
Did anyone catch my headcannon from the last thread?
That woman is a fucking menace, nobody is safe.
New page is out
>>200713 uff, that's incredible

also finally back to some plot...kinda
Wait who's the bitch in the last panel?
If I remember right, the sister of Nikolai’s ex. The fat one that was shown briefly playing on her computer.
Una tempestad, desde California hasta Patagonia
That's Kai, the fake Nikolai friend, he is spying and reporting his findings to the sister of that fat ex >>200734 y que Chinge Asu Madre el Oss
No, it's the sister of the bullied girl from the past, implied Niko's ex.
(643 KB, 1080x1321, Screenshot_20240508_004938_DeviantArt.jpg) (291 KB, 1080x891, Screenshot_20240508_005208_DeviantArt.jpg) (651 KB, 1079x1526, Screenshot_20240508_005004_DeviantArt.jpg) (515 KB, 1080x1512, Screenshot_20240508_005352_DeviantArt.jpg)
People of BBWChan

Hear my preachings and prophecies

I have proof that the entire plot of The Domino Effect is just one huge call back to Belt's older comic

And I realized it because it makes a lot of sense based on character designs alone

The only think that brings the whole theory down are that Nikolai's eye color doesnt match the other blonde protagonist but lets retcon that. More importantly, Juni's eye color does match with that of the sister

Coincidence? I think not
My theory is either that, its a full on sequel to the old comic, or that the past of Nikolai is gonna be very similar to it.

It could be a sequel, even if it implies Juni lost weight. Like, after Nikolai broke up with her, she tried losing some weight, but gave up halfway, something like that

What happened in the old comic was a domino effect. All starting with the blonde's certain skill of making girls want to gain weight for him.

Also pardon typos, Im sleep deprived
A new Page is out!
Big Russian Woman!

She’s even bigger than Anne!
House explosions happen because people refuse to open the fucking windows for fresh ventilation.
>>The architect is now canon to Domino Effect
The Russian girl looks like a Wario equivalent of the other blonde (forgot her name)
>>202249 Yep. Yakuza 0 was a great game.
Damn your childhood sucked lmao
Yeah, this party really wasn't a good idea. Niko is about two seconds from having a panic attack right now. It's a good thing Anne Marie is here too, since I don't think Emma will be enough to calm him down with this many people around...

Also, the more I see Niko's panic, the more I know I'm gonna hate whatever the hell that bitchass Kai and his friend are planning, cause I can pretty easily guess Niko is NOT gonna be the one at fault for what happened to the sister, and Niko is just gonna be the scapegoat.
I'm pretty sure Belt said a few months back after a certain arc in the story wraps up he's gonna address the future of the comic. My guess is its when this New Years party is over.

We've seen how big he can draw his commissions and his daily pics, so I assume once he establishes whatever story points he wants to include then the real gaining will begin.
Idc I will dox all those fucking jamaicans
A New page is out!
New page
Thanks for the heads up on your plan. Now we all know
Cat lady just doxxed herself
That boy humble as hell.
Belt is far and away one of the best at displaying and introducing characters in a fair, lime light.
The gf’s scene of self prep before she walks into “her moment” is kino beyond belief and expectation for her character. Talk about nailing an opportunity.
Then, the massive, shamelessly accented russian models reveal was great too. Real get sense for her and Ann just glacially, gracefully walking/wading through the crowd, with the confidence and comfort seemingly of a pair of magnanimous bonafide court nobility gracing the event with their attendance. Really did a great job conferring that sense of how close the two are in their working relationship too, seemingly totally and dynamically at ease with one another, like a true pair of professionals, greased gears in the whale glorifying business.
Conversely, you have the smoldering chemical angst of Emma and Niko showing up as an item, both super charged by their burgeoning relationship; if ramrod and harsh in gaze for differing reason: Niko because he’s shidding his pants :DDDD, Emma because she’s been thrown into her element (dealing with other bitchy socialites), family and love interest in tow.
Also, A+ on the
>is that THE BOND BURGERER himself
moment lol.
Was it revealed Ann was a modeling agency manager herself previously?
Either way, holy fucking based choice in her clientele: women so much fatter than her she looks petite next to them.
Just remembered Tanya is a photographer too. Hope she does a shoot with Ann, especially if there’s an epilogue [spoiler]and Mari is the supersized subject of focus/model
>ann brought mama bear coworker for the sole purpose of consoling a shookith niko
W Ann per usual
I looked her up. not into vore but i appreciate the belly. Fuckin crazy that a fetish like vore can uwumarket to sell its merch
need more xenoblade girls from belt
Any new page this week?
Miserable on reddit because husband fucking other women.
Cannabis_momma no one cares about your martial problems lmao marvel_booty
Pretentious never seen that word used here. Morons
I think I already uploaded it
The most recent page was uploaded on BB's patreon about 2 hours ago.
the other blonde girl is making a very compelling case for mother russia
100 women. Thats why you hate me? Excellent. Some call me satan some call me archangel Michael. Year I relieve false prophets of duty. God of war
I have fucked more women then your father and fathers before him. Claim that
I never hissed at women to get vagina. Youre right will never be like you. God designed me different. With a big ole donkey dick
I dont have small feet. Lmao
Maybe Elijah's girlfriend won't get a job role at the party but maybe she will get one with her sister-in-law seeing how she looks at Emma very possibly and gets too stuffed
Damn, why is Maho still this small? She hasn't changed at all
>Covers the doorway

