
One more problem fucking pest! Get rid of it
Anyone have all of saxxons Kofi?
Where’s that one commission someone made where it’s themselves absolutely massive and gloating about how big they are?
Hey guys i was just wondering about what do you think about Saxxon's art, i want to know it because i'm trying to learn an art style and i think this is one of my inspirations tho.. this and other one xd
More as in a continuation? I dont think so.
It is one of my favourites personally, but that is just me.
he’s def one of the best when it comes to drawing enormous sizes. immobiles, blobs, etc. etc. when he does an actual weight gain sequence that’s not too fast, yeah, that’s the shit. you won’t find too many artists going as crazy as him with sizes.
Think it'd be better to ask this somewhere other than the Saxxon thread so no bias is involved.
one of the best when it comes to massive sizes (and hornier text go with it) like the other guy said imho, he's still got an audience for it and he's definitely deserved over like 20 years of fattywank production
I think saxxons art is severely autistic and its beyond funny to see people who either love saxxon or hate saxxon argue with no middle man in-between
Agreed his art in itself is ok much better than when he started, but his texts are too long poorly written and boring. As for sizes, it's his niche but after twenty years it's the same shit different day. He has stagnated in my opinion.
(1.6 MB, 1776x6446, IMG_0398.png)
This. His writing style is made fun of for a reason. i swear you could bring his texts outside the images to two paragraphs instead of five. i like his dialogue, i get he's trying to be quirky and self-aware with his stuff, but damn do we really not need characters spewing word vomit that covers up portions of the drawing.

his style has gotten pretty niche like anon said. i feel like he hit his stride 2017-2020 and ever since it's been..fine. it's not bad, it just feels so the same. doesn't really have the sauce. but that might be due to him doing really fuckin fast sequences since his commissioners just wanna skip to blobs as quick as possible. he's at his best when he takes things slow. like with that recent lum sequence he did, that was nice. it's not 'slow' slow, but it's a nice change of pace from one panel fat, to next panel blob.

