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Are some artists names on here triggers for autobans?
Was going to ask about a certain one that uses subscribe star but can't post.
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Ok I'll start a subject on here, what's everyone's thoughts on potato elf getting an anime still, even though it's only been a month? How far do we think it'll go, assuming it's just a 12 episode series? I'm betting it'll probably end either with Erufuda's aunt or maybe up to the last published chapter in the regular series before publication changed.
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>Hasn't posted any new art in months
>Has posted dozens and dozens of edited cartoon screenshots since then
Is it autism? What the fuck?
Sounds like ur a jealous stalker who cant produce shit but talk shit. Ur best skill is to talk shit. Thats your purpose on this planet. Thats it. Keep doing it brokey.
He has plenty of new content that doesnt get posted because of PEOPLE LIKE YOU. Less new you see. Less you can speak on porno sites quite simple
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what the actual fuck is going on with these legs, like it genuinely looks painful.

i dont see geos art for ages and then the moment i do it feels like the worlds biggest downgrade
>>189470 do everyone a favor and kill yourself
What animation college and HRT does to a motherfucker.
At least unlike the Dobson he can come very close to the calarts Tumblr lesbuns. Just need to draw more OCs, leg hair and make one secretly tr**s.
>>189427 (OP)
Lets change the game, who are some promising new artists that have entered the scene lately?
>>189495 I'd say Donmonan is a good example.
Modify duty is for those who cant show up for their shift every week.
So many sequels get your popcorn machine started
Genuinely couldn't tell you since I don't know any new ones.
Feel like bigger names keep overshadowing newer or lesser known people
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How come when people decide to eschew anime influence and draw a more western style they always pick the most butt ugly look imaginable? I mean, there are western styles that actually look good-- It's not all bean mouth...
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Can't really blame him, those cartoons he edits have better artstyle than his same-face waifus.
>>189427 (OP)
That wasn't the one I was referring to in the last thread, but yeah bamboo is a petty faggot whose burned every bridge in the sphere and I am still laughing at him for having to leech off of the corpse of foxfire to stay relevant.
My dude, he never left.

He's been posting on Bamboo's patreon for a long while now.
Is Jaykuma dead? Did the nicaraguans get him?
By that I mean that he has an actual account again where he'll post art by himself
That's a name I haven't heard in a long time
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I actually like Dookus's more recent art style. It's experimental, so yeah there's gonna be quite a few misses, but it overall results in fat art that more interesting than the average stuff.
Is this supposed to be a good example
of all the examples of recent dookus art how did you pick the absolute worst one
The only explanation I can think of is that this is supposed to be a literal pig girl, and she has weird digitigrade legs
>>189568 idk I still think Pyrocynical's commission(s?) will keep the name in relevancy
Some western artists did this strange cruside against the pretty designs from 2000th? I remember people are trying to draw appealing designs. Honestly I miss it. Same I'm tired of this "mondane looking OCs" trend. Mondane life sucks. And the can't reinvent aesthetics even if they are spam this ugly or boring shit forever.
It's just when a commitment to cartoonish stylization ends up fighting with a prior understanding of naturalism. It doesn't always result in appealing artistic expression.
Furry artists especially are usually pretty adept at finding a healthy compromise between the two; lots of insanely cool anatomy studies can be found on Eka's Portal.
Sure smells like /co/ in here. Yes, some western artists opposed naturalism in art for petty/obtuse reasons in the 2010s. But this was symptomatic of the US animation industry in general; which for decades, following Disney, helped to streamline the production of children's cartoons as such. We've never had a DAICON III / IV moment where the industry was forever changed by a group of young, talented, independent animators; not quite, anyway. The division of labor is just geared too heavily against something like that. It's why the Ralph Bakshi's of the world have been relegated to selling animation cels on eBay.
Relevent? Fuck no, that eurocuck is always going to be remembered as the bitter faggot who never made it big despite drawing as many melting pancake women as he could.
The end stage of progressivism is the damnation of beauty, hence why so many xitter freaks hate anime. Gollygeo is a perfect example of it being rightthink to pretend that finger painting of his is remotely attractive.
>>189599 I say relevant as in he probably won't be forgotten for a while.
I don't know what cartoons have to do with politics. There's just no interest in expansion art cause it was mediocre before 2010 and got worse after then.

Anime is mainstream now. Nobody is going to divert way crunchy roll to buy some obscure works of art. Gays don't want to pay for fetish art cause it's awkward. Just look at Zuckerberg, he's seen as awkward cause he doesn't have a personality like Tucker Carlson.
Yup some rig welder make over 325k per year.
Nigger are you brain damaged or are you only pretending to be a retard? Pre-2010 had less than a dozen decent artists where as today there's all manner of poorfag artists of high talent more than happy to take commissions and keep the electricity on.
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Like clockwork.
>The end stage of progressivism is the damnation of beauty
Wrong. It's always been about newer forms of mechanical reproducibility resulting in the deskilling of evermore fragmentary spheres of artistic production. Oh boy, modernity and consequences! We must, RETVRN.. 😒. First it was the photograph, then film, then algorithms. These are what continue to render traditional academy education superfluous (yes, even so-called 'renewal' efforts; looking at you, /ic/ ARC evangelists), which is why artists seceded from them a century and a half ago (hence why abstraction became the founding 'myth' of modern art). Are we gonna start arguing over Adolf Loos now? It's all so tiresome.
.>hence why so many xitter freaks hate anime.
Also wrong. Anime/manga is just what's popular; it's more accessible than it's ever been! The anime/manga industry's reliance on anthology magazines (which are almost always sold at a loss) over a more traditionally American 'direct market' model emphasizing single-issue floppies is to blame. It's arguably more difficult to get your work serialized here in the states compared to Japan in part because there just aren't many good outlets worth submitting to. I subscribe to some really talented artists on patreon, and the only industry-adjacent work they can get nowadays are for variant covers. It shouldn't come as a surprise they go self-taught/freelance.
I wonder if that animation labor history anon I spoke with here a while back is still around. It was fun talking about the 1940s Disney animator strikes with em.
Oops I fucked up the formatting, oh well.
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One of the core components of autism is the meat robot's inability to communicate with actual humans, and I can only imagine how much money your mom wasted on speech therapy lessons for you.
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As other Anons have said, it's because they hate beauty and anime is to our own time what academic art and saloon art was to the end of the 19th century, intellectually vapid but aesthetically pleasing depiction of beauty. Before the mid 20th century, there was an understanding that life itself should be beautiful, because beauty is in itself good.

A lot of what you've said is technically right, but you are a crypto-Commie who worships perverse modernity and that invalidates everything you've said.
I miss the rio angry birds how is anyone talking about it
At this point, is there anyone with taste who cares? Checked the only two posts and it just looks like the same stagnant shit he and bamboo have been doing for the past few years at this point. I'd have more respect for both of them if they actually committed to moving on.
Considering that Foxfire has become a scatfag, no not a single person with self-respect gives a damn about him anymore.
What the hell happened to bamboo ale?
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This man has let his totally-not-sexual fetish for giant thighs warp his brain, jesus christ
>Draws a toilet

Are you actually retarded?
I don't even understand who is this
Random girls and why does he draw them. It's again some empty OCs?
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Good for Synecdoche but the comic didn't do much for me and I don't expect the anime to do much more.
As an anon put years ago, you've seen one Woot piece, you've seen them all.
Doesn't he charge an absurd amount for commissions too?
What is it with artists and their aversion to saying "Hey I'm taking a break, not sure when I'll be back"?
Artists generally hide their power level so it's not really that much of a stretch when the subject comes up this often...
Angry birds go and angry birds epic were Hella underrated as well
Happy the Series is getting an anime but knowing it's coming out this year and the anime studio for the anime hasn't been revealed is...worrying.
Honest question: Why do so many of the artists in this space troon out?
Xitter addiction and very little self esteem. You'll notice the ones that shoot up bath tub estrogen are the "people pleasing" types, the ones that will say or do anything for approval.
Pretty sure she's a latina.
Amazing but they need to just double down and show her destroying the plumbing already.
>>189774 Yeah it kinda is. No trailer at the moment, no other voice actors mentioned except Ayasa Ito for Erufuda, and no studio either is kinda worrying.
Ok just curious why do you guys dislike this one so much?

Are fetishes not supposed to be sexual? What's wrong with liking fat thighs
>>189857 I'm assuming it's the whole pipeline thing with porn and how it leads certain people to dark places.
Lately I've found myself enjoying his writing more, to the point where I get disappointed when a DA post doesn't have a longer description.
That being said, the scripted dialogues aren't nearly my thing as much as the prose is. Even if I have a soft spot for his take on Fat Velma and Fatter Daphne, most of his other edits (especially the DC superhero ones) don't do anything for me.
I wish fewer artists in this fetish used their Twitter accounts to double as personal diaries/platforms for talking about unrelated interests.

I'm not opposed to seeing an artist's personality every so often, but if it outweighs their output with art it becomes very tempting to unfollow.
For me it depends,
If the artist has a Twitter and a deviantart, I don't mind them talking more on twitter, since you still have the DA gallery if you just want to see the art.

But it's very annoying when you have to filter a lot if they only use twitter.
>>189427 (OP)
>Mocks bws when he was okay at best
>Nowadays bws could be considered a professional artist who decided to join the lewd stuff to make a living (that's the only way how art can be profitable)
>One hell of a flex, no need to call him out, just trail and error to the point of his Patreon exploding with supporters, even recurrent clients who'll stick around until the end of times
>Bamboo forever locked in his echo chamber with his stagnanted artstyle, gallery filled with fucked anatomies that'd make Andrew Dobson look like Michael Angelo in comparison
Should've also shit on Belt-Buster (the other artist who also improved a fuckton) so he could fuck off from the webs with his ego in shambles.

