
(313 KB, 1400x700, immortal-xmen.jpeg)
Let’s be real how many of these “final” discussions will we have before this site dies?

Anyways that Patreon shit is fucking retarded and the people who are enforcing it are smoking crack
(72 KB, 1200x699, furry braphog goonrot.jpg)
"furry braphog goonrot"
pyrocynical truly the best of us

Spoilered for fatfur.
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>coming here from the games thread on /bbwalt/
Speaking of games, certainly ffxiv is not the best (?) platform for wg modding, but here we go anyway.
I've installed the FFXIV along with the mods one kind anon shared there, but does anyone have any more clues how to structure and use them?
I use penumbra and FFXIV launcher with the dalamud enabled.
Would be grateful if some anon with experience helps me out.
Dawg I have no idea what thread you're talking about.
I kinda wonder how many famous people does have this fetish.
Dude I gotta see this thread now. Where? Tried modding earlier but there's no information to help someone getting into it.
>>193289 Pierce Brosnan is literally the poster child for this shit
I feel like a lot more people than we realize have a preference for bigger women, but a lot less have a full-blown fat fetish.
Here you go.
You could see quite a bit of my progression, for better or worse with ffxiv. Unfortunately, there's no guide to the mods on how actually you handle the cosmetic changes, how do you even get to enjoy the content.
Yep, it's working, but not in a clear enough way.
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Pyrocynical's false allegations forcing him to admit his fetish and become cringily open and borderline nonchalant with it has done irreparable damage to society. Maybe I just fundamentally don't have the same world view or core values or whatever, but if it was leaked on main that I commissioned a couple drawings of obese sweaty anime girls, I would still like to keep that on the down low rather than suddenly using my main to do that stuff and be overly public about it. Not a fan of how he feels the need to sneak in references to it in every video.
On a different note, I fucking called it that Foxfire/Toroboro/Yeobul might consider doing actual WG content with his formerly "Only just thicc" OCs this time around. I would pay actual money to see a WG mini-sequence of those OCs where they get as stupidly obese as Kiari
>Pyrocynical's false allegations forcing him to admit his fetish and become cringily open and borderline nonchalant with it has done irreparable damage to society.
I think you're massively overstating the impact of it all. He's a mildly successful YouTuber, not the Pope.

>Not a fan of how he feels the need to sneak in references to it in every video.
He's baiting for donations. His own fanbase constantly mocks him for it, so he eggs them on in the hope that they'll pay money to make the GLaDOS voice say something funny live on stream. It's the same deal with the double-chin bit or the hairline routine.
Elaborate? Where's the proof?
>>193381 All the architect memes, various 4chan posts, and "No, for Wales" for world hunger (a little bit of a stretch?) are the proof. There's also an article where he threatened to divorce if Keely lost weight.
Horny on main is cringe. Society should never normalize being open about any kinks.
>>193494 People will really say "Don't kinkshame" and pull shit that only makes it necessary. Keep that shit to yourself.
I think there's a degree of just simply acknowledging and moving on to be an outright open freak about it - "horny on main" as you say.

I'm not for normalizing kinks per se, I don't really want to know what my friends' specific kinks are. But I am up for normalizing the notion people have weird, mostly harmless turn-ons and to leave it at that. To be more sexually open-minded without oversharing.
Is here any new promising artists to fallow?
Depends on what kind of art you enjoy I guess
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She thinks she has followers because of her "personality" lol
She seemed pretty happy collecting Patreonbux while doing literally nothing.
> "Who shot hannibal" changed nothing
what was the end goal?
I personally gave up hiding it and revealed what I liked to my friends, it just came inconvenient trying to hide it all the time. So I just told them in the end.

And they didn't mind or care, and they still considered me their best friend, so it was nice.

But we never really bring it up beside the one little joke here and there.

It was freeing for me being honest.
Bruh, I even met that bitch on Discord some years ago. She was already into wearing shitty anime cosplays
>>193689 I love fat chicks, but death feederism and ignorance of potential health problems weakly counteracted as "fatphobia" are always huge turn offs for me.
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@mimeticflesh (pic related). I hadn't heard of him until just recently and the guy doesn't seem to be very active but he's fucking amazing, draws some big sizes too. Having seen him mentioned much though
Literally who
You think a single drawing was intended to change anything? It's time to get over it bro
Same. My friends don't exactly have "normie" tastes either so revealing my fetish to them didn't really matter, it gets brought up as a joke once in a while and that's it.
>what was the end goal
Attention, like everything else these sissies do.
>>193263 I don't know what the fuck happened but I've been getting like 3 videos on this incident since.
Kill yourself lmao, your father raised you better than defending bamboo and that tranny.
Thats why suicide was on the mind. Doesnt matter still going french dressing those walls
Hi anon; it's a ThinkPad. Question for the thread: did anyone see End of Evangelion in US theaters this week? If so, what'd you think.
I can't be the only one who is tired of that one guy spamming threads with his delusions of grandeur, and horny hypocrisy, right?
Keep your money. We have millions on this side. Waiting for their sneak link in vegas to cut loose. Oh it got canceled how ironic.
>>194327 And the comment was deleted...just look around, you won't have to go far to find his ramblings.
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idk dude maybe it's cause your art fucking sucks ass. Maybe stop being jealous and spreading rumors because no one cares about your dogshit art
White boys always cal it rumors when its true
>>194609 I hate this guy's art. Something is always off, usually starting with the faces.
How about you shut up instead? While you're at it, don't talk shit about people who you barely know the whole story about.
>>194631 This is the guy who clogs threads with his delusions of grandeur and horny hypocrisy. Don't tell me off.
>>193234 (OP)
What's with the uptick in 4chan nerds on this site now? There was always a few, mainly lurking in these threads, but they're everywhere now.

Salt and pixiveo threads are now consistently as bad as the kip thread, and have been for a while. Just constant shit slinging started by whiners with a handful of art posts in between.

And now it seems like half the threads will just out of the blue have someone throwing out slurs and trying to be edgy for no real reason out of nowhere and derailing shit. Annoying af tbh.
>Salt and pixiveo threads are now consistently as bad as the kip thread

You must not have been in the Kip thread for a while. We discuss the comic there and even have fan art. It's not all doom and gloom.
Mind you that they're e-dating, that's even more pathetic, also it's Blewdle, he's a piece of shit of a person overall.
>>194631 Because mods deleted my comment, I've come back to say that you shouldn't be telling me off for telling the neighborhood schizo to shut the fuck up.
>>194609 Just googled who is it. Bi poly and fucking pronounce. Who the hell groomed them in Germany? What they need to do with a man to make him be like "ok sometimes I like dicks tee hee".
>>194718 I'm not sure if the rumors were true or not on ShySho (is it him or someone else, help me here), but wasn't this guy involved in that mess? To quote Donald Fagen, sue me if I play this wrong.
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Anyone else fucking sick of w-oo-t's shitty fucking edits?
Guy hasn't actually drawn a proper picture for three months, but just pumps out these cringe as fuck scooby-doo fat edits.
>>194972 Yeah I honestly prefer his original artwork, the edits got old fast. But there's an ehentai archive for that.
Did FFANumber5 just quit? Havent posted anything in november

Either way, good riddence
Haha I've been autopiloting deleting all those edits for months. Yeah. I like his original work, I am so tired of seeing scooby doo edits on the daily lmao
On a side note about them, anyone know if that vanilla sequence they made ever turn up in full anywhere? Still don't get why the comissioner wanted it to be private but it's a shame we never saw it in full
The worst part is that he actually acknowledges those edits are "junk food", unoriginal, not as popular as his actual art and that he should be putting some effort on making something original yet after thinking about it he just goes back to make another dozen of edits. I obviously support doing what you like as long as you have fun but I just can't begin to imagine how the fuck anyone of sound mind can get stuck in such a vapid and soulless rut, scrolling down his media tab on Twitter just makes me ask "is this dude okay?"
Ever since I saw that ass bent over with my own eyes never been the same always horny. Hate it here
He basically made a callout post on Shysho acussing him of being a pedo for making fatart of one of Plumpybread's (formely Chubbiesexpress) OCs while PB was 14y/o back then, what Blewdle didn't know is that Shysho was a minor too during that time, 17y/o.

The shittiest part of it is that Blewdle did that Shysho's birthday (also the accusations came out first from a furry named Rotvir, Noctoon's e-gf).
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>Dook announces that he will be the artist for Feeling The Weight of It All
Ok? We already knew this. We havn't gotten any sort of update on the progress of this in ages, why start advertising this thing when it's taken us ages to get literally anything?
>Dook is replacing all the art that was already made by the old artist with his own crappier artstyle
Jesus christ they're all so much uglier. At least the previous artists artstyle was good, but god Dooks art combined with how he's channelling his progressive zoomerism into these character designs is just screaming of tumblr. Really doesn't help that Dook is extremely unbearably meh at smaller fat sizes. If the only ever completed WG slice of life VN dating sim is this cringe slop then FML.
SMH the old artists stuff is the only thing that even remotely kept my interest for this project.
So there's cp on bbwalt so I just wanna know, what's the point of posting on bbwchan? Is it to take the site down, is it some autistic using bots for autistic reasons? Do the cops even do anything about it or do the posters just get off with a site ban?
They ruined best girl (Far right).

She looks like a 40 year old dressing like her daughter.
Dook has gotten progressively worse on the faces, they're all look the same
Looking at it again, they also ruined Goth girl.
>>195528 Sadly the only thing that can be done is to just report it, and it's disgusting that it keeps coming back.
God isnt real if youre going to church praying and visiting bbwchan. How patheic. Vinny was right hahaha
>>195555 Reddit atheism was a mistake. That, and r/Antinatalism
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On this #Transvisibilityday I would like to remind everyone that Aka-FA's trans character is a ghost that wears a choker around its neck
As a non western person I don't understand how hard they need to groom a man to make him not laugh at dudes in women clothes. Good thing I don't fallow this artist.
Tangent: didn't BWS also draw a ghost character not too long ago? What's up with that.
>>195588 What kinda mental gymnastics was he doing when he made this character? I honestly like AkaFA's artstyle, but I hate how he feels the need to pander to people, like complaining about "fatphobia" or identity politics. Good fattywank, unwanted opinions. At least he keeps his art archived nicely unlike other people.
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Hey guys, remember Faf? It looks like he's surfaced recently, having discussed with a Finnish fan the prospect of fan-translating Hetty - a proposition naturally shot down by Faf.

