
(483 KB, 1539x1530, 5c05598b0987457fe93555ee56ff51d8a98288c2679f64bfce3c9a4c963ce6fb.png) (193 KB, 839x1047, e9235b14d98a8fc48cac301fd7d2fb040bef9664a90414420969d5c96347bcc6.png) (992 KB, 1658x2481, 2b808c8db09076012901248da15acaf01fdca94d5be7d6ad90c06165332f23bc.png) (632 KB, 958x1951, Patron_Sketches_OCT.png) (2.6 MB, 1485x3032, 94e3558d01a765e287fd81c034e1131e9a02fd5282a20d5a1f81ce7ab1c54be0.png) (621 KB, 1698x1696, 0fbee4db4d1b445709b3948de8b2fc8231e8ed66ad3db82b8ee860569c0cf3d2.png)
I think you saved a thumbnail or something bro. Looks pretty good tho, finally Sammy comes back
A similar situation not to break your heart or dreams but considering how the ending of the sweating nat comic ended, I would say most likely not, but she would have a pillowy fall!
I would like to see her after eating 30kg of food to overstuffed red and swollen, and then she resting there, only to fall from the floor and land on her burstygut. She just detonacion and then the foods all over the floor, she wakes up and only a moment of knowledge of what just happened before the electrolyte shock kills her visceral fat covered heart. Her friend walks in her room and sees the viscera and cries.
Dude. Fuck off, this is gross.
This illustration looks great. Great to see this cute dork once again. :3
What a bare minimum image. Let's get something actually good on Tuesday.
Happy gilmore or billy madison business agents answer only
>>194294 Dude, are you happy with any art he posts? Cause it seems like you're just here to complain about it.
>>194302 I'm not trying to be part of that crowd of the "If you don't like it, don't say anything at all" quote, it's just lately there will be a post and there's always an outlier that is just there to bitch that "Oh, Salt fell off/was never good."
Maybe try to at least say something beyond a dismissive "I don't like it", for starters? It's okay if you don't like everything but that shit is just annoying. No criticism, no feedback, no discussion...
Yeah that’s cool, but it’s a waste of time to bitch about it. You won’t ever ever see me bitch about a piece I don’t like. It’s fucking loser mentality and loser action.
Maybe stop present your opinion as fact dumbass. Just coz something isn’t too your taste doesn’t mean it isn’t a well made piece of art with horny value. If you’re gonna be a baby and get upset at people calling you obnoxious then the internet isn’t for you.
They're free to say that.

Past BWS threads have proven that it rarely matters if a proper explanation is given or not if someone thinks an art of his is either bad or underwhelming, people here are almost entirely dismissive towards negative feedback because they're rabid guard dogs who can't accept the opinions of others.

>Thoughts on the Sammy image, since you asked for it
The reason why I called it "bare minimum" is because it's another one of those images that's there solely for Salt to flex his skill in showcasing atmosphere like the lighting from the window and the textures of the bed covers and Sammy's shirt. Those are well done, but they also leave Sammy herself in the dust, which is my criticism of the image. For an artist who's primary focus is to draw fat girls, it's underwhelming when there's an image where they're the least appetizing part of it.
Criticism that Salt will never read.
>>194383 It's more of a thread clog situation and less "hurr durr Salt will never see this, why are you complaining about an opinion" situation.
>The reason why I called it "bare minimum" is because it's another one of those images that's there sol
Don't care, Salt can draw nothing but Sammy, Chloe and Nat and I will be happy.
(424 KB, 2350x1772, c7e95b1815f48c3b4086363325a4d84d2bfab6c23fac32e586255bd11ed7a449 (1).jpg) (576 KB, 1774x2569, d03b7e8bb53b15a6fdfcce1f48fc85bc7484a1ef416f71db5a560c0a907b4da5 (1).jpg) (4.7 MB, 2350x1772, f2e5b035324b1133ced578c80ae55feb1f327d8b051611e2ef7bec97839087d6.png)
>Past BWS threads have proven that it rarely matters if a proper explanation is given or not if someone thinks an art of his is either bad or underwhelming, people here are almost entirely dismissive towards negative feedback because they're rabid guard dogs who can't accept the opinions of others.
False. That pretty much only happens when the "negative feedback" is just a schizo/autistic rant, which are like 98% of those posts
>Thoughts on the Sammy image, since you asked for it
See, that's a lot better than whatever the fuck comes up in these threads. I don't particularly agree with that but no one will tell "STFU FAGGOT FUCK OFF" for saying shit like that. I've shared negative feedback here myself and most of my posts weren't even quoted because a normal opinion isn't the same as "OH FUCK THIS IS TOO BIG WTF SALT LOST HIS WAY" or "FUCK CHLOE I WANT TO KILL HER"
>>194393 That's honestly how I feel about Salt. I'm okay with all the occasional characters, but I'm here for Nat, Chloe, Halie, and Sammy mainly. Speaking of which, he hasn't done a comic with any of the main 3 lately.
(132 KB, 1280x926, mountain_of_meat_by_better_with_salt_ddt5vov-fullview.jpg) (232 KB, 1600x1027, what_s_20_more_when_you_ve_already_had_100__by_better_with_salt_degbu3e-fullview.jpg) (93 KB, 1280x492, what_have_i_done__by_better_with_salt_dfa5qt7-fullview.jpg)
>I don't particularly agree with that but no one will tell "STFU FAGGOT FUCK OFF" for saying shit like that.
Can say from experience here that I have been told that for giving similar criticisms in the past. At least you seem respectful unlike those people.

