
>>183704 (OP)
Literally all I care for is seeing the high-res version of this
>>183704 (OP)
Yeah, you turned his motherfucking art into political agenda. Are you happy about this, retards? Go suck someone else's cock and stop complaining
My knowledge of characters lack very
Don't even know who this is, lol
God salt has mastered texture imo. It's always tits tho, tits and belly. I wish he'd do more ass stuff.
>Putting on a stock texture layer=mastered texture
Lol, lmao
Let's see you draw actually decent fat art, retard
You'll never be a real artist
You hate me, as I speak the truth. I've seen BWS' art streams on picarto. He does the whole "do a single shading layer, then set layer to Multiply" thing, the absolute laziest way for a digital artist to shade.
Don't get me wrong, BWS puts out a lot of good quality art, fast, and I respect that. But it's not deserving of this "He's a master!" Fellation.
I don't hate you, all I said is that you WILL NEVER be a real artist
Because im a professional bullshit artist. Give me the key. Mental sean
I said, show me your fucking art. Or are you only a coward who can't back up his claims?
Slow cobra mustangs. Piss pants. No more.
1. I've been in those streams and that's not how he shades.
2. Why is that lazy? What's wrong with it? What do you expect him to do? Most digital artists use layer modes for shading, retard.
Lmao, for what reason? Doesn't matter the quality, low, mid, or high, someone would have some snide comment about it. I know how this works. Besides, I'm not gonna release the hounds on myself like a retard.
Point is, how can you prove you know what to when working on art, when you can't show us proof that you do know?
Salt makes these for a living, you know. And baseless accusations like that aren't worth their salt.
Ignoring the bitchfest, is there birthday art for Shannon? It's January 5th.
I'm a girl though. Hah, checkmate
I mean today. I'm losing track of days
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Okay, since all this all started over texture(and I admittedly got shitty, petty, and antagonistic over it) I'll explain and use the second pic from >>183836 as an example. Zoom in on the skin. The "texture" on it is from the use of a noise filter layer put on top of the shading, which you can tell from its uniformity.
Since there aren't many naturally, 100% smooth things in real life, artists will often use "noise" to give the appearance of a non-smooth surface.
In digital art, this can be done by just simply setting a premade noise layer on it rather than doing the texturing manually.
I'm not expressing hatred of this particular technique, it's fine. But it doesn't make you a "master" of texture, like that first person said.
Yeah, but...who gives a shit about the texture? A drawing is made of many other parts
I'll complain all i want, fucker. Lebos suck. Not enough cock, though.
Are you actually believing some troon?
Pay the damn artist then
Thanks for the tranny, retard. You must be popular among women...oh right, you still jack off to fat girls
Shut the fuck up and post art you whiny yapper mouth cunts
Aww, the kid is mad lmao
Nah. Lesbos are just mid.
I've yet to hear anybody give an actual explanation as to how lesbians are worse. What's the actual difference if it's a one-sided gain?
lesbians are just overrated

kip does lesbians, SDC does lesbians, salt does a fair share of lesbians

its oversatured. i want more man and woman action
You didn't say why they're worse, nigger. You just hate lesbians
be the change you want to see, pick up a damn pencil
Why don't all of you just shut the fuck up no one cares about anything any of you have to say.
Gets really fucking boring quick.
(180 KB, 1280x1811, 67ba1a89e6ac809f31a1b877127fff3a_imagepng.jpg)
It's only because artists want to see hot girls getting fucked, but also realize that drawing a man fucking said girl is a form of self-imposed cuckoldry. Lesbians are the compromise, but in all honesty I'd just prefer solo pics of a fat girl masturbating if I feel the need for plump pussy that bad. Doesn't even need to be traditional girl-fapping either, like pic related.
man I frogot how godlike this pic is
Solution. No more lebsos. Just beating it solo.
My brother in christ, just admit that your gf left you for a lesbian
Seems like the lesbo tranny brigade is here.
(3.3 MB, 2791x2159, Samus.png)
I told you in the last thread. They are closeted gays and need to see man ass to get it up. Self inserting as another man in your fantasies is not only gay it is also the highest form cuckery and that is just gay.
“If you imagine yourself fucking a woman you’re gay”
(932 KB, 3867x2481, Patreon post image.jpg)
Nice try cuck, but that's not what I said. The AIDS have gotten to your brain. I said "Self inserting as another man in your fantasies is gay and the highest form of cuckery". Take your aids meds, gayboi.
(2.9 MB, 1858x2622, IMG_1665.png)
Self inserting as a man who is fucking a woman is imagining you are the man who is fucking the woman, are you stupid or just that insecure
Why do you rely on on art of fat chicks to get off can’t you just imagine a character but fat
We could, but you know we are like monkeys. We see action, our neurons activate.
Exactly, why use your imagination to conjure a fat chick when you can simply look at a drawing of a fat chick same thing for a man and a woman having sex
(76 KB, 970x2048, 20240105_123412.jpg)
Kek all the lesbo troons projecting you to be gay to wanting to fuck a woman. YWNBAW.
My God you people couldn't even hold off the argument for one fucking day.