I'll admit that I am madly curious about the state of his cherished "A-Club" and how many members still exist to support him, if any. It's surreal how no one has come forth to describe their time or experiences within the club or as a supporter of fafF. What stops someone from going rogue and just realising everything out of simple spite? Either Faf has a stranglehold on his community as he continues to milk them within their cage or maybe the "A-Club" just died a death and Faf is incapable of realising his error.

Things of note: The last of Pest Control won't be released publically. There are no plans to open up his closed subscription. Everything is all well and good within the circus that is Fafworld, according to Faf.

It would seem that he hasn't learned a single thing since his self-imposed exile, retreating from the community at large nearly 10 years after his major meltdown (kudos if you're crusty enough like me to still remember those beautiful fireworks). My understanding from another conversation with an artist friend is that Faf was interested in utilising AI in his work - a move which doesn't surprise me at all given his money-grubbing ways. When your reputation is so deep in a hole, do you finally accept that your wrong-headed conduct was all by your own doing and finally admit this to start mending fences within the community? Nah. Better to double down and dig up, stupid. Who needs supporters when you have AI.

Anyone who was a former member of the A-Club, want to talk about what went on behind Faf's iron curtain?
There are several fucked up implications here, and I don’t wanna entertain them..
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>release game
>game is an unplayable mess because you fucked it up
>cry on your twitter hugbox because people have the audacity to be unhappy with your sloppy mess of a game
SolitaryScribbles is such a fag.
This is perfectly reasonable and you sound exactly like the kind of sperg he's describing here.
Shouldn't you be busy unfucking your game, Scribbles?
Tell you what just add decent eye options to you game, like generic anime or some shit, because all of your hand made one's look like shit, doesnt matter if you increased customization a bit, with how ugly the characters are your stupid dream of you game going viral is never going to happen.
When there is no denying that he fucked up (particularly with overhyping the launch and proclaiming it to be '1.0') he's allowed to vent about fucking up. If he was lashing out at all and sundry at the feedback I'd be more up in arms but this just feels more like he's reeling from a body blow. Shit's bad all around.
Imagine being this pissed over a free game still in development. Give the guy some space you entitled bitch
Man I really wish Scribs could have kept the game in the old engine.
I don't exactly hate the new one but the old one had a lot more charm to it
It’s Easter Monday not whatever the fuck you just said.
I thought only the demo was free?
To be fair, Trans Vis Day is always March 31st. Easter hops (heh) about due to pagan moon rule bs and so Easter Sunday happened to fall on the same date.

Dates can be holidays for multiple reasons.
Lately I've been playing through the Fire Emblem series and now that I've finished them all I really gotta say that commissioners need to expand their horizons more. So many great designs going unnoticed so that we can run more laps around Lucina, Corrin and Edelgard again and again and again...
I know that the recent main girls regardless of their home media always get more attention but it feels especially egregious with FE
Yes, I've gotta say the commissioners themselves have kinda shitty tastes. I'll always prefer more niche characters, but they're constantly ignored so...yeah
Been trying to work on that myself. Have commissioned some girls like Eirika, Lapis, Chloé, and Olivia, but even I can't avoid doing the some of the more common choices, either because of personal preference or because I think they look great fat and would want to have them done at least once.

Lapis is a pretty novel choice.
Chloe got some early on but otherwise Engage feels kinda left in the dust, especially for being the latest title
Chloé and Ivy were definitely the big 2 from Engage. Alear fell off after doing well early on, and most everyone else has been touch and go with getting art.
Can some fucking janitors just ban that clown who constantly wants to rape BWS's OCs? We don't need autistic people like him here
>>195817 and the neighborhood schizo who keeps ranting about unions and polygamy
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I’ve been here barely a year in this site and this first thing that actually disgusted me
Is there a way to ban weird fucks like him
>>195826 Sadly from what I've seen, I've seen someone get banned for making a slightly edgy gas chamber joke, but the fact that these schizos aren't banned just shows how badly moderation is. I get it, mental health is another factor regardless of status on the site, but c'mon.
>Alear fell off
Honestly, good. I have never even seen her being drawn anyway outside like once by Roundersofter
Who is the most underrated waifu of the current season?
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Can we agree that the people who do shit like this are genuinely retarded?
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Holy shit Anastimafilia needs to just stop talking
>Yes, I've gotta say the commissioners themselves have kinda shitty tastes
It's less a matter of commissioners having bad taste and more that twitter has made artists so obsessed with likes and engagement that they will always choose the popular character over the obscure character you want to see the size of a baby-whale. The ones who don't draw Princess Peach and Flopren are choosing obscurity.
Okay but source on the double stacked pancake here?
Just mention Minecraft in Smash Bros, that'll shut him up.
Not how emotions work steward. Still wet behind your ears faggit
I've recently had inspiration to try to host my own art portfolio site for fat artists out of boredom mostly, any ideas what kind of server I should use for it and what you'd want on such a platform? My ideas so far are:
>Tag search like a booru site, ability to search by tags in an artist's gallery as well. Though of course having folders and such would be nice
>Site-wide events to encourage more community participation
>Potentially a subscription service like Patreon
(5.4 MB, 3400x4800, bending_bars_part_59_by_worthlesschub_dh5n22f.jpg)
>So there is this comic by Worthlesschub, Bending Bars
>Is about a girl that gets fattened after ending up in jail
>Pretty hot
>There's this side character who gets sadistically force fed by one of the wardens
>Hottest part of the comic
>Put the comic on stand-by for a time to catch with more later
>That side characters gets turned into a giant furry for some reason
>The story is going to introduce vore now
J-Just why...
Run to your suv to talk shit we watching you
Pretty sure one of those already exist. It's a booru site, but not a very well managed well iirc.
Please for the love of god can the people in this fetish have an ounce of shame in their body to not do shit like this
Yeah, I believe there's already been a couple BBW-focused boorus but none of them look particularly active. I plan on adding some nice additional features to make it more than just a booru, though, kind of like what eka's portal does
Yes I strongly against promoting fetishes or normalizing horny shit on public. Looks like one step toward grooming. Just do fetish art acc for people who want to fallow such stuff and it's enough.
JFC the second picture you posted looks so much better.
It's the colors blend well, doesn't look muted in color, it doesn't look terribly sketchy.

Genuinely what the fuck happened?
>>196880 Old artwork was definitely better
He got too into his slob fetish and began emulating the laziness.
He has a point. There are a variety of body shapes. Mixing up proportions and how fat folds is how you avoid getting stuck in a rut.

He's probably burned out. Shame, he could clean up if he made a comic/sequence. Artists tend to favor specific characters, so his preference for comic book characters will not change likely. If he drew some FotM waifu it'd be gold.
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Why are so many of you racist, transphobic and anti-simetic? I don't that you are, I'm just curious as to why you types tend to lurk on these image boards, even the fetish ones.
Likely because those kinds of users are common in message boards, thinking because they're anonymous that they can get away with anything.
Because being Anonymous lets people say what they really think without the filter they normally use while going through life.
Why wont you union dele suggest more minorites for jobs. Why is it always 90% whites in labor force
>implying that hurting people's feelings should be a crime and/or should lead to some severe consequences
I dare you to move to shitholes like Britain and Canada and see how that sort of thinking turned out for them.
I'm only transfobic because... Just look at the main trans thread on Kiwi. Unless people will invent a real flesh raft tech, the best result of the transition would be just same old you in a girly wig.
He did a very nice art before this "mah art style" crap. I remember a good Code Giass art.
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Lol. Really says a lot about Bamboo's artstyle.
dude took a comm from me around 5 years ago, blocked me on DA when I brought it up, blocked me when i brought it up to him elsewhere during a stream, and now says im 'obsessed' with him. nobody should pay attention to this scam artist.
Because on image boards you can use slurs without getting banned.That's literally it.

Same goes for kick, kiwifarms, and to some extent Elon's version of twitter.
It really does feel like as soon as he started doing slob stuff he stopped giving a shit. Also, why the fuck does he keep giving them tons of body hair?

That's not even realistic...?

no one's phobic, if you accept abnormal social standards thats on you, others with common sense will call it as it is.
also its not racist when what you is true. deal with it
How does this guy still lives rent-free in y'all heads
>Artist hates AI art
(122 KB, 1200x998, fs.jpg)
What is that? Discord?
It's somewhat sad to see how much he degenerated.
Both the unfortunate 'ass artist maneuver' (fail), higher than everyone else attitude (fail), woke crowd suckery (fail).
Quite disheartening to see that, no?
>And to think once he was one of the most promising artists in this chunk of internet, tsk-tsk. Lol.

Sic transit gloria mundi.
Maybe he does not want to have a regular client and a regular comms which is weird for me. Any free money can be used at least to help a family.
Pushing degeneracy to the limit? His new stuff is so ugly. Old one even had a better composition and poses.
It may sound crazy but some artists simply stop caring about Twitter/Patreon numbers at some point and just focus on what they want to make. Shocking, I know. Unless you think he's expecting to get rich by basically drawing nothing but Foxfire's meme OC for a year straight instead of Vtubers with fat asses like he was doing previously
Dude's name comes up in every thread without doing or saying anything, it's crazy
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I'd not say that his name popped up frequently. Personally, I do not remember him being mentioned in the past few threads either (including the EOY/Shutdown thread).

The subscriber count is more or less indicative of how much'space'' the artist takes on the scene. So to speak, his influence diminished quite a bit (if not more).

