
>>183857 (OP)
Nami's legs are too long, Luffy got the shaft (quality wise), her belly looks really jank
Nami doesn't even look like Nami.
>>183857 (OP)
five toes on his left foot and four on his right
Literally looks like ai crap lmao
Damn, this year started with a pile of crap. Go home Kip, you're drunk
>>183857 (OP)
Ain’t no way luffy is asking how someone else got so huge
No page yesterday? Did kip say when normal schedule would resume?
Disappointingly no. It's apparently been their birthday this week so that might have something to do with it.
Couldve been avoided is he just wasn't their in the first place
LMAO THERE IS I usually don't mind lower quality drawings for the people who are not front and center/the focus of the piece but my god the luffy fucking hurts to look at
>>183857 (OP)
>the amateur blur-tool shading
>same width lineart
>no neck, among other glaring anatomy issues
>everything else
Holy shit, it's like Kip picked up some 20-follower randy off DeviantArt to draw that. Even the Nami isn't that up to par.
(30 KB, 346x326, heh.png)
Well the meh looking Nami lines up with One Pieces art quality, Kips just being faithful to the souce I suppose
That's getting him off easy
AI would look better
"The One piece. The one piece isn't reeaaaaaal"

But i do think that nami drawing was good but it definitely looked like kip did a lot less work and details on luffy and yeah, legs are a bit too long
>>178509 (Cross-thread)

>>177943 (Cross-thread)
>This is getting too intense, how about this: you guys ask for a funny scene and I'll draw it
But no racism please I still have standards

>>177953 (Cross-thread)
>Aika eating dog food at a party after mistaking it for fancy food

>>177960 (Cross-thread)
>Draw Tessa losing weight, but she only loses weight from her tits and keeps the gut

>>177965 (Cross-thread)
>>>177960 (Cross-thread)
I’ll one up you, her tits shrink and her gut grows even bigger and rounder

>>177961 (Cross-thread)
>Draw the most hated character getting hit on the head by Lucile from the walking dead

>Preserving these requests from previous thread in case drawfriend comes back

Post with requests from previous thread
>>183857 (OP)
The old nami kip did is better than this shit
Bruh wtf is this shit
Draw Nami from One Piece, but shes 75% legs
(878 KB, 1125x1575, dgoptvd-c50ba31d-cc47-4ff8-97aa-c2cd6c0986e1.jpg)
Annnd we're back, peeps! Not too much going on in the new page other than Aika injecting more ara-ara energy into the scene. Aika learning about the appeal of burping is interesting. Could be lining things up for a "burp off" between Aika and Tessa in the future!
Her nipples are showing... through her damn bra... jesus fucking christ Kip have you EVER interacted with a woman?
Have you? It happens all the time.
t. Married

You are the one who has obviously never interacted with a woman...
lmao, obviously you haven't
Imagine not ever turning on a woman
(250 KB, 635x675, IMG_20240108_163314.jpg)
Someone has to remake this meme but in a weight gain contexto

>"Im thinking of having a diet and lose weight"

>"Please don't."
seeing these made me realize the most dynamic pose kips done outside the comics is just standing or laying, i guess its the best way to show off a fat tummy but like part of the fun is how the weight shifts and folds in different poses
Needs to be in 240p and then further deepfried.
Hey retards, nipples aren't going to drill through the padding of a bra.
Anon has only seen mosquito bite tits irl
(104 KB, 419x410, Luffy Correction.png)
I can't give Kip too much shit because he's really on that grind. Multiple comic pages and illustrations a month means some stuff is going to get rushed. But goddamn that Luffy was so distracting.
I can give him shit, because he’s the one who decided to take on so much work. And it’s not something he had to do to grow his patrons, because he was doing perfectly fine before and since the shift to 3 pages a week his Patreon has been plummeting.

Not to mention the people commissioning pieces like that Nami are paying a lot of money and getting an obviously half-assed product. I’ve spoken to someone on Kip’s $50 tier and with how often Kip does the comms, they’re actually paying $200 at minimum for this garbage. BWS doesn’t even charge that much.

I have zero sympathy.
They literally do bozo, if you're wearing a bra with slightly less padding nipples can show though, go touch a woman
(845 KB, 1125x1575, Page403.jpg)
Yo Kip might be starting to cook something up now.
.. Ya know, life is too short for getting so het up over the motivations and actions of this character and of that character... Saiya gets to have her cake and eat it too so fuck it, let's enjoy this ride!
(181 KB, 620x765, OSC_Cover.png)
What are they looking at? (wrong answers only)
You are hereby the greatest artist in this thread.
Yeah you know I got it. With yall phat ass booties lmao
Hate that about myself I always know what to say. When to say it. You know im not shy of huge booties I love it
The corset that just ran away
Yeah and look how long it took to get there. OVER 400 FUCKING PAGES!!!
This is probably the funniest comment ever posted on this website
I also can't help but praise the decision to make Saiya the shortest of the three OSC main characters. Tessa and Aika both being these great, galumphing heifers that loom over Saiya is a W in my book.
God I can’t wait for Aika to just devour Saiya and still be hungry
Conversely, that little gurgle on the new page could suggest that Aika might have a little more room. Love the idea that she pushes her appetite more, knowing it's a turn-on for Saiya and possibly herself.
Plot twist. Saiya is about to gulp down Aika and then OSC ends their
…oh shit I meant most hated kip character…
I mean in general the character the community agrees is the most hated character that Kip has written
The only good way for this comic to end
anyone got the new hi fi rush art ty
all the one piece women have way longer legs than torsos
(88 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)
If kip posted this publicly he'd get his ass reamed by twittertards for 'whitewashing'
100% an army of zoomer troglodytes would be trying to crucify the dude
I don't know the character at all, but she looks white to me, just tan.
It's odd that kip changed the skin tone so much; maybe his version of the character doesn't go outside, lol
Another continuity error. How did Aika go from laying on Saiya to the other way around.
Also the reason is because the characters are somehow worse for some unknown reason
Like the other anon I am just here for the individual pics at this point the story is so beyond gone idc
>Another continuity error. How did Aika go from laying on Saiya to the other way around
They moved between panels. It's common for comics to not show things like that.

