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Time for a new thread, and starting off with Frieren
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New page for discussion
How autistic is Saiya???
about autistic as a speedrunner at this point tbh
lmao I've spilled spaghetti in my time but this is next level
It's unbelievable how this comic is almost twice as long as No Lunch Break and most of it is just Saiya being stupid.
I’m in full support of seeing Aika rip Tessa to shreds. My fingers are also crossed.
The ENTIRETY of EVERY Kip comic is someone being fucking stupid.
Why would you expect any different?
Mukbang stream? Mukbang stream. And damn, Stacy could use a fucking friend right about now. I wonder if Aika will step up here since she's probably the closest thing she has to a friend at this prep school - her thick skin and upbeat obliviousness inures her to Stacy's bitchiness.

Things are gonna get interesting with Aika's relation to the stream, what with Tessa going on the attack once more.
Hmm, I could forsee Aika being pivotal later on. Let's say the stream gets wild with Tessa and Saiya going full-bore. With Stacy checked out, things soon go off the leash and potentially off the rails, but it's still wildly successfully all the same. Stacy is struck dumb by the situation: as much as she would want to intervene to stop the madness, her apathy can't bring herself to care. Let them destroy the brand image she's cultivated so. Plus the fact that the stream is still pulling crazy numbers is kind of insane to her. Part of Stacy kinda wants to let the scene cook more.

Enter Aika to intervene, either to pour cold water on proceedings and step in to kill the steam, or does she have an epiphany and ride it out with Stacy, trusting in Saiya? Aika's unpredictability is key.
While I get the sentiments, you can't just call Dominos if your aim is to make a lavish banquet. Shit takes time and effort, maybe not even appealing to all, but the payoff is usually worth it for those that stick around. There will always be pizza to enjoy, but this is different and something special to remember - for good and hopefully not for ill...

>Fair warning: long theory post inbound!
I posted a theory in the last thread (hi, this is the guy who had like thirty posts in it) about Aika being a "Mystery Backer" for the stream and the latest development has me a little more emboldened. The stream is key to the plot as it connects all four main characters.

If Saiya refuses to participate in Tessa's shenanigans on stream (out of loyalty to Aika) resulting in awkward tension and the popularity taking a nosedive, and worse off Stacy checked out and failing to get the stream back on course, then it falls down to avid fan Aika to save the stream. With her extra disposable income, she becomes a massive backer for the stream, encouraging Saiya and Tessa to either lewd it up or to try mukbang.

Why would Aika do this? A few reasons:
1) she cares about the stream and the ongoing success for both Tessa and Saiya, for Saiya especially as Aika knows she's financially dependent on it.
2) she can see Saiya being faithful and knows how she feels about Tessa so Aika allows her to have a little fun on stream. It's important to know that she herself is calling the shots here in getting the girls to do her bidding, and so she in turn gets to enjoy both of their antics on stream since Aika has feelings towards both.
3) She wants to help Saiya with her intimacy issues. It's clear that Tessa's interactions with Saiya are helping her self-confidence in a way that Aika cannot provide, so she might see to encourage in the hope that it benefits the pair of them as well.

This arrangement can lead to all sorts of fun and interesting developments. I could see Aika emulating Tessa and her stuffing antics on stream in an indirect competition to try and "outdo" her and remind Saiya as to who the better partner is (which is fitting with both Saiya and now Aika attempting to copy Tessa's style). Stacy is savvy enough to uncover who the mystery backer is, allowing her to realise that it's Aika (probably the closest person to a friend in the cast) so maybe there's a gainful partnership in the future there?
And if course, let's not forget if Tessa is being encouraged to eat on stream then this could be leading to what I suspect Kip has been building towards which is the "Mother Of All Corset-Fails". It should be spectacular!

So yeah, it all boils down to the stream and Aika being the perfect person, with her mix of charitable altruism and savvy cunning when it comes to Saiya, to pull the strings and potentially steer it towards a bright future.

Thank you for listening to my Ted Talk

This is the wrong amount of analysis to invest in Kip's awful cardboard characters and rambling non-plots.

The right amount is more like: "Hey, it's pretty slow moving and the characters aren't very deep, but there's lots of eating and bellies and sometimes it's kind of sexy."
Haha, yeah I knew what I was letting myself in for but it's fun to share these things. In any case y'all can get to laugh at how wrong I invariably end up being. There's still a couple of loose threads int he theory, what with the trainer chick and Tessa's mystery's stalker, who I had assumed to be one and the same.

Anyways, enough rambling from me.
i think it’s actually an interesting theory and i appreciate when people actually try to predict where the comic’s going to go next. I also think the comic’s way too shallow for the theory to actually come true lmao, but it’d be nice if Kip actually does go in the direction you suggested
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Well that escalated far quicker than I imagine a lot of people were predicting-
Ok were getting somewhere
being pushed around and pushed up against stuff is my new kink. Go on with your bad self Kip
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They make a good point
Spoiler? It will never be reveal because Kip complety forgot about it
Interesting. Good to finally put Aika and Tessa'a relationship in the spotlight since they've not had any significant interaction between them since the gym shower scene like 200 pages ago.

I do like Aika straight-up giving no shits, but I can't imagine pouring cold water on proceedings is going to do the upcoming stream any good...
100% sure Saiya is going to fuck this up
I dunno. Maybe? Saiya could Mr Bean her way through the stream with ensuing shenanigans, but Saiya's alo pretty simple when it comes to people skills. I personally think she's going to overreact like always and clam up completely for fear of screwing things up with Aika.

We shall have to see what Aika's show of force brings!
Bruh she thought about jumping her own biological sister, i have all my bets on Saiya going coomer mode and messing up big time
really hoping tessa decides she doesnt give a shit what aika says and so she tries even harder to win over saiya when they stream, trying as hard as she can to get her to break and start openly touching her on stream. this would fit with tessa's personality very well imo.

alternatively kip could choose the un-sexy option of having them sit around awkwardly on stream for 3 pages. we'll see!
Heh, I wouldn't have called it like that exactly, but you're not wrong in that Saiya's gonna have to dig deep to resist whatever charm offensive Tessa's planning.

We all know that Tessa is pretty envious of Aika and clearly views her as a rival when it comes to Saiya. I like to think that her main takeaway from this encounter is with seing just how big Aika's belly is now and how she'll need to up her stuffing game in order to "win back" Saiya.

Let the battle of the bulge commence~
Aika is going to eat Tessa next page and the comic finally end there
It's the gym girl 100%. Don't know what it'll come out of it.
I feel like Aika just saved us so many pages by doing this. I like this “I don’t give a fuck.” development for her. Easily now my favorite OSC character.