Those people who say that along with the constant waifu wars between her and Sammy are some of this biggest wastes of space on these threads. I don't like either of those two, but I'm not going to say garbage like that. Most I'd say about them is "Chloe's a bitch" if an image pops up that calls for it where she's being rude to other characters, or "Sammy's boring" because I think she just exists without anything either sexy or interesting happening with her.

>The images I'm sharing
I wish Salt would do more stuff like this where he makes girls hold nothing back and get super fat, especially the 3rd image, but I doubt he'd ever do this with one of his own OCs despite the potential that someone like Courtney and Val has.
You keep throwing around the word "criticism." You rarely if ever criticise. Criticism is a deconstruction of why you feel something doesn't work.

The first bit of actual potential criticism you offered in this thread came after people called you out:
>The reason why I called it "bare minimum" is because it's another one of those images that's there solely for Salt to flex his skill in showcasing atmosphere like the lighting from the window and the textures of the bed covers and Sammy's shirt.

All you did was bitch because you didn't like a piece and when called out for it you Karen claiming you aren't allowed to "criticise" the art, which as we have established, you did only in retrospect.

Shut up and grow up.
(36 KB, 750x503, jsbw5p2yypt31.jpg)
While we're on the topic of ruining the thread I would like to chastise salt for putting (too many/not enough) (transgender women of color/nigger trannies) into his illustrations. Can't believe he's fallen to the (kikes/chuds) like this. Here's a dank meme I found on reddit
>>194465 I am a sucker for dark humor so I might as well add my comedic prowess here. No need to worry about wasting space or quality of a thread because ultimately we can’t change how people act online. I can just say for myself I enjoy the art and certain OCs.

Here is my harmless dark joke to continue this train.
Imagine some random X/Twitter artist saying “I fixed your art.” to BWS after making them males or a person of color. It would most likely cause a whole thread to be wasted just arguing on that/ other people turning more art of BWS into a darker shade.
>which as we have established, you did only in retrospect.
>Doesn't put two and two together that I've given criticisms in past BWS threads even though it was pretty much stated at the start of >>194447
Wasn't done out of retrospect, it was done because >>194304 wanted it.
>>194465 Jesse what the fuck are you talking about
We aren't in the previous threads. All I have to go off of is what you have presented here, which is bitching about people people calling you out for bitching. Past threads bare no relevance too your obnoxious complaining in this one.

Regardless, it's pointless arguing with you because no matter what I say, it's against an infallible human being who doesn't have opinions, because if it's what you think or how you feel, it's fact.

Once more, grow up.
I have not once claimed any opinion of mine as fact. Get over yourself.
>I have not once claimed any opinion of mine as fact.
Doesn't change you've presented them as such.

>Get over yourself
What about myself am I getting over? I've not said anything about me. Your the one here with ego trouble. If not then why are you taking what I've said so seriously?
>>194484 fuck off we are not doing this again faggot
>>194493 Is the second one new artwork or am I just drunk enough to forget that it's a slightly older artwork?
You're not gonna win against people like this guy who keeps trying to lecture you purely because for any singular dissenter, his fanbase has reached critical mass where there will be a double-digit number of 89iq simpletons and late teens telling you to shut up and consume.
>>194502 There's a difference between not liking an artwork and then just bitching about every single artwork he posts. Refer to the post above, >>194303. Don't try to lump people as bootlicking consoomers.
>>194503 To add to my statement, yes I don't like it when JSG does his constant Lucy commissions, but do you see me bitching about it, clogging up the thread?
Unfortunately. People who act like >>194485 are all high and mighty because they know they're talking to someone who isn't always on Salt's side of doing things.

