
I’m right with you, especially now that she’s a cannon fatass
I hope we get to have Rena as fat as max Zina and Zina exceeds hee previous size record
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Does anyone have the new plus sized Yelan post?
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Speaking of pages, since it hasn't been posted here's all the midori growth pages up to most recent (at least I think)
I wonder if Ilya is actually in love with Myu, or if maybe she fell in love with the ai Myu Copy after spending a little too much time with it while Myu was in the coma.
(1.2 MB, 2000x1400, 646.png)
if pixiveo wasnt shit at pacing myu would be this size by now
really wish he'd put page numbers on these fuckin things
(357 KB, 900x600, 462.png)
Well this is 462
His pacing is fine, even the plot is “good”. Idk what’s off about it. Even the return of Ilya so far is very disappointing (which seems to be on purposes, especially with this nostalgia run).
Idk. Just can’t be arsed

I really want myu to fat as fat as zina irl
ashley won the recent chubby poll
Now we're getting somewhere!
dont jynx it. gonna be another 400 pages until something interesting happens
She's officially fat. Only took us 464 pages.
Is anyone else having problems fapping this comic, like theres so many filler pages in between fappable material.
I heard someone mention a "gypsy curse" thing in the plot of Pixiveo's comic from the Kip thread. Can someone explain what the fuck that was?
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I assume Kodai is human? Also what’s a Nexi
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Mi madre la tempestad
Finally some top heavy weight gain, it’s too rare to find in most artist’s galleries. Maybe we’ll get more if Ilya shows up again in the Myu comic.
I love this, nice to see a fat panty and stocking picture in their artstyle, thank you for sharing :)
New page log myu
(4.1 MB, 1080x6408, myu.png)
I made this to see myu's actual weight gain over these past 450+ chapters.
Only took 4 fucking years for her to actually start gaining
Where's the new pages?
Dude its been 1 day be a bit patient>>191477
7,7kg in 9 days, wtf is she doin?
All the gains in this comic are pretty exaggerated (the bear woman's is huge)
Idk, but I actually gained like 5kg in 2 weeks so I don't think that 7,7kg isn't achievable in week
They don't want to read though.

They just want their fat of she instant gratification.
why arent you reading into the world building and lore of the fat fetish comic!!! stop jacking off to the fat fetish comic, you need to understand the heckin lore!!!
Hated them because they spoke the truth
If the niggers are too dumb to read then the niggers shouldn't be following a comic to begin with. This isn't exactly a 500 page novel. It's tough shit when a fucking comic is too much of a literary burden. How these mouth breathers managed to find their way to an imageboard is beyond me.
>>191698 Well geez, IDFK, maybe it's because Pixiveo started out as a fat artist, dumbass. Along with the fact that it's a fat art forum.
The comic is contrived doggerel to read. I genuinely have no interest in the sci-fi nonsense and stupid reasons preventing Myu achieving her no-brainer goal of a gainer wanting to gain in a gainer story.

And look, I don't think less of others who have committed to the story- more power to you. But you can't sit there and tell me with a straight face that the story is anything other than a slog. I'm in Camp Kip and even I would readily say that if you don't like soap opera meandering then OSC is gonna be a tough read for you. Both comics have their problems; let's stop being precious about it.
Any new Midori's growth?
Shut the fuck up, you already knew the refutation to this bullshit before you even typed it up.

The story is NOT GOOD. That is what everyone is taking issue with, not the fact that there is a story. There, I responded to your bait in the exact way you were expecting me to.
Anyone have the new pages?
Does anyone have new pages?
She is either gonna drink it and rapidly gain a ton or drink it and rapidly lose it all. So far I have been one of the few not to complain about the pace of the comic but if the latter happens I will hit someone.
Lets wait and see,but i think shes going to give it to Zina, Rena is going to drink it side she lives with her and that drink got her fat in the first place
But those two don't want to gain weight so they have no reason to drink.
How about the third, and best option; every girl drinks it together and gains.
>1 week of hanging out with Zina
Didn’t read the text? Best girl will save this comic.
>dark route: drowns the cow in them even though she’s naturally busty and wanted to even out
Best and most sensical route is utilizing the Rena disposal unit though. Also kind of dark though because it’s pretty much getting her hooked on something she quit again.
Yeah,I think Rena is just tsun about her gains
👀 keep gaining weight ass getting phat as hell
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Ssbbw Rena on the way
When did Rena drink the first batch of anyone knows. I just genuinely forget
Given nectar, possibly by a rival runner as a form of sabotage. Took it because she was insecure over having small tits.
Yeah She was mostly all ass and belly but now she is shaping up to be an all-rounder.
(322 KB, 900x600, 477.png)
Tempescon 26-28 de abril cdmx
we ballin
still wish Myu doesnt drink that shit.
Why? calories = Fat