I completely forgot about that. Saiya is so fucked.
Aika used to have that "I don't give a fuck" attitude waaayyy back at the start of OSC before Kip turned her into a mindless eating machine. Ig Kip is remembering how Aika initially acted.
No its because it was all ruined with the exercise plot point with Stacy
I wil devellop about it further with my Act 2 recap, but in a nutshell, Aika would never do something under Stacys guide, even more when she says that Saiya doesnt like Aika anymore.

Unf, imagine Tessa's belly spilling over against Aika's
anyone got the new art
Kip used to do vore though
Talk your shit king let your nuts hang.
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Back when he made them big everywhere
Anyone else thinks that Kip could get Salt numbers if he went this far in his comics
i think he'd alienate his fans tbh, kips look falls squarely in the potbelly category and this would take away from that
still it seems ssbbw fans are a larger demografic than light bbw and potbellies
Been too long since kip has done vore
I don't think Kip's actual fat women are drawn well enough to bring in those kinds of numbers tbh
"I don't trust my girlfriend one bit" oh yeah, really nice relationship you've got there... All of the characters in this story are fucking retarded.
Eyy, always pegged Aika for a dark horse so I'm glad she isn't disappointing! It's interesting to me how Aika's former fangirlishness has been put aside for the moment. Would be nice if Kip reminds us of that point soon, Aika having a small freakout after this encounter that she was putting the screws to her idol. It'd be good to remind the reader that Aika does actually hold a torch for Tessa, as that seems to be the only anchor point for their torrid, turbulent relationship to still work.

Still, I like the heat that they bring - a spicy, tumultuous element to the throuple as a counterpoint to the saccharine sweetness of Saiya. They will make for fine friendly rivals and stuffing buddies in time - assuming that they'll make it to the 'friendly' part!
Given Saiya's actions in the comic, Aika's right to not fully trust her.
Kip (the character) was proper fat towards the end and looked great.
Could only settle for poly, if Saiya puts on weight too, threesome belly action would be epic
She can put on the chub quite easily as we saw from the beginning. Could definitely see Saiya naturally getting to around Tina's size. Probably the only thing stopping her from going further is, as she mentions in the comic, her money'll be tied up in feeding two fatasses already.
It's not that Aika shouldn't trust Saiya (Saiya's given no reason for her to), but that she shouldn't be in a relationship with Saiya in the first place, since trust is the bedrock of a healthy relationship. At that rate they could be 'friends', but to have a serious relationship means that you know the other person will stand by you when the going gets rough. Saiya gives the impression of a person that is pretty weak-willed and will simply go to whoever turns her on in the moment
Aye, if this doesn't go down the throuple route with Stacy orbiting then I could forsee it as Saiya x Tessa and the unlikely pairing of Aika x Stacy, though I wouldn't hold my breath for it since Stacy development isn't what we're largely here for... Then again, time skips do exist.
From the looks of it, another Monday morning post
Not sure when the lot of you are going to realize this faggot doesn't care about his comics and lives off of a grand a month from this nonsense. He'a just checking financial boxes and you are feeding into it.
I'm not paying him, fucking idiot
>>192621 Who said anything about paying?
I would only consider patronizing if Kip committed to exclusively drawing copyrighted characters and abandoned his idiotic "series".
Poly on livestream calling it now. Somewhat ashamed to say that this came to me in a dream last night. But that dream convinced me.
Actually makes no sense. She's literally *just* got what she always wanted - a relationship with Aika - and now she's trying to two time on her and not even showing any concern about the fact. Her character doesn't make sense even when you accept all the bullshit
I feel like Saiya just went through that whole cheating thing with aika where she was crying and going on and saying what a terrible person she is and SHES IMMEDIATELY BACK TO DOING EXACTLY THAT AND ONLY WORRYING ABOUT TESSA. Saiyan actually makes this comic I enjoyable story wise
Booty phat as all hell in its haitan wars name
This is stupid for me not because of Saiya, but what does Tessa implies with this. It looks like Tessa just said fuck it and is losing the game on purpose to expose herself and end her career before Aika does it. Just like in this video:
In this case, Tessa is Lelouch and Aika is the green hair gal.

Of this is true, it will be the stupidest corset reveal of all
I suspect Kip is trying to reinforce with the latest page is that Tessa is ultimately a paper tiger - all bark and no bite. Her confidence and extroversion is a veneer when in actuality she's pretty ineffectual, allowing herself to be led along like a docile animal by the rest of the cast, even against her own desires. This is in stark contrast to Aika whose fluffy facade hides a hard and crunchy kernel within.

I maintain that it will be Aika who determines the fate of the stream, for good or ill. I just don't think Tessa has the initiative to rail against the more domineering characters.
Saiya is going to fuck up, we already know this. I’m begging Kip to surprise us with Saiya actually being a decent person and not cheating on Aika.
Doubt,Tessa isnt making a move and Aika leaved Saiya alone with her, thinking is enough with threatening Tessa.
Also probably if kip introduced another character that gets the attention of Saiya,it could serve has a prove that Saiya is a piece of shit that doesnt love neither of them,is fine for her has long it has a belly.

Is this an allegory for the FA community? Do we not care as long as the girl has a belly and just move on to the next seasonal waifu?
>Mfw the love triangle has infidelity.

Mother fuckers were you all born yesterday? Have you never read a story?
I recall waaaaay back OSC's story was described as a "true triangle" so in essence establishing a relationship with each of the three involved characters. The elements have been largely laid out for us to start piecing together, it's just a weighty story to drip-feed through. Biggest hurdle is the Aika x Tessa relationship which hasn't had much development or interaction between the two until lately.
Idk if they are ready for xray camera patrol cars. See everything moving in traffic!!!!!!
New page is on patreon, but not in deviantart

Can someone post it here?
Eh, s'all good. A little decent eye candy never hurt nobody.
"eye candy" my ass, this is a kip thread, nobody wants that blob garbage here
I rather have this than Kip's shitty writting
Bruh thinks he has a little "safe space" here on on bbwchan of all places?
If you cant take anything remotely bigger than chubby you shouldnt be here
Welp. At least she did not stripped herself away. Oh well. I guess at this point Mr. Corset is going to really survive it.
Kip really challenging himself to see how unlikeable he can make the MC before the comic ends 🤦‍♂️
Yikes, though it's understandable. Tessa has essentially lost in this exchange with Aika. She can't even kick Saiya off the stream as it will impact viewer count so, like it or not, Saiya is here to stay.

it wouldn't surprise me if we had a montage to jump ahead in time soon as things seem to have settled into a routine, what with Saiya dating Aika and streaming with Tessa. Yet despite all things, the vibe between the two streamers is never quite the same as what it once was, and that lack of spark may cause viewership to start slipping.