I'm surprised that it was already assumed that I bitch about every post Salt makes made just because >>194294 was the first thing I said on this thread.
No one is in the irish side. Not even jews who control media. Time to fuck off clancy.
Italian presidents always set the tone & vibe 🏁
Business agents have arrived.
(248 KB, 1260x1131, 29bb2688456622b47fbded7523a9a11f3563b22992b8c04e03eb2e745f69ae47.png) (411 KB, 1408x1260, d8d2bf0a222b7ff0870a49b0bfa0ca838d0dda792957f32f7b540a536624143c.png) (381 KB, 1446x1181, 7e22dbe28c75750896649db9341a90ab7a3c2e561d4bab95f82347f3b554a878.png)
>>190331 (Cross-thread)
>>190335 (Cross-thread)
>>189969 (Cross-thread)
These pics are from the previous thread.

Wanted to see if people would post more of the Colorized sketches. There used to be a Google Docs, but it got lost in time apparently.
>>194565 shut up about cocksucking faggot
Woah, this person knows how to be original. Everyone, give them a round of applause for posting what every child posts.
Rare Salt belly button play instance detected.
I hate you people almost as much as I hate myself.
Lmao I second this, is it that hard to fap everyone in peace?, let's stop these acoustic discussions
(590 KB, 1748x1603, goth hoe.png)
I said this in the last thread before the ghay went to cry to the jannies because I kept calling him a cocksucker for wanting men with big throbbing dicks in Salt's pics. This stops when 1) He admits to being big gay and 2) Stops ranting the lack of dicks.

Oh… I thought it was him… maybe one day he’ll pop his head up and show a small sketch.
>>194658 I really don't give a shit anymore. I'd like to see picture-proof of this "proof" you say of me being gay, you projecting retard.
(283 KB, 507x369, fae.png)
>salt thread only lasts 2-3 weeks before the same two retards kill the thread with the exact same stupid argument
>new thread gets flooded with the same 20 recent pieces
>2-3 new pieces posted in thread

isn't this what the civil discussion thread is for????
Acoustic discussion fr man, they should stop killing threads :(
>>194677 I'm betting because it's spring break for a lot of people, my proof being younger siblings out of school. This exact same shit happened during Christmas also.
dont see misty art often so this is neat
I really the colors and shape on this one
this is her GSC/HGSS design, which is her adult design

she's only 10 in the anime
You'll say this excuse to my face when I dox you and put a gun to your head, you fucking groomers predator? Kill yourself freak
>which is her adult design
Those games only take 3 years after RBY, so she's 13. She's not an adult.
You must be new here. Salt has drawn plenty of underraged characters before lmao.
The most recent one being Anne from Persona 5 who's 16
Huh. Definitely feels different in style for me. Not saying the style is particularly new, just different.

Still looks pretty good.
she ain't real, bud plus she's only 10 in the anime and with all honestly who cares about the anime?
There will be a day when we march through the streets and burn your families with no remorse. Our terror will be over in a day but it will deliver a thousand years worth of suffering to your ilk.
>>194859 Shiver me timbers, I'm so scared...
Maybe Salt just doesn't know where to take Halie and Nat's storyline.
Either you’re baiting, or anyone who takes this much offense from anyone with half a brain can tell you it’s nothing, is hiding their own skeletons in their closet. I’m more convinced you’re the pedo than anyone else right now.
Tbh a history of how both, their relationship and waistlines grow would be nice but Salt's writing is a bit bare bones and he seems to avoid making his ocs to big, i guess he cant capitalize them ones the get close to immobile territory, but he could just say is a "if" scenario.
"If the character doesn't become a blob the writing is sub-par"
(164 KB, 827x1170, losing_control_pg28_by_better_with_salt_deyobvk-414w-2x.jpg)
IMO most wg comics go on and on for waay too long, I think Salt strikes a good balance between a cute little story and fetish fuel. It helps that his characters are just extremely charming.