Not everything has to be about blobs, I like the implied storytelling here from the previous parts.
Who the fuck even mentioned blobs...?
"Why is Maho still this small", implying the size she is at is "small"
So if that is small, then the right size for the obe I replied to would be blob sized.
Unless they used word like "small" for a big exaggeration on their part.
But she isn't by any means, "this small"

Not that hard to understand.
Yeah, uh...you're replying to the same person from earlier. I didn't say she needs to be enormous or whatever, I just wish beltbuster made her a little larger lmao
A new page is out!
First girl is best girl.
Damn, just at the part of weight gaining he had to make it short.
Doesnt Mila look like a future version of Emma?
is Tanya officially out of the race at this point? Mari too I guess. they're not even there for the big party, sadge
They weren't invited, do you even read or just look for the next fat girl image?
my point is, it's a major event, and there's only one of the main girls present. it seems like Belt is saying she's the only one in the running anymore

> do you even read
shut the fuck up
you fucking idiot. Actually read the story.
Only Emma is present because it’s a party for high society member or influent people, which Emma’s parents are part of. That’s it really, it doesn’t say that the other aren’t in the running because of that
you fucking idiot, actually read my comment

Again, my point is, belt made a party scene where only Emma could attend, intentionally sidelining the other girls
That doesn’t mean that the other girls won’t have their own event or situation later in where it’s only one of them and Emma not being involved
I'm hoping it's something like that. idk why, but this party just gives me 'final arc' vibes... but I guess we don't really know how long the story will be overall yet
Not gonna argue but it seems like just a short side arc, like the fredrik and emma stuff near the start of the story.
I mean. She felt sidelined all throughout the Christmas arc.

Tanya, Mari and Anna Marie just steam rolled her. No?
Dude what? There's so much stuff that has yet to be explained, namely the voice and urge that got Lene into gaining, Nikolai's ex's story, etc. Not to mention that none of the girls has confessed their feelings. We might not know when exactly this will end, but this is far from over
Assuming you like all of these characters, who is really the best option for a happy ending with Niko?
It'll suck to see any of them getting left out by the end imo.
I thought Emma got to Nikolai's house a day early and had a moment with him while he was cooking. Niko mentioned he was catching feelings and that's where it became obvious she's the main girl. The others had little moments during the dinner, but nothing especially intimate

I think a lot of that stuff will be explained at the same time, so it won't take too much to wrap those elements up. This party just feels like it has a lot of focus on it; it just feels important and a bit final. I hope I'm wrong tho
That agent is killing it on jeopardy rick flair
fuck, this made me laugh so much harder than it ever should've
there's a series of photos of PB's wife fattening up over the course of their marriage iirc, with him looking happier the bigger she gets
I believe now is the time to slap a bitch. And I think Anne-Marie and Nikolai are perfectly willing to do so.
>45 degree cut angle on that dress
>miles of cleavage and side booba
Emma’s revealing her power level in this arc
>”Oh my goodness, it’s the man himself!”
Hopefully someone saw Haugs party foul and Emma gets to finish the night off with a laugh a jacket and a few drinks. Hate to see her run off like this when the nights just started and the table based dynamics and rivalry have only just manifested!
I’d like to imagine she wouldn’t have dropped the plate of it was full
insane person headcanon, but it would be amazing if tanya managed to regain some control and lose a few pounds (at her mother's insistence) after some time away from the gang, only to snap later on and slingshot far beyond everybody else.

