
(70 KB, 519x526, remy.jpg)
Too old for the horny to keep up and been in this game longer than almost anyone else(since 1997 I believe).

She's best known as the author of Gorgeuos Princess Creamy Beamy, Muertitos, A Sensible Girl, Intragalactic, and many more.

Make some art of her characters, in whatever artstyle and whatever weight you want.

(There's also a thread on /trash/ celebrating the retirement right now, where several reference image collages have been posted. See here https://boards.4chan.org/trash/thread/65982373 )
She mentioned it on a public patreon post
It just says that they are deleting their old DeviantArt account but aren't going to archive themselves. So... not retiring.
>>203525 (OP)
yo, i been in this fetish since 2012 and i swear to god i never saw a draw of her in my entire life but if she's since 1997(you believe but i trust you in this shit) that's some fucking crazy shit llike dude she's been the beginning of time wanna share more art of the lady of fat fetish herself????????
I've never seen something of her's either.
You probably haven't heard of her because she doesn't do fanart and, for the most part, didn't hang out in the usual WG artist spaces. For most of her career she made various webcomics, both a few long running ones as well as various short and one-shot efforts, that were entirely of original characters and stories. She also blended her WG work with more mainstream comedy material, so apart from a few standout sequences her biggest works didn't usually feature full balls-to-the-wall WG scenarios.
I wonder if for her, to not want to just lurk around these circles creating fat fetish art. To make actual stories with actual plots and not just women stuffing themselves fat. Because as much as we'd love the love for plump women to be mainstream, perhaps if we want it to be so, we should have projects that are carried by publishers and appear on stuff beyond just patreon and DeviantArt. to have graphic novels and comics on webcomic sites, or fund print runs of graphic novels. To have stories that aren't just women eating themselves fat.

To have non fat fetish stories and maybe include elements of this in mainstream stories to show that fat women can be sexy.
Thats marvel_booty husband want to off himself
I also know for creators that are FAs doing mainstream work, Ned Sonntag aparently did some work for Marvel and for Scooby Doo and Betty Boop comics. I imagine that he couldn't indulge in big women in these works. Perhaps to get the love of plump women to be mainstream, one needs to restrain it when doing works made for a mainstream audience.
I thought it was Stephen Sakurai.
Here’s two of her more notable works.

Most of her stuff up to about 2004 is still easy to find, but prior to that it gets tricky.

For example, she did a long running webcomic from 2000-2002 called Flying Suit Reiko. It’s been mostly found, but two pages are still lost. There’s an archive of it in Wayback.

There’s also 2008-2011’s IntraGalactic, which lost its website in 2020. That one we have in whole as well as full website archives.

She was really only active on DA for a short window of time while her webcomics were winding down and before she went to Patreon. That’s probably why she isn’t as well known.

She was also involved in the Muffintop collab anthologies and did a few text adventure games
Scroll up. Retirement notice was months ago, the reason /trash/ is doing celebrations now is the DA is going soon
Roughly 90% of what she does is original characters. Also she wasn’t on Deviantart very long, prior to 2010 she stuck to her own websites or comic Genesis and from 2014 on she stuck to Patreon.

If you’d recognize any of her stuff it would probably be some of the Avatar fanart or that one pic of Vanessa from the chocolate heart l, both early 2010s
That’s basically what Muertitos did to some extent. Plenty of normies read and enjoyed that.
She's one of the all time legends and one of the few wg authors who could write non wg content.

I'll miss her but good luck to her in her mainstream career.
Why can't artists online just leave their work out for people to see instead of just deleting it from existence?

It's really stupid.
If this one anyone else I'd agree, but Steph wants to go professional(and unlike a dipshit like Ultrahand she's actually capable of doing it). She probably doesn't want 27 years of smut tied to her name showing up on her resume
Rebecca Sugar literally made Ed Edd and Eddy porn.

Nobody cares if you drew fat art.
I guess with some creators they may not want to be linked to solely doing porn. Some may own doing pornography, others would rather not be known for it for fear it can paint the image that they are a creator of smut. Especially if one tries to do work for a younger audience. You wouldn't want parents assuming you'll insert sex into a kids show.

Some can be cool with it, some aren't. Personally I would do some stuff with WG and some stuff without it. I may try to have BBWs in my work, but I want to have restraint so my stories aren't loads and loads of BBWs getting into sexy situations.
I would own doing porn but admit that I don't aim to create porn always.

As well as knowing when not to put BBWs/elements of feedism in my work.