Really, the only problem I had with losing control is that I think it could have used a few more pages when Sammy went full fatty mode.
Yeah, the alive posts are great.
Makes me sad there will never be a manga or anime with a casually hyper massive female love interest, even if she isn’t the leads.
he doesn't seem to want to change nat or halie's sizes at all. i'm fairly sure couple stuff was made specifically to give people like you that content without having to radically alter his main ocs
Still it ended in the best part just to blueball with some more content of the two every few months.
(4.4 MB, 1892x2974, IMG_6246.png)
Absolutely wild to me that this isn’t getting nominated for the explicit polls.
Not winning would be one thing, but not even getting put on the polls at all?
Salt patrons are wilding
That arm fat, chubby ankles, fat belly & back fat... Nice work from Salt
>>195124 He should redraw that one like how he did with Date Night
I like salt's ocs, but I'm tired of yurishit. Solo content blows this out of the water.
i don't agree whit your opinion, yuri is hot af
I like watching fat pigs struggling with simple stuff because of their decadent, hedonistic and hopelessly gluttonous lifestyles.
Stop bringing your kids to see ppl. Make their lazy fucking ass get the fuck up if u have a problem with the father then stay the fuck away from his kids
I dont mind choking ppl out for touching my kids 🤷🏻‍♂️ courts wont have a problem with that
Now we're talking, I see you're a man of culture as well ;)
holly gyat
>Yuri is hot only when you imagine the two girls are just doing it to get warmed up before a man(You) gets in both of them
no I just don't like penis and can imagine myself as one of the girls
Glad someone else agrees, which is why the pics featuring his Valentine's girl are some of the best.
>holly gyatt
Fucking Kill yourself!
>Fucking Kill yourself
That is not a very skibidi thing to say
Total Ohio move
i need that illulu pic colored asap
Why do you need to imagine yourself into the scenario at all? Just look at the hot girls and jerk off like your monkey brain is supposed to
The Mitsuru and Fern one are top tier
>>195298 can we fucking stop it with the yuri argumentative shitfest
There's a certain Ilulu simp who keeps asking for sketches...
That sketch is kinda fire tho
That's called being retarded. Are you capable of abstract thought? Do you have difficulty eating with utensils?
I just took some laxatives and right now I’m just laughing like a retarded person.
I think one reason why fat yuri couples is so popular in art is because they're non existent with real BBWs an SSBBWs.
Could you share the other ones please?
Fr bro, is he stupid? Why does he like killer cock? Why is shitface covered in shit, is he stupid?
Beat alot of clowns like u what makes u relevant
Says the clown who says kys, Batman doesn't kill or let others kts, he beats them up, so, again, are you stupid?
Batman beat in all your womens booties
Nigga just post the damn pictures!
Suck my pussy and bootyhole
But Im the batman
Batman doesn't say Kys, you're shitface
Fucked so many women you strung on them? Lmao
Like you got strung in your head when you were little? No. Violence is not the way, seek help
Fuck.. I wish salt made chun li fatter… I know damn well he’s gonna draw his precious little whores all fat and shit on April 1st like he did last year…
(565 KB, 1079x1170, Screenshot_20231116_091709_Chrome.jpg)
>>195392 Huh. So this is what it feels like to mess up a thread; power does corrupt. Anyways...you should all masturbate to kill yourselves, even the yurifaggot.
Can someone edit this with a big belly hang
That’ll be so hot actually
Bbwchan is jewish media. Dummy
Would love to see Misuru and Clover colored if anyone wants to take a crack at it 😍
All that trannoid shit has made his brain wack.
Nigga I see all your stupid ass comments all the time. Literally nobody cares about your little fantasies just shut the fuck up and let us jerk off your dumb ass comments are just getting in our way.
when is they ever gonna draw dbz characters again
the mitsuri one's were good though
I'm the one eating the meal, here. Your ass needs to "imagine" a fork or you'll starve to death
fuuko, musashi, miku, fauna? that's it, we've hit peak
Same here, got a softspot for characters with two hair colors
If salt posts today I’m gonna call in a fucking bomb threat.
Can anyone post this months newsletter?
Pewbutt will make things right.
Halies still on my rape list, I wish to fucking god she went on a date with bill Cosby.
he should make Sammy lose all the weight permanently just for fun
Does this finally make clear that Salt not making Halie bigger is a conscious creative decision that he isn't budging from? Also I thought it was funny until the last one, way to ruin it
Honestly if hes so against the idea of Halie getting fat, i think is ok, rather than forcing himself to make that change without interest in doing more drawings of her.
Still laughing at how he did fat halie
Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you?
At this point it should be obvious he's just doing it for attention. Stop giving it to him.
Good stuff.
Hall guys kill yourself its over its finished. Stop with the false hope. Commit suicide bench warmers kill yourseld
Any other wips from the newsletter?
All you weakmen are into fat chicks but not rape?