Not everything has to be a bum note however! A potential upside of this cold water being poured over proceedings is that it could give Saiya and Tessa the time to slowly reconnect and try to forge some tenuous new bonds of friendship in an attempt to break the cold spell. Of course, knowing Saiya's blunderings this might only make things worse.

Tessa ultimately doesn't hate Saiya. She's frustrated, hurt and heartbroken from having effectively lost Saiya to another.
i'm so bored, call me when someone edits this down to 60 pages once it's done. i guarantee that's how much worthwhile content is in this at most
What is she doing that is unlikable? Being socially stupid? Being incapable of understanding emotional nuance? Apologizing for the wrong reasons? What should she even be apologizing for if not for that? I honestly don't understand what she did in this page to receive that comment

Would this be more your speed?

>... And then they fed each other forty cakes. Forty cakes, That's as many as four tens. The End.

I joke, I joke. I get that the eye candy isn't there but if I'm at all correct think of this as the calm before the storm.
Thanks for summing it up. Yes, all of the above. I mean, how many pages are we going to get of Saiya waltzing through every situation like a naïve baby. Also, maybe that situation where they were having consensual fun isn’t the first thing she should be apologizing for? Maybe it should be actively pursuing and then hooking up with another girl, while they had a thing going?
Well, some people are more social inept than others, and even more romantically. Up until recentally, her relationship with Tessa and Aika was really murky inside her little head, and she probably saw Tessa as a friend """"with benefits"""", but she always felt ashamed about her lack of sexual self-control (that by the way, Tessa incentivized by never saying no) and enjoyed being around her as a friend; and Aika as the one she really liked.
But now that she talked what she felt to Aika, and her sister brought up how she is sexually rude and insensitive, Saiya realized that she shouldn't have used Tessa as a friend with benefits, something that warps around back to her trying to apologize Tessa for treating her as a "piece of meat" instead of a person with feelings.
NOW Tessa is explaining to Saiya that she IS into being treated like a piece of meat, and that this was the whole point of the mean girl teaching thing in the whole place.

Tl:dr; Saiya is stupid, but she is trying her best to not be a piece of shit
its been the calm before the storm since page 100. it could be ages before anything happens
Jeez Saiya is written like a robot learning to be human,she didnt about understand boundaries and now it will learn about relationships and commitment.

The problem being that we've been watching Saiya treat Tessa like a piece of meat for nearly 300 pages. It'd be one thing if she actually cared about both girls, but the revelation that she felt nothing but lust for Tessa is frustrating after this much time, especially because this basically means that no one really cares about Tessa. She's Stacy's meal ticket, Aika and her other fans only like her because she's hot, and whatever shit's going on with her mom.

And with all that happening, there's one person she had a legitimate connection with, who between banter and physical contact has given her tons of signs that she likes her back, and now she's gonna walk up and say "I only want you for your body".

It's shitty, it's been shitty, and we've been had to wait two years for Saiya to gain the ounce of self-awareness needed to realize this.
The thing is although Saiya does lust Tessa, she do care about her in a friendship manner, but not in a romantic matter. Even if that is less bad than outright just using her with no strings attatched, it's still tragic, because Tessa DOES love Saiya, but it isn't both ways.
Saiya is trying to do right by apologizing for treating Tessa that way, but she didn't realized that since Tessa loves her, she got friendzoned.
And another thing, is that since Saiya is said to be Tessa's first real friend, she is as well socially stupid, and can't tell the difference between friendship and love, explaining why she views Aika as a threat to her
Ight. Place your bets on how this will end. I’m betting they just randomly break into a make out session. Or maybe we get pleasantly surprised by Tessa telling her to fuck off idk.
All I heard was fire cracker & starting 275

Yep, you're both right in that Tessa is a tragic character here. This is why I hope this newfound distance between herself and Saiya will allow some genuine feelings to bridge between them over the course of streaming. A chance to start afresh and build something from the ground up. Either that, or Tessa will spurn any attempts from to Saiya to patch things up and remain cold and distant, causing the stream to tank and both girls to suffer.

Saiya is, despite all her faults, a simple and earnest person. While she doesn't love Tessa, she doesn't hate her either. It's clear that she and Tessa have natural chemistry and this chemistry being disrupted will become evident over the course of time to the point where even Aika will pick up on it. It's funny, but Saiya's lack of social awareness may be a hidden strength in that her feelings are so sincere and evident. Pure and simple feelings. It'll be clear to Aika at some point that Saiya needs both herself and Tessa in her life so it'll be down to Aika whether to accept this within Saiya or not - to shed the distrust and have faith in Saiya's ability to love both partners equally.

Aika herself isn't a bad person. We've evidence of her genuinely being a caring and compassionate individual. While her recent hardness was only in response to protect her newfound relationship with Saiya, I don't believe she intended to drive such an antagonistic wedge between the two and now struggles with seeing Saiya heartsick as well. Aika does have feelings for both girls in turn so it will be down to her to realise a path for all three of them going forward...

Further speculation: Maybe the mystery stalker will pay Aika a discrete visit or drop off evidence to help spur this decision on and to help fix things? I could see the stalker tracking down Aika and dropping her evidence of the highpoints between Saiya and Tessa, showing that food and stuffing were the key, allowing Aika to hatch a plan to help break the ice...
does anyone have today's pic
I forgot this shitty anime actually had any fans
What's bad about Bucket list of the Dead? I've been meaning to watch it.
Literally nothing. Dudes just on shrooms
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Okay, firstly yikes for Tessa out-and-out calling Saiya out on her shitty, selfish behaviour. Secondly, god bless Saiya for being such a social retard for following through on this ridiculous plan, enlivening this plot. A normal person would strive to work patiently through their intimacy issues by placing their trust in their partner and build up that trust slowly over time. Boring. Thankfully, Saiya is anything but a normal human being.

Is this a statement that neither Aika nor Saiya trust one another in their fledgling relationship?

Ugh, Saiya suddenly acting like she knew about Tessa's feelings - No you fucking didn't, you moron! And really this whole direction Saiya is taking shows how little she's learned to empathise and consider others, namely Tessa.

>"Heeey, I'm sorry I treated you like a piece of meat and broke your heart. Bummer :( Sooo anyways, can you show me how to get off with my new girlfriend that isn't you?"

The funny thing is that this'll probably turn Tessa on all the more.

>"Yes, step on my heart and grind it into the dirt! Trample on my feelings for your selfish desires! Nhhcghsxs"

God bless Saiya and her 110% autism. I hate it. I love it.
At this point just time skip like a decade,the three of them cut ties (after a implied "more going back and forward")Aika moved on with her life,Tessa partnering with Stacy created a mark,Also being in a relationship with a dominant designer, And Lastly Saiya became a fat neet that cooms all day and her parents force her to get job.THE END.post credit scene of Grace hiring her.
I envision the future where Aika and Stacy have formed a partnership as an adult entertainment production company with a lean towards BBW content, with top flagship performers being former Pigz streamers Tessa and Saiya, having long since been given the boot from the Pigz platform for a litany of content violations, but buoyed by a large enough fanbase to face the exodus and venture into going independent. From there on, Tessa grew bigger in every sense of the word.

