
The Salt dinasty continue!!!
The next thread should just be called "Better Without Salt". Take your fucking meds, people.
Am I sociopath for wanting to murder ppl for doing me wrong for no reason. Thta how I going to teach all of them a lesson. Im going to kill all of them while still alive. Im going to let them live long enough to watch me keep winning while they starve
It's the only place people speak their minds about his art that's not unending praise. We need thought provoking stuff like that, even if it leads to toxicity from his diehard followers.
No, we dont need it.

Only someone with debilitating mental illness would view any of that as essential. These threads have passed Kip threads for the level of retarded posts per hour.
(2.8 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1276.jpeg)
Ight before we start this thread, let me emphasize that there’s only one Halie I fuck with, and that’s my nigga hard hat Halie! WE’RE HOMIES FOR LIFE!
Ngl, she kinda looks like 2-D from Gorillaz.
Do you even know where you are?
and again the thread didn't even last a mf month
I'd like to think there's at least some sensible people here.
Maybe one day bws will draw another dragon ball character
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Can you edit the nude one so there is no burp?
Everyone has their different approach to what they want to do here. If people want to critique it for not being horny enough to their liking so be it. If people want to discuss what they feel about the artists approach, it's just what we do. You can feel free to ignore it and wait for the next upload. Not like were taking up your time for thought-provoking discussions between the days.

People are curious and others are not lol
What kind of edits? Would love to see whatever you have
The threads get killed faster with such worthless drivel. Sucking your own cock is a more worthwhile hobby than having "thought provoking duscussions" about fat art.
Isn't this sammy who is not in the timeline
Sure, but they're not the ones contributing to the discourse.
>>189553 shut up about dick sucking faggot
Hopefully bro keeps this energy because he's been cooking and cooking as of late
Genuinely, is there an artist that puts out work with as much speed and quality as Salt does? I'd say *maybe* Belt Buster, but Salt just feels like a different breed to me

Her nipples are bigger than the other girl's noses and her boobs are bigger than their entire torsos.

Fuck off man, now I wanna see these two skinny cuties get irredeemably fat too. Salt is so good.
Not my climate. I like it colder
this close to anorexia, god i wana see her crush those twigs
The chick on the right could use a good couple dozen hundred pounds, and a good couple poundings too
If the other girls start gaining there'd still be a size difference...
Cool, now I have something good to have as my watch face
It's ironic how y'all niggas were criticizing BWS for drawing Lucy so many times just a few days ago. Oh, and let's not forget about the "chubby vs blob" playground argument. I swear god you're a bunch of kids
I mean tom clancy only hires guys in there early 20's
His plan is hire very young so they move up with him while he gas lighting & manipulate them. Pure control. But old timers will kick him out before he seeks out his union plan
>>189748 Tom Clancy is dead, dumbass.
Fuck off, Kisame. Nobody loves you
No he isnt. Just grabbed his ass last time I spoke to him in person.
>>189766 pictures of his corpse or it didn't happen
nope, still not going to be attracted to blobs. sorry
would love to see a sequence of the other girls gaining up to a respectable 250-300 pounds however
Which is why it’s just art
>nope, still not going to be attracted to blobs. sorry
Holy fucking shit, we got Mr. Important over here
Get over yourself
Or take a lead pill
Long as you talk less, I'll settle for either
I wouldn't say maybe for Belt, I would say for sure instead.
Come one guys. It’s fat art let’s enjoy it
I'm not usually a blobcel or a USSBBW enjoyer but this image has literally been on my mind all day oh my goodness
>>189825 don't try to vouch for the schizo
Sorry to tell you but not everyone is part of the same hivemind :(
Same here. I‘m neither of those things, but fucking love Selene here and in general.
I would kill for a version saying girlfriend. I'm a shameless self inserter
bitch came into the thread just to say that holy shit youre a lameass </3 your sad ass cant even contribute to a fucking bbw thread
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The timeliness so far (open for interpretation)
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>bitch came into the thread just to say that holy shit youre a lameass </3 your sad ass cant even contribute to a fucking bbw thread
He did amazing work on the plaid shorts, and her thighs look perfect.