Virginal trauma is a prerequisite for BBW. You need to traumatize the female in her formative years, many means available but the easiest through violent vaginal rape, to get her hooked on a coping mechanism most readily available in the form of binge eating. She will become obese in quick fashion and then be 400 lbs by age 18.

When you hate on rape, you hate on the creation itself of BBWs. None of these ladies would be your preferred size if not for the induction of rape into their development.
Okay. I think at this point we might as well report these messages because this is insane
This is getting out of hand. I second this.
You lame basterds cannot have everything u want in life. You cannot have a 700 lb lady with a healthy nontraumatized mind. Rape is always there when you look at fat women.
(8.9 MB, 2984x2668, val5.png)

you need to gtfo and get some actual real pussy

absolutely rotted brain
>>195800 That's quite a leap, anon.
The anonymous user wanted to rape Halie. It's a good thought, because violating the girlie through her primary sex organ will cause her to develop addiction to food through trauma. Women must be hurt to become BBWs. We must bring them to the truest horror women alone can experience and make them slaves to their instinctual reactions.
Go kill yourself, retarded American. Your shitty sub-race is not welcomed on the internet
>>195816 Don't lump me in with him.
I like my partners to be consenting adults actually. Seek help.
(203 KB, 1280x960, god_emperor_leto_ii_atreides_by_animalofthenight_ddqyqe1-fullview.jpg)
I'm simply a master of cause and effect. What most consider an evil is, in truth, one who notices cause and uses it to bring about the idealized effect. I'm innately attuned to the nature of humanity on a level you can never achieve. You want to have a fat blob? You need to traumatize her in the larval form and plant the cause for the fattening effect. Men operate in the shadows and maintain the peace of the developed world, using nefarious methods -- this is no different. All rulers are tyrants.

Kill yourself retard, stop trying to distract from my teachings ITT by posting old work

She can consent retroactively after I bind her to my will. If I consent she does.
Oh, so you're a goddamn troll. How surprising, I should've expected that...guys, let's mass report him
Joseph, my favorite Jojo, "your next line will be NIGERUNDAYO"
before anyone asks this is Hilda from A Link Between Worlds
>>195835 He's easily my favorite character in JoJo's Bizzare Adventure because of his personality and the various asspulls he did in BT.
God, this is great. Makes me wish he and Undertaker33 could finish that Zelda story
That little crease in the fabric where the gut meets the legs that's the good stuff
Seek help. You desperately need it
I can’t believe they’re complaining about the heat… it’s so cold here that I think I can hear my campfire talking to me… those little embers whispering to me… dragging me closer to the flame…
>>196074 For a second because of the original artwork I thought it was Chloe's birthday, but according to the character sheet it isn't until July 27th. I also wonder when Salt's gonna give us another comic of his characters.
>>196213 It's confirmed, Nat hates avocado...lore reason?
Uh...she's a picky eater?
Maybe she just hates veggies altogether.
>>196226 Breakfast food and Saturday morning cereals...yeah probably. Assuming she doesn't like her omelettes/scrambled eggs/breakfast bowls filled with everything.
Man, I really dig his style.
Man doesn't have the hardware to handle the image size.
Think he does. Been doing it while you where still turning wrenches faggit he was in air condition space doing your job. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
>>196584 I could've sworn there was a nude alt if that counts.
I don't remember if there was one, and if there is, I personally wouldn't count nude alts as something new since they're just an edited version of an existing artwork.
Who is this character? Why does he keep drawing them instead of his actual good OCs?
It's Chloe. One of his OCs. He was likely experimenting with shades there.
Broke up with that white girl to deal with that bitch. Im sorry lmao
Least the white one has more money, style & taste in everything also works harder then a hungry italian dog
Dude, what the fuck are you talking about?
It's 4chan-style trolls trying to stir up random shit, when will you guys learn?
Monsters dont feel you pain. Lol
If only she looked this good in the actual game.
Anyone know what the aqua one will be? This was from a sketch last year so I wonder if he's using an old sketch for her as well
nah it's gonna be something new i think, i caught a glimpse of it on the livestream
(904 KB, 1005x1147, mya2.png) (679 KB, 1254x918, mya_bed.png)
also here are some colors i did of this character
Is it just me or is he getting ambitious with his drawings again
Ask your wife butthole homo
He is, and it sucks. Fat on these girls is taking a back seat again, just like before with that recent Chun-Li shitpost. Only a matter of time before it starts becoming too often that he does this, and it goes too far, like what happened with Jeetdoh
While I agree with the Chun-Li pic being a waist the one with darkness is pretty much a one to one remake of a lewd scene from the show
How is it a bad thing for an artist to not want to stagnate and try new things, even if they kink isn't the main thing on display?
If you want the same shit over and over, go follow Axel.
"Waaaaaaah he's trying to be creative and have fun with his art!"
Honestly, I love that he's experimenting, I was tired of some monotone pieces (that were good too)
These conspiracy theories are just old episodes of the simps schzios of westinghouse
I wouldn't say Salt would stagnate if he didn't try this experimenting that he's doing now, because it was already uncommon for the fat itself to be the main highlight of his art. He was always more about prioritizing the quality of his environments/backgrounds and character posing over getting better at drawing fatty details itself, so the more dynamic posing he's doing recently is going further into that imbalance.
Rogue I knew id find you here. Been a long time since we last looked each other in the eyes.
In other words if he isnt white we dont like it LOL GO BACK TO LONG ISLAND
(246 KB, 2048x1086, GK0zahCW0AE6gtq.jpeg)
So left side give me Murdellicious vibes, but in a good way. Really well done.
The right side isn't bad, but it's the fish eyes shot that takes away from it for me.