I'm currently enjoying the fanmade content more than the actual comic lol
Even side by side these don't look like the same character.

Question for everyone. Has anyone ever met a girl with a similar physique to any of Kips characters(Aika, Cindy, Sydney, etc.)
Okay tbf though, she definitely isn’t tan enough here.
Same goes for Kips Korra piece, she looked way too light.
Not met but Taytay21 fits the bill.
I'm still waiting for the shoe to drop and for Aika to ask how she compares to Tessa, forcing Saiya into a corner and progressing this plot along. While that question is inevitable (short of making Aika completely braindead and throwing her earlier emotional outpouring under the bus), Aika's approach to it remains up in the air and of interest to me.

Is she willing to play along and be shared with Tessa, or does she take a hard stance and force Saiya to make a decision? It's clear Aika does want Saiya so I don't think she'll throw away the entire relationship entirely, but I want to see how Aika approaches the Tessa situation (as let's not forget that she's also into Tessa!)
No new page today or is it that bad nobody posted it
I think Kip forgot to post it maybe or hes behind
If all this is happens then Saiya goes back to Tessa thirsting then uhhhhhh
There is a high likely chance that would happen.

Crikey, it didn't take long for Aika to change her tune! From "Gasp, that was so unladylike of mee" to straight-up belching in her bestie's face. If this is hinting at slob conditioning then Aika is a quick learner. We've known from near the start that Aika's always been a bit of a slobby mess at the best of times...
I'm gonna be honest, it took so long to get here, that I'm not even invested in the fucking fat fetish part of the fat fetish comic. Kip truly is a masterclass in story telling.
> If this is hinting at slob conditioning then Aika is a quick learner.
Don't forget the state of her appartment when Saiya first visited. I still can't forget that she had a three foot tall wad of fetid chewing gum.
IMO, that was more gross than the rat eating in NLB
Its over bros... 400 pages for burp fetish content... Bros...
Top of her fridge dirty after make over
It feels so bland and by the numbers now. Empty and vapid. Not as hot as the Tessa stuff, either.
Jesus, Aika looks like she was scaled up 2x. If she and Saiya were both standing, she’d be several feet taller than her. It looks so damn silly
(109 KB, 455x249, AikaReaction.png)
>Aika's reaction

While it can feel more of the same, what's interesting to me is how quickly Aika's been corrupted by Saiya. It's like she was looking for an excuse to be kicked out of her church group and Saiya has given her permission to be her baddest ie, her best self.

Aika: "Well I'm gonna build my own religious order! With bellies and hot, greasy sex! In fact, forget the religion!"
It'd be interesting if Aika got too carried away and slipped into a dommy streak. "Take it, you fucking belly-slut" "You come up for air when I say so" etc etc

This is a chance to reveal something wild in Aika and I'm down for it!
After this series concludes, I pray, to all powers that be, that Kip will stop producing long-winded series and prioritize illustrating copyrighted characters.
And before the monkey's paw curls a finger, I will qualify that they shouldn't be half-assed as some clearly have been, or I'll take my piracy elsewhere.
You get your wish; kip is now exclusively a Lucy artist
anyone got the new patreon pic
Guy lost all his money jumped in front train. Check her phone you will find dick and convos from over your holiday open bring back your returns
I'm hemorrhaging brain cells just looking at this. What on earth are you on about

You make this? The fanart's been killing it lately
(Can you do Tessa next pls)
They must've been a huge Aika fan. For some reason, it seems to link to the editing thread. Might be a mistake.

This fan art is by Solidus-Jake on DeviantArt and not made by me.
fucking hilarious.
amazing job anon.
we’ve reached peak, lads. It doesn’t get better than this
new page but who care; this comic is complete and utter garbage
You like many others who complain will simply come back each page
The cat 'n' mouse direction Aika has decided to take things is pretty hot, no lie. Though I'm slightly biased as I love fat feline OCs. Aika would make for a great gluttonous catgirl, just lazing about and eating all day~
Next page Aika is gonna eat Saiya
Would improve the story unironically
oh hell yeah
Aye, call the trio a coven of switches.
Watch Saiya get turned off by this and going back to Tessa since it's easier to be the dom with her.
Nah, the angel-devil thing from earlier shows that Saiya has an angle to exploit were it to come to that. I think she's enjoying the change of pace, and being dominated by someone like Aika might help her appreciate Tessa's prior advances more.