I'll never find one of these in my bed : (
Nice comparison! I hope he does more Zelda in the future
Nice edit. Separating that into all those layers must have taken a bit. And cool idea of using the triforce.
When im elected im going to make sure you stop stealing wages 👀🤡
Does anyone have that pic with Nat and Halie that was not drawn by bws?
>> I guess ill refill the coffee rack. Dont touch my fruit salad made it night before
Damn, good drops, but sadly no. I think they were in a kitchen and Nat was pressing her belly against Halie or something like that
Thank you. I may also do a belly version later if I'm feeling up to it
Brewster left after office grope sheesh
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I wanna see a comic like this between Halie and chloe
(4.9 MB, 2470x1582, lucyedit.png)
Would Salt accept a commission like this though?
Hey Lucyfag, ask Salt if he would accept a commission like this.
He doesn't accept comic commissions, you fucking monkey
(1.3 MB, 3280x2481, Lucy_Birthday_EX.jpg)
If you aren't the real Lucyfag you can kys.
If you are, then ask him if he'll do the last panel of the comic.
I mean I doubt it, if salt got upset when pew did his bit, imagine the outburst if he saw one of his OCs getting physically abused
You're genuinely autistic if you think any of that stuff Salt said about Pew's Halie was remotely serious.
I mean apart of me thinks that salt commissioned them and just makes pew look like a fucking cartoon villain.
Can someone post his newest art from Patreon?
>salt got upset when pew did his bit,
So Salt's a cunt then? I guess it's par for the course with artists. Shame.
For once the title applies, because it's missing the obvious over-exaggeration and sarcasm, something that's extremely common in autistic people...

He was joking around, jfc
One of my friends wanted to request an artist to draw one of his OCs punching Chloe in the face, the artist didn’t draw it cause they were too busy.
Here comes bootleg Lucoa!
Lets go even further beyond
If I was awake at 4am when you texted me asking me if I was up. My cock would be inside you. Leave me alone
Good. Because you know I never hold back.
The fuck are you talking about, coomer?
Is this the salt thread looks like the other one got taken down.
>>190473 Salt referring to BWS or Community Salt? Because the Community Salt one is just a bit further down
God DAMN I love bellies that spread out to the side like thay
Where’s that Courtney drawing from?
Y’all ever look at how much Salt makes in a month and wonder wtf you’re even doing with your life
I love how squishy her thighs & belly looks, her face is awesome with that huge dewlap
was lowkey hoping that bed pic would get an explicit alt
>>190592 Fan coloring from a sketch pack
idk why but massive blonde fatties are the hottest
Was kinda hoping Salt would’ve lowered her other leg and given us a view like >>189964 (Cross-thread)
It’s still a great piece, but I feel the explicit alt doesn’t offer too much difference
Holy shit, the second drawing is awesome too. I hope we get explicit alts to both
I don't like the school girl uniform, but I like the size.
>>190694 Who knows, Easter is at the end of next month, maybe they're be a piece with them as Playboy bunnysuit rabbits.
It's a character from a growth-kink highschool dating sim. Comes with the territory.

Oh, this comic is adorable. I love these dorks.
Wants me to go to work so I can do same shit I do at home. Nothing 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Holy shit a new Alice piece from Salt. This is amazing
Hopefully one day Salt will make a feedee/feeder comic instead of a mutual gain one ..
Who dat in bottom left? Yor?
Hope we get more of them
Maybe I'm the off ine here, but does this feel off for anyone? Ironically all those complaints about Salt's stuff looking like inflation at times, is somewhat the vibe I get here from how she looks.

Also not an expert on fat people, but is the fat supposed to build up like on her left leg? Idk for me the piece doesn't sit right, but maybe I'll get used to it later.
Btw does anyone have these ones with color?
Tbf that's literally how she looks like in her game, just bigger. Her weight isn't "normal" and her body is equipped to withstand the growth without health complications, that's why she's still wearing a school uniform and sitting at a table instead of being stuck in bed, she's still able to walk. The stuff he made of Selene and Nikume this month look nothing like that at all
Does anyone have that gif of Chloe getting punched in the gut just like Senator Armstrong from Metal Gear Rising?
I'm just saying it feels somewhat off to me idk why. Obviously, it's safe to assume that's what she looks like and the other aspects you mentioned I didn't know since I don't follow this game.

