
sauce for the references
(222 KB, 2048x2048, Snake (Human Form) by @DudeNamedA10.jpeg)
Can someone lift her belly so it's just a little visible from her shirt.

Also, if possible, raise her butt a little.

I'd be thankful in advance
(9.7 MB, 2549x3788, Scan_20230618AB.png)
requesting her gut to be more circular or more stuffed shaped rather than this saggy
>>185755 is there anyone here willing to do my request?
(298 KB, 2048x1365, IMG_4769.jpeg)
Requesting the futa be removed from this art
(572 KB, 524x687, FPhxIdpVgAIG2ac.png) (576 KB, 524x687, FPkW2T2VIAESNr0.png)
Requesting edits to remove the chocolate cat face on the first pic.

For the second pic, remove the chocolate cat face and ears under her shirt.
Sauce on both the model and edit?
Thank you so much for this. If you’re available, do you want to try this one >>185727
(222 KB, 2048x2048, First Picture.jpg) (739 KB, 4096x3393, Second Picture (reference for the proportions).jpeg)
Can someone edit the First Picture so her Belly is nice and Round and doesnt reach the ground?

Also lift her Butt a little and maybe edit her back so is just plain?


PS: The Image with Spoiler is for reference of the 'desired' proportions
>>185432 (OP)
Don't suppose the gent responsible for the Queen Tyr'ahnee edits posted in the OP is willing to tweak the 2nd pic so the Martian handmaidens are as big as the queen, too?
Please, sir.
(353 KB, 1107x775, lines.png)
>that number
Thanks, but what did you use to fill out the the space left by Pomni? Because it looks AI generated, and I'm fairly certain that's NOT how those lines would go.
This is immeasurably better than the original, good job.
(2.8 MB, 4500x4000, First Picture.jpg) (303 KB, 2048x2047, Second Picture.jpg)
Can someone edit the Second Picture so that the art style is the same as the First Picture?

Also, add the details from the First Picture into the Second Picture so it looks 'much better' (mainly the hair, the face, the Wii Fit logo, the details off her pants and her feet)

I would be super grateful ...
Amazing job, Fat Yuyuko my beloved.
Dare I ask what the Original looked like?
(138 KB, 1024x668, IMG_6751.jpeg)
Idk if this is the right thread? But I’d go CRAZY for a nude edit of this
In israel saying to myself why you on my sister like that.
To friendly for. See that I have alot of female friends that want to meet my kids. Disrespect is disrespect. See you ladies all summer
(9.7 MB, 3381x3726, yukari.png) (47 KB, 637x637, yukari.jpg)
Can someone remove the tattoos and make the face more on model? The cheeks are a little too chubby and the freckles are kind of weird.
In general, I'm not in looove with the dark bits pressed against the shower, either, but I can mostly ignore them.
Anyone want to do this one?
(9.1 MB, 3381x3726, Edit1.png) (289 KB, 1205x1118, Edit2.png)

Ya'll were lucky that I was bored, so I just took this opportunity to test my skills. How'd I do?
oh my god, tysm!!! this fixes basically any problem i had with the yukari piece. phenomenal work!
Nice work. If you're still around, could you make an extra where Yukari keeps her puffy cheeks but without the tattoos?
(296 KB, 2997x2500, image0-23.jpg)
Now this may sound so specific but can someone plump up the tail?
(9 KB, 368x224, IMG_4260.png)
If there are any pixel artists here, could someone make an exposed-belly version of the May sprite in this echoednewt image?
She's the OC of an artist called ExponentialMass
(304 KB, 1600x1564, nier_x_nikke_weigh_gain_drive__part_1__by_lemonadcake_dg7y20t-fullview.jpg) (198 KB, 1600x850, weigh_gain_drive_part_2__september_2023__by_lemonadcake_dg8hdoj-fullview.jpg) (151 KB, 1600x726, weigh_gain_drive_part_3__september_2023__by_lemonadcake_dg96k47-fullview.jpg) (179 KB, 1600x742, weigh_gain_drive_part_4__september_2023__by_lemonadcake_dg9y3wz-fullview.jpg) (255 KB, 1600x923, weigh_gain_drive_part_5___final__september_2023__by_lemonadcake_dgatxum-fullview.jpg)
Requesting nude edit of the 2b and Anis WG sequence please
(2.4 MB, 2416x3220, edit.png)
Easy enough, but this art is pretty amateurish
(251 KB, 564x837, 000.PNG)
(1.5 MB, 1920x1080, no title.png)
I need this bitch in a tight mawashi and bra.
Now make

