
(472 KB, 7699x1514, image0-2.jpg)
Post pictures of fat pixies, fairies, lilins, sprites, anything small (not for much longer), winged, and chubby.
Is this a god bless request. Only if and only then.
Got histoire?
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its funny watching their puny brain get overloaded with literally twenty times the pleasure and indulgence they would've otherwise ever even experienced or comprehended in their world.
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Prunis'ca, current A'triarch of Clan Rubusew, stares down upon themself. Discontented with their heft. Or rather the lack thereof. Most who achieve that envied position are rendered flightless within a few months, and immobile within a year or two. Yet here they were. Standing and (barely) able to fly nearly a year and a half into their leadership. This failure to pack on the pounds has not gone unnoticed by fellow clan members, gossiping on the matter just across the bridge from the frustrated A'triarch.
Despite being a fair and thoughtful leader, if Prunis'ca's waistline is to remain like this. They are likely to lose their position. In all probability to a fellow Sugar Plum Pixie who has it in their genes to gain weight easily. Even so, they also have more pressing matters to worry about. Such as the decline of wintergreen berries reported by the scouts this morning. Such is a day in the life of an A'triarch...


Sugar Plum Pixie colonies have a single primary leader. Which is known as an A’triach. This A’triarch is in most instances, whoever is the most overweight member of the clan.
The reasons for this are simple
A pixie who is able to acquire enough food to be very obese, remain an efficient worker, and avoid predators at the same time. Must be a smart individual. Meaning they would serve well to guide the clan. In addition to this Sugar Plum Pixies consider fatness to be an attractive trait to have, and so having their A'triarch be fat is desirable as a direct result.

Once a Pixie is elevated to A’triarch, they are expected to remain within the clan's village at all times, and to guide it’s members with difficult decisions. A’triarchs decide the rules and laws that clan members must follow, and help to enforce them. These rules tend to mostly be common sense or caution- tyrants tend to get overthrown by upset colony members rather quickly.
The members of a clan generally highly look up to their A’triarch, and do as much as they can to ensure their leader is well taken care of. Giving them food, water, and any other assistance that they may require. A'triarchs may also serve as a source of warmth during the winter months. With the whole clan sleeping with them in a dense huddle.

Other than tyranny, or being a poor leader. Loss of weight. Or in some cases failure to gain weight. May cause an A'triarch to be put under pressure to gain, or to be looked down upon for their failure to do so. This can potentially escalate to the point of the A'triarch losing their status. Or another Pixie seizing the opportunity to gain enough to take their place.
When a colony is suddenly without an A’triarch, such as when the current one dies, or is ejected due to being a tyrant. Generally the next most overweight Pixie is chosen. If none are overweight, than other qualities- generally intelligence- are the deciding factors instead.
(51 KB, 925x864, booze_fairy_s_afterparty_by_the_kappass_dcjwqpd-pre.jpg) (52 KB, 900x534, fat_fairy_by_berkhana_d4xizwq-fullview.jpg) (136 KB, 828x1093, fractured_fairy_tale___hanzel_and_gretel_by_naked_sasquatch_d4g3qop-414w-2x.jpg) (144 KB, 1083x738, edith_up_those_leftovers___art_by_hyoumaru__by_tigershard_r_ddm1tfy-pre.jpg) (131 KB, 1154x692, overstuffed__art_by_velveticicle__by_tigershard_r_dfixi46-pre.jpg) (117 KB, 894x894, new_year_s_edith__velveticicle__by_tigershard_r_deye7sz-pre.jpg)
(1.6 MB, 1063x752, the_widening_half_elf_wizard__part_2__by_tight_fit_de1lx3r-pre.png) (1.5 MB, 1063x752, the_widening_half_elf_wizard__part_3__by_tight_fit_delrydw-pre.png) (52 KB, 562x674, _cm__betilla___rayman_by_goblant_de9nn8n-375w-2x.jpg) (71 KB, 901x887, pixie_pudge_by_saxxon_d9vov1e-pre.jpg) (34 KB, 1205x663, luv4fatgirl_s_tinker_belly_recreated_from_memory_by_darkdragon5151_dfzbww3-pre.jpg) (159 KB, 827x1074, fairies___sweet_tooth_fairy_by_juanpadraws_dcvhmh7-414w-2x.jpg)
(47 KB, 1280x419, big_bulging_betilla_by_munemune_ddk82oe-fullview.jpg) (75 KB, 594x960, db__even_more_concept__veronica_ii_by_danyantto_d87aa60-375w-2x.jpg) (79 KB, 1380x579, booze_fairy_s_night_in_by_the_kappass_dc7sgqm-pre.jpg) (88 KB, 827x1124, puffy_fairy_kozue_by_sodataeko_ddgeznj-414w-2x.jpg) (112 KB, 1131x707, the_blue_fairy_s_gain_by_nathanbb123_de3vg01-pre.jpg) (1.5 MB, 1063x752, the_widening_half_elf_wizard__part_1__by_tight_fit_ddub0v2-pre.png)
Got histoire from neptunia?
>>201860 (OP)
This one just passed my radar and glad there is now a thread for this topic. Let’s keep building this one up.
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crazy seeing my art here. that's one of my better ones too.
Love the specific micro wg niche. I love when a tiny person eats normal sized food and becomes a blob for you to hold!
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Widgey Q Butterfluff from ...

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