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Kicking this thread off with another beautiful enormous elf
>>197496 (OP)
Great now people will think this is a delicious in dungeon thread like how they thought it was a frieren thread last time
>>197496 (OP)
Beautiful? Okay, I can understand that. But no way in hell she's "enormous". Maybe by Kip's standards or something lmao
They should just learn how to read
Finally a Record of Lodoss War thread.
save us LTAF
Finally an Knive Ear thread
Yes please save us :(((
He pry ain’t gonna make a new post for a bit, he said on Twitter a bit ago that he got a GF and doesn’t wanna scare her off with the Vore fetish, mad respect to the guy tho
Save us LTAF


LTAF save us
Theyve already stated why they aren't doing art atm. Just leave it be
Saiya would be bad af if she wasn’t annoying af
It would be interesting if Saiya's gain is mostly on her lower body, Kip has never done a strictly pear-shaped character
It'd be interesting Tessa makes Saiya cum. Gonna obviously weigh on Saiya's thoughts when it comes to herself and Aika.

If Saiya does end up playing both, having her cake and eating it, I do hope she blows up considerably to match her own greed - her just desserts.
Also interesting that she looks kinda bottom-heavy in her own thoughts. That's a callipygian rear if ever I saw one!

Aika = apple; Tessa = hourglass; Saiya = pear?
I think they’re all gonna be apples
Abc news theo ass is phat!!!!! Omg
At least we talk about the comic, you took your time just to complain bud
Nah, I'm good mate. Catch you all on Friday for the next page. We all know how this works by now.
Everytime we meet we dont speak let the sexual organs or odor talk
The level of cringe is off the charts
I'm sorry that you feel uncomfortable with women getting aroused.
I welcome the musky smell.
Most comments on da and patreon are commenting on Saiyas pear shape, I hope kip had the intentions of sticking with a pear gain with Saiya or takes these responses in board and goes with it.
Yoooo saiya’s finally gaining?? Based based based
It's not that she's getting aroused, it's that Kip is awful when it comes to writing thoughts and dialogue and it's uncomfortable to read.

Also just thinking about this, how fucking long is this comic going to go on for? The MC is realizing she wants to be fat for a humiliation kink nearly 450 pages in. It feels like this is never going to fucking end.
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biggest sow Saiya edit
God why did that Raven have to be so ugly, Raven literally has no good fat art
I feel like that Galko one was such a missed opportunity
>Raven literally has no good fat art
Sounds like she's too ugly to draw.
Join in already, Tessa. Show her how it's really done.
Excellent, Saiya became prone to burping greatly.
Any living person would become prone to burping greatly following 4 liters of Coke and mentos lol
It would be funny if Tessa had forgotten to turn off the stream and then saw that everything she was doing with Saiya was visible on the stream.
Damn you found the plot twist
Nice, a fun proposal! Though if that were the case, it might bring things to a head a bit too quickly, what with Aika watching like a hawk. It would have to be a pretty big ass-pull for Saiya to somehow get away with it with Aika... Unless the earlier cutback to Aika was to demonstrate her attention being diverted by the conversation happening around her...
I wonder if Kip does any belly inflation, making the girls bellies way bigger?
>next page
>Tessa and Saiya's feathers start falling
>they realize the stream was on
I can see that but that would mean that something was actually happening in the story, and that ain't Kip's style.
>Tessa and Saiya both look at the camera
>”uh well that just happened”
>Cut to credits with post credit teaser for Full Night Nanny 2
I would be willing to bet money that this theory is correct
I just hope before that happens, Tessa’s belly is exposed too so the world can see just how much of a fatass both of them are
We shall have to see. Personally I think it puts the story in too volatile a spot, both in terms of the stream and Aika's burgeoning relationship; either it gets hastily smothered (like before with Saiya's confession to Aika) or we clumsily hit the end climax but the throuple would be out of the question. Feels like a pretty mid end.

Though, that all being said, the stream slip would bring a bunch of interesting things to a head - the fan reaction to the bloat could be telling for a different direction for the stream and a fanbase willing to support more kinky content. I like the idea that Aika acts as if she hadn't seen the extra content, playing dumb intentionally to play Tessa at her own game... Though I admit it's a little unrealistic, with Aika most likely looking to stamp out that shit between the two streamers immediately.
I can see a scenario with Aika force feeding Saiya for her infidelity, and Saiya just goes: jokes on, you im into that shit...
No new page today because Kip was confirmed to have been eaten whole just outside of Helsinki this morning. More to follow…
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Fake news! For, behold, a new page! This line seems pretty dang interesting given the recent discussion over a stream slip:

>Don't you just want everyone to see how big you've gotten?

It could be nothing more than Kip flirting with that notion. It could also inadvertently come true as described above... What's the possibility that she may have intentionally kept recording, forcing Saiya to be on exhibition? it sounds crazy and like career-suicide, but Tessa does appear to be getting a little unhinged when it comes to wanting Saiya. Again, she doesn't have much to lose so maybe this is all aprt of some insane plan of hers?

That's the thing. Aika knowing about the infidelity being caught on camera is delightfully spicy if she feigns innocence about it, watching Saiya wriggle in guilt.If Aika is savvy enough to work out Tessa's game, I hope she attempts to fight fire with fire and take it out on Saiya's waistline.
Well, this would explain why Tessa hasn't took off her corset yet


pls let the corset have a "little accident"
An astute observation! You'd think with the camera's off she'd pull the rip cord and relax unless either a) she's a masochist who likes her organs being squeezed or b) there's something more at play...