A man can dream, though...
A man can dream...
Damn, Loverbird is commissioning a lot of art from gacha games...
Smash and smash, next question
This is the best ass he's ever drawn. I'd even say it's one of the best asses ever drawn, period.
Damn he needs to do this shit more often
Kill yourself

If I ever find out where you live, I can be there in 10 hours max with the rsources I have, no matter where you live in the world. You will vanish and then fall into a hell of my design for a decade. You will step into the sunlight breaking through the trees of a remote forest a broken and tortured man, and then you will drop dead before you can put your foot through the trapdoor. Do I make myself clear? I'm connected to the most wealthy people and can kidnap you, torture you for years, and kill you after giving you a ray of freedom. Am I clear? I'm fucking livid.
Bruh its not even that bad lol
>>206534 Absolute bullshit over here folks
Bro it just art, take a chill pill man.
Look out guys, we got a badass over here.
I'm gonna kill you real quick
I don’t give a fuck who you are or where you live. You can count on me to be there to bring your fucking life to a hellish end. I’ll put you in so much fucking pain that it’ll make Jesus being nailed to a cross in the desert look like a fucking back massage on a tropical island. I don’t give a fuck how many reps you have or how tough you are IRL, how well you can fight, or how many fucking guns you own to protect yourself. I’ll fucking show up at your house when you aren’t home. I’ll turn all the lights on in your house, leave all the water running, open your fridge door and not close it, and turn your gas stove burners on and let them waste gas. You’re going to start stressing the fuck out, your blood pressure will triple, and you’ll have a fucking heart attack. You’ll go to the hospital for a heart operation, and the last thing you’ll see when you’re being put under in the operating room is me hovering above you, dressed like a doctor. When you wake up after being operated on, wondering what ticking time bomb is in your chest waiting to go off. You’ll recover fully from your heart surgery. And when you walk out the front door of the hospital to go home I’ll run you over with my fucking car out of no where and kill you. I just want you to know how easily I could fucking destroy your pathetic excuse of a life, but how I’d rather go to a great fuckng length to make sure your last remaining days are spent in a living, breathing fucking hell. It’s too late to save yourself, but don’t bother committing suicide either… I’ll fucking resuscitate you and kill you again myself you bitch-faced phaggot. Welcome to hell, population: you
Maybe its just me, but those drawings look like shit compare to Belt's art
(756 KB, 1408x3258, IMG_8395.jpeg)
Dairy picture - 372 With no male character
At this point i rather want to see the full image than a awkward cut off.
It's just some fag going around this board saying they want male fats more. Appeared in the Better with Salt thread too.
??? Because i rather want to see the full composition? The piece is ruined by cutting it off like this.
No, I don't care for male fats in general.
I am just not insecure in my sexuality to be bothered by a fat male in the piece, because I don't think having a fat male in it is inherently sexual.
People disliking the gender they're not attracted to doesn't make them insecure, it means they know what they like and dislike.
You people throw the word "insecure" around too much. Just cause someone doesn't like the same thing as yourself doesn't mean it's an "insecurity " lmao
Bro if they want to look at male fats there's a bhm thread this is a bbw only thread
Just spoiler it if you care so much about it
Exactly this. Plus, I will say; it's BHM content that has opened my mind up (not in the good way) to being a feedee (I've been a feeder for literally years now.)

Help. I want to be strong man not flabby, useless man!
Moms a fucking bombshell
i want this bitch either dead or so fat her gut reaches the floor. (please belt at least sink her career. she deserves nothing.)
"The fault lies with you, Emma!"
While not a slap, kudos to Niko spilling food all over her. Not only is she now "unsightly", but Niko can play coy and claim he simply "tripped" and "apologize" for it, giving Emma the opportunity to defend him and make clear to the bitch he's not some "escort" and in turn make her look like a petty bitch to everyone else there, completely ruining the image she was trying to convey.

Niko is playing 4D chess here.
I have to wonder why elijas is dating her in the first place. I'm sure we'll get backstory on it someday, but it seems like a very out of place match for him
She's a "svoloch" but not like this Niko..., also this is supposed to be Elias gf, although we'll see how that endures after this, weird that he destroyed Tine at his home party but dated this chick for so long knowing she's like this.
Emmael, Ishmaemma even.
To be fair as far as we know she's just a cunt to Emma and seemingly no one else to that extent. She also seems to be a bit vain but seemingly not so bad that it's worth breaking up over. Meanwhile Tine was just awful through and through
I do not remember where it started at this point but I have had a sense that Elijas is dating her as a facade to eventually destroy her for a long while now. I think that she made some rude remarks about fat people earlier, too, or something.
>>206956 The first one is even better bc you can use it in just about any gc and no one will have any idea that it's from a fat fetish comic lol
>fat blonde in the background
>anne and russo-whale shots
>enter M O M
Poor Emma, she’s been made a spectacle of the moment… and she isn’t even its star!
She’s obviously a low tier clout chaser and Elias is popping atm online. The classy Russian lass already summed it up in one word.
He bumrushed her with a pot full of nacho cheese at a fancy party, it's so blatant that there's no way he's getting away with that with just a "woops!" Niko's going to say what everyone else in the room was thinking, but the only reason he's going to get away with what's realistically an assault committed in front of a room full of witnesses is because he has celebrity plot armour. Even then, he kind of undermines everything by acting like a freak who can't shut her up with words inside of coming down to her level with a childish prank. Maybe I'm just too old for this shit...
That said, I wonder if this has anything to do with the "berserk mode" that kicked in when Tanya landed on his head during Christmas.

