
I think he wants us to post art of fatties trying to lose weight
Probably should have been more specific
let him cook, bro onto something here, this a good genre
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Time has passed since Reika, Elizabeth, Megumi and Becky began working out together, and the girls continue sweating profusely while their out-of-shape bodies feel like they are on fire. As Reika begins to struggle while jogging on the treadmill, she begins to slow down.

“Ugh, I don’t know how much longer I can keep up with this,” Reika says to herself in doubt. "N…No. I can do this. I made a promise, and now I have to fulfill it,” she says with confidence. “But how can I motivate myself to keep going…? Huh…?”

As Reika ponders to herself, she catches a glimpse of Elizabeth working out in front of her. As she watches her blue-haired girlfriend exercising, she immediately takes notice of her plump rear wobbling and jiggling. At this moment, Reika then ogles at Elizabeth’s large butt having completely forgotten about how strenuous her workout is.

While Elizabeth maintains her workout, she looks behind her to check in on her red-haired girlfriend to ensure that she is maintaining her workout. At first glance, she notices Reika staring lustfully at her. “What’s gotten into Reika?” Elizabeth says to herself in confusion. “She didn’t look like she was enjoying her workout earlier, but now she’s… Wait a minute…”

At this moment, Elizabeth shifts her eyes at her own bubbly rump as it moves in constant motion. She looks back at Reika, and looks flirtatiously at her girlfriend as she maintains an effort to keep jiggling her butt while giggling to herself.

As Megumi wipes the sweat from her forehead, she checks in on Reika, she smiles knowing that her best friend is showing no signs of slowing down. “Wow. Reika’s doing great. I’m so proud of her right now,” says Megumi to herself cheerfully. “G’huh?”

At this point, Megumi looks puzzled by Reika’s unusual look on her face. “I wonder if Reika is alright,” she says to herself curiously. Wondering if she should interrupt her best friend, Megumi continues to keep an eye on Reika to make sure she continues her workout.

As Becky works out next to her sister, she takes notice of Elizabeth and Reika flirting with each other during their workout. “What’s going on with those two?” asks Becky to herself. She then notices Elizabeth making an effort to jiggle her butt, and shifts her eyes toward Reika who continues to ogle over her girlfriend. “Oh my goodness…” says Becky as she rolls her eyes.

After a moment of intense exercising, Megumi and Becky stop and take a breath before moving on to another workout. They notice Reika and Elizabeth showing no signs of stopping.

“Reika!” shouts Megumi.

“Liz!” yells Becky.

At this moment, Reika and Elizabeth snap out of their trance.

“Let’s get to out next workout,” instructs Megumi.

“Oh, r-right. Of course. Other workouts,” says Reika as she quickly steps off of the treadmill while failing to hide the look of embarrassment on her face.

“Come on, sis,” demands Becky. “We have to keep moving.”

“Y-yeah. Uh, let’s keep moving,” declares Elizabeth with her eyes wide open as she looks away to pretend like she’s not humiliated.

As Reika and Elizabeth follow Megumi and Becky to the next workout, they look at each other flirtatiously to which Reika gives her blue-haired girlfriend a single slap on her butt. Elizabeth retaliates by tickling her red-haired girlfriend’s sweaty, doughy belly which causes both of them to giggle.

Megumi and Becky look at each other in the eyes and shake their heads in disbelief as they proceed to the next workout.
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Dressed in her very skimpy workout clothes, Reika hesitantly steps onto the treadmill to begin her first workout for the day.

“It’s been quite a while since I’ve worked out,” says Reika nervously. “But I did make a promise, so there’s no turning back now,” she concludes as she takes a deep breath.

Reika presses the start button on the treadmill to begin her long forgotten workout routine. As the treadmill picks up speed, Reika gradually begins jogging with weights in both of her hands. Almost immediately, she begins huffing and panting.

“Uuugh… This is terrible…” says Reika while jogging. “I’ve barely even started… How can anyone who’s gained as much weight as I have stay motivated to keep going…?” she says as she begins sweating profusely.

As Reika continues jogging on the treadmill for a couple of minutes, the display signals completion of the equivalent of one lap. “Oh, you’ve got to be kidding…” says Reika while breathing heavily. “That was only one lap…? I feel like I’ve been jogging more than that already… But I’ve got nine more to go…” she says in dismay as her legs feel like they’re on fire.

Reika diligently continues jogging and eventually completing four more laps, and stops to take a break half way through her workout routine. Stumbling off of the treadmill and letting her weights slip from her hands, she plops her plump rear onto the nearest bench to catch her breath as her heart continues racing.

“I don’t know if I can do this… I’m sorry, Mrs. Hashimoto…” says Reika to herself as she lowers her head in shame. “I tried… But I just don’t feel motivated to keep going… I’m sorry…” she says as her eyes begin to well up.

“Reika… Reika…!”

At this moment, Reika raises her head as she hears a familiar voice calling her from the distance. She turns to see who called her.

“Huh…? Elizabeth…?” says Reika as she begins to finally catch her breath. “And is that…Megumi…? And Becky…?”
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Hello, fat fetish board?

I'd like one weight loss thread please
Tristate unions need to hire more minorities the discrimination is getting out media control. How does your wife sleep next to you at night knowing you fuck over people who sign in. I men minorities who sign in. Kill yourself
Unions telling contractors not to hire members who seek their own employment. is corruption at its finest. Its members against union unless you have their last name. Why doesnt washington step in and fix all of this. Been going on since 1973
Kill yourself, communist

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