
This is what a true creampie should he like
To the person who answered my question in the last thread, hi and thanks.

The character variety is there, but much like something that happened with metal years ago, it usually falls whenever there is a hype for a new manga/anime character that comes out. So probably less of a variety issue, but rather a mainstream issue. Additionally, the rise of people bundling stuff to essentially get commissions of their OCs are also on the rise, so there's also that.

I see your point on the people in the middle group either falling in line or feeling disenfranchised. Though at the same time, it's why we have the 3 different types of fats on rotation now. Again, kind of falls back on mainstream being predominant here. I'm fine with fats being fats (even somewhat repetitive to an extent), so it's not terrible for me, but I can for sure see the staleness in that.

It can be a systemic issue with his patreon system tbh that his art is the way it is if conceived as bad.

Other notes:
>struggles with height not scaling with weight
I want to see an example out of curiosity since I just want to see. Could have already had an example posted here lol

Also yeah, more than plausible to improve in some areas while regressing in others. It's not going to be perfect for everyone, so we mostly pick and choose what we like and move on (mostly).

Lastly, to the other anon in the last thread who said Nikume legs look weird in the age 21 photo, yeah a bit. Feels like it's missing one or two details to fully flesh it out, not to mention that her left leg could also be slightly larger in my eyes.

If the images end up nicely enough, I might get "creative" and just collage them together as if they were gaining simultaneously.

Mini essay done.
>>186087 (Cross-thread)
i think salt is at a point where hes got all the fundamentals and can comfortably experiment with his style with regards to colors, textures positions and perspectives. His sketches are all solid, consistently, and their biggest crime would be the 'same-iness' if you can see that as an issue. to see this as 'improvement' would be to entirely miss the point of salt's mindset as an artist, hes just fuckin around doing his own thing. he's learning to better achieve what his vision is and in that way he has improved but you dont get there linearly in a checklist, its just seeing what you like and how you like to do it

>>186086 (Cross-thread)
me too, the brief period between thin and starter-chubby and having a distinct hanging gut/ flaring thighs is too often slept on, and has at least 2 distinct inbetween phases that are the most fun to explore because they are on the boundary of socially/personally acceptable and being undeniably fat without any misinterpretation. One day fat lovers will know but today is not that day, sad!
Better Call Salt
(4.4 MB, 1892x2974, IMG_4496.png)
Disappointed the BWS patrons aren’t nominating this for the explicit polls
Kurisu needs to win the explicirt poll lol
BWS earns a ton of money from their patreon, which is interesting because you can pretty much get full res art for just $2 a month. Makes me wonder if all those other patreon artists that charge way more and try to find roundabout ways to stop their art from being shared on places like Kemono only end up harming their earnings in the long term.
Hate to be that guy but.... does anyone have a collection of all the Lucy stuff he's done?
(1.7 MB, 2029x2280, Santa2 Chuggy Bunny.png)
We already have a Mai explicit piece though? Do we really need another one of the exact same thing?
Fuck yeah we do. Go away
>>186088 (OP)
Shut the fuck up. Jesus. As long as there isn't sny shitty lesbo art its fine.
At this point, I'm convinced people like you are just trolling the threads.
Yeah a porn thread about fat chicks shouldn’t have anyone fighting lol. It’s not that serious.
No gay people so far. Peak.
who's the fatty in the middle trying to throw a kick?
Fuck all these gays. Lebsians are ass.

Asuka kazama from tekken
Keep it to yourself next time, we’re trying to enjoy fat art
This is why I never argue with schizos, you always have to dumb things down to their level
Today's Nat's birthday, hopefully we get peak today
>inb4 Lucy, Rebecca or another commission
By putting your two cents into it. I guess you did exactly the opposite of you insisted correction
Of course he’s gonna make it, he only gives a fuck about his “PrEcIoUs LiTtLe ChArAcTeRs WhO cOuLdN’t HuRt A fLy”.
I dont give a fuck ! Come at me bro
A comic of how Nat and Chloe* met and became roommates would be cool. Also Nat has an older sister, I think it could be interesting if she was introduced and reacted to how big she has gotten...
What do you even mean bro
Bitches not thick enough lol
anyone got the original for the 4th one?
Enough Nat and Chole.
Your name gave me an idea, but I don’t wanna sacrifice one of my male OCs for that idea
We barely get any of his OCs anymore even though they’re the hottest. It’s all anime and Nintendo girls I couldn’t give a fuck about
Oh wow. Kill myself. So fucking original. Wah wah wah.
I wish. Outside of those sketches he did for christmas he hasn't drawn Chloe since august and Nat since september, hell I think Chloe barely got anything last year
>>186400 Can you collaborate anything to this thread like an artwork? Or you just gonna try to destroy the thread with your bitchiness?
I hope to fucking god pewbutt does a Ronnie Mcnut and just fucking kills himself
Damn, either this is a flashback or they lost like 100 pounds lmao
Bros, just wanted more Nat and Halie...
>>186415 Finally something related to the thread, with a splash of the OCs. Is nice.
Well, I got blocked by salt, AMA.
Kinda disappointing ngl...since it's been so long I was hoping for a fully rendered thing and with her current size, man. It almost feels like he forgot it was today and had to do something real quick. I don't dislike it but I was expecting something more powerful
When are you gonna kill yourself?