Still good overall.
That ass looks so juicy :)
Yeah, the fish eyes shot on the right is rough. The left shows off her size well, but neither does anything for showing off her fat.
Everytime my eyes lock on that booty my dick just gets so hard like let me fuck right this second
this reminds me of that one april pic from awhile back
Depends on your definition of showing fat. Like I think the left shot is great, since while she would be a balanced figure when fatter (to me anyway), the size of her ass is an indicator of her fat. The second shot, aside from what we already said, just doesn't really show too much fat due to the comedic take being done. Maybe have the belly dip a bit farther down and it wouldn't be as big an issue.
>The left shows off her size (aka her fat ass) well
>Doesn't show off her fat
Motherfucker WHAT DO YOU WANT?!
>Depends on your definition of showing fat.
Things like fat being grabbed, pushed in, or squished, stuff that shows how soft fat is rather than it only showing off one's size. Something like I shared in >>196969. I feel like regardless of whatever size Salt does, he doesn't do stuff like that often.
(206 KB, 1280x1371, wedged_by_better_with_salt_dg0k3s2-fullview.jpg)
As much as I hate giving credit to any art of Rebecca, here's a what I think is a significantly better stuckage than the new Aqua. This is another example of "showing fat". Her belly and boobs are squished against the doorway, and can see how her underwear is tight on her fat ass.
Patreon users aren't paying for him to experiment, they're there to coom.
Yet the ones who complain are here, on a piracy board where most aren't paying...
Im sure oj did it. 76 is young.
That's fair. Showing off size is the main way to do it, but most of the time they'll be eating something or shocked at their size, so it's limiting there.

As for the lack of grabbing and things like that, the reason I think is pretty.simple: it would involve drawing more characters, which with the output pace Salt has to keep now probably limits it. Not that he doesn't do it, but those are usually commissions that people put extra into as opposed to pieces that are done from polls. As for the other outliers, it has to also do jn part with the descriptions of said winners as well. Nothing too detailed from what I gather. Just character and size generally.
>As for the lack of grabbing and things like that, the reason I think is pretty.simple: it would involve drawing more characters
Except I shared two examples that had only one character in them. He's more than capable of making it work, and he's done another before where he only drew hands grabbing a girl's fat.
I was trying to generalize there, since I didn't make it clear there. But with the sizes he is routinely drawing now, there isn't much to grab at the larger sizes if they aren't around the ones you've sent. At the more larger sizes, it would need at least another person and their body to go against the heft the person is now when it gets to (u)ssbbw and immobile territory.