By the end of the previous decade, he was quite a big deal and reasonably progressed, but soon after, something happened (what?) that led us up to this obvious state of affairs that we have now.
>inb4 when I do mention him it's alike paying homage to a grave

Wonder what we will have here by 2029?
>Personally, I do not remember him being mentioned in the past few threads either (including the EOY/Shutdown thread).
I'm guessing you don't come here frequently or you're amnesic. Someone already brought up the Hannibal earlier in this thread, for starters. The last thread had some autist going apeshit about him through several posts and he also commented on the Patreon stuff too.
>The subscriber count is more or less indicative of how much'space'' the artist takes on the scene. So to speak, his influence diminished quite a bit (if not more).
You're making it a bigger deal than it actually is. "Influence", "community". Go outside bro.
>By the end of the previous decade, he was quite a big deal and reasonably progressed, but soon after, something happened (what?) that led us up to this obvious state of affairs that we have now.
Perhaps he just doesn't care about appealing to the "community" anymore. It's seriously not that deep, I already said it, if he wanted to "get big" again there's nothing stopping him from drawing fan art of Vtubers or FOTM characters with big asses again instead of his current content
Where can you view graphs like this? I'm trying to see how things are with Better With Salt, but I haven't found the graph for him yet.
All of this and u assholes still dont know how to read market charts maybe if u invite me ill teach all of you idiots make you more overfeed then which you be now. Faggots
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I don't like bamboo ale's stuff because his shading looks like those black plastic trash bags. How people looked at that and found it arousing is beyond me. The politics is whatever.
>>197094 I'm gonna try to change the subject here before we delve into further insanity. Is Kaiji any good, anon? I say this as someone who prefers manga over anime.
Because trannies, niggers and Jews are so repugnant that they had to make laws against expressing your natural revulsion to them. There isn't a single community that's been improved by trannies or a country that's gotten better after importing non-whites.
Next question.
He called it. Bitch turned bat shit crazy like his ex wife lol

Aren’t you that super passive aggressive guy who kept bitching about his commission tier being full and made 5 different bird themed sock accounts to ban avoid?
christ no. that's some other guy. that guy is a schizo. i popped in there once with my usual name and he went insane and thought I was that guy.
Went to chicago for more complex rambling
Is good. But part 3 expects you to know mahjong pieces and hands.
>>197117 Other KOTH guy here, I don't see it.
A lot of attempts at anti-discrimination misses the mark and resorts to brute force to get results rather than addressing the issues. Usually with the justification that at some nebulous point in the future, "the problem people" will be so outnumbered they won't matter. So you get a lot of people with grievances, illegitimate or otherwise, pushed to the fringes who only have each other. Sure, "equality feels like oppression from the top" but society is terrible at realizing you need an outlet for tensions and to promote natural understanding.

I like to believe I'm pretty reasonable though I've butted heads who are diehards about their politics. Mostly because I hate IdPol and Communists. Sometimes my views on fiction too like I hate race swaps because I'm a purist who visual continuity, I think it overshadows actual minority led works, and is overall extremely corporate cynicism. Same with retconning character as gay since that's the modern equivalent of killing them off but worse since they'll quickly get UwU'd and there's no way to go back without backlash.

One thought I have that you would get me on is I find it funny a lot of trans people online are nearly 1:1 with incels with so many of them being "transbians", You'd think it'd be a similar ratio to cis women if they're "born in the wrong body" but this is not an observation that'd go over well to say elsewhere.
Because the anonymity allows for normal people to say what they really feel. Don't act like this is some unusual manner of action, for this is the normal way of thinking around the world.
>I like to believe I'm pretty reasonable
The rest of your post contradicts this. Seek help
Remember when Mistystuffer tried to annoy people with his semy-rp shit?
It was a question about politics, anon. It's unavoidable. I'm not calling to behind people for calling me a dumbass or disagreeing.
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Every time I see fetish art where it doesn't belong I get second hand embarrassment. Can you imagine if bbwchan gets called woke
I can imagine it easily. I can call for the death of all Jews and be called woke. Then turn around and say killing any Jews is wrong and be called woke.

It is a nothing term. Don't worry about it.
Put a chick in this thread and make her GAY!
Can you explain what you think is so ridiculous about the points made in his post?
No other student made it into my tower. I knew you were always special. The story has been written long before you even arrived.
(6 KB, 213x237, images (19).jpeg)
He's not reasonable because he thinks his political opinion matters on a fat fetish forum. He lacks the self-awareness to see that politics only derails content, on whichever website, and that his opinion carries 0 (zero) weight.

In the old days, people talked about art theory, like perspective, color, anatomy, style, scenarios, slow burn vs fast burn, sequences, character design, overlapping fetishes, and the like.

That's gone now. It's the worst on Twitter, where most all of the artists are at. Their drawing skills are getting worse as they get louder about politics. What do we get for transitioning to politics? Nothing. No real world change will occur. Anyone in power will never look at fat fetishists' opinions. Which just leaves us with shittier art that gets derailed more often
But I don't think that and I don't post political opinions outside answering that one question. Reread what I was answering.

Why are so many of you racist, transphobic and anti-simetic? I don't that you are, I'm just curious as to why you types tend to lurk on these image boards, even the fetish ones.

This isn't a question about BBWchan specifically but the internet as a whole.
Mistystuffer and Kozynakovich should teach us about politics
Your penis small. Why they kill joe
(26 KB, 225x225, sip.jpg)
Wow, its almost as if being a total eurocunt is a terrible way to burn bridges and alienate fans. Dumbass tried to save himself by roping Foxfire in, but that went tits up due to Fox being a scatfag.

You reap what you sow, cunts.
Hillary Clinton, I will be voting for Hillary Clinton. I avoid talking politics on this channel, on this forum because politics are divisive, there's always two sides: republicans and democrats, there's left and there's right. I can have my opinion and there will always be an opposing one. That is the nature of a healthy democracy. This is not that. This is about a megalomaniac who is driven by nothing but ego. Who cares exactly zero about the people of this country. A person who brags about sexually assaulting women and shames others for the way they look. I'm speaking up now because this election has very little to do with politics, policy or legislation. This has to do with morals and principles. I'm voting for Hillary because, make no mistake, there is only one person that can defeat him. 1 person who can keep him away from power, and it is her. I'm not a huge fan of her stale politics. I'm entirely aware of all the criticism against her. I am aware of all of her failures and shortcomings. But she's intelligent! And she knows what she's doing. And more importantly, she's mentally sound, she's responsible, and she's SANE. I wanna end this by calling out all the big youtubers. Some I know, and some you viewers might know. See, making videos like this, they're not popular, they're not gonna get you subscribers, they're not gonna boost your view count. But there is something much more valuable than subscribers and dollars, and that is backbone. That is not being scared to stand up for what is right, regardless of the costs. The top 20 youtubers reach over a billion views every single week. Every seven days. We have the power to activate a demographic, an electorate that isn't typically very active, that is young people. You see, this generation, if we're all banded together, we have the power to ensure that this tax-avoiding, lying, racist misogynist stays out of power and out of the white house. But it requires all of us coming together. So if your favourite youtuber says things like: "I don't like to talk politics on my channel" or "I'm not gonna reveal who I'm voting for", call them out. Sitting on the sidelines this time around is not okay, this election is different. And if this guy gets elected, and you stood back with your arms folded and didn't speak out against him, it makes you complicit. It makes YOU partially responsible for handing him the reins of power. Alright, I'll see you tomorrow for a fun, happy video. Thanks for understanding, and thanks for the time.
Something about the transgender movement doesn't feel right. I was more supportive of it in the past because "Live and let live" and all that, but the more I'm exposed to, the more destructive it seems. I'm also sick of hearing about it and seeing people within my social circles get swept up in it.
Anon answered a question that was asked and was incredibly reasonable about a subject that people can get touchy and nasty about.
Chrischan and Dobson would vote for her because she is a real wemeen.
>>197402 To add to my statement, I don't want Kisame here either.
The reason you're so exposed to it is because you're on the internet too much. Go offline and 90% of lgbt shit goes away outside of the occasional commercial if you live in a blue area. I bet most people would even know what a "transgender" is if it wasnt blabbed about on social media or clickbait news
This bigly, I'm still about "live and let live" but that goes both ways.
> Go offline and 90% of lgbt shit goes away outside of the occasional commercial if you live in a blue area. I bet most people would even know what a "transgender" is if it wasnt blabbed about on social media or clickbait news
The latter point is pretty blatantly wrong, even if most people don't interact with transexuals, they definitely know they exist and that they want to use women's bathrooms.

As for what you've said about not meeting trannies in real life, that's true, if you don't work in IT or retail or have any involvement with any kind of community that doesn't revolve around sports or watching sports. Otherwise you will encounter trannies, especially if you have even vaguely nerdy interests. Gamestores, card games, anime conventions, eclectic movie screenings, all of these activities will attract trannies.
>Go offline and 90% of lgbt shit goes away outside
It really depends on where you live. Out in the country and small time towns then yeah, you barely see any of it. But in the city, it's almost unavoidable. Especially if you're a young person. It's not always the case of course, but it's not like this stuff just does not exist.
Heck even places that aren't big cities are not safe from new generation nonsense. A bunch of local high schools have added litter boxes to their restrooms to accomodate furries. Makes my generation look like a joke.
Anon isn't saying that trans people don't exist outside of the internet, it's just the hysteria and culture war bs about them mainly exists in that online ecosystem.
I don't think that's what he's saying. Regardless I disagree, trannies are explicitly politicised.
""Heck even places that aren't big cities are not safe from new generation nonsense. A bunch of local high schools have added litter boxes to their restrooms to accomodate furries. Makes my generation look like a joke.""

becuase stating a long proven hoax as fact makes you sound really credible
What even with them and IT...
>>197528 welcome to the big leagues right here in my pants lol
So, SquishySofty has kinda returned. Check their DA account, that’s all I’ll say
But its my dune. And look where that got him.
Thank fuck I archived their gallery a few months ago.
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On imageboards I will call people nigger, ice monkey, faggot, pissstain, kike, goy, tranny and virtually any other derogatory term you can come up with. I will post images like pic related and happily call anglos, saxons, sand people etc. etc. retarded for whatever news headline involves.
Am I racist for calling people nigger online?
I've been *very* actively involved in left wing politics most of my life so I would say hell no, nigger. Imageboard culture is one thing, real life another.
>Am I racist?