To toss out a free art suggestion: Aika and Saiya as angel-cat and devil-mouse respectively.

And now that we know that both Tessa and Aika know what they're about, and what Saiya's about, it won't be long for them to twig what each other is about. Maaan, I just want to see the two directly competing for Saiya's affection in a mask-off, straight-up eating contest or the like.
Now THAT would be a twist!
i'm sure kip doesn't want a second mouse incident.
unless this is clever foreshadowing
Hell yeah

Shame kip barely does vore anymore
Damn Kip cooking. Probably the best page in the comic
So about that vore angle, hey? I kid (despite Aika's greedy gaze in panel #4), but I find it funny how this page aligns with our recent discussion here. Is Kip possibly lurking here?

If you're reading this, Kip. Please let this lead to the two heavyweights having an eating showdown and bonding over their friendly rivalry over Saiya. I wanna see Aika and Tessa getting it on as two horny fatties. Since both of them know the value of their bodies when it comes to Saiya, it should be exciting for the pair to explore one anothers body and find interest there.
Kip if you're reading this give us vore
When’s more kip vore dropping (even if it isn’t this comic)?
On another note, I wonder if Saiya will start to get turned off from Aika’s aggressiveness and dom energy. Aika becomes too clingy towards Saiya and Saiya ultimately chooses Tessa cuz she realizes Tessa actually really liked her the whole time. The girl got fat just so she could get Saiya’s attention (and likes her chub in secret, just not the issues being fat is presenting for her lifestyle).

This could be an interesting (presumably) wind down of the comic
Saiya already figured out Tessa likes her lol. She just brushed it off immediately.
Yeah, I could see that essentially being the hook that causes Saiya to reconsider Tessa. Now, I'll reiterate that I don't think this spells disaster for Aika and Saiya since both clearly adore one another and, as the church scene showed, there's ways for Saiya to get one over Aika.

Being forced into a sub position by her love interest is probably food for thought for Saiya where she will presumably realize the balance she needs in her sexual life. It's honestly a smart move by Kip to not have Tessa be left kicked to the kerb.
Why are so many fans of this fetish worthless nigger faggots that can't shut the fuck up and coom themselves to death with some fucking dignity?
>making her better by making her white
based kip
Alot people is fucking pussy! Scared to leave america. Fucking bitch!!!!
>>186295 Mods, listen and ban this fucking schizo with his various posting systems. He's only destroying threads.
what? just wanted to acknowledge the artist's impeccable taste
Schizo posting right now, but what if Saiya gets eaten by aika next pages, but turns out she's hallucinating because she got suffocated under the belly
Barclay fired the only mod who actually cared about the site. That's why this thread and BWS's threads are constantly shit now, there was only one mod who cared about this board.
This would be an acceptable way to do it I think
This thread's been doing fine up until recently. Just ignore the idiots.
Go fuck your mother douche
Yup them and the one that just tags 700 random posts and rants about nonsense in all caps. They just have nothing better to do with their lives so it is what it is lol
I mean she has to go back to Tessa at some point because it's clearly set up to be a three way relationship somehow but Jesus Christ I really wish kip would just give up on that and just do a relationship with aika
Unpopular or not opinion but I’m still pining for a Tessa x Saiya outcome
Agreed. Saiya stuffing Tessa has been the hottest part so far.
The only consistently good bit of the comic.
Saiya has been a dumbass this entire comic so it wouldn’t be surprising if she went back to Tessa after this.
New post is out
Really hoping the nanny comic will be continued after this one
(170 KB, 755x1058, page410_by_kipteitei_dgs2xmz-pre.jpg)
Oh my fucking god. Is she into Sayia because she looks like Tessa? I kind fuck with this twist of this is what Kip is going for.

Watch this turn sayia off and her go back to Tessa.

I just wanna watch saiya gain weight, maybe saiya just to spite aika will get fat lmao
Whats the rush. Lol major run not today
Aika on architect mode isnt so bad
Imagine if Saiya gets offended by this despite the fact that she likes Aika only because she's fat.
Well well well how the turn… tables…
who else remembers when the Ottawa Senators filled the fuckin arena with these MFs?
Now im rotting for a sub mindbreaked Saiya ending and the cherry on top is her being the fattest sow
best unaverse endin is allof mankind fattens all 3 sows simultanusly they all get fatter and fatter and fatter and like dont even fit on planet earth they so fat
Saiya is gonna get super uncomfortable because shes not the one doing the groping and ask to leave.
The Saxxon thread is down the hall and to the left.
If only she would realize this is exactly what she did to Tessa and aika lol. I love aika basically telling saiya I only like you because you look like Tessa even though this is also exactly what she did to aika and tessa. Kip really is doing a good job at making saiya seem like a shithead and I'm all for it
I think we overlooked something here Saiya isnt and actual dom, she just gets on coom mode and forces her way, but with how things are going here Aika seems aroused but in control i think Saiya waistline maybe in trouble...
Why do people keep saying this spells trouble for Saiya's waistline? "Oh Aika's being really dom" yes, and she likes Saiya's trim figure? Like, that's a part of her that she's very attracted to. Why would Aika make Saiya fat? Y'all are too coombrained.
Anyone have the new lewdpoll pack?
There are anons who just want to enfatten anyone with a pulse. Pretty par for the course round these parts.