But it's just my take, not stopping you from enjoying it at the end of the day.
Being honest... kinda lame
Change my mind
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I’m still waiting for the day my OC punches her in the goddamn face. Nice pic though.
Jesus fucking christ can you people ever be happy? Ever?
I mean, it's fine if you don't like it but if you're gonna post just to say this may as well just ignore it and move on
>>191049 "KiNdA lAmE" shut the fuck up
No. It's a oublic thread. Why should be able to say his opinion?
>>191060 I'm just saying, everytime Salt posts an OC work, people start complaining and it clogs the thread, like that weird guy with the sadistic fascination of killing Chloe above. In fact, remember what happened over Christmas? It killed two threads quickly.
New type of shading (or perhaps more detailed) for him? I mean the face, arms, and shirt to an extent resemble the norm of what he does. But below downwards definitely feels like he tried something different.
God I love Chloe. Her and Sammy are easily peak OC for me
God I love that Elphelt
Thanks bro
Wow, I love this work, the texture & shading is amazing & Chloe is my favorite Oc
Who's middle left and top right
Predict: Tomorrow we will have Tifa sequence
(Because yes he/she said it will exist)
Who the fuck keeps asking for Fubuki sketches??
Aren't we getting an explícito pic tomorrow tho
LET'S GO BEST GIRL IS COMING!, I love Aerith too
I want Frieren and the mid left one colored. I also want to know who the mid left is
Salt basically completely ignored Mai Sakurajima for years and now she is popping up very frequently, you absolutely LOVE to see it.
Desperately need it colored. Even better, an explicit.
Fuck yes. What’s with the yellow paint? Is that an in-game thing?
It's from the game design for climbing
Holy fuck, this is it, we've reached peak, it's all downhill from here
Downhill? I'd say we are only just getting started!
Those are some really good poses and angles
Google "yellow paint video games" or something to get a good idea
F*ck yes mate, this makes ff7 rebirth launch even more legendary omfg
Just wait for it on pc the mods alone will be worth the wait
It ain't over 'till your dead, punk.
It’s not super common, but that kind of “round” or “puffy” look does happen to younger obese women IRL sometimes. You don’t get the same perception from looking at pictures online, but a lot of the models you see on /ssbbw/ would probably look “cartoony” to you if you actually saw them in person.
Anybody else concerned he's getting a little too comfortable with slob shit these days? Too many pics have burps in them. I'm concerned because I've seen other great artists get corrupted over time with that shit.
No, nobody cares about your personal taste fuck off and find another artist if you don't like it
I can die happy now.

Both in game outfits, unique angles, good fat, fully rendered and well rendered at that. I'll see you guys later I'm gonna go hang myself, don't need to be alive anymore.
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Shame he didn't know about this outfit by the time he did the pic
Not that concerned, but I've noticed it too, plus his girls getting much bigger over time. Desensitization just comes with the territory.
Salt has been shit for a long time now imo. Almost exclusively draws behemoths nowadays, which is a shame when he can draw such great chubbies too. Almost nothing good since Losing control.
I’ve never seen people complain about a bodily function a lot of people do
(3.9 MB, 2550x3300, Lucy_6_5.png)
Not recent. This page is 5 years old at this point, after all these years the needle has barely moved so your concerns are retarded. Burps and some food stains don't scare anyone beyond a few autists
>Almost exclusively draws behemoths nowadays
Good. Plenty of other artists out there for you if you don't like it
I did it, it was a fun process :) I'm glad thou liked it
The dudes arguably the best artist in this community when it comes to quality and consistency go be a schizo somewhere else
Trouble in paradise, Undertaker?


You guys clearly haven't been paying much attention. Berryfuckers have literally burned down entire boards over this shit. They got kicked off of /d/ because they kept going apeshit over burps in pictures ranting and raving it was icky slob shit
Are you high? What the fuck does Undertaker have to do with that comment?

