
Next page I hope they show Liz fatter eating like a hog.
Will say the face of Christina the blonde is best so far I love the double chin. I believe next page Green Hair takes Christina and shows her how much Liz has lost her self in Gluttony.
Yeah she's better have a bigger double chin and body when she sees her
I meant bigger everything than Christina
I’ve also noticed that Christina is just as tsun tsun as Alex when she first started getting fat
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Is this ever gonna come out?
Also for those of you who think we’re getting immobile characters, it’s probably not happening. SDC has said over on her Discord she’s not really into that stuff
I believe that Christina is going to be the new Alex. Alex’s story is pretty much over and Christina is the new MC along with Liz.

I also believe that Emily is indeed trying to purposely fatten up Liz so she can take full control of her company. Emily already has some control since Liz gave it to her. And she hired Caitlyn to specifically fatten Liz up. Now as for the relationship between Emily and Christina, I can’t be certain.
so we're just gonna keep getting walking blobs lmao
I agree, Emily is totally going to blackmail Liz with her bigger body, but Liz won’t care becuase she will already lose her willpower to say no to food
Trying to sum up NEB as it is right now:

>Liz runs a company. Very wealthy, has a harem of fatties she takes care for and dotes on.
>Liz has an ability to fatten up others using certain words.
>Used to be very fat but lost her weight because she was not respected at all by her employees. Originally however she seemed to like being fat and didn't mind it.
>Meets Alex working as a waitress. Brings Alex to her house and has her join her fat harem.
>Christina also works at the same restaurant Alex did. Also joins the harem, but has intentions on fattening up Liz.
>Christina also has the same ability that Liz has. Both Liz and her fatten each other up.

>Liz takes a long needed break and decides to gain weight
>She decides to give some control of her company and day to day operations to Emily, the green haired girl who works as her personal assistant, and whom Liz seems to respect
>Christina apparently has a history with Emily and is afraid of her
>Emily hires a maid named Caitlyn to be a personal maid for Liz.
>Caitlyn is somehow immune to Liz's words, which is very unusual. Liz seems to believe that Christina is behind this.
>Liz is now getting fattened up by Caitlyn, while Christina is getting teased by Emily.

So what has to come next if I am SDC is that

1. The history of Emily and Christina needs to be next.

2. Find out what are Emily's real goals, and how is Caitlyn involved?
Just more and more timeskips and swaps of focus
Yup, SDC clearly setting Emily up to be the bad guy. Now can we please find out what exactly the relationship is between her and Christina?
Someone's hanrgy and damn her ass looks amazing and I think Liz will get the backstory from Emily when she sees her next page
Next week back to Liz I can’t wait to see her or showing Christina gorging on food she stole. I love her anger,
Does seem his might head to flashback. Emily seems to have plan and it might be to blackmail Liz steal the conpany
She really said "fuck casual Gaslightning, we're going ranked"
She got dick pics over the weekend your wife is being hypocritical
I like to think that's what is planned. Emily as I stated here >>184514 is clearly being set up to be the overall bad guy in this story, with Caitlyn being her lackey.
Emily has some master plan. Liz is going to her Christina Story and look bigger or time skip is on it’s away. I hope Liz and Christina like Alex and Gina fighting over food. Hana has the best ass and 2nd is Christina. The plot finally thickens literally.
Same artist who said that she "will only draw male weight gain and never female weight gain"

It's a matter of time
kinda wish christina stayed as the "in denial about her weight gain" kind of personality
because now she's just another version of alex
The way SDC talks about it, Alex was basically the framing character for the series. Christina was always meant to be the MC. What matters more is what exactly her relationship is with Emily? We know that they have a history, and that Christina is afraid of her.
I really would love to know why she stopped drawing males. Its like it came completely out of nowhere one day
Money it seem like. I could be wrong those.
Nah it was actually cause she got a girlfriend, (who is a gainer and was very popular on twitter but stopped posting and I dont remember her name)

She was the one who helped her write NEB, and got her into drawing only women.

Now in my honest opinion, cause I know how everyone here can be, her drawing males was pretty kino and the story she had going on was veey good and felt rather forced to end after she started drawing women.