Though really, for Saiya I can't see how this wouldn't be any less than cruelly mortifying for her. I'm not quite sure how this somehow wins her over for Tessa, but hey we're attempting to rationalize the actions of the irrational here.
Also did Saiya's tits get bigger???
am I the only one noticing that aika's shirt isn't ripped anymore
god kip if you're going to do meaningless wardrobe destruction at least be consistent
*Saiya's shirt. And yeah, this was somewhat addressed on page 443 by having Tessa hike her shirt up over Saiya's belly, thus concealing the tear. A slightly lazy solution, but nothing more.
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I feel like the stream is 100% still on and Tessa's career is about to be OVER
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>"You're almost bigger than me! ... And we can't have that now, can we?"
>*grabs her own soda bottle and a couple of candies.*
>"Let me show you how it's done."

Do it Kip. Do it faggot.
Two clones with the same basic features replay the same boring trope for the tenth thousand time. Hurray...
That'd be the preferred outcome
Shouldn't you be busy huffing your own farts elsewhere?
>>198870 who else new to dis cord cannabis servers. Come learn how to grow
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Managed to grab the leak of the next page in time
Im betting on Tessa recording this just to black mail Saiya into being quiet about it to Aika and continue their feeding encounters, Aika finds out, but doesn't confront Saiya, instead she takes it on her figure, Saiya feeling guilty just lets Aika feed her, Saiya gets stuffed in both fronts making her catch up.
If Tessa uses it as blackmail for Saiya, we need to have Saiya in some way blackmailing Aika so we can have a blackmailing triad
I don’t think Tessa will be blackmailing Saiya, but I do think and hope they will be getting intimate and only afterwards discovering the stream is still going
Imagine going through the effort thinking this is funny. Cringe
We will get to you another day shut up.
You made the "leak" yourself.
Whaaaat? No, it's clearly real as you can tell.
I don't think he did, it's very obviously Kip's artstyle and presentation
you wish you were right
This is real I was the leak
Can't you see it's the storyboards?
It's nice to see Kip rediscover comedic timing and interesting staging. Not seen a work from him this strong in years.
Shitposting like this shouldn't be possible. haha
Heh, that's a wing-boner in panel 4 if ever I saw one.
my kingdom for consistent art and characterisation
Inconsistent characterisation?
Welp Saiya is fuck, shes not even lusting about Tessa but herself
I love the artwork but otherbody parts like the hips and face needs to show the weight gain
Bros... Is it happening?
ya, but i feel like this is the artists way of showing their art style.

even though i wish it wasn't so unrealistic.
I thought Saiya was way shorter than that or Tessa shrunk
If it has to do with Saiya actually gaining weight I hope not ngl
This is so gay
Why is Kip so gay
I want to crank my hog I don’t care about your dipshit lesbians
>5 long lesbian comics under his belt
That fuck are you doing here bruh...
If that's what's happening then Saiya is slowly turning into Sydney 2
Yeah Tessa was like a giant compared to Saiya idk why they are almost the same height -_-
No lunch break was good and also wasn’t 17000+ pages of nothing
Im praying Kip listens to the crowd and experiments giving Saiya a pear gain, i remember way early on "No Lunch Break" Sydney did comment on her ass being huge because genetics but that idea was abandoned only for her to end up looking like a zeppelin by the end.
Used you for the tax money. Entire different person now.
Yeah that's not gonna happen. Kip has a preference and I can't think of a single time in the recent past that he's done a notably different body type/shape.
I like the detail of Tessa's boobs using Saiya's own chest as a boob shelf.

Tessa looks genuinely happy here, like she's found a kindred spirit in Saiya. She's laying it on thick (thicc) here so no wonder Saiya is overwhelmed.
Still, I think this was an important moment and conversation for Saiya to have if we are to consider the endgame possibility of her and Tessa both having a future performing together as fetish streamers.
>Anything less but one girl barfing into the mouth of the other girl and inflating her to planet size can't get my rocks off

get help anon.>>199444
I think he tried in earlier parts of the comic because Tessa used to be strawberry and Aika was pear, then just gave up for some reason.
Never that’s too based for a kip comic in current year.
No lunch break was awful what are you talking about?
It’s just gone on for too long I’m not even paying attention to it apart from this forum
Thats said u have a family but you wont give up this website for a healthy family. Childhood trauma.
Call 877-JOB-DONE
Just saw Kip did a favorite panel post. Everyone drop ur fav osc panel
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They are so cooked if the stream is on
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"Tessa is unhinged" seems to be confirmed, as was recently called out here. It's an interesting wrinkle for sure. Definitely implies that Tessa is gonna fight tooth and nail in the battle for Saiya. Aika better be careful in future confrontations with this schizo!
So either Saiya runs away or also enters coomer mode and things get nasty from there
With Tessa going to crazy town to the point of spooking Saiya in addition to Aika being ultra possessive, maybe Saiya hatches a plan to get the two to stop proxy fighting over her by forcing them together, probably at this theme park? Or things come to a head and Saiya rails at both of them leaving both suitably abashed.

Neither sounds particularly "interesting" but hey ho. Preferred the plan of both trying to win over Saiya by feeding her.
>maybe Saiya hatches a plan to get the two to stop proxy fighting over her by forcing them together, probably at this theme park?
This comic is already bottom of the barrel in terms of writing, but that would somehow make it worse.
>Preferred the plan of both trying to win over Saiya by feeding her.
The problem with that is that Aika definitely doesn't want Saiya to be fat. She likes her toned figure. That option was always a pipe dream.
I posted a theory a while back about how Aika could try to indirectly force Saiya off the stream and away from Tessa's clutches by targeting her waistline. A few buffet dinner dates could help that along.
But she'd be sabotaging her own interest in Saiya as well so it's still a really silly theory.
Do you think Tessa's new tummy obsession could lead to her falling for Aika?
Who butt plug birth mark. Theyre perfect for each other she was sucking his dick on NSFW.XXX has her necklace in the pic and everything feel bad for their kids lmao
This could actually(kinda) work, right? I mean, she was blushing when Aika pressed her against a wall with just her belly.