Unless you think it's a plot device for her have a bad reaction and stop gaining for the next two dozen pages?
It was stated previously that her race losses weight with that drink.
i forget this characters name tbh but I like her idgaf vibe. p fucken hot. that being said i cant wait to see how this is drawn out for 20 pages and made as boring as possible
It was stated to be a RISK. When Myu looked into it, she heard that certain individuals who were cat people like her would often lose weight, but the actual effects are said to be variable. The whole point of the current debate is to debunk if it will cause Myu SPECIFICALLY to lose weight, which she's not comfortable experimenting with.
Bro makes $200/hr dealing with stupid women. You need to get rid of them bro. They not good for business or our image.
>Her race loses weight from that drink

The plot's getting bloated now. Kemonos existing and taking on traits of their respective animals, ok that makes sense. The linker thing was weird, but he put effort into it. Myu has plausible access to technology that could grant her weight gain desires.

He put the weight gain on hold though with the family trauma thing. Not a fan of trauma being in a porn comic, but ok. NOW that Myu's over the trauma, he's introducing another plot device? Where she loses weight that took 400 pages to gain? It could wind up making her fat or whatever; but he has 4 plot devices now.
When will they upload page 478?
I am Lucifer ruler of all. I have sent my arch angel michael like a swift sword
Rena looks like someone whose been sober for years only to fall back into her addiction when the next opportunity presents itself.
Hmm you only told him. Its him lets troll.
I think myu is more excited about Rena’s gains vs her own at this moment.

Hopefully blooming works on myu just as well. Should be exciting
Waste of gains. Need bbc. Not vanilla edomite short runt
>>194911 Nectar-get the fuck out of my house
can someone update kemono?
(291 KB, 900x600, 479.png)
Thats funny have new page, just because I visited my ex at her work and she is fatter
Now we gotta hope she gets big as fuck
Just for me to pump her with cum. Ok. Not scared to fuck your hoe. Doing It for years
>not making the fox drink both
it seems to me that she may not get fat, but her boobs will increase. This elixir seems to work differently for everyone, I wouldn't mind seeing it with a huge boobs
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Here are pages 11 and 12 of Midori's Growth.

I’m just missing page 13 as it was just posted on Pixiveo patreon so if anyone could post it here it would be much appreciated.
I wish he'd draw more Evangelion fatties
completely understandable
(239 KB, 620x413, unnamed (1).png)
Tempescon 26-28 cdmx
Agios yschyros materi tempesta
Any spoilers on what exactly happens in the next few pages? A time skip wg sequence or more talking?
Page 14 of MG anyone?
Myu starts losing weight, Rena's feeding her just makes her gain weight at the same pace than before drinking that shit.Maybe another dose turns Myu's metabolism back to normal,wasting another 50 pages on nothing.
Good news is Rena gets fat as fuck.
This sounds like an April fools prank. Got proof?
Honestly I just want both of them to gain an extra 50 pounds or so but what you're saying might happen as well :|
To be honest with you and everyone here, I'm the least excited for myu getting fatter in this comic. Everyone else getting fat seems to be the real draw for myself and I'm sure others here too. For me the real star of sorts if Zina but Rena is quickly becoming another favorite of mine.
Could someone please post page 14 of Midori's Growth here as it would be much appreciated.
Somebody please, has the 14th part of Midori's?
This was literally introduced over 100 pages ago. you dumbass retard.
So clean your basement. Troll. Its been years. Disgusting.
(254 KB, 900x600, 481.png)