The issue with getting the love of plump women mainstream love is knowing to not indulge in it always. Maybe ease an audience into the idea and perhaps try elements in the work beyond fat women are sexy.
(42 KB, 320x406, jigglypuff.jpg)
Goddamn, didn't even know she was still making content. Somewhere around 2000 or 2001 pre-teen me was doing an image search for Jigglypuff when this image popped up in the results and made me feel funny. Steph was my gateway to fats and I spent a lot of time on Flying Suit Reiko reading the webcomic and checking out the fat art. Back then, she drew LOTS of fanart. I was also a huge fan of Muertitos, I remember loving it whenever the mummy girl got fat (which was rare since usually the fat focus was on the ghost character). I also read Creamy Beamy and Intragalactic, but eventually I lost interest because I preferred the 90s anime look of her early stuff to the style she took up later on.

It's her fault I have this fetish (nah, if it hadn't been this, it would have been something else) so her stuff will always have a place in the penis of my heart. Good luck to a real one.
who cares, art looks like shit
(73 KB, 603x929, 1571672716564.jpg) (58 KB, 690x450, cheesa.gif) (290 KB, 720x509, 2010-06-25-156-32-inch-high-def-uvula.jpg) (336 KB, 499x713, patreon_comic_001.jpg)
I mean, the one directly above you kind of does, but it's from like 2000 and was done on PC you didn't have good options.

Steph's artstyle has a couple of distinct phases. There's her super early stuff(mostly drawn on paper, internet art programs in the late 90s were ass as you can see) like Lost City(not lost), Dystopia(completely lost) and Flying Suit Reiko(only two pages missing). That stuff really leans into the 80s anime influence, especially Ranma 1/2(which Steph has said many, many times was a huge influence for a number of reasons).

Then you've got her early digital stuff, Genesis Muertitos, Gorgeus Princess Creamy Beamy, No Boom.

Then the DA and Intragalactic era stuff, very very similar to the previous one, but in COLOR, and thus shading and design changed quite a bit.

And finally the last 10 years of stuff starting from when she moved to Patreon with A Sensible Girl.
Intragalactic just ended out of nowhere.
Not even like Creamy Beamy where it ended at the climax without an epilogue, it ended mid story arc (I think burnout from writing that, plus trying to finish Creamy Beamy, plus Peppermint Penwell and Widgey Q Butterfluff, those adult graphic novels). So for like 3, 3 and a half years she was basically dormant and only did the occasional art on DA. Then she made Supercake Studios in 2014 and more or less stuck there until her recent retirement announcement(If my math is correct she was 17-18 when she started and is like...45-46 now)

You happen to have any interesting stories or bits of behind the scenes lore? The old forums for Reiko and Creamy Beamy are all lost and unarchived and not that many people who were around back then remain.

I know Creamy Beamy was originally going to get a sequel series, what happened with that? How was the Hete-Rodan arc supposed to end?
Just realized of me knowing of another lesbian FA. Just that in a lot of these circles, it feels like the people in these circles are dudes gushing on and on about hot women. For the lesbianism in Stephanie's work, it didn't feel any different than when male artists draw women getting it on with other women. Plus as said repeatedly, it's hard to know who's a guy and who's a girl on the internet. For all anyone knows, I could be a woman.

There's an acronym called G.I.R.L. (Guy in real life) the assumption that someone claiming to be a girl on the internet is clearly a morbidly obese neckbeard. We often expect the artists to be dudes, cause we expect most people drawing art of sexy women to be dudes. With the women loving women stuff in Stephanie's art, it's hard to know if it was done by a lesbian/bisexual creator or yet another dude fetishizing lesbian relationships.

Plus her being lesbian brings to mind something that came to my mind in these circles, how often these circles are straight guys gushing about women, or I sometimes see women into larger men or men into larger men. I never hear from women who are into larger women, or bisexual people who are into larger bodies. I just figure since these spaces are dudes talking about their kinks, it's hard to hear from FA lesbians/bisexuals about their interests.
ProfessorDoctorCee exists
You got anymore old shit
Of your mom no havent fucked her in a while
Muertitos as a whole was pretty spread out on WG. The only arc to go 100% was Spears of Heaven
still looks like shit. BWS, Belt, even fucking Kip and a bunch of others all blow this guy's stuff out of the water. If he would start out today, nobody here would give a shit about his art. But nostalgia is a hell of drug, i guess.
(58 KB, 520x468, chunlicammy.JPG)
Ah, the Reiko forum. I remember it was a subforum one of Steph's friends was hosting, and that it was called "Speaking of Reiko..." and had threads to discuss each new comic and whatnot, but I was only a lurker and didn't participate (considering my age at the time, this was for the best).