But anyhow, not that NEB is a bad replacement, its actually better tbh
RainyDayGlutton that was who I was referring to
Yeah she helped with Just One More Bite*, not sure if she is still helping with NEB but most likely yes
wasnt rain also the one who commissioned it
I can't wait till Alex and Liz see how gluttonous she's become i hope Alex teases her like how she teased her nonstop since the beginning of the comic
And we all know these bitches Emily and Caitlin aren't going to stay skinny forever and I bet given how Emily's been pampering Hana she's probably going
to be a blob sized maid the next time we see her too!
Think you mean Liz was always meant to be the MC.
Not even a cannon ass but ok
Do you know how much time has passed since we saw Liz in the pool? I say because if the blonde girl spent a little time then she gained too much weight in a short time because she was a little thinner than Liz when she appeared at the pool and now it seems that she is twice as tall as her. .
We don’t know the time frame from when from Liz left the pool. Author never made the time skip clear. All I want is for Liz to be Mc and ultimate glutton.
I'd like to stick my cannon in that ass.
Actually kek’d that was great.
>inb4 kaiju battle when Christina & Gina run into Alex at fridge and have to pry her away from
You and me both. I want to be walloped by that booty, like peanut smash inbetween jelly.
New cheerleader page anyone?
speaking of
now that kemono is fixed could anyone update
I swear this comic is going nowhere. Next she’s gonna crush the nerd girl under her weight.
SDC has got to do a better job explaining time gaps. Curious to see what happens now though. Sex scene? Lore dump?
If you were to compare what Kip has been doing for years, I rather take this comic any day because at least SDC doesn't waste time
Maybe lore, I hope she posts more profiles like how she did with Alex and Hana
I think this about to be a force feeding session between the two them Christiana is twice her size compared to Liz thought she be bigger this page hope after this sex/stuffing session
Hopefully Liz outgrows everything she's wearing after this stuffing session
At first Liz was the fat one between the two of them but now it's Cristina but being twice Liz's weight, it's funny the blonde became what she didn't want to be.
well no
last time we saw both of them together they were the same size
now christina trumps liz in size
Nah she need to be fattened up like her
Can see like a timeskip where Mei the need girl is at Naomi's current size and Naomi almost immobile
Nerd girl will look hotter with some extra blubber like Couple stuff better with salts comic.
At least it ain’t like Pixiveo Log Myu takes 200+ Fucking pages and she ain’t even fat yet.
bruh tryna write a whole ass novel when we just want the gains
That's something this comic doesn't need. Not everyone needs fattening up.
Maybe at some point there will be an art of a switch. I mean, SDC did that to one of their first comic
Each comic SDC has done since her rebranding has had all major characters gain weight. It's getting stale having it happen all the time, so it'd be refreshing having Naomi be the only gainer in the cheerleader comic for diversity's sake.
I have to give SDC credit where it is due, she technically has more comics finished than ongoing than any other fat fetish artist. SDC usually tends to end them before they get too long in the tooth also
>Seething about slow burn being slow burn
The only thing I wish is that SDC would be way clearer with the time skips.
>tryna talk shit like he ain’t Sped level retarded
I hope we can go back and see what happened to Christina. Kind of bugs me that there was a time skip and we did not see anything unlike everyone else.
This. I mean last page we find out Liz hasn’t seen Christina in months. Which honestly shocked me by like “wait how is that even possible didn’t you literally see her at the pool”? These time skips gotta be better addressed
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Liz still can’t admit she’s just glutton. I’ll say it now, Liz and Christina will be the biggest.
Good to see we're finally going to get a lore dump incoming. Really want to see how Emily and Caitlyn fit into all this, specially Emily's history with Christina and how Caitlyn is seemingly immune to Liz's control words.

Nah Liz knows she's a glutton, she always like being one. Its the fear of not being taken seriously and losing her job that scares her. Emily/Caitlyn is trying to purposely make Liz massive on purpose, so that needs to get explored.
Maybe when she really starts tormenting Christina. Caitlyn is going to show up with the food.
>>185520 and maybe she will feed them both, it might also be her plan, that's why she didn't do nothing with Christina, because she was waiting Liz to make her job easier
I think there's more to it then that. Emily could have easily fattened up Christina right then and there. Christina broke in front of her and was begging for food. The relationship between those two should be interesting to see, because there seems to be some kind of hate deep down between those two.

