
Guy I'm fortnite with a balaclava but I guess no eye holes or mouth holes
Ahh, that new thread smell. So cool, how do we feel Aika can counter these slick manoeuvres from Tessa? Since Tessa has her public image to maintain, she can't be seen eating junk so Aika might recognise this and dig into a junk food counteroffensive. Aika stuffing inbound?

Would be interesting if Aika notes Saiya somehow keeping pace with her...
Not fatnite?
Team Fatness?

Anyone else have fat game title puns?
Unironically more fun than reading the comic, lol
Call of Booty
Risk of Gain
Full Guys
Dark Bowls: Prepare to Fry Edition
Dragon's Doughma
Halo: The Massive Cheek Collection

I'm not particularly proud of any of these but a fun exercise
Okay, not stuffing per se though, but at least some feeding action. Aika hamming it up to rub it in Tessa's face while Saiya is only too happy to oblige.

> Saiya *tummy audibly growls in hunger*
> Aika: "... Huh. So you want me to turn the tables on you as well? That can be arranged~"
(1.0 MB, 1125x1575, Page468.jpg)
Ok so Aika was Saiya's childhood friend. Glad we FINALLY came back to this plot point.

Also can someone please tell me did Kip just change the upload schedule and if so what is it now.
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I think is actually Tessa, i hope this means Kip is gonna wrap the story soon
As much as Iā€™d love for this to mean weā€™re nearing the end I feel this just means weā€™re gonna get 200 more pages to prolong the plotšŸ’€
Kip should hire you two, you're funny and you put more effort in than he does

I find it more likely we're just going to get a 50-page flashback featuring the two as children with absolutely no belly content whatsoever
>Aika was Saiya's childhood friend
How tf do you look at that girl in the flashback and see Aika?
Why does Aika, the largest friend, not simply eat the other one? Then Saiya can date them both at the same time.
There's two girls in that panel it's obviously both of them, Kip literally just lifted the "Love Hina" "promise girl" plot but added fat
Why are Tessa's sleeves changing panel to panel?
(1.0 MB, 1125x1575, Page468.jpg) (510 KB, 731x1028, dejmziv-7dedd4de-ee94-4187-b596-ca63d35afe08.jpg)
Someone pointed this out on Kips patreon but when Saiya tells Aika about the childhood friend, her friend looks like Tessa but when Saiya tells Tessa about the friend, she looks like Aika. Either this is intentional or Kip changed who the friend was down the line.
There was a fat kid in Florida who was too fat for a ride, the staff let him ride anyway, and he fell to his death. This is no laughing matter.
Hopefully she doesnā€™t fall. After all, Gabriel Iglesias said that while they may have too many safety harnesses, fluffy people never fall.
Mika's dress is sooo cute in this and the last few panels.
SHIT!!! I mean Aika.
Damn I donā€™t think Kip was trying to imply that man. Itā€™s a comic donā€™t take it so seriousā€¦
lol of course I donā€™t think he was trying to imply that. Itā€™s just kind of a weirdly unintentionally dark thing to include in a goofy fetish comic.
I actually witnessed a fat chick getting ejected from a roller coaster.
It was conceptually arousing, but she was unfortunately ugly.
Aika is too fat to ride and gets kicked off, then Tessa takes her place next to Saiya
Was that at blackpool a few weeks ago?
Fuck you if it was, my gf's gorgeous.
Shame, but it happens.Hopefully see y'all on Wednesday!
>>205822 (OP)
Can we ban this cunt for deliberately misspelling KipTeiTei, thus making it needlessly more difficult to find the thread?
>Making it needlessly more difficult to find the thread
Idk how you search threads but you can just scroll through the board in less than 3 minutes in whatever device you're using, see the banner image that is assotiated with Kip, and look at the name of the thread to know in fact this is a Kip Thread, even if it's spelled wrong.
While I do not support a ban, I do support calling OP a dumb nigger. Not being able to search up a thread is just plain fucking stupid.
So they definitely talked about something on that ride right? Also imagine this moment leads to Aika weight loss arc or smthin lol
All aboard for the Depressed Aika Arc, now departing...

Might reintroduce Stacy back onto the scene for a surprise Aika x Stacy pairing. It's a long shot but it's there.
Guessing smth happened on ā€œthat bump in the middleā€ or like >>207021

Or maybe nothing actually happened and Saiya is just acting weird for no reason lmao
Are you dense? She's obviously saying "oh it wasn't THAT fun" because she doesn't want Aika to be upset that she missed out on the ride.
Saiya x Tessa & Aika x Stacy.

Make it happen capā€™n
(58 KB, 705x397, Kip Delays.png)
>did Kip just change the upload schedule
Yes. TLDR is his office building got bought out and he's looking for a new place.

"Ejected" as in actually fell out, or did the "walk of shame"?

Anyone has the new pic ?
Does anyone have that collage of kip the character's wg progression
I pray for the day Kip opens up comms or lets the $50 tier back up
Could always pay 100 bucks if u want a comm so bad
If itā€™s possible, please see whatā€™s the biggest size you can get?
So you big booty musty butt bitches not going to let me fuck yet? Tf you waiting for? Shyness to fade? Hahaha
I hate how Kip tries to have their cake and eat it too. Doesnā€™t want to draw fat characters over 300 pounds, yet treats them like theyā€™re ussbbw.
Aika is in no way big enough to fill one of those boats herself.
Thereā€™s no way in hell she weighs more than 3 girls either, especially with one of them being fat herself.
I canā€™t find this hot at all because it doesnā€™t line up in my brain.

Finally, Aika's time to shine and to press a counterattack! I hope that this isn't gonna actually be a genuine swerve to a weight loss arc for Aika, suddenly trotting out the "uhh, n-no I'm just not hungry..." bollocks. Girl, you know Saiya's into that shit! Double down on it and press the advantage while Tessa is stymied by maintaining her public image! Go the whole hog!
Say it on deviantart then.
These are great but I meant from the breakfast with sister trilogy.
As much as I like this trope, gotta agree with >>207217 the only realistic one is Aika getting stuck in that gate entrance thing.