Yes, yes you are.
>leftists can't be racist
forget about racism anon, your problem is that you're retarded.
I hate fatpandabutts art, his girls look nice while skinny and I like the plump lips. But once they get fat they become bloated abominations with like a thousand pounds of viseral fat, I'll take saxxon's blobs over that anyday of the week, hell even primesui makes better art.
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I hate fatpandabutt cause he is inconsistent with his posting and disappears for months on end after post 2 fat arts at best.
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>says he's finally going to do pic related after one year of waiting
>12 days later starts talking about doing 2 wg drives

i really like this artist but he has some commitment issues
>2 wg drives
Who even pays for these? It's pissing away money you could spend on a comm or a patreon sub.
bonusart makes good art but like trinity fate he or she only does furry art.
Only to figure out how to download her shit in full -res, there was an exploit in DeviantArt.

Is he aware that Easter is also a Jewish celebration? When the jews got free from Egypt?

He managed to double down the cringe, as if the fag lusting over fucking Greta Turdberg wasn't bad enough, but hey, he lives in a country where everyone starves to death so fat cunts over there are rare.

Same reason why anyone assumes that you must be +18 to use the internet, no wonder why Twitter, DeviantArt, Tumblr, Reddit and even fucking Newgrounds went downhill because some spastic child saw a mean word on his screen, shitting his pants in rage summons his league of manchildren demanding the owners of such sites to be more strict.

Dead Internet Theory became a reality thanks to programs such as No Child Left Behind, where retards get rewarded, now everyone is forced to regurgitate the safest shit possible so they don't get left out and I just simply browsed Tumblr, it's unbelievable seeing so many 30 year old dyke enjoying shitty cartoons aimed at preschoolers.
>>198458 To quote onto your second link about Egypt and Moses, Creeping Death is the best Metallica song in my opinion.

Not sure what sprung this, but he's done plenty of non-furry art.
The problem with that strategy is that the online world is fucking everywhere now. This isn't the 90s/early 2000s where the whole internet was in a single computer room, its in everyone's pockets and in every establishment. The phrase "Touch Grass" holds a lot less weight when you realize that people use their tiny computers while touching said grass. Sorry for the rant but it gets so suffocating these days
>I've been *very* actively involved in left wing politics most of my life so I would say hell no, nigger
Lefties have been the most covertly racist people I've ever had the displeasure of meeting though
Tell drew , pet & sponge bob hire more black people.
How much hush money you have over the years before you clear your computers & celluar devices.
Gotta give him credit, he did the Marie drive quick, either because it's a character he really likes or bc he's looking for something to draw so he can't do the other stuff in time.
It's because of that character that I understood that the concept of a "Poochie" can also being used on OCs.

Everytime she appears on his works either she's doing some tryhard "cool" shit (she works as the reaper and hunts ghost), being snarky or sultry towards Charity, or goofy (on a very few times).

Leftoids calling themselves “anti-racist” while at the same time interpreting every single human interaction as a racial power play and judging everyone they meet on the basis of racial stereotypes is the new way of saying “I’m not a racist but” before saying something really racist

Normal people don’t need to label themselves as “anti-racist” to stop people from thinking they’re racist. They do it by not being racist shits in the first place.

The thing is, leftists can’t see people as people, they just see everyone as a list of random group identities and any individual traits are just non existent to them.
Hyperborean paratroopers trained in the Antarctic rainforests will descend on your residence shortly.
Pretty sure he comes around every few months
Go outside and talk to real people
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>>198981 The security on BBWChan is terrible. Shameful, is what it is.
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I don't know why but it's always funny to see Japanese artists see the over pirating.
so is it a common occurrence?
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>follow fat art artist
>look inside
>transfem irl pictures
this may sound real dumb but like. why do these keep happening. is that like... advertising for their sites? or is there chris hansen on the other side waiting for someone to click so they can come into their house and drag them into hell.
I blame the lolicon shit. It's reaping what you sow, giving pedos safe harbor.
Stop projecting.

Majority of the anti loli bunch turn out to be actual pedos.
Say you have no idea what you're talking about without saying you have no idea what you're talking about.
The """People making CP threads""" are bots. You're out of your mind if you think its some random pedo trying to share his fucked up video collections
Jews vs islamics. Jews said fuck the islams
Just report it and don’t be one of those fucking retards that actually replies to those threads with “That’s disgusting!” or something. It’s an insane level of brain rot when people actually bump CP ads
>>199143 The cheese pizza is still disgusting though. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if the neighborhood schizo is doing it.
What are y'alls thoughts on Saxxon?
>>199198 Immobility is not my thing.
Look in the mirror naked youre proof of it.
One of my first introductions to FA+Feedism on deviantArt like 15+ years ago. How remarkably little he's improved as an artist in that time has always been made up for the fact he can reduce weight/muscle gain scenarios to their bare essentials. At the end of the day, that's all I need to get off, really. GTSX3D fills that same need.
Gibblie poor mans porche
Does anyone enjoy megalokhuns art ?
Easily the artist that I've kept up with the longest, pretty sure he was among the first handful I discovered. I'm really into immobiles and he's great for roll shapes and a sense of weight, even if stagnated relatively early on. At most I'd just wish that he paced his sequences slower.
Complaints about his dialogue are just stupid, just blend it out if it bothers you.
I know blobfags have garbage standards but holy shit man, your father expected better of you.
(632 KB, 1280x3091, the_ultimate_weight_gain_sequence_by_saxxon_dh5qzyx-fullview.jpg)
Solid art with awful pacing and atrocious walls of text that take up too much space. The characters always go from stick-thin to planet sized in like 3 seconds, which completely ruins all of his animations.

He recently uploaded a "joke" picture satirizing the gish-gallop he insists on inserting into all of his works. In my opinion the joke falls flat when he's the one making it.

>Haha guys, look at this thing I keep doing that makes my work worse! Isn't that hilarious? Wouldn't it be funny if I just kept doing it?

This is made even more unamusing by the simps in his comments section defending the walls of text that they probably don't even read.

Like this guy: >>199225
Stop caring about text in fetish art you fucking sperg
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Qaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

Art style sucks, his faces suck, huge walls of text are disgusting. Shit artist.
I have to agree I just crop the text out his sequences. Sperging about it is stupid but poorly written text is poorly written text.
His art style is kinda bland, it really whatever character he draws but fat or muscular or extreme expansion. I wish he didn't use the same personality for every girl. I gets a fetish and a fantasy but does every girl have to be a narcissistic sociopath who becomes a lovecraftian horror ? I'am liking his giantess pics especially the one with chun li and juri I think he does good fat shapes but his blobs all feel the same after a while.
What can I say Anon I like me some good chun li and juri art.
(2.0 MB, 3840x3840, ¡ENTRAR! Jiren Y La Familia!.png)
>Stop caring about [What's important in FETISH art]
Enny renny roo. Browner than my shit. Enny renny ree. Your brain is IESLB. Tenny jenny jobber. Your feeble mind is post fodder.
(45 KB, 540x741, fe6319e1474209e26e8455a99bce378c.jpg)
>this thing is such an obnoxious waste of space that I literally crop it out of the image, but people shouldn't say mean things about it being included in every picture. :(

I gotta find me a girl who can dickride the way you do
Hope whoever put that cp thread on here a week ago gets their head bashed in
Dobson fucking finish the vampire comic!
She said that about your mom and aunt? Give her hell at work every day
Yup and your the only one to believes me. My grandmother, my mom and aunt. Something is going to happen im going enjoy how it unfolds
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I'm glad blogchads still have suppiror standards. Your father would give you a gold medal.
>Redditbob reaction image
>Brown speak
Running g right before your eyes. Give it time it will all sink in.
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It's the typical false dichotomy created by corporate consolidation of the Internet.

Mainstream social media sites move in lockstep to censor/shadowban edgy content, to appease advertisers, while at the same time piling up so much content that they create a gravitational pull which means most people won't ever bother leaving.

The only people who DO leave are usually the edgiest trolls and the biggest schizos, (sometimes banned), who cluster to imageboards mainly because of 4chan's reputation (post gamergate) as being conducive to any anti mainstream values.

There are basically two poles: Censored social media Vs the 'Anything goes' anonymous landscape.

What people ignore is the possibility of a broad spectrum in the middle of that. This was a lot more true prior to the 2010s, but there are a number of forums and websites of various sorts out there, with varying moderation policies and site cultures, that are either more or less conducive to various temperaments along the PC-to-Edgy continuum.

Even 4chan, back when the Internet was more (genuinely) diverse, was not some kind of chud hangout. It dabbled more in 'LOL random' kind of humor. (Like picrelated. s4s is probably the closest to it today, or sites like Heyuri...) The first Nazi types came from a site called Stormfront and were derided as 'stormfags'.
>with varying moderation policies and site cultures
Some of the best forums I've been on over the last 15+ years were imageboards with firm but idiosyncratic moderation policies. I've even moderated a couple in that time too. I hate working with vichan so goddam much, though.
>The first Nazi types came from a site called Stormfront and were derided as 'stormfags'.
Yep, Stormfront is the oldest neo-Nazi forum on the internet. There used to be archived threads from /q/ (remember that? lol) documenting stormfags using /pol/ as a recruitment pool as far back as 2011 iirc.
Lulz what a delusional dipshit, should've thought of that before dumping his new crap through a paywall while giving away leftovers that everyone has already seen.

