to draw her again on october, a lot of the shit he does now was unthinkable back then after all
If you mean a how to draw tutorial, I think he tends to say he just watched a bunch of Proko, Moderndayjames, another other professional artist youtubers and took their lessons.
I would settle for his shading technique. Your pic not related.

>>211402 <---stuff like this!
>>211410 It's too fucking hot, like too damn much
>>211402 Later, that night, the store employee told her bf: "So after seeing that girl, looking like that... Well, I think it awoke something I didn't know was inside of me..."
Holy moly, this gotta be one pf my favorites, its just pure art!
Can not wait a NSFW version of the picture.
I adore her and it's such a shame that she doesn't get art anymore. Such a good design wasted
Salt peaked with this ngl
And she has a BOYFRIEND? Hot DAMN!
People dident like that Christmas comic? That's probably one of my favourite o pieces because of how big Courtney looks lmao.
I would pay good money to see Brooke dead on the couch from a heart attack, like that one pic from darkfireballz.
>>211548 Clam it, I know your the anon associated with the hell bent nature of wanting Chloe dead.
(83 KB, 1189x745, Brooke's BB.png)
I know Brooke isn't technically Salt's oc but I am down for her so mind-numbingly, confusingly, insanely bad.
she's might be above Chloe at this point.
I want her to plant her vaguely WOC ass directly on my face and shatter my skull.
I wanna fuck her belly button, every hole she's got.
hell i'll even fuck her melting cheese lookin ahh arm fat.
So what's with the weirdo snufffag actual autist in the thread? Where the fuck did he come from?
He's been here a long time.
Probably banned from BWSs patreon/discord for being a turbo autist and has been spamming any BWS thread ever since.
Brooke isn't Salt's OC?
(249 KB, 1040x579, IMG_20240722_001553.jpg)
>>211572 Actual footage of the world if we had two separate BWS threads; one for pics and one for schizo ramblings:
Real lore?
Or headcanon?
according to someone who was here a while back, apparently they both belong to someone else.
Who is the owner of those two then?
Can we just ban these fascist retards, pretty please?
>>211521 Here's a prime example of the bullshit that came from the incident I mentioned in this post: >>211568.
Yeah, it's me.
Good pic btw.
Wow, it must totally be true then! Nevermind that Salt has never said that.
Best giga plushie ngl :D
absolutely no idea, whoever said it has never shown up again as far as I can tell.
I remember it was more than one who were bitching at me for saying she was my favorite OC behind Chloe, I think even multiple times.
um, wrong post?
This shitty goth girl again?
ngl this is a meh piece
Selene then Violet, yeah nah Im eating. Giga Drill Break into those cheeks
While this one was a poll winner I can kinda get people being sick and tired. Likely wont be commissioning her for a good while for that reason.
The "people" in question are the same idiots who complain about everything regardless. Like, she hasn't gotten an actual piece in like a year or so
she so hot like id love to se her get huge
Violet should sit on my face
I think he means the proportions. Look at her torso and arms and then picture her sitting up.
I sorta get it but at the same time her torso/arms dont really look disproportionate in length or anything. Think its mostly the extreme proportions making it confusing
(4.3 MB, 2110x2617, Softened With Age.png)
I wish they gave violet a bit more of a gut because she feels less fat and more like a girl with a unrealistically massive ass. For example I like how this image makes her actually feel like a fat girl.
with so many artists it's always massive ass or massive gut
why is it so rarely both?
I do kinda agree. This latest piece was a sketch upgrade of a sketch where the whole idea was essentially to make her butt as exagerated as possible.

I do like the size in this piece though and will probably get more stuff of her with these proportions
Mostly comes down to what the commissioner asks for, I specifically wanted her butt to be extremely large in proportion to the rest of her.

That being said I will probably end up getting more stuff of her with a bit more of a belly cause I have developed a soft spot for those pieces.
>because she feels less fat and more like a girl with a unrealistically massive ass
Isn't that the literal point? You guys really gonna argue about the proportions of someone's else OC? It also won a poll, Jesus
The 2nd and 3rd images here makes me wonder how deformed her skeleton is at the hips because the anatomy here looks awful, same with >>211814. It's a shame because anatomy is one of Salt's strong points.