>Maybe I'm just too old for this shit
I think that is the more accurate one. No one aside from Emma's mom was LOOKING at him before he spilled it, so he can still play it off as an accident. Plus, Niko has crippling anxiety, so he wouldn't be able to bring himself to say anything. Thats why he resorted to the cheese at all rather than just slapping her in the face and yelling at her.
Already saw it on coomer. It's whatev
Hell let's be real.

Domino effect is gonna show male fats anyway later on. Best just look away, accept and move on for now
It already showed Andre (Lene´s boyfriend) gaining weight.
Still a well made pic regardless!
Ye that's what I mean.
I hope she still remains the bigger one of Two.
You really showed us, wow
So few stellar blade fats but dam this is good
Now I hate shitting on Belt's work, because I really like some of his stuff, but this is probably the most vague drawing ever. There is almost nothing about Stellar Blade in it, I didn't even recognize Eve at first lol
Belt likely isn't familiar with the character or game, so he just went with a safe drawing.

I think that was what he replied to a comment on this piece on Patreon. Lol
She has many outfits in the game dunno why he went for this one, could have gone the the bunny suit or bikini outfits.
CaseOh on Nikocado action fucking when?
I've noticed that belt seems to prefer drawing girls in outfits that don't usually show a lot of skin, probably so it emphasises just how much more skin is showing because of how big the girls gotten
>fags and furry niggers will do shit like this and wonder why people only respond with “fuck off retard”
Fuck off retard.
New page is out chooms
Well, Lene's boyfriend may have not been influenced by her eating habits mentally.

It looks it pretty much rubbed on him.
Wait that's a page? I thought it was a piece.
It's just a piece accompanying a side story. Apparently it's the New Year's Lene and Andre had.
I was mostly joking, new page hasn't been posted here. Belt tends to do random side images for characters
"Too much stuff happened this week, so this time it will be another side story to make up for it.
The Long part will be pushed to next week.

Also, here is a Sidestory to accompany this piece, Story Written by Wang Lang and directed by me. "
Man coming in here to see the pages and everyone talking about them seems pretty fun. I really should have kept up to date with the series sooner
Man this sucks i follow these guys cause of bbw not bhm
im here for bbw too, but i dont think a bhm or two for story sakes is going to kill me
Fag. There's a whole board of men for you, go there if you want them.
lmfao, you're so insecure.
Listen i dont like it either. but one dude in a sea of woman is stomachable. so long as it sdoesnt take over
From what I've seen belt has been saying in his server, it will always be female weight gain focused first when it comes to fanservice. I think the whole Andre and Lene thing is just plot related, since Andre hasn't really been drawn in any sexy male positions. He has just gotten bigger.

And even if Belt had drawn a panel with Andre having a bare top, the comics fanservice is still 99% female focused. Having a male also growing just makes it more realistic, especially surrounding the circumstance around Lene and Andre's relationship. bound to be some rubbing off.

And I won't be surprised later if Anne and Elijas has a plus size male model with the nature of their model agency.
How about you guys grow the fuck up? Who cares if he draws a fat dude once in a while, it's not gonna hurt anyone
Yeah you're probably right
Fattest derailment yet.

Let's get back to waiting for the comic
New page is out!

You have to wonder what she has on Elijas. This is the same guy that publicly humiliated Tine for fat-shaming, yet he's starting fights over someone who's worse? It can't be because he likes her
Lmao why did this turn into a freaking shonen battle manga.
not loving this arc.. its better than kipshit I guess, but i wish it would back to fat harem antics and not shitty forced drama baloney
"Hello, are you new to this comic?"

This comic always has had story priority over fat stuff. If you've read the comic you know this.

It's okay if you prefer pure fatty fanservice, but then this is not for you.
the early story was focused on mystery guy tricking all the girls into getting fat intermixed with Nikolai hanging out with each of them, which was a fine premise for a story like this.

The current arc is two guys brawling in a dining hall due to contrived drama.