Say yes. We need a happy ending to this.
If these idiots are actually successfully narrating zinas thought process I’m never reading another line of text in this comic again.
To be fair Zina is pretty easy to deduce what her thought process is. She isn't stupid but she isn't complex either. The only time they couldn't know what she was thinking was the scope of her reaction when she found out they both love being fat and want to get fatter.
Where did you find the new part of Midori's Growth? I didn't see it on his patreon page
It was on patreon, it's being stupid for some people and not showing new stuff
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no schizo posts or slurs in the comments so it must be some other site lmao
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Haz patria mata a un gringo
Tempescon 26-28 abril cdmx
>tfw ussbbw golden calf gf
Feels bad.
Could someone please upload Page 15 of Midori's Growth as it’s on Pixiveo Patreon right now and be very much appreciated.
Retiring? She's going to lose weight soon?
[Gestures wildly at Myu] Prime girlfriend material right there! Seriously, Myu has a harem at this point. Ilya, Nadette, Zina, Maia, and maybe even Rena, may as well make this a fatty poly!
She'll be skinny when she wakes up yeah, but then when she bulks up again it won't be for a competition, it'll just be her natural gluttony.
To be honest, Nadette doesn’t seem like the type to move to Latin America. She’s more the type to stay where she’s comfortable.
Yeah probably
Why is the linework suddenly much cleaner?

What's Myu trying to say?
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New log myu page
Pretty sure it's just meant to be generic insults
Is that the guy from the hospital?
Whos the darkskin spanish chick with her face in her sex tape OUCH!!!!
Isn't that also the guy Zina is set to start dating?

So that Zina can get fatter?
Could someone please upload Midori's Growth Page 16 as it’s on Pixiveo Patreon right now and be very much appreciated.
new midori please
Please new midori someone!
Nobody upload it
I would but patreon isn't showing the new post for me, if it shows anytime soon I'll post it
midori please
have we skipped a page or did that conversation just end abruptly?
The page above is from before 485 (the one where Nadette talks about a bf)
Shit you right enjoy your weekend come next week if u want make em wait more lmao
The jealous hearts the jealous souls. I see why they playing you kiddo not even a thank you come over for dinner lol
Celebr te H er Thi ck B ody.
This GIR L could Supprt Womn's Rghts !!!

And the end of the comic better be good because we are nearing it.
Is it? I don't remember pix ever confirming the extact length
It's the same reason why people are always blasting at One Service Choice in the Kipteitei thread, it just feels like to a portion of people that it has dragged on for too long.
Manga/graphic-novels are simply a terrible format for a fetish narrative, as they require even unerotic "plot" scenes to be illustrated.

Don't git me wrong, I very much enjoy erotic literature, but illustrating everything is simply too time consuming.

Instead, artists should write prose interspersed with depictions of the most erotic scenes.
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Speaking of comics
Shouldn't Myu be focusing on her dream of gaining weight?
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I just realize something, did you guys see the numbers on some the images that pixiveo sent, it could be some kind of hint to the next Log Myu pages
This is being pretty selective, it's just the order the pics have released, if you look at the ashly pic that one is 653, the Lucoa one acted is 654, so it doesn't mean anything
I'm disappointed we didn't get any update on how the elixir affected Rena and Myu. I'm also sort of hoping Zina got thirty and saw the extent elixir and drank it not knowing what it was. Sounds like something plausible. For all we know it could be the thing to cure her leg problem but like Rena comes at the cost of getting a permanently fat body unsuited for running even if Zina is disciplined to try serious weight loss.
It's a running trend with this comic. It takes a long while to see the results of something.
Hold up. U ppl complain about seeing shit. What the fuck are you losers doing just staring? Best stuff never gets posted. Blame your mother
Does anyone have the Ganyu pics?
He has been numbering his major works for years, this has nothing to do with Log Myu
The dude is literally just numbering his works. If you want to dive deeper into your schizophrenic streak, I would happily read your angel number-based analysis of the numbers.
Thanks for posting. I also love the totally unrelated anti expat posting.
I want to be there. But alot of ppl going for the wrong reasons. So I wont. Hope you understand.
So they bought the fat linker and are some shady organization that myu will confront and they'll probably help fatten her up
Myu: "She's my roommate."
Doc: "Really?! Think you could put in a good word for me?!"
Myu: "Back off buddy, she's mine!"
Jackie dontcneedhermomma
This is what u do. When they go on their "vacaction" you do the same after
Cute honestly, I dont mind nadette and him getting together I imagine it'll be good content
If he'd promise to help her gain more weight of course.
My dick been in her so many times without squeezing her ass together.
>Spoilered image
That face is so relatable, it hurts.
Hardest read incoming, what if during the award ceremony, Ilya, whatever her name is the big boob feeder, had myu’s linker entered in and it’s absolutely fucking massive

But Myu aspires to be like a Kuma.....
On one hand, I'm hoping the date goes well so that Zina is free to get in a threesome with Miyu and Ilya. On the other hand, I'm hoping it doesn't work out so that Nadette can be in a foursome with them.
Bet that ass smells so good sloppy huge ass
New Page please
What event is this? I forgot

The Grand Kuma League Award Ceremony.
(317 KB, 900x600, 503.png)
Does anyone know where I can get page 502? This is page 503.
can someone please update his kemono?
Good evertone see how useless she is. Now when I start doing stuff you will know its all me. You know how I move ! Up and at it !
So is that like...who's gotten the fattest?