>>207221 Really hope that Kip doesnā€™t pussy out on it or somehow make it about Tessa.
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I must admit that it bothers me that Kip is not consistent with the characters' bodies or their weight.

How much must Aika weigh to break a wooden chair, a metal chair, and a fucking gym bench? Those things support like 150kg or a little more, Aika should now weigh more than 200kg, although I like that Aika has problems with her body and weight, the truth is that Kip doesn't help her feel very genuine...
Say this on Kip's post. Make other readers aware of what Kip is doing.
>Make other readers aware of what Kip is doing
You say it like it's some kind of secret
Kip has always struggled with consistency and it's been blatantly obvious for like a decade by now, lol
True, but this is not a consistency issue. It's, Kip exaggerating Aika's weight because they don't want to make her bigger/fatter due to preference. All of these weight related issues that Aika has been going through would make more sense if she looked double her current size/weight.
>this is not a consistency issue
Well, the fact that characters change size between panels certainly doesn't help, lol

>Kip exaggerating Aika's weight because they don't want to make her bigger
I think you're overthinking it, pal. I reckon it's just kip tryna do comedy "fat girl falls on ass", etc
Yeah it's just a hee hoo funny gag. Don't read too much into it.
Also, on consistency/continuity:
This shits hard. In a story where the characters change size (and the readers are expected to fixate on said changes), you essentially have to do full character turnarounds for each weight (ESPECIALLY for subtle changes) to keep things consistent.
That's what I did in my comic and it's a shitload of work (worth it tho). Kip obviously doesn't do this (3 pages a week is crazy).
This is the kind of thing a cleanup artist could do and IMO, kip should either hire one or drop the page output
>Really hope that Kip doesnā€™t pussy out on it or somehow make it about Tessa.

>Aika eats a lot of food (some kind of challenge meal) and Saiya loves it
>Tessa starts eating to
>Impromptu eating contest begins
>After the contest, Saiya has to choose just one "winner" to be with
>ONE SERVING CHOICE title drop and cliffhanger ending
A gag that doesn't work because Aika doesn't look big or heavy enough to make it possible. The only way it would is if someone messed with all the stuff she broke beforehand, like if they unscrewed the metal chair and gym bench.
It's obviously exaggerated. The joke is just "Aika is fat lol"
Anyone else feel the clothes are off in this pic? Her white undershirt should be more visible and the jacket should stretch further down
People on deviantart and patreon are all pointing out how weird it is for Aika to weight the ferris wheel down on her side when its 4 other people in there. The responses are either "its hot" or its Aikas wight is confusing and doesn't make any real sense.
Kips probably gonna ignore it in the end though so it doesn't mean to much
Wrong. He tries to eat his cake and have it too.
>I hope that this isn't gonna actually be a genuine swerve to a weight loss arc for Aika

I hope not either. Iā€™m obsessed with her. Sheā€™s sweet, adorable, and has the best body in the world. She better go bigger, otherwise Iā€™m quitting if sheā€™s going to be a stick.
Aika is both canny when it comes to people and an idiot. It wouldn't surprise me if this her turn to relinquish the one brain cell all three of them share.
I canā€™t believe weā€™re on almost 500 pages of this bs and still no end in site. Legit been going on for like 4 years now and barely any character development has been made. Just give us FNN 2 ffs
4 years of writing a wg comic that hardly has any wg is honestly insane. It's like kip is allergic to draw women above 220 lbs
(1.0 MB, 1125x1575, Page472.jpg)
Only a few more pages before we FINALLY get some action
Itā€™s crazy how unrecognizable Aikaā€™s character is from the start of the series. Kip really dumbed her down.
Saiya, thinking about your friends like that while dating someone is crazy lmfao
Yeah her OG personality is why she was immediately my favorite, still is but yeesh
Tessa corset is going to snap during the meal.
I know! Then you can switch to complaining about proportions and consistency and Kip's drawing instead of the story! Can't wait!
It's all worthy of negative criticism
forget aika and tessa, i want the girl in the stripped sweater to gain a pound.
Bro that's literally Fiina from No Lunch Break
Different hairstyle so it atleast should be a different character, though it's likely she'll remain skinny by the end of this story.
Never mind, i think i took my comment to seriously and assumed you were saying they're the same character.

She's cute for sure, I'd rather be reading a comic about skinny girls at this point.
Well, phew, it looks like weight loss ain't gonna be on the cards anytime soon. Think Tessa will be unable to back down? Or will her public image force her to concede this point to Aika?
I think it'll take a month to find out
I think Tessa is gonna drag Saiya into getting the same.
I did wonder about that. We've not really addressed Saiya's expanded capacity and appetite to go with it since it got teased. Would be fun if in an impulsive moment Saiya orders the same and, lo and behold to Aika, actually manages to keep up to a degree...
Nah think, Tessa just goes, can i get 2 of those, Saiya stuff herself, ignoring Aika display, and making her sad/angry
So are we thinking Tessa is gonna order the same thing as to not lose the race? I really don't think Tessa would jeopardize her career in a VERY public place like this and shes infront of ppl from her school.
>Tessa just goes, can i get 2 of those
Tessa ordering two would be such a power move, lol
This is probably the worst one out of all the Helltaker arts Kip has done
So I'm excited - is this how we get to see the relationship between these two rivals start to thaw? For Aika, she'll be dutifully impressed to see that her idol (and established crush, lest we forget) can actually belly up to the table and give her a run for her money; for Tessa, she's going to be seeing the object of her initial infatuation at work and in her element.

