
FINALLY, someone did a thread of this artist i like!!!
Come to poppa you know poppa loves you
>>186566 Your ass is NOT Bob Seger
Schzio banned back again
U cant stop me
Clearly I came out on top I made them quit moderation. So. Im going to have something to qench my thirst. Ill let it run for just a few weeks then ill be back.
>>186572 fuck off to whatever hellhole you even came from you schizo (probably federal agent)
Got that right. Im not afraid of you anymore. Im going to assault you. Im peeking in your window.
Bob is a real one out of all these cucks.
what the hell is the point of your gibberish? don't you have anything better to do? do you even like fat chicks? take your meds, do some drugs, just please do something aside from spouting nonsense for no god damn reason
ew what is this

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