It's a fair criticism to make.
>It's a shame because anatomy is one of Salt's strong points.
Did it ever pass through your mind after several pieces that perhaps the extreme anatomy is intended?
>It's a fair criticism to make
>"What is this? Why does the super fat ass OC has so much ass?"
Its not even a criticism its just pointing out the obvious. The original prompt for the sketch that was eventually made into the 2nd and 3rd piece was literally "make it so she could pass as average or chubby from the waist up with oversized butt/hips/thighs.

Salt simply worked with the prompt he was given and I liked the result. She ended up getting some changes in design around the time the ref sheet was made and she was given a bit of a bigger waist and just slightly more balanced out proportions in general and thats likely the way it will stay going forward. Unless I feel like experimenting some more with different shapes on her but it isnt super likely.

Being able to make exagerated stuff is part of the appeal of fictional girls but its not gonna be for everyone.
It's not a criticism its a difference in opinion, I'm just discussing the fact I wish the OC felt more grounded.
You don't have to argue with everybody here just because they aren't into the same things as you, Its not worth it lol.
I am responding to the person who said its a fair criticism. I am not arguing anyone, people are allowed to enjoy what they enjoy.

All I am saying is that salt didnt fuck up or anything he literally just followed the commissioners request for what they wanted.
Has Salt drawn Sento from Amagi brilliant park?
wish that first pic got a nude alt
And I wish he would draw her again
(667 KB, 1992x2467, Smashing Thighs (Lines).jpg) (778 KB, 2800x1800, Violet Torsdottir.jpg)
Probably not the best time to put these here... but, here's an edit and a sketch refining I did a while back.

(I'm one of the people who ACTUALLY like Violet's design.)
I think they paid him to do those.
Violet is so close to working, just have her be less comically bottom heavy (and maybe have her wear her hair down)
Considering she has won like 3 separate polls at this point I think its a bit more than one person
Her being comically bottom heavy was kinda the core idea behind her design, I have tried getting a couple sketches with her hair down but it just doesnt hit the same for me.
God damn this is so hot
Brooke is his OC. There a simply different characters, who look similiar. The redhead in Tipping The Scales is Olivia, she & Brooke are BWS OCs & were only featured there. The other reshead is Sophia & she is from a comissioner.
So Brooke/Olivia are his, but their lookalikes not.
Honestly hope Salt revisit Brooke and Olivia at some point, or at least gives them a Reference sheet
salt needs to do more mega bloated girls
I'll do anything for a ref sheet of Brooke just so we get her last name and we can figure out what race she's supposed to be.
(also full body shot of her at peak large.)
I love the thumb in the belly button.
(3.3 MB, 10250x1936, All Height Chart.png) (423 KB, 1200x1900, Halie x Courtney.png) (368 KB, 1200x1900, Shannon x Selene.png) (344 KB, 1200x1900, Siv x Val.png) (724 KB, 1200x1900, All.png)
I made a size and height comparison of all the characters from Salt's Reference Sheets. It includes the newest characters he made Reference Sheets for. I'm continuing this from another anon who worked on this


Would appreciate any feedback, hope y'all like it
just now noticing salt doesnt have any oc's that have a double belly
He doesn't draw double bellies much.
The pic of Sammy used is outdated, She's much bulkier now.

Just out of curiosity, he should make a reference sheet of everyone before gaining weight and draw another set at their fattest
Where did you get the height chart?
>Taller than everyone on this
I can Look Chloe in the eyes
>>212312 I'm on the cusp of 5'11" so I'm definitely taller than all the cast
We finally get a new Chloe drawing after months, and it's this crap? What a way to kill the hype
Betcha there will be an after math picture
I agree he should be drawing her and the others more but this is her birthday so it's fine if it's a cute thing
Never does these for birthday art.
If there isn’t I’m gonna be very grumpy
When’s the last time we got a super bloated Chloe?
I'm 6'1" so basically i look down to all the girls
I guess in 2023 or 2022? It's one of his more famous OCs but he actually gives her very little attention, I dunno why
Today is her birthday after all not bad Salt
Halie ain't slick she knows exactly why she got her that
This is the second worst thing I’ve seen today. The bitchy white girl all happy…
I like a happy Chloe
She's a cute brat, but I love seeing them smile
Happy bday to my fav obese brat
Plot twist: White girls are better than black ones, cope and seethe
(40 KB, 746x787, IMG_2355.webp)
Funny you mention black people, this is the worst thing I’ve seen all day.
I want my head squashed between her tummy and her thighs omg this one's nice.