yea other dude was right this is pretty autistic
Honestly, I blame the commissioners. *ahem*
is the mega folder being updated?
(582 KB, 1500x1174, dakota edit 2.png) (584 KB, 1500x1170, dakota edit.png)
seems like its not being updated but its got a lot of content in it for what it has. even a few of the older stories you cannot buy anymore.
I know I say this a lot but I wish he alternated the personalities of his girls even a little bit. I'm tired of the evil hyper glutton. Nice and fat was one of his best works and the character there was sweet and kind and yes his pacing is awful. His animations are too damn fast I have to slow them to enjoy them and some are not that good like his zelda and midna one too big to fast.
If anyone is interested I made a Saxxon Muscle thread in /bbwalt/ since no one has made one yet.
Does anyone have photos or alts of bayonetta slob made by saxxon?
no but they are similar>>202010
So for this one story I always had trouble following it as it is not numbered but to who did rhe upload thank you, so I got a question fit girl 2 that gets bigger then the rest(I don't think saxxon named but that's the name I'm using) so in the final part of the story is that her again with the massive tits in a bra? (I'll up load the pics later I'd need just ask) I'm just trying to understand the writing order as I find it messy but it's interest of mine.
I'm curious as the last panel she brings up calling some real professionals to help out but I'm guessing the 6 parts are all there is? Not even a request to saxxon himself would help?
Nevermind will need to fix later but someone here put a link with it in order thanks again btw
(1.4 MB, 1544x2948, goddess dakota.png)
oh yeah someone asked for a GFO dakota so i edited this pic a little but yeah its about as close as its getting
Whats her plan harass you through text when you move out? Why cant she see she is the problem. Unhinged.
I feel harassed her by her every fucking day. They say let a sleeping dog lay down. Only time she doesnt bother me
such an underrated sequence. wish there were more parts
Does someone have the story where cooking mama was facing wii fit trainer. I love to see it here again.
(503 KB, 2089x1176, dedfusu-1d0bb303-1448-4334-900d-ff58a098b978 (7).png) (684 KB, 1692x2424, d942495237e733c36db60907e7379a3e81a7a48252e6eadd25be259a9f7e949a (7).png) (844 KB, 1568x5441, dcoepgn-3712c34c-ff78-4cfa-896d-e498dda35d77 (7).png) (1.6 MB, 1398x1070, dart4uk-9f663efd-2257-4a5e-ac4b-7ca0eeb5f580 (2).png) (590 KB, 1638x1531, dd82gi1-7fde89f1-d07c-42c5-8a28-56c0ceb1dd7d (7).jpg) (708 KB, 1332x3366, dbwn83z-6d788cb8-0a58-495c-a6d6-5bbed535bed8 (4).png)
posting some personal fav bangers
Bump, just to check if I have that comic of the monstrously huge tits saved.
Does anyone have the sequence where widowmaker transforms into a pig?
Does anyone know if he has a place where he has his progress of his drawings or how he makes them?
Or timelaps or speedpaints?
Well, all I know is that his work is scanned pen and pencil.
Skipper A Yacht checking in. $600,00.00 + interest + amenities + longevity.
Does anyone have the weight gain paradise comic?
Does anyone have his comic weight gain paradise?
Random as hell, but massive W
Fucking based beyond all Hell. It just made my boner harder.
TheAmericanDream is two blocks down, sorry.
You guys must be finished how was butt thigh squeeze LOL
(235 KB, 1024x1481, fat_fun_with_trisha_by_saxxon_db4esih-fullview.jpg) (238 KB, 1024x1444, 1992d4f9f7f224cc469fb0b95a5f6c1290ed89922ec04a5c935c19775465f206.jpg) (784 KB, 1452x1002, dekxzux-1a58a64e-680a-4dac-84de-e1eb0c5565c9.png) (705 KB, 1504x1089, dek2ovp-007de886-1b8b-45fc-94af-f5c24d172914.png) (93 KB, 1147x697, fat_giantess_mileena_by_novemberiscrumbling_dh2zfyb-pre (2).jpg) (1.4 MB, 1542x1530, d8u4l3p-786d63b5-fa23-40be-ac13-025143743539.png)
Anything new on patreon?
A muscle pack about Zelda characters. No update yet, so I asked on bbwalt about it.
Can you post a higher res version of that meme ?
Does anyone have the comic called ‘The Food Festival’? I think it was 2 or 3 parts, and it was about some girl that got tricked by her friend into being forcefed to win some contest.
I’ve looked for it, but I think it’s been taken off Deviantart
Vegas round 2 let me pack my bag over her house
(232 KB, 780x803, 1.PNG) (230 KB, 780x861, 2.PNG) (219 KB, 780x938, 3.PNG) (153 KB, 480x563, 4.PNG)
No I vividly remember a sequence Saxon did where widowmaker eats a shit ton and grows a pig tail, pig ears and pig snout and Sombra makes a joke about it
Posted all images on there
Is there any hope Saxxon could just die out already ?
Because he's been around for so long that he's survived into the era where faggotry has become mainstream and the idea of needing a second account to post male wg is positively quaint.
So in what way does it prove he's dead ? Unless that other anon is fucking with me. In that case please forgive my autistic retardism,
He found the subliminal messages by playing Saxxon drawings backwards, obviously
Fuck it going full retard, what messages ?
Alright people enough with the tin foil hat conspiracy theories.
(98 KB, 391x247, screenshot.png)
anyone have this one? it doesn't look like its in the mega
anyone know where these are from?
Hah I wanna see where this goes, that and I literal only really am on this thread.
Am I the only one to thin saxxon is getting lazy and or Debulover practically owns him and Vascoloid ?
Funny considering He is still alive.
I think he is just getting tired of this.
Sax has been in the game for over a decade now, pretty sure he's tired off it
That first one had what felt like almost the implication of sex, does anyone have any pieces by Saxxon that lean a bit more into that territory rather than just a woman eating and enjoying being fat? Saxxon characters fucking would complete me
can anyone here delete this? wasn't thinking and
accidentally posted this to the wrong thread
CAnt you delete it yourself?
anyone have any of the new patreon stuff?
I remeber this: It was a story of a woman who gained weight by just thinking about food. Anyone has the full sequence?
Is this the food festival one?
Someone have this ^ in better quality?
You think he would quit ?
he can quit whenever, i think he's just so in sync with drawing fat bitches it's too hard to kick such a long habit