The hand thing I completely agree with that he can, but I still think it kind works better with smaller sizes (until proven wrong), which again depends on when he does chubby/normal fat
The Peak of fat asses🛐
After so long, this pic finally got the nude alt. So worth it
>>197287 I may be wrong, but I could've sworn this already had a nude alt with a different backdrop.
Bump for the new art
>thought it was Chloe in the thumbnail
Sadge y no BEEG chlo
The Norwood reaper came for these two.
One of us should be psycho enough to draw one of salts OCs with our own blood.
Does this guy ever draw anything other than lesbians?
You can make your own art instead of complaining all day, cocksucker

Can we not start this argument again, it just clogs up the thread
I don't know about you but most of us don't need to look at men in order to get off.
Maddy deserves some love. This is the first time she gets any content since she got revealed nearly two years ago. I'm curious if he'll ever do the comic project she was planned for
Second this, we need more of her!
whats the name of that character? Is it an old post?
Does anyone know how long Salt has been around? Just curious.
As early as 2016 it's going to be round 10 years soon enough
Can someone post the newest art from him?
"Request size limit exceeded or invalid request."

Kind of ironic lmao
People from long island dont know shit but racism
A good day for giantess lovers. Wish there was another person for scale but I guess the doors next door will do.
this one was in the upgrade poll for so long, congrats to whoever kept suggesting it
If you checked the polls, it never won. It was commissioned to be upgraded.
Top notch boobs and belly here ngl
And that new expression is even hotter and more desperate and embarrassed
Is this in game? I’ve stopped playing since they have not had any GoodNotGreat art updates in it.
Maybe this is asking for a lot since this is just supposed to be an edit, bht I wish there were more buttons popped to reflect the whole shirt. Possibly moving the tie as well.

Better face at least.

Also does Salt even take Thursdays off anymore? I thought that was supposed to be one of the changes, but it feels like were getting 3 updates a week again.

explicit edits used to be posted on sundays but now they're posted on thursdays instead of an original piece
The regular version is, but not the explicit version as of the last update.
Ayoooo, this piece is really naughty, she's tasting the 19 inches of venom
Even if it's not an original piece, I just thought he was taking every other Thursday off altogether. But I guess I was wrong on that.
Definitely spicier than normal, as he put it. Could this be a food experiment for other things of that sort?

Stuffed to the brim with mush from cucumbering seamen.

I shall leave now.
Anyone have the two pics of the purple haired girl, one with her in a red dress with a corset, and the other of her with it off in a white shirt?
>>198813 Kind of ironic there's not a lot of art or cosplay of her (cough Mariah Mallard cough), she should be a poster child for fattywank.
part of the appeal for some of these cartoon girls is that they are normally skinny or well toned, so seeing them as obese fatties is the turn on
Why they kick you out of manhattan. You bitches got really tough after bob left lmao
I've had this question for a while, it might be stupid but... Is Salt a guy or a girl?
girls dont have taboo fetishes like this, bro
Imagine being this fucking stupid
salt is a chemical compound consisting of an ionic assembly of positively charged cations and negatively charged anions, which results in a neutral compound with no net electric charge
>>198907 How long have you been on the internet, anon?
Nice cosplayer you mentioned fam, her cosplays are hot, I always think of her Makima, Chun li, Pochaco or Samus damn
Fat fetish is far from the most taboo fetish out there.
She's hot but whatever make up she puts on makes her look high as shit.
Prob have some wet ass vagina
>>198926 It was more negative honestly, after the stunt she tried to pull on a guy and blamed it on a mental disorder.
You know how bitches do with big asses & cheating husbands
It's definitely one that gets a lot of outward judgment instead of an uneasy smile and a change in conversation.
Damn he always knocks it out of the park but especially with her pieces.
Don’t even know who this character is. He must be getting the big bucks for it.
ngl the sex stuff is gross and everything else he's been drawing has been pretty mid.
New comic when?
U have kids why though 😆 go to vegas no dont die in the summer heat
Good job chik fil a shake sumthin
A new comic is not going to fix the issue.
I wish more artists would do stuff like this. Too many think eating is the peak of fatty sexuality.
She's from Growth Academy, a collaborative indie dating sim/eroge kind of thing with a big focus on fetish stuff.
(700 KB, 2022x2865, IMG_0475.jpeg)
When are we gonna get more of her?
How do you all find these threads ive been looking for the bws thread for awhile and only found it because of a link from the revenge thread
dunno what it is but salt's art is starting to really lose it's luster. i dunno if its the constant blobs, or shading, or what; but while the art is technically brilliant i havent felt a lot of anything from it recently
one of my friends accused him of using AI but thats defo bullshit
Use the catalogue? Navigating this site is not hard.
anyone got the Power CSM sketch?
>sex stuff is gross
sorry anon but you have to be 18 or older to post here
Feeling squeamish has nothing to do with age, it pure preference.
Clear it out man. Nice!
Im done fucking big booty women. There always be a new one who think I cant handle all of her ass. There always be a new one who think I dont have enough dick for that ass. News flash. I fucked some of the biggest booties around here. But you can still get it if you act right.
Im celibate no big booty can make me want it. Im retired out the game
>>199275 You mind explaining putting up a religious post in BBW, yet posting shit way hypocritically hornier than the rest of us?
Do no engage with the resident schizo poster.
It happens. Maybe it's burnout, but it can definitely feel that way. Not the first one to feel that way here, just have to take a back seat and enjoy what you do like for now.