A large portion of people here are neckbeards with a personal vendetta against certain artists for superficial reasons, and when anyone talks back to them or says something they dont like, they immediately assume said artists are petty like they are and will crawl through these forums to argue with people.
What ever you say lil bro
Undertaker has sone unhinged vendetta against 'slob' art that's been going on for years, he's been caught starting shit multiple times on 4chan.
>Slob shit = Burps

Sounds about right, how about you go to the slob thread on bbwalt, see how much that compares
To make it more annoying, Undertaker isn't the only one with this Randall from Recess policing mentality. Too many annoying (man)children with some form of ADHD, various complexes, and somehow worse side fetishes.
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Has Salt ever posted the lines, flats, or .psd for any of his comics? There's some panels in Couple Stuff and Losing Control that I would love without the text in the way. I'm asking because I think he mentioned releasing them after Couple Stuff was done which it has been for almost a year now.
I love how all the recent stuff with Val came out almost immediately after that one thread where we bitched about too many lesbians. Maybe Salt actually saw it. If so, I appreciate an artist willing to respond to the demands of his audience.
You actually think BWS bothers to browse this shithole? He's already busy enough
In case you didn't notice he drew her a bunch of times last year and even gave her a name before that discussion here, seemed like he was warming up to "canonize" her properly
it's almost poetic you choose to say "audience" instead of "clients"
You say this in jest but berryfags legitimately consider burps on the same level as scat.
Honeslty i would have a problem if he drew Burping with a pleasure/relief expression instead of his usual weird or painful faces
this is our queen's weakest soldier for reference. keep persevering sammy-bros, the sun will shine on us once again
Never sure what to expect when it comes to the larger size spectrum, but man does she look somewhat disfigured here because of the angle. The right leg being buried under the spilling fat, while the left leg looks massive since it's being pushed while also being more exposed.

That being said, probably still going to guiltily enjoy it.

Man, I love Salt and all, but I’m kinda getting over these ludicrously gigantic sizes he does. Love fat girls and all but I’d like for them to still somewhat resemble real people ykwim?
you're gonna get cooked for this take
>>191592 How fucking miserable are you guys? Every time Salt posts an artwork, someone's gotta make their point just to complain about it on here.
Ugh, Shiki again? Who the fuck commissioned this, HooliganFreak? I wish It was a different Senran Kagura girl
You said it. Frankly it would be nice if I could open kemono and see girls the same size as the ones you'd find in a Midwestern walmart, not these ridiculous landwhales. I hope someone on Patreon tells him that.
What most amuses me is there was also complaints when he drew Nat and Chloe smaller.
Damned if you do, Damned if you don't.
Who gives a shit about your opinion, american?
Yeah I mean Haruka and Ryona are right there. Smh.
Tbf he got those same comments of Nat and Chloe on Twitter and deviantart. With bigger sizes though it's always the same 3 retards complaining
I don't mind the larger sizes, just could look better in my opinion is all. But were not the ones making that dough.
The Ryona drawing is old AF and Haruka's sketch is...uh, a sketch. I wish the dude commissioned Asuka, Hikage or whatever
It's a well known fact that bws only grants commissions to the most tasteless louts imagineable.
Yep, and I'm sure your taste is great, right? I'm willing to bet if you got a comm, it'd get torn to shreds like every other time one gets posted lmfao
>I'm willing to bet if you got a comm, it'd get torn to shreds like every other time one gets posted lmfao
The opinions of philistines don't mean anything to me. Do you honestly expect anyone to take the place where people bitch over salt drawing girls "too big" and beg for him to draw dicks seriously?
A man of culture who understands the vivacious allure of true art.
God, what is pay for someone to draw some 600 pounds throbbing girl dick.
Wept and fasted, wept and prayed in vain to find the truest art.
Futa is for faggots and I'm very, very glad that it's a dying fetish that will be forgotten as one of the many follies of the endless 2000s.
Is it really dying? I see it constantly
Makes me feel good knowing the day salt draws dicks is the day hell freezes over
Pretty defensive and insecure for someone who doesn't care what people think. Have you ever considered not voicing your opinion to people who you don't seem to respect?
Hey guys! Salt just dropped the newsletter, can anyone post any WIPs?
How are you saving these when you don
t even have the file name for it?
Bruh, the retarded janny is deleting messages again. It's about damn time
Really cool work, it's more dynamic, I like it!
Idk it just happens lmao
This is the most autistic shit but for whatever reason I actually prefer the shirt being on and the belly being out, instead of the tits being out. Cause to me it implies there's tension in the bust and that makes the picture more gratifying, if everything's already exploded than the tightness that I enjoy from fat art isn't present.
I'll go back in my hole now.
(2.1 MB, 498x278, kronk-point.gif)
>>19203 (Dead)
Agreed, the implied tension of the shirt the feeling that it will happen but you don't know when, is hotter.
Nah you’re spot on, you explained it perfectly why I like the covered up version better too
Could anyone please share this?
Was not expecting this honestly.
Also I find it funny the first piece haz the short torn on the side, but this explicit version doesn't.
shirt cant tear if its not being stretched
(1.2 MB, 1538x1601, Photogenic.png)
It's why I like this picture, that zipper and those pants are hanging on for dear life.
Damn she got that marshmallow build
Nice piece, I liked the original too
But chubbies aren't attractive.
Not gonna lie, kinda based take. I guess this is the path of the coomerbrain but hardly anything he draws does it for me anymore. I like fat girls, not nasty monstrous mountains of woman that can only exist in 2D
>>192437 I just like fat girl in general. All chubs are good chubs
>chubbies aren't attractive