I imagine that at one point Emily and Christina were dating, with Emily being as fat as Christina currently is. Maybe Emily got sick of being fattened by Christina, broke things off, lost a ton of weight, and then started working for Liz.
Definitely think they want Liz job. Will blackmail her when she’s as big as Christina. Wouldn’t it be interesting if Alex and Gina lost some weight. Emily is helping overcome Liz Just Enough Bites bullshit. When we do see all of them again Liz and Christina are hogs of the hour. I do think Saturday once again going to stuff food but not stop.
I apologize for the bad writing. I only view this on my phone. Liz and Christina are fed by the blue hair girl Caitlyn and maybe Emily too, but Gina and Alex are going to look skinnier in the future. Christina and Liz will be the Hogs. I do agree Emily has some plan to take over Overeats by blackmailing Liz, but then will be too far gone in her own desires to care. I don’t want Emily and Caitlyn to gain weight.
I don't know what to say but it's obvious that Christina is a gluttonous pig by nature. This is because Emily comments that she hardly gave Christina food. She was surprised at how fat she has become on her own without the help of Emily and Liz and yes. Maybe in a short time Liz will end up just as obese as the blonde, but it still surprises me how the blonde became so stupid even though she was the thinnest when the story began and this is that in the pool she was still a little thinner than Liz and now she is a gluttonous pig but being a little smaller than Alex or Gina.
Yeah back story time if you guys remember Hana seemed to recognize Catilyn so it's probably Gina and Emily behind bringing in Catilyn and Christina your a gluttonous pig accept it already there's no going back!
Gina definitely wants to see Liz get as big as her so I think she convinced Emily and Hana to bring in Catilyn that's my theory
The big questions still remain

1. What is Emily’s real goal here? She knows Christina and has a history with her that much we know. We also know that Emily works for Liz. She brought it Caitlyn without Liz knowing about it to.

2. Caitlyn is seemingly immune to Liz’s control words, which comes as a shock because Liz mentions no one has ever been immune to her words. So there is something important about. Now whether Emily or Caitlyn is immune to Christina’s control words remain to be seen
Did Alex get diabetes and die? What happened to her? She’s suppose to be the fattest one and she just up a disappeared from the series completely
She's still part of the story the artist is just focused on fattening up Christina and Liz more be patient she'll be back in no time.
They stopped paying the compounds waste disposal bills so they had to repurpose her into an all in one-woman sewage/waste water/garbage disposal unit in the basement.
Nice get.

Also looks like everything is going to come back to Liz’s company. Wonder why Christina left?
Those skinny bitches better get what they deserve. Christina is hot in this flashback. I’m happy it’s all going back to overeats.
Can someone update kemono party please
Were finally getting a much needed more dump be thankful. Although we’re probably gonna be on Christina’s backstory for at least 10-15 pages
Its a fetish comic. Nobody cares about the pages they can't jerk off to.
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3 combo
Come bann me then andy. You fucking faggit
They are her food and then pretend to throw it away. These ladies are secret piggies and one to one bitches!
They eat all her food. I would make them pay me double. I’m guessing Emily will show up to help her get back at them, but in the process manipulate her.
>>186391 I've been visiting for two years schizo.
I been visiting since 2013!
Okay I don’t have a response!
Post the new cheerleader
Liz and Christina are gonna overpower emily with gluttony desires by saying their command words at the same time in one sentence directed towards emily, but only when the two of them say it at the same time.
Kemono party update please
Man just imagine if she and Liz used their words of power in a public space
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Any have this week's page?
So that's where never enough bites comes from so basically her phrase affect her like how it affects Liz
I can already tell this flashback is going to be at least another 10-15 pages. SDC still needs to get to the relationship between Christina and Emily
Something I just thought about. Liz’s control worlds may only work on those who are natural gluttons. Christina’s might work on anyone, meaning hers is far more powerful. Caitlyn is not a glutton at heart, making her immune to Liz. Emily might be the same way.
Cheerleader page update and kemono party please
Not going to lie, all these time skips, flashblacks and an all-female cast of characters with near-identical personalities is getting too much.
Where is big Al? Bring back the blue haired tart!
I dont give a fuck what they dont like to see on socia media. Millions of ways to get it.
Want you to live quiet while they live lavish in florida in polos fuck out of here what's cracking cuz.
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>she tries to backbend, bayonetta and jack-0 pose
arc where they recreate internet posing challenges when
Yeah, for the past six months the quality of SDC's storytelling has taken a nosedive, and looking back at her previous works which didn't struggle with pacing, length or writing nearly as much, I can't figure out why is that.
A page dedicated to pointing out that she takes up most of two large theater seats, and a pags pointing out that she takes up most of the aisle with a cow drawing.

