
>>189720 (OP)
Like ATLA, SU has a coal to gem (haha) ratio of like 1000:1
Anybody know the drawing/artist of Blue Pearl fucking a blobby Blue Diamond?
(9.0 MB, 2996x2588, Peri_Weight_Check.png)
I love fatty gems so much for some reason holy shit. Peridot and Amethyst were made to be chubbos
I guess reuploads by Gr33nMann will have to do
I sure love me a huge Priyanka.
You're lucky you saved these because Gr33nMann nuked them on their DA.
Any Garnet and Pearl pics?
Man, what was this guy going as before? And have you got more from them. I remember they did some pretty good lapis’. They’ve come in and out I guess, probably deleted a lot of stuff, hopefully they’re still floating around.
why the hell do you all care about my old art so much? like another person in this thread said it’s absolute garbage.
Because I like it? Simple as. If you’d rather not acknowledge it it’s fine I guess, it’s just a few folks clearly see an appeal in them and think it’s a shame they’re all scrubbed off the internet. Really up to you though, can’t argue if you’d rather they weren’t around.
>>190240 Opinions are subjective, I'd have a little pride in a situation like that.
I wish I could see it that way, but drawing these characters has brought trouble more than anything else.
I seem to have no luck trying to find this image/artist. I coulda sworn that it used to show up on the old thread.
Because you made good art. Like how anyone thinks this is garbage is beyond me. Now those Snivy drawings, those were....a choice
(155 KB, 2048x1406, IMG_2920.png)
No, y’know what, those were good too. Not my thing, but they enjoyed making them! That’s all that matters… anyways here’s some art.
Yes, it was a choice. It was MY choice because it was something I WANTED to draw, you entitled jackass. You SU dumbasses bitched and groaned when the hand stopped feeding you constantly (and you continue to do it) until you eventually decided to bite it, and then wonder why I suddenly took down all that old crap.

Pick up a tablet or a pencil and make shitty steven universe fetish art yourself if you want it that badly instead of acting like an entitled asshole. Go fuck yourself.
I'm sorry that you were pushed into such an extreme mindset over your own emotions. I understand what it's like to hate your creations like that... And I know how crappy it feels. With all the memories tied to that.

I hope one day you'll be able to let go of the anger, and the sadness, and all the emotions that make you so upset over that art, and how much looking at it reminds you of those old times.

It's your creation: and it deserves to be shown, not burdened by the pain of the past that sticks to it like a parasite.
YES!! Thank you! Thank you! I’ve been trying to find it for a while now! Do you know who the artist is?
Anymore Garnet pics please?
sauce? I really like this style here
I remember this artist did a great Blue Diamond one and I have yet to find it again...
Anymore Garnet pics please?
What was their username? I know there’s a signature but I haven’t had any luck finding their stuff
I couldn't agree more :D
my bad,I didn't mean to respond to that person, I thought i was making a regular post
It wasn't my "emotions" that put myself in this mindset. Can you not read? Go fuck yourself.

You can go fuck yourself as well.
:/ I think part of it is because the people who wondered why you took it all down at all aren't the exact same people who "bit your hand" per say. Sure they're part of the same fandom, but not the exact same people in that fandom. That's just my guess though, I could be wrong.

Still, I understand and I respect your decision to not want to deal with the headache anymore and take the artwork down. I would've done the same thing.
(327 KB, 1088x735, amethyst_s_burger_binge_by_gr33nmann_dgw55oi-pre.png) (478 KB, 4096x4096, ed78ea331b6dfbbeade9ec0c7188ccd2356cb2eaa6d836e41a85cca0b6babb0b.jpg) (1.5 MB, 4096x4096, image0 (2).png) (1.1 MB, 4096x4096, image0 (10).png)
Stop being such a fucking baby.

Fine, you want to take your stuff offline because someone's pissed you off. Bitch move, sure, but you do you.
But you can't stop people from reposting the stuff they have saved, and to start yelling at anyone who does is completely unhinged behaviour. The second you put something up online, you should know to assume that it's never going to TRULY go away.

God, your entire Twitter just seems to be you constantly seething and burning up with resentment. You're such a bitter person, it's no wonder nobody wants to deal with you.
There's any stuff of Blue Pearl?
If anyone here is a faggot it’s every single person in this thread who thinks these characters are hot or that this “art” is good.
I’d love to see this “constant seething and burning up with resentment” that you speak of. Show me these tweets that are so “unhinged” so that I can laugh at you for being so fucking stupid when all you have to show is shit that I said over a year ago.
Oh and also both of you can go fuck yourselves, too. In fact, maybe you can go fuck each other! Definitely seems like the kind of thing that cumbrained losers such as yourselves would do.
(462 KB, 2500x2747, blobmethyst.jpg) (345 KB, 4150x3138, unfinished garnet.jpg) (398 KB, 3331x3011, unfinished opal remake.jpg)
This is the actual QL913 here. Got told some dude is impersonating me on here. You're all being trolled lol.

I don't really care at all anymore that people are reposting my stuff. My drawing tablet is broken, and I'm not doing any fetish stuff any longer since I'm not looking to replace it anytime soon. Now as for Stealy-art, you were claiming my old work as your own when my signature was clearly still visible. I honestly wouldn't have bothered confronting you about it (and would have even been grateful to some degree) if you had just covered the signature up lol.

Looking back at it, yeah taking all the stuff down was a dumb decision, but I don't really regret it all that much. I suppose I am a little flattered that people still enjoy my old stuff, even though I feel its quality obviously isn't all that great.

As proof that this really is me, I'm gonna share some stuff that hasn't been put in this thread yet which includes one drawing I finished a few months ago and a couple others that I was working on in private before my tablet crapped out. Enjoy, and goodbye!
Oh! Well, that explains that then. Well, hope you're doing well these days, and keep up the good work ^^
Both of you retards can go to hell for all I care, y'all deserve a slow and painful death
It's funny how you got called out and STILL are trying to say your the original, to the point of saying it to the actual person's face.
nobody knows who the hell you are you attention-seeking faggot
That’s true, but I did check the site the guy posted is legit
White fats is already a rare substance, but good ones are still to be found
Looks like the SU slob thread is gone on /Alt/.

Surprised that it managed to hang in there for so long.
(7.9 MB, 3333x2832, fat lapithyst.png)
image too large to be included with the others
people had been posting just random ass thicc stuff in there for a while, no fat OR slob involved at all. was kinda inevitable it died out.
Knownmusk still has a Deviantart, but they're on hiatus for the time being and I know that Secretgoombaman is RidiculousCake on Twitter
Start posting pics with words wont pop up on front board hahahahahaha damn theyre saying he is so funny
Any one got like any lapis one in general
Dont argue with them. You got in the union before all of them for a reason. Fuck em. They wont get far. No worries.
(1.2 MB, 1440x1884, IMG_6536.png)
> Dont argue with them. You got in the union before all of them for a reason
Ok what happened, is it another schizo posting about raping fat girls again?

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