Love the idea that in the future that they still maintain a sense of friendly rivalry with one another, harkening back to the days of vying over Saiya.
Guessing Tessa loses to Aika (obviously) then has to pay for it. And Aika helps pay for it while saying ā€œGood try.ā€ or smth.
Aika lets Tessa ā€œwinā€, having Tessaā€™s corset explode and embarrass herself.
They both win, showing how much of a fatass Tessa has become and impressing Aika.
My guess is that Aika will plow into the challenge with full gusto, determined to impress. She almost considers coasting were it not for Tessa putting on a surprisingly decent effort, forcing Aika to take her seriously (as well as get her thinking about Tessa's talents)..

... Meanwhile, Tessa is super competitive and refuses to reliquish any ground... were it not for the attention this little show is garnering. As much as she wants to prove her supremacy, she has to concede to Aika as her corset creaks in protest. In any case, she can't help but be impressed by Aika's talent at putting food away, her gaze drawn to that doughy, expanding midriff...

That's my $0.02 anyways
The war paint thing is lame as hell
I think it's supposed to be "witness me", from Mad Max, but it's been translated into finnish then back into english
That has to be the most dirtiest ranch Iā€™ve ever seen being put on
He already used the line in No Lunch Takeout so didn't want to repeat it, presumably.

A fun page overall. Possibly a stretch, but I wonder if the war paint might also be calling back to the cat imagery when she and Saiya were fooling around a while back?
Aika is going to finish all her food and Tessa is going to eat as much as she can but tap out and pay for the food to save her reputation
Either Tessaā€™s corset breaks, she pussies out, or nothing happens. Place your bets.

Pretty certain Aika will finish unless Kip pulls some bull
Corset is gonna break to cause more drama. Either the internet finds out the stuffing meme was real or just the other two girls in the group know about Tessa's secret.

If Aika doesn't finish that'll be such a let down.
Corset explosion is inevitable.
if the sauce is white in the pot, why is it dark on her face?
I'mma take an outside bet... Tessa, obviously frustrated by not wanting to blow her corset, has to concede and is now despairing at being stuck with the bill for failing. While Aika is quietly elated at having bested Tessa, she can't help but feel a little bad for Tessa's plight, despite being rivals, since she's a softhearted, marshmallowy samaritan. She doesn't want to kick Tessa when she's down, y'know? So with a timely distraction, Aika switches the plates to at least do Tessa a small solid... Besides, she's got plenty more room left to finish Tessa's plate in the timelimit as well! It'll no doubt drive Saiya nuts as well~
Kip if your reading do exactly as this guy says PLEASE
I love it when a random anon comes out of nowhere, writes absolute fire, then leaves.
I genuinely think this is too well written and characterised to be on Kip's radar.
Hey guys, I read all of this and I don't give a shit. I'll write the comic however I want, thanksies
wow guys look it's totally the real kiptitty and not a bad faith actor
Uuga buga version, Two stuffed bellies, Saiya cums, Saiya does and oopsie with Tessa, Aika breaks with her.
Take a few more creative writing classes and I won't say anything else.
Learn how to draw hands and/or kill yourself, faggot
Impossible, you can't just enter anything you want into the "name" field when you post. It HAS to be him.

-Totally the real Mark Rothko, back from the dead
Well I don't plan on leaving, thankfully. I've been low-key obsessed with writing theories for this comic and these goobers for a while now.

Thank you for the kind words though. I feel we've got a fun week ahead of us!
You cooked with that theory anon and I hope your right about having a ā€œfun weekā€.
I never heard such Incredibly well-written scenario on this website. Not only do I wish it happens, but the person who wrote it needs to write all of the plots. The BBW comic authors need hire this individual soon as possible.
Lmfao dude itā€™s a decent direction for it to go but come the fuck on, it isnā€™t THAT novel of an idea. The dude isnā€™t breaking any barriers and putting all other fats literature to shame with that one.
Its better than Kip's and thats all that matters
Another boring-ass page that wastes a lot of time on pointless bs. We donā€™t need the food descriptions Kip, nobody cares. We want to see her eat it.
Even the shots where you can see her body suck ass because Kip made her smaller again.
Kip might actually be retarded this baiting had gotten to a new level of stupidity. Weā€™re pushing 5 years of this BS now FYI.
So.. is Kip doing a thing where he cuts between Aika having the time of her life and Tessa struggling?
Nah thereā€™s no way itā€™s been half a decade already wtf
Sadly it has been and weā€™re nowhere closer to the plot moving in any direction than we were when this shit started. Needs to be scrapped for FNN or NLB 2 atp. Been trying to see ails get to Sydney level for years now but I just donā€™t care anymore after all this dumbass bait. Bro thinks this shit is one piece.
I always find it amusing when Kip has an overly-descriptive page as his Finnish grasp on English is just wonky enough for the dialogue to be unintentionally hilarious. Seriously, go read the pages where the girls get handsy with each other and ithe writing gets delightfully weird.
(1.5 MB, 400x254, bait.gif)
>We goin to 1000 pages without anything related to weight gain wo hooo yeah baby
so u doxxing this guy cuz the comic is getting shittier?
I leave this thread for a month and you motherfuckers start doxxing people. What the fuck is going on?
Yeah, the pictures are years old but anons just can't leave well enough alone. The topic is tiresome and goes nowhere, with chuds predictably getting whipped up yet again over this.

Can we just drop this topic and move on / get this cleaned up?
He posted those himself ages ago you fucking retard.
I have seen Kip with facial hair
He is very much a man
Before you ask, I saw his name when he shared a pic with me on Dropbox I think, and for whatever reason it included his actual name(donā€™t ask me what it is because A Iā€™m not doxxing him and B I donā€™t even remember it) and looked that up on Facebook and found someone who very much checked out
>I totally saw the twink death guys but I don't have any pictures saved

>doxxing is when you have an old DeviantArt submission saved on your hard drive
Dawg, (s)he's not gonna sleep with you.
does anyone have the new pic
I'm tempted to photoshoop his face over Shydneys from when she was shitposting and shilling their interests on imageboards in No Lunch Break, like Shiteitei totally doesn't do.
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Can someone give me the TL;DR lore of this fat girl (I like her)?
I literally will never read the 300 pages of romcom that have nano particles of explaining her if her character can fit in 5 sentences.
> instead of the story!
Not him.
I never complained about proportions because
THIS IS FICTION magic metabolism can go all the way.
I'm only here for the sexy fetish not 100 pages or romcom.
Man, when did Aika get so cocky?