Addendum I never see nice looking fat girls at my job, they're always too lumpy or getting to that stage where the fat is starting to do weird shit. One of the few cases I'm not afraid to say I wish people looked like anime gals lol. Especially the way salt draws em
Least mentally insane Hazbin fan
Y'all are gonna seethe for this but this thread consistently makes me believe this site would be a better experience to be on if you could only post images.
But are you gonna date her?
>See a white person happy
Not even that
>See a drawing of a person being happy
>Immediately becomes mad

Shut the fuck up look in the mirror and ask the asshat that stares back at you "Why I am so opsesest with race to start talking about in a fat fetish message board?" You pathetic piece of shit. I've seen Nazis who are less opsesest over others people races. I would call you mentally retarted but that would insult actual mentally retarted people. And the confidence to share your linguistic diarrhea is incredible, since if you were to jump from your ego to your IQ you would die before impact since you would fall for so long.
I just meant the bitchy white girl trope.
Unironically same. I wish for a mode or toggle for threads where you could hide comment only posts like "filter Id" so only pictures came up. You can do it manually but it's such a pain especially when there's 50 posts between each pic.

Some of you guys are alright it's just the majority of no pic comments are either source requests I didn't make or people's insane opinions I don't care about. Sometimes it's even fat artist drama and like, who cares?
Worst part is no one on this fucking site knows how to sage so the thread is constantly bumped to the top of page 1 over this inane bullshit.
These are great! Almost wish Tifa was in her og outfit here
I swear one of BWS' subscribers must be a Cana fan
Animebros, what is momo doing with that parasol?
She's pulling it out of her ass- I mean...
She can create objects with her body fat
Mina and Tifa sketches are awesome, Momos would be great with an explicit!
(505 KB, 1541x1285, 1b07d78149c790d6bbbc4ad95b5f6863a1a0f65453c3230dfe94cbd2c4bb0ad2.png) (464 KB, 1644x1685, 15eabf32e0c735d2ee93a63bceb5d8e9d23d919a6d9bbbe6c9bbc55c15e31aed (2).png) (537 KB, 1498x1843, 15eabf32e0c735d2ee93a63bceb5d8e9d23d919a6d9bbbe6c9bbc55c15e31aed (3).png) (474 KB, 1281x1830, 15eabf32e0c735d2ee93a63bceb5d8e9d23d919a6d9bbbe6c9bbc55c15e31aed (4).png) (571 KB, 1934x1742, 15eabf32e0c735d2ee93a63bceb5d8e9d23d919a6d9bbbe6c9bbc55c15e31aed.png)
Why'd you post Erina with with?
Wtf does Erina have to do with this? She's from 2021
opps,i uploaded for accident XD
Amazing piece, a explicit would be heavenly
inb4 someone starts whining about how it isnt hot enough
she is strait up beautiful
>>212770 Y'know, I noticed something. Of the main two Salt characters, Chloe was at first skinny but got fat in her first artwork, while in Nat's first artwork, she has always been chubby and kept packing on pounds, not to mention the latter is said to have a sister, so I wonder what she looks like, if she has her sister's genes.
Of course it isn't hot enough, it's SUMMER
>stuffed welrod getting fucked while she continues to gorge herself like a tick
Do we know the identity of all these patrons? Lucyguy is obvious, and Jayofthedamned basically simps for Magilou, but that's it
Does anyone have salt's drawing of squirrel girl?
Yeah that one’s my favorite
The guy who gets BWS to draw Arknights girls is a chad and I appreciate him.
i still don't get why Jeanne was stuffing herself silly in Summer 3 but hey I won't complain it was a good scene
(318 KB, 592x593, TRIPLE CHINS.png)
I long for when someone finally pays BWS to draw Bao since half the AI art of her clearly rips his off.
and she'd probably find it more enjoyable since its real.
Who the fuck even watches vtubers? This is a stupid fad
And honestly she will probably appreciate it. And I might draw her, I am willing to ideas.
Oh my god
If you count her and all of her family, including the unborn children, there are 13 of them.
That's a baker's dozen.
I don't think that piece of lore was ever touched upon but from what I remember it was Chloe who was implied to come from a wealthy family
(3.1 MB, 2191x3080, Fatknights.png)
Im not him, but I did it, hope you guys like it, it took longer than expected!
(1.3 MB, 1698x1475, thicc ShyLily.jpg)
Shylily when she comes to America again and becomes a Taco Bell devotee (this time her Uber driver doesn't brag about witnessing a gang shooting)
This is top tier, that body shape goes hard, big boobs, round chubby belly...
What are the statistics on a woman having the fetish to begin with? She's not subtle about it at all
Wow she looks fantastic!
What do you think Halie's twin would have been like?
I mean she could but she could also just be extremely autistic/baiting. But if she was it would not be that surprising.
>>213063 gets off by helping her friends lose weight.
I think they meant her mom is currently pregnant with a different pair of twins?
Oh shit I remember this comic, it’s called between failures if I remember correctly?
I want all of his OCs on the beach wearing the american flag bikini.
Neat! Is it releasing in two hours?
>High School setting, androgynous looking person
Not a good omen.
>High school setting
Looks like tables, not desks
>Androgynous looking person
You can only see her shoulders up, how do you know that she's androgynous? Because she has short hair? That's dumb.
That…that isn’t a dude?
(491 KB, 947x387, FftE.png)
higher res