I know this is a long term wg comic but I wish we had more sequences
Yeah, its the competition that Nadette gained a bunch of weight for.
Who's got page 504?
What I would give to see the other fat girls in the competition.
That would be too erotic for this series...
I honestly want to know if I missed something when it was first started and this wasn't meant to be a fetish comic in the first place.
Not trying to beg or anything, but has there been anything on the Midori comic? Not bothered if there isn't, and I won't beg to have someone upload it.
(317 KB, 900x600, newpage.png)

There hasn't been any updates since page 17 on may 6th. Pix announced he is dealing with some stuff which is why there have been delays. I'll be canceling my sub at the end of june because his unreliability and lack of updates as to whether there will be a delay is just abysmal. anyways heres the latest log page
(2.4 MB, 4000x1000, 069.png)
Page 506 is out! Someone please upload it immediately!
Bro thinks he's barclay lmao
>>207677 gringo saying immediately, nah fuck uou
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There's a whole contest where sweaty fat girls have to exorcise and belly dance competitively and we've been focusing on the tiny neko girl...

That's a very sexy goat-girl.

Yeah my biggest problem with it was that he had to know early on he wasn’t going to meet his expected schedule. Why not just tell everyone up front????

Well, one thing's for certain. We are going to celebrate the next 18 pages of this comic.
>one online
>all posts are from one guy

Page 507 is out, someone please upload it!
Does anyone have page 507?
Ooh! Nadette has plans and her kuma friends have helped her out! This is going to be exciting!
Could someone please upload page 508?
Could someone please upload page 509?
Yeah. that lifestyle is unspecified.
TL;DR from Pix themselves:

Schedule is back to normal, output will be increased, and will catch up on late stuff they’ve yet to post.
Why does the only good series pix makes get less than 1 page a month?

The streamer chick one.
Could someone please upload page 511?
(408 KB, 900x600, 511.png)
>see blondie thumbnail and think its rena
>literal who and slight world building exposition in your face
at this point i'd take anyone as the MC besides gooner myu
Could someone please upload page 513?
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I'd wish he'd hurry up and end his boring ass comic and go back to drawing individual cute fat girls like this all the time. 2014-2020 was peak Pixiveo content wise. Patreon sucks too, as you don't get all his regular drawings for the entry price. The tier one step up from base is WAY too expensive, costing almost $9.50 in my currency. I don't mean to hate too much, as I love his art, I'm just disappointed is all. Props to you if you like Log Myu. I guess it's just not for me.
i agree. Pix and Kip both should just go the BWS route
Could someone please upload page 514?
Holy shit. I was the one who posted that here, but that wasn't me who posted that.
Lmao got your rant ripped and put on DeviantArt. That's pretty fucking funny
Could someone please upload page 514?
What for? Is probably more talking filler
Nice animation. Wish he can do more once he's done with LM.
Could someone please upload page 514?
Could someone, anyone please upload pages 514 & 515?
What the fuck, stop begging already
New log myu please
(370 KB, 900x600, 515.png) (405 KB, 900x600, 516.png) (408 KB, 900x600, 517.png)
here. nothing interesting is happening. please stop begging. someone will post when they can.
Mind if you tell which page is page? And page 517 is on Patreon already yesterday, could you please upload it as well?
You know it’s beating a dead horse at this point, but I can’t really get over the absurdity of how long this comic has gone on for with how little of it is needed. I can’t even tell you what this comic is trying to be anymore in terms of the goals. Like if I try to tie it to something like Slice of life or one off adventures with familiar characters or whatever for examples, it just falls flat because of some other factor. Honestly to put in perspective and to be generous since a page isn’t really a full page with it just being 4 or so panels. We can call 2 pages a full page in another comic and we’re still at around 260 pages. Some of my favorite comic runs would have concluded well before already or be wrapping up.