And how?
(1.3 MB, 2484x1949, Having Her Cake.png)
Did bro forget that these are his main OC? Did he forgot about that one poll he made that said people preferred his OC over other characters? I'm all in for these cute things but after not drawing them in like half of a year and then bringing them back with okay-ish quality and missing like 300-400 pounds then I just don't care. Guy can draw like 50 Lucys if he wants but at least put effort on your main stuff for fuck's sake, even worse comparing it with pic related and that he skipped Shannon's birthday too. Yes, I'm mad
What did pew even do anyway
I mean he kinda kickstarted the whole “What if nat and Chloe but le skinny?!?” Type thing, I mean don’t get me wrong I hate thin Nat and Chloe as much as the next guy. But I think maybe that’s too far
It was more "Halie fat, everyone else skinny" more than anything though
No lesbos yet. Let's go.
>He had to do something real quick, so he drew an entire comic page.
Do you have brain damage?
Im sticking with james he made and topped out higher then all you wannabe wall street cowboys fuck outta here
(3.5 MB, 2894x4093, Couple Stuff Page 18.png)
>Do you have brain damage?
Do you? "An entire comic page" means absolutely nothing when it's filled with chibis and empty space
>I started sperging out and then I got blocked, how can this be happening to me??
I got the feeling that maybe salt is reaching his limit in how much art he can output, i mean no matter how much hes earning, he the only one making the art,Maybe thats why hes been streaching too thin in the creative aspect lately.
you say that like he just hits a 'print normal comic' button instead of 'print fat arts comic'. i say this again we are lucky to have anything for ocs this consistently and of this quality
No. Just dont want u faggits with my blueprint. Fuck outta here.
I know right. Why repeat that lol
nayrt but the height/weight scaling is because a specific requester likes girls getting taller as they get fatter, not Salt doing unintentionally poor anatomy
You need therapy. Badly.
Why the fuck does this thread remind me of Team Fabulous 2, only more unhinged.
On what planet some are living on.
His OCs are more popular than the generic (tr)anime girls.
Despite this most of them were not seen in years. Most didn't even get a lore sheet (6 out of 15; 40%).
Didn't help that the ranking system was not only bombed by the tasteless, but misunderstood by the retards with one of the most common arguments for a bad grade being "Not seen enough" (as if then a bad grade would make it more likely).
If you like any OC bar the already common ones wait till the sun rises in the West, but at least you get the gorillionth work of Lucy & other (tr)anime girls (as if there weren't enough already).
Every thread is like that. Basically over.
Lol what the hell is your fucking problem
(123 KB, 734x549, 1334002351273.jpg)
Very normal things to say. Maybe you should show this to a close friend or family member and see what they think.
They do. They're telling you how much of a moron you'd have to be to harass someone like Salt, or even any other artist.
Fuck this. Both of them need to get dicked down.
(621 KB, 686x721, The Frog of Judgement.png)
>nice Chloe
ugh. Way to ruin the appeal. Unless she gets meaner and more selfish the fatter she gets ,the only way to salvage Chloe at this point is to make her mother a fit mifl who's always on her fat ass for being a fat ass. I still fapped to this, I'm just disappointed a little.
kek. What did Pew do to you?
Probably OP refers to a fanart by Pewbutt, where Chloe was buff, which he sees as the cause for her skinnier portrayal in that recent work. Very schizomaxxed.
>People cry when Chloe is an irredeemable bitch with no good qualities
>People bitch when Chloe can on occasion do nice things (and pretend it's a new thing even though that's been a part of her character for years)
I don't envy the position Salt is in lmao
(33 KB, 600x564, Angry Anime Girl.jpg)
>>People cry when Chloe is an irredeemable bitch with no good qualities
No, people like it when she's an irredeemable cunt, except for that one weirdo who wants to kill and rape her corpse.

>>People bitch when Chloe can on occasion do nice things
It kinda takes away from her vehement cuntness when she's nice. Besides, she's never been nice before.

>and pretend it's a new thing even though that's been a part of her character for years
Kill yourself, prove it!

>I don't envy the position Salt is in lmao
All Salt has to do is draw the blobs and everyone will be happy.
(117 KB, 858x931, IMG_0244.jpeg)
Damn… guess we need fat Chloe to calm down that one guy
(25 KB, 718x724, zfvmxptzj7dc1.webp)
Welp, thread's already gone to shit again. We had a nice... what, a week? Anyway, see you guys in a month, or not cuz I'm really hoping whatever mental disorder(s) the shitters have makes them eat a 12 gauge
Got my 12 gauge right here in my hand. I will never stop until they resign. Or dispose. Damn he knows how we think. Years of data. Here is the curve.
>>186562 Do you ever shut up? Go back to whatever 4chan board you came from. Almost think you're a fed at this point.
I shut the fuck up when im munching on tour bitch pussy!
Shut the fuck up y'all, I swear god you americans are born to be stupid little retards
Somebody get the janitors...
I know this sounds like a stupid idea that’ll go nowhere, but what if BWS’s OCs we’re written by viziepop?