looks pretty androgynous to me. no strong implications of male or female. tables in the background imply they're in a restaurant/fast food place
Mfs when they see skinny women with short hair >>213225
Who gives a shit, you numbnut? Androgynous or not, she's still fuckable
Wait, Feast For The Eyes is the one with Selene right? I forget the names of these comics sometimes
>>213284 It's a series of stories that Salt makes of various characters (i.e. Losing Control, Tipping the Scales)
>>213294 Yeah...no. I'd rather know that what I'm jerking it to is in fact a woman and not a femboy. Here b4 yurifag btw.
Wearing your insecurities on your sleeve I see
That's pretty gay, fren.
>>213315 Please elaborate how my need for a woman as a guy is gay.
the presence of a man kills your erection and allows him to fully copulate with said woman. Ergo making you flaccid in the presence of a woman, thus rendering you mega gay.
(127 KB, 840x433, IMG_0579.png)
This is a colored version of a sketch of Serena areku posted in a previous thread, wonder if he has one for Nikume aswell
do we know when new pages will drop? is it gonna be one every saturday?
>6.79 for a burger meal

immersion ruined!
well seems like its gonna be a female and male scenario
anyone notice the eyes are kinda similar to Selene's?
Think that's just a coincidence.
Is this gonna be about some girl gaining weight to get some guys attention?
Didnt the Ayano Artist did a comic with the same premise?
That's most likely the case
Yeah, Fusa did a while back. It's even on E-Hentai
Maybe she will always go to that restaurant and order junkfood because she can talk or meet with him, and then she gaining weight
This truly will be a feast for the eyes
Maybe the real feast for the eyes were the friends we made along the way
Well no shit sherlock, it was literally the same thing for Selene's sequence. But don't worry, the male character will never appear to ruin your fapping
>vtubers are a fad
People have been saying this since 2016
Okay, for all the crybabies whining about "muh androgyny," it's clear that this is going for the angle of a woman who's shy and insecure in her appearance gaining weight and becoming more confident in her femininity because of it. As her weight gain and her relationship with the POV character progresses, we're probably going to see her dress less conservatively to show off her newfound curves, and maybe even start growing her hair out.

So y'all are just complaining about nothing.
That's called having a consistent art style.
They didn't even exist in 2016, but okay nigga
A quick Google search would help fix your level of retardedness.