This felt like it lost its focus long ago and I have zero clue what it wants to be anymore. There’s so much exposition and lore dumping I can’t even understand what it’s trying to build towards anymore and whatever it is won’t be worth the wait because the build up has just been painfully dull. Not like it’s to see Myu get fat because guess what, Pix already drew her fat a couple times in single pieces or whole sequences. I honestly wouldn’t even mind if Pix wants to continue this story, but it needs like a hard stop and rethink its structure and goals. Call it Log Myu 2nd Chapter or whatever. It just can’t continue as it is. The streamer comic already shows Pix can do something more concise with a better format too, and I don’t think it’s much of a stretch to say people are more excited about that than this at the moment. Worthless rant over.
You're a retard. 517 is in that and their order is correct and in the file names... THINK before you decide to open your text hole and decide to type something stupid.
You forget a important factor, Pix is pulling 4k each month for a few years now, same story with Kipteitei, or even the author of the Revenge comic, these people discovered a way to have their Patreon at peak numbers and they are not gonna let that go.
Does anyone have page 514?
Children should not be here, especially slow ones.
Yeah, I really struggle to see what the point of all this is. It's not contributing anything towards the fetish stuff, it's not contributing anything towards the worldbuilding, it's not even contributing anything meaningful to the character development because we have no reason to care about any of the characters involved because they literally just showed up. Why are we getting the entire life story of a character who appeared for the first time like twenty pages ago? Is she going to be a recurring character from now on or something? I remember when Myu was in the linker stuffing herself and Pix said the story would be wrapping up soon, now it's less than halfway through the comic and it still shows no sign of stopping.
It's a really simple reason, people love to pay for this shitty comic and Pixiveo wants to keep writing it for as long as possible. So he'll keep making money forever, etc.
Wake me up when Pixiveo becomes good again
He’s French. His dialogue is very stilted and overly analytical so it’s not just you.
i just want the damn midori growth comic. i dont give a fuck about some webcom
>>215276 thanks for the effort, it looks great
NO. ever since it started i could barely follow what the characters were saying. i just stick cause the desings are cute and hot
I still haven't figured out the sequence of the panels lol, idk which sides comes first
Who has page 519?
Who has page 520?
>>187590 (OP)
And when the next one thread is made, let's remember to be polite and not go on a crazy tirade against the Pixiveo or display any early access artwork from his Patreon.
Shut the fuck up, we're free to post whatever we want
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>let's not display any early access artwork from his Patreon
Anon wants people to post his work right out of the gate.
>let's remember to be polite and not go on a crazy tirade against the Pixiveo
And quick.
cynicism is not reality.
Hi, page 522 is out. Could someone please kindly upload it here?
I feel this side plot is actually gonna fit into the conclusion of this comic. Myu will get the idea, with her family money and influence, to support an any phenotype gaining competition, Zina will become a participant and likely champion, and Nat will become her coach so she can be happily retired but still find another way to still be involved.
If Nat will be retired, will she still gain weight for the rest of her life?

Do you Myu will be as fat as she dreams to be at the end of the comic?
She may still have her weight fluctuate but she won't be obligated to becoming as fat as possible each year. Earlier pages even had her stating gaining weight for the competition was negatively affecting her social and sex life hence why she's actually looking forward to retiring.
Oh my god look, the more interesting thing that actually has the fucking fetish in it is back on screen!
>she lost weight and now parrots the haters she previously ignored
Writing with class and subtlety like a brick to the head
So is Midori's Growth just like... abandoned? It's been almost 3 months without a page.
sad. it was the only actual wg story with no bullshit filler
Could someone please kindly upload page 524?
Damn,It would be nice if he puts log myu on hiatus for this.
Is there an easy way to find all the parts?
God damn it what? Is this old? It’s legitimately a good page.
Log Myu is probably going to end very soon.
Unironically, just based on things Pixiveo has said in discord.
I hope the end's happy!
Is there a screencap? Log Myu has been going on for a long time now, so it can go either way.
Where's page 524?
Does anyone have pages 524 & 525?
I'mma be the one to say that if Myu(and everyone else for that matter) isn't obscenely obese by the time this comic ends, it'll be a waste of many years of attention.
The comic, as it already is, is a massive waste of time and attention. I've seen porn with plot, I've seen plot with porn, but I've never seen anyone derail their own storytelling multiple times just to avoid their own premise.
What was the story even about? It's been so dragged out that I just completely forgot about it
That's literally third weight gain comics i know about, that seems to be stretched too much, i don't know why it became so popular, to milk money from subscribers this way, instead of trying to make new comics.
Kipteitei, guy that made "revenge" and Pixiveo are literally making soap opera of comics now, at least here i can enjoy cute art - i always liked Pixiveo's style of drawing.
At the very beginning, Myu just wanted to become fat. After that i literally stopped trying to understand, what's happening there.
I know there is something about linkers, that act like your "second body" or "temporary body", but it would be hard to remind myself more, without going through WHOLE comic.
Originally, Myu had a fat kink and wanted to get as fat as possible, but she couldn't achieve it because of her fast metabolism. Then there was the linker sub-plot with one too many false weight gaining, where you had entire months' worth of pages of useless stuff like Myu and her friends just talking in public transportation. Fast forward a few hundred pages, Myu gained some weight while all of her supportive friends seem to be better in her own goal than she is.
There's no wonder that people are pissed. Those who paid feel a huge case of sunk cost fallacy and those who didn't pay get the front row seat for some of the biggest cases of blueballing with so many side tracks that not even pirating it is worth it.
And yes - the story is stretched beyond limits.
Pixiveo posted the following on her Patreon on 09/13/2021: believe we're past mid-point in terms of story, but it's quite hard to translate this in terms of pages, especially since we'll soon reach pivotal events that will take more pages to unfold than some previous ones!
Just after page 154. I think the entire team behind Horus Heresy should take notes on how to get properly sidetracked from Log Myu.
It’s a shame too, because I’m for a slow burn weight gain story to appreciate each small step of the journey in full. But there’s a difference between a slow burn and the oven not even being on.