Some pieces will always feel like that (hit or miss) lol
Top tier piece, that belly grab panel is crazy abd the belly peeking though the clothes too :0
A surprising amount of people with this fetish don’t give two shits about actual sex
It's not that surprising. A lot of fat fetishists get off more to the idea of people experiencing minor inconveniences from being (or getting) fat than actually having sex with fat people themselves. Both /gen/ and r/fatadmirertalk are overwhelmingly full of people who are unwilling to express admiration, for example.
This definitely me, I ain’t tryna find something like this irl, I’m just tryna beat my meat and get on with my day
Can someone update kemono party please
New art tonight?
(1.2 MB, 3772x3084, 4-24_Private.png)
Apparently they banned my ip thinking I was the pedo spammer. How do I tell them there was a mistake?
Yell at them in the pinned thread in /gen/
jiro needs to sit on my face rn

Just when I thought my night couldn't get any better
Nice. He use to travel the world.
I’d like to see the BBW Teto being colored.
holy shit Magia Basier!
Who's the woman on the chair?
(404 KB, 512x875, CE836.webp)
Sanzang from Fate/Grand Order, in an alt outfit
If you could stop forcing other ppl kids to hold hands that would be great. Not everyone fuck with you. Fucking weirdos
What the hell does this have to do with Salt drawing Iono
>>199773 It's the schizo again, report and move on. I believe Barclay is finally doing something about it.
New art anyone?
Holy shit she takes up two thirds of the fucking picture, and it's mostly her abdomen.
I GOTTA know who that is in the bottom left. Hell I already might but for some reason I have a hard time with these B&W sketches.
I don't know for sure, but I got the vibe that it was Penny from Pokemon Scarlet/Violet. Hoodie, glasses, boyish/short hair, just reads that way to me.
Lottery winners lose it all the time. Having a job doesn't make your financially literate
Yo When is he going to do DBZ Art piece again Bulma or 18 would look perfect in his art style
ngl, i'd give up my left nut to see a Bulma WG sequence done by him
Anyone have the other new art>>200410
>>200410 Finally, a piece with the OCs after almost 4 months
And it's for a joke post...when was the last time he drew Nat with Halie anyway? Well, at least it's good.
Everytime you fart think about me. I have all your nudes I hacked into your phone storage & cloud data. How are you post it before I do.
You know about my mulch hoarding?!
>>200424 kill yourself fart huffer
Posting all your nudes of you , your friends, and relatives.
The last two panels need to be a trope in fat fetish content.
(605 KB, 1223x2231, Chloe April Fools.png) (49 KB, 566x800, 1625e9d68a0e84190592ca3aac497bf8646bdebccc8f8605676f53a1c3798ecf.png) (9.0 MB, 3141x2640, Blissfully Oblivious.png)
He's drawn them both for April Fool's this year, dumbass. Here's everything the two of them have gotten so far this year, not counting nude edits.

Not sure. I know Courtney and Shannon have gotten nothing this year outside of one nude edit. Most others have gotten at least one artwork that's brand new.
Oh look, we have a special little boy here who's too smart for simple reference humour! You want a gold star?
God salt celebrates a holiday misery guts
God forbid
Fucked up the whole reply fuck
>>199320 I honestly had no idea, like deadass, I just somehow brought that thought into reality.

Wierdly getting pretty frequent

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