Chloe would be the sailor mouth, that's out of the way

> About almost every character is gay so that lines up.

> Chole eats Nat's food.

> "Why are you touching my shit?"

> "I was hungry."

> Burp.mp4




> Rinse and repeat.
Verbalese getting buck broken by pink haired android 18 and a 50k commission of Lucy from that flavor of the month anime.
Could of been a millionaire at 21. Could of gone bankrupt few years later. Settle for mediocre career. Now my mind is clear im getting back into my gear.
>back when nat only had to worry about Chloe taking “a piece”
>back when Chloe had any brain activity acting as a buffer between her and any of the short lived confections put before her
Nat and Chloe pieces are always good
Unironically an amazing comic. Not only was each individual piece great, but salt did great with the progression as a whole.
Felt like 5 times the comic you actually got it was so well done.
No. Keep yapping bitch. Wah wah wah.
(94 KB, 1440x1715, b80.jpg)
Can some of you grow some brain cells and learn to understand that none of us care about your retard opinions on fatty wank. Quit clogging up a fourth thread with your useless bitching and shotgun a jug of bleach.
Im conviced alot of you use chatgpt to create your responses
>>186666 The sad thing is the reports do nothing. Just schizos clogging the fucking drain. They cleaned up the cheese pizza earlier, why not these retards?
Because retards dont know how to type. Youre referring to schzio.
Barclay got rid of the only mod who cared about this board.
I’m convinced you performed pretty mid in school (and life).
Sorry to offend Princess, fuck off then yeah.
Geographic demonstration. You fool them not me.
>>186685 now that's what I'm talking about
(3.0 MB, 1668x1880, Sammy coffee.png)
>wah wah wah Jannies step on me and stop me from posting
>i want an image dump and nothing more wah wah wah
I don't know what's more pathetic. The closeted big gays asking for dick or the faggots asking to be pegged by jannies. At least the Chloe necrophile is honest about his retardation.
damn let's go, no glasses is a nice touch
How much do you think she weighs here? From 100 lbs to over 800?
>>186719 I just want art and the schizophrenia not turned up to 11. Too much to ask?
(19 KB, 320x309, tjuhw384xtub1.png)
>i want an image dump and nothing more
Yes, oxygen thief that's why it's an image thread. Not an "air out my mental health problems on random fattywank fags" thread.
I sort of wish Zelda's drawings were released as separate png's so they could be mixed with the other fat Zelda's that were drawn before, but then it's not that hard to edit out the background.
Sorry princess kill your self I guess, your white knight janitor boyfriends too. Make sure to post it when you do so
>t female brained faggot
Go cry to your boyfriend about it bitch ass lmao
(39 KB, 700x358, 102.jpg)
Seconded mate, I keep coming on her seeing a update and nearly every time I'm like; "Oh another scitso post, I can't jack odd to that."

Do you wake up in the morning this tedious and dull? Or do you really have to try to be the biggest dullard in the room?
(603 KB, 1433x2034, Hammy Sammy_ Part 1.jpg) (4.1 MB, 1578x1592, Hammy Sammy_ Part 2.png) (527 KB, 2200x1701, Hammy Sammy_Part 3.jpg)

>it's an image thread
It's an artist thread on an imageboard. I know this must be a foreign concept to you but imageboards are known for the their ability to post image files, sound files(if the BO isn't a cunt) and video files in addition to text to accompany them.
>>186769 in the first image the scale was literally "i won't even give you the number, i'm not paid enough for this you fatso"

She is definitely over 1500 pounds in the final pic. There are people irl who are 800 pounds, they don’t look like that.
Fuck Nat and Chole. They both need dick in their lives.
Dear reminder that Nat is bi and Chloe is either straight or bi since everyone seems to believe they're all lesbians
>>186793 I blame the guy who went on a rant about Courtney and that schizo with a god complex.
whos who again
i need like a character guide atp
>>186797 Nat is the nerdy redhead, Chloe is the bratty pink haired girl , Sammy is the stubborn blonde, Halie is the skinny chick, Courtney is the dirty blonde girl (and the fattest of the Salt OCs), and finally, Shannon is the darker redheaded girl.
Four of them are cringe. Guess why!
Did he draw more of Dress up Darling?
(70 KB, 703x881, IMG_20240127_100848.jpg)
It must be hard for halie to pretend she is in love with Nat when she have this monumental woman in front of her
Nothing pretend about it.
Nice work, I'd been hoping someone would make something like this. I like seeing the sizes of Salt's OCs compare with each other