No real thoughts on the comic as of late though Saiya having a sperg out was a little unexpected (or perhaps not, given her track record...) Odds on for her doing the most spastic thing possible and awkwardly ditching Aika. Honestly if I were Aika I'd be livid in that case, having had my emotions toyed with no less than twice now by some selfish cunt.
Does Kip have some mouse abuse fetish or something? Just feels like it keeps coming up...
guys i think im mid
There there, Kip. We all have our down days.
Most unlikeable anti-hero blueballs everyone yet again
Good thing Kip pulled the emergency brake. Almost thought this was going somewhere.
Are you fucking kidding me, every single time the story begins to go somewhere kip does some shit like this
anyone got the lewdpack/last week's pic pls
This scene was already getting dragged to hell, why did you people want MORE? It’s about time things finally moved on…
Finally we can see Tessa again
Huh. An uncharacteristic display of tact from Kip, which is nice to see. Saiya's physical intimacy issues are a surprising development to be sure (being dominant in a relationship is a wholly separate matter from having issues being touched).

Since she's already fairly comfortable with Tessa, what with being more exposed alongside her when streaming, I could see Saiya attempting to get Tessa to help break her intimacy issues. Cue shenanigans with it being captured on stream or something and breaking the site, Tessa declaring her love for Saiya and more.
Would have liked to see at least one nipple.
Because this stuff is the only enjoyable thing about the comic. Nobody wants 400 more pages of Saiya crying over shit that’s her fault, Tessa being fucking annoying, and Aika just being stupid.
Just end it already. This comic is horrible there was a chance for an opening here a sex scene finally emerges with potential and nope. Fucking stupid no one would do this she was head over heals for her for god damn forever. Kip fucking sucks ass through a straw at writing. This is just to make money it's pointless otherwise, no merit at all.
Patreon returns tanked and they about to tank some more. Deserved as fuck.
(682 KB, 1125x1575, IMG_6477.jpeg)
I have the worst freaking thoughts in my head of thinking Tessa might blackmail Saiya to keep going or she won’t pay. It may sound stupid but that will be such a twist, i hope we get to see the stuff it happens though :)
On the contrary I feel Aika may become the villain of sorts, becoming vengeful of both Tessa & Saiya
Aika has the patience of a saint. Such a shame that Saiya will invariably break her promise, but such is their fate.

Slightly annoyed by what I feel is a missed trick with teasing more about Aika's own feelings about Tessa being brought back into the conversation, if only to spur things along. We know that Aika has a thing for Tessa so why not play into that, to get the ball rolling on the Aika x Tessa bond to complete the triangle. The engine's still cold when we're about 7000 pages in. Then again, complaining about the plot dawdling is nothing new I suppose..
if saiya fucks this up i hate her and kip for writing her like that forever
I remember when it didn't use to be this way. Back in the Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner sagas.
hold on, I think this is a threesome setup.

aika keeps blushing at the thought of Tessa & Saiya fooling around and looks bummed out when saiya shoots it down.
Y'know, a character learning about their boundaries and comforts within a relationship could be a compelling plot point in a romantic story, but I feel like inserting it into a fetish comic that's been spinning its wheels for 400+ pages doesn't really work...
To be fair, Patreons always show a large dip at the start of the month due to people bailing before the next charge date.
(28 KB, 664x507, chrome_wYLC1SQO7Z.png)
You or some other nigger keeps saying this. While it is true the income from patreon IS slowly drying up, I wouldn't exactly call a drop of ~15% over almost 2 years "tanking". Kip is still making +50% more than the median wage in Finland, which is not bad at all - especially not for an independent (fetish) artist.
I think at this point even Kip realises it has dragged on for too long. I think we will see closure within the next < 100 pages.
I hope the falling Patreon numbers can be an incitament to focus on different projects in the future.
Interesting interpretation! I like the way you think
Ooh, just picturing it now! With Saiya going overboard on being hands-off with Tessa, the stream dips in viewer interest until an anonymous donator tips hugely for a little hands-on action, sparking life in the steam once more. The tipper is, surprise surprise, none other than Aika who delights at making the two objects of her desire go at it, rewarding Saiya for her fidelity, evident from the stream. Her controlling the interaction is what opens Aika up to sharing Saiya with Tessa.

Don't forget that Aika 1) watches Tessa's streams and 2) has disposable income thanks to Saiya helping her with her budget.
who else is hyped about the nanny comic continuation? honestly that shit was short and yet so hot
need more of that I wish kip did 2 comics at one time
(184 KB, 790x346, Screenshot 2024-02-03 114211.png)
Has something actually been announced? If not, I'll reserve my hype.

Honestly, I wouldn't mind seeing more of Grace after a switch from OSC. This moment from NLB in particular where she describes the joy of being at her biggest... It's cemented itself in my thought for years now.
>who else is hyped about the nanny comic continuation?
This hasn't been announced, please don't get yourself all hyped up

>I wouldn't mind seeing more of Grace after a switch from OSC.