Did you forget where you were?
They're probably talking about the chubby size itself.
I wish he would do more steins;gate
>>192498 Anon saw the weight loss ad
Thought she said she was single. But clingy around other baddies. Hmm
Nice!! Another weight gain piece!
Don’t know the name, but she’s from Undead Unluck.
Fuuko Izumo from Undead Unluck.
fuck yes, if this gets just one more person into Undead Unluck then it's worth it
so if she got all the fat that her curent life style would give her in one shot then dosent that meen that she will strugel to fatten up if she keeps a simular apetite since you need more food the fatter you get to grow and she only got so fat after 18 years so she will slowly gain going forth if not strait up lose wait (idk if this makes sence)
>>192532 Undead Unluck is Peak!!!!!!!
That is peak! I hope this will get a nude version aswell.
This but with either Sammy or Chloe on top of the other and struggling to stay on top while the one below is gasping for dear life.
............Anyone know exactly how I can get a comm from BWS?
It says something about Salt that even his smaller sizes are beyond irresistible.
Oh come on, learn to have some tolerance for once...
It's stale as fuck, and it encourages Salt to not branch out with character choices. Why should there be tolerance for it?
Rebecca and Lucy generate the most fanservice. There's no other way to describe female villains as lesbians who want to make Lucy or Rebecca their slave. Erza was just done to make sure Jellal won't make her gape and nothing will feel the same way.
Because it's drawings of fat women online, it isn't worth getting upset over lmao.
>Rebecca and Lucy generate the most fanservice.
Compared to what? Even then most of how Salt draws those two are the same because Lucyguy is a boring sack of shit, and Salt lacks the balls to tell him off.
again. it really isnt that deep
if you dont like it, ignore it and stop bitching about it
salt makes hella money off those characters so i dont blame him for constantly drawing them

Why would Salt ever "tell off" a stable source of income that he can easily keep happy by drawing characters that he most likely enjoys as well? He definitely doesn't care to appease the handful of whiny bbwchan neckbeards who won't ever pay him a cent lol.
Bro, that fucking gif killed the shit outta me, lmao
Just vanished from existence
Keep riding Lucy guys dick.
(385 KB, 1340x1572, 20240312_235653.jpg)
Poor bws, he will lose his job and we will lose his arts
(8 KB, 245x206, download.jpg)
>>192892 If this is an actual thing, a website filled to the brim with fetish porn artists being run by empty husks of human beings who hurt said artists is as hilarious as it is depressing and complete bullshit. I hope that the people there will manage if such things actually come into effect in the future. "if you only knew how bad things really are" aside, im still almost baffled by how such a constantly used website
can be affected like this by people who are completely braindead.
I would assume this is more aimed towards irl stuff I doubt they’re gunna enforce it either way. If you look into it there’s a lot of stuff patreon says they don’t allow but actually don’t really enforce
More often than not these sort of guidelines are there to look pretty for shareholders and are rarely strictly enforced in practice.
Quit being a whiny loser cunt.
can someone enlighten me, what does patreon seek to gain from this? They don’t have a business model built around attracting advertisement, and are SFW creators really gonna be put off by the few fetish creators on the site? They already censor NSFW creators in their search index so this just seems like overkill
They have been training this guy to be ba since he was little. Right in plain sight. Wild lmao
Please someone ignore my ignorance but, can’t he just continue drawing fat girls without the “disordered eating” part?
*please ignore my ignorance
If the “ribs, concave stomach…” part is anything to go by, unless he can play it off as body positivity (which might not be a good idea given that it’s still fetish content- seek the wrong people and find real problems) he’s probably fucked.
Is that the redhead from tipping the scales?
every time salt has me feeling "eh he's starting to fall off" he pulls me back in how does he do it
You're too easy to please.
nah, he been falling off for a while now. He rrached the point where he makes fantastic technical art but it's not that interesting. He does make a banger once in a while. But regardless, he's one of the best artists.
No, it's a friend's OC.
If anything, you fucktards here are way TOO HARD to please. Salt posts 2 pieces in a row you don't like and you cry about how he's falling off hard.
(605 KB, 1051x1807, All.jpg)
Autism guy new character dropped for you to compare to the others! get the folder ready
Whoa. Finally got that fusion of Chloe and Sammy.
(46 KB, 502x543, kyriakos_truth.jpg)
She is floating, btw.
>>ANOTHER lesbian
Better yet, signature [s]Kyriakos Grizzly[/s] erm, michelin man physique.
>inb4 sameface and samebody
Not only that's not even his OC but also he already drew her before too >>193174
>But muh lesbians
Sammy, Chloe and Val aren't lesbians. Nat is bi
>She is floating, btw.

