
Here's a good way to show how far these characters have come.
2nd episode was pretty good but the dancing in the OP was just plain cringe
Heads up, the twitter account is doing another WG drive so spam those fry emojis ok?
We getting characters aside from Elfuda here?
Nice detail the arm getting bigger
Hey, even her face and arms are softening, Her Face!
There's some reaction videos of this show too.
You guys ever imagine with Plus Size Elf's Anime, if it was covered on Anime America for their WTF am i watching series?

Cause i do and Robyn would be....yes.
Am I the only guy who would rather this series not get mainstream, or at least not overexposed? Look at every fandom for any popular anime/manga right now, full of obnoxious dipshits. Now think about that and add a fat fetish on top of it.This anime adaptation goes only 2 ways.
1. The anime will probably not reach much traction and the normies barely touch it.
2. It gets mainstream, gets a fanbase that's either chill or cancer, and the village idiots that are twitter/reddit users, eventually, start some dumb drama over it at some point.
Aight, rant over.
I'm with you, but the fact of the matter is there's so few manga like this that actually get anime adaptations, so by the mere principle of an anime featuring girls of that proportion is by nature going to draw heads, especially with this mangaka's pension for extra thicc booty. With the way anime twitter accounts work, basically every new series that sticks out from the norm with an interesting title becomes a semi big talking point, especially if the series features a girl with extreme proportions. Honestly, I at least wanted the series to have used a more faithful title like "Elf cannot diet" or "Elf cannot lose weight" than the lazy localised "Plus Size Elf" title. There's been some people saying that this anime is "Woke Body Positive Propoganda straight out of tumblr" and not realising that this is just a silly ecchi comedy featuring the writers barely disguised fetish.
The entirety of fat fetish twitter hyping up the series doesn't exactly help matters. It's a double edge sword really.
>There's been some people saying that this anime is "Woke Body Positive Propoganda straight out of tumblr" and not realising that this is just a silly ecchi comedy featuring the writers barely disguised fetish.

That's probably inevitable tbh. There's been an ongoing shift where Japan's opening up to bigger women from what I've seen. So to western otaku or anyone who gets walled hard by the language barrier, I can see why they'd mistake it for some corporate DEI mandate instead of them being out of touch. If not this series then another unless the trend goes in another direction.

I get what you're saying with the name. Not only is it not a real translation but it's very sterile sounding and doesn't carry the comedy vibe. "Plus-Size" is also only used in certain circles
(634 KB, 1146x1650, 017.jpg.jpg)
>There's been some people saying that this anime is "Woke Body Positive Propoganda straight out of tumblr"
They haven't read the manga.
The author positively wants to shove his face in fat asses and motorboat chubby tummies
Truly my kind of body postivity
>>211039 I know Sydsnap did a video on the manga like...five years back?
>>211374 Lord have mercy. Also that Mero looks like it was traced from the manga artwork.
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Plus-Sized Elf 3rd episode started out smokin. We got our favorite Ogre, Oga and new additions to the opening. What time for guys like us to be alive.
gotta love muscle girls growing a fat gut. I wish this show was about them getting fatter
It could still happen she has the same energy as
Elfuda as when it comes to fries
All of the ED pics look almost identical to their OG illustrations, with the biggest exception so far being the alraune, cos the anime made her belly protrude a lot more.
I meant more like instead of the premise of the show being them getting into shape, it was them purposefully eating and gaining weight. But that's too fetishy even for this show
Yeah true but your right that would be better if they
were getting fatter instead of getting into shape but the anime episodes are so short which is a bummer but hey it is what it is
I scanned through the manga but I didn't really like it because there was too much big butt black elf and muscle lady. I just like fat girls. Is there any actual normal weight gain stuff?
(451 KB, 1089x1309, GTUesxiaYAIhaiq.jfif)
At the end of episode 1 Elfuda does say that with the knowledge that weight loss is possible, she purposefully came back to the human world to eat frys, and I suppose by proxy, get fatter.
Depending how you see that, it's intentional weight gain :D

I agree though, I kind of wish the girls had more of a physical change, for example at the end of the Oga section, the loser of their sauna challenge had to treat the winner, I expected Oga to have a big beer belly, but nope...