make her morbidly obese
Going vegas just to cheat. I hope she die out there
(895 KB, 2048x3165, GHw4vHpXcAA4C-R (1).png)
Can someone edit the belly of the Alia at the bottom left corner so her belly is not exposed?
Cass use to say you can be with anyone. Why that 😬
>>196487 let's get this thread back to work
And keep it working. You got it. U always did. Stop being a overfeed cock sucker before I black out on all of you on conference
(135 KB, 885x1261, IMG_4381.jpeg)
Requesting an edit for Ms. Marvel’s dress to be riding up, exposing her belly.
You did an amazing job, can you make the same with this
(2.2 MB, 4432x4971, Nia Slimed.jpg)
If someone could remove the bumps and stuff that would be good.

Link to full size: c2.kemono.su/data/03/4d/034d1e3e2c4bfab9edaeb9c5b93c73d41f24ef02a33d1642a189b59859e74034.png?f=December_Patreon_Reward_3_3.png

Had to scale the image down to fit into file size limit
No limit. Or go to hell
(1.4 MB, 800x1448, 9.2 Samus - DA - Axel-Rosered - Full Body Scan.jpg)
Can someone make her belly bigger and rounder? It has to be round shaped like in the art, but it's fine if it grows out of the frame, if you can manage her whole belly is visible.
You call that a relationship. Dude is suffering in silence.
Scared of bob. Started getting bubbly after he left. 👀🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
(274 KB, 1776x1935, GLyfH5_XsAA9inV.jpg)
can anyone edit her face and arms to match the rest of her body?
>>19693 (Dead)
Alright, you first: let's see you do someone's edit! :>
Finally, someone said it
(462 KB, 2048x2291, Dp13v_9VsAAT3Kn_out.jpg)
Could someone edit/remove the stats screen and speech bubble please?
(263 KB, 607x619, EP017 (1).png)
>>199213 thank you!

Could i ask you to give her a pouting expresion on both edited versions? (Image related)

Just change her mouth, and maybe add a small bit of blushing if you want
>>199319 it's really really good

Might sound much, but could you make the mouth slightly bigger? I swear it's the last thing i ask you for
They cut overtime because they keep calling out. One way to punish them LOLOL
(280 KB, 2048x1704, IMG_2044.jpeg)
This is a redraw challenge of Bulma in Planet Namek Arc… where she was wearing Sports bra and Panties while going to Namek… feel free to make her a BBW or Ssbbw…
could I get the sauce for these?
(148 KB, 1200x900, FdCHc-iX0AUGYY9.jpeg)
I hope I’m posting in the right place.
Hoping anyone with more skill than I could edit Yangs skin tone back to normal please? 🙏
Re-requesting this one.
(338 KB, 2350x1500, GN9g5BPb0AAZ2xq.jpg)
Spoiler for futa, can someone edit out the penis in this one?
Requesting a fat reanimation of Rinne Berlinetta's transformation
>>204812 Assuming it's Miss_that_man, is there a ehentai archive?
(4.2 MB, 4296x2480, Comm_Sasha.jpeg)
Can someone shrink Orihime’s head and Ichigo a little bit more?
Now can you make her mawashi visible
Please give her a mawashi
(89 KB, 826x967, mia1.jpg)
Could someone edit her cheek on the right to look less puffed up and weird?
(1.2 MB, 2400x2400, IMG_8082.jpeg)
Looking for someone to remove the cherry blossom petals and draw in her nipples
Can someone do this one?
(632 KB, 2048x1536, April by NoahBuddy.jpg)
Can someone please edit/remove the Ninja Turtles out of this Picture?
Actually, just remove all of her stretch marks pls
That's more like it. Thank you very much.
>>207435 Thanks!

Might sound much, but could you also remove that foot icon on the dude's forehead, as well as April's upper lip? I swear it's the last thing i ask you for
>>207483 Thank you! you're a real one ...
(9.7 MB, 2250x3285, Astrid (1).png)
(Spoilers for Blueberry) Can someone change her skin color please?
>>207665 thank you.