Page 202 of NLB. Reading back over those paes, I love how unhinged Grace is in general. She got da belly fever down bad, but unlike Kip's other characters she also has the resources to do whatever she wants... father permitting...

So yeah, either revisiting her past and seeing her blow up as per her memory or, in a post-NLB future where her father is no longer in the picture, having Grace run her enterprise how she pleases and reviving the glory of her lost figure. Either scenario would work for me.
Back when the comic released kip said that it was very well received which he did not expect, he also liked it himself and said that one day he will continue it
so does anyone have the new patreon picks and/or lewdpack
(2.1 MB, 803x5711, comic_information_by_kipteitei_ddgbd31.jpg)
He announced a NLB sequel back in 2019 so chances are it'll be after OSC ends, though take it with a grain of salt because he also said that he planned for OSC to be shorter than NLB and look at where we're at now
mate that was 5 years ago
he most likely forgot by now
Plus they did mention a potential FNN sequel/spinoff after FNN ended just before OSC began. Honestly at this point it’s anyone’s guess.
(1.0 MB, 1125x1575, IMG_9954.jpeg)
Ok so I’m a Tessa fan…
But DAMNNNNN Aika in that last panel is something else
that's the good shit right there; the belly hang

seriously underutilized pose by irl fetish models; creampuff and msmacncheese did it all the time.
GYATT!!!!That last panel. Saiya about to suffocate when Aika accidently rolls over in her sleep.
Aika is offically bigger than Tessa now :)
Oh hey, and we may get treated to a breakfast scene as well now. I'm curious if Aika will alter her eating habits knowing it's a turn-on for Saiya now~

We're finally out of oblivious ignorance and can start cooking now!
anyone have the last couple of art pieces?
Out of curiosity but if Aika were to lose weight do you all think shed look like Tessa at her prime with the "surfboard flat" tum
I think we need this illustrated by that one guy who draws Kip shit posts
(679 KB, 1244x5056, OSC_plotPoints_act1.png)
You are absolutely right, and I will...

But first, here's somethingI've been doing for a while!

Because of the NO FURRY rule, I want to post only the first part for now to see what do you think of the idea in general, to post the second part later if the consensus is positive (or if the mods don't delete it firstly)
It should pass the test. Funny comic there, anon.
don't see why it shouldn't pass since it's just a silly recap comic and not j/o material
Considering the mods do literally nothing to curb the rampant schizoposting, I'd be surprised if they took issue. I'd also argue memes are not the target of the rule.
Pretty good recap and not a bad theory - hadn't considered she might be the one behind it, but it makes sense. Had entirely forgotten about both the photo and the clothes, which shouldn't surprise me seeing how long this comic has been ongoing.
aika shits herself while she sleeps, burying saiya alive
>spoons the girl that just wanted to have freaky sex with you
Saiya is a rather cruel temptress.
Aikas gonna wake up in the morning and Saiya is going to be missing but her Aika's tummy got way bigger :)
Isn't Aika supposed to be like sleepwalking and eating in her sleep? Well that reminds me of a page after that arch in the church that ripped his clothes, I doubt something like that happens... but it would be interesting to see that Saiya wakes up in the middle of the night and sees Aika eating and raiding the refrigerator and In a way... would I feed him while he's like this? I don't know it's a mental straw that I'm doing
Oh sweet salty christ, no
Tbh bish would deserve such a fate
There's a new lewdpool pack.
I had so many emotions just from reading it a day ago.

first image is hot. first image of kip's ive busted to in a while. thanks for posting anon
(1.0 MB, 1125x1575, Page416.jpg)
She 100% calling her sister right? It would make 0 sense for her to call Tessa atm.
I had the exact same thought. I really hope it's her sister, though the "unfortunately" doesn't fully line up were that to be the case..

Seeking intimacy advice from Tessa and immediately squandering her second chance at redemption that Aika graciously granted her would be peak Saiya admittedly. Saiya Full Austism Speedrun Any% let's goooo
I think there's a way to write this that could possibly make sense. While Saiya has finally gotten over her adversarial attitude towards Tessa, I still don't think she quite recognizes her for who she is - an equally awkward person who is playing a character to keep up appearances. She's probably going to ask for intimacy tips or a confidence booster or something, which puts Tessa in a very strange spot. I'd hope Tessa would reflect on the one-sidedness of their relationship and realize that Saiya has been using her, leading to some sort of actual conflict between the two of them that plays into themes of self-image and being outwardly honest about yourself. No clue how Kip is planning to wrap this up, though.

>No clue how Kip is planning to wrap this up, though

Neither does Kip
kip is learning belly variety and fat distributions

So help me god if she calls Tessa. I already know Saiya is going to break her promise because she has 0 self control.
I got it figured out. She must be calling Aika.
Sadly he doesn’t learn how feet and hands works, after more than 10 years on this
She's prob calling her sister
shit tagged the wrong post
Anyone have that vore scene by LTAF where Tessa eats Saiya?
Anyone have any GOOD instances of vore from kip? And I mean good.
>instances of vore
Pick one
That one OSC page where monster mermaid Tessa was swallowing battle ships ig?
So saiya was a known lesbian for a while now?
if she's comfy enough with her sister to call her over to ask how to fuck they probably got a good enough relationship that she'd be one of the first to know

^^ True facts ^^

And hey, I'm glad to see a bit more exposure of Saiya's family, if only to justify that random insertion of the mom and sister some 200 pages back.
Kip should honestly win an award for worst feedism/weight gain comic of all time just for the absolute tone-deafness, ignorance of pacing, and utter squandering of potential that is consistently on display.