I second that, there's a thin line betweens your personal life with your nasty side, just because everyone is open minded doesn't mean you have to rub your disgusting crap to the whole world wide web. Look at Verbalese, his personal urges got the best of him and now he's the laughing stock whose income went down to the drain for being an irresponsible manchild reaching his 40s.
>>189920 Looking at you, StrangerMoist.
stranger moist is a fucking loser hope he overdoses on alcohol or something
On the contrary, I think if an artist is actually showing that they have unrelated interests they want to talk about, it's a good sign that they're not porn addicted and not a mental wreck like StrangerMoist, the Bamboo circlejerk, etc. Outside of content, I think good signs are posts about unrelated interests and practice/enjoyment posts (OneHaunt does a lot of these on their Mastodon account, Ohasi on their old Twitter main).
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People who mindlessly regurgitate online 'trad' arguments over so-called 'damnation [or loss] of beauty' are just telling on themselves for being uneducated in art history. They're not so much interested in returning to 'tradition' as they are nostalgic for momentary glimpses of artistic production within an already capitalist society (dating all the way back to the 16th century i.e. the early modern period). The truths behind such sentiments are visible from orbit and wouldn't even be worth engaging were they not perfect targets for viral advertising and other reaction grifts driven by search engine optimization. It's just a really boring way of broaching the subject! For example if you were to talk about this from a medievalist perspective almost everyone in the thread will transform into head-tilting dogs. Keep calling me a schizo if that makes you happy.
>anime is to our own time what academic art and salon art was to the end of the 19th century, intellectually vapid but aesthetically pleasing depiction of beauty
No, it's not. Never mind that the influence of Asian artistic expression (namely through the mass import of Chinese porcelain and Japanese woodblock prints) were what helped build momentum for the first modernist 'secessions' from the academy (before the scramble for Africa)—the LDP funding 'Cool Japan' initiatives abroad since the turn of the 21st century, for example, is in no way comparable to the ossified styles and intellectual favoritism many artists witnessed at the École des Beaux-Arts in late 19th century France. The only surface level similarity is their their respective styles' market appeal which, again, is barely even applicable. Whose market? One became intimately tied to art dealer networks with an emphasis on private connoisseurship, the other is associated with so many different media ecologies it'd make Walt Disney blush.
>A lot of what you've said is technically right, but you are a crypto-Commie who worships perverse modernity and that invalidates everything you've said.
Half correct. It's the so-called 'trads' who are doing the worshiping; commies are usually the ones trying to understand modernity in its totality, so make of that what you will.
I mean, I care. Bamboo, Foxfire, and DWN are still the three western fat fetish artists that immediately come to mind who actually draw fat women with somewhat interesting shapes. I don't care that they don't always pick up a pen or brush; there's always enough going on in their sketches alone that makes em worth seeing imo. BWS and his imitators (?) while just as compelling, sometimes look like inflation artists by comparison. I don't know, some days I could just use a little more to get off, and their work easily fills that need.
Implied scat is still scat ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but Foxfire was into slob since basically day one. I don't know why that's surprising to the anon you're replying to.
I do wish there was a decent booru software that artists could use as a public (yet personal) archive for their works; kinda like a fetish portfolio site, maybe? That'd be nice.
I prefer Belt's way of doing things. Still looks flabby, with texture and painterly feel, but doesn't go too overboard.
The thing is is that StrangerMoist has to feel like everyone owns him something and blames his depression(?) on other people, which in turn drowns his art in stuff like trauma dumps and bad memes, that should be shared on an alternate account.
I think it's better to use fetish accounts like a business ones. They post art and clients can just watch it and order commissions if they want.
Strangermoist? Strongmoist?
That's what I assume so, giving what I looked up prior to asking. Just wanted confirmation.
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Didn't read lol,starve to death like a good communist so there's more food for the fat girls.
I said anyone with taste who cares.
i've said for a while but I like saxxons work from a technical perspective but if he is going to write a whole novel for his fat chicks could he change it up ? I'm getting tired of him doing the hyperblob eldtrich horror for the billionth time. Kinda wish he would experiment or do something different if he even bother coming back.
the one time he made the women not like being fat i came like a fountain so yes i agree with this
Kys and delete that ugly comic retard
Tranny detected.
>>190018 what the hell is the correlation between Columbo and transsexuals
>commies are usually the ones trying to understand modernity in its totality

Modern so(y)ciety is (culturally at least & everything is derived form culture) the Left's playing ground, yet you still cry/complain.
And if your shit ideas fail, you blame the old social order, reactionaries, etc.
If your values are so good, why can almost every worsening metric (e.g., art, architecture, mental health, physical health, relationship stabilities, suicide/loneliness rates) be directly linked to your increasing power?
The only factor I agree with is that conservatives are shit, but for exactly the opposite reaons.
One of the reasons why they cannot meme: Nothing, which they spew, is intuitive. Everything requires theory/deconstruction/thin veiled threats/other shit.
>On the contrary, I think if an artist is actually showing that they have unrelated interests they want to talk about, it's a good sign that they're not porn addicted and not a mental wreck

I know you're talking more about people who do this implicitly, but imo, unless you're chronically online and the only people you care to impress are randoms on Titter, this doesn't matter. If you know perfectly well that you're not porn addicted, what does it matter if people online think you are? what's the point of signalling to people online that you're not? Just proves you care too much, like how dudes who make dramatic posts about ho 'I'm leaving' never actually leave.
>what the hell is the correlation between Columbo and transsexuals

I believe some meme voice actor popularized it like a year or two ago, doing columbo voiceovers with 'zoomer humour'--til inevitably the trans thing came up. At least, this is where I first saw it
>comparable to the ossified styles and intellectual favoritism many artists witnessed at the École des Beaux-Arts in late 19th century France.

Western artists themselves fit this description more closely. But anime isn't really impressionism. At the risk of mixing metaphors, I'd say anime is more like Baroque beating the shit out of Mannerism, in comparison to Western artists-- the Mannerists in question.
>>190053 Let me guess, Gianni? His content got stale for me. Honestly, I don't want to sound like a moral fag here, and even if politics are kinda frowned upon here, I thought it was disgusting when he advocated for abortion.
>>190063 shit I didn't see the link
My fault. I forgot to include it in the original post like I'd meant to.
>>190120 Honestly, I'm not sure who is worse, Gianni or Luke. Both of them most likely have skeletons in their closets.
I think the RWBY thread should just be moved to the bbwalt board at this rate for various reasons that'd come off as doing it purely out of spite.

Fuck are you talking about?
I mean at this point anything even tenuously related to cockmolars is an autism magnet, so it would clean up bbwdraw a little bit. Personally, I find the show to be a relic from the sad and brief era when tumblr thought it could replace anime with western drivel--see the legend of whorra for the other example.
You know what, fuck it, I'mma just do it.
What's worse is that the crew behind Legend of Korra have proven to be the best bunch of useful idiots who can lure retards with their competent character design, comparing to GenZed or the Scifi cartoon that lasted one season, even the shitty crunchyroll exclusive anime got backlash to the point of deleting any evidence that they fucking suck at art. Meanwhile the faux anime company still gets that sweet clout from social media and getting offers from companies to butcher the next franchise (Voltron, Luz Sanchez cuckholding Superman, etc) however for every beginning there's and ending: Sooner or later the designers who gave a shit will retire and leave everything to incompetent artists who think that piss poor drawn propaganda is worth millions of dollars, then the downfall happens where everyone forgets and ignores their heydays unintentilnally proving that corporate cartoons that are meant to sell ideas or doctrinate the audiences will never last compared to the cartoons with unfiltered writing that are meant to reflect the artist's true self, without giving a rat's ass to whatever is trending at the hugbox that is social media.
Not a commie, but someone starving while a fat girl gets fat is my fetish. If any any artist ever makes art it usually gets flagged for anorexia. There are a couple stories that fit the bill but almost no art.
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New topic, what are some artists where you like the art, but can't stand them as a person otherwise? I'd have to start with Stra(/o)ngerMoist and AkaFA for starters.
Where do yoy even start, lol
Cakehoarder, kafekafei, AkaFA like you said, Yeggloman/FFDon/Middles (they're practically the same person) are the big ones for me
All of them (they're all trannies and libtards)
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There are way too many to list. Like, way too many. Jesus Christ, there are so many insufferable cunts in this community. But if I had to settle on just 5:

Axel Rosered (pre-diapers/soulless art pack assembly line)
Jeetdoh (Draw fat Peni again you fucking coward)
SkalesStash (Actual pedo he may be, I still like his style)
Grindaviking (One of my favorite styles overall, I love how grungy he makes his girls look)
Cakehoarder (Literally the Nyanners of the fat community, but I like her shotas)
Mira, Belt, Prezi and... Pixiveo(?)

Can't think of a 5th, damn.
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Just posts art so it's impossible to tell if he's a soyboy or not, but it does make it less likely because liberals find it impossible to keep their mouths shut on twitter.
Same as above but he's Norwegian and drew men so he's definitely some kind of liberal fruitcake.
Drew mushokutensei so there's a chance he isn't a libcuck because that show makes woke alphabet tards lose their minds (but pretty much everything makes a liberal's head explode so that's a low bar to clear)
He's a teenager, he'll say anything to get attention. Also a Jewkranian.

Salt doesn't have any strong opinions on anything. I don't doubt that he's another middle of the road, easily led "I'm not political but I support gay marriage, transrights, open borders and support to the Judeo-Masonic-Fascist mobsters in Kiev" kind of guy for a single second.
All of the ones I mentioned are still valid.
Can you explain why doe?
Because there is nothing that proves otherwise?

Sure, all of them have the potential to be a liberal or Tranny, but there is no proof for either.
You just know this faggot is full of intestinal parasites. Immunological deficiencies directly correlate with neurocognitive disorders btw.
He's got the child mutilation flag on his xitter handle, he's absolutely packed full of toxoplasmis gondi. Remember children, homosexuality is caused by parasites affecting behavior to further their own reproductive cycle, and there's nothing heckin' valid about that. You're not going to be bossed around by worms , are you?
>Because there is nothing that proves otherwise?
The safe assumption will always be that someone who draws porn for a living is left leaning. I gave plenty of compelling reasons factchecked by true Russian patriots in my post.