"Slice of life"
Probably a combination of burnout and too many stories at once.
my brother in christ the comic is going nowhere. sure she's highlighting how the cheerleader chick grew but she's literally been doing that throughout the comic

there is no underlying plot anymore other than "pink haired girl likes to eat and grow" with scenario's like this one. i get it you love this comic but it's literally so bland and boring from a story perspective
Unfortunately it's another case of "character gets too fat in too few pages and now the artist artificially prolongs the story with dead-ends"

And it's a damn shame. What I'd give for a very short comic that has an end and a beginning, rather than 10 pages of very fast WG and 50 pages of confusion.
Das rite deez dykes need sum BBC straighten me out frfr bix nood
Artists have preferred sizes. This seems to be SDC’s.
I’m just glad this isn’t the Kip thread.
anyone got the new neb
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Kemono is down yet again from what I've seen. Might just be people aren't updating the users I favorite.
New NEB anyone pls?
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New theories, some of which came from Patreon

>Christina's power might allow her to steal motivation from people, forcing them to become gluttons. Meanwhile, this allows Christina to slim down. However around fatter women her power does not work.

>Christina will probably meet Emily at the gym. My guess is Emily is working there
Sounding like SDC is admitting that she stretched herself way too thin with these comics, and that she's planning on working on only one comic at a time. Meaning the cheerleader comic is probably going to end early so she can focus on NEB
Tbf though it was only a matter of time of how long she could keep this up. The quality is always the first to suffer when it comes to these things and it shows.
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My bad uploaded it twice
I wonder if the reason they stopped drawing Alex was due to resentment during 2022. I was one of the patreons and we all voted for JOMB every week. There was a voting system. It kept the artist from exploring other projects and she would even make posts (i'm paraphrasing) stating Its just one more bite....AGAIN!
So now the artist distancing from that character feels like she doesnt want to relive that irritation.

I think they're just exploring the other characters who havent had nearly as many pages about them, and alex will get a big reveal where shes huge and immobile lol. It isnt that deep.
ur reaching jesus

alice is literally just developing more lore with the other characters. it really aint that deep
>> 188811
That's the reason why. Huh. My guess was that she received more comments and requests to do more boob shots.
I wish I could be this stupid
Anyone got the new page
>Goes to gym to work out and lose weight
>Orders a bunch of unhealthy food after leaving
sounds about right
My god sdc how does he keep improving his art on the ass


Ok ok, I'm not going to start this...
Are they a trannie or a real woman?
Bbwchan not be a shithole challenge: IMPOSSIBLE
>>189324 go back to Twitter, or say that to the other deranged people on here like the schizoposter who rants about six figures and polygamy with hoes.
I dontbeven know their real gender lol no need to dramatize we re all here to jack off lmao

Literally just did, shut up next time
if you have to ask, then it's a troon
A new Food, Cheerleaders, And Other Pervy Fantasies Page is up.
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That's fucking retarded and you know it. Anybody can ask that question about anyone. SDC is biologically female. It's been proven. But you people act like women don't exist on the internet, so you won't ever believe it.
What the fuck does troon mean? This is a fat girl board.
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Does anyone have this piece ?
>>183848 (OP)
Don’t get why you didn’t just name it “Sweetdreamcoffee Thread IV” because the “SDC” just makes it harder to find. Don’t know why you felt the need to do that
>because the “SDC” just makes it harder to find

god forbid someone abbreviates a name. bitch
less and just enjoy the art
Stfu, if you’re not going to say anything important
ironic coming from the anon who was whining about the thread not being called "sweetdreamcoffee"
Not whining but whatever you say dumb fuck, you just felt the need to say something even though I wasn’t talking to you
you son of a bitch

im in
The best superpower ever. Making people into gluttons, would give it good use
A. I hope the clerk girl also heard it
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This comic has gotten really uninteresting, when is the nerd going to blimp up...
the nerd is meant to be a self insert, so she isnt
Why do you guys all have globlization brain rot?
WYMAN WHY ISN'T SHE FAT YET? every fucking time like if a new character is introduced they must either be bigger than the last character or fattened up to the first character in like 2 panels or you freak out.
He may be a retard but he isn't wrong about the story getting stale.
Right? That shit's annoying. We don't need everyone in a comic to gain weight. Sometimes it's better to keep the gains to only one character.
a horizontal page? thats different
tfw you're too fat for verticals.

honestly, I'm not sure why so many online comic artists insist of keeping printed page dimensions. the vast majority don't get their works printed, and digital images can be any shape or proportion, as long as they contain the relevant fat girls
I would have liked to see greater progression in gaining weight, to see how they went from skinny to so fat.
Sure, but it would’ve been more of the same cycle we’ve seen repeat three times in just this story.