Kip isn't even a horrid comic artist by any means, and they clearly have at least some understanding of what people want, but 417 pages and this is where we are? Holy shit. Holy fucking shit. It becomes exponentially worse when you realize this isn't even the first multiple hundred-page-long comic they've crashed into the ground..

I wish I had the fucking energy to fail half as hard as Kip does. Godspeed.
Kip be like: Over my dead body
I wonder how many of these past 417 pages actually have fetish content or even insinuating dialog...

It really feels like maybe 1/5th to 1/4 and the rest is just the repetitive nonsense of Saiya being a brain dead moron with the self awareness of a fruit fly.

This comic needs to hurry up and end... then maybe we can new comic that actual focuses on fetish content.
While I myself don't mind the size of the comic as it's essentially become a soap opera in my eyes with the characters still engaging for me, I get that there are other stories to tell. Maybe this year will see the climax reached and spin down to a conclusion. An abrupt age dissatisfying ending at this stage would be damning after so many hundreds of pages spent on it for so little payoff.
Do you guys think the ending of this comic could affect kips career in the long run, i mean i dont see myself supporting another project knowing kips terrible writing and passing skill...which hasnt improved in a years...
Tbh there is a real possibility it could. Like I feel if Kip comes out with a FNN sequel people will come back because they like the characters but I feel any new project Kip will create is going to suffer due to how poor OSC was. If OSC was this long with very minimal fetish content then ppl aren't going to bother with a new project if its gonna be OSC pacing. That and if we get another protag like Saiya again.....
Billie jean the kids aint mine lol just some booty who think I am the one
Connor > Saiya and it’s not even close
Think you guys are being a little too overdramatic with the rampant speculation.
Nah, is evident that people are getting tired of kips ways
Patreon more succesful than ever, more watchers and views than ever, still 90% positive reception everywhere but here.

Not everywhere reflects the attitude of the small circle of whiny neckbeards who hang out here, believe it or not.
>Patreon more successful than ever
Is it? I check from time to time and it seems like over the last couple of years it's gone way down.
Your on the same site pal :)
Lol damn, yep I was right. Anon is full of shit.
You're right youre addicted to huge cock and porn. Lol
Y'all niggas are addicted to huge cock and porn. Lol
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This could just be the sister being glib and furnishing the situation with an anecdote, as I reeeeally hope that by "Taitai genes" Kip isn't taking a leaf from Pixiveo with some overwrought bullshit. Saiya just has intimacy issues, not a fucking gypsy curse. Christ.
Ah, I thought the implication was that her mother was a whore. But your interpretation is more in line with the theme.
Wait I'm confused. How exactly would this make her a feeder?
Now i wonder if they are from the same Father...
It doesn’t at all. I was just bullshitting for the hell of it.
anyone got today's picture/the latest lewdpack ty
Should have been Fern...
Don’t worry anon, you won’t have to wait for long
You know something we don't???
He makes some great art, but he has absolutely no sense for storytelling lmao. I like OSC and I’ve been reading it multiple times over the years. And I’ve gotta admit, the whole thing is basically like a giant tease. But I think it would be better suited for him to make shorter more fetish focused comics, like No Lunch Take Out, which is his best work imo. But hey what do I know? I’m just a gooner
>No Lunch Take Out
>best work
The one that reduced Sydney’s entire character to “me hungry” and had no plot? You’re right, you’re nothing but a gooner. Your brain has been fried.

>Great art
At this point Kip isn’t even top 10 among fat artists. Solidly mid-tier. They can draw a belly and that’s it.
This is ironic as fuck, considering Saiya is probably the single most hated character kip has ever written. Also bitch I ain't attracted to you at all. Skinny Grace managed to make me hard. Saiya manages to ruin my hardon.
The feather talk was kinda cool tho
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is this the first time feathers are mentioned since NLB 202 (feb 2019)? this comic is so annoying bc kip actually has some worldbuilding that he can fall back on (the school in BWS, the teiai company, even just different locations used earlier) to make the world feel richer and to connect the other comics, but instead it's all random unrelated shit. no one has any motivation for doing anything other than "oh i was horny/hungry then but now im not but maybe tomorrow". tessa could have been concerned about her feathers or maybe she wanted to lose them as part of the humiliation kink but instead she does things because of some mysterious relationship with stacy that we still dont know about. why hasnt saiya been losing feathers this whole time because of how she's treating aika and tessa?

i guess im ranting but its frustrating that kip could be a better writer and i feel like he used to be a better writer, but he just isnt anymore. hopefully this scene bears fruit.

inb4 "if you hate him why read him" im a fan and i just wish this comic was better. he can do it.
Can you just post a co.pilation of images showing the character kip weight gain progress from the beginning of breakfast with Sister all the way to the end of dinner with sister?
This guy reads Kip for the writing lol
Dude Kip mentioned the feathers when Tessa was trying to lose the weight after the sushi bloat. Stacy literally said her feather would all fall of if anyone saw her in public.....
Tessa also lost a feather or two after the sushi incident, and Aika lost one when she stuffed herself in the school cafeteria after getting away from Stacy.
Also note that Aika's feathers aren't looking so hot from her last scenes. You can see that Kip has purposefully shown a telltale bald tip, probably to indicate some underlying stress or decline within Aika. I like these quiet little details that you have to notice.