It's so left field, it's funny. My waifu better win this! You show Tessa!
Aika. Fat dumbass that can also be smart when she needs to. A kind marshmallow that cares for others, cute, etc. Also clearly a bit cocky. Her character has gotten insanely butchered since the start but itā€™s slowly coming back.

If thatā€™s still too long of an explanation; Basically sheā€™s the only likeable character.

Ight so Aika made it clear Tessa isnā€™t finishing lmao. Even with or without the corset. Perfect place to start integrating >>208677
She's in her element. This is her house. Also, and more crucially, she doesn't know how good an eater Tessa is. This could be a chance for her to be caught off-guard and taken aback by Tessa's talents.

If Tessa'a going down, she's gonna go down swinging
(1.2 MB, 1320x7705, OSC_478_obraprima.png)
If in the next few hours, Mr. Corset do not survive, consider this as an homenage to him
I'm open to critiscism. What's your opinion?
Itā€™s just shit. The art itself but more importantly the story and dialogues. Just stop man
Well, that's the point. It's why is called "shitpost".
Love how you retards yap nonstop about a shitpost comic that somehow still has better creative writing than the slop this thread is even about.
It doesnā€™t. Itā€™s not even funny, itā€™s just cringe
I like the unhinged sense of humor on display. To hell with what the naysayers think. Keep it up!
This is the kind of horny energy I wish Kip was capable of.

Don't change a fucking thing, these are the best part of these threads.
Aika, you absolute animal!
Not only is the bone munching retarded, but Kip continues to make Aika look way smaller than 100 pages agoā€¦
She's getting smaller cause the fat is going to her tits and assšŸ¤“
it makes sense when you remember that kip is kinda into vore and the idea of a girl being so hungry that she devours anything remotely edible to satisfy it. See: aika eating a sleeve, kip (the character) swallowing a lobster whole, sidney eating rats behind a link because the audience said "thats enough....too far..."
That's why Cindy is the best. She's the most normal character Kip has written.
Ah yes, soft vore.
Kip used to do vore art back in the day but I think most fats would throw a fit if something like that made it into one of the comics
*Fans not fats, Freudian slip, lol
Alternate FNN ending where Cindy eats Connor? Or Tessa eating somebody? Iā€™m here for it.
Man my old art sucked. I gotta redraw those at some point.
I donā€™t think yall understand how strong yo teeth gotta be to just crunch through rib bone like that.. anyway, go Aika.
I dropped this comic, but did that actually happen?? Can someone send screenshots.
Thereā€™s also the pages where Saiya imagines Tessa eating several battleships. Probably the most blatant so far.
Good Lord. This comic is cooked
If this comic is another 500 pages then I'll eat my fucking shirt.
>Aika. Fat dumbass that can also be smart when she needs to. A kind marshmallow that cares for others, cute, etc. Also clearly a bit cocky. Her character has gotten insanely butchered since the start but itā€™s slowly coming back.

Thanks. Was she one of these kip characters who where worried about getting fat before embracing it?
Somebody should post the lobster and rat pages, thanks
If Aika ends up finishing Tessa's plate as well, hopefully we'll see that ugly dress get ruined - or improved with a belly window.
Yeah I have a feeling Tessa has a much larger appetite and stomach capacity than aika. If anything it's impressive she was able to eat as much as she did with a corset on.
Maybe! It might be a much closer contest between the two were it not for the corset handicap. This is a good thing - it can only spur Tessa on for a future rematch with Aika!
That would be actual bull if Tessa can out eat Aika. It would make more sense if they were tied because they both finish.
I am legitimately gonna predict the nikacado advaco ending where they're both stuffed their faces in food, made a mess of themselves and the table, but found the situation so sexy they started making our with all the food and sauce bits still all over them and their stomachs stuffed.
Thereā€™s nothing hotter than a girl on the verge of puking during a weight gain sequence.
I foresee this encounter being enlightening for both. There were some mild, nascent feelings between the two before this but now they can really see each other in action we should see some of those passions get inflamed, lensed in their mutual desire to cover Saiya.

This eating contest is like an elaborate feedee courtship dance.
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Tessas career is cooked but this is hot
I might find it hot too, if I wasnā€™t distracted by the implication that the other girls didnā€™t see her giant fucking stomachā€¦
The Prinz Eugen and Jalter images are peak
Kip's stories suck ass but I find their individual pieces to be really good
They don't see her belly because its to small
It would seem that Saiya was not only hungry but thirsty as well! Hoping we'll see Aika pull off a showstopper and just polish off that steak, if only to keep things moving along.
What the fuck was this art dump?
Honestly hope Aika eats the steak like how Cindy ate that lasagna
If she does this comic will be saved
(272 KB, 762x1090, NOLUNCH96.jpg)
We need more of this, I think
Mmmmmm mice. Real question though what was kip thinking. Eating dead mice is almost worst than vore because it's just a real ass thing you could do and not completely made up. (Maybe not without getting 5000 fucking diseases but still) Like how did he think this was gonna fly with any of his audience
He subsequently never brought it up again, despite Anons continually fixating on it years later, trying their darndest to stir up shit.
Is there no page today?
This nigga is always so inconsistent in uploading a page when the story is always going somewhere fetish related towards feederism. This nigga Kip man... Poor Writing Skills, but hey at least the woman are fat and hot with large tits.
Hah, nice spot!