¿Could you please remove the scars from her face and belly too? I'd be thankful in advance
(82 KB, 1199x709, IMG_2144.jpeg)
I know this sounds like a weird edit, but can someone add socks to these cuties?
>go to fat edit thread
>ask for less belly
I know this sounds weird, but can you edit socks onto this pic? Just plain white socks.
(3.4 MB, 3965x3540, moragan.jpg)
Podría alguien terminar esas partes de Morrigan sin transformar?
(292 KB, 1823x1242, IMG_3836.jpeg) (188 KB, 1614x1242, IMG_3838.jpeg)
Requesting an edit of Princess Toadstool from the Super Mario Super Show being inflated instead of King Koopa while wearing her swimsuit. You can also keep the air tank on her when she’s being inflated.
(1.1 MB, 3200x4000, Mini Sentry.jpg)
Make Mini Sentry in this picture fat

Please post the rules next time, OP.

- All editors welcome!
- Request in moderation.
- Post a sample of your art when "taking x requests".
- No AI requests/deliveries or discussion. Take them to the relevant threads or board.
- Respect /bbwalt/ and global rules.
- Do not request edits of real people. Take them to the relevant morph threads.
- Do not just post a link to your request from the previous thread. Re-state your request and repost your reference. You'll have to repost your full request after the thread 404s anyway, so please conserve post count.
- Do not "bump", "re-request", "second", "third", etc. requests. They eat up the post limit.
- Be patient. Art takes time.
- Not all requests will be filled. It all comes down to plain dumb luck.
- Take it easy and please be nice to the editfriends! Remember, they do this for fun.
- Editfriends, don't hold back. If you like a request someone else already did, feel free to do your own take.
- If available, anchor your posts to make deliveries easier to track.
- Do not anchor your requests to the OP.
- Have fun and enjoy the lewd edits that come from this.
>>212677 exactly what i wanted thank you so much
(231 KB, 1280x1816, 668845-2.jpg) (180 KB, 1280x1817, 668845-11.jpg) (241 KB, 1280x1827, 668845-25.jpg)
Can someone draw her with her pixie cut and give her a more even fat distribution (less bottom heavy/bigger arms and back)
(9.0 MB, 2500x2500, 1st Kobeni.png) (966 KB, 2765x3220, 2nd Kobeni.jpg)
Can someone edit the 1st Kobeni's belly and chest so it resembles the 2nd Kobeni's appearence?
Oh, what the fuck? We've already done that, stop asking
(34 KB, 1000x833, cachedImage 5.PNG) (55 KB, 424x499, IMG_1308.jpeg)
Can someone edit this daisy pic into mystique Sonia and give her a seductive look on her face?
Who made these? Where can I found it?
(99 KB, 1050x750, IMG_1420.jpeg)
Could someone edit this image with the following

1. Lots of burps
2. Lots of farts
3. She is covered in food stains and even entire bits of food like pizza slices and ice cream scoops
4 a humongous bucket of ice cream in one hand
5 a huge greasy 6 patty burger with cheese in the other hand
(99 KB, 1050x750, IMG_1420.jpeg)
Could someone edit this image to have the following:

1: lots of burps
2: lots of farts
3: she is sweating a lot
4: she is covered in food stains and even entire bits of food like pizza slices and ice cream scoops
5: a huge tub of ice cream in one hand
6: a huge greasy 6 patty cheeseburger in the other hand
(99 KB, 1050x750, IMG_1420.jpeg)
Could someone edit this image to have the following:

1: lots of burps
2: lots of farts
3: she is sweating a lot
4: she is covered in food stains and even entire bits of food like pizza slices and ice cream scoops
5: a huge tub of ice cream in one hand
6: a huge greasy 6 patty cheeseburger in the other hand
Sorry I don’t know why it duplicated
All this shit you're asking for should be asked in the >>>/bbwalt/ board. Slob, excessive sweating, and farting are not allowed on this board.
What do you want to do with this?
See, this is the quality content I come here for.
Eeeeh I dont find it thaaat odd.
I am sure the full model pic was quickly drafted as a form of reference for the actual animators, and then they decided to finalize it so they could use it for other projects... Like adding new characters in a mobile game for example
True, but still a bit odd considering how...surprisingly good the model looks despite how very little it's used. Then again, the episode itself feels very fetishy (whether intentional or not) where the entire b plot is lois gradually getting fatter and peter straight becoming a feeder in that one scene.
>Asking for Blueberry edits
>Not on /inflation board where that shit belongs
>Bumping literally less than an hour after
Fuck off.
How about one where her frame is doubled in size?
(2.3 MB, 5373x3840, 1724247462158943.png)
>>185432 (OP)
Requesting an edit to shorten Kim Possible's body so that it looks proportional to the size of her head.
>>216811 Thanks. You nailed the Artstyle
>>216811 could i give you another request, by any means?
Go ahead, can't promise I'll take it but there's no harm in it.
(283 KB, 2250x2239, Mileena Bwomph.jpg) (199 KB, 1218x1600, Mileena Vs. Screen (MK II).jpg)
>>216883 Sounds fine, here it goes;