The only tidbit I can recall that I haven't seen come up - does the archived FSR collection include the single-issue reboot? I remember one of the last things Steph did with her old site was take a crack at rebooting Flying-Suit Reiko with improved art and a new story, and was actually shopping it around in hopes of getting published. There were no takers, which is probably why Steph started publishing on ComicGenesis instead (I seem to remember an older, jaded Reiko makes an extended cameo in Creamy Beamy)


Here's a whole bunch of old shit. This zip has fetish-focused short comics, standalone art, and a few written stories, mostly focused on stuff made in 2003 or earlier. It doesn't have Flying-Suit Reiko, Muertitos, or any of the other long-running comics that are more about story with fetish content being secondary. Steph also did stuffing and pregnancy art and some of that's mixed in here.

I do agree that the art is largely crude and poor by modern standards, but there are certain pictures I still enjoy. Honestly with most of this stuff being over two decades old I'm holding onto it more out of wanting to preserve ancient Web 1.0 artifacts than anything else. You never forget your first.
Figuring out how to access the files from Google drive
No I don’t think we have that Reiko story. My only source on that is a single blog that says it never happened.

Also we’re missing two random pages from the rest of it
Holy shit you’ve found a ton of lost stuff we’ve been looking for.

And wait, that Reiko reboot issue actually happened?

Predicted Cammy censorship
(223 KB, 765x1017, IMG_4608.jpeg)
Our only source for that up to this point was this blog entry on whoever bought FlyingSuitReiko.com.

So it was actually written and got a single story? And this was early 2004?(so while Muertitos Classic was still going on, but before Muertitos Genesis).

On the subject, only around 60% of Muertitos classic is accounted for. We have the whole Genesis comic(it’s still up on its site), but the prior paper drawn stuff is missing.
(15 KB, 281x303, StephMains.gif)
There should be a "download" link in the upper right.

Just checked Web Archive and yep, there it is, from an August 2004 crawl.


The first page loads, didn't check the rest. "A New Hope" absolutely existed and was absolutely published... online. I think "not published" is referring to the part I mentioned about Steph wanting to use A New Hope as a pilot to get, like, actually physically published. If some underground comics place had gone for it we could have gotten years more of Reiko. Ah well.

By the way, my source for the collection I uploaded is from an old Yahoo Group. When Steph rebooted the site around 2003 or so, all of the old fat art was taken down and only the main comics were kept. (This was a bad move on her part, by the way. Dammit Steph.) A Yahoo Group was made to archive the old works that got taken down, but Web Archive didn't catch everything and so some drawings were, as far as I know, permanently lost. When Yahoo Groups announced its' closure I went back to the old group and downloaded everything so it wouldn't be lost again.
Damn this is actually historic. By "back then" standards, she was exceptional but times have changed and her work was never as sexually charged as anyone who came after her.
There’s always room for that.

There’s this pseudo-organization on /co/ board called The Order of the White Rabbit that policies fat threads to keep them subtle and stealthy and avoid a repeat of 2020 where a bunch of loud morons caused a ban. They adopted Cheesecake and Steph’s work as a mascot because she fit that ‘subtle’ vibe they were going for. She had class.

And recently /co/‘s relaxed their fat ban so I guess they won
Willix and Mistystuffer have both been around since 1999-2000ish, I think they’d be the next two oldest. And even then, if you find the oldest stuff of theirs there was a degree of subtly to it.

The difference is they and a lot of other older artists gradually abandoned that as more openly fat spaces opened. Like compare the stuff someone like BMage did in the mid 2000s compared to the stuff they did in the mid 2010s.

Stephanie basically stuck to the subtler style. Her modern stuff is basically at the same level as something like GPCB at worst and is more like Muertitos on an average day. And I honestly think there’s a place for that. I like humor.
Is this the lass who did the food critic one? With the two crazy villainous restaurant owners and the plane seat jokes? If so that's a shame to hear, didn't keep up with their work admittedly but that comic was the first good piece of WG content I ever saw.
So what's the deal with Dystopia?

Sites like TV Tropes listed them alongside Flying Suit Reiko and Muertitos as a work, one or two anons reportedly said it was even earlier then FSR. Clearly it wasn't, but what's the deal? Was it intended to be a full scale series like Muertitos and FSR and just never happened?
Killing the randlin show.
(69 KB, 518x735, suddenguts.gif)
That'd be the one! That critic comic is one of my favorite "later" works of hers. Which is kind of like saying the GBA Pokemon games are "later gen" games, but I digress.