Well, since no one from Patreon has come forward, I can only assume the delay is a minor one. The ol' "oops, I forgot what day it was again" chestnut.
(887 KB, 1125x1575, Page483.jpg)
Kip just posted it lol. But we about to get under the table action
Standby, folks. Saiya being a horny retard in 3... 2... 1...
Welp there goes my hopes in Saiya getting stuffed
That's unfortunate. I've been waiting for another good stuffing scene with Aika and Tessa, but Kip has to make Saiya be fucking retarded and ruin everything again. This'll probably be a few more updates with a shitty payout or public humiliation crap.
I'd laugh if through their horny antics that all three get busted and duly ostracized by the group as the bunch of belly-obsessed weirdos that they are. Kinda forces them to be their own strange clique back in college, thrusting them further together.
There is no way this goes well because it doesnā€™t take more than a second to pick up a fork lmao.
>Kipteitei thread
>instead of posting Kip art people fling shit at each other like apes
>someone posts arts they like
>"what the fuck was this art dump"

not OP but geez I wonder why people are posting Kip art in the Kip thread instead of going over why his comics are shit for nth time
I'm okay with people posting art, you fucking subhuman. But I'd prefer if they avoid sharing stuff from years ago, y'know? We need new stuff, not to dwell on the past
No one's shit flinging, dude. Calm down.
(1.0 MB, 2317x1404, Tessalay.jpg)
New Tessa art. Maybe I didn't know this fact but this art was a pledge request so that means people can just request characters like Cindy and Kip if they really want to see them again
Uhh...it's been three months now, when is Kip uploading the next fucking 4K pack?
The last one to my knowledge was in April. Due to the comic and the stuff happening in there personal life they probably just forgot abt doing them
Tbh Cindy & Connor beach date would feed families. Just need an excuse for Cindy to wear a bikini and for those two to get together again.
PLEASE LORD someone request Aika or Cindy. Idc about Tessa.

Though Kipā€™s one-offs are really good ngl. He can be a good artist when he wants(needs?) to be.
I mean...if he was a shitty artist even when paid for this stuff, people would be pretty frickin' angry
man a pledge of Kip (the character) would be like water in an oasis
Really does suck that the only way to get any pledges from Kip is to pay for the 100 dollar tier
Wow Saiya is such an evil cunt
I get this story is going to end with them all getting together, but Saiyaā€™s lack of self control is annoying. My brother in Christ, Aika can SEE YOU.
(8.9 MB, 6000x2550, tessaseq.jpg)
I hope she ends up with no one and Aika and Tessa get together. Then 3 years later it shows how big they got and decide to bring Saiya in and make her huge too. Also wonder what forehead bitch is doing? Hope she gets big too.
Yet another scene about to end in tears and 30 pages of them talking about their feelings
I hope Aika gets fed up with Saiya's shit and sets out to make her the fattest one in the group, even better if she doesn't like gaining weight but succumbs by being publicly shamed.
You know what, I like saiya being consistently a bellyslut, rather than being loyal. It's consistent
I hope after this Aika scolds BOTH Saiya and Tessa, and calls out how Saiya is a sexual spoiled brat with no self control, and calls out Tessa for spoiling Saiya on purpose by convincing her tgat she needs to be an assertive asshole if she wants to get Aika; so she can succeed in seduce Saiya for herself.
(34 KB, 1645x536, fr43j894384h75.png)
>daa daa di daa daa daa daaaah daaaah daaaah
Oh hey, it's the epiode where Saiya ruins everything.
I've realized why this comic is not great and it's not because of any of the reasons people usually complain about or the art or some bullshit etc etc.

The characters never change or grow as people at all except for getting a fat fetish. They don't learn from their mistakes and they just stay almost the same the entire comic. It's really fucking boring to have a 500 page comic with absolutely zero character growth (haha growth) in any non physical way. Saiyan literally keeps making the same mistakes and doing the same things over and over and over even when it seems like the story sets her up to change.
Saiya's is uniquely socially retarded we can all agree, but I will respectfully point out that we have certainly seen some depth in the personalities of the other two. Tessa we've seen her tip her hand as a submissive who likes being degraded by Saiya, her fixation with Saiya bordering on obsession. We can see how aggressively Tessa's going at it in this contest that little will stop her when it comes to proving herself for Saiya, no matter who is in the way...

... Speaking oh which, with Aika we've seen a hard kernel reveal itself amid her marshmallowy ditziness - one that isn't afraid to back down when it comes to protecting what is hers. She's not to be underestimated. While you can also dismiss the fat fetish development, she's certainly taken advances in being able to thrill at her own sexuality and domineer Saiya with it, able to put her in her place and provide the counterwieght after all of Saiya's domineering of Tessa.

The characters are very different to their simpler debuts at the comic's outset.
So.. we all agree Saiya is one of the main problems with this comic, right? She keeps talking about how horrible she is but doesnā€™t do shit to change it and keeps making the same mistakes. The only character development for Saiya was going from a dumbass to a dumbass dickhead.

Yes, things like Tessa trying to destroy Aika and Saiyaā€™s relationship, and trying to seduce Saiya isnā€™t Saiyaā€™s fault but self control and basic common sense couldā€™ve prevented those things.

Doing shit like actively touching both Aika and Tessaā€™s bellies is leading them both on. And Tessa is definitely going to take this as an invite to keep going.
... It is kinda fun though. Irrational actors do keep things interesting, despite us howling at their stupidity.
It's genuinely not fun when the story is trying to gaslight you into thinking there's growth and progress happening.
Saiya is one of the least attractive, least engaging and least likable of any of Kip's characters. She's not only unpleasant, she borders on aggravating.
idk what the consensus on the board is, but double belly rub is fine by me
Yeah, I totally get how unlikeable she can be to some but to me she's almost written to be a character the audience should love to hate. The equivalent of the horror movie character who suggests that they split up, touches the alien goop or hides their zombie bite.

