
(57 KB, 1000x720, stuckage.png)
Title says all. Share pics of fat girls stuck in tight spots
Yer-Keij-Fer-Cash on Deviant-Art.
Is that KipTeiTei's art? The belly (button) and background chibi are dead giveaways
Ye it's an old patreon thing
sauce for first one?

These are actually so good btw. The best ones are comics where like it leads up to stuckage. Kipteitei did this IIRC
Couldn't find it on his DA gallery
Recognize the artist I think what's the name?
They have a deviantart or something else?
Reverse image search isn't showing anything for the first one. You know the artist?
Who's the artist? I love this
Blessed thank you anon
Is there a reason the 12 days by BWS can't be found by google search? Maybe I'm not entering the right title
If BWS you mean kip, I think its because all of those pages are mature content so they don't get filteted
Better With Salt not kip lol
that isn't kipteitei's work at all, that's obvious BWS
Who the artist?
Is there anything of Squeezy Mcsquashins?
(136 KB, 721x856, kip1.png) (184 KB, 360x640, kip2.png)
Kip Stuckage
(174 KB, 1379x1768, bws.jpg)
You can you tell me the artist of the first and second picture? Thanks!
Both on Deviantart
Trinity-fate patreon Dec 2019
Source on the last pic (BWK)?
BreadWithKetchup on DA
"Stuck in the door again"
(185 KB, 1024x768, chiharu.png)
Surprised by the lack of leonidas3090 so i figured why not through that into the mix
Whos the name of the artist? Link isnt working on my end
who the artist for that??? looks familiar
that kipteitei?
(395 KB, 2160x1620, chimney.png) (505 KB, 2160x1620, bfoj.png) (607 KB, 2160x1620, santa.png) (621 KB, 2160x1620, boom.png)
New artist on deviantart named Gyung54cs has a bunch of new stuck related pics
(43 KB, 1090x677, greedy_feedie_by_donutshake_dedb2a5.jpg) (136 KB, 1620x1080, oh_help_and_bother_by_donutshake_ddzy05l.jpg) (76 KB, 1620x1080, happy_with_honey_by_donutshake_de019bv.jpg) (181 KB, 1620x1080, making_the_best_of_it_by_donutshake_ddft6j9.jpg)
Surprised no one has brought up DonutShake on DA. The artstyle is kinda simple but as someone who got into gaining from watching Winnie the Pooh as a kid, this scratches a very particular itch.
What’s the sauce for the fourth one
"Wall Of Tummies by cakecatboy" on deviantart
i mean youre not wrong but how many good artists out there dedicated to solely stuckage?
beggars cant be choosers
i'll take what I can get
good fucking god please tell me the sauce on this one

Chet Rippo but on Patreon
It looks more like JayKuma to me
and the characers' names are in the file name
they're from "Nekopara"
(443 KB, 905x1187, shimaaa.png)
I'm not sure if this counts
does to me imo also sauce?

Kappa, I got it from yiff.party before it shut down. Worth it!
shiiiittt good on ya though
where can I find more Kappa? DA, Twitter?

You can try twitter: Kapptastic
Man, back when Trinity drew humans and not 100% furry shit.
I still those days
(668 KB, 2617x1661, story.png)
new gyung54cs post and it came with a story too
Any other stuckage from this artist? really like the art style.
k, but she's skinny
(10.2 MB, 3000x4000, stuck samus.png)
samus stuckage is best stuckage
(582 KB, 1920x2921, war1.png) (587 KB, 1920x2917, war2.png) (631 KB, 1920x2917, war3.png)
was too impatient to wait for a 4th part but this is what i need
who did this? wut?
Well I think it goes without saying that Winnie the Pooh inspired many people's fetish for fatties getting stuck in tight spaces
Shit its over. Need a sequel now!
You know what this thread could use more of? Stuck fat women being made even fatter by something self inflicted, or by someone force feeding them.
>>48240 this is a hot scenario...a stuck fat woman foolishly making herself even fatter through her own gluttony...getting stuck tighter and tighter to the point where rescuing her becomes basically impossible
I'm all for this

Oi mate, could you share the sauce on this?
It's too good!
Artist is DangoBango
"Stair Stuck". Pretty recent.
(765 KB, 1954x1702, reisen_udongein_inaba.jpg)

A stuck fat girl being forced fed is a really hot scenario.

So here's Reisen being force fed by Tewi.

*Mmph* “Stop it Tewi! You’re not helping!”
“Of course I am. If you get big enough, the fence should break away!”~
“...or I could just slim down...”
“Hah! Don’t be silly! Now say ‘aaaaaaaaaah’!”~


Too bad there art of this kind of scenario is rather rare.
We need more of this
(125 KB, 1224x1632, bump.png)
Who' s that OC?
Uhhh... maybe try adding women who have fat overflowing out of chairs they're sitting in? If only saying "bump" is no good, then contribute an idea for the thread.
Tbh with most stuckage its always gonna be massive girls anyways so I'm always surprised to see small ones
It's kinda lame seeing chubby stuckage. The whole point of it is to see soft fat getting squished from a girl not being able to make it through something, so more fat is definitely better for stuckage. Chubs are weak sauce.
Can't Read the water mark who's the artist?
Need more 3D stuckage
Any purely stuck artists? Or just artists with that as their main thing?
(108 KB, 1280x1176, momo.png)
bathtub stuck is good
(210 KB, 1280x1657, bun.png) (97 KB, 1024x987, rc.png)
here's more stuff
Is that mori calliope
Name is in the filename dude...

Akane Kotonoha
Who's the artist?
What-You-Deserve on deviant art
(755 KB, 943x739, car squeeze.png)
Found this pic from an old discord server but idk the artist? Anyone got a source? Also this a reference because I need to see this kind of stuckage more plz.
What an insult. This thread is for stuck FAT girls, and this girl isn't even chubby, let alone fat. Even if I did know who did this, I wouldn't tell you.
I needed this in my life. Do share if you find more please
Based Touhou Stuckage
(270 KB, 1600x1995, twitter_weight_gain_sequence_part_7_by_pocharimochi_ddp5u1m-fullview.jpg)
Imagine force feeding a woman like this. Making her fat spill out from the sides of the doorway even more, becoming your eternal plaything while all she wants is your affection and more food. She knows there's no going back, so she's going to bask in how hopelessly massive she's become.

This is what this thread needs more of; not weak sauce chubs who have so little fat where nothing is spilling or getting squished, or that garbage where only one part of the body is big. This thread might as well die if either of those keep getting posted.
I've never seen this art style before. Who's the artist?
beltpop on twitter
Doorway stuckage is S tier stuckage. Don't debate me.
(1.7 MB, 3000x1620, bump.png)
Not fat enough to be S Tier.
Stuck Xenoblade is best Xenoblade
Is this one of BWS OCs? I know they have lots but I see this one sometimes
All butt and nothing else, talk about disappointing. Some of these women could use bigger bellies, kinda like the one >>63751 has.

At least it's still hot
Neat, who's the artist?
>>20326 (OP)
Had dream like this but somewhat different.
First she was going down head first but her Butt got stuck at the end up the slide, causing some water to flow up her ass. Then the sliders came down, each one going up her ass into her stomach. Slowly inflating her like ballon before the pressure pops her put the tube
LIke a cannon ball
other stuff?
Call me an snowflake tranny nigger faggot but that image can't be here, the loli stuff goes to bbwalt
Lolis aren't banned to alt, only generals.
>>98454, >>91399, and >>104313 are the only good pieces of art this thread has gotten this year. Could use less art that focuses on only hips and butts.
I felt like I've seen this somewhere and it's really bugging me

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