The biggest kick for me is that it’ll probably race through the rest of her weight gain like every other comic that finished within 20 pages.
I agree, it's a slow burn done horribly wrong. Both slower and faster comics can be done really well, BWS not too long ago shown how a comic with good blend of fast paced story and weight gain is made, with each page being it's own microcosm within the overall story, lingering for a bit before jt cuts to the next part. Stead pace through and through.
I appreciate a good story, but we really don't need dozens of consecutive pages filled with nothing but small talk. Unfortunately, wrapping it up quickly for the sake of it is just as bad of an option.
The worst part about whole weight gain stuff in this comic is fact, that Myu suddenly gained weight when she went into coma/became unconscious, due to mistake of one of nurses that were taking care of her.
If you want to make slow weight gain comic, you don't stretch story for hundreds pages, only to then make character suddenly gain weight in a few chapters.
She barely gained any weight on her own, most of her fat comes from time that she spent in hospital.
At least we can see other characters gain weight, but it's still taking too many chapters to see decent progress.
Why is nobody uploading Log Myu Pages 524-526?
Why don't you go fuck yourself?
I feel like at this point someone should just separate log myu from this thread, since all the people here seem to love complaining about a story being paced like a story, and not having 24/7 fetish shit
mfw people want fetish content from a fetish comic and not author’s sci fi wet dream novel
Bro, just let the guy cook, and Jesus Christ if you’re looking for a quick comic just fucking go look for one, there’s plenty. And about that whole fetish comic shit, it’s more of a story than a fetish comic at this point. I would LOVE to see you try and write a cohesive story for this long, and draw it into a comic format.
the writing isnt even good, its so hard to follow, its super drawn out, and its supposed to be a fetish comic you jack off to. its so stupid and childish for a writer to add a bunch of useless world building to a fetish comic, stop dick riding
The only one dick riding is you, you are so dedicated to hating on pixiveo. it is quite literally basic fucking knowledge that when writing a story, worldbuilding is essential. And you might be stupid, cause I can understand the writing perfectly fine
Oh no it's the "u dont understand log myu" nigger again
I think the real issue here is misunderstanding what this entire board is about. It is a fetish board.

If anything I'd argue that this comic is already to the point where it actually doesn't belong here. The only reason it's being paid so close attention to is that it has consistently high quality art.

Outside of that it's been about 400 pages of panels that are 1/3rd a character's face and 2/3rds the monologue that they're spewing. It's Ctrl+Alt+Del with chubby girl essence flavoured LaCroix splashed in.
Better question is why is the comic the only thing getting uploaded? I like Pix’s art. I only check on the thread for said art that hasn’t been uploaded in awhile. Because I know there’s art that exist outside this dumb comic.
the problem is that the story is asinine. just because somethings long doesnt mean its inherently good. the whole point is that this story doesnt NEED to be long. im all for a good story but it needs to get an keep my attention. just making it long for the sake of being 'cohesive' is absurd
midoris growth is great and definitely belongs on this board. theres actual weight gain and money shots. i just doesnt get uploaded here often because pix only really draws log myu
The comic is coming to an end with the weigh in results of the GKL being the capstone.

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