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Anyone has the latest page?
Where's the page??
Just keep doing good it will return. God is always listening.
>>203154 holier than thou hypocrite
Your parents only taught you how to be petty. Grew up poor non union family. Only the father is in a real union
man, I really love christina, she's such a tsundere, and all the teasing she's received has been chef kiss
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So what's yalls favourite page from jomb or neb
Here's mine
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This is one of my favorite page from NEB
the pages where the girls get fat
why mess with page order by reposting
it makes harder to follow
Alll u sisters hate your kids. FUCKING SAD
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NEB 109
New page!
Liz is winning. Caitlyn got way too cocky and underestimated Liz’s resolve
I think Liz is trying to break her into becoming a fatty but without her phrase
I don't think Caitlyn is going to gain. she'll probably remain skinny throughout the comic. But if anything she's going to break and realize she cannot beat Liz and that Liz is more a feeder then she is.
You might be right but her frustration of not being a good feeder might lead to her weight gain
All she need is 50 pounds of boost. Sheeeeesh.
On the patreon I assume
thank you anon

they really turning christina into a literal pig. at this rate she's gonna surpass Alex assuming she hasn't already
Is this page 112?
Someone finally called out on Patreon that NEB is literally going nowhere and that SDC is just rehashing stuff. She ended up responding and actually agreed with it to an extent, but said it’s because she’s been trying new styles out and experimenting.
Is there a new page?
I enjoy that their irises often resemble hearts.
It evokes a *succubus's gaze.
(*Deliberate spelling. Using only only an apostrophe after an "s" is bullshit!)
Evoke is out of your league. Nice breeze
the first page is making this look creepy.

It looks like she's being treated like a baby.
Someone update kemono party please
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We've had this fucking discussion already. Are you ever going to do anything besides demand others do all the paying and updating and repeat what they update like a parrot? Just because it's a new thread and you have a new ID, that doesn't mean your brand of annoying is unrecognizable. Stop begging, you fucking slacker.
Go fuck yourself already, clown
What if there is a twist that the entire thing is actually a plot to make Christina super fat in revenge for her initial attempt to infiltrate and sabotage Liz. Like this whole thing with Liz getting fatter and the blue and green-haired girls, is actually just all about fattening Christina?
Liz reveals that she’s just been wearing a fat suit this whole time
We haven't seen Alex and Gina in over half a year.
I agree its about time they make an appearance again there definitely blobs by now who need scooters to get around the house
I think it would be hotter if Christina unironically surpassed them, I mean she seems to be the same size as Alex the last time we saw her.
Stop with this blob shit already, SDC has only drawn them like two or three times. It's hot to see enormous girls once in a while, and I think this current size is just her sweet spot
if someone could upload the 2 newer cheerleader pages i'd appreciate it
nevermind it was already uploaded on ehentai
Feels like we’re getting near the end, thank god. Story just went nowhere.
Eh. Always did feel like a slice if life anyway
It's clearly supposed to just be a cute slice of life ish comic thats not that deep, I mean I dont think its THAT amazing but bruh.
SoL can have a good story and good characters. This one just doesn’t have either of those.
seems like the rehashing stuff is finally over
Like a `Whats in the suitcase' type thing.
Hope to see Liz and Alex interact some more again. I just miss Alex and hoping Liz getting fatter will lead to more interactions again.
>>202424 (OP)
Out of context, looks like that natural cow of a fatass hasn’t ever heard of a diet.
well seems like the people who kept wanting to see alex got their wish

she looks immobile as well, despite SDC not being a fan of immobility on her characters
Why the fuck is there such a big fuss about Emily connection with Liz,I don't think they've ever even spoken with each other on screen.
Alex might be back and everything, but the characters still look like crap. SDC has really dropped the ball on this comic, it seems like she does the absolute bare minimum compared to individual drawings
considering SDC has 2 different comics going on, on top of how consistenty she uploads pages, i'm not too stingy about quality. it looks fine
You're the one who needs to chill, I just gave normal criticism instead
Quality over quantity is the saying for a good reason. 4 uploads, 3 of which being comic pages, every week, is too much. If they cut back on things and took their time more, things would probably look a lot better. Excusing lacking quality because there's a high quantity is wild.
If you don't like it because SDC doesn't have enough time to draw it in better quality, then do it yourself.
Seriously, stop your whining. She finally shows Alex, Hanna, Gina and you’re complaining because they look small and out of focus. Just be happy that the girls are back. Also the last scene of Liz looked fantastic.
Who the fuck even mentioned the girls being "small" and "out of focus"? I was talking about the sorta half-assed faces
Christina and Hana kind of have a Mary BoBerry thing going on