- Edit Mileena's Suit so her Belly isn't visible (including the black belt)

- Color/Edit/Fix her suit so it matches the tone of the other picture

- Remove her Speech Bubble / Dialogue and Remove the lip makeup on her face mask
Would anyone mind trying their hand at this?
>>216933 you're awesome, it's genuinely really good.

Could i request you one more? I'll promise i'll leave you alone by then
>>216955 or well, keep requesting a few more, if you feel like it of course
No problem, I'll do what I can. Just dump what you've got; that way, anyone can work on them.
(1.0 MB, 2250x2239, From Mileena to Kitana.png) (552 KB, 1523x2048, Kitana Vs. Screen (MK II).jpeg)
>>216979 thanks for letting me know, here i got another one;

* Edit Mileena's face:

- Edit her expression, so she seems worried rather than upset

- Edit her irises so they are round circles and not straight lines

- Edit her sclera so it's white instead of yellow

* Color/Edit/Fix her face mask and suit's colors, changing from purple to a dark blue that matches the tone of this picture of Kitana
>>217010 also, i forgot to add:

- edit her upper eyelids so they dont have makeup in them
(951 KB, 2250x2239, edit.png)
There you go. If you want multiple edits of one image, it's easiest to just ask for all of them in one post. Then I can conveniently develop them in parallel.
(405 KB, 2048x2560, Picture 1.jpg) (300 KB, 2048x2384, Picture 2.jpg) (298 KB, 2250x2303, Picture 3.jpg) (506 KB, 3075x2206, Picture 4.jpg)
>>217082 once again, thanks for letting me know. I only have 4 left that i'll request all together in one post, since I ran out of Mizz-Britt images to request edits for. So, here are my last edit requests;

* Picture 1:

- Remove Bulma's Speech Bubble/Dialogue

- Edit/Fix her Suit so her pants aren't teared up and her panties aren't visible (keep the panty lines visible, though)

* Picture 2:

- Remove all of Lois's water drops from her body

- Edit the two highlights on her bra, so they don't have those horizontal lines (don't know if it is understable or not)

* Picture 3:

- Remove Knives's Katana and the little Heart above her breasts.

* Picture 4:

Edit the Second Emi (the fat one in the right) so her bra isn't teared up in the middle of it and is still a complete piece (again, don't know if it is understable or not)

I can't express of how thankful i am towards you, for taking the time to work on these specific edit requests.

I'm aware i've been requesting you too often, but finding an editor that replicates the artstyle so well is not something i personally find often.

Thanks for everything, anon ...
>>217340 thanks. Could You remove the little heart from knives, please?
(243 KB, 365x378, demona 1.png) (337 KB, 1200x1821, demona 2.jpeg)
I would like to see fat edits of either of these pictures or both,
(1.6 MB, 2048x2560, edit1.png)
My bad on that last one, I messed up the layers when I exported
(444 KB, 5465x2928, 1626279944564_20230522_005950_906.jpg)
Requesting Luan and Lincoln edited out so only Luna (the one on the right) is left, also make sure Luna's big ass is continued in the same way of Luan
I forgot about that one as it was done at like 3 am, my bad
*part not one I mean, forgot about the heart
(8.5 MB, 3213x2559, Breaking_the_Silence.png)
can someone try making a nude alt of this? assuming salt never will anytime soon
(2.2 MB, 3200x4000, 20240902_160123.jpg)
Can someone just edit out Fire fly, and leave Kafka in a solo pic, if that's alright?
(105 KB, 675x900, GWv6DtvWwAE9oBD.jpeg)
Can somebody make her leggings pulled all the way up (over her butt and belly)?
(2.0 MB, 1920x1080, IMG_0874.png)
Make her even more fat.
(1.0 MB, 1080x2339, Hilda no hat.png)
I'm probably gonna sound really dumb right now but can someone edit Hilda Pokémon's official artwork yes this is a hatless edit) just to make her fat
you get the jade edit?,look awsome

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