Saiya devotes herself with her boundless enthusiasm for her shared partners of Aika and Tessa; they in turn maintain their ongoing friendly rivalry started years back in trying to outdo each other with who has the bigger appetite, their discovered kinship in eating and idolisation in one another having been the final piece that cemented the bonds of their unshakeable love triangle. Stacy has since made peace with the fact that this is her life now and wouldn't have it any other way. These fatasses would be floundering without her giving them a swift kick in the rear anyhow. Fin.
I don’t understand where this rhetoric came from…Tessa was always sly and indirect with Saiya. She embarrassed Saiya in front of her friends, teased about how Aika was into her. Their relationship definitely changed across the comic, but some of this earlier bitchiness was never acknowledged.

Praying for at least one more stuffed Tessa scene tho
“With the potential exception of Tessa” Nah, let’s make it clear that Tessa is as shitty as Saiya. Only difference is Tessa is smart with her shit, Saiya isn’t.

Honestly? Yea you’re right. I just wanna see fat chicks.
Has Kip ever touched grass, let alone spoke with anyone that isn’t his parents? This is so retarded it loops around to being mind-blowing.
Omfg. I can’t wait for this to be over. Tessa and Aika are fine characters to me but holy fuck having to follow Saiya around as the protagonist actually makes my fucking head hurt.
What can I say? I like the comic, haha. My gut tells me that there's gonna be spectacular content ahead, but the soap opera shenanigans in the meantime are fun.
Guys kip told me the ending—Saiya fucking dies as she gets hit by an ICBM, Stacy overthrows the planet and Tessa is forcefed by Aika any remaining survivors of the war.
I ain’t reading all that I just wanna fat chicks
It'd be far more interesting if vore got involved that's for sure
ENOUGH!!!!!! You all think that you're the ONLY ones to exist, huh? That nobody else can have fun?! WHAT ARE YOU? THE FUN POLICE?!?!
God it is going to be hell then.

What are the schizo posters going to bitch about then?
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>That nobody else can have fun?
If that's fun, than then I can't wait to see what your idea of torture is.
If that's your idea of a gripping story, then reading the phonebook must be a thrill ride. At 400 pages in, are we even halfway through the character exposition?
>what a fun ride
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Tessa is about to do something to spite Aika
And I'M just saying if ALL of your stories aren't SHITTY, and STAGNANT, and for BABIES, with SHITTY WORLDBUILDING, and SHITTY CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT, and ACTUALLY evolve with its audience, then people wouldn't be lining up at the gates with DROOLING enthusiasm to suck the metaphorical cock that is KIPTEITEI!!!!!!!
I just watch the pretty fat girls and ignore the text.
I like that Tessa still has a wily plan up her sleeve and isn't readily rolling over despite things. She's not going down without a fight, clearly. That they can still openly talk like this also once again demonstrates the chemistry the two have.

Any guesses as to what Tessa's plan will entail?
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i dont give a fuck
im going to burn myself in front of kips house
maybe thatll tell him to stop making shitty stories
or go to back to elementary school to relearn how to make a fucking story thats cohesive
So brave. We salute your sacrifice o7
Last woman who told me she didnt give a fuck took it right up the ass shitted all over my cock as I continued my ravage attack
>>193537 It's just the schizo again. Again. He's a hypocrite, tells you to find God but posts shit that's even hornier than what most people would do here, with a disturbing god complex.
Probably stuff her until she likes it
It's got to be a trust exercise of some description, with Saiya needing to learn to place her trust in others.

Could involve stuffing. Maybe like a mirrored play session. "You feed and touch my tummy, I feed and touch yours" sorta dealey. Clothes stay on... for now (which is what Tessa is insinuating).
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Sorry for being so absent, but Kip's computer new firewall have made more difficult to access their sketches folder.
Anyway, here's the leak of the next page!
Fuckin missed these thank you anon 🙌
Any HOI4 players remember a mod where Sydney from the No Lunch series ruled Germany? It was called Sydneyreich or something similar to that. I can't find it on the steam workshop anymore.
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Ngl wasn’t expecting Tessa to be the one to give Saiya the belly. I’ll give you that Kip.
I'm completely lost on how this is supposed to make Saiya more open to being touched.
Oh my god just make Tessa or Aika fatter I don’t care about Saiya
This feels like something I would've been really into 200 pages ago.
Regardless of when and how it happens I just hope Tessa & Saiya end up together and fatten each other in the process.
Now i have the hinch that Aika is gonna burst through the door and take her frustrations on Saiya with Tessas help, kinda fitting punshiment, even funnier if Saiya no longer can turn things around and every new encounter ends up like that.
Because Tessa is most likely gonna be the one touching her this time around
This is retarded, particularly as it'll turn out she likes it despite having never indicate she liked it before
Dont be jealous she fell in love with bbc. Dont be so incompetent
It would be hot if she denies that shes enjoying it, also seeing Saiya bigger than Aika would be nice.
This is only happening now? JFC.

Shock therapy. Tessa is going to try and make her get over not liking it by forcing it on her until she does like it.


That's what happens in comics like this unfortunately. No build up at all and comes very far into the comic just to have already big girls not gain anymore. Saiya continues to be the worst main character in a comic.
I'm kinda wondering if Saiya's tits will grow if she gains, judging by how her mom looked.
Think: if Saiya gets stomachache from the bloat, won't belly rubs help with the discomfort? Given that Tessa has an axe to grind, she might end up being vindictive and holding out until Saiya is begging her for some sweet relief.
I guess Tessa's plan is to make Saiya gain weight and be unattractive to Aika.
Yeah but like... just touch her then. Why the bloating? I know this is a belly fetish comic but jfc
Because it's not just about touching, it's about wanting to be touched and deriving pleasure from it. A state of mind thing.
Finally Saiya chads will win
Tessa’s pry gonna make her bloated so Alia doesn’t like her figure anymore any lose interest so Tessa can get with Saiya
Most comments have actually been in support of Saiya being fed, because they're shallow retards.

Genuine question, why do you like Saiya? What even is there to like about her?
She is socially and romantically stupid, just like me
Saiya is a driven individual with bags of energy. She's a doer and, outside of languishing in her depressive episode, tends to get stuff done. She changed her entire persona in order to try and court her love interest. The story needs her being this bundle of energy slopping spaghetti everywhere to drive things along.
>She's a doer and, outside of languishing in her depressive episode, tends to get stuff done.
By constantly fucking over others in her life from not being completely honest about her own feelings. It's very telling of her character when Aika of all people knows to not trust her.