Dystopia was the third and final "main" comic series on flyingsuitreiko.com, but it was definitely the least developed. FSR got over 20 issues and Muertitos got the ComicGenesis continuation, but I think those three chapters listed on the archive page in my last post were all it ever got. I don't really remember anything about it, I think I remember being annoyed because I wanted more FSR and Muertitos instead. I enjoyed their settings a lot.

Agreed! I actually enjoyed a lot of the gags Steph did and I think the humor is a big reason I enjoyed her work so much. Pic related has lived rent free in my head for a long time.
Ok, going back to the absolute oldest things on the Wayback(September and October 2001), two questions.

1. When did those two FSR Oneshots come out relative to everything else? There's a thing on the news bulletin that says one of them was alongside Muertitos launching(so inbetween 17 and 18), and they were both archived by October so no later than after 18. But I don't know when the other one was posted or even which one came alongside Muertitos.

2. The later revisions of the site(After Keenspace Muertitos started) mention that FSR had some older fully pencil drawn stuff that predated Mylar Attacks(so late 90s). What's the deal with that?

3. It also mentions an even older comic series than FSR, Swamp Opposum, which would also be late 90s. Any word on that?

(Ok that's 3, but the latter two were in the same place)
Ok, Dystopia is all there, I've made a copy.

I also found that the internet archive version of one of the short stories was missing a page, but it's on the wayback.

There's still two pages of FSR's original run missing, (Page 1 of Issue 10 and Page 18 of Issue 5). Don't know the number for Muertitos off hand.

The goal is to find everything from the big series(a lot easier to be completionist when it's numbered and you know what's missing, and with Dystopia found that's one less thing on the list) and salvage as many smaller things as possible. Not really possible to do 100% there, but I think we've got 99% of the post 2004 stuff so it's mostly early stuff we look for
(172 KB, 1171x848, FF1.gif)
I don't have any exact dates for you. That's not particularly important anyway though, right? As long as you've got the content, that's the really crucial part.

I've heard of Swamp Opossum but it's before my time. All I ever heard about it was Steph mentioning it in passing when talking about her comic series somewhere, and IIRC she sounded embarrassed by its' quality (no surprise considering she probably drew it when she was like 15 years old or something). Steph's author avatar in early stuff (before the creation of the Cherrywell character in Creamy Beamy) was a cartoon possum and that was probably a reference to Swamp Opossum. I seem to remember a gag in either FSR or Muertitos where one of the girls did something kinky and then it cut to the opossum staring at what had just happened and then taking an ice bath.

Here's one nostalgic tidbit I do have: I remember FSR.com used to be part of a "expansion kink webring" of sorts. Steph was the master of fats, Galvatron/G-Tron had a site centered around pregnancy kink, and then there was a third site for stuffing that I think was run by someone named FrostByte? I seem to recall Axel-Rosered was also a major presence at that site and may have co-run it. Steph contributed art to both the preg and stuffing sites and some of that art is in the zip I posted. They were all friends, I think. I believe it was G-Tron who hosted the Speaking Of Reiko forum, too.

One other thing: That Yahoo Group had content uploaded to it that I never saw at any of the three aforementioned sites. Pic related is one example. This stuff looks old even compared to the likes of The Porkydex, and I have a suspicion that if Swamp Opossum and the 90s-era Flying-Suit Reiko were ever put online, it was on an older site that also hosted this secret fatty art. That's just pure speculation, though. I didn't discover FSR until the early 2000s, so any 90s stuff that had been taken down since then would have gone unnoticed by me.
He is in. In my eyes. Look at all that outside content. He is in.whats your problem. Oh 10am conference calls why you stop? Lol
And the web grows ever deeper
(99 KB, 687x1039, icecream.jpg) (127 KB, 664x941, WHTbundam.jpg)
>I don't have any exact dates for you. That's not particularly important anyway though, right? As long as you've got the content, that's the really crucial part.

Not really, just curious I guess. One of these was September 16 2001, other one not sure, but pre-October.
I Have No Mouth and I Must Ice Cream.
Not only is it listed later on the website, but it looks way better artstyle wise. That's the September 16 one.

Other one is clearly quite a bit earlier
And the other one is a follow up to Issue 13 story wise so probably right after that.

I mean, it could have come slightly later I guess, might have gotten questions about it, but Issue 15 has a notable improvement in scan quality so it's either 13.5 or 14.5 and at that point it doesn't really matter
After doing a second scanline check it's almost certainely 13.5

Also Mariko is drawn plump is more shots than normal in 14 which fits that.

Mystery solved.
Did some digging.

Dystopia was archived in it's entirety, it's safe.

Flying Suit Reiko, alongside the two pages that have been missing for a couple years(5-18 and 10-1) is also missing the entire Revival Issue except for the first page.