You think you could make one accurate heights?
That's pretty cool. I hadn't realized that Nat and Chloe weren't actually that far from each other, I'm curious what would be the canon weight difference these days (it was like 100 pounds before they met Halie)
Halie was friends with Sam before she got that big and before she met Nat. After she met Nat at the gym the encounter stayed in her mind for months and the next time she met her she was bigger too so I bet that cemented her crush
Sure! I was actually thinking about doing that anyway.
Was perfect until this part.
>The character variety is there
I would disagree. Between his and his circlejerk's OCs? Absolutely. OCs become first class citizens almost immediately following artist popularity because they're also sources of income (i.e., people outside the circlejerk who pay to be patrons AND THEN pay for the comm as well). The last time we got a truly different character was Alakshmi.
>I want to see an example out of curiosity since I just want to see
Bad news was that I didn't have to go far on his Kemono; they get bigger so they get taller? Actual height or perspective error it's still the same issue. Good news is that he has gotten better about reducing the amount of times it happens. Again, not a black-or-white issue where there's only failure or success.
>it's why we have the 3 different types of fats on rotation now
I guess we do, but the rotation is OCs, his circlejerk's/team's favorite characters, and characters that get brute-forced as poll options.

Overall it's a frustrating experience because to tie it up with your original question, I think Salt is overall very good and it shows when he's not working the content mill. Again, I figured it'd be worth it to respond to you since you at least seemed interested.
I made two height charts; one for their height in general order, and one in order of how they appear in the main comparison image.

The updated folder:
Wow that ass looks so juicy and thicc
Been seeing this girl a lot, she's getting somewhat stale. Vaguely remember there being someone on one of these threads from years ago who said that they would start commissioning for her a lot just to piss people off.
Not talking just BWS mind you.
(223 KB, 1160x1423, 08-22.png) (337 KB, 1124x1364, Violet 7.jpg)
Also, here's a coloring attempt for a past Violet sketch that's kinda mid. Imma post this on the coloring thread, but could someone color this, please?
Finally some Juvia art no offense to the Lucy fans but we need more art of her Erza maybe Irene and Cana we need a little break from Lucy art
Yeah, I can see what you mean there.
Sorry for the rhetorical question, but can't both of them change their body type in a way? Not to excuse it, but don't know enough to make that claim there.

Honestly the height thing is probably to get close to, but avoid immobility or blob territory.
The thing with character variety is that it can exist if the wait times were longer and constantly in polls. It has to be longer or in the case of some ocs, be commission only type things. But then we get into issues of who wants what andnso on so forth (look in this artist thread of people who want more ocs and some less. No 100% satisfaction.

Honestly not sure what else to add.
(162 KB, 620x389, IMG_3711.webp)
Who made their order already?
Much appreciated! Thanks
Gonna wait to see what kind of stickers he makes
I remember someone making a bunch of these on one of the past threads.
ngl, who would unironically buy these? like his art is cool and all, but I wouldn't want to be caught with these. i would buy the Cartoon Network color palette though.
Also to add again to this, just having the conversation and asking the questions is amusing (when things don't spiral out) and interesting. So again, thanks fornthe interaction and humoring my pointless talk.
(649 KB, 803x1428, 1687497458904.png)
So how do you guys think Halie developed her fat fetish? Did she end up on the wrong side of the internet, was her Mom fat when she was younger, or what?
People who don't give a shit or live alone.
Probably some cartoon for kids with a fat fetish focused chapter...
Probably the same reason we’re all here
>>187062 If we're going off when she met Nat as the catalyst, it's probably fat women getting trapped in small spaces. That or Sammy slowly gaining weight, because IIRC, she met Sammy first, right? I believe there's an Undertaker story on that, I may be wrong.
Im so happy that we got this explicit alt, it's one of my favorite pieces of salt!
>>187081 Yes you'll be hit, by the curse of the pharoahs!
Damn, nice, work, especially with the police line up!
Too bad we didn’t get see Chloe peaking over everyone’s head in the profile comparison, but at least Hailey got to shrimp her way through the cast, from Shannon to her GF.
Holy fuck someone please post the colored ones
Okay, who gave Juvia alcohol again?! She's gonna drown the whole guild hall at this rate!
Is there any new part of the nikume weight gain sequence?
That girl gonna end round like a zeppelin
It's been identical to Serenea's sequence, but for consistency that's good. Nikumi will probably go hard on her gluttony next part.
someone gotta send that sequence so we can compare
Serena's sequence is at the top of this thread already. Maybe someone could do side by side comparisons once Nikume's sequence is finished.
So I checked his Patreon and it seems he made a post asking for feedback about his Patreon yesterday, did anyone checked out what he was asking specifically and what did the comments say? I'm kinda curious but kemono hasn't been updated
He's also asking people on DA (and maybe twitter idk) what they thought of his artworks for feedback.