(They got huge from a fuck ton of food they couldn’t stop themselves from gorging on.)
>it would’ve been more of the same cycle we’ve seen repeat three times in just this story.
Exactly, we've seen it already with Alex, Liz, and Hana.
Anyone got the new Pagés?
Seems SDC is doing double pages now to speed things up. We still have yet to get to Christina’s story with Emily
My god those love handles
I love how the white girl has the bigger Ass! Weight gain appears quick, but artwork gets better
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Lollipop Chainsaw reference?
Oh yeah, one hundred percent that
you must lose something to gain another.
this is the law of equivalent exchange.
Full circle cycle. I still wonder why Christina told Liz that she wasn’t gonna like what she was gonna hear
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Why is there a red arrow on her hand?
Distance between her whole body and the the doorway
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Calling it: Emily hired Christina to spy on Liz so she can see how Liz’s phrase works on others. Either Emily is trying to take control of the company from Liz, or she’s actually trying to fatten as many people up as possible and there’s something deeper going on
My guess is Christina gave the info she got about Liz to Emily, who then somehow used this info to make herself and the Caitlyn(the blue haired maid) immune from Liz’s phrase
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Prediction time

>Emily hired Christina so that she could fatten up Liz, have Liz hire her, have Christina fatten up Liz some more, then Emily could take control of the company.
>Turns out Emily had no idea Liz had her own phrase as well, which complicated matters.
>Christina tells Emily about Liz, and Emily cuts Christina loose, now that Emily has all the info she needs
>Christina becomes desperate for money and convinces Liz to hire her
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You forgot about this,Both Emily and her Maids are immune to Chris and Liz frases,Emily plan now is probably ditch Christina side shes no longer useful and take over the company.But i thing Liz can turn thing around if Gina or Alex develop new frases,with that it would be two times Alex affected their plans
We don't know if Emily or Caitlyn is immune to Christina's phrase since it was never tested on them, but I have to assume they both were. And I do agree that Alex or Gina will possibly develop their own phrase, which Liz might use against Caitlyn first, then Emily.

Liz has somewhat of a small advantage because Emily still thinks Liz's is unaware of what her plans are. Meaning Liz can play dumb while plotting her next moves, but she'll probably have to move fast because of Caitlyn.
Can someone please post the entire comic of just one more bite and NEB as a pdf
where the new pages at
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Pretty obvious she knew about Liz's weight problem and was going to use Christina to fatten her up and steal the company while Liz is an immobile blob. Emily could still win since Liz has fallen to gluttony. It may to late for Liz to fight back and that would be boring just to see another go thru same weight gain revenge. I rather see Liz try to beat Emily but fail to begin her new spoiled feedee lifestyle
I want Emily to show and Liz try to over throw her villainous takeover of her company. Unfortunately Liz fails to overcome her Gluttony and falls in depraved spoiled lifestyle she all ways wanted with Christina whale next to her.
This page, why does it exist? It's already implied in the previous one... We could have moved on from this, already but oh well.
It's been padding for a while now.
Padding I’m guessing. I still want to know why Emily seemingly turned on Christina if her planned worked. it would explain why Caitlyn was brought in, to basically be Christina’s replacement.
Doubtful. SDC likes happy stories and endings. Also SDC isn’t a fan of blobs, she’s admitted that on her Discord. Liz still has an advantage here because Emily still believes Liz is unaware of what her plans are. Emily was counting on Liz to find out sooner so she could take over the company quickly. If Liz continues to feign ignorance, it’ll slow things down.
I'm not a fan of blobs either but aren't Alex and Gina technically blobs? They are over 700 lbs
Blobs are used to describe characters that are weights and/or sizes beyond what real people are capable of. Right now, Alex and Gina are considered USSBBW, not immobile or blob.

>Also SDC isn’t a fan of blobs, she’s admitted that on her Discord.
She more accurately said that she's not comfortable making her own OCs into immobile or blob size, as she's done it before with non OC characters.
If you think the size Alex currently is is something that is possible IRL, you desperately need to touch grass.
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Caitlyn showing up was completely unexpected. There's a few scenarios that can play out here:

>Caitlyn blackmails Liz; either resign from the company and hand over leadership to Liz, thus keeping a nice, comfy life in relative peace, or Emily goes public and exposes how fat Liz got.
>Caitlyn's challange is that Liz must eat an entire massive buffet in one sitting. If she wins, she'll tell Liz everything about Emily's plan.
>Either Liz or Christina will use Never Enough Bites on Caitlyn. I predict Liz uses it first but it fails and Caitlyn starts stuffing Liz. Christina feels hurt by the betrayal Emily did, and uses Never Enough Bites, this time working on Caitlyn.
>****hand over leadership to Emily
Now we're getting to juicy stuff finally
One more idea

