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Hey Everybody, I'm Chongo the Artist.

I'm looking to breaking into the porn comic scene with BBW/Feeder comics.

Here's a 4 page comic I made with my own OC's.

Give it a critique, editorial, be mean, I think i should be able to take it.

Hopefully I can take some brutal honesty and use it to make future comics better.

Thank you in advance.

Stella Feeds The Gals
Hi Chongo, this is a neat comic.

The pacing, panel distribution, and the use of background panels gives it an unique look.

I like the photo with the post-it notes, sometimes it feels that when an artist is making a comic, they are going wherever the pencil leads them, its good you are thinking about the structure of things.

I don't know how to articulate this, but since you are starting, I think it would be a better strategy to do fan arts and use existing characters to make yourself known a bit faster and then introduce your OC's and personal projects.

The following is more a comment about the possible reception/reach of your art in the community, nothing to do with yourself as an artist, but your drawing style might hamper the reception/reach of your art (this is a personal opinion and in no way factual data). This community heavely prefers "anime" style drawings and your style is quite cartoony, nothing bad with it! there are great artists in this community with that kind of style, but they seem to be rather overshadowed by the ones that draw have adapted their style to incorporate anime features.

Best of lucks in your journey.
All I have to say is that Ela is pretty cute. Other then that, keep up the good work guy.
this art style doesnt have any sex appeal

Could you go more into that?

What would give the style more sex appeal to you?

thank you for the feed back!

I plan to do more fanart and existing characters on my twitter, I will take on more as you suggest!

I totally agree with your sentiment that my art is toonish and doesnt appeal to the anime majority, I was hoping the manga style paneling and effects would make up for that crowd but i might have to approach more stylistic changes to grab that crowd!

Thank you so much!

Thank you so much!

I was honestly worried people would think she was too plain given the extremes of her friends, I appreciate you saying that.
In the same vein, you could lean into your strenghts and try to draw popular cartoony characters like the gems from Steven Universe which seems to be so popular that they have their own thread in bbwdraw!

Regarding the paneling and effects to breach the stylistic gap, they do work in the context of a comic, but keep in mind that those techniques might not be as effective in standalone pieces or single character commissions.
>>209187What if he's not going for sex appeal? I mean even if he is I don't think it has 0, If I were Chongo i'd definitely do my Cuphead and like Toot "Drawn Together" studies but retro styled character can be sexy.

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Youre absolutely right, I should lean harder into the toon and reach for a truly unique and unforgettable style.

Here's some more art of the girls to show that sort of bridged gap with some anime stylings to punch up more.
>>209174 (OP)
Don't find the art style super sexually appealing, but it's really unique and I'd love to see more of it. Kind of reminds me of underground comix.
>>209174 (OP)
I feel like working on your linework would do this style wonders.

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