Where the fuck are the jannies? These threads used to get cleaned up often to avoid this shit, people are continuing the same crap from the last one
(1.4 MB, 3031x2811, Open for Breakfast.jpg)
>gay cuckold can't handle being made fun of and called a gay cuck
>cries to jannies
Many such cases.
Wah. Wah. Wah. Go cry to your lebso overlord or someone who actually gives a fuck.
(3.4 MB, 1578x1592, Hammy Sammy_ Part 2.png)
I didn't expect a nicolas fuentes quote in one of Salt's threads lol. I hope that half kike, spic-goblin runs for some kind of office and gets torched.
If you can’t handle a guy in your porn, I’m sorry but you’re just insecure. “If you look at straight porn you are 100% getting hard to the dude” sounds more like a self-report than anything.
Dude, this isn't the dunk you think it is. You're the one trying to be dismissive and mean. I'm secure enough to not let some dickhole on a chan board to tell me what my sexuality is. I'm just saying that you're way too insistant that I'm gay and you're not.
(3.2 MB, 4244x2054, New Possibilities.png)
why do you wish to argue when you could instead both just enjoy the guts UwU
MxF lets goooo!! Marin can't be made into a lesbo.
I’m in awe no one had anything to say about this
(Also same)
I love that if a mod cleaned this up, they would be the bad guys because OMG THEY'RE POLICING OUR SPEECH THEY'RE NAZIS FUCK MODS but this is all fucking garbage.
At this point this entire thread needs to be locked for a week
How about a telegram group?
man yall need a snickers or something
life is too short to be this angry
enjoy the salt art and relax
No. Fuck you and all the other lesbain lovers.
>the schizo retard fight is STILL going
>no new salt banger
why live
"Noooo BWS is drawing lolis!1!!11" Average american
Fighting phantoms, I see. No one has even said anything.
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Oh, shut up and squish the fatness. They make for great stress relief.
You're telling me he skipped Shannon's birthday to draw Lucyguy's and Undertaker's waifus for the millionth time?
Lucyguy hasn’t gotten a new Lucy since last year, plz understand, he was having withdrawals
2024 has literally just started you retard
Yo Areku, and anyone else who plans on commissioning Better With Salt in the next batch; Might we try getting more chubby and immobile sized artworks asked for for the sake of getting more size variety out of Salt? I'm going to try as well.
this is complete and utter fucking retard babble. how is this shit STILL going on. wank to some lard asses you fucking autists
So is this a thread to post fat bitches or throw shit at each other?
>>184121 (Dead)
This isn't even the first time they've drawn Megumin, and they've drawn plenty of Pokemon characters before. This isn't anything new from them.
>>184121 (Dead)
I don't think you retards even know what that word means anymore, you just toss it around without thinking.
I was looking at Salt's twitter out of curiosity for size preferences and they do land mostly arpund the sizes of his oc's, but his likes definitely goes into the small-medium blob territory.

So really, for the people who ask and want him to do comms of those sizes, just do it within reason lol.

He's clearly fine with it so long as it's in the range he likes, and the worst thing we can do (regardless of him being able to deny said requests) is bombard him in such a way that makes him dislike doing it altogether.
Does he hold himself back sometimes? Probably, but when he does go bigger sometimes, he does make comments on wanting to have done it at some point (maybe it posterity, but I want to think it's sincere).

So going with them taking 1 less step at a time (dumb fat joke) probably for the better.
(759 KB, 615x775, Soft Spread Homo Edition.png)
>he still thinks everyone self inserts.

And after a week I'll still be here, calling you gay for wanting Salt to draw big veiny throbbing dicks for you to fap to.