>Challange could very well be if Liz can lose all the weight she got in a month or so. If Liz wins, Emily will leave the company. If Emily, Liz steps down and hands all control over to Emily.
>Offer her to try to go full hog for a limited time,If after that time, shes says she wants to stop, they leave her alone.
>That sounds too easy to be truth right?,Living in the same room with Christina, both Emily and Caitlyn will up the intensity and feed Liz around the clock,zero breaks,daily
she’s about the weight she used to be at before she lost it all. Liz loved being fat. Only reason she lost it was because the company wouldn’t take a fat woman seriously
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I know all that already but it's amazing to see her gain it all back and she's going to get even bigger which is exciting
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This is page from last Thursday
This page is from last Thursday I mean
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I miss these girls compared to the cheerleader comic she got lazy with the story she did way better with this comic
Looking like Caitlyn is the sadistic, dominant feeder who gets off on belittling and fattening girls up. Good chance she’s gonna end up the fattest come the end of the series
Something I Just realized. I believe Caitlyn does have her own control words like Liz and Christina, it being “This is who I want to be. This is who you really are.” Cause almost immediately after she said that Liz lost all control.
>Good chance she’s gonna end up the fattest come the end of the series

yeah i doubt that. not every character needs to gain
The way she's set up makes it pretty clear that's what's gonna happen. Either her or Emily will get fat, its inevitable
Who hurt your butthole cometellyourboss
Nah she should stay the same Emily should gain and we already have Alex Gina and Hana obese already
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Anyone have this new piece?
I miss when she did boi art but there’s nothing anyone can do about that
That would be boring if Emily or Caitlyn get fat. I still think Liz will be the biggest by end. I don't she will be able to overcome her gluttony.
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>skinny Alex is just as mean as fat Alex
Blue hair bitches are mean in this world I guess.
It'll probably end with that, expect she'll still have full control of the company and Emily will get fired.
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Can wait to see present Alex we haven't seen her since 2023
Go fuck yourself, loser
my brother at least he was polite remond him correctly
The bot sucked but it's a detail
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Can someone update kemono party please
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Huh almost right on the money >>194814

Prediction this time is Liz has Christina use “Never Enough Bites” on her so she’s able to eat the entire feast and forcing Caitlyn to tell her what’s going on.
No Caitlyn is going to push food on them. Christina and Liz will win the contest. Then Caitlyn will tell them the story, but Liz and Christina would rather keep getting fed. Next after ton stuffing skip ahead a few months you will see Christina and Liz over 500lbs fighting for food like Alex and Gina
I highly doubt it, don’t get your hopes up
Anyone have the new growing struggles art
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I now understand Liz wants to be glutton and be fed like Alex
New page
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she's totally just trying to piss liz off and put her into like, a food rage or something. that's my bet.
Anyone have dango slayer from her patreon?
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Liz true ravenous self will be released next chapter with no way back.
I honestly think its more like Liz is not in control for the first time. She's always had control: From control over losing her weight, to control over the company, to control over the girls. However, she got complacent and she let her guard down big time, letting Caitlyn take control. She's taunting Liz here about how Liz is no longer running the show, and you can tell Liz is pissed off.

Also, I would agree with you that Liz was going to become ravenous if we were near the end of her story line. But SDC said I believe a few weeks ago we're only a little past the halfway point. Liz giving in would be very counterproductive to the story.
Wow! Good to know! I still believe Liz will be the biggest fatty of them all it’s her true nature. I mean look at the sweat on her face and the way she clenched the sheet. She is pissed off, but I believe it has to do more with her wanting to feed then revenge now.
i wouldnt say liz is pissed off. i think shes just tense and all the teasing is getting to her
Yeah but Caitlyn is clearly insulting her about how she has no control over others anymore and that Caitlyn holds all the cards. SDC has hinted that Liz has lost sight of who she once was because she got so used to spoiling herself. That might be why her control words don't work anymore, because Liz needs to be in control for it to work, and because she got lazy it no longer functions.
Kemono update please
Cant wait for Liz's bratification arc where she goes full needy and greedy for food and gets angry when she doesnt get it
Yes, that is moment we are all waiting to happen. When you see in a room full empty pizza boxes, burger wrappers and garbage everywhere. She is a sloppy mess the size of a whale demanding food more than Alex and Christina.
kemono is dead since last week.
gotta wait till they fix it again xD
New page
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I give the creator credit. This isn’t like any other bbw comic. No this is the most seductive piece literature on the website. The teasing is unbelievably well done.
NEB actually has a story that drags you in. Its a fetish comic of course, but I'm legit invested.
Same here!
We have finally reached a climax. Liz transformation from bbw to ssbbw begins now
WITCH HUNT!!!!!! Hoax!!!!!!
Dammit enough of this teasing I want her to lose control this weekend's page !
Can’t believe she’s gone 100 pages with just the second arc. Really wish she’d end the cheerleader comic and just focus on NEB, cause NEB clearly has something going for it
Anyone have the recent cheerleader page?
If kemono is working again can someone update it please
I think it hasn't been working for a hot minute tbh
New page
Someone please update kemono party please
Bro, you’re almost daily beggin for someone to update the site when it’s broken won’t maniacally fix anything….
Damn still then can some upload her regular art and the cheerleader comic pages please
Saving that $40usd for the motel im taking your spouse