Gina has an Adeline thing going on

Hard to compare Alex as there aren't a lot of USSBBWs to compare her to as she is so massive, but she kind of looks like how the side of FatMissT looks when she sits on a bed

Not quite sure who Liz is modeled after yet. She isn't as far along in her gain... yet. Definitely getting there though.
>Christina and Hana kind of have a Mary BoBerry thing going on
Christina has much more belly than butt compared to Hana and BoBerry, what are you talking about?
Liz has the body of Lisa Lou
Alot of effort can go into drawing a single character and just one character could take over an hour so it makes sense on why the faces are sometimes half assed.
new page
now that its starting to get somewhat interesting
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So Emily got fat while she was away it looks like.
doubt it. having all the characters get big is uninteresting
I don’t think Emily will be bigger; instead she is speaking to someone that Liz knows.
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An interesting new development, but it makes sense if true.

>Emily is in love in Liz, but loved her when she was fat
>Liz loses all that weight and Emily is devastated
>Emily finds out about Christina and her powers and realizes she can make Liz fat again.
>Turns out Christina is unreliable, so Emily decides to hire a feeder in Caitlyn to do the job
I think you solved it. She fell in love with her when she was bigger at the company or maybe before. I salute you
You have to be next levels of downbad just to hire somebody to make somebody who might not even like you romantically,fat.
And all because Emily just couldn't bring herself to tell Liz how she really felt about her.
What makes this even funnier is the fact liz was gaining weight before she even hired anybody 🤣
Technically Christina was the one who pushed Liz into gaining weight, meaning her power had some kind of long lasting effect on her.
Love life's biggest mystery
Like liz doesent seem very picky couldent she just either get fat and join the harem or just confess her love to liz this seems very extra
This plan is fucking dumb but it's funny to see the story's plot unravel.

Getting out of breath and sweaty from standing leaning on a wall is good stuff
Pretty sure it's also because she said the phrase.
Yeah but only Liz can use the phrase. Pretty sure Liz is being just a fatass in general
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> Contribute nothing and be patient in silence.
> Actually contribute by paying and ride the courtesy to be an ass all you want.

Those are the options a non-ingrate would take. Instead, you take a third option of barking demands and expecting people to heed them. Patience never killed anyone and nobody is forgetting about this thread. If you have to beg, do it in the kemono updates thread. This is tiresome.
I see you have too much free time, now make a meme for me will ya?
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Ohhh brother...
Maybe I should just wait for a month until this comic actually gets somewhere already.
It's starting to run through the same problem the cheerleading coming was going through, useless filler less fatties.
So basically Liz’s powers are only useful on those who are in denial about what they want or who they are. And since Caitlyn is open about being a feeder it makes sense Liz can’t do anything to her,

Also it’s obvious they’re setting up for Emily to gain next.
I cant wait for NOT STOPPING THE BITES staring emily
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Is anyone able to post this new OC piece from the patreon?
Quit being a broke and buy it yourself.
my guy just wait until kemono is working
Consider un-slamming that desk since it's been working ever since he said that...
I don't think you get enough credit from the people who are on this thread for always uploading these pages on time shortly after they were posted, so thank you from me and the rest of this thread.
We need more people like them here.
kemono update?
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it'll either be alex or christina

or on the off chance the maid chick
I guarantee, it’s Christina demanding food. She will shock us all
Jesus Christ Caitlin looks like a goddamn CLAMP character with those legs
If this isn’t setting up for Caitlyn to be massively fat I’m gonna be disappointed
***to end up being massively fat

