
(114 KB, 928x650, egac8936z5h91.jpg)
Surprised I haven't seen anything come from this

anyone knows the artist?
I don’t think the art styles match.
Does anyone have the Pyra sequence that 125Ssamurai125 did?
(230 KB, 828x1164, pyra_s_weight_gain___part_1__thus__boy_met_girl_by_125samurai125_dget23b-414w-2x.jpg) (159 KB, 828x1101, pyra_s_weight_gain___part_2__incoming___by_125samurai125_dgfapj9-414w-2x.jpg) (230 KB, 828x1125, pyra_s_weight_gain___part_3__a_nopon_s_life_by_125samurai125_dggcgpg-414w-2x.jpg) (138 KB, 827x1125, pyra_s_weight_gain___part_7__hot_springs_by_125samurai125_dgivxrn-414w-2x.jpg) (209 KB, 827x1126, pyra_s_weight_gain___part_4__a_heavy_lady_by_125samurai125_dggx55m-414w-2x.jpg) (261 KB, 828x1153, pyra_s_weight_gain___part_6__mythra__by_125samurai125_dgi8qy0-414w-2x.jpg)
There was an eight one that I don't have.
Thanks a bunch, glad that someone had them saved
Tell her to stop fucking calling out. Stays home for weeks just to fight! Im sick of the verbal abuse!
TRY IT SHE WONT LET ANYONE COME OVER. She think im her prisoner! God help me!!!!!!
I buy a car battery when im ready. Keep thinking that. Bunch of idiots
She is lying to all of you. Try to come over! Try! You will see I got problems with noone
Please go to work stop calling out every month I cant take the verbal abuse anymore I avoid you and you still find me and start
Has a job but doesnt go every month its somthing new. Every month!!!!
Go to work why are you home for weeks just to watch me do everything! GO TO WORK the fuck!
(751 KB, 1620x1440, 20240811_100110.png)
Can anyone tell me the name of the artist who made this? Their watermark is in the corner, but I don't know whose it is.
(68 KB, 1024x910, GAX85KJXQAAVe92.jpg)
I was able to find who made it, but they only have the low resolution on Twitter. Can anyone re-upload the full-res versions from last thread here?
that is made by NotMyDay1

Sauce of the one in color? Also is it just me or is Reverse Image Search especially bad now that the introduced the Google AI crap?

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