Anyway, new episode is Dog and Pig.
no doubt both will have their bare knockers :^)
Yeah she's probably one of the better girls, her reason for coming to the human world is probably the most noble.
(1.5 MB, 1121x852, Untitled.png)
So this is from the latest chapter after running the page through a translator it seems Satero is going to mess with everyones diet in the next chapter
(558 KB, 1080x1808, Screenshot_20240728_004814_X.jpg)
Wonder Festival is currently happening and it looks like Q-Six secured the rights to produce a new Elfuda figure.
Oh, so she's like...a bad guy?
Anyone got a site where I can watch the current and upcoming episodes? (Uncensored ofc)
More like a stupid frenemy. The group likes to include her in some hangouts despite the times she's messed with them. But she sometimes gets into awkward situations that she mostly does to herself and thinks the core group is messing with her.
Where can I find this?
Thank you in advance.
It's from the site that officially publishes the
chapters but you can try rawkuma and check if they uploaded the chapter there
(480 KB, 1089x1309, GT4uEhRWgAA9KLl.jfif)
This could be it lads, the first episode with Satyr!
(214 KB, 869x1252, 16-o.jpg)
I hate posting without context but basically the next episode will cover chapters 8 and 10, skipping the festival chapter (9),
And chapter 10 is all about Naoe getting fed at night by Satyr
Since you pointed out they skipped a chapter I looked to see what chapters 11 and 12 where about and it looks like they might skip chapter 11 too since it's just Elfuda in a cone of shame. Chapter 12 is when she lost weight and 13 is when Elfuda is at her fattest. So maybe next week is the episode we've been waiting for!
I believe you're right, it would make sense to put those two episodes close together, Elfuda even says that Satyrs get attached to their prey :^)

Autistic Ramble reader beware:
At the end of chapter 10 and episode 5 we see the girls protecting Naoe from Satyr and that's the catalyst for them all spending time at his house.
In the manga there are 2 chapters that follow chapter 10, in which the viewer may infer that Satyr is gone and no longer a threat, however if Episode 6 jumps to chapter 13, the viewer would wonder why the girls aren't there at the beginning of chapter 6.

In the trailer for the series it showed the cursed Fry tickets. These are from Satyr curses whocauses Elfuda to gain a ton of weight with Naoe. In the Manga Kuroeda and Oga visit Naoe and Elfuda and find that they're obese, this wouldn't really make sense if you're watching the episodes back to back, because you'd think "weren't the girls taking turns protecting them? why did they leave for "a few weeks"(in the manga the time between them acquiring the tickets and being discovered as obese is a few weeks)

We know from todays episode and the first episode that they are willing to inject new scenes too, like Elfuda wearing the maid apron and the Bath house scene in the first, I'm crossing my fingers that it's not just Elfuda and Naeo that get really big, since they have set the scene having all of the girls stay with Naoe at the end of episode 5.

It probably wont happen, but as you pointed out Chapters 11 and 12 may be missed, and those chapters in the manga would lead the viewer to believe that Satyr is gone and Naoe is safe, but with episode 5 ending with all of the girls in Naoe's appartment :^) who knows
Still nothing for the munchkin?
(302 KB, 1504x1528, Kobo.jpg)
Is this what you wanted?

I didn't realise that Kobo was messed up, she's on a separate layer during the ending and doesn't match up with Satyr matches up
We both know her existing isn't what I was talking about but I will thank you for the unsplit picture.
(150 KB, 1920x473, plus_size_elf_collab__by_jayofthedamned_dhta384-fullview.jpeg) (277 KB, 1024x1315, erufuda_san_says_no_fries_no_life____ink__10_4_18_by_maniacmcgee01_dcotxhs-fullview.jpeg) (579 KB, 2000x2000, Whale Blubber Elfuda by BearBuddies.png) (1.2 MB, 1800x2850, elfuda_by_softestcore_dh1aqog.jpg) (2.2 MB, 2258x2145, too_heavy_erufuda_by_kirachromova_dhtbf4g.png) (4.3 MB, 2860x3840, _plus_sized_elf__starchy_overload_by_actuallyanalt_dhrglbq.jpg)
Stop posting all these shitty drawings
I was afraid of this, they are clearly going to do chapter 13 for the finale. Since by the end of that chapter Elfuda stay's at her fattest until the next chapter, so in anime they can set it up as a cliffhanger for the next season if it gets one.
(54 KB, 552x552, fat dog.jpg)
I wish we had episode titles honestly, we only have episode titles for 13 and 14

From the website
Bluray Contents
Episodes 1 to 12 (TV broadcast ver. & Mechapotepote ver. 2 types included)

・2 original episodes not aired on TV
[Episode 13: Hami Meat Island, Episode 14: Calorie Lovers]
・Non-credit OP&ED, PV/CM collection

--- The interesting thing is that the 2 original episodes not aired on TV aren't bluray exclusive, since they are listed on hidive as episode 13 and episode 14.