>Speaking of Aika
Now that Tessa has shown her true colors of trying to sabotage the relationship between Saiya and Aika, this means Aika is the only one to not actively attempted to fuck anyone over. Sure, she has blackmail over Tessa right now, but she hasn't used it.

I mean... I guess they deserve each other, they're both scum through and through...
Oh yeah, no one's denying that she's a complete social retard. Though I have to disagree with your point about her not being completely honest with her feelings. She hasn't really shown any cunning or duplicity. If anything her problems stem from her being too driven by her feelings. Aika doesn't distrust her Saiya out of her being dishonest, moreso that she knows she will act on her feelings all too readily.
Tessa has done the same thing way back when she was first “coaching” Saiya on how to be like her. She’s been actively trying to ruin their relationship for a while now.

They both don’t deserve shit ngl. Saiya should get hit by a truck and Tessa should be eaten by Aika.
Ya'll are so goofy in this thread. What would easily be the whiniest thread on bbwchan if there weren't a thread dedicated completely to whining, who have conistently bitched and moaned if there is even a single page of plot in between pure fetish matieral, are now tagging people as "shallow" for being happy about a role reversal situation in a weight gain comic instead of analyzing problematic behaviors present in almost every wg fetish scenario. LMAO
I literally hate every major character in this story.

Saiya is a fucking manipulative asshole who can't help but backstab everyone around her and herself, yet despite this can never seem to keep her mouth shut about out for five fucking seconds.

Aika's just painful to watch as the "childhood friend" who only ever shows up to either get Saiya out of situations that don't involve this catastrophe of a love triangle, or keep her in said love triangle purely by existing. Her finally hooking up with Saiya isn't even that satisfying purely because it was once again borne out of Saiya's own ineptitude.

Stacy claims to be some savvy business genius, yet has the business acumen of a crack addled honey badger (as well as the temperament and appearance of one). And no, her recent reveal of only trying to get daddy's approval doesn't make it any better.

Tessa was technically the most sympathetic, basically being the butt monkey for the other three in some way or another, but even then she was the cause of this whole shit because she was too up her own ass to give bathroom directions. Now with this page she's once more pulling more shit to keep the drama going.

Holy damn this looks great! Did you do it anon?
No one told you to sell. To soon kid.
Finally someone is getting stuffed again! I don’t care if it makes zero sense at this point.
One page at a time guy has a point.
Since pages usually aren't that dense the reading time for the whole comic is surprisingly low.
Yeah I think it was Andrew Hussie of Homestuck fame who coined the distinction between "serial" and "archive" readers when it came to long-form webcomics. The comic experience will vary according to being in one of these camps.
Well, looks like you burpfags will be getting a treat
His wife found out he sits in parking lots for 8 hours he didnt tell her he lost his job. Its beeen 10 months she just found out
Anyone have new pic?
My dick is going to spit with all of that booties on my dick
What character is this?
Inb4 neckbeard rage
Wow, I love how Kip, even with the maximum opportunity, total hype in a scene, with no way to ruin it (Since both results would be pleasurable), and having an active fanbase waiting for a result that has already been speculated a long time ago, and then, instead of emphasizing it and going to the end, SIMPLY DECIDES TO CUT THE SCENE TO SOMETHING THAT ZERO PEOPLE CARE ABOUT
this is a certified kipteitei moment , why would you even switch from that wtf
Snore. See you Sunday, folks.
(644 KB, 2100x1576, chris.jpeg)
Kip version of Chris-Chan just dropped
>timeskip: t+6mo
>nothing happens
Screencap this.
He did it so that he could speed up stuff. Watch how in the next few pages we're going back to Tessa with Saiya already bloated from the soda.
(6.8 MB, 1125x2436, IMG_4644.png)
Hoping for this ending. But hey, we’ll see…
Correct. Ill express it next time
Fuck you kip, pleasaseeeee let it end already
How long until Vegas sneak trip shrek
Would be sooo good, but I don’t think it will happen
Pretty sure we can collectively agree on that at this point
Yeah, it makes sense for Saiya to develop a belly to complete the trifecta. If that is how she develops her physical sensuality then so be it. No complaints from me here.

Bloating and belching with Tessa. Heavy eating with Aika. All results in a "well-rounded" Saiya, snrk.
Ooh, now there's an idea. Aika notices how Saiya's newfound confidence in her own sensuality and their improved bedroom time together seem to be inextricably linked to her expanding waistline as of late, yet Saiya seems a little too quick to downplay the connection. Aika puts two and two together and decides to confront Tessa about what the hell is going on, triggering engagement between the two heavyweights.
(66 KB, 540x532, 07DC0498-D1F1-4AFA-8A75-979121EFD2E5.jpeg)
> tessa stuffs saiya
> tomfoolery ensues
> something something aika finds out or saiya withdraws or whatever. “muh feelings” 20 page arc
> aika and tessa, both frustrated with saiya, sit her down and decide to stuff her together!
> i don’t fucking know man, all three get turned on. poly fuckbuddy stuffing relationship forms.
> insert about fifty pages of meanwhile side character content throughout, mostly relying on tessa’s friend who i can’t be bothered to double check her name (stacy?)
> conclusion is the three girls becoming stuffing streamers or some shit in a more free-loving rebellious act against society and the system and stacy’s dad!!!!!
> something something “it’s okay, i am lesbo. you better be!”
> pic related
(229 KB, 1097x1098, IMG_20240316_235053.jpg)
>that prose
>that pic
God-damn, there is NO PLOT. Stop pretending there is any inherent value to the autistic finnish drunkard as a writer. There's none.
He laughed.
This is so fucking good
Holy shit this is amazing. Do you make art anywhere else??
Amazing, and somewhat prescient I feel.