Your favorite artist will troon out and you'll wish you cared before.
That in of itself is worth pointing out, but look at how often this fat fuck brags about eating spoiled food he finds in his fridge too. Nasty.
I agree about Mushokou. Everyone who did a fanart of this show can be a decent person
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How are tranies any worse at making fatty wank? I don't think it matters gender, sex, race, or political beliefs. So long as they churn out good porn I don't think if matters.
You people are insufferable. Call liberals whiny losers but literally cannot handle anyone having a slightly different opinion from you. “I don’t like this person because they seem like they might be liberal” who tf cares, genuinely.
Because art is supposed to be beautiful and trannies are hideous inside and out, see gollygeo for example at laugh at his calarts-grade grasp of the human form. Also jeet sticks to the art style of that one terrible transformers cartoon because the bath tub estrogen has melted his skills, what a faggot lmao. You know a asian's life is nearing its end when he can't even draw a robot anymore.
It doesn't matter but when you have people like >>190416 who think trannies are an abomination, suddenly any decline in quality or lack of growth is due to their repugnant nature and not coomer brain getting tired of their work or an artist just being lazy because they're getting paid to maintain their style. You gotta understand their minds are so poisoned with trans hate it warps their worldview - there's not a single person they admire or idolize that can't be torn down when if it comes out they don't identify with the sex they're born with.
>people who mutilate themselves and shoot up home made chemicals into their asses are perfectly normal
It makes me happy knowing you will never breed, and that your favorite artist will join the 41%. Ridiculing your loser self aside, go ahead and explain to the class how all the detransition survivors aren't true and honest trannies.
Something something a hit dog will holler
>people actually wondered why they stopped allowing these threads
I thought it was because of Kisame talking to himself over and over?
>>190448 That's just the site in general. The fact that he isn't banned over his various VPNs is stupid, as he's been doing this since the site was rebooted from a donation. But yet that person who made an edgy comment yesterday in BBW (I believe it was that) got banned.
>there's not a single person they admire or idolize that can't be torn down when if it comes out they don't identify with the sex they're born with
It's impossible to admire someone when they reveal themselves to be a gullible agp coomer. Trannies are no different from the hobo masturbating on a street corner.
Got it in one, and there's also the element of tragedy: many of these artists were legitimately good and could have gone somewhere, but now they've thrown it all the way for internet clout on a literally fake and gay fad.
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Learn the difference between MoeSHIT and m.o.e
The magnificent the only term apt to describe the serendipitous form of the cute moewife, for nothing is as perfect as prestine as their angelic form. These maidens grace these halls with their presence and soothe many scholars warms souls with their radiant light.
The oasis, the place of rest after a long journey what better describes the warm embrace of a cute moewife than this. Their cute face, their squeezable hips, their soft pillowy thighs, truly the moewife is akin to that of warm cottage on a freezing winter solstice.
Excellence for nothing could ever compare to their perfect form, not even I Jiren the Surpassed could ever hope to reach the levels that these perfect beings, neigh deities have attained truly they are a wonderful gift upon these forsaken halls.
>Liberal fruit [Deranged cuckold fantasies]
Bejitabros think about gay men when talking about women. Member who found freezerpop?
They were banned since the mods were too WEAK to defeat the Alpha of Awe. The Brute of Brawn. The Cultivator of Class. The Duke of Domination. The Emperor of Eloquence. The Fiercest of Fighters. The Greatest of Glory. The Height of Heroism. The Imperator of Intellectualism. The Jarl of Justice. The King of Knights. The Lord of Loquaciousness. The Master of Mortality. The Naysayer of Noobs. The Overlord of Obituaries. The Prince of Passion. The Que-hagen of Quixote. The Ruler of Ruination. The Sultan of Smite. The Taskmaster of Trembles. The Undertaker of Ubiquity. The Vaeyen of Vociferousness. The Warranter of Weaklings. The Xenophobe of Xenogeny. The Yardmaster of Yesteryear. The Zhar of Zoroastrianism.



I wish every time bbw artists want to draw an OC they`d draw Aqua.
>>190488 Shut it, Jirenguy. Go sperg somewhere else.
The Useless Goddess, the Kingdom Hearts character or the Vtuber?
"troon" as a slur just sounds so goofy to me. it feels like something you'd hear in a saturday morning cartoon like the smurfs or some shit. if you're gonna use slurs don't pussy out and use a sanitized version of it, let your nuts hang and just say tranny lol

anyway i'm gonna go back to beating my meat cause idk why y'all are discussing politics on a site like this, just wanted to throw my two cents out there

also >>190491 has the right idea
The dubs do decree that vegeta is a faggot gayboy who has Bulma peg him while wearing a Goku costume.
Probably each of Aquas if they are a species.
Ok kinda serious question. If you was an artist how you would response to the "stop draw X because this character is blah blah..."?
>>190530 Based on what that's just a schizo sperg out
It might be because I'm not that large of an artist for me to have to worry about getting cancelled or whatever but I genuinely could not care less about those kinds of comments. If anything drawing attention to them only emboldens that kind of behavior from them
What, did he also get dumped by his girlfriend?
Trooning comes with the degradation of artystyle for free
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I do some simple fatty doodles for myself and my friends who like fat girls. If I posted them in public, I'd probably just silently block anyone who starts pitching a fit if the arbitrary anime girl age number was too low. I keep my art to myself specifically because I'd rather not get the attention. The stress caused by strangers, not just age police but also other types of annoying commenters like free art beggars and fat girl haters, isn't worth putting myself out there. I appreciate the people who can put up with that stuff so I can see their great art, but it's not something I could handle.
He's not a tranny. He just took the retard pill (Slight difference)
>>190565 Speaking of age, I get the whole "don't look at my art if you're under 18" thing, but people (and potentially creeps) like SugarRollArt demand an age in bio, 'lest you be blocked.
"LMAO fuck off, retard."
Simple as that, really. Alternatively, I'd pull out that ever-growing list of actual sexual predators who virtue signaled about underage characters in lewd art.
>>190614 I find it heavily concerning that the people who complain about loli turn out to be huge sex pests/child porn holders as a result. Like, how's the correlation even work?
Anyone with a fat fetish who wants to become a fat bitch is a tranny. They're projecting their sexual desires (fat women) onto themselves, that's the definition of autogynephilic. The slippery slope is real.
>Wants to become a fat bitch
Where was that said? At all? Does wanting to be fed and become fat mean you want to be a woman? Fat men exist, you fucking moron. Dude is just expressing that he wants to be fed by a woman. No different than the reverse. I swear, you're so triggerhappy to call people trannies it's making you retarded.
(136 KB, 863x1024, 1694999934293601.jpg)
It's more common than you think.
Part of it has to be a combo of no pussy and gooning so hard they give themselves actual brain damage. Admittedly the most common type of tranny is the giga faggot who was molested as a kid and collected toxoplasmosis that way, but a close second is the actual, documented gray matter deformation from porn addiction. I don't mean fapping once or twice a week, I mean edging for multiple hours every damn day--that type of dopamine rush is libel to short out any brain.
Imagine following a script like this and thinking you're NOT an NPC
Seething across all the text aside, I think these cover the bases pretty well. Do whatever you'd like and just don't give culture warriors (either side) any attention.
>Look out for these bad bad things that are only really prominent in the west!
>You wouldn't be able to deal with or discern trolls and antis without my information! I bet you didn't even know the block button exists!
>Do as I instruct you to do!
>No need to thank me for the help!
Typical self-righteous westerner behavior
Lol what happened here? The past two threads were actually quite civil. Meanwhile reading through this one is giving me a similar level of brain damage as some of the particular schizo ones from the bast.
I will say, this whole "implied imminent scat" talk regarding Bambooale + Foxfire is really funny considering that one of his old jape arts featured a light jab at Trinity Fate's slob/scat alt account. Honestly, all of the "Japes" he had in the past ring the tiniest bit hollow once it was revealed that Bambooale was into Knee inflation, something that even Dimmerolls said was too cringe for him (For reference, Dimmerolls is into "Self insert goomba-fication elephant ear nose expansion with food-hands").
Also, Foxfire/Toroboro's return to having his own account feels especially like a massive slap in the face to Tron (Aka the developer of the game that Toroboro was doing art assets for, that had to be cancelled because of Toroboro "Quitting"). The game was probably never going to come out regardless, but still, can Fox/Toro/whatever he's called now please understand the concept of not deleting your entire gallery and online presence for a hopeless rebrand.
Listen, even though I'm a professional modern Dook hater, I almost sort of kind of agree with you're statement. But bro you could of used a way better example. Such as one that's not a sketch.
This has always confused me, until I remember that for a lot of these people, their fetish accounts have the largest followings, so if they have moods where they are really desperate for the tiniest of human interaction they resort to saying their every thought on their fetish accounts, even if unrelated. It's silly, but if I had no friends I'd probably do the same.
I genuinely can't get much of a read on Fefero. There was a brief one week period where he was liking a bunch of twitter posts along the lines of "Don't normalize obesity." with weight loss pictures, so I thought he might have been super based, but that realisation was debunked when the months after his likes filled up with more fat and cringe e-girls again.
Probably the same tactic that a lot of the "Veteran artists that literally don't care about morals in drawings but don't want to stir the pot because they're just tired and exhausted at this point and just want to keep things on the down low". Basically, just ignore it as much as I can.
(579 KB, 1324x854, Checking In.png)
On the topic of people in the """community""" that "quit" only to come back a year later, what are your thoughts on people doing just that, but they don't even come back to doing actual art/literature and instead just run twitter accounts to hornypost, RP, and complain about political shit to their friends? On one hand I get the idea that you might have made friends in the community, so they may feel compelled to stick around for that without the pressure of a consistent art output, but at the same time, it's cringe as hell.
>>190696 I feel like this could encapsulate Moist in a nutshell. The last time I actually checked his account, it seemed like he just did nothing but post trauma dumps and blame his depression(?) on anyone else instead of looking inside himself. Not to mention, he barely posts art and it always ends up lost in a sea of information that you really shouldn't be sharing on the internet.
>once it was revealed that Bambooale was into Knee inflation
Proof? Not that I doubt it but I never heard this one really
>feels especially like a massive slap in the face to Tron (Aka the developer of the game that Toroboro was doing art assets for, that had to be cancelled because of Toroboro "Quitting")
I think you got it backwards. There was a bunch of shit that happened after the release of the last demo (Tron's manuscript for Forks getting deleted and losing all the recent progress, Aria starting development, scope creep in both games and Tron having a kid) that
made Tron reach burnout and ultimately cancel both projects. If anything, Forks and Aria development is what lead to Foxfire/Toro quitting out of burnout himself. Anyone remembers how each character on Forks had like seven redesigns? There was a shitton of Aria stuff too which likely had to get thrashed and remade because Tron wanted to restart the project.
>>190702 I just think it's a little pathetic that, unless he deleted his account, that FoxFire/Toro has to leech on to other artists to post, like what MarmaladeMan/GelatinGent did with W-oo-t.
I also particularly do not like how you had to give Bambooale money see 99% of what Toro was doing for a solid chunk of time (Well, without pirating at least).
>>190704 I've never given money to a fetish artist, you sure you didn't tag the wrong person?
It's funny as hell because every last one of these fuckers told the FA sphere to eat shit and that they were off to greener pastures as "professional artists", only for their dreams to crumble instantly. This happens so often that it's practically a chemical reaction.
Kemono is your friend for a reason, but frankly you're not missing anything. Fox picked up on bamboo's terrible habits and is slowly but surely devolving into drawing melting pancake women instead of actual people.
Flip the script, bamboo is leeching off of fox because he's burned every bridge and is desperate to stay afloat, making a fraction of what Salt does on patreon. Allegedly he and fox are actual friends, but at the same time I'm dead certain that fox has actual brain damage and can be coerced into anything, hence the scat fixation that came out of nowhere.
>>once it was revealed that Bambooale was into Knee inflation
>Proof? Not that I doubt it but I never heard this one really

would have to find it but he posted an image (can't remember if it was on Bambooale or Toroboro and that second ones suspended rn) and the bitch just had massive flabby knees and nothing else iirc
(53 KB, 720x545, Screenshot_2024-02-25-13-01-43-569_1.jpg)
Guess there's no room for doubt now
I can't really understand that angle honestly. From what I get Bamboo convinced Foxfire to come back and he posted his art on Bamboo account because they were working on some project together and Foxfire didn't want to come back to the community until recently
>because he's burned every bridge and is desperate to stay afloat, making a fraction of what Salt does on patreon.
Bamboo stopped giving a shit long ago and it's pretty obvious though, calling him desperate is weird when he doesn't post shit on Twitter for weeks or even months despite having content ready to go. Dude even deleted his deviantart and went back to melting pancake women even though his "big ass" phase was a lot more popular, imo if he really were that desperate he'd actually be doing something that makes money instead of the almost hundred of drawings they've made of Foxfire's oc
>Stopped giving a shit
Right that's why he's leaching off of fox as his paypigs trot out of the pen, and that's why he's an embittered faggot on his bitchposts you're right you filthy retard lmao. Deleting a da account to join the cult of heckin' valid uwus on xitter means fuck all these days with fake and gay internet clout being digital nose candy for has beens.
(2.2 MB, 1514x1286, Lol.png) (303 KB, 800x1308, Why.png)
Kafe drew both slob and knee inflation art of Foxfire's OC (That is now owned by Bamboo I guess) as gift art for Bamboo.
By "You" I was not referring to you. When I say "You" it's in referral to just "A person". It's hard to explain but it's a weird grammar thing
Anon, I don't even like Bamboo these days, there's no need to get mad at me for correcting you
Fuck that's disgusting
What even is so popular about this Bamboo guy? I understand a normal BBW thirst like a "Haruka or Megumin or any other character is hot, I want to see them fat". But he just draw a noname OCs or something being blobs. Who the fuck are they? Fuck I can understand if he did a waifu of the week but this is literally just a random human bodyes or his anatomy exercises.
>I don't like this man but I will suck his cock for free
Fixed your spelling errors, now remember it's down the road and not across the street lmao.
He isn't popular, that's what I've been slapping that faggot over, and anyone who tries to tell you that he is still popular is a coping idiot. To be completely objective bamboo was popular, but he was always a piece of shit and his art began to fall apart around 2020--funny how that's such a magic year for artists, isn't it? He never once tried to get better, focused on butt expansion for a bit, and now he's just drawing melting blobs like it's 2008.