Like it just feels like Christina is gonna use her phrase on her
what god must i appease in order for this to be a normal sight on the beach
>it'll either be alex or christina
i was right lmao
It would have been interesting if it was Alex honestly want to see Alex and Christina in the same room to see who's bigger
Florida beaches are filled with land whales in the summer. They don't look like that though
You are a disgusting individual. Why link these nasty videos. Also get some help!
It's be funny if she becomes bigger than alex.
Mods. What the fuck is this?
Nah we started with Alex it'd be nice if she stayed the biggest
By end I want Liz to be the biggest and greediest, because she is the one that instigated weight gaining to fulfill her hidden desires. I hope Emily helps her obtain the ultimate body.
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who the fuck is making these reaction images
>kisses she
>blows air into she
>She fills up like a baloon
>gut rips open and she blows viscera all over the everywhere
>the other BBWs splash around in the bloody gush and its over
Excited for the next pages to say the lease
I don't wanna kink shame but keep your 'stranger' fantasys to yourself.
At least write decently, retard
Oh no. Another guy who has a dead fetist thing. I though we were done after what the F&H thread told to report them
There's nothing wrong with being into them burstie bitchess!! U all should try flopping around in the viscera slop of a ruptured whore! Then you'd see m point
Final page of food, cheerleaders and other pervy fantasies is on kemono
And there's a new page of NEB on patreon. Someone upload it?
Does anyone have Chiaki Nanami's drawings from Dangannronpa?
New page
getting cheerleader comic vibes. i think SDC is running out of ideas and just doing whatever to keep the comic going.

that or Caitlyn is just doing what Liz did to Alex and Gina earlier in the comic.

either way this is starting to drag imo
Comic is nearing its end according to SDC. My guess is this part is the fetishy part, and then we'll go back to the drama part with Liz and Emily.
Keep believing everyone, Liz will no doubt have untapped her true potential with Emily’s desires. Before the end, she will bypass Christina and possibly Alex. She will transform into her true glorious form.
Is it me, or is the blonde pig getting shorter with her weight gain?
She’s sinking into the ground like a rock
She was always pretty short. Profile has her at 5'2
Probably gonna be another month or two before we see Liz again.

Still a great page though.
Skinny Bitches be jealous!
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Shut the fuck up
Shut the fuck up
Shut the fuck up
Shut the fuck up

I hope you die in fire.
We care a lot about hana, loser.
You are probably the only one who cares that much about a side character who barely gets time in the comic
I want to see her get railed from behind with a strap-on by one girl while another girl feeds her.
Yep...okay then, get some help
Nobody cares what you say.

I like Hana because I know her butt is cute, she's the cutest character.
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I somewhat care, can someone help me locate my sister Android 18? Thank you in advance
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>thread devolves into cellposting
Never change lads
just wait for kemono to be updated tbh
Nah, they are different, one is a WG sequence and the other is just a drawing
New NEB page pls
So when did they fall in love and become an item? Didn't seem that long ago when Blue was worrying about having her feelings reciprocated. Just got that squared away quickly then.
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Sweetdreamcoffee said on discord that there's roughly 50-60 pages left of never enough bites, so expect 7-8 more months of it unless the posting schedule changes.
So by the end February I hope Liz loses complete control and becomes the queen whale among her fatties.
Which will never happen, but keep fapping I guess
holy fuck this feels like kip filler
Man I decided to wait a week for 3 pages to come out and that has really helped with the pacing of this comic. Just wait bro...
Im fine with it if the Blue haired girl gets fat for teasing Christina that much
>8 more months of filler
Sometimes I wonder how the author fails so horrendously at writing women considering... You know
Excellent writing love it, love to be surprised by the author
ill take this over kip anyday
I know you're SweetDreamCoffee, stop pretending
Can it really be considered filler if the plot was never real to begin with? The vast majority of sweetdreamcoffee stories devolve into cute girls doing cute things within the span of ten pages (or they fail to reach ten pages in the first place, lol). The only sweetdreamcoffee comics with legitimate narratives are the old femboy ones that I believe she has made private. The vibe I get is that she actively avoids committing to an overarching plot because it genuinely does not interest her; she'd rather use her comics to commit whatever isolated "sexy" ideas she has to paper. Seriously, look at the progression of the cheerleader comic - the shy weirdo magically hooks up with the pink girl despite outwardly being a fucking creep, the pink girl has a falling out with her cheerleading squad over her weight, weirdo and pink girl go a bunch of places together and fuck a bit, and then we return to the other cheerleaders and they're all fat as fuck now because they were secretly envious of pink??? Legitimately put yourself in the shoes of any of those characters for a second and consider if you would ever make any of their decisions LOL

This is not at all a shot at sweetdreamcoffee by the way, even if it reads like that. I respect anybody willing to grind out a shit ton of art for niche internet communities, and not only has she been very active over the last couple of years, but she's improved quite a bit, too - her proportions feel more consistent and her sense for shading/lighting is markedly better. I just don't feel like criticisms regarding filler are valid when her comics have always been like this and she isn't aiming for anything more. Criticizing somebody like Kip for filler makes sense, as they're clearly trying to put together something with conflicts and character development (whether you think they've succeeded or not). When you do the same for creators like sweetdreamcoffee or YummySinpie, it's like complaining about the accuracy of historical fiction.