Based off the 2 bottom panels, Saiya is a bit freaked out by this lol
They're also silly characters to be fair. Ones essentially having a feud and letting their passions get the better of them. Sensible, rational actions does not a fun comic make.

Besides, did you not pick up how Aika seems more switched on about belly interest after her make out session with Saiya? I think it's safe to say all three are gonna be into that shit by varying degrees by the end of things.
Aika was Tessa's initial gateway drug from the very beginning of the comic (It was a while back, ask your grandfather about it) so we know there's some underlying admiration there. And we know Aika is a fan of Tessa's as well. There are pieces of a bond there to forge, but it's about turning the heating up between the two as both are too fixated on Saiya currently.

It could go down in Goblin Park where both are stuck on a ride together - perhaps literally, both being too big to ride together and the ride fails or they can't get off it from being squeezed together - and they can not only thresh out their beefs and how they each feel about Saiya along with being turned on by one another in the process. Saiya discovers them making out when they're finally recovered and we finally get the epiphany staring us in the face for so long.
That would be a great way to stretch this out for 1200 more pages
Wasn't aware it was possible to see bad art of this bitch

DON'T FUCKING SAY IT, it's bad enough Kip's monkey paw has infinite fingers without us cunts curling them ourselves.
Either Saiya will be humiliated with her soda belly or give in and be aroused with it…

She is very indecisive
Shes gonna walk home and get the stares she was thinking about earlier
Shes gonna get humiliated on the way back and have a epiphany fap session when she gets home, Tessa specifies walk back if she could get a cab.
Would have been a better story if it just focused on tessa ctrying to find human connection while being famous and that leading her to being becoming the bigly.
it took us roughly 3 weeks to get to this
Tessa really is an absolute bellyslut, haha. That first panel is great. So despite her sudden mania, Tessa is at least canny enough to heed Aika's warning. Besides, if they're streaming so regularly there is no need for her to rush things.

Saiya's gonna have a few things to think about while the ball is in Aika's court now.
It actually took 7 weeks. Saiya arrived at Tessa'a place 23 pages ago.
>>200296 Hell yeah, he's rockin' it.
I love talking shit about this overly long fetish comic with unlikeable characters, but if Kip starts finally focusing on Tessa’s gigantic tits I think I’d have to take it all back
Honestly would’ve been better without Saiya, could’ve just had Aika be the dorky idiot Tessa falls in love with. But I guess we need an excuse for Tessa to get fat so meh.
Unless…. maybe Saiya decides to stay
Since this new page has pretty much nothing I'm gonna pose a question. Do we still think Saiya is Kips worst protag or is she a little better now?

dog shit
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About the pannel painting, I wanted this to be part of the suggestions, only because it would be hilarious if Kip decided to choose it for the lulz
709 W Lake St, Addison, IL 60101
Me when lose the schizo tournament alligators ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️

On the 13th day kip tei tei made an art. Thou said and thou shall draw. So drew. Thou drew (not funny 😄) the fat stomach. Oh! No? They grew. Do you kiss your buttocks with that mouth? No. 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️ I use my uvula ☹️ sorry I’ve just been going through a tough couple decades maybe Imma be better once the fent kicks in mmmhmmmm ✅ me when I’m



I didn't much care for Connor and the whole socially inept dweeb schtick but I know he found fans with some so don't take it as gospel.
For me yea, only because her sheer stupidity is one of the many reasons this has gone on for so long
theres a comic called my biggest idol that is basically this
>Kanto sucks!
Harsh words, but true
I’m gonna do it!!!!!😀🥹
Her having a belly doesn’t change shit for me ngl, I hope she dies and Kip never uses her character again.
hoenn's much better suited for whales after all (water)
You people on this thread are literal hell!
A small aside but thank you, jani, for being a reasonable one with a measured response. The last guy we had overmoderated the hell out of the thread, nuking even legit comic discussions. It was annoying af, putting it mildly. Appreciate it.
For as much as I feel bad for her or not being into her as much as Aika, this is a really good page. Trying to show off her soda-bloated belly.
hopefully also a pear shaped WG
Yeah, but i dont know if Old Kip can learn new tricks
It's interesting to see her beginning to embrace her belly, much like Tessa has done previously. This also looks like Saiya's attempting to have her cake and eat it too for the near foreseeable - both deepening her bond with Tessa while improving her body confidence for Aika. All fine in theory, but I suspect her stomach will be her undoing. Being stretched by Tessa's bloating might cause her appetite to pick up in kind, to the point of inadvertently adopting Aika's (over)eating habits and exacerbating those telltale gains.

With these potential changes to Saiya's figure, I wouldn't be surprised if Aika starts to smell a rat, especially if she starts donning a corset of Tessa's for streaming as well.

I would wager that things are going to come to a head between Aika and Tessa at Goblin Park.
Finally, some good fucking good
Doubt it, but I do love how much it’s bubbling and gurgling.
Not the most interesting of pages, but eh. I do find it amusing that Kip can instantly summon a mob of browbeating onlookers to humiliate a character in any comic. Why is this society so goddamn repressed?