Here is the super straight edition for the super straight Anons who want more dick in their fap material.
You just lack imagination. Marin is like, obsessed with hot anime girls. It's not that hard to imagine her lusting after other women.
Damn, mfers really hate lesbians huh? This is gamergate all over again

Shut the fuck up dumbass
“I want to see more straight couples” doesn’t mean “I want to see dick” you fucking moron. Salt has drawn straight sex twice now and neither time has a dick been shown. But hey, at this point it seems like you’re more concerned with just keeping this bullshit going than anything so of course you’re still going to find some way to call me gay.
>>184121 (Dead)
Mfs really just be throwing around the word pedo like it’s confetti
>that face
I've come to realize, Salt was never that good. This looks stupid as fuck.
> gamergate
Kys. Lebsians are boring.

I just want more straight couples.
Is that really Salt, looks pretty shit compared to what I expect out of him.
Entered because i wanted to see bws cute art, and instead i receive 5 virgins arguing about how lesbians are very bad and blah blah blah
Just for a single drawing? You're either a retard or you never liked BWS to begin with. Or I guess both
Can someone update the kemono
what's wrong with it? Looks way better than most burp faces other fat artists attempt...
Oh my goodness, guys, this is not 4Chan. Why can't we just post pics by better-with-salt in peace without discussions about how couples work and what preferences are.
lol why would you want to? this niggas art mid af
(83 KB, 1010x688, 20240107_200850.jpg)
This thread should be shut down until we get another OC art
Then why are you here dipshit?
Oh great. More lebsians.
It's a sketch, not a full artwork.
hmmm, we could negotiate something out of this i feel
Sexuality and pronouns are entirely different things you cum stain. And i don't even AGREE with Babyface because he's an ass. Lebsians are boring.
Thanks for telling me how it is done, anon
>>184406 (Dead) Shut the fuck up hypocrite. You're on a fucking porn site, you have no room to criticize.
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Since the board’s gonna be the de facto drama queen of draw as per usual, I think I’m gonna shed my lurker ways for a minute and comment for once, something I know no one asked for.

I have to side with the het guys here a smidge more than the Yuri fans for a wholly personal reason.

Lesbians tend to open the door for mutual gain very often when it comes to bbw art. Not trashing mutual gain here, but it is a little disappointing to see how a lot of artists end up drawing that instead of sticking to something like size difference. (Both are good, it’s just that I like a small, dainty partner paired with this hamplanet and/or Venus of a woman, something that a fair bit of lesbian art foregoes in the artists I frequent)

I know Nat and Hayley exist in this SD niche, same with the first half of that couple comic, but I’m kinda bored of the whole “Oh, I’m too shy/timid to admit I really like the fact you’re fat!”. The only other character I’ve seen in Salt’s OC lineup that breaks the mold consistently while remaining thin, is that guy Val is with. Not a trailblazer mind you (he had two kinda domineering poses when getting busy and a deadpan line about Val’s weight), but different enough to give me hope for a shakeup in the formula. That by default means I want to see some more straight stuff with Mr. Rando here if it means I get some better material.

I kneel and plead for some good ol’ “skinny fella teases his fat girlfriend about her weight” with Val and Mr. Rando.

Also bellybutton “stuff”. Guys do bellybutton “stuff” better than girls, as also shown by Val Makes me want to see some more stuff like that from Salt.

TLDR: Lesbians tend to get more mutual stuff; and straight stuff seems to get more SD Freon how I see things. SD trumps mutual gain imo. Bellybutton screwing is hot. Guys are interchangeable for the first bit and are a cornerstone in the second one.

P.S. Het guys, I ride with you, but there’s gotta be some more spots to get your fix. Isn’t “Domino Effect” or a few of things Drblackjack (I know the writing is meh, but a good bit of the pics slap) or is just the fact you want to see more straight couples from Salt? Also pic unrelated since I think all the other pics I talked about were already posted
These two are adorable
(Yes, I’m fully aware this comment is gonna get dog piled)
i'm with you, would love to see more of them
Well, Nat's birthday is around the end of the month too and he definitely won't miss that one
wym fattywank lesbos are the highest echelon of lesbianism
So youre saying fat lesbians have the best tits, ass. & vagina? At what age is their a decline in those peak features lmao
I don't mind lesbians. Or anything LIKE that. I just want more straight relationships put of salt. It just seems heavily out of balance since every artist how their fxf couple at the forefront.