The first entertainer to use the phrase "virtual YouTuber", Kizuna AI, began creating content on YouTube in late 2016.
It’s her smol tomboy cousin
Selenes sequence started out as a one sided attention mongering competition vs the under-detailed silhouette of the thick blonde.
this might be THE most cucked thing you could possibly say
>Another note: I mentioned some time ago that I had a FFTE project I was working on, but this isn’t that one. This is a smaller project that I made to fill space before a bigger project I’m still working on comes out.
Noticed that this wasn't brought up, this is a smaller project and there'll be a bigger FFTE later

Every tuesday this month
>tomboy starts gaining weight and becomes unable to hide her curves
oh fuck yes
Every Tuesday this month
does that include today?
Just gotta wait and find out bud
What if Chloe was tricked into eating a tray of weed brownies?
Office uniform lovers STAY WINNING GRAAH
…what compelled you to say that
I'm cool if she keeps the short hair but gains massive boobs and belly as well
Oh my god the belly definition in the skirt already, this gon be goooood
Kinda got the feeling the last part of this or if we're lucky a bonus part would be her getting so big that she gets stuck in the doorframe of that restaurant. Probably would show shots from outside and inside the restaurant just to show how massive she becomes. Anyways the real growth we're going to see is the food posters increasing in serving size and price.
Shes so hot rn, but she will ve even hotter, that belly hiding in the skirt and those big boobs, oh my...
Mfw bbw-chan users act even more unhinged and horny than usual:
A part of me hopes she stays at a semi reasonable size to keep the comic more grounded, but the horny part of me is screaming 'Blob'.
Androgynous girls are cute
I know I’m not gonna get it but I want to see this girl with a huge beer belly
naked version when 🧙
Does the 5'1 ginger have a character sheet on her own? (Not Natalie)
Question, I want to make sure I'm not mistaken about the artist. Did Salt once draw a picture of 3-4 girls in bunny suits being in a cake-eating contest?
I'm not sure if I want her to stay in office attire, or if I want her to slowly wear less, or more daring clothes as she gets more attracted to the guy feeding her.
That sounds hot as hell. Do you have the image, or is it lost?
I don't have the image unfortunately, and I'm not entirely sure if it was from BWS, all I remember is that it reminded me a lot of his style and that it was pretty common to find on Deviantart (like, regardless of the creator, it was a popular image).
(126 KB, 828x593, IMG_0909.jpeg)
Was this it? It sounded familiar and this was the only thing in my stash that looked like it. Artist is educabezon; their stuff’s pretty tight too.
>>211140 (OP)
I made a big bowl of popcorn about an hour ago, and it is in fact better with salt.
I had just finished when I received the notification damn>>214129
I need to see her drawn as a blob... NOW!
That hand is something else
>She looks wider without her outfit
The detail, the cheek

Not gonna happen, not with 3 parts left. He hates rapid gains.
But he has done epilogue for a few sequences before, so I think Anon could be onto something. 🤷‍♂️
>>214160 It's gonna happen inevitably after like every ten artworks again, and again though.
(4.4 MB, 2561x3773, A Broad Skyline.jpg)
Waiting for him to make all his OCs (even Halie) to be blobs at least once.
Salt WAS falling off at a point but recently he has really locked in like damn a lot of recent pieces could be considered some of his best ever
In the newsletter he mentions that the big project will feature "familiar faces",Maybe it will be about Halie and Nat, and cameos of his other OCs that exist in the same universe.
(2.2 MB, 2191x3080, image_2024-08-08_184015715.png)
If that's a recent colorization and shading he made, imagine how good some proper coloring and etc. would look on this absolute gem of a shortstack
Imo Salt is simply at his best when he's not doing comms
He's not going to keep this up.

You're saying that when he's yet to make even one of his OCs immobile, let alone a blob. It's never going to happen. Don't get ahead of yourself.

Especially when he's not doing those fucking character reference sheets of OCs that belong to random ass people.
Gonna need a nude version, this is fucking amazing. Top 5 pieces of all time
Yknow what? Im gonna commission even more OC pieces from him out of sheer spite

Does salt have a limit for how fat he draws people or nah?
Pretty sure only for his OCs >>214220
As far as I'm aware, he's never said there's any size limit on his OCs. Proof?
I dunno man I was kind of just guestimating I assumed due to how we haven't any OC bigger than Val
Actually I'm pretty sure it has been stated that he won't make them immobile at the most at least on his own OCs but I don't remember where I've seen it
Thats was made by a anon XD
I just wish that the reference sheets didn't make some of the OCs look smaller

Getting fat because you love eating or as a misguided ploy to gain curves is one thing, but Courtney turning herself into a massively overweight woman for the sex is next level.