also he has long serving paypigs like debulover at his front doorstep waiting to flood him with 25,000 new bleach commissions so that may be an added factor
I mean he makes bank either way with out including Patreon and E junkie.
The slimy fat bitch vs the indomitable human spirit.

Now get her knocked up so she's 4 times her size she is now
good god a mf can only be so erect man, let's dial it back a bit
Does anyone have the image that saxxon drew of Kim Wexler from better call Saul?
One can only dream for saxxon to draw pregnancy stuff once more
Man I really wish saxxon would learn to just use a fucking comic book style of page formatting, the white and black consolas text is so annoyingly small to read. No matter what device you're constantly left and righting to read.

Even just multiple paragraphs in columns not lines would be better.
Anyone have the fart alt of the first page of bayonetta’s comic feast?
Ask in alt, where it belongs fuckwad.
Thank you and why does he always have to do write a fucking novel for each commission its art about a woman becoming a universe blob not shakespere. It's poorly written and so boring.
I’ve waited two years now for comms is that normal? Plus he refuses to answer any of my messages? Is this normal?
He’s like that , more if debu lover make another commission for 10 more characters.
He also has a sinus infection right now so he might be taking it slow.
I wonder how much brain rot and porn addiction you would get making extreme feedism content for twenty years like I wonder what it would do to your mind. I know it's irrelevant but still.
Uh...why is he kissing Debulover's ass? I'm genuinely curious
Because paying for Fat of Shes for the entire female roster of Bleach cost like $600, and he just regularly does absurd shit like that. The man's got kids to feed, so I can't imagine it's easy to turn down big paychecks like that.

If Saxxon had any sense, he'd tell people "no" until he got caught up. I know people who have been waiting almost 10 years for their commissions but I guess since they're not paypigs they don't matter.
Yeah, the mentality of "I've got a fucking family so I'm gonna ignore y'all" absolutely ticks me off. This isn't a Better With Salt situation where he's got a few loyal and trustworthy commissioners, Debulover is literally the only man who is crazy enough to give him that much money
Does he even have kids, and correct me If I am wrong but is he married to Ranaye Starr or was it Jae or did they split up
I dunno bro, >>213533 is the one who mentioned Saxxon having kids in the first place
Starr did confirm she broke up with him in a Peter Molenioux documentary, Jae did get pregnant in many occasions but her massive fat most likely squished her fetuses.
So is he still currently married to someone
Hold on was Saxxon with Jae? (The blonde one who made a big fuss about quiting recently)
what is the general consensus on DebuLover, i've had little to no social interactions with them.
Weirdo. Reckless spender. Painfully mediocre commissions. Yet still brags about it.

But hey, it's HIS money, as he says.
And that fucking loser is on this board, so...yeah
i like how some of yall bully debu and saxxon like bruh why are you even here then
>>214014 Because we want to get our rocks off to fat chicks, yeah?
Because we expect higher quality art from this grown ass adult, you fucking stupid dimwit
Did it ever occur to you that I'm not so porn addicted to spent hundreds of fucking dollars of my hard money on fat chick porn ? Not only that but maybe I'm not happy to see a competent artist burn himself out working like a fucking slave to someone elses uncontrolled lust. Oh and let us not forget said commissioner is a self important braggard with shit taste who fills all the fucking commission slots because he feels the need to flex that he can commission like twenty drawings of fat porn at the expense of quality ? So yeah who is the bum here ? I don't need to spend fucking $200 fucking dollars of low quality art to goon too. I could forgive all that if it wasn't for the fucking bragging and I have a good feeling that is you isn't it Debu ? You are the reason people shit on saxxon because you make him slave away fattening every fictional woman that exists even when it looks like shit. What is more fucked up is saxxon makes good art but you cheapen it nah fuck off enjoy your low quality shit pile, I don't give a fuck about your income, but fuck dude let saxxon breath damn.
that was a long winded way of saying "Why can't I actually pay for things I want!!!"