I KNOW for a fact most of what is said here is bitching. But as a Heterosexual myself. I would like to be able to see an actual fleshed out male character with a fatty. Not half assed. The same level of attention Nat and her twink gets.
I see there's been no change in directive since last thread. No new art either. Shame, but this site IS a derivative of 4chins so I'm not surprised by the abundance of arguments over something pointless. Not like it's different on any other social media site but this one gave me free fat bitches. I guess now the payment is in loss of grey matter, which is not something I can afford at the moment. But hey, good things never last.
(1.1 MB, 4088x1517, IMG_0501.jpeg)

I dig you there, espically the line about “fleshed out males”. (To an extent of course; blank slates are greatly appreciated, most notably when a couple starts plowing in the sheets, better immersion imo)

It’s also not that Salt or other artists don’t have straight stuff that gets my goat (they do; I savor those tidbits like a fine merlot) It just seems that whenever a good opportunity pops up for a guy in the piece, we get a bust and a line shoved in the corner, maybe some disembodied hands if we’re lucky. The same thing can be said for both OCs and the licensed characters Salt (and many others) do.

The best example I can think about is a few of his “My Dress Up Darling” pics and maybe that one off-shoot he did with that girl gaining weight at the beach (that one’s probably more gender neutral, but a man can dream.)

It would have been fine eaten’ to get Gojo looking as shocked as Marylin about her growing gut, same with seeing some dude slowly lose that domineering edge over his girlfriend as she gets more and more into her own growth. Alas, ‘‘twas not meant to be.

This Yor pic though is a good example of what I’m talking about here when it come to what I’m hoping Salt does more of.

I also do understand why you only tend to get just the tubbster or two gay tubbsters most the time though (or it at least seems that way) The first being that’s what people like (up till recently that is lol). The second being the focus of a bbw art piece is the bbw, so skinny partners tend to be more of an accessory if that makes sense.

TLDR: I wish salt drew some skinny partners to accompany his big ladies more often, dudes in particular. The pic attached is a good example of what I’m hoping for more of later down the line. I’m not demanding that Salt draw hetero couples, in fact I understand why he doesn’t do it that often, but I still wish we got a few every couple weeks or so.

P.S. If Salt doesn’t make up some male OCs (which he most likely isn’t going to do) I wish that he could tack on some more thin/muscly guys with poll characters. Good example from another artist being that Baikien piece BeltBuster did a while back, not the most involved man of all time, but by God, that just makes the piece in my book. The more recent Tomo-Chan pic by Belt as well also shows some of the gripes I have the man in straight couples art.

Also, did twink evolve to a two-way term when I wasn’t looking? Urban dictionary done two-timed me one time too often for me to trust it. I like words (hence the wordy, novella I’ve laid before you) and I want to keep pace with modern slang, dumb as it can be.
Not even associate degree level thesis you copy & pasted this for no reason.
I just don't get why you even need the dude to self-insert. Just use your imagination retards and let the man draw what he wants
I'm willing to bet the off-screening is so he doesn't have to draw a full second character. He does a lot of stuff, I can see time being a factor. Still, I'd be up for seeing a bit more involved stuff.
Thank you for understanding my viewpoint rather than just going off and calling me a retard or trannie. I just wish Salt branched out more.
Big fucking emma, nice!
>>184556 the BWS thread is healing
And why not just stop at skinny? Why not have fat guys with female partners too? Why the fuck do people hate mutual weight gain so much?
> Fat guys

I agree you, anon. But you might not wanna say this here.
Anon 2 is right, you're unfathomably based for saying it but you're also going to get torn to shreds
I am so sorry in advance king
I remember reeading in an old salt thread that he refuses to draw bhm
Anon is stuck in their twitter coomer bubble and doesn't realize straight men and lesbians exist.
(2.8 MB, 2216x2684, IMG_0432.png)
The best answer I can give you to that question is the following.

In mutual gain where a male is present, they tend to either be the main/secondary vocal point of the piece or they’re meant to be a stand in for the viewer, usually a male interested in packing on the pounds. This is a fair assumption, correct?

For someone like me who is neither bisexual or interested in being fat myself, it just ends up being something I’m not terribly fond of. I do get where you’re coming from if you’re into those things though. I do also have to agree that I do fancy a bit of mutual gain with lesbians from time to time.
Time is most definitely a major factor here that I didn’t mention. I understand that Salt both doesn’t want to put a lot of time into a piece that neither he nor his audience wants to look at serves a good third reason for why he does what he does. I also understand that he doesn’t do most of this for free, so to demand straights is just poor manners at this point.