I feel like we've lost the plot (or at least, the good parts of it)

it's entirely possible to have a plot in a fetish comic, but like a lot of WG comics, I feel like the plot is getting too tangled up in itself, and becoming more convoluted than it needs to be
I'm not even gonna sugarcoat it, fat fetish artists gotta stop caring so much about the plot and just draw porn. Like it's cool to have a story but that's not why we're really reading it.
Anyone else feel like Belt if trying way too hard to wash Nikolai image since his coomer outburst, plus this is just cringe, if Niko somehow wins he is pretty much a Gary Stu.
The page is fine. People just cranky after having to wait an extra week for it.
Bro what the fuck is even happening at this point?
Tanya is at home eating cheese pizza rn
(44 KB, 599x804, Anon.jpeg)
>Anon when he hasn't be able to tell people how much he hates Kip for 5 minutes.

fucking for real. This comic at its peak is the best running right now, but Belt needs to stop indulging himself in so much autistic bullshit
I mean, that's kinda part of the problem. The comic is generally GOOD but I feel like there are too many side plots to keep up when he's only posting a single page weekly, makes it really hard to see the scope of where is everything going too. The last pages in particular also feel a bit too over the top/silly for what it's supposed to be a WG harem comic, a little drama is fine but the last page is pretty much all about these two getting ready to fight
Pierce GODSsnan will end this madness.
we've been having girls stuffing themselves for majority of this story with great art(compared to kip) for a long time A few pages of plot/fun shouldnt be an issue. but I know yall only complaining because the uploads are every one to two weeks so you expect fat content every time since your waiting too long. yall wouldnt say a word if they uploaded everyday
People are all "oh this comic has always had a plot tho" or "it's one page that doesn't have fanservice after we've gotten so much, chill"

Every page doesn't need fanservice. Still, I hate this page.

1. It feels completely out of place in this comic, it's fucking bizarre and doesn't match the general tone, especially after things were getting kinda serious last page.

2. Nikoli for me continues to be completely unlikeable. Dude completely loses control of himself constantly, leading to him getting into fights or sexually assaulting people, and these girls still fawn over him even though he's a horribly broken person. The last page gave me hope that he would throw the stuff on her and then get out of there with Emma, and it would be more of a "wow he stood up for her" kind of thing, but no, it's just him having another mental episode. It sucks.
completely agreed. The issue isn't that there is a plot, the issue is that the plot has lost itself and become very unappealing
In PEAKce BrosCHAD I trust.

idgaf this action is interesting and well drawn beside that side story is coming out anyways
Ironically enough, that's why I started writing.

I get that it's not fully about the story, but about the porn.

I was also lucky to be in a VERY niche subgenre of the fetish.
>Dude completely loses control of himself constantly, leading to him getting into fights or sexually assaulting people, and these girls still fawn over him even though he's a horribly broken person
Today Anon learns that women are attracted to handsome dark triad chads, especially if they're rich and famous.
Anons like Nikoli because he's the perfect fucboi they can self insert as. "He just like me fr fr!"

It's why retards loved Kips Nanny comic. Prime fucboi material.

They also attract the incels, case in point.
New page out
To answer Mila's question, yes. America is batshit crazy!
I'm pretty sure this comic is in norway or finland or something, but it's not Amerca

sad that none of the characters seems to care at all about the russian girl. she's the hottest girl so far, and has a cute personailty. if I was niggalai, I'd just go home with her and leave elijas and the other idiots at the party
this shit is so retarded. why does every amazing fat artist have to have the writing skills of an autistic 12 year old
To be fair you have to be a bit autistic to make your career choice being a fetish artist
Another comic that isn't going anywhere so the artist can milk that subscription money. Add it to the pile.
It's not that bad but yeah he could've condensed this arc in less pages at least if it was really important for the plot... although it really isn't, I find the personality split to be the worse part of the comic lmao
atleast he was stopped from trying to hurt him all the way and his trauma resurging helps drive more into the plot.
Welp the natives are restless, BB it's time to delve into Niko's trauma, Dryad, Eli's scheming,Kai's scheming, Niko's EX, something anything to make sense of all this>>
Wtf is this whole arc, I just wanted to see some more Anne-Marie
At this point I'm guessing the "feral Niko" is his actual repressed personality, how he was before the incident that made him riddled with anxiety, said anxiety being the only reason he's not like this 24/7.
I don't know who this is but this is peak

Unlike the comic rn
Really expected the feast/party focused arc to be more wg focused but ig we're in a dry spell atm
>Comic plot keeps progressing with every part with no downtime
>"Comic isn't going anywhere"

People here is truly retarded, huh.
Just say you only want weight gain.
Belt has always been upfront about this comic is story first, so it's always funny to me when tourists comes in reading the comic.

