
(216 KB, 850x678, F0Ev2CzXwAEALYF.png) (196 KB, 816x616, FyxcyfrWIAAvnMU.png) (276 KB, 799x811, GJORMJ3XIAA5uXF.png) (141 KB, 734x666, GFWwsbZW0AAmIH_.png) (58 KB, 508x925, GEBMj8NXMAAT7gc.jpeg) (89 KB, 850x1237, FwRTnnSWYBoWKy6.jpeg)
The tranny blocked me without ever interacting with them, probably saw my likes (before Elon took them) and saw that I had a sense of humor. I have saved some but I want to see what new has he posted without making a new account
(1.2 MB, 1440x1884, IMG_6536.png)
What the fuck is this thread about??
Oh that's easy, this thread is about whining over getting blocked by an artist that this douche actively misgenders

Go back, tourist. There are only two genders.
So fuckin funny seeing neckbeards try and "gatekeep" with this on a fat forum, as if liking fat chicks is exclusive to chuds LMAO
>>210121 (OP)
Throwing out slurs and being generally racist/sexist/homophobic without any cleverness, punchline, or real jokes doesn't consitute a sense of humor. Stay mad over someone blocking you on twitter lmao
(261 KB, 640x728, IMG_6310.png)
How about you go be that 31% of fags that kill themselves
you are absolutely retarded oh my god
Isn't that objectifying? Make women fat so y'all can jerk off to it, meaning that overweight is the only redeemable virtue? Image living in a spectrum where everyone has a thin skin.
its 41% not 31. meme properly low grade nigger.

>uses "chud" unironically as an "insult"

Jesus, you're an actual subhuman and a tragically comedic one at that. The OP is nowhere near as pathetic of a creature as you are.
>>210196 have you considered you be the reason that number is so high, fuck off the high horse asshole

Sorry, meant to reply to this >>210189 excuse for a human being.
Why are transformers such fucking drama magnets? Must be the mental illness, i guess.

It got you this riled up, so mission accomplished lmao

"2016 Epic SJW PWN compilation" level discourse lol, real good one chud
Because they rile people like OP up to no end just by existing.

Maybe if he didn't fail at basic respect he wouldn't have been blocked. But no, it's the transperson's fault.

Why did this even need to be a thread? Just make another Twitter account, idiot.
Damn I was wrong ok, I get it!
>>210121 (OP)
>Wants her art
>Can't get it cause they're too busy insulting her
Fucking pathetic
>>210121 (OP)
Make a new Twitter account and stop wasting space retard.
>>210121 (OP)
>Artist blocked me for being transphobic degenerate and I'm too retarded to create new twitter account

Transphobia I agree. But not making another account. Yeah naw. Come on man. It's not hard
>>210121 (OP)
Honestly yeah I was a little bitch and very annoyed and the thread title was cringe. I made another account.
What are you talking about? You still are a bitch.

You're still a faggot retard
>>210121 (OP)
Based but why use your main account for fetish stuff?

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