You still do see him go the extra mile though with some things like his MHA pics, so it does show that he has the work ethic to sometimes do that sort of thing for the lesbians. That’s why I think it’s fair to say I wish he drew more skinny guys to pair with his big girls.
Fat girls are cute
Fat men are gross
True but it depends, usually women hold weight rather better than men due to biological reasons especially in their thighs, butts or breasts.
(1.5 MB, 3031x2811, What’s Cookin’ Good Lookin’.jpg)
>Why the fuck do people hate mutual weight gain so much?
Closeted gays in denial. It's a story as old as time itself. They want the skinny men in it without realizing that is also gay, but draw the line at fat men because they're "gross" and "ugly".
Wrong. Fat people are better in general.
Women at least have curves, fat men are fucking gross
Only if the redhead starts gaining weight again, otherwise the other couples are better
Fat guys are also banned on his Discord, so there's no way he'd start drawing them. For as popular as he is, it would be a dumb decision on his part to start.
>Fat guys are banned in Discord
wtf? BWS confirmed to be a rebellious confederate, dehumanizing fat men instead of black people.

By following your logic, you're a repressed heterosexual who got cucked by even the ugliest fat cunt in your town and you've decided to dig fat men who also are the biggest losers dying alone of diabetes, you share a lot in common.
Schizo's back. Threads dead, everyone move on.

Maybe the next one will last longer.
(248 KB, 1260x1131, Rogue by Better With Salt.png)
>By following your logic, you're a repressed heterosexual who got cucked by even the ugliest fat cunt in your town and you've decided to dig fat men who also are the biggest losers dying alone of diabetes, you share a lot in common.
And you would be right if I didn't fap to both men and women, obese and muscular.
It's always surreal when he draws a western character lol
Why's everyone keep talking about fat men it's literally called bbw chan not Bhm fat lesiban couples and fat women is one the hottest shit salt ever draws.
I agree. This is more female focused. But you also have. The BHM board exist you headass. And people have different preferences. Take this from a Bisexual person.
Guy gets called a fags once & has shat up two threads over.
Literally just go to alt lmao.
Well that board has no quality control and is basically dead. People literally post Nicocado Avocado there who is just about the biggest insult to this community I can think of. Seriously. Nobody fucking posts there.

There's literally a thread there where people fap to communists poking fun of fat Americans.
Let them rot on that board then. No point bringing that shit here.
And that's our problem, why?
I kinda like the implication that Katherine is fatter but her clothes hide it slightly. It's the little things.
dude this is so real, I love how her clothes hug so close to her body, easily the bester
Exactly, that's what I love about this piece, she's so round that her rolls are peeking out
I want the one on the right to sit on my face
I have trouble imaging things so she needs to be drawn sitting on a man's face, preferably a fat black man.
What the fuck? Is that thing from Lethal Company or something? BWS really should draw humans instead
>>184840 It's an OC from an artist named RadicalSquidward. Capable of eating inedible "food" like car parts from his art.
>Has dark energy instead of hair
>Otherwise human
You all are a sorry fucking bunch
>I literally can't get off unless some dude's dick is on screen
Every thread.
Oh my fucking god give it a rest, we get it you’re insecure.
We get it. You're gay.

Plus. Dr. Worm's main ocs are lesbians. Which adds to the point that EVERYONE does them.
(19 KB, 300x168, IMG_1046.jpeg)
Guys! Nikume is gonna get her own fucking sequence, I’m so goddamn excited!
yes everything other than pinup girls is cuckoldry
prove me wrong
>Go to BBWchan
>"Big Beautiful Women" chan
>/bbwdraw/- BBW Drawn
>"Where are the men? I wish there were more men in this art"

I've not been part of this argument but what? Is this really a thing people are arguing about? Would you go to a butcher demanding vegetables and fruit? I don't understand
I’m not too sure how to sum it up either, but I think I have enough of an idea to get close.

Sticking with food prep analogies, what most straight guys seem to be advocating for is for the chef consider some wine pairings to better suit their taste i.e. skinny/muscular dudes to either provide contrast, shake ups what they believe to be an old recipes, personal preference, and an overall richer dining experience. The general point that is being advocated for isn’t the ability to walk into a steakhouse and demand a vegan feast. More so, I take it be that they want to have an experience more tailored to them while still being within reason for the chef. I say within reason here since Salt has drawn straight couples before, so it’s not too absurd to request more. (I say all of this since I want to assume the best from them here)

I don’t know what to say about some the Mutual gain guys though, you’re right on the money there.