He also mentioned how he's lowering his # of posts a bit for long-term projects he has in mind. While not exactly the point, I feel it adds a bit of credence that he's doing too much and could/would/has affected his art quality.
Also since he is asking it, I suppose leave comments and see whether it's taken to consideration in the future or not.
>>186088 (OP)
You lame niggas is a bunch of weirdos wacking off to cartoon porn. Moms should have aborted you gay homos
>>187336 It's a porn site what did you expect
be a fuckin man and go fuck 1 of the 2 trillion women in this fuckin world
I dunno guys, I think the Nikume sequence is kinda disappointing...we're here to watch her eat like Serena, bruv
I was going to wait until it was done, but nicely done
She looks so hot! Good job pal! Imagine merging her with Chloe's body
Merge Chloe and Sammy and combine their weights!
That could be humongous
Damn, she's so cute that way bro
Please do the others
I’m going to need a front facing look too
what's the closest BWS has gotten to focusing on feet
Next the blind will see and the lame will walk!
I very much appreciate more Vie posts
Undertaker should rot in hell, he's clogging up the commission slots
I'm really not a fan of all the commissions (neither by undertaker33 nor anyone else). It's always Salt's weakest pieces. However, undertaker33 invented Sammy, so he's excused.

Speaking of Sammy, she's kind of the main character in Winter's Warmth, so not including her when commissioning someone for some accompanying art is a shame. Also, Auvie is described as being around 200lbs, while being short and here she's more like 120.
I was just wondering... Does Salt have a fat fetish too? Or it's just because it's a nice business. Do most of fetish artists have this fetish? Or just some affinity to it?
With good business I mean that it's a great opportunity to make money of something you can really like and that you can have a more stable base of clients
4/10, should've had more belly instead of boobs, belly suits Hilda better. This is a painfully average image.
3/10. Left image looks nice, but the nipples on the right are way too big.
>belly suits Hilda better.
Fucking retard
absolutely love her face on the left
There's a difference between "painfully average" and something just not being to your tastes
Don't bother, this is probably one the guys with a massive hate boner for BWS for some schizo reason.
I thought of Hilda as more of an ass girl tbh, but this is still so fucking good and hope we get more of her.
Kinda wanna start a question but what do you think Salt’s Oc ethnicities are?
>>187674 Look at the last names and look them up. I know that Undertaker specifically requested Sammy to be Ukrainian, but Nat is Scottish, and Halie is French. I'm not sure about the others, especially Chloe or Courtney, as Peterson and Moore really ain't anything to go off of unless assumed American or Germanic origin.
Val's full name is Valerie Rossi, so italian
The dawgs are out on this one 187081
Least schizophrenic bbwchan user:
so this is the power of AI? Impressive, most impressive. Now show us what it can really do.
Love the massive tits, so hot

are those stats end game/epic tier?
My biggest issue with this piece is that Zigzagoon isn’t native to Unova, and the only way to get it in Gen 5 is to transfer. Come on Salt, do your research!
It's a comm so I'm gonna guess it was the commissioner's idea
Going to be "that guy" - Pickup has a flat 10% chance to give rare candies in the original Ruby and Sapphire. This was super abusable, as you could essentially fill your open party slots with low-level Zigzagoon from early routes and grind easy levels. Future games fixed this issue by scaling item chance with the level of the Pickup mon; in most, Pickup mons only begin finding rare candies at level 21, and the chance doesn't reach 10% until level 41.

Considering that all of Hilda's Zigzagoon are unevolved in both the before and after shots, it seems as if Salt is working off of Ruby/Sapphire pickup mechanics. I think Hilda visiting Hoenn and catching as many Zigzagoon as physically possible is the most likely scenario.
You say it like analyzing is bad, Its nifty finding those details and figuring out how
The comments he's been getting are
>Wanting to see his OCs more
>Wanting more size variety
>Wanting to see anon guys with his girls more
>Wanting more slice of life images
Salt has been giving hearts to all of these comments, except the size variety ones.
>you know remember all the fat may art
Double based
The Zelda comic for sure had the most noticeable feets shots
Based commission chads making retards itt seethe.
In all honesty that piece is way better than 90% of the Lucy pieces.
I actually think hips and thighs suit her more, I mean she's wearing fucking jean shorts after all, those things are precision designed for skindentaion and unintentional tears. I love the way her skin looks though, and I don't mind some top heavy bbw every once in a while
He's been drawing them a lot more recently, what are you talking about?
someone should really edit that face
could you link it please?
It's the wrong thread, retard
We have to see what the last part will look like, but seeing as how she's sitting at this time makes me believe Salt learned from the other Fit for Fat experiment with how far the stomach was protruding. At the moment it does look better when she is forced to sit down.
Hey guys salt dropped the newsletter can anyone post it?
(146 KB, 1080x972, IMG_20240206_022642.jpg) (285 KB, 1080x1915, Screenshot_2024-02-06-02-26-27-546_com.patreon.android-edit.jpg) (1.0 MB, 1080x2145, Screenshot_2024-02-06-02-24-14-607_com.patreon.android-edit.jpg) (728 KB, 1080x1977, Screenshot_2024-02-06-02-24-39-272_com.patreon.android-edit.jpg) (641 KB, 1080x2261, Screenshot_2024-02-06-02-25-01-770_com.patreon.android-edit.jpg) (560 KB, 1080x2062, Screenshot_2024-02-06-02-25-14-658_com.patreon.android-edit.jpg)
Best way I could post it
Idk why it got marked as spoiler but that's the Newsletter
Thanks, can't wait for Val's pic
Curious if he'll try to do another hardcore piece with Val
Really looking forward to the Mya piece.
Would be my favorite oc if she had this shape
Great job!
Nice job. No pressure but I’d love to see any of the other OCs with another’s body type sounds fun
(240 KB, 2091x2815, D5250CE8-190E-4309-B9D9-E35AFE15723A.jpg)
not the same guy but i decided to fuck around and make halie fat
sorry if it's not fantastic or anything, i just did this kinda quick for fun
Original Vie commissioner here. You kinda cooked with this one ngl, I dont hate it.
Shii, thanks!