Saiya's stomach is also pleasingly plump and pliant. I'm gonna overlook the dubious acceleration here and instead handwave it away as some sort of "unlocked potential" bollocks. We're at least not hanging around waiting for the good stuff when it comes to Saiya's potential gains.

Would be interesting going forward if Saiya develops such a self-confidence and attraction with her bloated midriff that she attempts to extend this with Aika in public in turn - gotta dust off those devil horns after all~
Because youre to pussy to stare me in the eyes and be a fucking man. I will teach you the way fuck boy
Ik that the kip universe takes place in a “post fat society” or some shit like that, but why are people looking at her like a car crash just happened lmao. Like what is the lady in the second panel covering her mouth for
Not to mention, for people who live in a "post-fat society" there are a hell of a lot of fatties running around. I think the ship sailed on that lore bit a long time ago.
No you miss me. Searching for me cant find huh
I like to think if we were to ever revisit Grace and her story that we'd be checking in on Tina and Syd as we jump between Grace's fat past and present.
As a socially inept dweeb, I can see myself as him. And seeing someone like me fuck a chubby goddess like Cindy is nice
>seeing someone like me fuck a girl is nice

this is not a cuckholding board.
Did Kip ever give an age for Connor and Cindy in FNN or at least a rough estimate of what age they are?
Connor is 18 per the first page or so
Cindy is presumably 21-23
Dude it’s fucking porn…
I get ya. For Kip, a hetero relationship is a refreshing break from the norm and it allowed fans to insert themselves into Connor's shoes as you say.

It's reader-insertion, not cuckolding.
>damn, I wish the story had some dude's dick on screen

Hetero porn is cucked.
God can you shut up you dumb yuritranny
>>201640 This just in, being into girls is gay. Shut the fuck up retard
perhaps there is some sort of correlation between being a socially adept dweeb and being unable to self insert with a woman...............
obsessing over homosexuals of the opposite sex is peak tranny behavior
seek help or a rope

Whatever helps you sleep at night pedo
Why is everyone arguing. Can't we just talk about how Tessa and Cindy are Kips best characters.
With how talented of an artist Kip is, its very interesting that they only know how to draw one fat body type.
With how talented of an artist Kip is, its very interesting that they seem to only know how to draw one fat body type.
Tessa is nowhere near being one of Kip’s best character lmao. She’s only just above Saiya. Unless you mean in terms of hotness.
Debatable. Who do you have above Tessa then????
Kip is laser-focused upon what they like, for all that it entails. Despite them being decent at drawing larger BBWs like their earlier works showed, it presumably didn't interest them so much. I recall the disgust with Kip, the character, in her comic leading to that story ultimately being shelved.
thats kinda a rare case, most people get bored of smaller sizes after some time...
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>we must get taxpayers to pay for my neovagina or however the communist manifesto goes
Also free plasticine or something
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Umm actually it's LGBTQIAMAP2S++ you bigot CHUD
Grace, Sydney, Tina, that chick who was losing weight in NLB, Cindy, that other chick with the bf in NLB, Conner, Aika, hell even Saiya's goddamn sister. Not in that particular order.

I second this, I like the coloring more
Stephanie loves that kind of danger.
It really is painful. Kip (the character) was so fucking hot, but Kip (the artist) just doesn't like drawing em that big, even though they have a real knack for it. At least Aika in this comic is getting sorta close to Kip's size.
Most dudes cant stand their baby mothers welcome to the club
Caucasin women love dreadlocks. Threat niggers like kings. Only pawgs threat niggers like kings.
Get you a pawg they treat niggers like kings!

Does anyone have examples of his older art drawing larger sizes?
Okay I may be fucking blind because I cannot find the second to last image on his kemono, I hope I can find it because that picture is PEAK
The money made on gamestop in last two days paid me more then my union so far this year. They hate ppl who trade stocks. Like yes we have the accessiblity to make your salary assholes keep hating bulls are back
Fucking love that second pic
Saiya drinks a 2 liter soda and gains what 15 pounds? God just go to aika and stuff her till she can’t move
Weird to gain weight just from soda, but yeah, Aika is more kinder to Saiya.
Amc hut gme. How can you lose
Let's just be grateful that the soda bloating hasn't translated into watersports and bladder fetishes being unlocked for Saiya.

Prediction time! Saiya might attempt to mask her newfound tummy by inviting Aika out for dinner. There, with enough food put away between them Saiya has an excuse to explain away the gut and both she and Aika can explore being intimate with stuffed bellies. To prevent Aika from questioning Saiya about where her burgeoning appetite came from, Saiya might have to overstuff Aika into complicity. In any case, Aika needs to bring up Goblin Park with Saiya so it seems natural to discuss such a thing over dinner.
How much hedge lose on gamestop again? Over a billion. Retailers been winning since the 80's stronger in #'s
In every category expect for gays I dont fuck with that. Idc
Um alright cool I guess..
>Weird to gain weight just from soda...
Soda is one of the foremost contributors to the obesity epidemic. Sugar is vastly more harmful than fat.
Hurry up send in your request.
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this reminds me of nlb when sydney got fat for the first time and was nervous about going into work. when she was taking pictures of herself and stuff. i wouldn't mind if kip does the same thing here, stick to what you know ig. that's my prediction

yeah ig it could be boring that everyone in the kipverse is a feedee lesbian with a humiliation kink, but i dont mind lol
Hmm, with someone mentioning earlier that Kipverse is a "post-fat society", do you think there is a longer, overarching plot to all of these stories?