Now go back to putting the fries in the 5 dollar McDonalds meals with Deku my dude
I said what I said I have nothing more to say but you know what ? Tell me to get my paper up is a novel idea, after all at the end of the day it's not my paper being spent is it ?
Yet you complain in jealousy when other people can pay for commissions you can't.
Dude I don't care think what you want I'm done here.
Should have kept my mouth shut.
(230 KB, 514x535, We're hitting autism levels that shouldn't be even possible.png)
Why did you bastards even summon him? Better yet; why does he feel the need to get so defensive over his commissions? If he were so proud of his spending habits, maybe he wouldn't be bitching this much over the slightest hint of people saying "hey, you shouldn't spend your money on porn."

Pretty insecure if you ask me.
Oh please he does this shit in every thread it didn't take long for him to pull up.
Why the fuck are you even here ? What mad we pirate the porn that you spend your hard earned cash on ?
I’m not sure which one came first. But Debu reminds me of Roxas. Constantly gets into fights and doesn’t know when to fuck off. Best thing to do is ignore him and not give him the attention he craves.
Oh look, the clown left his hiding spot

I see you people have such "Wonderful" personalities that you have to take it out on somebody who actually has the ability to spend money on things they want. Just because you all can't spend jack shit doesn't mean you should act jealous
So just because you're a rich asshole, that means you've got the right to flaunt your wealth with these shitty commissions? Get real
Having a decent income isn’t being rich. The only asshole here is you
Anyone have that one Poison Ivy sequence?
This thread is almost as autistic as saxxon himself.
We are not jeleous that you use your decent income to use all the fucking commission slots instead of anything else. Why can you get that it ain't about fucking money Saxxon is one man, ergo when I want to spend ten maybe upwards of forty dollars which is more that affordable, oh wait I can because Saxxon has to prioritize your comissions because you wanted like twenty fucking draws that take him months to make. Then I wait forever but oh look then you comission more then it makes him have to draw more because he has to keep his pay pig happy. I could let that slide but you flexing like an insecure bitch is what we can't stand.
Man quit fucking dickriding,
LOL maybe you should have talked to Saxxon about it because I asked him if the amount was okay or too much and he said no and he was fine with it
How the fuck is going to say no to the guy shilling hundreds of fucking dollars ? Unlike you saxxon isn't fucking stupid,
I asked him if the amount was something he could handle. I told him I could hold back if needed. He said he was good with it. Sounds to me like this is you projecting and can’t stand two people making an agreement
boi, why didn’t you lead with that?

Because I have led with that statement in the past and the person arguing with me has always said “ YOU SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER AND NOT DROPPED SO MANY COMMISSIONS ON HIM!!!!”

It shows that even when you are reasonable with these people they literally will tell you “I don’t consent, did you forget to ask somebody else” like that one meme image
Actually if that was the case then we are good, my bad man I'll accept my fuckup but stop fucking bragging you insecure asshole.
Well if that was the case then I'm sorry I fucked up, my bad won't happen again. But quit fucking bragging you insecure bastard.
Petty faggot manchild with a shit taste
You didn't have to stay it twice, you fucking idiot
He apologised you ass hole.
(644 KB, 360x288, 1582870090581.gif)
>TFW you'll see Debufucker and Saxxons tasteless fanbase whip each other out in your lifetime
For once the mongrel is doing Gods work.
(146 KB, 480x360, IMG_6586.png)
>casually mentions that debu lover is the reason why Saxxon is slow on the commissions
>drama ensues between debu fucker flexing his money and the fanbase telling him that they don’t give a fuck on how much money he has and tells the dumbfuck to stop hogging all the commissions
>laughing through all the shit that happened just because of one comment I made
>TFW when your comment caused unnecessary drama and caused a commissioner to get bullied
This the second time this happened that I can recollect so I think this is going to repeat
I've got a question for debu.
Do you even get off to the pictures you comm, or is it just a collection thing.
Question for Mr. Lover: what draws you to Saxxon in particular besides other artists?
I just like the art design. Nothing complicated
Isn't it obvious he only reason his interest revolves around throwing money at Saxxon instead of saving up for far greater art from someone else, is that Saxxon's a cheap shotgun artist; perfect for his constant requests of large batches of characters.
Cheap? What the fuck do you mean by cheap? This dude has spent over 300 dollars on a single commission, and the artist was more than okay with that. He could've gotten something from Better With Salt, but instead...
Did he ever make more persona stuff?
Question for Mr. Lover: Do you smell your own farts and suck your own cock everyday?