She’s a top tier OC! 👍

It looks great! Fat Halie is actually hella cute
>>188392 I've never seen a single Snide and Sniff video, is it that bad?
Get high and watch their videos, it’s the funniest shit ever.
For the love of god we need elphelt plzzzzzzz

>Might not get Salt to do Android 21 if she loses

Just gut me with a dagger already
Dude I’m so sick of the burps. Ruined a perfectly good picture.
Good news! There's a version without burping. You can find it above.
It's very easy to edit if you want thanks to the original version, not like most will care though ("why is the 1000 pounds girl burping????"")
You must have me confused with someone else. I’m just not a fan of the patented Salt Burp Face.
(Would have personally suggested Ishmael if it came down to Limbus representation)
You I thought the same DAMN thing, why her out of Ishmael or Don. I’m not mad or anything but we didn’t get enough story/lore for her to be out here (sorry for the rant)
Sorry I almost forgot to say that yes we went over the story in the early parts of the game but I feel like Ishmael and Don should be put on the polls, let’s just hope that someone does in the future
Im convinced news helicopters create highway traffic hahahaha like a fucking video ge
Who are you to tell him who his "main ocs" are, dumbass? Maybe he's just bored of them.
(925 KB, 1061x1369, IMG_5111.png) (525 KB, 632x1876, IMG_5112.png)
No really I not trying to rant or anything but Ishmael and Don is consider the most fan favorites, but Rodion is only mentioned because her story starts early on in the game so many fans pick her for polls like these
Yeah genuinely weird choice

I will say, she is canonically a big eater and 90% of the time talks about food... buuuuut Ishy and Donqui are the most popular so I dunno, bias ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Damn, the Limbus Company retards really came out of their shells huh? It's so easy to rile them up
(258 KB, 927x1051, outis_vs_ishmael.jpg)
>these characters should get more art because... they're popular characters who already have a lot of fanart!
This is the same logic tendies use to defend the 2254th drawing of Princess Peach. So much for the respectful Western PM fanbase.
Again I’m not trying to sound like an ass or anything but I seen a lot of artist who keeps getting Rodion on their pulls but forgets that their are other women in the game. I don’t care at all about Rodion picking pick, hell I’m glad she is even on the pill at all but I’m just saying I wish more people to pick other characters from the game or i dunno maybe the other titles as well.
Wait, he does furries now? Fucking hell.
>>188674 That was from 2017. Look at the description, from Kemono or DeviantArt. He said he usually doesn't do furries, but it was just when he was starting out.
It's something which didn't stick? Good. That was a jump scare.
They wont bother me. They know I dont give a fuck. I dont give a fuck about none of that.
>>188681 Yeah it was just a one-time commission
You colored it in and added the foreground and background stuff?
>in 2017 even random furries could get a bws comm
Take me back man.
Salt was on Epstein's list
Like I said in a previous post, Salt learned from the Serena one and keeping her sitting down just helps this look much better in the end. Belly protrudes much farther and nicer than stacking up in a way that looks somewhat off for me. And keeping in line that Nikume is the larger of the 2 (albeit not by much). If she was standing, I assume belly would probably still extend farther and not go as high up as Serena's too.

Just overall much better ending pieces than the prior one. Truly fit for fat.
(38 KB, 480x542, 1705550272550171.jpg)
I've never wanted to be a fictional character more than I want to be the boyfriend in these pics.
I hope we have character sheets for nikume and sei
Nicely done. I do like the fact we know Nikume is bigger especially in these overlaps based on who has the larger side (more green or lavender lol)
Neither of them are Salt's OCs and for that, they get way too many pieces. I'm sick of seeing them.
Nikume just gave up on walking
I tried making a pdf of this, because I think going top-down looks better in this case, but once the images get wider, gotta start zooming in a bit lol
Also they messed up some of the images so now I have to wait to try again : (
Gave up fit for fat. When's the next meal? Depends on what she can reach and who give it to her. And Sei makes sure of that lol
>>188806 Welrod Guy. He comes on here quite a bit. Bit of a familiar face here. In fact, are you here?
(275 KB, 1242x973, IMG_8185.jpeg)