The Wayback suggests that the pages themselves got archived, but not the images.

Funnily enough, there's a flurry of activity on the site archiving the images for the revival from April 23rd 2011 to the Summer...that's funny because at some point between February 3rd 2011 and April 23rd 2011 the site went down and was sold off. So clearly at the last minute when it was too late some people realized they had done fucked up and tried in haste to fix and grab some stuff.

Finally, Muertitos was seemingly uploaded twice, once with the old file format that FSR was using(NumberNumber, Word Number) and once with a system that actually makes sense (NumberNumber, Dash, NumberNumber).

For the first two arcs they're identical, a page was missing on the latter and I got it from the former, identical quality.

But for Arc 3 onward seemingly the newer image files have a cleaned up higher quality version of the comic(digitally enhanced). The older numbering system meanwhile still has old paper looking stuff. And it's just Arc 3 on, seemingly Arc 1 and 2 couldn't be cleaned up for whatever reason? Very strange, probably context I'm missing.

Still combing through both to figure out what's what with Muertitos, but Dystopia is found fully, FSR has more to find.
(96 KB, 630x940, M4sixteen.gif) (74 KB, 617x924, M4thirteen.gif) (99 KB, 702x1051, M5four.gif) (102 KB, 715x1058, M5nineteen.gif)
Ok, update on that.
While Issue 3 is mostly there in both the older file system and the newer file system, Issue 4, 5, and 6 are just...gutted, on the old one. In fact 4 seemingly got it's files mixed up with some SOPA protest files.

These are all from the old file system, but while 3 of them look like the cleaned up modern ones, one of the Issue 4 ones looks like the first 2 issues or the old version of 3. And i can't trust the dates on that one because of the SOPA corruption so...I don't know what's going on here
Ok they match. 4's is just overall a bit less noticable(probably because it's first and 3's was seemingly done post).

So from what I can tell Issue 1-3 were done fully on paper, Issue 4-6 were done on paper, but got significant touchup jobs, and Issue 3 later got remastered to match the later stuff, but not 1 and 2.... I'll have to keep digging.

In terms of the enhanced final version, we're missing 3-18, 5-5, 5-20, and 6-15.

In terms of the original we're missing 3-2, 3-3, 3-10, 3-12, and 3-20. (So we aren't technically fully missing anything from 3, but 3-18's enhanced version is missing and those five's original untouched version is missing)
Yep. In fact, those short comics from her early colour era, the dueling chefs one and the disability welfare moocher one specifically, probably feature the fattest BBWs she's ever drawn (publicly at least).
I found all of Dystopia. Also got all, but 4 pages of Muertitos
I’ve been on and off considering/attempting to colorize some pages from Creamy Beamy, but it’s got many problems.

First off, Stephanie uses the same black for coloring as for outlines. So even with a decent program it’s a nightmare.

Secondly, since the origjnal image is tiny and fuzzy on the edges, the best call is to AI Upscale them, rewrite the text bubbles to be nice and high quality using the same font and size, and clean up any minor errors. But upscaling the outlines makes them more inconsistent and not doing it makes them too small to work with. Main issue here

Secondly, while I know Steph well, I don’t know the manga she’s drawing from well. So stuff like silhouette and shadow scenes being translated from black and white. I’m sure you could, just compare an origjnal B&W manga of Ranma or Sailor Moon or Dragon Ball to the anime or a colored released. But that’s outside my knowledge set.

Thirdly, it would be flat coloring. I’m not an artist, I don’t know how shading works. Now, would that be accurate to Steph’s style of the day? For 2005 maybe, most of her super early colored works like the Porky Dex were flat, even as late as 2005 some were thought shading was starting to show up. But GPCB continued into 2010 and Intragalactic had been going since 2008 so in an ideal world it would have a similar shading style to that.

It would probably be smarter to start with something like Classic Muertitos. Fewer pages, plenty of color art reference, lack of shading fits.

Disability moocher one? Does anyone have a link to that story?
(229 KB, 1584x322, Logo Color Take 1.png)
I tried my best.

Colors on the top are based on the GPCB Button coloring and the old Supercake logo(both the same pink and black). Bottom is based on Supercake Studio's newer logo.
So considering this artist is likely gonna nuke everything before long because “oh noooo a professional artist might have porn in their backlog”, any idea where it’s gonna be archived?
From what I know most of the late 2004 onward stuff(which pretty much all exists at this moment, though that won’t be the case for long) is being archived right now. Hopefully. Don’t screw this up lads.

The stuff 2004 and earlier is mostly lost already and so archives of it are a lot more detatched, we still occasionally find new stuff.