Sometimes you need a character like that to inject energy into a plotline and keep things moving. To throw the proverbial hand grenade into a room. Of course, Kip is playing a gambit by making the protag so annoying in this fashion but I think the story would be less interesting if Saiya was just a capable character - much like in a horror movie, competency need not fully apply in storytelling.
The thing is, it's fine if it doesn't just repeat the same stuff every fucking time. You're saying this makes the story more interesting, I disagree. It makes it annoying and repetitive. "Oh I'm so horny" "Oh no my horniness ruined my relationships I suck" "Oh things are working out for me anyway yay" again and again and again.
She catches a lot of second chances I agree. The risk you run with making your main protag be such a doofus is often having to find means to bail them out.
The most biting criticism of the writing at this point is that OSC feels like it is being written as a webcomic meant to last forever rather than an actual contained story. Remember when Saiya was going to lose her apartment for nearly flunking out of classes? It was a story beat meant to transition from her subbing in for Tessa's streams into the scene where her and Aika feel each other up in the church. It was also a FUCKING YEAR AGO. It's fine if Kip wants to steer this comic based on the horny whims that enter their thick Finnish skull at any given moment, but it would be more appropriate to convey that in a series of small vignettes, rather than endlessly stringing the audience along as though any sort of conclusion has even been planned.
Maybe 3 years ago dude. Sayid just needs to be removed from the story at this point make it about aika stuffing.
Is the usage of finding a fork a metaphor and trying to decide between the two a reference to the title of the comic being one serving choice of again Saiya needing to choose or is that too big brain for kip?

But even then, given how long the comic's gone, it isn't indicative of Saiya ever needing to chose or really face long term repercussions of her stupidity.

It's really odd how even the fat/horny moments in this comic are harmed by the protagonist being so unlikable.
She isn't being written as a character the audience love to hate. We are clearly meant to empathise with her despite the fact that at this point she's emotionally manipulative and I kinda want her to drop away because tessa/aika wold be the better pair
How is Saiya still under the table in the time it took Aika to finish what she had left on her plate.
Saiya being the one to sabotage Tessa for once, even if unintentionally. Oh, how the turn tables.
The best answer I could come up with is Saiya having been under there for a minute, and Aika just being a fast eater.
The thing is realistically everyone would be wondering why itā€™s taking Saiya 5 years to pick up a fork and theyā€™d probably look under the table by now.
My Issue with Saiya isn't just that she leads both on Aika and Tessa.
It's that in story she's actually done actual harm to their real life relationships and prospects.

Aika got kicked out of her church and Tessa is constantly on borrowed time before people finally see that she's gotten fat and both are directly caused by Saiya being horny but she gots NO pushback for either.
TFW aika goes from crying that saiya is emotionally manipulating her to sleeping in the same bed in the space of a few hours
three days with our schizopostin is a new record gj guys

is kip finally cooking? stay tuned for the next 300 pages to find out
i guess saiya either vanished from under the table or is just kinda waiting there and nobody noticed
The first steak had no visible effect on either of them, surely the second one will, right? I hope so, i've been waiting forever for another stuffing sequence....
Being fat was actually Tessa's fault as she kept on eating to get Saiya's attention, throughout the comic. Ballooning more from the sushi date, well, kind of on both of them, though Saiya did push it too far at the end.

Also Aika straight up says she's been kicked out before, so it's whatever.

Though saiya being consistently retarded with the panic episodes of fucking up and then learning nothing from it is stupid every time.
While I think the prospect of this continuing is most likely gonna be torpedoed by Saiya - who, fuck me, is still under the fucking table Jesus Christ, Saiya - or by a timely intervention from the other girls present, not all is in vain though! This was a fun page and an absolute power move by Aika to get Tessa's feathers in a twist. Not only does this help plant the seeds for further ladyboners for Tessa over large-and-in-charge Aika but an interrupted contest now gives them something to revisit later down the line: a score to settle. You just know these heifers are gonna maintain their friendly rivalry over who the fattest cow will be in the future!
Guys, guys. No way Kip can fuck this up, right?
Also this is definitely Aika sending a message to Tessa. Tessa is cooked.
I need that DJ Khaled meme.
An idle thought: given how Tessa was shovelling food in using her hands, only to be then clutching and rubbing her stomach afterwards, one can imagine the state of her dress covered in grease and sauce stains across her belly~

I wonder if this will come up in the comic at all..?
Idk, Aika's already reached the upper limit of how big Kip is usually willing to draw anyone. My guess is they're just going to keep floating around that point with any further feedings having a negligible effect.
no idea who she is but she's cute
love the blush
Zenless Zone Zero again...?
did Kip draw another ZZZ character recently? cant find it on kemono
These feel like industry plant memes
Not sure what that even means - this is... bad, I take it? I mean I farted out the boner guy because I thought the expression was funny is all.

Sorry if you were expecting some high quality artisanal memes, dude.
Nah Kip hasnā€™t drawn anything ZZZ related this is the first one.
sad to see kip go down the route of "what if da fat girl ate 10000 pizzas!!" but whatever, at least saiya is out from under the table.

predicting that clothes will start inexplicably ripping, leading to public embarrassment, probably a final fight with stacy (who seems to have died or something), then comic ends at the end of the year with tessa as a fat streamer who is still super popular for some reason.
Man some of yā€™all canā€™t be pleased. Iā€™d much rather this than another 200 pgs of bs filler of these bitches at the mall or talking about their feelings cause saiyas retarded ass messed up for the 45th time. Go read a slice of life manga if thatā€™s what itā€™s about time we got an actual stuffing scene, the last real one was over two years ago with the sushi boat.
... yet something feels wrong. No one in the scene is keen on the prospect of another round except for Aika and Tessa both locked into this bizarre ritual. For the normies to not object to this frankly obscene display of gluttony that from their perspective seems wholly unwarranted seems unusual. I'm of two minds how this could go:

1) Saiya pours cold water onto proceedings. It's not too late for her to slam the brakes on things and bring these two feedbags back down to reality. It would be consistent of her to fawn over both, declare things a tie (ie, unresolved from their perspective) in an attempt to bring things back to normal. This can also serve to highlight how Saiya is the binder for these two hotheads so that they can all get along... or

2) Kip doubles down on this in full vulgarity. We know that Kip is not afraid of pushing the boat out when it comes to excess and all of its sordid appeal - from No Lunch Takeout to the literal sushi boat earlier in this comic. Kip seems to revel in the discomfort of bit characters squirming uncomfortably at such a revolting spectatcle, powerless to stop it.