>The doorbell suddenly interrupts. The food is finally here.
>Someone's grumbling stomach speaks out. A call for a temporary ceasefire.
>Will Saiya's plan for the two girls to break bread together succeed? Or will it only add fuel to the fire?
If you replaced 90% of the comic so far with this on repeat it would have been way better
Tippity too mate
I need you to draw more of them
I will pay handsomely
(326 KB, 851x357, double-eruption.png)
Oh for sure. Once the girls all eventually make peace with each other, I can see Aika and Tessa ganging up on Saiya for a little belching in stereo.
Yeah, they're gonna be like "urp urp burp burp"
>YWN have two fat bitches argue over you
Ey I remember you, Latf or smth like that? Always putting out bangers
OH WAIT THATS LTAF!! I knew the art looked familiar. Glad to see more fo ur work
please do more fat bodies like this I love you so much
LTAF you’re a fucking legend and I just want you to make sure you know that 👑

Love all the OSC fanart you’ve done the past few years as well as your OCs such as the servant
Saiya is sooo screwed if Tessa makes a truce with Aika...
Why would they make a truce? Tessa sees Aika as a rival and Aika sees Tessa as her enemy.
Goblin cape finale confirmed?
I mean Tessa is testing the waters with feeding Saiya,and we saw that Aika likes to go dom,so im hoping they just turn Saiya into their plaything, side the stupid retard will never decide between the two. Also Aika probably has some bottled up anger towards Saiya,Aika mask has to have a limit.
Is that Tessa vore I see. PEAK
hehe, it looks like a dick, how humorous
Damn I haven't been mentioned here in a long time.
Wtf why was the vore removed?
Thank you for reminding me of the correct spelling lmao, I was looking for their Twitter and got confused when I kept looking up latf/laft

I remember an Aika one, but idk which thread it’s in
Am I losing it or did they also draw Cindy? If not, I’d love to see Cindy & Connor in their style someday…
(128 KB, 386x302, lovebooooat.png)
Back to Goblin Cape eh? Hmm, I wonder if we'll get treated to some heavy-handed metaphor in which Aika and Saiya overbalance the loveboat from before but adding Tessa in (three-wheeling antics abound) makes for an effective counterweight.
Ooh, or both Aika and Tessa end up stuck together in the boat, since it looks like a tight squeeze in there, so they end up riding it together.
Anyone got the new lewdpoll winners?
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Damnnnnnnnnnn 🔥 it’s always a good day when Kip draws Darkness. I like to think of this other piece Kip did as the aftermath of the more recent pic. We all know she would have gone well beyond her limits and enjoyed every second of it…
I'm curious as to what Tessa's plan is here beyond simply being supremely confident in her ability to endear herself to Saiya; instilling romantic feelings where currently there are zilch. Saiya just doesn't love you back, girl. You confessed your love to her and she didn't care.

Deluding herself in this way is not only sad but also fucked up and creepy. Imagine if this was a guy attempting to shoehorn himself into another relationship, manipulating the girl to "win her over". Shit would be fucked, right? Don't be that guy. Don't be Tessa.
Fingers cross for Saiya to also start looking like Aika in a while
Kip did a good job with Musashi too. Her tits, belly, and fat ass look really nice naked here. I also like the original one with the underwear and the ass squish. Quite nice
Was just thinking of this last night, lol. Force feeding best weight gain content.
Meant to post this in the new force feeding thread, but I guess it kinda works here too haha
That would be the dream.
(877 KB, 1125x1575, Page437.jpg)
So Im gonna assume whats gonna happen is Saiya gets a little chubby Aika loses a little interest or whatever Saiya tries to get back in shape again from the fitness chick and then its revealed that it was her who saw Saiya and Tessa in the closet
Saiya getting bullied on both fronts! Nice to see Tessa with a bit more of a spine. Maybe the "Three Switches" idea isn't so far-fetched.
Indeed! It's pretty much a tee-ball of a possible Halloween idea.
Three Switches???? Whats that
5 v-bucks says it won’t
why does her belly look so high
Because Kip sucks at anatomy.
Not Belt you blind moron
No dumb fuck it’s what’s she’s wearing
Ah shit was going through kemono updates and got 'em mixed up
Even considering the pants, her gut is being displaced to such an extreme that it looks wrong.
It's like a reversal of the Tessa chugging soda scene towards the beginning, Saiya is about to get into bloating her belly isn't she?
Tessa has... uh.. put more than a bit of thought into bloating scenarios hasn't she? My kind of freak~
I stand by my prediction of this teaching Saiya the benefits and the relief of belly rubs when under pressure. She has to really want it first, though.

Happy Easter, folks!
>Nonsense!! You trust at me, this it’s Getting good.
Am I having a stroke?
Tessa was so taken aback at Saiya's efforts that she forgot how to English. Cute pic though, typos aside.
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four hundred and thirty nine pages
It’s funny… we all wanted this, what, at least 100 pages ago? Now, it seems like no one cares all that much anymore. Hopefully (probably not), this isn’t the cycle starting over…

Haven’t even seen anyone actually ask for the last SEVERAL pages.
Yeah no ngl I used to be like wow this comic needs to hurry up where's the action. I just literally don't give a shit anymore because this comic is too long
Put a lien on all their bank accounts, properties & llc's thats how u get back at corrupt agents.
Yeah, like, it’s been a constant cycle of “Oh, look! One character is making another. Cool!” (+30 pages of drama/general story) then “Oh, great! We’re starting it all back up!”

Honestly, at this point, the ONLY way I’d be interested in the comic, and not just reading it out of habit, is if Kip actually focused on what a WEIGHT GAIN comic is supposed to focus on.
I think the pacing would have been better if Kip uploaded every month or two in a scheme of chapters, with every chapter being 12 to 13 pages each

Although we would wait a lot longer this way for new content, the "cliffhanger", that makes the reader excited for the next part, would only happen at the last page of the bunch, instead of the last panel of the page, making the hype fresh and holding for the new stuff.

Weekly page releases work when your story is short and full of action (or lewdness, in the case of porn comics), at max around 50 pages. Even though No Lunch Break was also really long for this format in hindsight, it was half the length of OSC and it was filled to the brim with fanservice at every scene.

One serving choice is based on drama, the flaws of the main characters, and a long term narrative, with fanservices being used to progress the story forward in a more reserved fashion. It is not bad by it's own, but the weekly page release format is not adequate to it. Could you imagine if Oda released One Piece for all these 30 years at ONE PAGE PER DAY? Everyone would have hated it.
I never liked sydney as a character nor her wg since it only was her belly thighs and ass. Kip the character had at least a more even fat distribution and seemed like a not terrible person.
(450 KB, 748x1071, KipMeasured.jpg)
Pffffft. And Kip-the-character (glorious, glorious Kip-the-character) got fatter than Sydney did. Every comic gets longer and with less weight gain than the previous.

I pretty much tuned out of Kip's comics after No Lunch Break ended and I only see new pages when I scroll past this thread. This comparison here is a good explanation of why. And you just know that if the One Serving Choice girls ever started to actually get decently fat, the comic will end and Kip will start over with a fresh batch of wing-headed OCs and back to square one we go. Such a shame. Ah well. At least some people are enjoying it, so I'll leave you to it.
Classic anon. Even during a bloating sequence, Kip delivering non-drama bs content, there's always something to complain about..

>B-but this should have been 200 pages ago!
200 pages ago we had the Tessa gym failing and the sushi boat stuffing. 100 pages ago, we had the Aika mead bloating and the make-out session with Saiya at the church...

Sure the comic is long, but you guys are forgetting the good shit we've had along the way. Your only complaint here is that the comic is... long..? Some real first-world problems here.