Calorie loves could be chapter 13, but chapter 12 may be chapter 13.

I wish one of the streaming platforms would post episode titles before they air, feelsbadman

Anyway here's a preview of the fat dog I'm drawing
Is it just going to be her at her fattest will Kuroeda and the girls put on more weight?
(375 KB, 1146x1650, 12-o.jpg)
This is how big she gets in the manga, and it's pretty much her fattest chapter.
This is the chapter where Satyr returns and gives her the cursed french fry vouchers.

So given what we've seen in the promotional art (The opening post of this thread) and in terms of the girls being generally bigger than normal.
When Satyr returns I'm pretty sure Elfuda will be at her fattest, and fatter than in this manga panel.
>They're skipping Chapter 13
They said chapters 14 and 15 are skipped not 13, so there is still hope
No they said they skip 13 and went straight to 14 and 15
(532 KB, 1911x2358, Gonda.jpg)
Gonda, I hate to admit it but the new episode was lacking.
What else could you expect from the skeleton and dragon episode though.
The best animated episode was the one where they went swimming, the funny thing is that one wasn't outsourced. I get that it's a new studio and they have zero resources lol But even for short form anime it's basically Half the amount of work of a regular anime.
I didn't know what they said was vague and confusingly worded.
You going to do Honeda or what?
I saw this and thought it would be a beach episode lol
(569 KB, 1918x2492, Spooky Skelington.jpg)
> Spooky Skelington

I guess we have to sit here until 11 am GMT on Thursday before we get a preview of next Saturdays episode, fingers crossed it's the Satyr part 2.
Are you new to anime or just retarded?

This is budget saving 101.

And this show has zero budget.
I was just commenting on how many long pans there are after contributing 8 of them to the thread, what have you contributed?
long pan stitches are great tho and even sometimes serve as prototypes of body pillow covers
Nah he has a thing for Elfuda
He did imagine her in a bikini and has seen her naked multiple times and admitted that her and Kuroeda are very attractive
Best girl btw, Potato ❤️ next to kuroeda and Oku

Dude, you just took that out of context.

Literally the demon girl made the protagonist dream about Erufuda like that.

What's more, it's not the first time the protagonist sees perverted things because of magic, also with the fish girl.
Yeah I still stand with what I said he has a thing for Elfuda and Kuroeda
And this just proves my point and I didn't even have to read the manga to know he has a thing for those two

Just because he called her "attractive" wasn't for fun, it was to get them to stop fighting.

The protagonist doesn't like any girls, he only considers them friends.
(23 KB, 285x399, ino-akiho-1-285x399.webp)
I wonder how she's going to react when she finds out about all the girls

She's actually the only one who really wants to fuck the protagonist.
I still disagree if the anime is going to make Elfuda fatter than she is in the manga then there's a possibility of a love triangle later on in the anime I'm not saying now though and your right there just friends for now but things can change bro
Facts honestly I'm betting on her plumping up after drinking with Oga given how both of them love alcohol too much
(239 KB, 2436x984, predictions.jpg)
In 21 hours we'll get 6 screenshots of the next episode posted to the official Elyase twitter.

Here's my prediction.
In the 2 Minute PV for the series, Hitome the Cyclops girl is shown and then directly after it shows the Cursed fry tickets from Satyr Part 2

I know it's copium but, I'm crossing my fingers that Satyr part 2 is this Saturday.