Word of advice, check for commissioned art on other accounts, reverse search names and profile pics. I’ve already found 3 Tsugumi pics Steph was commissioned to do on DA. (Her raiding a fridge, Panty shot, and fart art).
Some of that stuff could survive, but if the accounts are still active Steph is probably gonna ask them to axe it.

If this was any other artist I’d give them shit for it(Ultrahands tried this shit once before), but I trust Steph. She’s tried to go Pro in more limited ways before. First trying to pitch a Flying Suit Reiko revival to SLG in 2004(No dice), then pitching two SFW but mildly horny young adult graphic novels in 2011(which did work, and those are the biggest lost items post-2004 all copies sold out), then she briefly did some art for a professional webcomic by a guy who’s in the industry before he bounced, she was involved in the Muffintop paid collab series. Now she’s fully commiting and the industry’s touchy.

That and she’s just getting old. Even without this she’d be on the way out. The horny gives out once you’re at the menopause age. This isn’t the horny 17 year old penciling some early Flying Suit Reiko, this isn’t even the horny 25 year old doing Gorgeus Princess Creamy Besmy. Steph’s like 45 now. This was gonna happen
I heard word was she was gonna do some illustrated kids books.

Which will be fucking hilarious to see if true. You know someday some unrelated 4chan or Reddit thread complaining about book prices or ‘kids books these days’, maybe some Mommy tuber reviewing them, someone somewhere will post something with that distinct art style and ‘By Stephanie Cherrywell’ on the cover.

And one of us, just maybe one of us, will be in that comment section, looking at it. And we’ll know. That’s our girl. She finally made it.
I can’t tell if you Steph heads are creepy fanatics or legitimately just respect her.

Respecting a fetish artist is an odd concept for me.
It's more that she did stuff beyond fetish material. She did write stories and books for a younger audience where she put her interest in plump women on hold. I was wondering if there are FAs in Hollywood, it's just they need to put their desires for plump women on hold when pitching stuff to studios or when working with other people.

Like if I pitch a show/movie, I may need to not have all the plots be about fat women stuffing themselves or have plots of fat women seeing themselves as beautiful/sexy. I need to have jokes not related to their weight and people who aren't all FAs.

This is why there's respect towards Stephanie, her doing projects that aren't just fetish stuff. I want to do this, I will have plump women being sexy, but try to restrain it and save it as a here and there thing versus something I insert everywhere and to have legit plots and humor. This is what Stephanie aims to do.
You do know we can see poster IDs right?
What has Willix done recently anyway?
What's the timeline on all those short comics?
Flying Suit Reiko was how I figured out I had a weight gain kink, her work has been very important in my life.
She’s been the source of discovery for multiple generations of people. Teenagers who found her recent works weren’t even born when 20 somethings found Lost City in the late 90s.

I’m fairly certain the main reason she isn’t in the same league as guys like Bobo/Westmetal or AxelRoseRed in terms of recognition is simply because she never had a huge presence in Deviantart or Twitter. It was mostly indie sites until 2011 and Patreon from 2014
The amount of people on her DA who thought she had vanished completely for years when she posted something in 2021 suggests this is the case
No one from nyc all small time in town old flings
anyone go that food critic comic where a fat french chef and a southern chef feed her till shes huge?
Bunch of old contents + Updated with a folder of old stories from fanfiction (both fetish and non-fetish) and curvage.
When I try to download the fanfiction folder, It says there is a virus. I am using McAfee. Is anyone else having this problem?
What do i put this link in?
There are so many funny variants of answer i just can't choose one and therefore will let you think of your own.

Nice work, man. Looks like you got just about everything.
I know its a dumb ask buy dont frequent this site, please help a guy out
you need to copy and paste it into a decoder to get the link
Tysm :)
This month will be the last new stuff.

Deviantart will go down later this month.

Patreon has a couple of months of being free before it's gone.

The Comics Genesis stuff is safe as long as the website holds as unironically Steph lost the password.

Also she answered a creamy beamy related question in the comment section, that hasn't happened in like, a decade. So if you wanna ask about headcanon voices or what the plans for the canned sequel series were now is the time
The White Rabbit is eternal.

Literally too horny to be deleted
She's gotten a book deal before with SLG in 2011.

She'll be fine. Last I heard she was working at a Library in Wisconsin or something, stable work even if it doesn't work out.

And knowing her, it will work out. She knows her shit
(31 KB, 692x225, safd.png)
I just want to point out she's greenlight remaking her old stuff off the books.

The dream of a Comic Dub (or at least like, an upscaled, colored, text re-done version of the comics) being made by us fans is open to the future, she's not going to stop us she's washing her hands of this whole affair.