My money is still on option 1, but if Kip is full-on drawing with their dick in hand then all bets are off.
>sad to see kip go down the route of "what if da fat girl ate 10000 pizzas!!
We've had years of meandering. Let us have a moment of actual gluttony.
But like, the meal already WAS that? That's the problem with these comics, they go way above and beyond what is even conceivably natural to the point where it doesn't even feel real anymore. There's no emphasis on how the food is actually affecting them, it rides completely on "that's a lot of food, right?"
Alright, Iā€™m guessing Tessa is gonna puke, ruining the whole thing. Thereā€™s no way she can eat another one, Aika might be able to tho
I'm going to be real, this is a natural escalation of the previous scene while retaining the dynamic, and the scene got better because Saiya isn't hanging out under the table. Aika is deliberately eating more to goad Tessa into losing the competition, Tessa is going for it because she's trying to impress Saiya. Yes, the amount of food is unrealistic but it's a fat fetish comic so who cares.

I'll be the first to post something sarcastic when something retarded happens or kip decides to blueball the audience, but this is kind of what we're here for: fat girls stuffing themselves
she's not going to puke. however, when the corset is re-tightened, it will squeeze the shit out of her like a tube of toothpaste, overflowing her panties in seconds
Eh, this is like settling on one marshmallow now instead of two later. It feels forced to me. Again, if you were either of the other girls in that scene why would you sit through such a weird spectacle without intervening?
Saiya is gonna ruin it or Tessa is gonna cheat by feeding Saiya under the table
I don't think you even like women.
I want to see Tessa stuffed-drunk, violently lurch, and then puke or almost puke. Come on Kip, bring it home.
Iā€™m surprised no one has mentioned this yet but Stacy was actually found dead at Don Eladioā€™s Hacienda. Apparently she ingested some poisoned tequila. Still waiting on more detailsā€¦
Hah, classic Stacy. *canned laughter*
My girl eats like a BEAST!!! LETā€™S FUKIN GOOO!!!
why does the girl on the bottom left look short & chunky like that? now i'm thinking about wanting her to be fatten up again.
ā€œNah Iā€™m still hungry.ā€ Is CRAZY. W Aika.
Yeah, no way she can say that and not live to eat those words. As >>213537 mentions as well as what was speculated previously, I think if Aika wants to eat then for Saiya's sake she'll take on Tessa's half-finished plate as well. Aika's dress isn't gonna survive this!
I don't care who wins, all I want is for Tessa's and Aika's dresses to be ripped to shreds from their gluttony.
I do like the fact that everyone has taken it as read in the comic that Aika will naturally polish off two eating challenges back to back. That her reputation is that well known for being a hog.

And she's certainly living up to her reputation! When will it start to feel like a challenge and she needs to actually push herself I wonder?
It's been exactly 3 yrs and 4 months since kip started one serving choice, think he's gonna wrap it up soon or is it gonna drag on into 2025?
(21 KB, 256x256, TimeWizard-DAR.webp)
>Anon continues to be amazed at the concept of time
Yes, the number will continue to get bigger until the comic is done. That's how time works. It's not necessary to point this out but thank you all the same.
it was the hacienda her :V
Anon asked a simple question, no need to get defensive about it.
Unless he decides to bumrush the end, this shit's gonna drag. Page 500 is coming up very soon so maybe he'll do some kind of celebratory announcement and talk about the comic progress.
What a pointlessly bitchy post, anon.
You see enough of these "it's been X years" or "it's been Y pages" posts, as if they're making some profound statement, and it starts to jar after a while. It's just people whining so why tolerate it?
ā€œIn the year 2525ā€¦ā€
I think a part of my problem with this segment of the story is that Kip has done a horrible job of showing how much food is involved in this challenge meal. Like, how much are these girls ACTUALLY eating? It takes me out of it because it seems like food just appears and disappears at random

Dang, Aika's nearly done. Without savouring it or showboating and just going hard at it, she's setting a new PB! Might be able to squeeze in Tessa's at this rate and be the heroine of the hour.
Also the fact theyā€™re not changing in size. Tessa maybe grew slightly, but Aika hasn't. It actually looks like Aika shrunk in the first panel.
Kip refuses to make Aika any fatter, she reached his size limit a while ago. It's all just insisting she's growing and gaslighting the viewers.
The next few pages:
>Aika finishes but wants more
>Starts eating Tessa's
>You can't do that! It's against the rules!
>Fine I'll order a third one
>Tessa barely finishes plate two in time
>She order a third but can't finish
>Aika eats it
>Tessa has to pay and Aika gets banned from the restaurant
Aika getting ban from the restaurant would actually be kinda fire. Also suprised Tessa isn't losing any feathers rn
Yeah a likely scenario. I think we can all acknowledge that Aika is kind of a freak at this point, yeah? Eating challenges aren't just a large serving of food - they're purposefully designed to be hard and not for normal consumption. A "challenge", if you will. And here we have this chick who can tear through two of them back-to-back. Aika belongs in a circus sideshow, or a competitive eating circuit. Girl has a freakish talent is my point.

What's funny to me is that the two normies just sitting there playing along like this is a typical lunch. You had you chance to stop this, you two, but now you're fully complicit in this freakshow.
Aika is the freak I need in my life. A girl who can just down a bunch of food and is down for some good belly rubs is perfect. That's what makes characters like Aika and Cindy great characters. Sadly people like that only exist in fictionšŸ™ƒ
For real, the Aika makeout scene that's around the start of page 400 really elevated her in the minds of readers. A feedee with an outrageous appetite and who can still call the shots when things get hot 'n' heavy (well, heavier in aika's case)? Yes fucking please.