It's not to just save budget, it's literally how anime works... especially when translating huge images from the source material. The whole point of anime is "limited animation".
Considering the Satyr is my favorite character ,same
Gotta be real i watched the first episode of the anime and it sucked ass, i didnk know what to expect but man it was lame as hell. I'm sorry im not 17 anymore, im not going to lose my mind over sexy women, give me something interesting to look at
Yeah the budget for this adaptation is just abysmal. Don't get it twisted, I was fully prepared to not expect top tier animation for a show which premise involves bbws but damn, this show is barely animated half the time. Makes me wonder if Synecdoche is pleased with this (and I don't mean that smile for the camera "please watch/enjoy this thing that's adapting my work" crap), surely he/she is a bit disappointed.
I mean...as long as he is paid well, I'm sure he doesn't give a shit about this
I have never been so happy to be wrong in my whole life let's go!
I know I should be excited but I guesd that wg drive on twitter was completely fucking bait. So they bothered to make the girls bigger but just couldnt be bothered to make her bigger for the wg.
she looks bigger than the manga

Have you read the manga? It's a fanservice series where the characters are meant to look nice but barely move. You don't need budget for that beyond having good drawings/character designs. At least apperciate seeing Elfuda and the others in full color and voiced.
(139 KB, 1920x1080, Elfuda Big Belly IceGlowCave.jpg) (148 KB, 1608x902, Elfuda Big Belly RAW IceGlowCave.jpg) (197 KB, 1920x1080, Elfuda Fatter IceGlowCave.jpg) (204 KB, 1920x1080, Elfuda Fatter RAW.jpg) (208 KB, 1920x1080, Elfuda Kuroeda Butt01 IceGlowCave.jpg) (205 KB, 1920x1080, Elfuda Kuroeda Butt02 IceGlowCave.jpg)
She does look bigger, the thing is that this series often has the girls shift in size a little bit scene to scene, and there are exagerated angles sometimes.
Chapter 13 has a clothes bursting scene too, so I'm crossing my finger she'll look bigger.

Side thing, but I've been doing some Edits if anyones interested. Attached are 3 raw screenshots and 3 edits
The dark elfs booty needs to be much bigger. Both the elfs rear ends are too similar.
(344 KB, 1920x1992, kuroeda 01.jpg) (271 KB, 1920x1080, Mero Big Belly.jpg)
Yeah, I think it's just the same as when you're watching a hentai or reading a doujinshi, and it's not even breast expansion related, but suddenly the tits look bigger?
>It's a fanservice series where the characters are meant to look nice but barely move
>At least apperciate seeing Elfuda and the others in full color and voiced.
1. By that logic, most anime adaptations should be poorly animated.
2. I mean, sure, but at what cost?
Holy shit they made her even fatter in the anime. I thought they were gonna make her SLIMMER to appeal to normies. They know their audience.
The current state of anime is one that you only really get a really good budget if you're something popular or potentially popular enough they know they can make a ton off of merch. From what I've heard, they usually finish the animation for the Blurays.
To me, even if the show isn't perfect, at least we got what we wanted, a series that portrays plump women is sexy, even if they aren't as plump as we'd like. Maybe it can inspire creators to do more BBW anime/manga and maybe we'll see more series with more women that are a big as we'd like.
(330 KB, 900x900, GVA_N6bWsAEozLz.png)
Tomorrow is the day. Looks like she probably won't end up as big as the Twitter photo. But let's at least hope the clothes burst and lots of jiggling is thrown in.
(405 KB, 1920x3516, Satyr.jpg)
Tall Satyr, I might do an edit of this
Do you think it will be possible that in Chapter 9 or 10 they will adapt the beach chapters?
(307 KB, 1920x1992, Long Elfuda.jpg) (407 KB, 1920x2682, Satyr Long.jpg) (325 KB, 1920x2217, SatyrLewd.jpg)
Episode 13 and 14, which will not air on TV
are titled "[Episode 13: Hami Meat Island, Episode 14: Calorie Lovers]"
Episode 13 can kind of translate to "bulging flesh island",
which is the title of chapter 21 and 22 of the manga.

The episodes aren't DVD exclusive, they are also listed as episodes 13 and 14 on various streaming platforms like HiDive and are set to broadcast in the 2 weeks after the main 12 episodes.

I don't know if that answers your question.