Annon You Son Of A Bitch, I Can’t Thank You Enough For This. I’ll Be Now Taking This And Turn This Into A Sequence.
(372 KB, 1242x1262, IMG_8186.jpeg)
It’s About Time Halie Surpasses Nat’s Weight.
(302 KB, 1242x799, IMG_8187.jpeg)
More Halie Fats Please!
What app do you use to make this?
Oh hey. I’m glad second one is my edit, cool to see it as a sequence. This would outrage Salt lmao.
Salt if you’re seeing this, welcome to the internet.
To Make The Sequence Was Just Sketchbook On Phone. But I’m Pretty Sure There Are More Efficient Apps Or Software That Does A Better Job. I Did It All Manually.
Also could you give Halie a fatter ass to go with her fat stomach?
What app did use you use to merge chloe and halie
If you wanted to encode a file, what would the result be if you decoded it? For instance people have sent links to a site for the download, but what about to the file itself (no middle man)? Not sure where to ask, but yeah.
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Some of my favorites, it was really hard to choose
(9.8 MB, 3649x2770, TOTW Part 7.png)
And these are one of my favorite Zelda sequence pages
From last year
(3.4 MB, 2421x2247, Devouring the Whole Cake.png)
Best one piece art ever wish he did more Nico Robin and the other girls in one piece
Really cool, she looks gorgeous and cute & she gas a different body type
oh shit, is val officially just a regular OC now? would love to see a comic of her own if so
>born November 14th
>Valentine's Day falls on February 14th
>the average human pregnancy period is 9 months

Ergo, her parents fucked on Valentine's Day.
make one for the beach bod girl already!!!
>best girl
Wrong. How about a 6'7'' 900lbs woman? Enough of these womanlets.
That's average women height
I don't see how that's relevant at all to the topic at hand. I want giant, behemoth women!
>different body type
It literally just "Courtney" (brunette) wait till autistic guy adds her to the reference sheet overlap
Is Val kinda smaller than her last picture(chrismast event)?, her belly touch her knee but in this reference not

I'm fear if bws will make Selene smaller than beach bod part 7-9 in her reference sheet
she should be taller >:(
(1.2 MB, 1995x1588, 03.png) (1.1 MB, 1995x1588, 04.png)
Courtney has a lot more booba. I think she's more comparable with how she draws Nat these days (more pear shaped) but bigger
She's smaller but everyone is smaller on their ref sheets too, kinda makes sense since they're supposed to be for reference lol. I think he'll probably make her less belly-heavy going forward though. Those last few pieces of her went kinda overboard with the belly considering how she looked previously
He kinda has to make Selene smaller than in parts 7-9, otherwise she won’t fit on the sheet. I’m expecting she’ll be about the size as she is in the “BULK” drawing.
Waiting for the inevitable anons screaming about her being smaller or something, but I think this is my new favorite piece from Salt. Also slots in nicely between the images in >>189151
Until know I realized she's the same character, I guess shading does play an important part on shading.

There should be some tradition to draw Valerie in Valentine's day, much like with "Waifu Wednesday" or Bebe the bbw-chan mascot.
>shading does play an important part on shading.
I mean character designing
Yeah it's really well done. I feel like every artist feels pushed to constantly draw bigger sizes even when they can knock it out of the park on a "smaller" gal.
Well, I'd love to complain but it's pretty well done. It reminds that he still got it, he's so much better when he's not in commission hell

Honestly I also enjoy it. not for just the quality, but also to consider this a prequel right before
The hardcore bed scene that’s the second pic right here >>189152
Either this is just a weird angel or the boyfriend is almost as short as her lol
>serfect body shape
>straight couple

This is it, this is peak Salt.
I think its better that she is not bigger, the fact that salt restrained themself to make her body more realstic is what makes this that much good.
To be honest salt kinda sucks at making ssbbw bodies but what do i know
>Salt sucks at ssbbw bodies
Cool wrong opinion bro.
Realistic Salt is best Salt
I don't think she was meant to be that short initially lol
As someone who likes them larger in fetish art (even to a decent point of desensitization), this is a pretty nice piece. Like the cupid Marin one too.
Obviously the issue is any potential backtracking on a character's size (since the idea is they're always progressing forward), so the coping mechanism comes from either the artist outright saying it's a prequel or the fans themselves making it a headcanon that it's a prequel piece lol

Part of me kind of misses snaller sizes, since most of the enjoyment comes from a weight gain sequence of sorts now. Not standalone.
You say that, but it's usually the people who want more of >>189149 size that bitches the most. They complain on every immobile/blob post saying how they're too big, and even now they're complementing >>189149 while speaking ill of those bigger sizes.
YOU SCARED OF BIG DICK! I see it in your eyes.
>Obviously the issue is any potential backtracking on a character's size (since the idea is they're always progressing forward), so the coping mechanism comes from either the artist outright saying it's a prequel or the fans themselves making it a headcanon that it's a prequel piece
Salt didn't confirm in the post if it's a prequel or if it's her new size, while also not answering any comments speculating on what it is.
The ref sheet got posted yesterday, how much clear do you want it to be?
>>189210 Shut the fuck up you are not doing this again
It's not that those partial to >>189149 are more querulous, it's simply that they are more numerous. Far fewer are aroused by blobs/immobility and many find it objectionable.
For sure, which is why I called it a "coping mechanism."