>Better yet, signature [s]Kyriakos Grizzly[/s] erm, michelin man physique.
Michelin man physique is literally the superior physique.
Pretty sure this is a Violet situation
Ok so, firstly the reasoning for her being lesbian is simply that I wanted an excuse to have her drawn next to a comparatively taller and skinnier girl for contrast.

As for body shape that is probably just because I was quite influenced by salts existing OC's at the time so she ended up sharing similarities because of that.

I dont get commissions/sketches of her as often these days as I mostly just end up getting more Vie stuff instead. Both because of personal preference but also because she is more distinct from the other girls usually being drawn at a regular basis.
I would have to agree with you here. I'm sure it's just to have two women on screen.

A round the body is still a round body

On the off chance this is actually Salt. Okay. Fine. But dear god can Sammy PLEASE get a boyfriend finally? Please make him an actual character and not just a shitty self-insert. You don't do that within you.Of the girls and I would like that with treatment with Sammy.
Not salt but the commissioner for both Sophia and Vie so none of what I said above was speculation.
>But dear god can Sammy PLEASE get a boyfriend finally?
>Please make him an actual character and not just a shitty self-insert.
Bro wtf even wants this shit. Through hundreds and hundreds of artist across several fetishes the guys are usually an accessory for a reason. No one fucking cares
Don't justify why you want more yuri. Just call him a dick craving fag and move on.
(322 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20220611-090303_Photos.jpg)
I Hope she's next honestly I want to see more of her and Sophie Salt is slacking this month he literally upgraded the Rebecca sketch he did before who cares about Rebecca its a hot art piece but where Sammy at I rather see her over Lucy or Rebecca.
She looks like she’s 600+ pounds
wahhh, poor baby can't self insert with a woman. so sad
(403 KB, 598x291, textures.png)
Lucyguy placed the floor textures the way it doesn't quite catch the perspective.
>Ok so, firstly the reasoning for her being lesbian is simply that I wanted an excuse to have her drawn next to a comparatively taller and skinnier girl for contrast.
Anon.... >Just draw her around other people.
>Yurifaggot mental gymnastics as usual.
>Anon.... >Just draw her around other people.