Think about it: in such a world the concept of a BBW stream/camgirl service might have been hitherto unheard of. If the story is heading where I think it is then Tessa, Saiya et al might well be pioneers. Breaking new ground in a move that could cause shockwaves - popular BBWs with active followings. Combine this flashpoint with someone sympathetic to the cause with clout and influence - someone like Grace, say - and you have the makings of a teardown of the current social norms.

Are we slowly witnessing a fat revolution in Kipverse?
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Bro just piss it out you'll be fine.
Look up "Concept Art" on Kemono and you'll find two posts about it. Murdelli talked Kip into doing an art exercise and he had a bit of fun with it, and you can tell. Sure Kip makes bank nowadays, but it's super depressing to think he's stuck in a rut, doing the same thing every day, when a lot of the joy in art comes from just playing around. He's generally not that good with bigger sizes, but the gypsy girl that came from that exercise looks great.

Man, looking through old posts of his is really making me miss the old days...
> but it's super depressing to think he's stuck in a rut, doing the same thing every day, when a lot of the joy in art comes from just playing around.

It probably helps that Kip's comics tend to take a more lighthearted and comedic note. It's easy to find and express joy through silly characters doing stupid things. It's a release. Play. Something to keep in mind before railing at the dumb antics in a comic.

I've said this before but it bears repeating: when it comes to stupid decisions in the comic, blame the characters, not the creator. Saiya being a social retard, for example, isn't necessarily a bug.
> blame the characters, not the creator. Saiya being a social retard, for example, isn't necessarily a bug.
That makes no fucking sense, their characters, the creator literally dictates everything about them appearance, speech, mannerisms etc. they're not living sapient 2Dcreatures in constant agreement with Kip, he solely decides what goes on with them. I don't understand how people think stupid shit like >>202150>>202157>>202279 were going to be the default sizes kip drew characters as. He doesn't like them at those sizes i'm honestly shocked he tolerates this shit for commissions and fotm votes, honestly if he dropped that he'd get rid of the delusional idiots insisting that his characters reach those sizes.

>do you think there is a longer, overarching plot to all of these stories?
MFer this is Kip not M.Night Shamalan, Hirohiko Araki or Tolkien, he's just putting in a bunch of silly shit he likes, dude hasn't even come up with a way to finish of the Sister series or NLB despite giving both ample break time and doing literally other comics including the current OSS. Kip has the "X-men mutants" problem of that for some reason despite fat being so shamed and shunned for some reason every girl and ULTRA rare because this is fucking kip guys seem to totally love the few random fat girls that do show up. He doesn't think that far ahead he's not a writer period.
Ppl want to come out the wood works with advise & opinions when ppl argue. Have to love. Failed marriages. Never take advice from those kind of ppl
I fucked more women then all of you dudes. You dont have any advise. Fuck outta here
Dudes who had sex with less quality women then you trying kick free game. Some died. Understand why ppl are ichy right now. Fucking niggers
When they find out I have millions in crypto they are really going to hate me & want to commit sucide
What does fucking women have to do with Kip? hell if your game so good why the hell are you reading fatty wank comics instead of getting laid?
All u have to do is change your ip address. Fully aware cock sucker
Like this. See look how easy to change id. Dumb ass
>I don't understand how people think stupid shit like . . . were going to be the default sizes kip drew characters as.
Nobody thought they were going to be defaults, but they were certainly interesting to see every now and then and larger sizes would've worked well for climaxes to a "stuffing/weight gain" comic.
>He doesn't like them at those sizes i'm honestly shocked he tolerates this shit for commissions and fotm votes, honestly if he dropped that he'd get rid of the delusional idiots insisting that his characters reach those sizes.
He did drop those sizes, >>202139 wanted to see what older, larger sizes looked like. Almost all of these are 5+ years old.
A way to rephrase what I meant earlier was simply "trust the author".

Don't get me wrong, an annoying character can still bug the hell out of someone. Some characters aren't simply going to appeal to everyone but some stories can only occur when rational actors act irrationally.

A further caveat, in case it needs saying, is that this by no means absolves a write or creator of other sins. We're just talking characters here.
This is so good. Kip please make one for Aika and Cindy
I feel like Tessa has been the same size for 300 pages. Wasn’t she that same size when it was first revealed that she was fat? Am I crazy?
I feel like when Tessa gets a big tum it disappears and just makes her tits get bigger where with Aika she gets bigger everywhere.
> MFer this is Kip not M.Night Shamalan, Hirohiko Araki or Tolkien... ... He doesn't think that far ahead he's not a writer period.

This always struck me as a strange rebuttal. Why be so quick to chop down someone's potential? Is Kip somehow less capable of big-picture stuff? That he can't swing for the fences?

Saying you personally don't agree or approve the notion put forward is fine, but it's weird to say that Kip is incapable, or is that just me?
fat fetish comic on the internet
Kip, bro, seriously you had plenty of shoots to show improvement and creativity, but in the end you just disappoint and stick to what brings those sweet patreon subs. And somehow crippled any appeal for the average fat fetishist with disgusted inflation and pregg shit
You want praise bub?
That's the point tho? Who gives a fuck about spergs who don't pay and only leech?
I bet you don't even seed torrents.
Why would anyone value your opinion?
This fact will not get the spergs to discuss the actual subject matter. Nothing will.
Kip has proven constantly incapable. As far back as Lunch with Sister there were complaints about the story - the difference was that the characters were at least likable.

That's no longer the case with most of his output. One of the few shining lights was Full Night Nanny, no doubt as it was so much less ambitious.