Does that make any sense, or are you still confused? Did I represent your main argument in an accurate way heterbros?
Some people like to eat vegetables with their meat lmfao. It's not what you're there for but it provides something different from just having beef with a side of chicken.
It really shows the standards of being a literal faggot, even bbwalt have their limits.
I mean at least have some limits there? Do janitors even go in there to moderate that part of the site or is it just complete anarchy? At least in bbwalt there is some regulations and moderation even if I'd argue that board is far more disgusting than bhm ever could be.
bbw-chan itself is called BBW, Big Beautiful fucking Woman. Why the hell is there a board for BHM shit? It shouldn't even be allowed
Great art, both sizes are amazing in this work!
the idea of this is very intriguing
not sure if I dig the whole "sharing a body" thing
Insanely hot but I'm so bored of Nintendo girls that I can only enjoy this academically. Everything about this is perfect, I should have a boner right now, but my brain is just put to sleep by artists' obsessions with a single Japanese publishing company.
You're the one with the obsession with the publishing company. Most people don't see a Nintendo-published character and think "I like this because it's Nintendo!!" They like it because they like the game/characters. But you specifically DON'T like it because of Nintendo being involved. And speaking of that, I don't think most people think of Xenoblade as a Nintendo property anyway...
They don't really fall under Nintendo to ME. But god an i tired of Myra and Pyra. Give me Morgana or even Monica.
>They like it because they like the game/characters
It's perfectly reasonable to be tired of seeing the same 20 characters from mediocre games getting fan art. I have a feeling it's less because the artists themselves like the characters, but because they're guaranteed to get them upvotes on social media.
I mean, what do you expect? For other Nintendo games sure but Xenoblade is like an anime inspired, character driven adventure game. It’s super long too so people are generally more attached to the characters. Xenoblade 2 is heavy on fanservice, so of course fetishists will commission art of these characters. I do get the other complaints about Nintendo though, I am so tired of seeing Samus, Peach, Pokémon characters, FE characters, etc in all my fat art.
This is sort of an interesting discussion overall because I feel like Salt has been indulging way too much his current audience by drawing the same characters over and over again because that's what the Patreon whales want and that's what the polls lead to. Does anyone remembers when he hit the 9K milestone on Patreon around the end of 2022? Because it never went pass that and has been hovering around 8K since then. Obviously he's not going broke but it does show a lack of growth in his audience.

I was going through his Kemono earlier and the first few pages are filled with Fairy Tail, Dragon Maid, Quintuplets and Nintendo. Like, it's funny to me how the first time he drew a Bocchi The Rock character was a year after the anime ended, was a side character and it was a commission to boot. He drew Power from Chainsaw Man last year and it was just a sketch I think. If we're talking about anime from last year I think he only drew Yor? How about Vtubers? Genshin? I'm not necessarily suggesting he should just draw whatever FOTM at the moment but I'm not sure if there are really that many people eager to see more content of fucking Luvia from Fairy Tail or another of the Quintuplets
(1.1 MB, 2480x3061, E9Uh10qVUAYkWCr.jpeg)
I get what you're saying, and though being one of the Switch's most popular games, it's wrong for me to say it's popular just because it's a Nintendo game - it's probably one of the most popular JRPGs in the West. Still, it's crazy that a game that came out in 2017 is still getting so much fat art today when a lot of other popular JRPG series get squat.
There are a LOT of people who only play Nintendo games, and it seems the Venn Diagram between fat artists and Nintendo players overlaps massively.

I think the biggest cap on his patreon's growth isn't the subject matter, but just that there's only a limited amount of people who will pay for patreon, especially when the sketch request tier is capped out. He's lucky he has as many patreons as he does.
Honestly, I doubt that he watches anime at all, and if he does his taste is abysmally normie. SpyxFamily is the very bottom of the barrel, the only thing below that is shounen slop for kids like One Piece and DBZ.
I wish more artists had actual taste and didn't just draw whatever's popular or skim the surface of the video games and anime for characters.
He can be very stale in what he does. I don't think character choices are the only cause of that feeling, the way he draws fat on women can lack substance too, especially when compared to other artists like Belt Buster, Pixiveo, and Roundersofter who each excellent jobs at making their fats look... well fat, and not just big. His major favoritism towards the ssbbw size is another factor that might add to staleness, as he rarely does chubby or immobile sizes. He's been doing more perspective work to attempt making up for this, but it doesn't fix the lack of size variety.
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I look at images like these and think to myself, "What is BWS doing?".
As for the Nintendo discussion, people like to discredit Nintendo characters just because they're Nintendo, and don't think about the context of the characters themselves or why they might make sense for fat art.
Indeed, now when I notice that dude barely touches recent shows. I mean, as toxic as he can be, better with salt actually has a decent rotation of media he makes fan art of.