How many of these legitimate pedophiles are still dwelling around DeviantArt? After selling the site, the new owner is just as incompetent and neglectful but pulled out a new script that wiped out what the predecessors left.
>Look this guy up
>None of his work is in my favorites
>I have no recollection of bothering with it in general.
>His more recent work I wasn't aware of existing due to it featuring v-tubers
>Now I'm doubly not interested in his work.
>lol, my blacklist is working great.
Low tier artist problems.
Garbage man make more then cops
Are the mods doing something about the schizo trolls lately?
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Basing your identity around fucking wojaks is the gayest thing you can possibly do
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Biggest Fraud in the entire community

>A year or so ago joins as a promising new artist
>Quickly makes friends and does collabs and art trades
>Makes OCs
>Claims to be a chick
>Gets a 3D model of OC made and hypes it all up
>Asks for money too
>Turns out to be trans and literally has no indication of this at all
>Is very rude and bitchy
>Suddenly reveals that they’re abandoning their account after not even a year because they have an entirely seperate internet identity as a vtuber and e-“girl”
>Basically just took peoples money and ran with barely anything as consolation
>Starts the whole scheme up again on the new identity, minus any ocs and even a modicum of orignality. Just pure gratiuitous indulgence and self satisfaction with IRL posting, self-sonas and more shameless “hyping” to incentivise donations and payments
>Vtuber clips aren’t even fappable because of the obnoxious high and mighty tranny voice

Can we please for the love of god have a WG themed vtuber thats a cute Japanese one and not a cringe obnoxious zoomer

All the expansion vtubers with decent models are either cringe, or cringe AND trans

I don’t even really even care for vtubers, I would just like the balance to be shifted a little bit. (There is an alternate universe where Cakehoarder could have been one)

On the topic of expansion vtubers. That Goblin expansion-vtuber, the one that Kurotama made the model for back when he didn’t have a gun to his head by his government to not do nsfw, yeah, they de-transed and became a “femboy” and just abandoned a high-quality, probably very expensive model. The model could even expand to where the tits touched the ground with visible nipple, but we just never got to see the full thing because ???????????????

Can we please go back in time to make Kurotama do Vtuber models for Millanoire or Saa or some shit instead of that tranny trio? Saa is pretty cringe too, but it’s better than Glaze that does like 19 hour streams or some shit with no life. (Plus, Saa’s 2D model literally breaks if she so much as moves too much.) Heck, even Voraisha is preferable over that thing named Gaz, and i dont even like vore.
Oh, and don't even get me started on Theycallhimcake. Dude so deprived from the self imposed "morals" of his main OC being Asexual and never gonna show nipples or whatever that he became a "Busty Femboy". Literal aids.
Every day I pray that it is a day we recieve a Sayuyu upload, or that discord gets leaked so we can see those actually good and hot hyper busty 3D models. No fursonas, just pure sexy cute mega busty character models.
Yes, I should touch grass.
Theycallhimcake's busty rabbit boy makes my dick rock hard, and I wished he was an enormous slobby blob that can crush my bones into powder that you can snort.
I wish Internet would reinvent bullying. Almost every single time I open a BBW whore chick account irl photos would be a middle aged dude with a naked dick and a huge hairy gut. And a name would be like a Selena Queen of Succubuses or whatever. I learn to pick a smallest signs about "yeah this thing is a dude" almost instantly now.

Cakehoarder was a great artist before she start to do this boy shit. She even did a good loli stuff and her start was with a nice Skull girls fanart.
I think Cakehoarder hasn't been good in like, years lmao.
I stop fallow her many years ago after she start to draw endless OCs and dudes and other bullshit.
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It's rather sad that kurotama's work got thwacked. I don't care much for the vtubers, but yeah, I can see the game he attempted to make being quite dead.
Oh, by the way. I had this saved before kuro holocausted much of the work he did. Sadly, not the original quality.
>>201563 I get that fat is unhealthy, and yet we'll still wank to it because of the whole primal instinct thing on fertility and many other factors, but I don't understand people who fetishize(?) killing themselves from fat.
>New Artist appears in kink space
>Churns out bland OCs that cover the general bases for different parts of the community (Regular, Tall Boob-heavy, Short Ass-heavy)
>immediately starts going around to popular artists to either commission or art trade for content of their OC
>IMMEDIATELY sets up a Patreon and opens commissions
>A month later has a mental illness moment and decides to torch everything and merge their identity with their SFW persona
It was hilarious to watch this grift from start to finish. They’re also a classic leftist power tripping concern troll but thats to be expected
Can anyone tell me why this thread is "usually" calmer than the other Salt thread?
Im not done yet. Streets need a body.
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>Asks people to join patreon to see new comic early
>Only 2 Pages so far and hasn't posted a new one since I joined
>Barely Active
>Uploads a sketch or a commission page now and then
>Basically wasting money
>Last Page was uploaded April 17
>Now May and still no new page

Bruh, if you're gonna not gonna be active for a $5 tier, at least change it to a $1 tier jfc
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Anybody else feel like the writing side of this community is on life support? At on the more fanfiction specific literature. I felt like it wasn't that long ago that we would always have a good couple dozen writers coming out with good stuff fairly consistently, and even when it wasn't consistent, you could always count on another new writer to fill their space. Maybe it's because Deviantart is a shell of its former self and fetish writers don't really have anywhere else to go thats not furry related, but the writing side of things has become so quiet. So many writers have quit, and whenever a new writer pops up it'll be a legitimate miracle if they even post a second fic at all (Still patiently waiting for that second prompt batch by KingOfFailures). Makes me want to take a crack at uploading some of my writing, but with the way things are you'll be lucky to get even a single bit of interaction from uploading any kind of fat literature from a new writer unless you offer requests or something. I wanna remain optimistic though.
Disappointing as it may be, this is largely due to fat fetish being a highly visual field and the overall reduced literacy of the audience.

Why read a story you may not like when you can scan a few drawings and see if you like them or not before deciding to fap?

It doesn’t help that a good chunk of stories are so poorly written, it doesn’t warrant the desire to sift through the trash for that one good piece most of the time.

Tl;dr it’s an inefficient medium and picture and comics do it better
With 20 years in the field (fuck me I hate saying that) I can chime in. Most of it is consistently writing. Some people get disillusioned that they arent getting enough attention. Others don't have the planning. There's tons of factors at play

Is also correct that this is an art heavy medium. Me writing about Mirko isn't gonna get enough traction since the audience is having to do the visualization of scenes and such. The grammar side of it too is a big issue no doubt but your first point rings true.

Also not helping is how much Deviantart has actively fucked writers since 2020. I could go on about how much of a pain the platform is and how other alternatives don't offer same level of metrics.
I feel like you should be safe as a writer on AO3 but as the other replies mentioned, lack of traction and attention wears writers down.
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You all bring up some good points. It kind of does put it into perspective with how so many people will just post a single fic then dip to just horny post on twitter instead. Requires less effort and gives more immediate short term satisfaction. As kind of cringe as it is, it's really no wonder why it happens.
And yes, Deviantart itself does play a huge part in it, which sort of only makes it worse since 99% of people are really mostly invested in the artists, so if all the artists leave to twitter and elsewhere you're not gonna get really much of anybody sticking around. It's made even worse with how crappy DA's search and recommendations have become lately to the point where it's gotten to the point that the #1 way I find new stuff is through what other artists and writers have favourited. But the sad thing is, Deviantart is still pretty much the only place left (There is Ao3, but WG stuff there really hasn't found it's audience, even when compared to what's left of DA).
It really is all about doing it for the hobby of it and self satisfaction/discipline and all that. All to often I find myself disappointed at the state of things when really I could be at least try throwing my hat in the ring and maybe makes thing better. Basically just channelling that energy into something actually tangible than just saying "Wow, things really suck" over and over. But at the same time, it takes actually sitting down and trying it to realise that, like a lot of art forms, this shit takes effort and energy, and we all got our own lives that should reasonably take priority over this hobby stuff (Except for the rare occasions where people actually earn boatloads of money from it that can sustain themselves). (Though, with that sad, a lot of people I notice just chose and neither, and don't contribute to either avenue of life and just waste their days with being on twitter 24/7 rather than being creative or productive, essentially giving up on everything while still trying to convince themselves that they're happy (Not gonna name any names, but we all know of at least one washed up person in this field))
Basically, it's a dilemma. You can complain, but you can also be the change you want to see, but then that shit also takes time and effort that not everyone even would put into (And arguably, shouldn't put into). Still, you never know unless you don't really give an honest go.
Would've been real nice if I hadn't deleted those completed stories I did a couple years ago.

Cakehoarder always drew boys even back when they started out and had a catboy oc.
I need to get back into writing tbh

I used to do it often until life distracted me
Never too late to try and rewrite those stories
my man just started another wg drive...

i think he just realized that its a lot easier to get money this way and its gonna be just like the last time: someone will reprimand him in comments for not attending to their own promised stuff, fapo will softblock him and then he will anyways end up doing it "reluctantly"

i just wanna let you guy know i share your feelings

Another thing worth considering when it comes to writing is having a support network and the confidence to do more of it. The former being those who can help offer criticism and hone the craft which in turn helps the latter. Although heaven knows I still think "shit is this good enough?"

But having those to help guide writers is important. For example, I would have never begun writing without FMSU doing a contest where winners got art from him. I won second place among various artists at the time for a story. That was a big confidence boost to keep going. As well as having other people to help support, work off me, or feel the need to 'compete' against.

It's kinda what I do with KingofFailures but it helps that he was a cool bro before doing that prompt pack of his. I try to do the same with writers when I can.