Nah all his 2020 stuff is still solid, the ass expansion stuff was good too. I still like his art, though i do prefer the way he drew fatties pre AE-era. USSBBW/immobile/blobs has always been his thing so it isnt a huge change. His attitude was pretty annoying but i dont blame him for getting fed up with the insufferable people in this fetish scene. Just look at you and others in this thread lol. He had his moment with that stuff and has been doing whatever he wants since which is fine.

The real asshole is foxfire/toroboro/hulizhuli/yeoubol or whatever his newest account is called.

Dipped out on firefox for "life reasons" and if iirc had comms he didnt fulfill, came back soon after as toro and started forks(rip) before nuking that for being "busier with life stuff" only to INSTANTLY start drawing for bamboo's patreon and now has yet another account.
Used to be more popular, but he made a series of fairly asshole-ish posts calling out some things he doesnt like about the general fat fetish theme and the cringelords who act like theyre owed something from the artists they follow, before fucking off and just drawing whatever he wants.

Still has some people seething over it as you can see.
You really need to go outside
Whats wrong with newer dook stuff? Ill admit im biased since i like a lot of the stuff he's brought into focus like all the out of breath stuff, stretch marks, and especially flabby/rolls stuff, but looking back he's always done a good amount of that, other than stretch mark stuff really. To me he's just gotten better at what he already drew.
Christ I cannot imagine finding something to hate about artists this hard.
You can tell how terminally online he is just from the shit he's spewing. Its always unbelievable to me how people like this can talk so much about "degeneracy" and shit while they stew in their room all day cooming on the computer
> breath stuff, stretch marks, and especially flabby/rolls stuff
For me, the sub-fetishes was never the problem, since as you said, he's pretty much always drawn that stuff. The reasons for why Dook "Fell off" has been said a billion times at this point, but essentially it's more to do with how he draws nowadays as well as how he sort of subdued himself and his kinks that really rub people the wrong way. I think maybe "Modern Dook" was the wrong term to use, since I do think he's slowly getting better lately, especially in terms of his use of colours. Basically, there's aspects of his old art that I find more appealing than the art he's made since that have been lost or deliberately thrown away by Dook.
I guess i kind of see it in his 2021 and early-mid 2022 stuff? His coloring style got plainer and flatter and his body shapes were more typical, but later 2022 stuff and onwards is all gold imo. Coloring got more interesting and colorful again, all the breath stuff, extra EXTRA big arms, little bits of context, etc that he personally likes (me too lol) came back in force.
Basically. They tried pulling a foxfire and made an account called "vividlightroom" but got called out after only two drawings got uploaded because they were dipping on a shit ton of undone comms. Made a big cry post about how they took too many on and promised to slowly churn them out, uploaded a few more things to patreon before nuking their twitter and going radio silent. Still accepting money for patreon despite not having uploaded anything for a year 👌
>If you say anything mean about an artist you are totally mad and not just laughing at an internet buffoon
Tell me anon, does the flavor of his cock match his namesake?
wait, Trinity Fate has a slob alt account??
what's the name?
It's been how many years since bamboo made those call out posts and fucked off to do whatever he wants? And you guys are STILL in here talking about it and throwing schoolyard insults out at them for not doing what you want?

Seems like you're mad to me.
(23 KB, 400x400, Faggot.jpg) (613 KB, 215x320, ENCHAD RENCHAD.gif)
>First pic
>Second pic
Revolting AND appeals to cellfags
>I can't fap to character unless their from my favorite moeshit flavor of the month
>Hating blobkino
Obliterate its skull and bring me its spine as a trophy.
>Everyone that calls me a retard must be an artist
How to separate catalog crawling moeshitters from the CHADS of /bbwdraw/ ABSQUATULATE. POSTHASTE.
>B-But j-jiren lo...
The inconsequential minigame, perhaps. As for J losing a battle (the only metric worth visiting), that's unheard of.
Bamboo is really a thin skin for that, probably every other artist on the community has to deal with that shit and you dont see then bitching around that loudly.
So no one talks about death of rothschild. The world about to change lets see how the stock market reacts to the news in the short, near & long term
Because you're on a forum dedicated exclusively to drawings of fat bitches holy shit why should anyone talk about that here.
I don't see a problem with retweet fat male art
(1.1 MB, 1280x3087, Fuck you lmao.png) (182 KB, 1242x1469, May God have mercy on your soul jeet.jpg) (321 KB, 1170x2048, This faggot became a racial stereotype without a shred of selfawareness.jpg)
>Civil discussion
Fuck you, grow a pair or get off my internet lmao
Here you go faggot, and see the first pic as well: https://nitter.poast.org/TheIronyofyou/status/1431777986164903944
I even did a screencap because I'm such a nice guy, and so i can slap you in your open mouth with it.
>Jeet isn't a tranny
Observe the other two pics. Now normally this is where I say that you have my permission to slit your wrists, but that's too painless for you--you're going to smash your balls with a hammer to be the most heckin' valid person of gender you can and you're going to do what I tell you to do because you're an obedient little faggot lmao.
The REAL question about Foxfire/Toroboro/Yeobul's new account is whether or not he'll go down the road of copying Bamboo's old strategy of "Only do thicc bitches in public but then jumpscare them with blobs on Patreon". He really needs to have just the tiniest bit of genuine communication about wtf is going on and what his plan his. Prefdferably also post all the fat focused stuff that he's been hiding on Bambooo's patreon, but I know that won't happen.
HAD a slob account. He deleted it years ago. Unfortunately it was less anime fat slob and more bottom heavy furry slob. He was very hush hush about it and had a "If you figure out it's me, great, but please shut up about it" attitude about it, and I'm guessing too many people were bringing it up for his liking. It was named Slobstash and there are a couple archives of the stuff from it if you search for it.
(32 KB, 400x400, bloatmax.jpg)
>Does wanting to be fed and become fat mean you want to be a woman?
In this specific case where the artist is retweeting pics like this >>190551
The answer is "Yes", you retarded troon with a severe case of cognitive dissonance. If you see a picture of a fat girl and it spurs you towards androgynizing yourself with blubbery bitch tits, then you're literally a faggot. If you want to become fat to look like pic related then you are not a faggot (likely). It's that simple.
>>190894 I am not reading that. I get it, it's a porn site and I am only gonna sound like a hypocrite, but go outside, fuck.
>left pic
Only braindead, overly sanctimonious Americunts give a shit about this sort of crap.
All this hubbub over an 18 year old and a 16 year old?
>Child grooming is ok as long as it's my favorite artist being a pedophile
Shotgun, lips, you fill in the rest.
Men just flat out store fat differently than women do, but that's a hatefact and stating such will lead to countless NB children being sacrificed to the bronze altar of JK Rowling. There's also the infantilization aspect via the loss of agency--troons want to be pampered and forsake all personal responsibility.
>>Child grooming is ok as long as it's my favorite artist being a pedophile
I don't give a shit about your artist, faggot. Prove to me that 16 and 18 year olds are physically and cognitive dissimilar enough to entail attraction between the two being 'pedophilic' in nature. Prove to me that an 18 year old girl could feasibly 'rape' a 16 year old boy when males even at that age are far physically superior to fully grown adult women, let alone spindly teenage girls. Don't believe me? Watch professional female athletes face off against high school boys in literally every single competitive sporting event.
>Shotgun, lips, you fill in the rest.
You're just a feminist cuck. Though it still wouldn't be immoral even if it were the reverse.
(58 KB, 385x349, 0a0fc8d15024fc55.gif)
>You're just a feminist cuck.
Someone slap the robot it's malfunctioning. Pic related is you trying to string together a whiteknight defense play, and you're failing at it. Are you fucking Skale on the side? The answer is no, no one is fucking you on the side, so why are you trying so hard? Fucking parasocial relationships, not even once.
It is the slippery slope
>me like fat women
>me also like fat men, but prefer women
>me man...what if ME fat?
>me as fat man
>still prefer women...
>what if me as fat woman?
"Slippery slope" is a logical fallacy.
Yet it always ends up working out
Pattern recognition is funny that way
No, you're just a bunch of loony conspiracy theorists grasping at straws
>No he dressed as a maid and Spider-Gwen one time he's TOTALLY trans now guys!!11!!
You are so fucking retarded. It doesn't prove shit.
It's what zero pussy does to a mf
In this case pussy is feeding a girl or smth, because we're asexual autists
He also drew himself fat dressed as a maid, encouraged others to draw him like that and shared his eating habits and gains on Twitter for a while
Don't forget about drawing himself fat and working at a femboy hooters.
>>190998 Because it's not my fight, and shit like this always causes arguments. The way I see it, taking a side is fucking stupid, as both sides are full of shit. Also, you're on a fat fetish website.
Politics in general sours the mood as well, especially also taking to Americans who are very politically charged with left vs right.
You are genuinely retarded if you believe Jeet is trans and not just some random irrelivant femboy.
Shut the fuck up about politics for fucks sake.
>Lol what happened here? The past two threads were actually quite civil. Meanwhile reading through this one is giving me a similar level of brain damage as some of the particular schizo ones from the bast.

This happens literally every single time these threads become a regular occurrence. They eventually becomes a circlejerk for the loudest morons until the schizo spam becomes too much and forces the mods to ban the threads entirely.