I'd still say that his growth is capped partially by lack of the content variety. I feel like his artwork before he started working for Lucy guy was much more diverse. That and him indeed becoming overly focused on SSBBWs, mostly eating or lazying around. His pieces need some more action and I don't mean sex pieces which are third most overused topic in his art.

Yeah, I'm not even fan of blobs but I have to concede that BWS really feels stuck in the rut lately.
>This is sort of an interesting discussion overall
No it fucking doesn't, we've talked about this shit like 6 or 7 times already. BWS simply draws these characters both because he likes them and because his audience likes them, otherwise he would say something like "guys please stop suggesting Nintendo waifus for the polls". Why does everyone feel the need to complain about someone more famous than they are?
Ohh yeah, Shantae is really niche alright. Literally nobody is drawing her, poor girl...
"They're only popular because they're from Nintendo" is a perfectly valid and correct criticism. Please don't try and tell me that Princess Peach gets as much fat art as she does because it suits her character, or that Samus putting on weight is any more exciting that one of the dozens of far more interesting and flesh-out female badasses.

>otherwise he would say something like "guys please stop suggesting Nintendo waifus for the polls"
Would he though? Even if you like Lucy from Fairy Tale (TM), I doubt you'd want to draw her at least once a month for more than five years.
If you actually took time to read >>185077, you'd see that Shantae herself is not the point of my post. It's about how the fat itself was drawn in each of the 5 images I shared, and how lacking by comparison Salt's recent artworks has been in detail with the fat he draws.
From what I've seen, Salt is mostly good at drawing cartoon-ish fats without going too far. Roundersofter is kinda meh, basically in the middle, and...well, Belt Buster has a much more realistic art style. They both excel in different areas, and it would be incredibly weird for BWS to draw something dark, gloomy with lots of graphical effects. Artists can't be perfect after all
>Please don't try and tell me that Princess Peach gets as much fat art as she does because it suits her character
That's exactly what I'm saying. It also helps that many of her outfits are so basic by design, so it's easier to not overwhelm people compared to a others with much more complicated designs.
She got a lot of art back then because of the running joke in the community that she's been out of work due to the low amount of Metroid games over the 2010's. Her frequent escapes make her an appropriate character for stuckage scenarios or force feeding in the "what if" events that she gets captured. Granted they're not exclusive ideas to her, but she's definitely a fine target for them.
I'll tell you about a simple concept, anon: MARKETING. The Mario franchise gets a fuckton of videogames, cartoons, comics and other stuff every year, and even little kids are aware of it nowadays. Princess Peach is one of the more prominent characters, so it's normal for her to become so famous among the fans. She's got nice character design, she's a girl and she's even got two videogames where she's the protagonist
Peach's design is so mediocre it isn't funny, people who jerk off to her having moved past their first boner. The only reason that Nintendo fans think these characters are examples of great character design deserving of thousands of pieces of art is because you would struggle to name five other anime or video game princesses.