Additionally here are 3 long images, I took a bunch of screenshots and I'll do some extra fat edits soon of episode 7
Hey this isn't the end of her body changes hope in future episodes she'll end with a double belly or something more!
Hey anyone got the Cyclops girl pics she's hot
Guys, I took some LSD and just finished watching the latest episode. Is it just me, or is this anime really poorly animated?
(243 KB, 1920x1080, Group 01.jpg) (278 KB, 1920x1080, Group 02.jpg) (261 KB, 1920x1080, BigHeadMode.jpg)
The proportions in these scenes... even though I get that it's a comedy, and that Naoe and Elfuda are in fat mode.. look at Oga's Head size...
Not the board to post fat males, even if it's on topic. Take this shit to the mutual weight gain thread in >>>/bbwalt/.
>even if it's on topic.
With the show I mean.
It is. Some scenes are just literally panels from the manga with lip flapping.
It's a shame but I'm glad we're getting this anime at all. Fat lovers are literally starved for this stuff in most anime. Maybe with more interest there can be a higher budget for this show later.
Boy what I would give for an anime with the budget that Manyuu Hikenchou had for tit physics but for belly and thighs physics.
Dude the guy just posted those screenshots to make a point, do you seriously need him to edit fat Naoe out of them to get it? Not to mention that this is the only time in the manga so far that a male gets fat
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? no this is the greatest anime ever, this show is like if VEG and Akira had a baby, it's clear that Japan put its finest team on this Miyazaki, Kon, Okiura, Inoue, Otomo, Shinkai and Toriyama, this show will go down as the masterpiece to end all masterpieces, why would you lie like that?
Does anyone know where I can find chapter 16 part 2 of Shin Elf-san wa Yaserarenai?
My personal Theory on why this show is as lack luster as is, is because... i dont think many Japanese artists want to WORK on this, so to speak.
The fact that this anime is even happening is somewhat of a Miracle on its own given that Japan Detests Fat people, Having a Fat tax law and what not.
That, and the fact its more or less a Comedy anime with bits of nudes thrown in. Not exactly a contender for the high budget of an animated series.

I mean, have you watched TV anime? They generally are, especially when it's a simple slice of life comedy type deal.

The unfortunate reality is big budget hentai let alone softcore ecchi anime are a dying breed.
Guys I highly doubt this will get season 2. I love this series but myanimelist has it low.
You know the only thing that matters for and anime to be rentable is his blu-ray sales right? But oh dear lord, the western animu web says NO
Yeah you're probably right.
There were more cosplayers during the original manga run, Comiket was this weekend and only one Elfuda cosplay was there
And that was Okada Saya, who previously was paid to cosplay Elfuda :'D

So yeah.. low ratings, low interest, no real pressence, probably no season 2.
I'm hoping that the studio makes some other stuff like maybe Nurse Hitomi's monster infirmary, it would work in this 6 minutes story format.
Ok I was wrong, there was more than one Elfuda cosplayer.
I checked the hashtags again and found 4

Cosplayed Elfuda and has a nice tummy with videos and photos

A "group" of 3 people 2 dudes and 1 girl cosplayed Elfuda and Raika

The Male Elfuda's Twitter, featuring photos of the aforementioned group

Male Raika Cosplayer : https://x.com/MAJU_kgky
The Female Elfuda from the group: https://x.com/JakkouOumi/media *(she has one nice tummy photo up)
My hope is, as imperfect as it is, can it inspire something better or more stuff like it to come out? Can it inspire more BBW ecchi with larger women? Can it inspire something with a better story and characters? Cause a lot of firsts may not be perfect but they can inspire others to do something like it. Maybe someday we'll get more BBW ecchi or even Shonen stuff with more plus-sized women portrayed as sexy.
(39 KB, 1080x608, img_1_1724040061367.jpg)
Honest it would be interesting when she loses control and gains a shit ton of weight she already has a dumptruck ass bigger than Kuroeda's
My favourite part of this post is, that not only is this elfuda image in this thread, but it was me, the original artist that posted it. :'D
>>215941 You did a good job m8.
(160 KB, 889x879, WIP GONDA.jpg)
Cosplayer Yuriko Tiger who was paid to appear in promotional material for the anime, made a few tweets about her belly in her Elfuda content.