It does make me wonder how we're gonna circle back to Saiya's physical intimacy issues at some point but that's yet another eventual bridge that's on the horizon. You can't have your wild stuffing sequence and eat it too I suppose.
Letā€™s hope Tessa does the Cindy thing and eats the whole steak in one go
I don't usually comment, but Kip's really going to have both of them eat 2 huge steaks and then not be visibly bigger at all? Maybe Tessa's stomach is slightly larger but still. I was excited for a stuffing sequence but not anymore.
The ball's in Tessa's court now so it's a case of whether she'll continue with this insanity, harnessing that insane energy of hers to power on, or if sanity will prevail and she concedes to Aika. At this point there's nothing left to preserve about her belly so she might just pull out all the stops, so goaded by Aika. We could see all dignity go out of the window if she ends up bursting her dress - or needing an ambulance home!

This could go a number of ways so I'm curious as to what's gonna shake out between the two of them. Does Aika remain smug and crow about her achievement? Does she feel a pang of concern and compassion towards Tessa and want her to stop, seeing her push herself too far? Who can say?

Kip's got Saiya stuck in "Ineffectual Flailing" mode so hopefully she'll snap out of it and take some charge of the situation.
Fuck Saiya, I need some Aika x Tessa. Maybe they can finally connect over this idfk.
Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying. That had to be at least 60 oz of steak plus sides ā€¦.
"want me to help you out when the judge isn't looking?"

back during the sushi boat thing, the only reason Tessa was able to eat that much was because Saiya was taking control and forcing her to.

There's a double entendre in Aika's words there. Tessa does need a hand - a hand to shove it down her throat. She can handle it, there's just a mental block in doing it herself. Not sure how the hell Kip would write that though. It'd either turn into some kind of Aika + Tessa action or Saiya completely and utterly losing her mind.
An interesting thought! Tessa could let slip something and confuse the pair of them

> "Huh..? Why would you.. *ngh* feed me?
> "Huhh?"

I do think Tessa has Aika set in her sights as her enemy and will concede no ground to her - unless it can get her to leverage sympathy and attention from Saiya. Like I mentioned earlier, this could go any number of ways thank in part to Tessa being kinda batshit crazy.
>There's a double entendre in Aika's words there.
I saw that too
But I'm sure she'll be torn between wanting to humiliate Tessa and knowing Saiya likes big bellies.
Maybe she'll feed Tessa the rest of her steak to incapacitate/humiliate her and then order another one to impress Saiya.
Or maybe Aika's words will motivate Tessa to deepthroat her steak
Looks like Tessa's not gonna concede an inch, unlike her dress.

A couple of issues to call out with this page:
1) Where did the corset go? Surely it didn't just retract or evaporate.
2) Again, you have to wonder what's going on in their friends' minds that they've allowed this insanity to continue so. From their perspective there's no reason for any of this to occur and yet here we are.

On the plus side, Aika's at least getting an appreciation of what she's been up against. Wingboners all round! Contrived situation aside, it would be refreshing to just let the cat out of the bag and have Tessa be recognised for the fatty that she is, just so we don't have to play pretend anymore - just cards out on the table and deal with the stream fallout up front. Who knows? This might even be seen favourably further allowing the pivot to a mukbang/eating -> bbw stream.

Amazing how the thread consistently suggestions sexier, more interesting things than Kip has ever considered.
This would be more sexy in my opinion if the dress burst pannel was bigger (half the page at least)
It's possible the corset is still there. Only the front of the dress has ripped open and she's got a massive food baby now.
Or Kip forgot.
1. First of all WHAT THE FUCK is happening in the fourth panel?! Did she get a fucking hernia?

2. I went back and checked and yeah these characters were genuinely drawn bigger in their stuffing scenes nearly 200 pages ago. Kip is a fucking hack.
The fourth panel looked weird. Itā€™s an odd way to portray her belly bursting out of her dress.

Speaking of which, wasnā€™t she supposed to have her corset on the whole time?
Pretty sure what's happening in the fourth panel is the end of the steak entering her stomach is merely poking against her stomach wall as it fills her up.
Thatā€™s gotta be the corset ripping under the dress
It looks like sheā€™s getting a sudden hernia though with the way itā€™s drawn
Yeah, my first thought was an internal rupture. I'm kinda wondering if we're not gonna see her do some serious harm to herself. Won't someone throw the towel on this fight??
She took off the corset before so she could have more stomach space for the meat challenge

Alas, the corset seems to survive at the end of the story, if Tessa's reputation ends here. At this point, I'm divided:

At one hand, kind of a bummer of a chekov gun (if it was at all, it could have been a red hering and we didn't realized), but at the other, her dress bursted in front of two testimonies, thats a nice way to end her carrer, and its about time that her cover blows up too, this comic is getting too long already.

Besides, I'm kinda rooting for Mr. Corset, he suffered too much.
There was about two pages worth showing her remove the corset
Kip needs to stop lying to himself and just draw preg already, he has the potential to be one of the best in the fetish. His food babies are literally kicking now, like hell he isnā€™t into it.
Kip has the potential to make this hotter with Aikaā€™s dress also ripping.
It's hysterical to me how these three will have effectively ruined a group day out with friends with their bizarre, hoggish antics. All three should get rightly shunned as the weirdos they are when they return to college.

Please no. This is about stuffing/fat. Pregnancy is a turnoff in this context.
>Kip needs to stop lying to himself and just draw *vore already
Well, the corset is still under the dress, but she undid it completally, as shown in the page after it. Meaning the ripping sound came from the dress and the dress only, and the corset should be fine

But if in the next pages they show the corset bursten, I'm gonna riot for inconsistency
I donā€™t mean in this comic lol, I just want him to be honest and draw it.

Please no, I can feel the monkey paw curling tho.
He did, once upon a time. Then people bitched, so he stopped.

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