
>>201235 (OP)
Holy fucking shit you bitch, put the thread title in the fucking subject like you faggot
You’re so angry and for what
Any star and stripe fats?
Not until you faggots learn how to use a fucking image board.
Now im a faggot? Ok im going call you early romorrow
>>202728 I'm gonna say it again because mods deleted my comment, drop it. Not the end of the world, because at the end of the day, this is just a fetish board.
Good googly moogly I was wondering why you gave it a border but d a m n
>STILL want to know who drew those last two.
guess we are fighting until the fucking end. Not stopping until one of us dead. Know that
(218 KB, 1200x630, IMG_8433.jpeg)
Who have this one? (By motimothbbw)
(429 KB, 1012x814, just_for_fun__la_gorda_s_epilogue_by_danyantto_dg9s0k7.png) (496 KB, 850x1169, commission__consequences_of_midnight_s_snacks_by_danyantto_dgdxntw.png) (583 KB, 880x1183, commission__momo_s_new_diet_regime_by_danyantto_dg635ca.png) (785 KB, 850x1150, commission__ms_fat_joke___by_danyantto_dge43k4.png) (1.9 MB, 2000x3000, mount_lady_wants_to_sit_on_you__by_plumppalette_dghacta.png) (3.2 MB, 4200x4457, _a_ssbbw_ordinary_woman___fanart_time__by_xavier_exevier3d_dfsulao.png)
Post the rest of the drive, coward
(4.8 MB, 3072x4032, IMG_9545_Original.jpeg) (176 KB, 1080x1468, IMG_5900.jpeg)
Looking for the rest of Overlordmetal's momo stuff since all the fat stuff involving her is gone.
Where does this bws sketch come from?
>He actually filled the Email field
Can I ask what the hate is for the recent BWS drawings on mina and momo?
They're all just clowning on the anon that posted the images, because he linked his email in the message.
Does anyone have the DANYANTTO stash link?
(895 KB, 462x260, sleepy ochako.GIF)
Disney Girls linked an email to his name which you can check by previewing the hyperlink destination, and it is likely his real name+email.
Of course his name Pedro. Latinos like fat girls and anime
But apparently ochaco got a little bit of weight on her thighs and chest.
Speaking of Danyantto, a huge number of his Ochako pictures got nuked by someone spamming reports. Hopefully someone has a backup of them.
(283 KB, 1781x2264, minaseqcolor4.jpg)
>See the final MHA chapter leaks
>Timeskip designs
>They all look exactly the same as they did 8 years prior
That actually is pretty funny
It's so the schizos can draw them without feeling bad.

"I'm not drawing an 'underage' character! This is their timeskipped version! ... Which totally looks the same."
It's such a hilarious cope
>A slopnen jump manga
>Finally getting an ending
Unless they're gonna reboot the whole thing and make sure nobody dies.
I don't even have a horse in this race but that's hilarious news. I look forward to those debates becoming even more incoherent and schizophrenic in the fallout
It's not a cope, you draw women of age and that's it.
Unless you're hellbent on cancelling an artist, or an alternative losers who wants to debase others to feel better about being a pedo, I don't know why you'd find an issue with this.
Woop woop woop!

We found this schizo!
NSFW art wise this is kind of good. There's so many series that have technically underage characters in highschool or whatever that end up getting timeskip designs that suck, but because people are pussies the timeskip designs end up being the most popular ones to NSFW. Naruto is a good example of this. Barely anyone draws the pre-boruto-era designs of the characters in NSFW anymore. While not as bad as Naruto, Persona 4 has a similar thing where a subset of NSFW artists are allergic to the pre timeskip designs.
Nejire is a big example of how arbitrary and lame this shit is. When she's first introduced she's 17, but a couple arcs later she becomes 18 and there's zero change to her design until later when she gets short hair. Not to mention her proportions are basically identical with the first years and many of the adults.
In a perfect world all the old artists would come back to all simultaneously post pre timeskip Yoko Littner fats to overwhelm the fiction police.
No, they draw underage characters and slap a guilt-free fap disclaimer underneath.
Ngl I think it's funny how yall jack off to characters from a show were most of them are in high school, yet all of a sudden you guys care about them being aged-up and shit
Which is actually good now that I think about it because now antis can't get mad at you lol

Now make Ochako and Mina fat
If you got a problem with people jacking off to characters who aren't aged up, than why tf are you in the MHA thread in the first place?
Eh, Momo is my fav, so I focused on her lol. I did give Ochako more of a gut, though. Guess it wasn't as noticeable. Anyone is free to keep editing the pic tho.
I don't think anybody saw Ochako's gut
I don't care either way. I just think it's funny people get worked up about numbers attached to imaginary characters and fling accusations towards each other. No idea how it started but it's always a goofy debate when it comes up
(420 KB, 742x504, MHA Shippuuden Chapter 1.png)
MHA was all just one giant prequel for Horikoshi's next manga, which will just be a BBW NTR ecchi.
White man was here
How can you tell?
Cuck porn
The madman actually did it! He made Ochaco thicc af!
In a cosmic way i have to say that a lot of people are extremely sexist and nihilistic more so than horikoshi for suggesting such a thing
this shit is too fucking funny lmaoo
People are already pre-hating on Bones because "They'll make her skinny".
They were saying the same thing about the blue sky shit for season 7, but that's stopped now, so who knows, we might get dummy thicc adult Ochaco in the anime as well.
Holy shit I can't believe it! Actual art and not just people arguing about the finale!
(2.2 MB, 1758x1052, MWUAHAHAHA.png)
Found blackwashed thicc Pinky art and fixed it
Redemption of the year right here
(9.3 MB, 4300x3700, Ochako.png)
Can someone give me a Twitter account for this guy whose name is really fucking weird?
Someone have the mirko ones from the older thread?
Oh wow, Sweetness Admirer being a hypocrite, that didn't take long.
This is her aged up design from the end of the manga
Wait, what the fuck? So it's really true? Aww...I wanted to call him a hypocrite pedophile
>>216445 Just check Community Salt. He hypocritically harassed an artist.
Sure it it, *wink wink*
Been waiting YEARS for someone to actually color the last image thank you

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