women standing 5 feet apart because they're not gay
I'm a dude, I just think being unable to do this is a major signal of a lack of either open mindedness or empathy.
It was a lot easier to just whip up a character design for another girl in 5 minutes, come up with a reason to keep using that character and call it a day.
Brooke has nothing to do with that new OC.
Olivia was the red-head from Tipping The Scales.
Sadly again unrelated.
imagine unironically using that image lmao ur the real faggot here
Oh okay but still he could show them more and Sammy instead Rebecca or Lucy
I agree with you. They had potential.
There goes my big black booty stalker
>Rebecca or Lucy get a piece every several months
>Cry that they're taking up all the posts
(2.9 MB, 1939x2276, Onwards, Noble Steed!.png)
This will stop when: A) You admit to yourself that you want dick and B) You stop asking for dick.
It is painfully obvious that you are a subversive gay. Once you get your "straight couples" you will start asking for two dudes. Disgusting, KYS.
Wonder why death bed amongst them. No mercy. Savage king die.
>>193310 I'm a straight man, what are you smoking, faggot? Cause I sure as hell don't want those delusions. What I'm saying is that this bullshit caused the destruction of two/three BWS within a month's time.
Is that weed growing that backyard. Call the police
Meanwhile most OCs have not been seen in months or years.
>>193316 Did you not see the other part of my comment or are you just dense and calling me gay?
(5 KB, 455x460, 1677248511401646.png)
>This will stop when: A) You admit to yourself that you want dick
Perhaps the worst and the most retarded takes in ages.
Would you say that touching your dick is pretty gay as well?
Have your mother popped you on the floor with a head down upon your birth?
Maybe sex is gay as well, because it does involve using your dick?
That's the most ass-hatted shit I've seen in a while.
Lmao, cool down little coop humper
(1.5 MB, 387x280, 1698436513345009.gif)
>yuritrannies lose their minds when people want straight couples(not mutual gain)
can y'all just shut the fuck up
salt hasn't even drawn straight sex with dicks in it and I doubt that's gonna change
Tbh I actually really like her, she has the same hair and eye color I do and she's close to my height lol, if only I was that big though
(508 KB, 500x500, pzcirk0f2ala1.png)
>yet another Salt thread derailed by retards arguing about whether straight sex is gay
(5.0 MB, 2894x4093, Couple Stuff Page 7.png)
>gay faggots somehow think that wanting dick is straight
Judeo-Christian beliefs and morality are truly a cancer upon this world.
That side view is perfection.
>>193333 How fucking dense are you?
Yo. All i did was ask for Sammy to get a bf. Yall are tripping.
God, I hope you're right.
Holy shit you’re fast
An explicit would be incredible! Nice piece
OMG there goes the explicit lmao
How many pounds do you think there are here
I'll tell you what I hope Salt tries some day, an angle alt poll, like vote on a drawing and he'll do a different more interesting angle of the same scenario. Like I wanna know how her ass is spilling out the back of that chair
He needs to start doing BBC alts.
look at the fat pig being fat.
so he can in fact draw something that isnt plastic looking blobshit
love this one

wasn't colored by salt dipshit
I colored this one just for fun
That's not all he's ever done, dipshit.
(57 KB, 335x404, IMG_1489.jpeg)
Behold! Halie with a grenade launcher.
I need to hug her. Now.
Could someone repost Couple Stuffings?
Awesome drawing btw 👍
Nicely done. Good coloring and combined with the line speed, just makes it better.
WOW, bless this meal, shes jaw dropping, ann fans we're eating good
She loves it skin to skin !!!!!!!!! Suck the meanest!!!!
Comparing it to the sketch, he removed the foot, which makes sense at that size, but is centered out a bit more too.

Made her fatter because the bikini bra is digging in a bit more than previously, and I think her stomach is slightly further out as well.

And it could be the change in bikini bottom position, but her butt is definitely larger (or looks it) too. Could also just have been anatomically wrong and that's why it was adjusted idk just speculating at this point.
It's a hard balance to strike, is it better to have the bottom wedged up the crack, because of how fat it is, or is it better to place the bottom lower and have the ass spilling out of the top?

I wish salt was more of an ass man, we need these questions answered.
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Hey guys salt just dropped a new pic, can anyone post it?
Cause I don’t have it
> Posted at 8:07

God almighty please wean off
(165 KB, 580x325, She.png)
has her qt roomie gotten a bio yet?
A women with zero pics up of her kids in her home? After all this time but blames u for everything we are all reading and deeply sorry youre going through this for so long. Youre not alone. Take your kids and run! Babies not supposed to sit in cribs all day! Youre fucking lazy!!!!!!!
...are you actually fucking stupid or what?
Anyone who write on a porno site is stupid including thyself.
It is not her.
The name of the redhead in "Tipping the scales" was Olivia.
Sophie is like Violet not a BWS OC, but rather from a comissioner. They differ via freckles.
Brooke & Olivia were both not drawn in +/- 2 years since "Tipping the scales".
They are therefore the least drawn OCs, as even the witch as the officially least popular OC has more recent artwork.
Sadly, both OCs, particularly Brooke were not well received. See the chainsaw or the voting incident. A shame really. But for most people there is too few of a difference between Chloe & Brooke, only that the former is more pathetic & mellowed out.
Go fuck your mother up the ass. This website is a plague.
Go see a therapist wild faggit fantasies get off the internet!
Of only we could, like, make a new thread.

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