Before you start flaunting your money i let you know that i am actually a multy-billionaire, but would never spend a dime on a porn
Suure you are. What's next, you're gonna tell us you are Donald Trump?
>but would never spend a dime on a porn
If I were a multi-billionaire, I'd be shamelessly pumping money into the fat fetish community.
Question for Mr. ‘Multi-billionaire’: Did you remember to apply for that job your mom told you about, or are you too busy raging in a thread full of people who jack off to amorphous lard mounds?
jesus fuck i love that first image
Now imagine whatever the fuck blew that price up, but with an actual great artist and their rates.
Saxxon art is like ten, twenty dollars he overpays on purpose.
If only you could've posted an image that isn't the size of a fucking postage stamp
(31 KB, 640x477, media_FDOuSdKXsAYL-LU.jpg)
>he overpays on purpose
You're shitting me; he's not only flooding the world with Saxxon art, he's also overpaying for such a massive amount?!

Ant Anon's betting getting around; been seeing him post his thumbnails in every other thread.
Like seriously the fuck is this? Softestcore does better shit.
Lmfaoooo where the fuck is the rest of her body?
What the...what the fuck is that?
(1.1 MB, 3838x7140, Tama.JPG) (319 KB, 1726x1152, TAMAca.jpg)
Don't really care for Debulover, especially with the commission holdup shit but this is just kinda...Really inoffensive? Just another very fat blob of a woman on the immobile side? Kinda feel like this thread is just eating itself out now
Because saxxon makes blobs not much really to talk about but in this case this is the shittiest blob he has ever done but I'm gonna give him the benefit of a doubt and say the commissioner wanted it that way.
Though I'll just say it I'm over saxxon time to find a better alternative.
(137 KB, 603x627, IMG_6765.png)
This is truly the most garbage art of Saxxon I ever seen
Do you guts got that leon Sequence just whant to have it
this shit is so ass, rather spank it to one of debulover's conveyor belt commissions
Everyone shitting on Saxxon, I'm sure Barney liked it and lets face it hes the only one who could get sax to change his ways
Imagine waiting 3 years for this shit.
yooo, is that Red Alphinaud?
Same bullshit, man saxxon is lame.
agreed, this shit is getting old
the first pic really needs more to it
You guys think Saxxon will do more of Fire Emblem Engage, Pokemon S/V?
There's a lot of other games he has not covered yet at all
He has done a lot of fat Fire Emblem before, both regular fats and giantess fats but there is the potential for that and any pokegirls
Certainly hope so, wanna see his take on the likes of Rika, Carmine and especially Iono. There is a fairly high chance they are either already commisioned or they are in the plans.
Yeah but Engage specifically only had Goldmary so far I think. Would love to see Chloe or Ivy. Alternatively he could look more into any of the pre-Awakening games for characters.

Yes, Rika I especially wanna see and Carmine would be great too.
Hopefully they are on his backlog.
Has someone the colored victory pic of Callie from Fatfest?
Can someone color the rest of the comic please
Can we get some more massive Alisaie edits please? This is awesome
Does anyone have the Sandersonia and Boa Hancock comic?

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