
Ah shit didn’t mean to attach that last one
I don’t remember THAT vault
Any Lucy
Piper has always been a fatty in my mind, she just seems the type
She already has, by skelesoda
(6.5 MB, 2564x2160, target_immobilized_by_sir_saltshaker_dfr3q4c.png)
I'll be honest there are fallout weight gain fanfics bout vaults but most are either mediocre, short, or part of a series that's basically dead.

it sucks but least the ones about assaultrons are decent
and here it just... gets kinda mediocre cause now you can Barely tell its piper but the lil montage of her trying new outfits is okay at least
Its the jeans bro. She dont have a curvy shape lmao
who made the assaultron fanfic? same thing as the pic?
Thats assault right? Hands around the throat? Elbows in the neck. Sound like cop moves. Could lose your job.
That's what i want to see, fallout 4 is garbo in most areas but in decent girl companions it does NOT slack in the slightest

got anymore cait?
I use to laugh alot. Then I got married.
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Is it wrong that I love the idea of a nv wg fic about lily being the doting grandma she is gets the opportunity to cooking up a storm in the lucky 38 (thanks to the courier) penthouse suite for cass and veronica?

Like cass is make hogging the liqour and meals while veronica is almost non stop sneaking snacks (epecially fancy lads) and being a taste tester for lily's treats

at some point in it Cass is just hooked up to a keg full of nuka cola n' whiskey on the suite's couch and veronica sitting on 3 near breaking chairs face first in a pile of FLs and meats moaning like she's having the best time of her life

Like... fuck my life i'd love to see something like that happen
then maybe like pic related a now fat as hell n drunk cass and food drunk veronica see female courier is back they both decide they should her on this hedonistic action
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A new Lucy by Superspoe
Crazy to think he hasn’t drawn any Fallout art sense that Vault Girl blob from 2015
Piper was made to be fat, I always keep her at a settlement and give her infinite junk food (one can imagine)
any Curie ones?

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