Whinging about how these should have been earlier is daft. Kip can't exactly go in a time machine and change history now, eh? Silly anon. Just enjoy the soda bloating instead of moaning about the impossible.
Agreed. Kip never managed to get better than... Well, Kip. Full Night Nanny was great but it was an entirely different comic with much less interpersonal bullshit.
>Sure the comic is long, but you guys are forgetting the good shit we've had along the way.
Good shit? What good shit, you retard? This comic has been pure crap from the start, and I doubt it will get any better in the near future. The characters gain weight and become slim again soon after, what the fuck is even the point of doing that? Honestly, Kip should just stick to making individual drawings...
You're welcome to leave if you hate the comic so vehemently. No one's forcing you to be here...
>Man I really hate this thing
>Continues consuming thing.

Go outside.
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Nah Kip did not get fatter than Syd, at most they’re the same size, plus Sydney got KIDNAPPED and is such a sub she enjoyed it, Sydney’s better easily
Syd doesn’t seem like a bad person
It is not that serious dude, calm down
I’d like it if it was Aika, or even Tessa, but the fact it’s Saiya just makes me not care.
The third one is one of the best panels Kip has ever made. Good shit.
Is someone gonna be able to update Kipteitei's Kemono.Party page?
I love that kip, a fetish artist, felt the need to explain midiclorians to the audience despite the fact they literally only come to the art to wank
I might sound dumb typing this in hindsight later, but did Asterix found a way to put his ear wings in his helmet? It would explain why they are so expressive
Hopefully it goes beyond bloating and turns into Saiya getting fattened up just like Tessa. Then maybe we can get some scenes of Aika domming her and shaming her for getting so big.
All of these characters fucking suck man.
this thread is so funny lmao so much complaining, kip posts this shit for free, 2 updates every week, their patreon drawings that people pay for are usually top quality (with a few occasional hiccups like luffy lol). no other "speciallty" artist posts that frequently, so even if there are 2 filler pages back to back thats like 10 days which is the minimum time between most other artists posting
Shut the fuck up Kip, if it weren't for this retards and the ones on your patreon you would be frying burgers for a living, thank to fucking god some people has at least interest on your shit, even if is not the positive kind
Dang, Saiya's a trooper for sticking through this and not barfing. I'd like to think that were Saiya to continue to bitch about the bloating pain that Tessa breaks out a few more bottles and joins her by bloating up in kind (it's essentially her main kink after all). A bit of shared solidarity, y'see. Were Saiya to then point out that Tessa's been practising and used to this, Tessa rolls her eyes before pulling out a third bottle and another mento candy to show Saiya how the experts do it.

Then commence the mutual belly rubbing for physical relief and pleasure.
These threads are a perpetual cycle of retards complaining about retards complaining.
Genuinely just ignore the posts or go to the fucking DA comments or some other forum to discuss things if it bothers you so much, jesus christ.
They forgot about 4K HDPHATS Spring 2024, Belly Practise sketches pack 2, & 4K HDComicpack.
so what I post my complaints for free, where's all the dicksuckers coming along to deflect and play defense for me???
That is the problem, sodas won't make you gain weight by their own, they are not caloric dense enough. The point of this plan is to make Saiya the most bloated as possible, so she could feel more sensitive to the touch. If Tessa really wanted to make her fatter, she would be getting her highly caloric and fattening stuff, like whey protein shakes or cream puffs.
The fun thing is if Saiya makes these secret bloat sessions a regular thing with Tessa and her stomach capacity increases from the stretching, she might have to start partaking in those heavy meals with Aika to settle her increased appetite.

Playing with both girls might wreak havoc on Saiya's waistline and I'm down for it.
You didn't understand my post. I want this to lead into a Saiya gain, not for this to be the direct start of a Saiya gain. The two paths I see are that Saiya enjoys getting her big belly rubbed and takes steps to make herself bigger permanently or that Tessa enjoys flipping the script more than she thought and keeps finding ways to get Saiya to stuff and gain.
>that Tessa enjoys flipping the script more than she thought and keeps finding ways to get Saiya to stuff and gain.

Yeah, honestly what does Tessa have to lose at this point? We know that Tessa is for some reason obssessed over Saiya, so why should she roll over and let her be stolen away by Aika? Tessa most likely doesn't care about Saiya gaining a few pounds or having a belly on her (matching her own situ) as long as she gets to have her for herself. She might as well swing for the fences in sabotaging the relationship with her own crazy rationale.

Tessa might be canny enough to recognise that Aika liked flat stomachs, so if Saiya gains a belly then she'll be less desirable to Aika. Ez.

BUT Aika is no idiot when it comes to people and being able to read Saiya like the children's book that she is. She can tell something is up between Saiya and Tessa and trusts neither of them, but she knows that just forcing Saiya to quit the stream will torpedo Saiya's financial situation and the relationship in the process. Aika may be jealous but she's not heartless - she's still a good person and cares for Saiya ultimately. If she recognises that Tessa's playing this game in order to make Saiya unattractive to her, then perhaps Aika plays along... If Saiya starts putting on more weight, maybe by encouraging her to eat like she herself does, then maybe that will end Saiya's streaming career without needing her direct intervention - and who knows? Maybe she'll grow to appreciate Saiya's fuller figure~

So there you have a new theory! With Tessa feeding Saiya to make her undesirable to Aika, and Aika feeding Saiya to kill the stream, let the Cold War (aka the Battle of the Bulge) commence!
Ooooor Saiya starts using a corset just like Tessa to hide her weight gain, but under her clothes, which would lead to a DOUBLE TROUBLE CORSET BURSTING in a middle of a stream (or a party, to fit the other arcs finishing with parties)
Yep, this could be the moment that kills the stream with the fate of the girls hanging in the balance from then on. I still maintain that the stream is a plot device meant to govern the end stage and signal the climax of the story.