Promotional video where she poses and pats her belly (see catbox link for screenshots of her poses)

This is the drawn board so I can't post real people
so here's the catbox link to the tweet's

and direct links to the tweets



Unrelated: Here's a WIP of a Gonda painting I'm working on.
I feel ashamed that these idiots paid an Italian person to portray a Japanese character...who even came up with the idea??
I'm ashamed that they paid a human to portray a dragon character. What the hell were they thinking?
(318 KB, 1578x894, Intro.jpg)
She IS in the intro, but who knows, Thursday morning at 11AM GMT you'll get 6 images of the new episode on the official twitter
If she's introduced in the episode, they'll include an image of her there.
Apparently, she posted a photoshoot (which possibly includes videos as well) of her Elfuda cosplay on Patreon with more of her exposed belly, one of them depicting her squeezing it too. Have no idea where to find it outside of her Patreon. Also, is it confirmed that she's gained weight specifially for the cosplay's sake, or was it accidental?
(259 KB, 1920x775, Yuriko Tiger weight Gain 1.jpg) (457 KB, 3024x3024, newtype yurikotiger issue.jpg)
Yeah she said she gained 10KG and would've gained more but was too busy
sorry for breaking the rules, I'm posting real women in the drawn board. It's relevant as fuck to the topic.

Yuriko Tiger appears in this issue of monthly newtype as well, but sadly I can't find a place to import it, the issue I found has a different cover and likely is the wrong month.

For any mods, sorry for breaking the rules but what else can I do, open a new thread on Real for one image and link to it? :D
sorry, I misread what you said, I don't know if the weight gain was accidental, the way I interpret it is that she did gain 10KG, that much is 100% true, you only need to look at videos from earlier in the year, even in April she was much slimmer.
she also posted that she's going to cosplay Motoko Kusanagi from Ghost in the shell, and that she'll work out in the gym to fit the bodytype.
Maybe she's a "method" Cosplayer XD haha, I don't know.
(974 KB, 2294x2795, Gonda IceGlowCave.jpg)
I finished painting this.
According to the thread on another chan style message board, one of the translators just got their copy of the new book and will begin translating it when he's back from his trip.
Those before and after images are extremely hot, thanks! Newtype mentions her "working on to recreate the shape of her body", does it mean that she looked up some kind of a diet that expands one's stomach in particular? It's a real shame there are no videos from her phtoshoot with her belly exposed (none that I know of at least).
Could you please link that thread from another chan?
(893 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_2024-08-22-11-04-52-075_com.twitter.android.jpg) (971 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_2024-08-22-11-05-13-169_com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox.jpg)
The other thread on another Chan was gone in an hour, it's fairly easy to find the name of the manga translator for yourself and find their social media. As much as I want to credit them I'm scared of getting them harassed tbh.

Anyway new episode is hot yoga, could this be a single 12 minute part? No more 6 minute format?
I saw the anime in its full since of course I would and to be honest.... ehhh? It's pretty mid.
I personally don't like the fat distribution but that's just me, but aside from that the animations quite stilted and it's just generic ecchi, with fat chicks.
I'm glad we got it, and I hope it opens the way forward for more, but I don't see it getting a season 2.
Oku my beloved
also laughing at all the times they showed Raika's "X" this episode
The show's end credits just showed all the girls at the end.

i hope it doesn't mean the show's over, there's still one character left they hadn't showed.
>just showed
it always has past the first ep, Ooeda (Auntie) will not make it in until probably the bonus eps in October
The translator who regularly updates to sites such as mangakakalot has just returned from a trip to Japan with the book and will begin translating as soon as they can.
Source: They posted in an elf san thread on /a/ a few days ago.
no one else is translating the manga currently but them.
My general consensus as with most on the show, its mid... And while I'm glad we DID get a Chubby Chaser anime, which seems at least in my exposure of reviews, to be the main boon people have given the show.

However, its not too interesting outside of that...

I had some Ideas That wile wont be used, I like to think would've been interesting to see:

1. Sateru, I think it would've been more interesting if instead of had the trope of feeding on desires; She was the dark lord of the fantasy world, and her plan was to go to the human world and try to seduce adventurers into the laid-back lifestyles of Earth so they fail the magic portals check, and she could rule the fantasy world largely unopposed.

2. A Trio rival group consists of a Slime, a Dwarf, and Harpy, All of which formed a bond ship/group of monsters that have chosen to abandon the fantasy world to be permanent residents of the laid-back/continent lifestyle of the Human realm. They try to coax the other girls to join them, and in their debut would make strides in having Elfuda join them... But they typically fail as their lifestyle brings to light problems that deter others from joining; The Dwarf has become reliant on her machines for the most basic of functions, the Harpy is at a point where she can no longer fly, and the Slime is so big, she has tremendous trouble getting into or out of most places.