Salt themselves could have called it one, which is not the case. Or we as the consumers would end up making it that way.

Yeah we got the sheet, but that wouldn't stop anyone from backtracking. Plus it had nothing to do with whether it could be considered a prequel or just a one off thing where she is smaller now (like that one split timeline stuff that was posted many times).
Gremlin couples ftw. I still want her to be 6'7'' though.

to be fair given the fact that he's fucking her belly, he had to be hunched over at a fair angle to be deep in her neck
While I love the Valentine's Girl in this pic, I have to say that Salt's shading style makes the Boyfriend's skin look too shiny. The whiter highlights look fine on paler skin, but on Boyfriend's darker tone it looks odd.
>Salt could have called it a prequel but he didn’t
He probably doesn’t expect people to be stupid enough to believe it isn’t one.
On Salt's Patreon, you're much more likely to see comments that say "she's too big" rather then "she's not big enough". The worst the immobile/blob crowd has done is pester Salt at times to doing them more often, yet even then they don't attack or belittle smaller sizes while doing so unlike the chubby and plus size crowds having done so to bigger sizes. Either way, those 3 size ranges pale in comparison to the gold standard that is ssbbw and usbbw in terms of Salt's art, and it feels like they're are just trying to stay somewhat relevant. The "flashback" images with the OCs at smaller sizes and the last 3 parts of the Nikume sequence where she's immobile are some of the most attention the sizes have ever gotten from him in a shorter timeframe, so it's a step in the right direction.
idk about all that, I'm on his Patreon and I know for certain there's at least one guy who is obnoxious enough about wanting to see bigger sizes that he alone makes up for all the people complaining about characters being too big.
Yep, Salt's own OCs don't have any "split timelines" or whatever from what we know so far, he hasn't even tried to do "dream scenarios" or non-canon stuff either. There's only one loose timeline and he fills out parts of it inconsistently, sometimes it's a continuation, sometimes it's a prequel and other times it's something in-between but the whole timeline remains consistent. For example, that last Val piece fits within all the content she had beforehand and it doesn't contradict anything
god i am so glad he didnt stick with this haircut, it looks so so dumb
girls with bangs are scientifically proven better than girls without bangs
Even so, I always like some form of clarification even if it seems fairly obvious.

As for the size stuff, he just needs to keep the balance between all of the sizes. He likes those big ones, but doing them all the time would probably get tiring very quickly. Commissions are a separate story for the 3-5 people that can get it or those who save their "points" for months.
>Commissions are a separate story for the 3-5 people that can get it or those who save their "points" for months.
Those end up being ssbbw size most of the time anyway. Other then Lucyguy, the commissioners themselves aren't to blame for the oversaturation of that size. Most of the blame goes to Salt himself for not being more varied in what he picks out of the submissions he gets.
I wonder what it would be like if Salt did public commissions. Probably a nightmare seeing he doesn't even do those.

Considering it's the same people even being able to commission, what he does seems to pretty much rely on what those commissioners want at the give time.
Like areku does a mix of muscle and fat. And then really ssbbw+ for the others as far as I can tell.
Echo chambers are fun.
You can say what you want and no one will disagree with you!
The key distinction is that shortcoming is disappointing, but excess is off-putting. It's natural that there would be more vocal objection to much larger sizes.
Talking about SomeLostLeo I assume. That guy is obnoxious as fuck. He’s also literally the only one in the Patreon comments who constantly bitches about size.
Completely wrong. There’s never really any complaining by the chubby / BBW crowd on Salt’s Patreon, only praise if he does draw more reasonable sizes. Also, Salt didn’t rise to fame as a USSBBW / immobile / blob artist. Chubby girls and BBWs used to make up most of his art. So a lot of Patreon subscribers probably signed up for that, I would assume. Salt has admitted he’s “slipped” into drawing bigger and bigger sizes a lot in recent years. I think it has reached the point where a lot of the drawings are too big for a lot of his fans and he finally realized that and is now going back to more size variation. The immobile / blob crowd among his fans isn’t very large imo, they’re just super loud.
(83 KB, 515x542, Screenshot_20240216-070447~2.png)
The biggest saving grace out of his regulars.

>There’s never really any complaining by the chubby / BBW crowd on Salt’s Patreon, only praise if he does draw more reasonable sizes.
>Pic related
Never? There's been more then a few criticisms/complaints towards the Zelda Comic's pacing.
(1.2 MB, 2071x1633, Chika.png)
>Also, Salt didn’t rise to fame as a USSBBW / immobile / blob artist. Chubby girls and BBWs used to make up most of his art. So a lot of Patreon subscribers probably signed up for that, I would assume
Bro he started his Patreon in 2017, not much after he opened his deviantart account, and it didn't even took a year for him to post USSBBW and blobs, by 2019 he was way more famous for drawing SSBBW and USSBBW and he has been on that streak way longer than anything before. Most of his Patreon base comes after that era so imo there are probably more people leaning towards "bigger" than "smaller", I'd also prefer if he drew the sizes he enjoys more than shit just to appease to a vocal minority

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