Containment threads only ever work as a short term solution. They're like trash cans, if you don't take out the trash it will eventually overflow with garbage and stop being useful.
>he's not a tranny heshe's just a soft femmy female presenting crossdressing uwu femboy trap
This why nobody takes you faggots seriously. By all means, explain to the class the difference between a femboy and a tranny.
>>191039 It got calm for the first one and then halfway through the last one. Same with this one, but it got out of control a little quarter of the way.
(1.1 MB, 1188x860, STFU.png)
A transvestite is someone who crossdresses. That would be your femboys or drag queens.

A transgender is a condition where one affirms that they are of a different gender to the one they were assigned with at birth.

It's not hard.
oh sure the guy whos married and had kids sure hate tits.
That artist was referring to that time he was seething over some mildly overweight chick being on Sports Illustrated or some shit
Imagine thinking that hardcore muslims would want anything to do with fatfag furfags aside from chucking them off of rooftops.
See you're a retard because the slippery slope observation has been proven true time and again--transvestism is just level 1 trannyism. It gets funnier when the horde of terminally online trannies declare that crossdressers are miscellaneously -ist and bully crossdressers into shooting up the bath tub brewed troonshine even faster.

In all seriousness though your pipul is garbage and you have completely failed to defend mommy jeet's honor. I seriously have no clue how you fuckers live with his feminine cock in your mouths like this when all he draws are his autistic toy robot ocs, the ones based on the fucking calarts cartoon non less.
Needs lobster claw oven mitts to really get him seething lmao.
I respect a fetish artists who can just post a fap material. No one would listen to the serious shit from a fetish account.
Bro who gives a fuck about jeetdoh's personal life
in my experience people like you are usually projecting very hard. congrats on your eventual coming out!
>you hate trannies...so you mst be a tranny!
As Shakespeare wrote: "the lady doth protest too much, methinks"
>>191118 That's how it should be, but people won't shut up about personal shit.

There's four whole pictures there for you to look at while easily ignoring the one sentence of text.

Imagine getting triggered over someone dogging Jordan Peterson lmao
It's severely gone down hill since even before the movies, but i've still got a soft spot in my heart for it.
In Britbongland, one of the bigger theme parks there has an entire section themed after Angry Birds. It feels as dated as you can imagine. People must've been really trusting this brand, expecting it to last forever...
>>191177 I thought Rovio was having financial problems?
Its ok to see a personal post once in a month but fuck fetish accounts with a fucking 80% of posts being a political takes or any other personal shit. Or remember this Catboymech situation or what ever was her name. She did a pretty good art and the she start to post some sjw bullshit and apology posts. Why? She would have a commissions anyway. Clients would not drop you because of this and that. I know because I order a commissions sometime.
>>191190 That's Twitter for you. All the users who emigrated from Tumblr when it supposedly "died" on December 17th, have ruined it and the internet horribly.
>"troon" as a slur just sounds so goofy to me. it feels like something you'd hear in a saturday morning cartoon like the smurfs or some shit. if you're gonna use slurs don't pussy out and use a sanitized version of it, let your nuts hang and just say tranny lol

'Troon' works because it can be used as a verb as well as a noun. Actually I believe it's used more often as a verb. Notice the guy you quoted doesn't actually call anyone a 'troon', but instead talks of people 'trooning' out?
Unless rightoids score a minor win, in which case are DEFINITLY going to witness the fall of democracy and a repeat of the Victorian Era.
You've put way too much thought into this.
Yeah, about five seconds...
Yeah that sounds about right.
Tell me, which one is it?
Troon means "trans goon", which came in to play after people noticed a shitton of the fuckers on soemthingawful started shooting up bathtub estrogen.
ohhh cause they're all mainstream, LOL. The funny thing is i listen to less popular bands because theyre 'cheesy'. You can't really win.
(1.8 MB, 1152x901, pant.png)
Just like what you like. David Grohl had it right. Fuck the collective insecurities of those cliques. I mean, think how fucking boring your life would be if the entirety of your musical tastes could be completely summarised with one little box? Sure, if you are hyper-focused and own it then more power to you, but realise that that makes you the exception, not the rule.
>>191366 Hey, This Love was my true introduction to metal, it still has a soft spot. Even if I've been listening to doom metal, Sodom, Kreator, and many others lately.
>>191379 I also really like Steely Dan, but honestly, I don't like Can't Buy A Thrill. Favorite album is probably Pretzel/le Logic. Ronnie James Dio is also my favorite singer, but he was kinda a bit of a cunt while he did his stint (a great one) in Black Sabbath. Other than metal and Steely Dan, I like Soundgarden, AIC, and Deep Purple.
I respect the artists who can act professional with a commissioners. Remember some artist who speak badly about they clients and this just seems too immature.
>Hey, This Love was my true introduction to metal, it still has a soft spot. Even if I've been listening to doom metal, Sodom, Kreator, and many others lately.

Naw I just think the album cover itself looks funny.
There is a theory that having the 'best' music taste is a form of status signalling,(proving yourself as high-status), and that the value of status signalling with music taste (and taste in general) has declined thanks to the Internet.

If we look at the media landscape with regards to music pre-Internet, getting your hands on the good 'hard' stuff took work. It took crate digging at every record store, asking the store workers if they had what you wanted in stock (probably didn't), hoping something you liked came on the radio or TV (might not), going to loads of shows and waiting for some magic to happen.

This was much more investment than the typical normie was making of strolling into the record store and saying; 'I want this thing I saw on MTV...' and soon getting it. It also showed real curiosity and openness to new experiences (since you could tolerate the noise at some underground show, instead of feeling bad you wasted your money.) Basically, all of this makes you seem like an artistic soul, forever ahead of the unwashed masses, thus you are a high-status individual. (For example, artfags in New York were into Hip Hop before black radio stations took it seriously.)

This is also why people were super into one, or a small number of genres. Could you do all of that crap, and still be a jack of all trades?

Plus the mainstream was genuinely hostile to non-mainstream stuff of all sorts (status signalling at work; the mainstream must show that they are better than punkers etc), and made fun of it, so the feeling would of course be mutual.

All of this contributes to hardcore metalheads (and 'hardcore' types of all sorts) fostering a certain sense of elitism. They worked harder to like this stuff, so their opinions on it are naturally the most 'refined'. They tend to dislike 'mainstream' works because those works make the genre more 'accessible'. When it's accessible early adopters and hardcore fans look less like heroes, since their once distinct choices are being half-assedly aped by people who didn't 'put the work in'
Arguably status signalling is how culture changes.

Look at grunge for example. It started as a minor subculture in Seattle. Mostly amateurish, and just friends hanging out.Only hardcore fans with a tolerance for noise and weird shit were into it (mostly friends of the musicians).These might be called the 'Innovators'.

The bands started getting good, and underground nerds from further afield started to hear about 'something happening in Seattle' and started to flock (in order to signal their good taste and status as 'underground nerds') These might be considered the 'Early Adopters'

The larger groups of underground nerds made mainstream people take notice. Record label execs started signing bands with the idea that grunge was going to be the 'next big thing' and started marketing them. The marketing put grunge in front of the first few mainstream kids who would listen to it. These were probably the people who were vaguely into underground shit, in order to be distinct from their peers, but only if it was underground shit with some good marketing and production. They want to signal their status as musical conosseurs, same as the Early Adopters, but within the confines of what their mainstream peers might find acceptable. This might be considered the 'Early Majority'

Once the first couple of mainstream kids listen to it and sing it's praises, other mainstream kids feel it's 'safe' to get on the hype train, and grunge shoots into the stratosphere. Shows are sold out, bands are making millions, anything vaguely related to grunge gets to ride the wave, thus musicians who were doing something else start trying to appeal to the grunge crowd (in order to increase their status). It also starts to look kind of icky to the underground nerds who were into it before, thanks to all mainstream fellation (status signalling), of something that was 'shit' not long before, and since now they can't flex about that underground shit they're into if it's no longer underground. This group that puts off underground nerds might be called the 'Late Majority'

Eventually grunge is dripping off the walls.The themes and styles start to get really repetitive. People are dressing like grungers who don't even like the music. Super mediocre bands start aping the style and making it worse. Bands that are totally unrelated to the scene come up with a similar style, just because it's popular (like Silverchair, from Australia). Underground nerds have fled to the next obscure thing. Members of the early majority are starting to complain that it's 'boring now'. And it's no longer distinguished at all to be into grunge. It is normie music. This group could be considered the 'Laggards'

Same thing happened to Hair Metal before it. Why was hair metal suddenly considered 'dead' when grunge came along, when it had been on top of the world in years previous? Because it was in it's 'Laggard' phase. Being into it no longer conferred any status value whatsoever, so it was 'played out', even though, in hindsight, you can probably find plenty of hair metal gems from the time when grunge was peaking.
Of course all of these are subconscious mental calculations people make without even realising. No one goes around autistically thinking; "Hehehe I will now signal my high status by participating in this cultural trend--wait! Am I an early adopter or merely a laggard???"
>David Grohl

Interesting you mentioned him, cause I remember reading Kurt Cobain's Journals and he wrote about going to a friend's house (Krist I think), and smashing all of the 'shit records'.

I believe the band was also upset when they started getting big and their audience started looking 'no different from a Guns 'n' Roses audience'.
Anyway, to wrap up all this rambling I've been doing, I believe the Internet has devalued this form of status signalling.

It no longer says anything about you if you listen to obscure music. Finding obscure shit is easy. You might stumble on it just because the recommendation algorithm was feeling quirky that day.

It also undercuts the usual cycle of building momentum slowly from underground to mainstream, because anything vaguely interesting will go viral instantly. This is also why we don't see subcultures like we used to. It takes interest building slowly over time, around a set of ideas and styles for a real subculture to form. As it is, trends currently reach the 'played out' before anyone realises anything was happening.

(I think something can also be said about the effect of isolation on the development of a subculture. A lot of them started in certain locations where the outside world thought 'nothing was happening'--some of them can even be traced to certain specific clubs, like CBGB for punk, or The BatCave for Goth. I think it takes a certain disconnectedness from the outside world to form a subculture. A certain sense of 'well no one's really watching, I can do whatever.' Whereas on the Internet everyone uses the same platforms and everyone is on the 'public square' trying to look good, so no one comes up with something really out there...