But, like with anything, it takes patience and a whole lot of trial and error.
if it wasn't evident that him starting his third donation based drive in less than a month showcases he's only interested in securing the bag, opening 10-12 comms mere hours earlier most certainly will. look i get it, if it's his main source of income the lights have to stay on somehow but at some point it just comes off as unapologetically greedy and as arguably an artist "too big to fail" unless someone of equal caliber calls him out only to softblock, promise eventually only to kick the can down the line further to where it's forgotten entirely, it's annoying to see no real change happen. unless it does happen, he apologizes, cans the wft drive early when the money doesn't roll in like how dominator fell through, promise lucifer, dip for a bit only posting comms and then a month later starts a peach wg drive and the cycle resets again. at this point just say you don't want to draw lucifer and never will, won't happen because the hugbox and money just have that strong a pull.
Seeing as I'm still blocked from last time, not very possible
No your not. Check the damn computer man. Its updated since we last spoke
You and these damn printed screenshots just call the god damn number in the computer.
Yeah yeah yeah yeah I remember what I said. Jesus christ
I probably won't bother rewriting those stories. At most I'll incorporate some ideas from those into new ones. I actually have been doing some writing though. Just haven't finished anything yet lol
Deviantart getting rid of Stash Writer was a horrible mistake, and definitely killed most of my motivation to write since I now have to choose between keeping a DA tab open for hours on end while I slowly write and post a story in one go, or typing it on a doc, copy pasting it, and then having to do a fuckton of tedious editing to make it presentable since transfering it to the literature tool messes with the formatting. Still, I try to write where I can.
>”Can we please have a cute WG themes vtuber-“
(717 KB, 1700x1305, Roxas is a faggot.png)
I'm going to be real with you Roxas, the people you're pandering to are still going to think you're a pedophile.
(130 KB, 294x294, Miyamoto carrey.png)
Still forgiving Nintendo after fucking Paper Mario and letting AlphaTeam go kaput is peak cult-like worship, there's a reason why all of the sudden they're remaking those RPG's that nobody outside of online circlejerks gave a shit, they just simply ran out of ideas and threw a bone to the loyal retards so they could stfu about Mother 3 for a few seconds.
Lolifags eternally getting fucked when stepping outside of their echochambers, should anyone feel pity? Fuck no.
>>203741 Regarding your second statement, can anyone explain to me why the people that complain about loli turn out to be huge fucking pedophiles?
(508 KB, 758x842, 5-20-24 ~ 5-26-24 RIP.png)
A friend said he only got one donation for this so I'm guessing doing 3 WG drives in the span of 30 days doesn't work the best. Really wish he started with Wii Fit instead of Splatoon and some ugly alien chick.
Wanna know something funny? This was posted a few days after he was dunked on Twitter by a fucking rat puppet and Ricky Gerwick a year ago for being annoying and weird, wich maybe contribuited to get his account sussed.
aha wow so morbid...anyway, source?
Good thing you capped that. Good job anon.
That alien isnt capping. You got triggered.
Are you clinically retarded? I'm saying it's good he screencapped it because Fapo deleted the tweet.
Stfu. You still bitch. Gang or not. Mafiaso nigga.
how strange...i remember seeing his polls and stuff for this very recently, but never the actual weight gain drive post.

maybe it was an algorhythm thing or the fact that its a holiday weekend in the US, or his numerous RTs of other accounts drowning it out on people's feeds, but it feels like he hardly gave it a chance to be successful.
Have marvel_booty content for free leaked it
Any screenshots? This sounds funny af
(65 KB, 498x368, Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.png)
On the topic of writing, a writer I like 2 and a half years ago came back after a couple years of not posting. Thing is, their first thing back is a "WG Drive Story." Every favourite = +3 pounds...... You can see the problem can't you? Can't wait for Part 2 where the character is marginally heavier 🥴
Message to writers: If you wanna do a drive where you can get donations or whatever, pls post a non drive story first so you can regain your audience.
I hope the starts drawing a ton of dinosaurs instead of robots.
wouldn't it just be like bamboo instead
(561 KB, 1746x667, EB1C0CE0-9091-46B0-ACC8-00D4385D8354.png) (1.6 MB, 2550x3300, 57890EAC-60FE-40E7-B43E-3652402A8AB2.jpeg) (2.1 MB, 2550x3300, BB09DF9C-FAF4-4435-AE31-5554DB5E3D0C.jpeg)
What does it mean? He is artist, if you want good arts you must draw non fat things. Seriously, bws posted his sketches with practice and studies in his early days on patreon. Yes, you can post non fat arts, especially if you have account on tumblr with this content. >>204333
Trying to avoid his queue of commissions again?

Also, this is like, the 8th or 9th time he's gone "Oh woe is me I don't wanna draw fats no more!".
Mod you hater you delete comments while life passes you by. Loserrr
>I'm kinda burned out on churning out nothing but fat women guys
hopefully he draws men, maybe filter some of you a bit
>>204351 What Fapo does is practically a money laundering scheme at this point though, that artists like Sunslept had called him out on it.
That's not really what money laundering is at all. Do you mean fraudulent?
I guess it depends of what he means by "non-obese". There's a big difference between "taking a break" or "learning anatomy" and "I want to do a different type of content that is far from my usual but I don't want to make a new account for it"
I'm just sick of them trying to do a WG drive every fucking week
>>204360 I guess I did, but you do understand why I say that, right?
(176 KB, 833x581, Roxas being a sperg.png)
No, this was a very recent piece of art of his. But I definitely believe that him acting like a total sperg is what got him banned from twitter: he'd often post his fetish art unsolicited in response to corporate tweets and normies talking about unrelated stuff (I definitely remember him posting a picture of a fattened cookie talking about his jizz tasting like frosting or something in response to an official Cookie Run tweet). Not to mention that he spammed the same annoying reaction images any time someone so much as slightly annoyed him, and was generally combative and aggressive towards others.
>Same characters that everyone including the chronically online drew them nonstop
Yeah not much of a loss, besides he definitely drew them fat as shit before the WG drive if you dig deep his archives or better yet someone else already did that.

Lmao, did you save any screencaps?
At least that's content. He could still do worse, like selling adoptables
He tried to get into vore with an alt account called Evilfapo and didn't lasted, also he always makes this shitty post about how he doesn't want to draw fatties anymore and nukes everything, i've seen it at least four times before.
whoops i was trying to reply this

komi anon fan if you ever see this please excuse me
Doesn't he have a main where he draws non-obese stuff anyways?
This. Or better yet, commission him women who are more on the 'thick' side than straight up fat.
Posting non fat art is different than getting paid to produce non-fat art. You can count the number of people who have commissioned him to make full-color, non-Blob, non-SSBBW art (over the past year and half) on the fingers of one hand. I think that's why he's been so eager to do so many WG drives, because it at least brings a little variety to his comm queue.
>giving a shit about literal engagement farms
Twitter is an unusable cesspit, and most of what this guy responds to is blatantly just bots posting and replying to each other for money. The least you can do is take the piss out of it.

That barely even counts as public when the site is dead and nobody even uses it anymore.
(152 KB, 1174x570, Bruh we aren't talking about you.png)
The irony is that:
1. No one of BBWchan was complaining about you
2. You have more doomers in your friend circle just from the nature of being terminal twitter users
LMAOOOOOOOO I can't believe it that he says this and then likes a post from Tintrue. Aka The biggest doomer known to man who non stop tweeted about how much his life sucked for a year straight
This man is in his thirties and is acting like a bitchy, attention-seeking teenage girl. Absolutely pathetic.
One way to lose your job at bobs furniture cant even speak engilsh. Wetback
What the fuck you need to with a man his age to groom him so much? "ccry so I'm totally non binary guys". He had a whole life before this sjw slop same as most of us.
>>205047 Wasn't that Moist also? Also this site is infinitely more tame than Twitter, even if it gets out of hand with the schizo and the constant arguments that seem to break out every ten artworks from the BetterWithSalt thread.
(54 KB, 678x377, DxXVhAcUcAAqi67.jpg)
>He had a whole life before this sjw slop same as most of us
Those poor bastards born too late to experience happiness while their sense of the world has developed.

Leagues better than when Twitter was the way they liked it because Barclay unlike old Twatter, tries to kill the actual CP instead of protecting it.

>Wasn't that Moist also
Dude, every single one of them who drank the kool aid is a miserable fuck; they just try to lessen it by dragging others down with them.
Keep telling her I gave up my old life for this bullshit
(107 KB, 568x570, Cringe.png)
Anybody else really detest those people that draw/commision fetish art of the same character over and over and over again? Especially if it's a side character. There's this one person who has single handedly made Shulk's son Nikol one of the top 3 Xenoblade character's with the most fat fetish art (And no, I'm not exaggerating). Same thing with that...creature known as ShySho and making multiple dozens of drawings of Hifumi from NewGame, or Megamilkwhite and her terminal Tokyo Ghoul obsession. And of course, same can be said for the Lucy guy and that Miraculous Ladybug commissioner from a few years back. OCs are a bit of a different standard, but when it's a self-sona that is constantly being drawn over and over again and put thousands of dollars of commission money into it becomes disturbing. Just look at Dimmerrolls: Dude got so obsessed with himself that his own self being TF'd into abominations that NO ONE wants to see became the only thing he would draw and commision every artist under the sun to the point where his own warped self importance made him lose somehow even more dignity and became a vtuber. It's some next level autism. Not just brain rot, but utter brain deterioration.
You can probably also insert some sort of commentary of how 99% of the people that become this uncontrollably unhinged and shameless are men and women that are attracted to males. There must be something that inherently makes male focused WG people unstable horny monsters
Which retard is this again?
Artists change their names so often these days that it's hard to keep track of the ones I don't give a fuck about.

>every single one of them who drank the kool aid is a miserable fuck; they just try to lessen it by dragging others down with them.
I would be ok if they are commissioned at least a good waifus like Aqua or Horo or any other good one.
This will always be my big issue with this train of thought.

Its always "ugh why do people commission/draw/write/whatever this MID CHARACTER I DONT LIKE SPECIFICALLY instead of THIS OTHER MID CHARACTER I DO LIKE"

Like put up or shut up and use some of your neetbucks to buy that comm if you want it so bad
In the case of artists I'm specifically talking people that would non stop draw the same character over and over again ad-neuseum to the point where they singlehandedly make the character seem more in demand then they actually are. Like there must be something serious wrong
>Especially if it's a side character.
I'm all for that for some variety but I agree that its getting weird when its this obssessive.
Who gives a shit about that anyway? We just want some much needed variety, no matter the waifu
Why has there been so many posts over the last week on this board lately of people posting furries and dicks when they belong in different boards? Is it that difficult for people to stay in their own lanes?
Who big white dick was that zoom out lmao
Like that undertaker guy who commissions a lot of that one blonde blind girl from Katawa Shoujo. Mostly commissions BWS and other popular artists
(103 KB, 1280x720, stingy.jpg)
for real bro, like, why do people draw/commission fat girls they like instead of the ones i like?
>detest those people that draw/commision fetish art of the same character over and over and over again

>Especially if it's a side character
That actually makes it way better than if it was a main character.

