
(246 KB, 2048x1755, E8UZxQEWYAEYk53.jpg) (99 KB, 1542x1520, FDWWK6mVUAYTdJq.jpg) (120 KB, 2012x1409, FGiYprJUUAc6ZF4.jpg) (57 KB, 1287x850, blob-watame-strangermoist-9zf7rvzy2u-1287x850.jpg)
The first thread's gone, so I decided to start a new one. And please keep the bitching away from this thread. There's already a schizo thread on this board, so if you wanna bitch about the artist being annoying, go to the schizo thread, not here. This thread is focused on the art, and the art only.
Anyone got the samus post he teased a while back and said he would only ever have it on substar or whatever he replaced patreon with?
That's a whole new level of:
>Nasty shit I would do to her
>>199455 (OP)
This thread reminded me I saved their entire twitter gallery but it took me hours to delete all the meme shit and reposts that came with it (I'll post it later if I find it as it's not in my current disposal)
>>200381 wrong thread man, I believe the Samus/Nintendo thread is a few pages down.

Damn, this is how I find out all his stuff is gone. Mind sharing the folder again?
source of these first, third and fourth images?
>>209827 I genuinely believe all of it's StrangerMoist
can you post the archive again? thank you.

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