I think this sense of isolation could be more easily reclaimed if people used smaller websites, like forums or something, but it's not *totally* dead. Have you ever spent some time watching YT videos with less than 1000 views? Lots of weird shit.)
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Fascinating read about music 'eras', goddamn. And yeah I agree, subcultures being disconnected and obtuse was what made them thrive, you have to put in the work to get in
>>191584 I blame myself for my vinyl posting. But hey, I do have some variety, although a good chunk of the stuff I've been listening to lately for the past few weeks is doom or thrash metal.
If you're going to write all that out, you might as well tell the person you're replying to that David Grohl was a braindead boomer faggot who couldn't see that gatekeeping is essential to the creation of good art in the first place. You've written three long, toothless paragraphs.
I'm betting he was a gatekeeper in the 90s, but has since 'matured'.
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I'm kind of sick of people randomly adding unfunny irrelevant memes to their art for no good reason. It's even worse when it's really jarring and just doesn't even really make sense. I remember there was a Dookus drawing that literally had a character say "Dame da ne" for no reason. So yeah, my opinion is absolute and no fun allowed.
Soyllennials are incapable of doing anything sincerely.
This suddenly came to mind, but I swear so many artists screw over their own work by not putting in enough work along the face. Pic >>191664 sort of related, but every time there's just one thing that tanks the drawing.
Dear fat artists, Robin has an entire catalogue of outfits. Please stop drawing her in the Fishman Island one.
I don't enjoy shitting on others' work, but that whole piece is scuffed. Lopsided booba, inconsistent perspective, etc etc etc
There's still needs to be more fat tomboy art.
Such a shame it's such a rarity.
Dear Fat Artists.
One Piece is for retards.
What's the appeal of these Shonen Jump comics anyway? Mediocre writing with humor forced to shit, no any different from Marvel and DC during the early 2000s.
Hey guys, sorry to go off topic but I just wanted to get a general opinion on the FA community's opinion of Nicacado Avacado.
>mods are deleting posts discussing bws again
Don't turn this board back into a dead image dumping ground like /d/
(566 KB, 1024x576, RENNO BOOMO THE REDDENNO.png)
Dook's a zoomer that got chased out from the /denizen's/ colony when he tried sharing his moeshit when his art was still decent.
CHADGON ball. The rest is moeshit.
>Don't turn this board back into a dead image dumping ground like /d/
The /denizen's/ colony is better than moebw draw is almost every way. Their discussions were always better than here too since there's less BROWNS!
What could possibly be so controversial about him, aside from that one whale buying Lucy comms forever?
As they should. What the fuck is the point of having the same autistic retards shitting up the thread every few days until it hits the limit? The discussion generated in those threads is 95% worthless
Some don't like his style, some don't like how a lot of his art is for his friends/assistants, some don't like his OC Chloe, some don't like his pivot to bigger sizes, etc...
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Crackpot theory. The reason why Dooks drawings dramatically changed for seemingly the worse is because he's trying to appeal to actual fat chicks in a vain attempt to get some bitches
Last time he had a girlfriend he fucked up that nicely by making and AMA on Curiouscat, wich ended up with her getting doxxed.
(153 KB, 1024x1024, Lul.jpg)
>draws girls with fat, gigantic asses that are practically spilling out of their pants
>twitter likes are full of naked or half-naked fat chicks, both real and drawn
>also likes selfies of half-naked fat trannies because of course he'd be that desperate
But he's totally asexual, you guys
None of you guys understand what asexual even means it's just that he doesn't want to fuck. He hates looking at pussies. He hates asshole. That simple. You can like the rest and be asexual because you don't want to have sex.
Its not really controversial and I say this as a fan because his quality is outstanding but BWS probably has the blandest characters out of any fat artist.
All he does is flavor of the month, entry level characters tnat already have dozens of fat art or OCs, whether it'd be his own or from his commissioners
Lel I don't remember this. Any screenshots?
>BWS probably has the blandest characters
Are you referring to his OCs? Or just his character choice in general? If the former, his OCs are perfectly fine
>Flavor if the month, entry-level characters
Just because A character is popular doesn’t mean they’re bland? Sorry he doesn’t draw your obscure waifu that no one gives a shit about but you

but but but but dont you know if the characters he draws are popular hes BLAND and if you dont like them youre bland and bad too

its bias if he doesnt draw my obscure 1980s anime waifu or my bitch from an anime with a name long enough to be its own book!!!!!!!!!!!
I don’t have much stock in this race. But I’ll just say that even if the characters themselves aren’t bland. It does get boring after a while seeing the same handful of them getting drawn. Not helped if it’s the same few scenarios being drawn again and again too.

I still dont get why you all whine about dooks so much lmao. They draw the same stuff they always have, but better now imo. There certainly wasnt a sudden dramatic quality drop.
BWS has cool Characters. He just does nothing with them. Get Sammy a bf already god.
There has to be a middle ground between obscure and Yor/Nami/Tifa #2912369
I mostly agree. The named ones are bad because they don't have any natural personality, which wouldn't matter if they were being put in good fat fetish scenarios, but they aren't. It's just various levels of fat fetish teasing between named OCs which is flaccid and stupid. Once they got contrived lore, the actual fetish fuel for them dried up like a desert. It isn't a massive jump to not have OCs just be flaccid shit, Ohasi's popularity came from his OC and making her fat and putting her in various sexual/fetish situations. The Valentine's girl Salt has turned into a recurring subject is a great example; no name, no bullshit, just sexual/sensual/fetish situations. The unnamed girls from the short gym comic are another great example.

However, there are two groups of people who will line up for this shit, money in hand: the porn addicted who get off to anything and the genuinely autistic who are obsessed with anyone who has an Original the Character Donut Steel. Salt having good OCs and using them well isn't without precedent, but money talks, which is why we get the same old shit and why we get the same old tools and white knights who get worked up when anyone dissents anywhere because they're afraid the status quo will change.

There won't be, ever. The Ultimate Catch-22 is that in order to change things, you need to find an artist worth commissioning, but getting that chance is like a meteor because you're competing with simpleton comm whales who are easy to bill and easy to please and then competing with like-minded people. A way around this is you get super lucky and an artist you like also happens to like the characters you like and they draw them without being prompted. Another way around this is to learn to draw yourself, which while it can be done isn't an easy feat.
1. Put your money where you mouth is and name three characters you would get a comm of.
2. Have you considered that as the young people say "it ain't that deep bro" and people like bws' OCs because they have cute designs, he draws them well and most importantly he doesn't have a three hundred page comic with thousands of panels worth of cockteasing?
That's not how it works. It's sexual, he's just in denial. Asexual means you reproduce by budding
It's because HE moralfags over supposed "underage" characters and makes a big fuss out of it. That, and he fell off HARD.

And im asking how he fell off lol. His art is still great, better than it ever has been. Still draws mega asses and arms, flabbier shapes, etc. All with better shapes and coloring.

If you're taking some stance againt dumbass twitter drama just say it, im asking how the art quality has dropped.
Remember that hideous Marnie? I still have nightmares about it
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No one said dook's quality drop was sudden, more a gradual decline to a state where between the moral highgrounding, ego, and letting questionable kinks of his take center stage after being shunted off for a while like the constant panting and wheezing and health issues, it's more coming to a head that the fall off is noticable now. The horse has been beaten to death multiple times now (ugly faces, bean bag fat, needlessly adding freckles to characters that clash with his art style, ugly age up designs) so here's just the main points from the last thread before that gets bumped to oblivion as it's one new thread away from being bumped off. Honestly if he got someone to do the faces for him, give it a more cartoony design that works with the cel shaded look and keeps his bad habits in check he'd be good in my eyes. Man just tends to self sabotage a piece for no reason other than now what if she looked miserable for no reason whatsoever?

A two year old drawing you didnt like doesnt mean they fell off, but whatever 😭

Yall are so goofy in this thread
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>questionable kinks of his take center stage after being shunted off for a while like the constant panting and wheezing and health issues
That's the best part. More artists should draw cute girls doubled over and panting like they've just run a marathon after hauling her blubbery butt off the couch and waddling to the fridge.

Shut up nigger. Nobody here is going to read your ebonic nigger nonsense. White men are talking.
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Totally fair to not like his art much, still not seeing the "fell off" point tho. Rolls and folds are hot, so are stretch marks, cellulite, and fitness loss.

I dont think any of his faces are ugly except for that marnie one. Again, still just drawing the same stuff he always has in a technically better way. I guess there was a point when he reigned in some of his sub-fetishes, but it was short lived and that stuff has been back for a long time.

Yall arent even consistent with your complaints, that splatoon example that yall are saying is bad is literally the first full upload after the jiro drive being praised in the same paragraph. There aren't any stylistic differences.

The ramona and palutena are both older pieces that hit all the same notes as the new pokemon one, minus the sweat and not being drawn as well. Theres plenty of old dookus that have sweaty and out of breath girls as well, though.
First paragraph is based

Second paragraph :(
>The named ones are bad because they don't have any natural personality
lmfao what does "natural personality" even mean? They're fun, have cute designs, and are fat as hell. Explain how their personalities suck.
The proportions and faces in these suck ass. His drawings genuinely make me want to gag sometimes. In the first one you posted, her arms aren't even arms. Sorry I think it looks like shit

Fair not to like it, but thats exactly the point im making lmao. If you dont like current dookus stuff, you dont like any of it because it's just an evolved version of the way he's always drawn.

The kim one is old, palutena even older, and the pokemon one is new. All of them have the kind of shit people whine about in his new art, yet people keep saying he "fell off" in every one of these threads, as if there was a point where his art was signififantly stylistically different from how it is nowm
damn bro thats a flex like I haven't seen since 4chin hacked the IRS
>but it was short lived and that stuff has been back for a long time
Not really actually?
>that splatoon example that yall are saying is bad is literally the first full upload after the jiro drive being praised in the same paragraph
Literally false. For one, I don't know how you even think this considering that a massive chunk of TheDookus's Deviantart gallery is just flat out missing, but even I know what you said is wrong because the Jiro drive is literally old enough that you can't even scroll to see it on twitter, where as that Splatoon pic is in 2021 with many MANY artworks preceding it.
Also there was just flat out a couple year difference between when those two pics were uploaded.
The only way you could of even thought that is if you thought I was referring to that 5 part Jiro WG sequence he did, which isn't what was being talked about.
I think there may be some sort of misunderstanding. When people say he "fell off" they are talking about how his art extremely fell off and was at it's lowest point throughout late 2020 and 2021, and has only very slowly gotten better since then but still isn't ideal. Saying "Dook from a couple years ago is not that much different from what he's doing now" is correct, but it's not what we're talking about. In that case, Dook actually is better than what he was drawing a couple years ago in 2021, but many of us still consider that inferior to that short golden period in late 2018, 2019 and very early 2020 where, while quite amateur, had a very appealing quality to how he did fats.
I was thinking of the 2021 sequence. I think both that and the old drive are good. Ive consistentpy enjoyed tdookus, other than the handful of wonky 2022 drawings. Late 2022-now has been consistently good with consistent improvements tho. Definitely better than pre 2021/2 stuff now.
>>192130 I have others, but it's really just a lot of Dio (as the signer so Rainbow, BS, solo act), and a bunch of classic rock and 70s-80s pop.
It means they aren't built off of a character sheet where a child slaps a bunch of traits and hobbies they read in a book or on the internet together. The creator experiments and develops the character by putting the character in various scenarios and makes adjustments over time based on their own feelings and the feelings of others.
>They're fun
The "couple" has done the same one-way attraction gag since their inception. That one retard's "convenient giantesses" OCs don't even do anything. I could probably jangle a bunch of keys in your face and you'd find that fun as well.
>have cute designs
A lot of artists have characters with cute designs, Salt isn't excluded.
>and are fat as hell.
This is the bare minimum of the fetish, and one of them isn't even remotely fat.
>Explain how their personalities suck.
Again, they have character sheets that slap a lot of milquetoast backstory and anime trope-derived personality traits together. None of it is used to any good effect for sexual, sensual, or fetish scenarios. The thin OC is embarrassed that the fat OC is fat in proximity to her. The retard's OCs either sit there and are fat or have a lipstick lesbian moment but hot damn, of all things, the retard came up with backstory explanation as to why Salt couldn't get their proportions right.