I wonder how many people blew their loans that the goobermint gave out during coof, on fat art/fics.

>no matter the waifu
But it does matter.

Maybe with Musk allowing NSFW, they'll all go back.
Only James Bond and a few no name e-celebrities are into this shit.

>Oops it's all Shoah Jump

>Welfare checks blown on a $50 dollar doodle
Lmao, it does happen often in fact the mentally disabled sustain most fetish artists.
>Elon Musk
Maybe twitter wasn't meant to greet degenerates on the first place? However since they were regurgitating leftwing talking points they got shielded by the moderators so yeah... leave the crayon eating kind alone, chud. Why the fuck they don't migrate to Pixiv? God forbid if they steal their shit and dump it on DeviantArt on high resolution?
>>205386 Regarding your last statement, why do Twitter artists usually not put their art onto a separate gallery and instead constantly bury it in various text posts? I get that not every artist has a Patreon, but c'mon, spread and isolate the art somewhere else.
>Maybe with Musk allowing NSFW, they'll all go back.
Why would anyone want to go back to Twitter?
Because they want clout and interactions, and Twitter gives them that more often than other websites/social media apps, despite the risk of shadowban or getting sussed.

You underestimate how little internet artist care about the technical quality of their work or how it is visualized on certain websites, they care mostly on how many interactions they get from posting their work on them.

Twitter is a VERY shit place to post art from a technical POV due to how compresses images and changes the format to .JPEG, very few artist point this out and even very few handful of artist on the community does.

But they care more about not being noticed than caring about how their work is getting botched.
No issues if someone commissions multiple artists to draw fats of a specific character. And side characters getting WG art is significantly more interesting than the main girl getting even more art. So more power to them.

If an artists draws the same character over and over again, either by his own decision or due to commissions, then it is an entirely different situation and it gets incredibly boring.

OCs are mostly shit, either way.
>Why the fuck they don't migrate to Pixiv


>despite the risk of shadowban
What risk? Is that the thing given to gain the freedom to post NSFW?

>And side characters getting WG art is significantly more interesting than the main girl getting even more art
>Laughs in Naga
Did anyone even leave Twitter in the first place? For all the "just two more weeks guys!!! the teslaman is going to destroy the site for real this time!!!" that gets constantly posted around, literally no other relevant western social media platform has the combination of a large, active population and lax content restrictions. Not even the scares about rate limiting or shadow bans seem to have moved the needle- Twitter is by a mile the least bad option for artists who need visibility. Most people who use Pixiv anyway seem to also use Twitter just to get more eyes on their stuff
Rarely anyone actually perminantly leaves twitter whenever theres a scare. It's mostly because whenever something is a "replacement" it has to start from scratch, which usually means its shit. But no one ever learns and they just continue to act like "Twitter is over for real this time!!!!".
It happened with The Hive.
It happened with Blue Sky.
It happened with Mastodon.
It happened with Threads.
It will happen again.
(1.2 MB, 1280x799, Dafuq.png)
I generally like ManiacalFork's art, but I hate that the girls in his latest drawings are covered in tons of moles and freckles. If that's his thing then that's his thing, but it just looks tacky. Gross as well, they look like they've got some kind of skin disease.
Not just me not liking his freckles then, goodo
(58 KB, 889x430, dwn.png)
This guy is such a self sabotaging cry baby. This broken record stick is getting old. Man shits out hundreds of rough sketches, very rarely goes beyond that and always wonders why he's not improving nor anybody caring about his works. When his more finished stuff did better numbers because it was looking more like an actual finished piece. Areas that also would have room for improvement to really make them shine, but clearly the call was to stop doing that and go back to complaining about everything.

He needs some damn therapy.
(118 KB, 1176x680, Damn.png) (1.9 MB, 1596x890, Screen Shot 2024-06-08 at 7.59.24 pm.png)
Whelp, my primary way of finding new artists is just dead I guess. Especially when it comes to artists that people are less likely to retweet. Also, doesn't this effectively make it so that liking something and bookmarking it do the exact same thing? At this rate you might as well just use chrome bookmarks or whatever.
Also gonna be sad to lose my daily dose of "Artist that whinge about lewd drawings of underage characters having their twitter likes filled with lewd drawings of underage characters" hypocrisy. I could always trust that shit to give me a good laugh.
Y'know, this wouldn't even be that bad of a site decision if the site wasn't riddled with botted likes as much as it is.
(68 KB, 1194x940, He'll be back.png)
He'l' be back in a couple years when real life isn't giving him as much dopamine fulfilment as he wants. And Bamboo will be right there to praise him and pretend that both of their art styles don't equally look as nonsensical at larger sizes. All DWN coming back did was inserted the "calves are fatter than the thighs" weirdness in other artists heads. I've seen more artists jerk themselves over how "hot" this body type is more than I've seen people actually like it.
Also another thing about the twitter likes becoming private: This means that no more creeps will get caught liking belly pics of IRL underage girls like Kafe and will just get away with it.
(84 KB, 1280x720, 1668656757395089.jpg)
>Twatter likes gone
>Is now harder to find some good fat girl pics I otherwise wouldn't have known about
Thanks Elon, very cool
(283 KB, 648x1000, 16-o.jpg) (350 KB, 648x1000, 15-o.jpg)
>>193234 (OP)
Completely unrelated to any current discussion, but I just want to say that the fact that this scene was only in the Jigoku Sensei Nube manga, but was never adapted in any of the animes actually makes me want to deepthroat that shotgun.
The sad but funny part is it's totally because Elon, like many others, got mad at people laughing at his likes

I feel a lot of people are making up shit about Elon to cope and this is one of them given hiding likes was a verified account feature before it was forced on everyone.

If anything, the anti-porn hypocrites got a dub on this.
Yeah, this wasn't about Elon; if it was, he'd keep it the way it was since the nuts attacking him have a high rate of getting fucked by the things they like.

Least you got something.
Does anyone know if there's any other futakuchi-onna/dangerous possession eating related scenes in any other manga or anime that are similar to this?
Got caught liking pics of a Japanese teenager who openly advertised she was 16 years old on her profile. Real gross
Finally someone else here actually knows what I'm talking about. Previous time I mentioned it I got laughed out the room. Has anyone even brought this up to Kafe himself?
What's even worse is that, while that account is an adult now, she will still repost old pics of her as young as middle school. Whack stuff,
I think it's worth pointing out Kafe specifically got caught liking pictures where the girl explicitly said she was a teenager in them, not just following this account. But Kafe is some kind of insane ethot now or whatever so nobody said anything to him
>16 years old
>she will still repost old pics of her as young as middle school
I don't care about 16 but it's surprising hearing it happening with a Jap if she's in Japan. Think the only other time I've heard of it happening with the photo side of this shit, was Becca's Pear-Chan days.
Just out of curiosity, how many artists that we know of have visited the site? I know Sunslept is here quite a bit, and I've seen others like BigHammy, Abso and I believe Nihijack. Anyone else?
Ditto. The only other artist that comes to mind is Anastimafilia. Nothing I can personally notice unless you count some smaller creators. I know that guy who's been drawing a lot of buns posting in the art help has been quiet here, but seems to be getting better from what I see on his da.
Outside of that, I think a few mention the site off hand but that's it.
iirc Strangermoist or whatever he's going by right now
(139 KB, 1906x968, GQrVayFWIAESDdC.jpg)
More artists visit BBWchan than you think. Even the ones that have mentioned time and time again how much they despise it. Surprising amount of foreign artists too. Heck, there's a lot of artists that visit these very types of discussion threads to get stuff off their chests while remaining anonymous. Probably because they wouldn't get away with saying what they want to on Twitter/Discord or whatever. It's a little ironic because there's probably enough people that you could make a seperate sizeable discord of this sub-community of well known artists that like using BBWchan to vent, which brings to question why they need to hide behind anonymity in the first place. Of course, it obviously makes sense why, but it does make ya wonder.
The reason to stay anonymous is because it's annoying to create drama, it doesn't matter how many people agree, I despise twitter drama so venting here is a good outlet.
You're overthinking things, I'm sure the majority of artists don't even post here and just lurk to see if any drama about them has been posted that they can inevitably post about on their Twitters and Discords.
This place isn't an esoteric cult, it's a plain old website. Most artists probably are aware of this site (and particularly this thread) but likely either find the signal-to-noise ratio atrocious or know better than to out themselves here
>>207565 I'm asking more from the perspective of artists who are willing to talk and at least joke around with anons, and aren't totally prickish towards us. Definitely not the ones that are always like "If you use BBWChan you are whatever-phobic or this type of whatever-ist!"
Debulover is also known to be here fucking up the saxxon threads.
I won't lie but this is the only place I can get some good references sometimes. The drama's fun too but getting fat girl pics here is just simpler.
>fucking up the saxxon threads
His sole redeeming quality.
Does someone who commissions tidal waves of shit art from trash artists, really count as an artist?
>> your pastor said come as you are. Yeah pedophilia faggot
I use my Twitter only as an art advertisement, nothing personal and no discussions. I don't want to say anything about myself or my beliefs on it
Then why are fat artists and/or their circlejerks ALWAYS up to something when it comes to creating drama?
>Bumps shit from over two months ago.
>Even mentions it in the Ana thread.

Hi Ana.

Acting like a retard is not "being sarcastic".

PS. Steve is still in Smash.
Always funny when autistic people that can't read social cues and situations try to call people that can autists.
Steve being in smash is still the funniest shit to ever happen
I dont blame anyone for thinking that lol. It didnt use to be so bad, but over the years more and more 4chan neckbeards have come over here to the point its at now, where every more popular artist has constant whining and arguing while the instigators throw out slurs.