Imagine a Creamy Beamy comic dub on the quality level of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8YqzYHixyc&list=PLEGlnmDFmOFu4YT2YYstDz9DJUufdCthF

or even just on the level of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHFCadKW98Y&list=PLGw8-xXHlgvDBlOn9Dx-CIAw08fMK_MNd to be more realistic.

Or just imagine it colored like IntraGalactic.

All 4 buttons on the Creamy Beamy Genesis site are there.

They’ve been broken for years since the source images for 3 of them went down.

They were broken a week ago.

Someone fixed them
I once heard an anon say that everyone gets into the hobby through WG episodes, but Steph is one of the few who’s genuinely trying to emulate that style of Story with WG instead of just going full fat porn.

Speaking of which someone is storytiming Reiko on /co/

I thought for Steph to also want to write actual stories, with plot, characters, humor, change, etc. Not just women gain weight and live being fat.

This makes me wonder if there are FAs in Hollywood but it's hard to just ask major studios to have fat women in Shows/Movies or to do WG plots. They may not be interested in it, plus that's not really a good idea for a TV Show/movie as not only won't it appeal to a mainstream audience, it's not a story with plot and characters. I guess we should work to have more fat women portrayed as beautiful/sexy in stuff but also have stories and development.
The two things I want people to ask Steph the most during this brief window where she’s talking about her older works is…

1. What the plans were for canceled works, especially the ones canceled mid production(The Creamy Beamy sequel story, the epilogue of Creamy Beamy proper after Heterodan’s death, plans for FSR-2 if SLG had picked it up, Dystopia Issue 4 if moving and burnout hadn’t ended it, Beginjamin’s planned second half)

2. Headcanon voices for major characters. Every author has them. Especially curious for GPCB.
Any leads on that missing Flying Suit Reiko issue?
I'm trying to find the font used for the bulk of the character text. (Using the "It's Him!!" line from when X appears as it's the largest sample as a base).

Gill Sans MT (original base font, with the bold overlay and italic for the him!! part) is an extremely close match, the 'him!!' part matches perfectly. But the bottom of the lowercase t is off, the S is ridged slightly wrong, and the apostrophe is completely different.
Gill Sans Pro Heavy and Nova Heavy are marginally even closer, the S and t matchup.

But the damn Apostrophe does not
Colosseum is also a very close fit, S might be slightly off, but the aprostrophe isn't quite right
Chantilly Bold's apostrophe is the closest, but again, it's not an exact match.

Part of the issue is half the sample is italic and half isn't, so I can't search both at once
Actually accounting for artifacting Chantilly's apostrophe probably fits. The issue is the t, it's missing the triangle on the left side that almost makes it look like a 4
One of the font sites spat out a sample that looked neigh identical...but the font name it gave didn't line up.

Humanst521, based on Gill Sans(which was very promising as that one is close), but when I actually found that font it didn't match what the website spit out(which was what was close to my source)
(1 KB, 114x73, Humanist.png)
This was spat out by a font finding site. It's a borderline perfect match...but it doesn't match the name attached
I think it’s one of the Chantilly fonts?

I say think because the bold and italic stuff isn’t stored together plus there’s light regular medium heavy and extra heavy plus extra bold.

None of the downloads have them all together linked properly so I can’t text it properly
If the font is found that’s the first chunk of the lofty goal solved. AI upscalers are generally good with black and white images and simple humans. Manually fix any errors, redo the text, ya good.

Issues with coloring it would be several, but the first that comes to mind is that the outlines In characters with black could cause issues. Also in cases where they’re in silhouette and draw solid black, how do you translate that into color? How do Manga of the day handle it?

Also only the main characters have color and only in their main outfit
Several fonts like Astoria Sans Extra Bold and Chantilly Heavy Bold come close, but not a perfect match
frick there's two apostrophe signs.

’ and ', my keyboard has the wrong one.
Oh, oh this is rich.

The double exclamation point? That's a unicode symbol too. Steph used that too.

What kind of crazy fucking keyboard was she using?

Regardless, Gill Sans MT, even when bolded, is ever so slightly too thin. I'm closing in
(2 KB, 336x47, Finals.png)
Last thing I got.

The one on the left is straight from the comic.

The one on the right is Gill Sans MT, Size 26, all bolded, second half italicized. Written in MS Paint to mimic that crunchy feel.

It's a 95% match, only issue is the thickness. I'm guessing there's a minor variant font or an extra bold MT I'm missing
Last update in the font hunt.
Gill Sans MT Display is its own thing.