He's made plenty of good OC stuff that's literally just designs. No shitty backstories, bare minimum characterization through poses and sometimes singular dialog bubbles, but most importantly the content is sexual and/or fetishistic. It has made me hard and I got off, simple as. Sorry you feel threatened by people complaining, but as long as you keep giving him money, your beloved OCslop isn't gonna stop so make sure you pick up some of those stickers of his.
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>unironic zoomer niggerbabble and emojis on a fucking chan site
I remember when this site was supposed to have died a few months back. A real shame that it didn't.
This anon put it better than I ever could. Dookus is probably the perfect example of what the fat community's hugbox mentality can do to an artist, and I hope he serves as a cautionary tale for zoomers who are starting to cut their teeth with fat art.
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Niggers will post this and then ask you if you're read the latest One Piece chapter.
Probably one of the most retarded and autistic posts I've read on this site. You guys get worked up over the flimsiest shit
It was pretty damn good. Finally seeing the Gorosei in action.
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Man, this reminded me of one time I talked with an artist years back and ordered two commissions from them. I wanted Stella Hoshii from Va-11 Hall-A, and Sumireko Usami from Touhou.

After a very lengthy wait (I checked in a couple of times to make sure the picture was still happening), Stella arrived and was acting totally out of character so they could work in a random meme reference I didn't ask for. It felt kinda like my commission was being made fun of, and made me feel bad. I politely thanked them and paid them for doing Stella, but cancelled the Sumireko as I expected I'd have to wait a year to get her and she'd probably be doing a Fortnite dance or something.
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>Stella arrived and was acting totally out of character
It's common for requests/comm work to show characters acting oddly, but 90% of the time (You) and I don't realize it because we're not into whatever franchises they're from, nor are the artists. I wouldn't have batted an eyelid over this Kip piece before I got into Azur Lane, but now I see she's acting wildly out-of-character. I used to be anal about this sort of thing in my own art, but I eventually realized that there aren't enough hours in the day to watch clips and brush up on Wiki pages to familiarize myself with characters that I'll likely draw once and then never again.
>It felt kinda like my commission was being made fun of, and made me feel bad.
I doubt that, IMO it's more likely the artist was just working with a character they had no personal attachment to. That's comms/requests in a nutshell unless you're insanely picky with what you accept. FWIW, at least the white background makes it easy to delete and replace the text.
Wow Mystistuffer exists AND does have a fallowers! And he still can't draw a proper face. Like a circle plus cross on it then the rest. A very basic construction. Not a number 8 with eyes.
>built off a character sheet where a child slaps a bunch of traits and hobbies they read in a book or on the internet together
Pretty much everything on those sheets was already established through the stories and drawings of them, you fucking retard. Also, you’re taking a fairly normal thing that’s done by even most professional franchises, listing a few character traits for a character, and going “but it’s wrong and bad and stupid because I said so!”
>and one of them isn’t remotely fat
Of course I wasn’t referring to her, you fucking autist
Your whole comment is just “I don’t like them so I’m just going to take totally normal things (I.e. them having fucking personality traits) and say that that’s a bad thing!” Like… would it be better if they DIDN’T have personalities in your mind? You complained but didn’t give any reference point for characters you feel are done well, so you just look like a whining autistic retard.
That's very fair and I get it, but IIRC I requested a specific pose and expression that would have been fitting for Stella and I randomly got "Rick and Morty burgers" instead. This was years ago so I don't remember for sure, but I've always asked for specifics like that when ordering a commission and I've gotten some great results thanks to being specific in what I wanted.
>I doubt that, IMO it's more likely the artist was just working with a character they had no personal attachment to.
Or...you know, maybe said artist was just an immature moron who wanted to include a Rick & Morty reference? The drawing doesn't even look that good, anyway
>>192292 I've only seen four episodes of that entire show. I can't bear myself to even watch the entire series, I hate Rick's behavior in the series, and everyone around him is either a living wreck or homicidal. I may be wrong, but that's what I've gathered.
This is strange. Normally when I order commission, artist show me a sketch so we can work further and change something. This is a normal thing about even a non fetish art like a cover art or a DnD group art.
(872 KB, 1779x2048, Jesus Christ Oda.jpg)
>most stereotypically jewish-looking member of the five elders turns into a fucking demon
>views humans (aka goyim) as literal insects that he can hurt and exploit as he sees fit
>does fucked up shit to innocent children
>torments a friendly christian man (or at least the universe's equivalent) and ruins his life because he was offended by him
>has an "OY VEY SHUT IT DOWN" moment once the goyim dare to fight back against him on Egghead
>and his name is literally SATURN
Oda is too based for this world.
On the bright side, I doubt it was done out of malice, but it's still a shitty thing to do regardless. When you take a commission, you give the commissioner exactly what they asked for. No more, no less.
That looks like complete shit and its your fault for letting the artist get away with that.
I could only imagine how loud the ass smacks were in here & the booty smell is stuck 👀🤣
I don't care cause that lil israeli and palestinian kid ain't paying my bills, why should some content creators who make more than me should care eitheer?
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That’s kind of this whole site though. Go onto the alt board and look at the slob and the health issues threads and tell me that that isn’t the end result of porn addiction.
What autist redrew the best page of Lucy’s Stuffing? The original page where she’s holding up her destroyed clothes is the best part of that comic.
>>192599 It was BambooAle, another fat artist, going on a hypocritical rant about fatty wank.
So funny when sjw post about good or bad NSFW while here is ether sfw or nsfw. They brain just destroyed with a globohomo shit about good degeneracy and a bad one.
The guy who’s into scat is lecturing people about jerking off to fat women? The guy who draws women with some of the most disgusting portions I’ve ever seen? That guy is whining about fat fetishism?

And I thought I’d seen it all.
Most hide in Discords from what I know
>>192611 Wait, he has a shit fetish? I knew about the knee inflation, but literal fecal matter?
>knee inflation
I found that too. What is wrong with him
It’s earlier in this thread. It’s fat women standing near a toilet about to shit themselves
I think that its common courtesy to be professional when it comes to such a serious topic. A heartfelt message from an account squared on making porn may come off as tactless and should be said on a less sexually charged account. Atleast, in my opinion.
Its best to accept that BWS is the whitebread of fat fetish artists. Not offensively bad in the slightest, but won't deviate from the trend too much.
>bamboo into scat
excuse me?
So....what was bamboo trying to accomplish again?
Ace people do not exist they are just people with severe sexual repression issues.
Call it fake or real retard nobody cares what you think. Thats just what it means
It's fake, it's just another neverpicked girl cope that certain autistic men have begun using lately. Everyone gets horny, its just some people are not worthy of coitus.
The shitbag is in to shit, you couldn't write something better even if you tried.
Make a colossal ass out of himself for attention such as with the "who shot hannibal" posts that dragged superior artists down with him.
It has backfired in every way, with the artists formerly associating with him either getting worse, becoming toyfags, or trooning out--all three in Jeet's case lmao.
Bamboo's art was mid at best and now much like FFA#5 he will never escape his shrinking hugbox because no one can stand him. The money dried up, his art is growing more deranged with everything he posts, and he will be remembered as the sphere's embodiment of eurotrash.
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Bamboo ale is retarded but him being into scat is another moeshitter cope.
>Homoerotic bestiality fantasies
>the thing that divided the WG community so bad was a woman and a european
How many clearly not sjw bbw artists exists?
>>192788 Holy shit, something you said that isn't retarded rambling.
Welp i think they regarded "feederism" has people using drugs and forcefeeding with hoses
What divided the FA sphere was artists being retarded and taking trannies on xitter seriously. I know you're slow but keep up with the rest of the class.
I love it when corporations make themselves the guardians of moral decency.
You need to be online less lmao. 99% of people just consume the art they like and ignore what they don't, it's terminally online tards like you that see some "divide" in the wg art space and assign dumbass reasons to it.
Does subscribestar still look on kemono? This is the site most of the artists I follow that are talking about this are mentioning.
>>192833 Yeah, remember what happened to Tumblr? That fucked up the entire internet horribly. I know it's still active, but when that ban first hit, all hell went loose.
Its about the artists. Remember Catboymech with this ah sorry I would not draw loli anymore cry cry sob and others with a shit like it. Why?! They are have a lot of fans. People who are against this was never they fans or a clients and would neve be. I miss old times when artists can just say "lol cry more retard".

I don't even understand what you're trying to say
Oh my fucking God, lol.
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>"civil" discussion
>it's just the man baby threads again under a different name and like last time becomes the most active thread on this board
the jannies were right to ban these the first time.
(241 KB, 640x535, OAH HA HA HA HA HA HA.png)
>"Stop criticizing my favorite artists NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW!"
The only thing wrong with these threads are the schizo derailers, and jannies using them as an excuse to delete the threads instead of doing their jobs and slapping down the troublemakers.
Holy fucking shit, lmao. The suits running Patreon are genuinely retarded.
>I have no actual response so I'm going to vomit some basic bitch stock rebuttal like the redditor robot that I am.
I don't care which of your internet daddies I insulted, you will never felate them hard enough to get free drawings. Get that cock out out of your mouth lmao.
I don't even think the actual "criticisms" are valid half the time, just coming across as whiny kids and third-worlders who can't type properly having tantrums over petty shit. I won't lie as there have been the odd cases of valid criticisms about work ethic, skeletons in closets, hypocrisy and legitimate pedophilia but it's all been lost in a sea of schizoposting and manbaby posting, that's always been what gets the most replies.
But I'd rather have the threads because it's a containment chamber at this point.

No and unlike the other paywalls they seem to actually care about blocking scraping. I'm afraid you'll have to convince them to switch to fanbox if you wanna view them on kemono

How am I dickriding anyone??? Lmao

Pointing out that 99% of people just consume fatty wank content and don't engage with the art/artists past that isn't dick riding.