Just go and read the non-story focused ones, autists. (And if any of you says the "story sucks" then you are being disingenuous, since the only ones complaining, only complains about the lack of focus on "fat stuff", so they just don't want any plot.)
Honestly through out the entire comic there's only been like 4 or 5 pages that isn't an emphasis on the fetish so I have little problem with this. Especially since its been built up that Nikolai is kind of fucked up and no we are starting to see just how and why.
Let's be real, it's not about "too much story", it's about "the story sucks". People were (overall) pretty chill about it up until the last couple of pages when it went full retard
Based, fuck illiterate zoomers. This comic is unironically good.
>the story sucks
How? It's pretty fucking sound writing wise, and it is now exploring Nikolai's character which is cool. You niggers only complain when the story is not 100% about fat women.
We are here for fats, not shitty Marvel comics writing.

I don't find the story to be that good, but I also don't like harem slop anime that it seems most similar to lmao.

That being said, it isn't terrible, has been pretty focused and consistent, and is certainly a cut above what you usually get with this kind of content while imo not taking too much focus away from the fats.

Provides some nice context and motivations for the girls' gains, which always makes wg content better. People complain way too much about it.
Well the comic doesn't have reliability on multiple dimensions for a multiverse, characters having on and off relationships, or....Terrible writing for main characters' lovers to screw them over for a random nobody who's not interesting or good at all.
It's a balance that's usually too difficult to maintain.
It's why you have writers who write erotica, and those who write porn.

All erotica can be considered porn, but not all porn is erotica.
People just like to complain.
Here, I’ll do it too: I didn’t like the idea of a fight scene, especially the way it started on the last update, way overly comical.
This panel strip was good though, the melodrama was humorous, and emmas booba shots were generous.
8/8, bonus points for having the two big blondes together, if only for a panel. Showcasing contrast is always good.
Emma had her best showing yet in that regard, only the bar arc comes close (probably the best arc so far btw)
I don’t agree, the arc was pretty great, and the fight only took a few panels.
The “split personality” is more of repression and snapping issue than bipolarism, but I don’t think anyone cares about that distinction here, and I agree anyway.
Not to say that it’s even poorly done, I think the set up belt is doing is pretty great so far, I just like the light hearted sometimes edgy young adult romcom better. Which I guess his personality issues fit as trope within the genre anyway. Especially with the threat of this comic turning into a psychological horror show at any minute, hanging over the story so far like a blade of Damocles. I think it all adds up to being a well fitted addition. bretty gud.
If anything, the only thing I don’t like is the first girl and her boyfriend. THAT arc was probably the worst, the “people” here are absolutely fried mentally now, considering how little complaints were around back then, and how many more low quality complaints there are now.
Not to mention their characters just feel like they’re probably set up purely for the purposes of being uninhibited parallels to Nikolai and his harem.
Honestly I think they’re well done too. The comic in general is good, and even the ending of this arc looks like it’s going to be good. not to mention when graded on a curve of web toons in general, and smut in particular. I just personally don’t enjoy them, meta or otherwise, they seem like the cost of doing business so to speak.
>tldr stop bitching faggots, I want to see emma and Nikolai flee the party together with sky high chemical levels and vitals
Put all their XP into one skill tree
>marvel brained nigger: go one second without shoehorning it into a topic
It’s impossible for you people. Didn’t ask btw.
This one was much better up until the fucking fireworks. I get the comic is meant to be anime as fuck but I haven't seen a single time people were okay with this shitty trope
Way better than the last pages though. I usually end up liking fireworks episodes in anime even though it is such a common trope
Aaaand Emma's strong offensive confession has been stop by fireworks! We will have to wait next season to see if Nikolai will hear it or be very dumb once again!
All those Emma drawings are super sexy, she’s growing huge and I’m all for it. It’s worth pushing through the mid writing for the fat women
And the Fireworks hit again. I despise this trope so much because it’s literally just there to draw out a story…

But at least the story being drawn out means possible pernille gain and gain among all the others too!
Fuck yeah, I needed more fat Anis in my life
>don’t think it’s a good idea to go in dere-
Rare Russo-hoe w
I like the fact that Emma doesn't seem all that put out or bothered by her bloated stomach. She's handling the volume of food well.
i really like the emma panels in this page.
They have the new page
Ok Elijah but you still fought Niko lmao, breaking up with your gf wont help
Welcome back everyone to this new season of TDE! Last time, many have express their anger over the interception of Emma's confession by the fireworks. But it seem the game is starting strong with Eli going for the first move by facing Pernille after what she did during the party! Will he go through the break up?
Best nikke, what a great piece!
(965 KB, 200x176, IMG_4574.gif)
Something amazing gonna happen. its getting better and better
Elija is going to black mail her into gaining weight.