By then, the three should have all hopefully realised that they are all hopeless, belly-lovin fools for one another. Buuut we're getting ahead of ourselves and the unfolding proxy fight for Saiya~
(197 KB, 557x352, Screenshot 2024-04-06 185541.png)
Nice. Takes a lot of calories to run those dungeon delves. As GlaDOS would presumably say in this setting

>"Most people emerge from the dungeon terribly undernourished. I want to congratulate you on beating the odds and somehow managing to pack on a few pounds."
I want this nightmare to be over, so give me a red pill please
Saiya needs to get stuffed til she pukes. Would be epic.
Ain’t no way this shit comic has gone on for 439 pages it still feels like the beginning of a story
Kipteitei didn't posted in Deviantart the new page, although it is on Patreon

Can somebody please post it here?
I really don't get how saiya can get nearly as big as the other two in about 4 pages. it's almost as if the pacing in this comic is genuinely abysmal
It seems like it’s just bloating, albeit over exaggerated. Ngl, I kinda like it. 🤷‍♂️
saiya bloating is fine, it just highlights how little has happened for the other 400 odd pages
Agreed, it's too much for her first time compared to how much time it took for both Tessa and Aika before her. The pacing sucks ass.
Christ, and if the bloating wasn't pronounced how many of you clowns would be complaining that nothing was happening? The page is fine.
Would’ve been hotter if it was anyone else
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Since i don't give a damn about saiya getting bloated/fat or whatever i've resorted to creste shitpost and stuff cuz i'm bored as fuck
I meant create not creste, i can't even spell lol
$15 congestion air quality control. Do it
I know it’s bloating, but it’s impressive that in just a few pages, Saiya’s managed to reach the size some of the other girls took hundreds of pages to reach. Doubt it’ll be permanent, sadly
Eclipse causing ppl to stare into sky eyes turn black viral
How much crisis actors getting paid tomorrow lmao
Right lol. My only problem with this is that it’s Saiya.
Someone needs to make an audio edit of this page
>>196714 I'd rather have the real deal.
>>196822 she sent those cops to scare your baby dad. I believe it now. I believe it now. Like how ironic
Had to think about that one. And I never agreed with it. That scum shit
I find it fascinating, humans are going to the point that they don't need to keep thousands of cattle and can grow their meat in labs

Of course, we still have a lot of development to do before we get to that point, but the mere thought of it makes me wonder how incredible technology has become (and frightenong as well, too)
>>196826 Because sometimes the comments get really deranged and off-topic, IG. I didn't write it.
it's not the comments getting off topic it's one retard schizoposting
So anyways, how’s the family, Greg?
anyone got the new pic
Reminds me of that joker meme.

“Hello, fat fetish artist? Can you focus on the skinniest character in your comic for two months??”
She could become the fattest. Who knows what the future may bring~?
Idk maybe the redundant cycle we’ve been getting for the past 4+ years ? Idk just a thought …..
>Look up the start date of this comic
>It's actually been 3 years
3 fucking years and 442 pages of NOTHING! At this point, it's better to just forget this stupid comic and move on to find something better
3 years of retards crying about a free comic nobody is making them read. pathetic
Is it pathetic to want good entertainment
no, it's pathetic that there is countless millions of hours worth of content on the internet and yet you've spent 3 years obsessed with a comic you don't even like. get a hobby or something jesus christ
Does anyone see this has a game changer? Personally i would like if she ends up around Aika's size, bringing back the "if she likes big bellies so much, she should have her own"
Man, I just want to see fat bitches gorging themselves and getting off.
I don't give a fuck about the plot.

No. But it is pathetic to cry about the same things over and over again for years instead of seeking out something you do like.
I think the real issue is that kip is intentionally keeping his characters small due to his own personal preference. The only way to keep characters small in a several hundred page comic is to divert, delay, and run in circles over and over again... which can become annoying for anyone who just wants the characters to get fat IE the great majority of his fan base.
You picked a poor target in that case. If you just want to get off to an image sequence just look literally anywhere else. We're awash in that sort of content.
Then you could, and try to stay with me now since this is a wild concept, stop fucking reading it.
>The real issue is Kip is producing content he likes.
Good. People have shit tastes.
third this
majority of this site is filled with degenerate blob/landwhale content that makes me want to [REDACTED]
These discussions are overtaking the thread!
It's cool. We're just biding time until the new page is released, which should be soon (barring any announcement from the Patreon crowd about Kip)
Sooooo no page?
Oh, it's not like we're not here. But instead of commenting we're mostly like "wait, why would I spend time arguing about an internet comic with a bunch of morons. Fuck that, I'm going to the zoo to see a moose!"
Oh look, the retards are coming out in full force today.
She's still pretty soft and squishy. Far from being tight like a balloon... Hmm...
Kip (almost) never draws a bloated/full belly actually bloated. 99% it's instantly soft blubber, making the whole bloating part redundant.
Saiya in ten pages: "Aika stop! I only like when Tessa touches me!"
6 months of “fattening” Saiya just for her to be mid sized like Tessa and aika, kip might successfully get rid of this fetish for me
Nope just wanted for you to self dox. Ill be there next time
the worst part is this is exactly what's gonna happen and the comic will get 3 years longer
when that happens im going to kips house and gona [REDACTED]
Oh noooo, so much consistent content that I can jerk off to on occasion... I cri everytim ;-;

Unless you have a terminal prognosis or are a Russian conscript, I don't really understand the whole "three more years a bloo hoo" argument. I'm sorry, did you have some pressing place to be for things to be hurried along so?

The argument presupposes that 1) A new comic/story will automatically be better, and 2) It won't have any of the same issues that pervade Kip's content as a whole. It'll be the same shit for people to continually moan over. Actually worse in the short term as a new story means new character introductions and expository setup and bla bla bla.

At least OSC is novel because of its length. It can do stuff that your average 30 page comic can't achieve. It's an experiment worth running, even it it becomes an exercise on what not to do.
It's not that there's no consistent "sexy" content, it's that the comic has been dragging on for three years with terrible terrible terrible pacing and story progression. I get kip isn't a comic maker or whatever but for a project that wants to be more focused on the story, the story isn't very good. A whole lot of nothing happens for more nothing to happen while all the characters remain static and literally never ever growing or changing and it just sucks. This comic isn't bad because it takes so long to get to scenes people want to jerk off to, it's bad because it's fucking bad and poorly written and paced.
The pacing is bad because we are reading it three times weekly, and it is a story made to be read in one sitting. I bet that once you get your asses done with whinning and read the whole thing at once, the pacing will be a lot better
These threads are so fucking tragic lmao
(26 KB, 300x300, IMG_-2f44qq.jpg)
>it's just in early access bro, can't you wait til it's finished to criticize it.
Welp can't beat that logic. See you in the year 3000
With ALL these complaints over an artist & his comic!
Why does Kip always abandon bloated tummies, she was rail thin a minute ago, drank some soda, and now she’s got a fat gut?
Literally. When this first started and Tessa had the obvious bloated stomach look rather than mass of fat, it was peak. Saiya should have that here especially the fact she just made her eat a mentos but no, it's just soft mushy fat and not bloat
(80 KB, 452x357, Tessareaction.png)
A nice reaction image. And judging by her reaction, Tessa's just as much a bellyslut as Saiya is at this stage. I think we're only gonna see her galvanize her efforts to win back Saiya.

What do you mean? Tragic how exactly?
When it’s all said and done, Tessa and Saiya will be down with the sickness for the thickness as well as on themselves
Exotic genetix support child porn and sex offenders & ex cons on dis cord look
Maybe I’m tripping but it looks like Saiya managed to get bigger than Tessa lol

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