Sure, putting it that way is a bit oversimplifying, but Salt straight up says she doesn't have a kink for fat or food, so yeah. She straight up did this to herself for the sex appeal. That makes this hot to an almost unfathomable degree.
Who's the girl on the left bottom?
Then what you're saying will be disregarded until proof is shown.
You don’t know any more than we do what Salt’s gonna do with his characters or what art he’s gonna do so don’t act like you have a clue about anything

Same goes for you Leo
Guys, who the fuck is this Leo dude and why is he obsessed with blobs?
you guys realise this is a fucking stupid thing to argue about right
(70 KB, 640x526, spongebob-fish.gif)
I was just dying laughing looking at the SDC thread, and now I feel miserable again being around you lot.
>>214322 Who's more insane at this point, the Community Salt or BetterWithSalt thread? I also called it on the 10 artworks thing.
Proud to say I started the cellposting
>>214328 Niggas call me the drink
>Called it on the 10 artworks thing
The fuckin what?
>>214334 Just a random number I'm throwing out, but I mentioned above that it feels like that every ten artworks that Salt posts, that this thread just degenerates into a shit show of arguing.
Nah, you're just a fucking loser
>I would pay good money to see Brooke dead on the couch from a heart attack
Double suicide with her roommate
>like that one pic from darkfireballz.
Y'all are fucking crazy
Ain't nothing normal about this period
I gonna be honest, that's awful.
I'm a little disappointed, l thought it'd depict the event itself rather than the aftermath...
/bbwalt/ is down the hall to the left, no need to thank me doe
>>214399 BWS thread proving they're more unhinged than Community Salt: Exhibit A.
Does anyone have the one Tifa Lockhart sequence Salt did?
No, it's pretty shitty anyway
>>214460 Who the hell wears shoes in their birthday suit?
He is a jackass notorious for joining various artist patreons and discords for seemingly the sole reason of being an obnoxious asshole.

As for why he is obsessed with blobs..idk.. brainworms probably?
From left to right, as blurb below the pic states:
Seras from hellsing, Magilou from tales of berseria, Fatima from Luminous arc 2 and Wiz from konosuba.
>>214494 We get it, you want to murder them.
no I will not tune into vox news I'd rather watch villager news
Go fuck yourself, schizo
Holy f*ck, theyre amazing, brook omg
Legitimately salt is like the best to ever do it ngl
Long have I waited for this day
How could you hate on Brooke especially after all this
Finally I hope to see more of them maybe with Sammy And the other girls
An excellent work.
Timeline wise I'd say that it is most likely a prequel to their final form.
Brooke is easily my favorite character of his as she is a self-aware/mellowed out version of Chloe.
After a not as strong as usual start into 2024 his work right now is his absolute best (if you ask me).
Brooke has only been in like 5 pieces lol.
At least she looks like she gained a little weight back. Drawing a beautiful woman losing weight is such a shame.
His absolute best comic, one of his best works period. Makes up for a lot of the OCslop.
Can anyone drop the other Brooke pics?
>>214667 I don't know what to tell you, but there's way more art of established characters than his own characters. Unless you're just being a dumbass.
Typical disingenuous glazer
Best get to sleep, buddy, it's a school night.
There should be a 4koma where sammy and Chloe go to the gym for some reason, then see Brooke and the red head there as well.
Or it can be a progression thing:
>chloe and Sammy go to the gym together when they’re thin(ner, maybe skinny Sammy and just kind of fat Chloe); see skinny Brooke and fat red head at the start of their comic
>timeskip, there back to the gym again, but fat!
>they see thinner red head standing by a table at the food court on the way to the gym, not realizing that’s no moon… it’s Brooke!- seated beside her, red heads just picking her up after her workout.
(4.8 MB, 2577x2524, 20240812_173044.png)
I love my huge wife and wish I could rest my head on her tummy.
(Is she Salt's biggest OC now?)
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I think the biggest still Selene(because she so big and her fat into all her body). The second is Val(Her belly goes over her knee when she stands up, if she has fat much as Selene maybe her belly so massive). The third is Brooke, same like Val her fat mainly into her belly not into all body (also that why Selene become the biggest) but the size of her belly smaller than Val.

If someone wonder why not other character, Courtney example. Her neck still can see, but the girls above is gone replace with fat. Not also just neck but fat arms, fat legs, and anything is smaller than three girls above

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