3. Kuroeda, I think a drive for her character that would be interesting would be she wants to lose weight so she isn't taxed for it. As Japan has a fat tax. I think it be an interesting layer to hoer character.

4. The idea of having an Anorexic monster girl who is unable to return to their home, not due to them being overweight, but underweight. She'd probably show distain from advice or general suggestions from most of the girls thinking that them being overweight have no right to lecture her. So a prideful sort of monster would fit her.

Those are some general ideas I had.
Would they have made the show/manga more interesting? Would it have made the SHOW more interesting?
I don't know, and never will...
Has anyone seen the reaction videos online on the show?
(83 KB, 576x595, -xot8dx.jpg)
>It's a fat lady anime

>My favorite fat lady is completely naked

>They don't show her full body

>They don't show her BELLY!

They're saving the goods for the Blu-Ray episodes.
I've seen some shorts on Fb as well as memes, and my profile (as well as the stuff I like and follow) is 100% non bbw/wg/body positivity related
What's next on episode 9?
(345 KB, 544x418, no.png)
This Jamaican shit has gone too far
um, who else thought that the little naoe was adorable in the latest episode.
(963 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_2024-09-05-13-04-47-636_com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox.jpg) (910 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_2024-09-05-13-04-30-579_com.twitter.android.jpg)
I'll admit, I don't remember seeing an angel/winged girl in the manga...

And flower girl turning into a darker skinned Venus fly trap due to coffee... Wasn't that only in SHIN elf san? Chapter 2 greedy flower?

Also if you guys didn't know on chapmanganelo Doctagoj has translated chapter 16 of SHIN elf san
>>218470 She drinks coffee and goes berserk in Volume 5 of the first part of the series. She later goes berserk again after drinking vodka in SESWY.
(752 KB, 493x873, dfvdfg.png)
They got super fat again hopefully it's the start of an extreme diet/exercise arc
Where can I find this? Link please
My theory on why it's poorly animated is because it's a hidive webcast. Sailor Moon Crystal had the same problem. It's just a matter of budget, and this show was never gonna have a big budget
It's literally just a 15 minute web show. I'm just glad they made them actually fat instead of the usual anime "fat" like Efurada was in the first chapters
She's in the next episode guys!
Finally, it's about time
>My theory on why it's poorly animated is because it's a hidive webcast
Congratulations, you are such a stupid person that you legitimately made me angry. I am angry at the heavens, at the demiurge, for the fact that he shat you unto Earth's crust.
agree, i hate my fetish being associated with black people, like, it makes it look like ONLY blacks can enjoy fat women which is false
so they actually paid her to gain 22lbs for a cosplay photoshoot or is that bunk?
Source to the first image?
Bro look at it closely someone just copied and paste different types of artists art work bro
It's not "copied". It's a collab. You can literally tell by the file name, which even says the uploader. Does no one bother checking that anymore?
It does look it though because on the artist I recognized is metal forever bro
One of the artists I mean
Elfuda's Auntie is pretty strict....although by the time her granddaughter is in tough shape that ice cream she's holding will cause one major issue.
I see, thanks for clearing it up for me.
Honestly I kinda want to see Elfuda's Auntie bigger than here after what she said Naoe then he'll be hard on her for eating ice cream all the time
>>220003 At least this piece can coexist outside of the schizophrenic sperg battleground that is the BetterWithSalt thread.
Seriously, what's actually up with that thread? Why the fuck is it so spergy? It seems like theres's 10 relevant posts and 300 arguments.
Apparently his new comic sucks
>>220054 "CoUrTnEy SuNgLaSsEs WrOnG cOlOr, CaUsE aRgUmEnT?" is basically what I picked up. That thread is giving Community Salt a run for its money on being the worst spazfest.
I mean it's been 3 pages so far so it's kind of hard to make a judgement on the whole thing. I think people are just mad that it apparently won't have weight gain and is just about the girls hanging out on the beach.
Does anyone know when the "Meat Island" episode of the anime will air?
28th september or 5th october
they wont "air" on regular TV like the others, but they will be on streaming platforms such as HiDive and will be uploaded to the usual sites.

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