He was extremely disappointed she didn't show up for Christmas dinner and seems to dislike the fact she is skinny.

Think her latching onto him is to just grab his phone hoping to delete the data?
That's what I thought too. Dice or no dice?
Considering Women like her HAVE done that before in irl cases; yes, I believe that's what she's gonna do.
HOLY FUCKING SHIT! this comic is about to get even better wtf
and just like that bb becomes the goat
Wtf, another long part so fast?
Is he a machine or what
Good god I have become so used to every single artist being so deathly afraid of depicting anything even adjacant to a straight couple having sex this almost gave me whiplash. Respect
I found interesting how Pernille looked so curvy considering how she acted so this explains it I guess
This comic my bypass Kip and Sweetdreamcoffe
>gems, pure fucking diamonds
It’s just part two of the previous part, belt had cut it down cause it was too long iirc
Absolutely adore how Belt draws stuffed bellies. Watching the stuffed stomach bulge out of the fat red and taut is amazing. Few other artists draw it like Belt
Oh I see, thanks for the reply.
Still, none the less impressive
So I was half right but it's obvious he is into fat chicks.

Also something worthy of pointing out is the fact that she said she is worried about relapsing.

So that all proves to me that from the very beginning he wanted make her fat thus his disappointment about her not attending the Christmas party etc. since she used to be a fatty before I can imagine her gaining weight way fast as well.
Yeah BB is the fucking GOAT of this fetish
The last page is telling of how quick people are to flip on a comic, going from "this comic fucking sucks" to "holy shit, based".
(3.0 MB, 2180x1985, IMG_2896.png)
Art from MeatPedal
Big agree there. Just weeks ago people were complaining how the comic sucks, is badly written and how it ‘isn’t going anywhere’

Too many people here have less reading comprehension and patience than someone in pre-k, it’s pathetic.
People don't really read fetish comics for the story, bro

How do you keep your head up long enough to suck so much dick with such a big brain?
Nah, what sucked was that arc, up until that moment the story didnt over extented like that and mostly was focused on the girls getting fat, now if he doesnt lean again in cringy edgy action stuff we good
New page out
Only cumbrains with the attention span of a flea will get mad at this post.
(1.2 MB, 620x14774, unnamed (3).jpg)
Tu marido la novela
Halo brazo de 35 ponte a entrenar tu marido Celsius pre entreno después de entrenar, no se como otros se toman el preentreno antea de entrena si uno va enérgico
Speak English you fucking idiot
Er diavlo el volumen va hacer histórico
sure but do eat 19 dicks
Ok now i'm completely convinced that Tanya's friend is going to end up being attracted to her that creepy chubby chaser line has me thinking
God I wish she was real
It would be so hot if instead of dying. She just got immobilized in a sequal pic
Cállate el hocico gringo, mucho ruido y pocas nueces
New page out
Uh...didn't the original image have multiple girls? How is this a remake?
Because the vote was specifically only for her from that image, suggested by a patron.
Tfw you eat too many Shabriri Grapes
(She thought they'd melt the weight away)

Who tf wants Irina over Hyetta tho?
Theyre the same person or atleast the same model so meh
Was there not a new page this week or something?
Same body, one’s the blind daughter of the lord of Castle Morne, the other’s some kind of body stealing entity like Shabriri becoming a maiden of the lord of frenzied flame. Hyetta pledges herself to you, Irina asks for a favor and gets killed while you’re gone.
first this and now debuiscool's take on shadowheart man i hope that mod kit lets us make some fat bodies
a dream mod is a fat class. the idea of a character getting rounder and slower as the game progresses does me diamonds. lets say end game your practically immobile but your team mates can either role you over enemies for damage or they feed you for morale buffs. idk somethin like that
why does good ol' Mari's profile look fine while nick & emma's got some mystery?

just saying
i like how you think but another one would be a magic class getting more powerful as their weight goes up and having to eat more food and magic items
you aint half bad yourself
One expensive resource that could require both a certain amount of food to be eaten could be a way of getting around the immobility debuff, but only for so long.

Like different carts could have health pools that are done damage based off of weight.

Immobile characters could instakill the rickety, wooden cart; but the Magical Rune Throne (think like a floating throne) made of magical stone could take a LOT to crush it.
Okay, okay I see what your cooking.
Maybe have different cart build for what your playstyle aims to be.