Kip isn't just a bad writer. He's inconsistent, he's awful at character writing, his grasp on English seems to have gotten worse and his protagonists are often awful. He thinks he's smarter than he is, but has constantly proven otherwise.

The issue with One Serving Choice is that when it's good, it's really damned good. But that's in little vista points where it can be consumed as its own comic.

The wider story is awful, with an awful main character being an unlikeable cunt, the romance misguided and the plot meandering.

The problem is that Kip THINKS he's good at this. He constantly prides himself on being "more ambitious" than a fetish story, but he's never had one complete success apart from BWS and FNN.

No Lunch Break was still fucking awful. Sydney was hated for being a cunt at first too. It's a running theme, and the common theory tends to be that they're self inserts for Kip - who, too, is generally accepted by most folks who've known him as being pretty unpleasant.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand One Serving Choice. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Tessa's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into her characterisation - her personal philosophy draws heavily fromNarodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike One Serving Choice truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Tessa's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Kip Kippington's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a Breakfast With Sister tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
If you really wanna bait us with this bullshit, you should at least try to be funny
Have you ever heard the phrase "brevity is the soul of wit"?
it seems that saiya, who never wanted to get fat, will probably be getting fat over the next year of pages.
Hoo boy, you can tell when there's a late page when people start getting ornery, heh.
For a second I thought this site was all bots LOL IDK ANYMORE QUITE FRANKLY
Naw, there's plenty of spergs and schizos as well.
I'm so surprised that no one ever brings up "wafiu quest" (terrible title) in these Kip Is A Terrible Writer rants. I still have absolutely no clue what they were going for with that.
it was brief so nobody minded. The biggest problem with OSC is that we're on page 457 with no sign of it ending. Page 1 was April 2021
People are always fighting in this bitch regardless if the page is late or not
Kip actually teamed up with a writer for that one, lol
It’s gonna take a miracle for Aika to get fatter huh
Show some ass & I shall appear
So nothing really changed, we just know Saiya likes being fat now. Her feelings for Tessa are still the same, no love - just lust, and she still wants to stay skinny for Aika. I’m guessing tomorrow they’ll go to that theme park right? Maybe something interesting will happen there idk.
>>202662 Honestly all I want.
Just pee it out already, god. Kinda annoyed that the hunger was sidelined over more angst here - hunger and appetite are more my bag.
How big would Tessa get if she swallowed and digested Aika?
Panel 3 looks so bad. Does she have 2 bellybuttons??
not even a milimeter bigger because she's reached the max size kip will draw already
Anyone notice how Saiya keeps getting new outfits while Aika and Tessa keep wearing the same exact thing? Lol
At this point Aika is the only decent character.
Negl didn't even notice that till you brought it up. Tessa must have 50 of that same fit
Aw, Aika is such a plump cinnamon roll. Doughy, sweet and with a little spice.
Thats why shes Kips best OSC character
Why doesn't Tessa, the largest girl, simply not eat the other girls?
Because Kip ain't into this shit, genius

Haven’t seen the angry manager chick in a bit. Wonder if she’s going to show up fat or smthn.
That would be the most optimal play
So when is vegas again?
Cause she’s the biggest hoe now
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I didn't find it on Twitter
But at this point I'll definitely stick with Aika.
Aika > Tessa

No brainer
Dread was right he called it two years ago 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Block me to surf bbwchan. Get help bitch
Is gay marriage legal in Kipland?
Because Tessa would gladly steal half of Saiya's stuff once she gets bored with her.
Crip walk Aika all day.
Since she first showed up I’ve always been team Aika. Not even remotely a hard decision.
>>203173 but somehow all of these fucking hoes think they got what they got because theyre good at something. Mafia controls everything. Wake up stupid bitches. Im your boss with out your job title. Secret society all we ask is trust!
You woulda been hard-pushed back in the days when she was just a ditzy, useless oaf. She garnered a lot of hate at the start.

Personally I'm up for Team Tessa. I like 'em tall and she's also a genuine freak and I love her for it. While Aika's always been an interesting dark horse to me, Tessa's intentions are clear.. As unhinged as she might get on occasion.
Kip drew a bit of vore art back in the day including the DA vore mascot, Diva

They only hint at it here and there nowadays but it would be nice to see them do some more if they’d like
Tessa fans used to be on my ASS about it lmao. It didn’t help that I’d openly admit I hated Tessa.

Now? Meh. She is hot asf I admit but shes just above Saiya for me.
Does Tessa not like Saiya anymore or shes just being a dick because Aika pushed her to??
I think shes aiming to push Saiya into making something stupid enough to cause Aika to dump her.And without any right to say anything to Aika after that ,Saiya is gonna be heart broken, guilty and isolated, perfect for Tessa to make her his plaything.
Ready to deag her like you insisted
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I think that does it for me. If by July this comic hasn't done any kind of progress at all i'm officially dropping it forever. Kip can't keep getting away with releasing 1000+ pages of a fetish comic where nothing happens.

Until then, see you guys later.
Everyone patiently waiting to crash the plane in july
This isn't as confusing as log myu yet, but getting there.
Reading this as and when pages have dropped for the past few years feels like we're as lost as the dude writing it.
See you when the next page is posted.

You guys literally cannot help yourselves.
What's confusing about things, curiously?
As the other dude said, Tessa is basically trying to ruin Saiya’s relationship with Aika (again) just in a different way this time.

This trip is definitely gonna end up with someone crying regardless.
So u dont like black men. Just use them to make your babies. Hecklers man
>Kip can't keep getting away with releasing 1000+ pages of a fetish comic where nothing happens.