Anyways I hate bumping without content (despite the thread already being near the top), if you trust that I am competent and want a sketch of her characters or something lmk and I can deliver lol
In that case...can you cook up a sketch of Hana? She's my favourite character out of them all lol
I wonder how big each girl might be including Christina. But coffee doesn’t give designated weights
You're not missing anything.
Why the fuck do you guys only care about the comic? You should try to talk about these individual drawings too
She's still stuck on the door in the new page bro oh and I don't have it
Theres just not much to say about it lol
Alright, everybody. Who wants to bet this random lady will become part of the plot at some point?
With 50 pages left i doubt it, i guess were gonna get stuffing sessions with each of the couples them time skip to the end
if they went back to the restaurant where liz found alex then SDC might be cooking...
Either the Brunnette is gonna get fat or the Blue haired.
This is like the fattie equivalent of orgasm denial
I have but I won't post it unless you post a video of you doing 10 burpees OR 30 push-ups.
Just upload the image stop being a dick
I'm worried about your health anon. You need to exercise more.
Dude seriously this is not how this community functions go fuck yourself
Yes, this is absolutely how this community functions. Go fuck yourself
Dude your like all pathetic trolls on the internet get off will little power. I'm sure I check your mother basement with a black be filthy. Your worthless pig
You've been trolled, you've been trolled
Yes, you've probably been told
Don't reply to this guy
He's just trying to get a rise
Out of you, yes, it's true
You respond and that's his cue
To start trouble on the double
While he strokes his manly stubble

You've been trolled, you've been trolled
You should probably just fold
When the only winning move is not to play
And yet you keep on trying, mindlessly replying
You've been trolled, you've been trolled, have a nice day
This feels like padding to be honest.
Expect a timeskip soon.
Don't lie, there was one not long ago. Doesn't make sense to have another one this soon.
Nothing is happening bruh
I have no fucking clue what the plot of any of these comics are supposed to be
The plot is girls getting fatter. Everything else is just window dressing.
^ Honestly not a glib comment.
New page anyone?
I really wish SDC would have stayed with Liz and Emily first before focusing on Caitlyn and Christina. Because this just feels like complete filler
I agree Christina is already a massive whale Liz needs to become biggest lady of the house and Emily wrapped around all her blubber
Liz needs to the biggest in this comic to have the perfect ending.
All right we had entire panel her stuffing. Its time to move onto Liz using Emily’s love to become the gluttonous and stuff like no tomorrow until Alex and Christina look small compared to her. As of right now Better With Salt is coming back to take back weight gain comic top spot
Saying "your" instead of "you're" already makes me hate this page.
This is not a mistake done accidentally, it's fucking annoying thing i'm seeing in internet much too often.
The fuck are you on about? It's an extremely common mistake that I have seen in professionally released books. Heck I remember seeing them in certain college text books. I agree that it is annoying to see but come on its not some grand conspiracy where a whole lot of people banded together to spell one word wrong.
My spell check has fucked it up before.
Aye, common words and word pairings that can be misspelt into other legit spellings are such a pain in the ass when typing.

From < > Form
You're > Your
There < > Their < > They're
To the > Tot he
How do you rank them from fattest to thinnest so far? Is the blue hair girl from the beginning the fattest? I forgot why they even get fat anymore in this comic.
this artist really just gotta get someone to proofread for them cause their work is just so full of spelling and grammar errors that would be super easy to avoid by just having anyone look at them before they are posted.

Its super annoying and makes the whole thing look rushed and amateurish
It's a softcore porn comic for a niche fetish. It was never going to be a literary masterpiece.
You dont have to make a literary masterpiece to use proper grammar.
It may blow your mind but it he dialogue/writing is relatively rushed and amateurish. They’re an artist, not an author. They’re not trying to write a novel they’re drawing niche fetish pornography. Whining about a minor grammar mistake in a porn fetish comic makes you look like a pretentious moron.
Iirc, SDC is a French-speaking Canadian, which kind of explains it. That being said, she's been doing these same kinds of errors for years now.
Can confirm the Canadian part, their partner is a friend of mine, or was, we haven't talked in a while, and they live in my hometown. Not sure about French-speaking other than in the sense that all Canadians speak at least some French because it's one of our two official languages (and especially in our province, the homeland of the Acadians, who had a diaspora a long time ago and some moved south and gradually became Louisiana's Cajuns).
The fact that its a comic with a couple of sentences maximum on each page is all the more reason shit like this shouldnt be on every page.