I get the appeal of connecting the comics so as to solidify the world setting, however there is a risk to that - whatever you gain with grounding you give up scope, and suddenly the world feels smaller with only a few characters running around in it. The Grace insertion in NLB could have backfired but the gamble I feel worked overall. Too many references to other comics can feel cheap and diminishing for the worldbuilding at large.
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>>189487 Also, it's good to see that this still makes me laugh now like it first did back then.
Is kip autistic? Does he think "you look like your mom" should be some kind of grand reveal to saiya? Their mom is literally still around, she should obviously know that they look alike lmao.

Also, saiya hasn't even depicted as particularly good looking so far.
how old do y’all think kip is, genuinely
Old enough to know better.
Did I stutter? You can’t seriously be reading this for anything other than jerking off lmao
Not everyone jerks off to just hungry bitches eating.

Most people who hang out here probably are entirely desensitized to that and want something more.
So what is this curse supposed to be about? That Saiya is attractive? What does this have to do with the fact that she freaked out when she got touched by Aika? Holy shit this is dumb.
Speak for yourself, retard. I'm content to just see fat girls eat, these artists are clearly shit at making comics so they should stick to what they do best
No one told you in proficent in alot of industries.
The sister hasn't given Saiya any advice yet other than to say that she's attractive and should get over herself. Either there are more pearls of wisdom to follow or her sister is just bad at this, lol.
I think bro is in his 30s.
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This interaction was a great waste of time
To be fair, Saiya is the sort that needs it spelled out for her that she is being a selfish cunt of a lover so consistency in writing there.
Not necessarily: Saiya is finally begginning to understand her feelings(although really late in hindsight) and her sister pointing It really helped figuring her shit out.

Even if she can appear emotionally stupid, the thruth is that you can't solve your problems only by thinking by yourself, you need an outside oppinion that isn't stuck in the mess that is your mind to see the big picture and see what is even happening and what you need to do to solve it.
So it seems that the "curse" was just a big nothingburger and it was just to establish a future plot point.
One Serving Choice: A Post-Modern RPG
Context is hot, retard. Stop pretending a non retarded plot wouldnt be beneficial to jerking it
So Saiya doesnt know the difference between physical attraction and actual love... bruh i learned that shit in when i was 15.

Now i think kip give up on writing and copied shit from a few threads ago.
I'm YIIKing all over the place dude
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On the bright side, we're moving off to get something to eat. What are the odds that we happen to meet Tessa there? I kinda miss when Tessa was stuffing on her own accord and I could imagine Tessa needing to sneak away from Stacy in order to fulfil that desire.

While the experience with the corset was mortifying, I can't see that lessening the intensity of her rivalry with Aika to try and win back Saiya.

Some people just want to fap without context and they’re welcome to it.

Reading is hard when you need to wank instead of scrolling the mouse wheel
I want the sister stuffed now
>The Grace insertion in NLB could have backfired but the gamble I feel worked overall. Too many references to other comics can feel cheap and diminishing for the worldbuilding at large.
Actually, what was up with that? Why did it act like she had had a falling out with the others? It always struck me as an odd moment.
Here's hoping we get to find out upon revisiting her story in the future! It's a fair question and an open hook to hitch a plot point onto.
Could be her thinking back to how controlling she was in LWS, her proposal to Sydney was in a similar vein. Of course she seems to have thrown that away by the end it looks like.
Not so. Remember Tina made a deal with her for the information she needed to rescue Sydney. Not only that, but one of, if not the last page of NLB was both Sandy and Grace stating their intentions to keep fattening Sydney. Kip set up Grace turning Tina into her own personal hog until she can get ahold of Sydney herself.
Yea sorry that is what I meant, grace throwing away the conflicting feelings in the final panels because of an easy in.
Come on, do something, I want this soap opera to end at last.
anyone got today's pic
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and in todays episode of shit we dont care about, we have kip’s self insert therapy session about when he told his parents he’d draw sex comics for a living
Welp in the other hand Stacy would leave Tessa to her expense and maybe even put on some weight herself while adapting to a desk job.
I wouldn't be so quick to write off this character development for Stacy. The interesting takeaway for me is that Stacy not only has some shrewd acumen in being able to run this venture of hers largely unassisted, but she is also dedicated in her pursuit of success. Those passionate outbursts in the past now suggest that she has a lot more riding on this than first surmised.

What this means is that for Stacy the stream is everything. She is protective of assets like Tessa solely because of her ability to perform and generate revenue as opposed to anything more personal. Were the stream focus to shift to something that was more amenable to Tessa and Saiya's interests in a way that could remain profitable then I could imagine her pivoting to support the shift as well. Currently she has pretty normie views of conventional sex appeal, hence her being so protective of Tessa and her figure, but I would like to think that Stacy is savvy enough to be a quick learner were the numbers to speak for themselves. I like the idea of Stacy being a supporter and ally to Saiya and any potential mukbang antics with Tessa as long as the stream continues to be a success.