Keep living in your fantasy land where anyone outside of this cesspit cares about BS fat artist twitter drama or even has an inkling of an idea about what the fuck you're talking about when you sperg out about transgenderism, libtards, and bamboo ruining and dividing the sacred fat art culture.
Women beaters. Clearwater genetics & Beleaf. Craft Marijuana on reddit women beaters. stay away from gorgon & dank commander, dank magician, stay away from coolbreeze on craft he touches little boysReal cuck.
(154 KB, 581x402, Screenshot_20240313-181922.png)
I rarely bitch about artists, every but this guy legitimately has autism or something. His main stories are:

>A doctor takes a pill that makes her fat but improves her surgery skills. There's a subplot about firing her or something
>Some retro anime fanfic where the weight gain is interrupted by the fat girl stabbing someone to death, committing suicide herself, and tasing her boyfriend(???)
>Rabbit/wolf lady becomes a dragon. About to be about vore (Haiti approved)

It's just so sad, he spends gobs of cash on very talented drawers and then adds these nonsensical stories
Draftsmen sounds better than furniture
The word makes sense in English etymology and I will die before I call these people artists
I've seen a few like that where they can either draw or write exceptionally well but a large number of their works get into fetishes that either do nothing or are detestable to me.
For the weight gain side its when people start getting into slob and health issues, for some ancillary fetishes its blueberry because it inevitably becomes a scene from Willy Wonka.
Granted it came from there but I SWEAR its just pure poison to their brains.
I've never read a single thing from this guy that I liked. Either the concept themselves are just too weird or unappealing to get into or they devolve into that later, whenever I see a new page of his stuff popping up I'm like "wtf is going on here"

I like his variation. He can cover a wide variety of subjects which aren’t just ‘girl just get big and loves it’ which is fantastic. The stories are also short enough to keep interest at a rapid pace rather than literally hundreds and hundreds of pages of back and forth drama. He skirts the line well between story and fetish and thats something not many writers can do.
Glad you noticed how I carry myself. Thanks.
(352 KB, 256x192, 1418961576236.gif)
>artist friend pokes me asking if I'd like a commission for $20 because they're currently broke and need to buy cat food
>pretty buzzed and say fuck it why not because I like their art
>end up actually paying them more because they're canadian and I throw them $20 USD instead, don't mind helping someone in need
>tell me it'll be done in a weekend
>its been nearly a week and I haven't heard from them since
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Has much variety he has, he doenst exel in anything,his poor story telling skills and pretencius amount of twists and topics just play against him, this has gotten so bad that he has to explain wtf is going on to his supporters.
Psychology. All it is. Repetitive behaviors. All it is. Theyre not intellectual. They go off based. Responses. All it is. Put them in danger. They forget how to survive.

He’s just not pandering to the lowest common denominator. Because one person doesnt understand it, doesnt mean everyone else doesn’t understand it.

This is how people with eating disorders act, of course exaggerated for storytelling effect.
Based that you help a cat, my cat need a special food because of her spicific problems so I understand.
Again shit about OCs. Why can't they do a generic dodjin about maybe some Touhou or whatever. One akihabara shop have this dodjinshy room at the first floor and when you look at the dojis, most of the is about a known characters. So you can fap without understanding whatever the hell happens in the plot because this is established waifu for example and not some boring OC donutsteel.
The fact you think my annoyance when seeing this shit when I just want to find fatty wank means I don't want any artist in these circles to ever be criticized tells me you're a retarded faggot.
Also Jeetdoh if you're reading this draw fat Megumin again and don't bend the knee to antis, that's like the one thing I think people are right to give Jeet shit for.
I dont mind the shorter stuff he does, what basically amounts to extra flavor text attached to sequence parts. The series he did with belt-buster was really good, just a 12 part sequence with a paragraph or two of writing for each part.

The longer stuff is horrid though, and im genuinely bummed he has debu-is-cool working for him full time basically.

I’m the opposite. The shorter stuff is great but it often ends too soon just as things are getting good. The longer stuff I like more like gaining perspective and plus size. Ideally I’d like it to be something like higurashi in length of about 40-50 pages.
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I'll probably summon Kisame but this was a long time coming. People screeching about banning things they don't like gave these companies the excuse to censor to please their advertisers.

It's kinda funny people were okay with Patreon saying they can police your activity off site and they banned other niche fetishes like hypnosis but it's a tragedy when it hits home.
I've said it before in these threads and I'll say it again, don't be too quick to celebrate.
If Patreon shuts down entirely for fetish art you're going to just see artists rely on commissions again and that's just going to mean annoying commission whores will just become relevant again like it's the mid-2010s.
You act like it's all of the same people complaining. What about the ones who are against all of this kind of stuff? Do they deserve it? You just sound like a cunt.
All artists will stay PreSiArt? If yes, then we will lose all fat arts, yes.
It’s very ironic, that fat artists who always was for censorship, for left ideas (for example bws ifought for censorship in games and exclusivity in games) now have things, that they want. It’s very ironical for the most fat fetish artists
>If Patreon shuts down entirely for fetish art you're going to just see artists rely on commissions again and that's just going to mean annoying commission whores will just become relevant again like it's the mid-2010s.
Artists have proven themselves to be more tasteless than most commissioners will ever be. I hope we get a new golden age where twitter users shut up and draw what they're paid to draw instead of being given money for indulging their puerile fantasies that revolve around Pokemon characters and Princess Peach.
Finally we won’t see BWS’s silly OCs, his copy+paste arts and disinteresting comics, right?
BWS fought for censorship in games and more bad writing female characters in games

It's unfortunate that people who kept their heads down are out of a source of income but why don't you yell at the pearl clutchers who whined for muh Nazis to be de-platformed, setting this eventual disaster in motion?

This general attitude of people being soft and calling people they don't like the worst thing in the book to get them banned, only to cry when same censorship is used against them is getting old and I have no sympathy for those types.
If you already don't like it, nobody is forcing you to look at it. Wishing for him to lose his job because you don't like his art is fucking retarded.

You guys say this thread should stay for criticism and stuff but most of it boils down to "I don't like X artist because they smell bad and I hope they go away (or kill themselves)"
You nailed it. It's sad because there can be interesting conversations held on this site but it's mostly just pathetically insignificant people being bitter and entitled.

At this point, the site is just an echo-chamber of toxicity and hatred fueled by the desire for stolen art because "Only losers pay for porn."

End of the day though, no one cares how people like that feel or what they have to say and they know it so whatever.
>>193172 Yeah I can agree. I tried sparking it off when I showed some of my vinyl collection, but that went back to the suicide threats these threads almost fall into with the idiocy of JirenGuy showing up almost everytime.

damn he's really gone...
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I like Salt's OCs and the content he makes with them.

That said as of late (month or two) his work's been in a bit of a slump, mostly because he isn't doing anything interesting with them. (except for the art with Val that's consistently top-tier)
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No, this is totally on those who enable and provoke censorship. It also extends beyond fat women pictures.

The same people who have mass reported others for wrong think, led witch hunts, doxxing, reporting wrong thinkers to their employers, starting political arguments in apolitical communities, etc, are now bitching the censorship came for them too. There's going to be schadenfreude. There's going to be "told you so"s.

Governments and powerful organizations only have power due to support from average people. When average people demand censorship, the govt gleefully steps in offering to help. When said censorship is pointed at people you disagree with, it's all fine and dandy. When it eventually turns on everyone, suddenly it's "oh this is terrible, how could this have happened? How did we get here?". So yes, there will be schadenfreude. there will be told-you-so's.

Which political ideology that does this changes throughout the decades, but currently it's the left liberals who demanded censorship. So, it's their turn to eat the humble pie
It's not a tinfoil conspiracy to say governments are pro-censorship, and that sub-communities like ours are affected downstream from culture and govt policy.

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Patreon is not the government, sir.
Anyway, most sites like these tend to not allow content considered to be promoting something harmful in the first place(which, let's be real, being fat is). Likely the only reason fat fetishism has gone under the radar for so long was due to it being niche enough to not warrant explicit rules about it before.
Still, my bets are that this won't apply to drawn stuff, as is the case with every "OMG this new rule will ban porn!" hysteria that creeps around every month or so.
So it's not comfortable. got it.
>Patreon is not the government, sir.

that's why the post said sub-communities are downstream of government and culture. The relationship was stated to be indirect from the start.
>>193179 Yeah I've liked them too despite the naysayers ngl
But someone should report a specific patreon to be banned? They can't just rename it and post the same stuff?
The recent Patreon nonsense, as inconsequential as it might actually be given that even other platforms like Subscribestar have similar restrictions but just haven't publicized them, really just makes me wonder if it's even worth taking the gamble on setting one up if I'd have to jump ship over some octogenarian at Visa banning boobs or something. I do think it might be nice to have something like it to perhaps fund projects of mine that are too large or expensive for any single person to feasibly commission (like long-running comics or animations) but I dunno.
That KOPA shit is most likely never gonna pass considering it violates the First Amendment.
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>It's sad because there can be interesting conversations held on this site but it's mostly just pathetically insignificant people being bitter and entitled.

Sad to say but this is basically the nature of modern chans. All the most witty and interesting people left for large websites,like reddit (total ass now, but ten or so years ago the site was chill enough that they had an AMA with moot,
without it turning into a shit fit about how satanic 4chan is-- this is because reddit and 4chan were both more reasonable at the time.) and Twitter, Youtube, etc. You can hear plenty of 'born-again' redditors and even tumblrites talking their 4chan phase in repentant tones.

This is a good summary I saw on Hacker News:

>People are so enamoured by 4chan precisely because it isn't like reddit. Reddit, Facebook or any social media platform that rewards users with up votes, karma, reputation, likes or whatever creates a system in which people want to please others and develop reputations they have to uphold. 4chan is free from those chains and people are able to freely throw ideas into the mix. This is why 4chan has been so instrumental in coming up thousands of memes that define internet culture today. Reddit, Facebook and others are usually consumers of those memes rather than generators.

>I know this is a massive generalization, but that's been my impression being on digg, reddit, Twitter and 4chan for 10 years now.

>The problem is that a lot of the original 4chan users either moved on or just grew up and at the same time 4chan got over taken by alt-light type folks. I still think the basic idea of 4chan has a lot to offer that maybe could be replicated on an other platform, with a fresh set of people.

If they didn't leave for larger sites they just quit being so chronically online either way, 4chan, (and the chanspace in general, once 4chan spawned imitators), gradually suffered brain drain. chans now are populated by election tourists seeking to escape the 'mainstream' and zoomer retards who just think that 'chans mean edgy'

I don't think chans are over though. Like recently I stumbled on one called Heyuri where they talk about stuff other than election tourist obssessions and actually have rules about avoiding modern chan faggotry.
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Just jerk off to the art. That’s what I do. Most fat stories are fucking autistic anyway. I’ve tried reading a few and none of them are very sexy to me, at least compared to regular, non-fetish related smut. The stories are also just autistic. I don’t have to make everything about a fetish
Health issues and slob fags are autistic as fuck. I cannot understand what makes any of those things attractive, especially not health issues.
PreSI’s art looks like dogshit. All his characters have this weird gross look to them.
The redhead is hot as fuck. Argue with a wall.
They aren’t hot, fucking autistic autocorrect
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>fat art has zoomer slang (yeet/simp/etc.)
>fat art references pointing wojaks
>fat art of Bridget post-Strive
>fat art of girls with happy trails
>fat art of cartoony girls with overly realistic stretch marks/cellulite
Just posting trends I hate before the thread dies

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