It would take all of two minutes to proofread. You're not writing a 500 page novel thats gonna take weeks to proofread.
Don’t feel like humoring this.

That it’s a niche fetish pornography comic is all the more reason these kinds of mistakes shouldn’t matter. Be honest, are you reading a fat fetish porn comic for the literary and intellectual value it provides? Does the practical value of a fat fetish comic hinge on grammatical correctness?

You’re being absurdly anal regarding something that is extremely easy to ignore and unimportant to the work’s purpose.

It’s like someone whining and complaining about their mechanic not wiping a small stain off the radiator they installed. Preferring that this problem didn’t exist is fine, but whining about and hating the otherwise perfectly serviceable job they did over something so negligible is idiotic. It’s asinine and you are being irrationally fussy.
> Don't feel like humoring this.
> makes a whole essay dickriding a fat artist over really poor writing.
Not the guy you're responding to, just here to say stop glazing.
When I said I’m not humoring it, I meant I wasn’t going to deal with further back and forth on that point. Can you not comprehend “putting the nail in the coffin”? I didn’t realize 7 sentences that takes less than a minute to read was apparently so much writing you’d call it an essay. Says more about you if you ask me.

That being said, you here to spout drivel? I wasn’t saying the artist was right you dunce, I was saying his complaint about a literal grammar error was asinine. You role playing as that guy’s alt account or are you trying to get in their pants?
Making a lot of assumptions over a response. Also, love how you write out all these big words to sound smart but you just sound like an autistic spaz.
his? the artist is a born woman with a vagina
like a lesbian real woman with overies and mentral cycle not tranny

refer to sweetdreamcoffee as HER

shes just a sweet canadian woman who likes to fuck objectify and fetishize fat women
and thats awesome
women are just as creepy as men
but she is a female and you will refer to HER as such
anyways as you were
*They* are nonbinary, actually, , I know their partner and she has, every time she's mentioned them, used either 'they' or 'Alice'.
Unless something has changed since I last talked to Rain or heard her talk about Alice, anyway.
*Yawn* not even waiting a week to read 3 pages is good enough for this comic and that says a lot of about the pacing. I guess I'll come back in 2 weeks.
I'm convinced everybody's brain on bbw chan had started slowly rotting because theres a bunch of retards on every thread I check.
What the fuck? dawg. talk like a real person
Big words? Like what, “comprehend”? I didn’t realize that high-school level English was so off limits.

And what assumptions did I make? Or can you not tell the difference between an assumption and mocking?
I only ever referred to sweetdreamcoffee as “the artist.” The fuck are you on about?

You mean Ex partner.
Rain and Alice broke up weeks ago.
Wait, really? I mean I did say I haven't talked to her in a while (so that's not the 'gotcha' it reads like toy think it is), but damn... That's sad, they seemed great together.
You* not toy. Phone onscreen keyboard.
You niggas are just addicted to starting arguments on this site like, for fuck sake aint nothing ya'll talking about justifies this convo.
“you niggas” bitch, you’re in the same boat we’re in dumbass, or did you not butt in with insults all the same? Again, idiot throwing stones from a glass house.
This is all very nice but there's a new page, anyone got it?
He's right, a good chunk of these threads, such as Salt, Community Salt, Kip, and this one, are just constant bickering at this point. You remember the Christmas season in the BetterWithSalt thread? 3 threads were killed within a month due to this bullshit.
Where page you homo monkees?!?!
Is kemono working?
Why would you ask instead of checking yourself, and no it isn't
Not denying that, my point was that someone berating people for something they were also doing is hypocritical, and especially counterproductive given what point they were trying to get across
Aww hell nah they got fucking kids using this site now
They were saying there are kids here who dont know what the word means you dumbass
Meant to say “he has the IQ of a rock” my bad anon u got caught in the crossfire
New page bro! Hopefully Liz and Emily's story starts soon
Peak chapters are on the way boys
can you send a higher res version
Someone's on their period.
(550 KB, 3300x5100, p142.jpg)
anon can you send a higher res p141. the one that was sent is low res
Would have been hotter if her belly got stuck instead. It's one thing to gets your ass stuck. It's another to not even get your belly first out
All right it time get the stuffing party started with Liz and Emily or a time skip
Sdc is probably going to do another segment with Alex and Gina (and maybe hanna) and then wrap up the comic with liz and the green haired chick and then confirm never stop the bites

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