Thats still not even the worst of it. The way people act and talk about towards models on this site is legitimately disgusting. Worse of the worst ted bundy type attitudes, thinking up conspiracy theories on models, name calling, and general disrespect any time a model does something they dont want. Go look at the reiinapop thread lol. You can really tell a lot of people here dont have any women in their lives.
(621 KB, 1080x2316, Screenshot_20240626_082200_Samsung Internet.jpg)
Why do artists do this shit? I hate when they get all melodramatic like this. Like when strongmoist had strangermoist and edged deleting it 5 times for engagement instead of announcing it once and doing it.

Butty has been on a roll, consistent art improvements, increasing popularity, engagement with other artists, consisteny comms and very positive reception. What could possibly make them want to do this out of the blue? Since theyre blatantly funneling people into patreon and continuing there it seems like they just needed an excuse to go full paywall lmao
Yeah, what the fuck is wrong with that dude? Did he just decide to become 100% greedy or something?
(87 KB, 609x828, oog.PNG)

And now they got this goofy Ctrl C+V response to anyone calling out the patreon funnel, farming even more sympathy replies.
Wow this is some of the most blatant sympathy farming I think I've seen in this community.
It doesn't feel like a breakdown at all, it's kind of lazy? Can't even be bothered to write unique replies, literally using pre-written responses for several people.
The logical fallacy of "I won't post my art publicly because it sucks. Instead I'll only post it for people who pay." Is kind of nuts.
I would've respected this announcement way more if the dude just said "Hey I need/want money, most/all of my future content will be paywalled." Like that would still suck but nobody is owed free art, whatever.
Crazy shit.
Yup. If they're really feeling so bad about their art, they need to take a break from the internet or work on stuff other than fat art that will help them improve more. Not isolate their watchers to people who pay them money and will have actual expectations lol.

And now they've taken the post down, seemingly without so much as a word.

I was willing to believe that this wasn’t coming from a place of greedy malice and just artists being fucking mental but forgivable, but that basically seals it there doesn’t it.
anyone know the password for DANYANTTOs stache thing to see their art?


I went through the gallery they mention and i found the letters


but i assume its scrambled since the comments say its an english phrase, any idea what it could be?
Probably he does have a better source of income so he can just stop posting art publicly
Yeah, most artists are just mentally weak and greedy assholes who will do anything to get more money out of people
Based. I really can’t understand why people pay or make subscriptions on patrons of Bws, bamboo, pew, sizemologist or another shit artists, who didn’t do nothing good. And they only use our money on nothing like posts in Twitter. They reuse their old works like sizemologist or bws and don’t even draw or exercise and train something new. Their skills are disappearing and when they can decide to try and make something new their arts looks like this shit RWBY illustration from BWS. I hope that they will return to studies and practice and make their arts better again. But with many money they won’t do it
Most people make art to escape the monotonous compulsion to wage labor. If artists can curate a a revolving door of commissions so as to substitute a wage, then that's usually when they come to the often horrifying realization that this is their life now—that they make art for a living. It ceases to be a hobby or side hustle. Some take that realization more well than others. It being fetish art makes no difference.
Who fucking hurt you dude
Average neckbeard resonse when seeing someone not treat woman as a toy. Seek help.
You need your head surgically removed from your ass
(1.6 MB, 2732x2048, IMG_0232.png)
Hello! Sizemologist here. Attached is a WIP of a “Harley Quinn getting fed by the Passion Patties machine” request from the drawthread here, to hopefully prove that it’s me :)

Just wanted to set the record straight - I never had a Patreon, and still don’t. The last time I charged for art was when I opened commissions almost two years ago. So any low quality art that I’ve pumped out since then with my disappearing skills has been free of charge!
Man, what's with online artists and self-deprecation...?
They were responding to the message that is in fact linked to in that post where they are referred to as artists who dont draw or exercise and train something new, and who was referred to as having "disappearing skills".

What's with people on this board and a lack of reading comprehension?
probably shouldn't have even gave them the satisfaction of a response, idk how you even fit into that group, which also makes no sense as it is
hey look that's my request
Miss your art so much man, hope you make a comeback sometime. Keep enjoying your semi-hiatus tho
Sup Sizemo. Just wanted to say you are one of the most obnoxious artists in the scene, and it would really do you good if you just shut the fuck up. Hope this advice helps you. 👍
>>208066 The only obnoxious person here is you, jerkass.
Personally I'm happy with doing art. I can work from home and even from another country. Even if I need constantly draw this is a way better because no work is easy and this is just a norm for any work and this is a WAY better condition than I can had in my very first country. Maybe western people thinking way more about feels, but I witness a poverty, lots of insane ghetto level shit and if I just need to draw to finally live a normal life in a normal place this is amazing. My grandma had two jobs, dad endure a lot of shit, etc. Compared to them I need to just draw stuff and not always a fetish one.
Well that's what I mean; chalk it up to a petite-bourgeois mindset. Artists, by virtue of being themselves, are fiercely independent-minded people. They like being their own boss and don't usually like being told what to do. But because of the way in which artists are typically paid—from one commission to another and not through i.e. a monthly wage, they will eventually gravitate towards certain styles and mediums that will more quickly make them money. When your rent payment is largely (sic) dependent on how many fat bitches you render in a month, that can have a debilitating effect. It goes without saying but, the moment your hobby starts making you feel like you're on an assembly line, even a little bit, what joy you get from it is greatly diminished. Some artists mix things up by selling merch at conventions and exhibiting their work in gallery settings but that tension is always there. And sure, using your art practice to live like a digital nomad is nice but that's not something every artist wants either.
Honestly the comment isn’t worth giving attention. I would have said something if I thought anybody wouldn’t see it as the schizo babble this place is known for. You keep doing you, glad to see you’re still around in some form though.
>white knighting on a chan site
I don't even know why I visit this place anymore, zoomers are pathetic and weren't gatekept hard enough.
You boomers were acting literally the same way when you were younger. Stop being a retard and use your brain for once
It's probably all the simping for streamers/v-tubers, brain cooked and all that.
Hey guys, GAIN-OVER here.
I think they grew out of it and finally realizing that dickriding elites was just not worth it, unlike you crayon eating spergs who still defend faggots who are worse than Tom Preston.
we can see post IDs you donut
He's probably just really feeling down; it happens. Being an artist can be mentally draining at times.

Whenever you put yourself out there, the numbers will mercilessly scream a judgement for your hard work.

If you lose a game in CoD or League or whatever, maybe you feel bad for your performance the last 30 minutes. But finally submitting an art post you worked on for days and having the numbers tell you that you loss. You didn't do good enough. You know you shouldn't look at the numbers like that, and it's probably just the algorithm!.. again. The self-doubt begins to set in, you can't help but think it: maybe -you're- not good enough..? These sorta thoughts can really weigh on you... 😔

Hoping he can feel better soon! ❤️
Did you really not see the second screenshot? He's a fucking greedy, uncaring asshole who only wants people's money
(530 KB, 2048x1767, GRPqAG_bAAAEcI9.jpg)
Am the only one whose green with envy at all of the photos coming out of Nikuket 13
Look more closely; our post IDs are different: a95f4f vs a26f5f (me). I am definitely not the anon I was replying to, lol
even if that were the case, it doesnt excuse using peoples pity to publicy your paid stuff at all

literal virtual panhandling


Ya'll probably have to spend hours learning pick up artist BS and putting woman down in your head just so you can talk to one for more than 30 seconds without sweating through your clothes
Ehhh... he probably just rather stick to where he feels less pressure. Patrons are often long-term fans who are so caring and understanding of the artists' that they subscribe to. Y'know, the artists are obligated to them too and they do feel bad when they let down their dearest fans, so they make a post explaining what's going on to them if they mess up. And patrons are so nice and say "that's okay, you take the time off you need, you work too hard!" - it's a totally different vibe than comments on DA/X/etc with the public at 'large' 🤭

I really don't think it's a marketing campaign of sorts, none of the giants in our community has ever done this sorta thing to get to the top of the fatty pyramid. It's not a good idea. Sure sure, they aren't PR experts. None of us really are, we write stupid stuff sometimes. Maybe we don't even speak English as our first language but trying ones hardest is what matters the most!

We just give this artist the time they need! It's already great news they're going to continue drawing at all and hopefully they feel up to coming back soon and providing more work publicly for free, right? More fatties getting drawn, the better!~ ❤️
Pride month is over yay
We can leave all the Yuri behind for a bit hopefully.
Its the people that drone on about lolifags 24/7 that you really have to worry about. I think that most people would feel reflexive disgust at the thought of loli and pedophiles and then go about their day. But for the ones ranting and raving about pedophiles every 5 tweets, you have to keep in mind that's what they're thinking about every single day.
It would've been great if the virtue signaling didn't only produce pictures that have the characters be as insufferable as the alphabet soup people are in real life.

Ya'll make this an issue for yourselves lol, entirely possible to get through pride month without even thinking about it.

I guess that's hard when you're homophobic snowflakes who get their panties in a twist over a rainbow flag though LMAO
Artist don't need to share their opinion about current events.
I am not writing this to say that artist should just draw and shut up, what I am trying to say is that as an artist you don't need to put a flag in your bio or comment on some random news story, because most of your audience isn't there to see real life events they are there for art and by posting that you not only disappoint your audience with a false hope for a new piece but also it doesn't help to say "Le this guy's good and le this guy's bad"
This is different from posting about your mental health or your current situation and explain why you are taking a break, or even to announce you want to do something different since constantly pumping out work after work will lead to stagnation and nobody wants that.
(76 KB, 1080x352, IMG_20240713_231706.jpg) (161 KB, 1080x1020, 0de49286dba3fc6df3be77842f32c940d18ca86b0a69e13f5deb996e990cd6e8.jpg)
>"Man I am tired of drawing fat chicks I want to diversify"
>Proceeds to draw fag chicks and not do that
>"I really have to finish this twenty years old request"
>Proceeds to not do that
>"I feel like doing something"
>Proceeds to not do that
>I am doing a weight gain drive
>Does twelve in a row

Does he keeps his word on anything

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