Fingers crossed nobody uploads anything just because of how annoying you are begging all the time. Go get on the patreon yourself if you need it that bad.
Oh she trying to make him look bad every way possible. Like no one see what the fuck she is doing. No one is dumb
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>>199407 This is the internet, so there's no obvious social cue for it. If this were a conversation in real life, this is the part where someone would try to walk away from you mid-sentence and you just keep following them to continue pestering.

Kindly shut it already. Your incessant begging isn't actually making the uploads come and it causes these threads to die faster.
Seriously knock off you idiots. Just waiting to hear back for frickin page to upload. For live of god stop whining. People come to this website to enjoy the comments and dumiscussion not hear those dumbass debates.
What does everyone think about the page this week
Palestines, islamic and jews are getting assinanted starting now for being voids
I care about the Jewish people and Palestines, but this website is not for that type content. We come on her to enjoy big women comic, that is it nothing else. So let's all stop with politics and focus on the comics. Also either pay patroen or wait for the pages to be released. Thank you guys. I hope Liz getters bigger soon.
The comic is not only edging us it's also edging the actual characters
Also seeing this blue haired woman basicly dehumanising the characters until there just empty headed blobs is hot as shit
I agree she teases Liz, yet it makes more exciting watching them Liz control. Anyone think Liz looks bigger?
Is this a schizo meltdown?
I'm typing on a phone. So I have hard time with the buttons. I'm asking does the Liz character look bigger this weekend? I'm not a schizo.
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Does anyone have this new illustration?
She does the crime. Creates the problem then blames you for everything. Run nigga run. We know what youre going through. Run. She wouldnt dare act like in front of others
She said your name will never be on the house? Why would you have kids with her? That shit just gave me the creeps.
hoping JOMB gets something like this as well
New page!
Anyone wonders what will happen to Liz's job if she gets too big?
Like yeah she does online meetings but will she even be able to cover herself with clothes for them when she is done????
She will have to wear mask or her camera is broken . Honestly I don't think she cares anymore. The true glutton queen has finally lost control and love it. By next time skip she will be hog, maybe bigger than Alex. When does everyone think they will show it? I’m hoping by Saturday or the coming Tuesday. I can't wait to see Liz squeeze her badonkadonk in to that tiny chair. That double chin with food hanging from it. A complete sloppy ssbbw pig chowing down helplessly aware there no stopping her own desire for more more and more.
Would be cool if fat becomes the new corporate culture
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Hot page
So what's yalls thoughts on why the green haired woman wants to make everybody fat
Caitlyn already lost, she just doesn't know it yet. Doesn't matter how dominant of a feeder you are, when you're up against a true glutton, you can't win.
I'm pretty sure that's why Emily hired Christina and Caitlyn: She wants to fatten up Liz to a point where the board of directors votes to remove her and put Emily in charge.
That's a huge possibility, but I agree Liz has always been the real glutton of the group. Alex and Caitlyn will not be able keep up with her. Last picture showed her real face. A piggy who wants to devour everything. I just hope soon we see her bigger.
kemono appears to be working can it get an update
Fuck you Fools
Well then, guess Caitlyn has to tell Liz why shes working with Emily now.
If they do some gay arguement phase im gonna throw me monitor out the window
Also it's been like 30 pages since we've seen Alex or Gina watch were gonna cut back to them and there gonna be borderline blobs
doubt it. next page will probably be liz nagging on christina about eating all the food that liz was supposed to eat. hence liz's "sigh"
It was Liz that ate all the food. She doesn't realize how much control she lost. Think about it she's holding the pitcher. She probably chugged it all so fast.
my guy look at christinas belly. the red mark on the top of her belly implies shes stuffed, which would also imply she ate all the food
The food was meant for both Liz AND Christina. The offer was if they both ate everything , then Caitlyn would tell Liz what Emily’s plans are. Caitlyn also thought there was no way they’d be able to eat all the food, and yet Christina easily did it.
Please explain how Christina having red mark means she ate all the food. She beat her stomach red, that doesn’t mean she drank all the shakes.
She's holding a burger she's right next to the food her stomach is bloated and clearly liz dident eat the food and the artist wouldent have done a cut away for something like that
Are you fucking retarded? Learn reading comprehension.
That ass and those fat arms 😍
Liz is definitely a dom feedee at this point
I hope that’s the direction SDC is going in here. Would be nice to see Caitlyn crack under the pressure and realize she can’t win.
This is perfect moment for a time skip. Caitlyn comes back with a ton of food for a much plumper Liz yelling for more.
thank fuck you arent the one telling the story
Stink tities arms feels like the ass
Why the fuck would we want a time skip when we can watch it happen
Yeah I like to watch it happen, but that doesn’t seem to be artist taste. Only time she did it was with Alex. I agree I much prefer watch Liz profess over a time skip.
Because u a bitch nigga lol
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SDC is just phoning it in now with this comic. It’s obvious she just wants to end it and focus on NEB cause the plot is just going nowhere
Her belly shape is completely different in the second panel lmfao
who are these characters, and is the more of them?
>"Do you feel in control?"
Is it weird to say I prefer when Liz wasn't fat like the rest?
Same here, I absolutely preferred the normal Liz...you know, the one who wanted every other girl to grow lmao
Normal Liz was the hottest, but I do enjoy watching her transition.
We have been stuck in that room for almost 40 pages...
Guts was stuck on a boat for 8 years.