I imagine a cart that shatters on break and does Hella AOE damage. And you can stockpile them for consistency
small thing. i listened to there listed theme songs. Gotta say. Yeah. they fit. Nikolai fucks. Nina and Mari are country and pop respectfully. and i cant listen to them for more than 30 seconds
Probably spoilers that'll get revealed as time goes on.
Canonically that’s a bloat mage. Which basically a wizard who uses their blood as a storage/medium/catalyst/all purpose additive magic material.
Basically they bloatmaxxx for magical blood doping purposes.
Can’t remember but I think earlier editions let spellcasters cheat size categories with certain spells by being so fat they went up a size category. Don’t think that has even a fat chance of being added thoughever
Nina is way lighter than expected, by like 15kg. Always thought she was kind of “bodacious” & “full figured” for how much she harps on Tanya.
What is this, another cookie-cutter character from a slice of life manga?
future comics character hopefully
Holy shit!!! Bro has a structured settlement and he needs cash now
New page out and I need it now
Y este piojoso q pedo?
Pq andas tan al tiro? We jalatela y tu tranqui compa
he actually chose some pretty good choices for there themes.
*Sees Frederick*

You, It's You!
All the songs so far has been fitting with the vibe and characters! Doesn't feel randomly picked.
It takes place in Sweden bro
Meh, it's the same thing
Да благословит Бог Мать Толстую
(God bless, Mother Fatness)
Apologies for the request, I know these can be annoying
But as much as I enjoy the comic discussion, could someone kindly post the Daily Pics not already on the Kemono yet?
Namely the two latest sketches and the Centoria, please and thank you.
Does anyone have the drawing of a woman struggling to lift her belly to masturbate and she has a text bubble next to her that said something like "too much flab...can't reach..."?
kinda hot that the fattest character in the series has the theme of a tribal chant. like on another time she would be an idol of worship. being so fat that other relatively skinny or buff characters of the time would be able to fathom how big she is
>>216761 Mila Milanov likes to hide her bio in Russian.
Finally, some good fucking food
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This is what i like to see
Nothing on earth tops a gianr girl riding you with her belly on your chest
Belt's outdone himself, fuck
Please Nino, crush my dick...
I'm starting to wonder why every fat girl artist likes using Nino out of the Quintripulets? and why it's always her as the wife they pick for Futou?
tbh i was always just under the impression there were one or two people with a LOT of money who really like getting art of her or smth
It's likeley that undertaker something guy who's a huge Nino fanboy.
It quite literally says on the piece who the commissioner is
Meatpedal, dude...he's one of those artists who gets a fuck ton of commissions for his waifu
God, that's peak. Nino looks so good here
prolly cuz she is a tsundere and majority of people like it
Yup Belt’s one of the more consistent artists
(552 KB, 900x1320, perillia huge.png)
I wonder if belt-buster going to make her this fat?
ya, but it's strange because Futou is with Itsuki and Nino isn't his canon wife, they always tend to make stories were nino is the wife and itsuki's happiness is bad which in my opinion is wrong to make up.
Itsuki is also not his canon wife. Yotsuba is the one
Holy shit never expected to see fats of Toyo of all characters. Fucking nice.
Yeah, we need more Manyuu Hikenchou fat art in general. Not that shitty waifu of the year stuff
ya, you're right. i kept mentioning the wrong sister name, sorry.
This man speaks truths.
Yeah, I know. She sucks.
You're right, she sucks my dick
september 8 came and went, did he give any updates on when its actually gonna come back? is the page so big he had to delay it or did something happen that slowed him down?
I remember when the manga ended and /a/ was melting down that he chose yotsuba. She was definitely worst girl. I would have been OK with anyone else winning
I can't believe Nikolai killed Lise Berg to satisfy his twisted death feedism fetish and left her bloated body floating in a Norwegian fjord wrapped in plastic.
Oooo, mystery and something interesting to the story.
Misses Labia
She looks so better! Gorgeous Annis
The auto corrector LMAO
who's tine have we heard about her before?
That bitch that used to bully Lene if I remember.

and she was with Andre, who dumped her for lene. Except for the odd few frames, we haven’t seen her since part 27
Yup, Leif did a great job portraying my expression when seeing Tine
Holy shit she has a big paunch.
Holy shit, this is one of his best pieces, it awakened my colossal titan
It's just W after W with Belt
For the life of me I have no fucking clue what the plot is even about. Didn't it start off as some mystery why people were getting fat? I really need someone to give me a recap of what happened up to this point.
Who actually is the woman on the left? I've seen a few pieces with her and they've been great but idk the character

Friedrich der Große from Azur Lane
>basketball for scale

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