The extra bold version and regular bold version. One of them fit the first half, It’s, perfectly. Pixel perfect. But the italic slant was wrong it was too steep or something. And the other one was too thin. And one of them had wrong looking exclamation marks or something.

Problem is I’ve done so much I’ve clogged up my fonts folder.
I’m done for tonight
Yo you homies won't even pay for a $2 patreon half the time, wtf ya'll doing getting all sad and trying to revive an artist's past work?
I give up.

Half the time the computer refuses to type the font. Then it does, but it won’t bold. Sometimes mid sentence it’ll switch fonts. Sometimes trying to bold or italic it resets the font or hot swaps it.

For all I know I’ve tested the correct font and just missed it thanks to one of these bugs. It’s pointlsss
(1 KB, 165x49, COMAPREPROHEAVY.png)
GillSansMTPro-Heavy (Size 24, Bold, then Bold Italic for that specific part)
Ladies and gentlemen. We got em. Pixel perfect match down to the artifacting lining up pixel by pixel.
The general text font size was originally a crunchy size 8(hence I used that one specific snippet, it’s huge at size 24). But upscaled 4 fold the text should logically be re-written at 4x the size.

Which is exactly what it is. 32.

A pixel perfect clean up of creamy beamy is indeed possible now. We have AI to do the initial clean up. We have our studied eyes to correct mistakes and clean up problem areas. We have the fonts we need to redo the text.
Coloring is still going to be an issue. We don’t know the palettes of anyone introduced in the third story arc or that one Grizzled Agent/Fem Fatale/Time Traveling Hobo. (Although ironically he’s the only one I have a clear voice in mind for. Uncle Max, then Elise, then Doormonster Hobo)

Plus there’s the fact that careful consideration of shading must be taken when converting to color, especially following manga practice of the mid 2000s.

Plus that would make any attempt of an animated dub harder, which I know several of you view as the end game.

I will say that we’ve got less than a month to ask Stephanie good questions about any of her characters. Color palettes for alt outfits. Headcanon voices(literally the only confirmed one is Scratci from IntraGalactic. It’s that Russian chicks voice from Rocky and Bullwinkle put through a chipmunk filter), and what the plan were for cancelled material(the 4 big ones being the GPCB sequel series, the climax and epilogue of Creamy Beamy 1, what Dystopia Issue 4 was shaping up to be before it was canned, and the Beginjimin arc of Intragalactic that ended halfway through.

Ask whatever. This is the last chance to hear answers from a community veteran of 29 years
(17 KB, 452x363, 131329770562.png)
>Ask whatever. This is the last chance to hear answers from a community veteran of 29 years

Why do you keep replying to your own posts?
To mark it’s a continuation.

That was the plural you not the singular you.

I’ve already asked my question
Party is the header font.

Also, while Gill Sans Pro Heavy is A text font. It's not THE font. Several characters change fonts mid paragraph, notably the exclamation points don't line up. Whatever the other one is it's not any Gill Sans font, none of them have the boxy exclamation point and thin I's, but it's otherwise near identical
(5 KB, 86x101, dasskunt.png)
I've got a pixel perfect solution for outlines. Outside of the issue of shading, I've got everything I need.

Still trying to figure out if there's one or two fonts in standard text, it throws me off a couple letters. That and apparently you can tweak spacing so I'm interested in testing that
Someone grab the stuff from Art of this Complete Breakfest tumblr that'll go next
This faggot thought his artwork was good enough for a patreon? He wasn't good enough to pass muster in 2002 with his maru-maru site.
I'm pretty sure that was Axel-RoseRed's half of the operation. There was a split in 2003
/co/ thread held out longer than most would have expected, never seen that before.

Any word on the Deliverance?
IntraGalactic storytime on /co/ was fun
I have the patreon but I don't want to upload it till it's well and truly gone, and I have both books but I don't want to ruin them scanning them, sorry.
At this point we're just combining different peoples stockpiles and private archives to form a master.

With individual artwork it's basically impossible to know what's missing so it's just a 'cast a wide net strategy', with more organized stuff we know what's missing.

The biggest targets in the latter category are the missing Flying Suit Reiko and Muertitos pages
I'm probably going to let this thread die seeing as the title is outdated(She HAS retired since, DA is gone, Patreon got it's last piece of new material) and this thread is kind of directionless(It is just another art thread for her works, is it a discussion thread, is it a lost media thread?).

But I will ask one last time if ShivasThong ever ended up showing up with those Flying Suit Reiko pages they had...anywhere. Some people tried to contact them, but couldn't post links.
>Says that they'll let the thread die, but bumps it from saying so
Retard. Learn how to sage post.

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