You'll live.
Exactly bro honestly she needs to show Alex and Gina again Liz and Christina are awesome but I want to see what those two are up too now
You know what. Whwn I first met her she never talked about her mom, dad or siblings. Its been almost 20 years. Damaged women hide who they are until you hit a hard road or something happens in your life. These witches need to be burned alive
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>>202071 And he's sadly getting back on, this time Casca isn't there, Isma isn't there, and Rickert and Silat took their places. Also, has anyone heard any updates on when the manga is being picked up again?
These little frogs are so calm & behaved when you leave. Energy never lies. But keep blaming everything on him he isnt your father he didnt damage you in high school.
Gina and Liz have been stuck in bed for 8 years
Sound like a good ole hunt 007
Did you know if ppl make threats on phone calls verizon will send you the audio if legal investiagtion is on going? Wild wild west watch what you say on the phone
Na. I actually feel the comic is way weaker since that plot was brought in. It's become so muddled and unfocused.
Same. Just show us Alex and Gina already damnit
alex and gina had their spotlight (mostly alex). i really dont mind whats going on rn. plus im starting to like christina more anyway
Yes, thank you. I think we're seeing the flimsy pretences of this story being stretched here. Being a fetish story with drama elements is always gonna feel limited over a protracted period compared to writing a drama with fetish elements - something that can be far longer sustained. Hence why all the new narrative elements bring crowbarred into this plot feel so jarring.

I don't mean to piss all over the comic per se but it's an instructive moment all the same.
Christina, Alex,Gina,Liz etc. it doesn't matter every character who has gotten fat is just a blob begging the maid girls to feed them.

I mean who cares about Alex/Gina? we have Alex/Gina at home with Liz/Christina
Were can I found all the comics please
Doesn't it just feel like much of a muchness though? Just rinse and repeat until SDC gets bored and calls it quits?
I just wish the plot to NEB was unfolding faster. Seems like we haven't really found anything out in a long time. I like the cheerleader comic because there isn't much to it plot wise. Just enjoy each page for what it is
Don’t know why some people just can’t enjoy things for what they are
Bbwchan need to shut down. Ppl who look like they were missing chromosomes in high school have alot of mouth today
People are allowed to have opinions. Deal with it.
good panel. comic still aint interesting tho imo
Guess its my turn to sperg. Really thought SDC was about to do something erotic besides "fat girl eat". Guess they're a one-trick pony
She IS a one trick pony, a shitty one at that. I unironically miss the days when she uploaded BHM art, she put way more effort into it lmao
SDC admitted she’s stretched herself too thin by doing two comics at once. I think she wants to end the cheerleader comic as soon as possible so she can focus all of her time on NEB.
I really don’t understand why she stopped doing that stuff. Like there’s zero explanation she just suddenly said one day yeah I’m not gonna draw this stuff anymore and never gave an explanation or reasoning.

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