In any case, good for you, Stacy, for sticking it to your parents!

Yay fat Stacy just 100 pages away!
Average american family interaction.

I remain astounded by Kip's ability to lose their own plot. Every page is exponentially worse. If I were funding this.
It's not that bad, come on now.

I'd call out stupid character decisions and dubious writing decisions as much as the next guy, but this feels like an important page for clueing us into understanding Stacy. Like it or not, she's an important character and impacts the story.

Sure, you don't have to like this direction, but decrying it as the worst possible thing is just melodramatic.
Kip couldnt live with his own failure, were did that take him? Back to Incest...
We're so back incest bros...
Im going shot one of them before that culture get close to my family. Swear to god. No father figures just bitch made men and stupid women to follow. Thats their culture. Not for me or mine
Ah well. Saiya struck with the raging stupids once more. We all roll a '1' now and again.
This will either become another side plot or just cut right to the next scene as if it didn’t even happen

Nice seeing the sister all chubby ngl
This could either be a simple nod to BWS, a future plot point, or potentially Kip teasing that a continuation of BWS will be the comic.
Or the entirety of OSC is all just Connor’s dream cuz why tf not
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Don’t know if anyone else made this comparison but the sister reminds me of the one girl from no lunch break
NGL, at first I thought BWS was meaning BetterWithSalt and was very confused as to how this referenced him in anyway.
But considering how the sister’s acted so far, I could imagine her teasing Saiya to get actual answers out of her
Is this from a page from No Lunch Break?
I’m just now thinking about it but for Kips waifu polls can you not just suggest one of his comic characters?? Cause if it’s possible we could always just suggest Fiina or Cindy if we won’t get them for awhile in the comics
I tried suggesting Cindy once but he didn’t put her into the actual poll :(
U just didn't get picked or Kip gave the no go
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I noticed a copy cat artist using AI trained on Kip’s work cropping up on deviant art. They deny having any relationship to Kip or having used their work as training material. It’s a huge rip off, even look at the font.
Putting the meh page aside, does anyone have theories about how OSC is going to end?
Exactly, Kip didn’t put her in the waifu poll after I suggested her in the suggestion post. Either way waste of $15 for me
>does anyone have theories about how OSC is going to end?
I think it's gonna end pretty soon.
>Saiya discovers that she has to choose between Tessa and Aika
>She struggles with this
>Before she is decided, the two girls confront her at the same time
>We end on a cliffhanger, not knowing who her ONE SERVING CHOICE was
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Saiya with the terrible takes once more. I'm conflicted: one one hand it's aggravating that Saiya still manages to misread people and situations so spectacularly; on the other hand, her social ineptitude is totally consistent and in keeping with her charcter. It hurts, mang.

Stacy's having her efforts being pissed on by her shitty dad who has taken umbrage with her venture?
>"So... Stacy is just doing the stream to impress her dad."
> "... She's just being used by Stacy."
Girl, who the fuck were you listening to? Stacy ain't the bad guy here! And Tessa is -employed- by Stacy, you half-wit. Sure, she may not be the kindest manager in the world but that is a -wild- take from Saiya right there.

Rather than empathise a little with Stacy and her situation (and possibly even figure that's probably why she's a raging bitch most of the time) she arrives at randomly sympathising about Tessa.. somehow. To hell with Stacy.

I'm gonna be charitable and call this as "Kip is good at writing infuriating, socially-inept characters" rather than grouse about his writing skills- then again, write what you know...
I've got this sinking feeling it's gonna go down to some retarded poll


Leeeet's just hope that's not the case...

To be fair, the font is called "Anime Ace" and is used by thousands of artists. However, this piece is actually rather tame, I've seen more of this "artist"s work and it's definitely trained on Kip's stuff. But that's just the world we live in now - and unfortunately it does look rather nice.
Why the everloving fuck does kip feel the need to insert luffy of all characters into these? Dude is like the most asexual shonen protag of all time. Sanji is right there
EXACTLY! Luffy being in the lewd piece and the original is such an annoyance. Probably why Robin and their old Nami arts were so good.
We've reached the point where ai can do this.
C'est fini.
'uffy is definitely the odd one out
That would be so fucking stupid bro.
Either in this comic or the next this juggling backfires on Saiya somehow and she gets fat, possibly due to the fitness trainer chick. Leaning towards thinking she walked in on Saiya and Tessa at the bar and will use it as blackmail
Aw, jeepers. And I thought my suggestion was bad...
anyone got the freiren pic
Good fucking purple cow

Alright anon hand over the lottery numbers
Should have been Kanne...
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If she had more of a backbone, she'd just tell Tessa "We need to talk." but of course we all know Saiya is too lost in the sauce to give up now...
Tessa has put on like no weight
1. Tessa looks smaller, fucking great...
2. Lmfao the phone is just a rectangle in the first panel, what the fuck Kip
Actually I’m not sure that’s even Tessa, look how small the boobs are compared to her
Fantastic, Tessa just shrunk again. She looks how she did 200 pages. She is so small compared to Aika
Aika has always made Tessa look like a stick regardless of her weight, but even her tits look average now. She lost the part that made me like her.

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