The ones enabling the patreon grifting for the last several comics say otherwise, unfortunately.

Also lmao at the people looking back fondly on no lunch break, it had the same problems as this one.
This has been bothering me but has the "Goblin Cape Trip" ever been brought up before? I don't get the reactions at the end, especially with Tessa going from meek to punchably smug.
Kip changed the schedule from Sunday to Monday. Wednesday and Friday remains the same.
Lately he's been post pages on Monday and it became a part of a daily basis.
its kinda disappointing that one serving choice doesnt really stand out(quality wise) and doesnt have colored pages yet even with the low quality pages its evident that they are making these pages probably a day before uploading them. almost all artist that have a patreon gives pages in advanced as a reward for the subscription. yet kip doesnt. its even more evident since they will sometimes not upload on the scheduled day. imagine if their comic pages had the just half the quality as her commisions, I would honestly pay at least 10 a month for that.
New here? Years to late. No purpose so you have time to lurk
For Tessa, any moment spent with Saiya is a win in her book, with her agenda being to win her back. That she is here upon the invitation of others legitimises her being there and enables her to freely be within Saiya's proximity, hence the concern shared by Saiya and Aika - Saiya lacks self-control and Aika is understandably protective.

For Tessa it's the equivalent of "I'm not touching you~", reveling in being a problem for the couple.
They've also been producing three comic pages a week near enough every week consistently for years. A lot of people simply don't realise how demanding comic creation is. Each page is in essence anywhere from 4-8 pictures as opposed to just the single image of a commission. Add to that the panels all need to have staging, coherency and dynamic flow with one another. And we haven't even mentioned any dialogue or effects or story planning...

If you want commision-quality comics? Enjoy having 1-2 pages every month. We in comparison with Kip get 12.

Maybe there could be a point where Kip finds themselves a team to boost the creative output but, honestly, I'm happy that they've found a solid rhythm of prolific output as a solo creator. A comic lives or dies by its story, not its art so getting the pages out of the door consistently is key.
Hi Kip, post the new page
>coherency and dynamic flow
Is next page today or Wednesday?
We get it Kip, your old ass cant do this much longer, and has always your writing and character construction sucks
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This is gonna sound fucked up especially with what is going on with Kip but I feel like we should get next month free or smthin.
I really do feel like Kip could 100% use a team or at least another person to help em produce the art because having to write and create OSC while also doing pledge rewards is a lot for one person. They would be able to produce a lot more if they did imo
>along with everyone else

you mean to tell me this dude has other people working with for this shit comic and they havent had the balls to tell him "ayo this shit trash son just make more FNN content dawg"
It's other artists who hire workspaces in the same building, numbnuts
So the dude in his late 30s rents a space to draw his poorly produced lesbian comic? Sounds like someone doesn't want to appear unemployed.
>A dude making a good salary from his art decides to rent a work space
Eewwww, cringe!
brother if this story were planned it might have got somewhere by now
Your emotions make you weak. Stop being offended. Focus on you.
Hating mod. Deleting comments.
It’s crazy you people think some guy who sits in his basement and shills out comics is some thin “pretty” femboy who’s under 30.

Kip is balding
You have a good point there.
Nothing is going on, he comes up with far-fetched excuses all the time. He just wants to take a break and is too much of a pussy to announce it, as always.
Take off your tinfoil hat.
>office space
nigga you draw on a computer and make thousands of dollars a month
do it in your own home ffs
You have to remember that he's been at it for like 15 years now. If he started at 20, well...
There are benefits to separating work and home life. I can relate as I'm one of those who can't hack working from home. Besides, it's been working fine for Kip up until now so why are people nitpicking this point? Let them do what works best for them, eh?
Now im beginning to theorize his work has departed from fat fetish because he has to draw while sharing his work space with a bunch of normies
You do know I can read this right. Jesus
Kip's been drawing belly content and smut for years so scratch that theory. It shouldn't be hard to accept that he simply isn't into fat stuff like he used to be.
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So this just came out. Not sure if we have a new upload schedule or whatever but its here
Ah, yes. The good ol' "Internet Celebrity tries to live like a normal person, only for their retarded fans to screech like actual fucking apes and harass them."
So far, this is the most realistic human depiction in the entire comic.
Finally caught this bitch so happy now.
Nadine who you shooting in the chest again? Remind us feds investigating YOU NOW
“Tessa tries to start shit, only to immediately get karma by getting fucked in the ass by her annoying fans” Was not on my bingo list.
Bring it 😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈 you dont want the devil to fuck your life
Man I need 2024 Cindy 😭
>>did not miss my window. You will be back. I got gaylord patience. 🤣
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So we can 100% say that Tessa is Kips tallest main character in the kip verse right???
think these are sposed to be children fanboying over the famous kiptch streamer
Accurate depiction of kids watching a streamer they shouldn’t be.
Also Tessa might be the tallest, but those are kids lmao. She isn’t THAT tall.
>sign my roomba
we're so back
*holds up spork and goes cross eyed*
Man I wish she'd sign my roomba
anyone got the new pic
Can you post the latest Lewdpool Pack please.
I mean Lewd poll pack
How long do you all think it'll be before we get some belly content again?
Wait is that Kronii???

I know Kip has some bad case of same face syndrome but I could barely recognize thats Kronii without the headvents or any outfit she has
Has Kip ever said how tall Tessa actually is?
According to my math, 42.346 days.
I'm bad at math, but that sounds about right.
They haven't but she is a giant to most ppl in the Kip verse
They're gonna need to stop for lunch at some point. Here's hoping that Saiya has an expanded appetite after her belly stretch yesterday. Theme Park fare is mainly junk food so fingers crossed.

It's honestly refreshing having a noticeably tall feedee character gallumphing around. Like a sexy brontosaurus.
Nah, but I think she’s 6’2-4, maybe. Kip doesn't keep the heights consistent. Generally Saiya is just mini, Aika is somewhat tall, and Tessa is a few inches taller than Aika or so

Light skin, it’s drawn better imo
Kip if you're not gonna draw bellies at least draw decent looking guns.
Doubt it, Kip just sucks at hands.
No chance id buy weed from your floor lmao cut your hair. Dirty fucker
Nah, he's simply a shitty artist
wow that does a better job than kip, what I.A. did you used?
I'll still take flawed human work over your slop anyday AI-nigger.
With how things are progressing i guess in a few years you will be able to prompt a whole comic...
Yeah I had been wondering that as well. Hopefully they return cause I'd love to see the full comic in color (Since Kip most likley won't do it)
theres a bunch on this guys deviantart page but idk if he's the one who made them or if theyre reuploads. https://www.deviantart.com/mwkzjs/gallery

also did kip say anything about today's page? i guess he did say his office space was closing down. hopefully it wont be too much longer til he's back
Yeah I suspect there'll be further delays and disruptions until Kip says otherwise. The loss of an office or work space is no small thing.
Oh wait so its a real gun. I thought it would've been a toy one since its an amusement park lol
The Finns have a surplus of weapons stockpiled in anticipation of Soviet, now Russian, invasion.
There is a joke about finland in there somewhere
Yeah, it's probably an inside joke about finnish guns
I wish Kip would "Finnish" this comic already
I'll admit this got a chuckle out of me, hah.
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Tessa locking the fuck in
Guess those shooter games are coming in handy
Big tiddies prevent recoil!
I chop goats heads off for a living.
>"Ermahgerd, she's so kewwwl"

Lol, eye roll. Getting a little Mary Sue-ish up in here, but whatever.
Why did Aika fall back then?
Some dudes will call any female character who is capable at doing something a Mary Sue
I wouldn't go that far, but yeah it was pretty hokey for Tessa to suddenly be an amazing crackshot when the other two were so woefully incompetent.
>Character does something competently
>Umm I'm getting Mary Sue vibes???
Anon, you're actually gonna make me defend Kip here.
anyone got the new pic
Just being nitpicky asf to be honest, cause who the fuck in their right mind focuses on feet out of all things in that picture
Someone with both weight gain fetish AND feet fetish
“Mary Sue” definitely isn’t the right term here since it’s Tessa we’re talking about. But Tessa is a twitch thot with no social life and rarely goes outside, who also formally used to be a nerd. I doubt she’d actually be able to shoot a gun, so I agree the scene is purely to make Tessa look cool lol.

I love how you chose the feet when Nagatoro‘s wrist is fucking broken
I think Kip might learn how to actually draw, because he's a goddamn grifter
Yeah, you get it. I don't care about Tessa being capable but the scene is just cheesy, c'mon dudes. Show a hot PNG chick ably using a gun and chuds suddenly start to take interest lol.

And hey, it's fine to be cheesy at the end of the day. It is what it is.
Ah yes the transferrable skill of clicking on pixels to target shooting. Kip is also unwittingly advocating that violent video games can indeed train you to be a more effective killer. So that's neat.

That aside, I find it amusing that there are so many fat references within the cultural zeitgeist of this world which is also a fatphobic society.
Maybe if she was talking about playing VR games but yeah doesn't really make sense comparing it to fortnite, whatever atleast its a cute page
Tessa’s dress keeps randomly gaining sleeves and losing them. Aika’s a few times too.
Good fucking lord… it isn’t that hard to be consistent, Kip, Jesus Christ….
Hahaha, that's hilarious
Oh No, it's a reference to...

*Right Foot, Creep. Oh, i'm walking with that heater*

Note: Wrong Song.
It's because of the ai, I canceled my patreon page for thhat
So this will result in some form of eating contest?
It's not AI.
Making comics (even bad ones) takes a huge amount of time. Every single professional comic artist I've ever met draws one page a week (they don't write or ink either).
These mistakes are bound to happen with Kip's schedule.

Yall will whine about ANYTHING lmao
Weak ass excuse Kip you would have to be on drugs to over saw that, people on the community would have your head not strictly because you maybe tracing AI BUT because you care so little about this product to even fix those details.
Yeah nah, as the other dude said that ain’t an excuse. Kip does this constantly, like, throughout the comic he has often changed the character’s sleeves within the same scene, same outfit throughout. The only reason I pointed it out with this page is because Kip does it with two panels RIGHT NEXT to eachother. All he had to do was look at it and notice “Oh shit, Tessa’s sleeves are off”.

FYI, both Aika and Tessa had short sleeves at the start of this scene.
L trolling. Imagine being such a worhtless waste of oxygen that you try to go fishing on a fucking bbw chan board lmao.
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yeah i made those, will I finish them?
With the new deviantart policy is kip's old art gonna be fucked?
Even if you don't finish em we appreciate the ones you did do
Deviantart is now banning art of "underage characters that have been aged up".
>that ain’t an excuse
No, it's a reason
I wasn't meaning to defend kip, just pointing out that 3 pages a week + pinup is a big workload and something has to give; in this case it was quality (see also: kips pinups).
Ideally, kip would just handle roughs/layouts (maybe even just thumbs) and the actual line work and cleanup would be done by artists he hires, a "kipprenticeship", if you will.
Either that, or make shorter comics with fewer pages

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