I won't deny that they're popular, but it's ridiculous to argue that there's any reason they get art beyond them being popular.
It's not different art styles or Salt doing dark/gloomy settings that I'm talking about, I'm talking about how the fat itself is drawn. Soft fleshiness that makes fat be fat without just making a character big, and Salt rarely does that anymore despite proving before that he's more then capable.
>Peach's design is so mediocre it isn't funny
She has an obscene amount of different outfits to pick from that's not her usual pink dress.
>it's ridiculous to argue that there's any reason they get art beyond them being popular.
>completely ignores Peach's association with cakes and other desserts, and how easy it would be to make weight gain scenarios based on that.
Whatever, anon.
Like, motherfuckin' Princess Peach - Showtime will come out in two months and that one has a ton of new outfits too. Helloo? Does he live on the moon or something
I hadn't heard about the new Princess Peach game because I don't obsess over the same games I played when I was 12 years old. Would it kill you to find something else to jerk off to?
I was going to say that Nintendo fanboys live in a bubble, but it's pretty clear now you have your heads up your arse.
I provided you with an example of Nintendo changing things up a little and you reacted like a retard. What did I expect from you people at bbw-chan? Oh, by the way...I'm a Sony fanboy
Telling me that you're intimately aware of when the next Nintendo game is going to drop isn't the gotcha you think it is.
I mean, the release date was announced publicly...but whatever. I know you hate Princess Peach, so you could just give it a chance and maybe you'll have a different opinion after playing
To return to the core issue at hand instead of bitching about Princess Peach, the issue is that BWS's recent fan art output is completely dominated by his pet series and Lucy, with few additions from the most popular franchises that feel almost tacked on due to not actually referencing them properly.
I stopped using my fan name Kisame17 because anime and gaming companies nowadays want to control everything from Japan and pay a tax. Nintendo is right up there with Sunrise and Namco as enforcing their copyright cause they don't want to lose 50k in wages.
It's like how Marvel hate their fans for being fat guys in faded shirts or Batman fans are hated for being fat guys. It's just that the fat guy with a faded shirt is normal cause corporations are losing them to Trump
And the lack of size variety, as mentioned before.
No seriously, why are you replying to me about stuff I didn't talk about?

Yes, that's too. To be fair, a lot of recent pics are actually too big for me. They are just piles of flesh dominated by huge bellies. I actually prefer chubby to BBW range and with a good variation of fat distributions.
>I actually prefer chubby to BBW range and with a good variation of fat distributions.
I usually prefer the USBBW to Immobile ranges, but even I have to admit that you chubby to BBW lovers have been getting the short end of the stick too.
Oh, for fuck's sake. We should at least be able to recognize your stupidity
True, both tail ends of spectrum are getting shafted.
My dude, only one of these is really creative. Two of them are basic lounging pose, basic stuckage post and basic wobble pose.
That wasn’t the criticism. The criticism was “he doesn’t do anything with fat, he just makes girls look big” and shared some examples. These pieces from Salt are all just as “creative” as the examples given.
Says the one who posted some of his most boring stuff. Lucy in >>184102, Lily in >>184983, and the 1st and 3rd from what you just posted are exactly what he needs to do less of.
These Lucys especially are some of the most "nothing" artworks he's ever done.
Ah. So it's come to this. Time to finally speak. Salt has gotten stale and boring when it comes to being more dynamic. Not Mizz Britt levels of bad. But obviously it's getting old. I can't see how anybody here tries to pretend that he's always branching out. He doesn't.

Belt does some DAMN good poses and fat. I agree there. But their art style is different from BWS. So that's one thing.

> BWS to draw something dark, gloomy with lots of graphical effects.

The fuck does this even mean? There's nothing "dark, gloomy" about Belt's style. More realistic, yrah. But dark and gloomy?

Peach is about as basic as Samus. It wouldn't be nearly as bad if they occasionally switched it up on that damn dress.

Speaking of. I'm so tired if seeing Samus in that damned body suit. Give her the armor for ONCE.

No. He's right. Most of this is just kind of meh. I like the Momo one. Everything else is meh.

Salt's style dies get boring because how he draws fat is much less realistic. It is definitely more cartoonish so it doesn't really hit until he varies it up.

Fuck Lucy. His art really did have a drop off after Lucy Guy.

All and all. I get what everyone is saying, but you are slightly delusional. If you at least can't recognize that salt has gotten worse in multiple aspects.
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Damn it's like if you people don't like it when specific characters are drawn a lot you can either DM him or participate in his polls. And even if you don't get what you want what do you expect because most of the people who support him don't care and just like it when he draws fat girls. Sometimes he will draw something other than fat women like muscle gurls, but those are sometimes exceptions with the people who pay him more. The amount of complaints here I see because he doesn't draw something in the way you like is extraordinary. And you don't even pay for it so why are you bitching? I don't like everything he draws, but you know what I do I just ignore it and don't save it.
> Does anyone remembers when he hit the 9K milestone on Patreon around the end of 2022? Because it never went pass that and has been hovering around 8K since then. Obviously he's not going broke but it does show a lack of growth in his audience.

Or... maybe... it has to do with the fact that that's around the time the fucking economy tanked? And the first thing people will cut out of their budgets is payments to a porn artist?
To be fair. Even PAYING doesn't exactly mean your character will be drawn.
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I'm not gonna give him money again when the guy can't take feedback for shit anyway. People keep asking for more OC content when he does a feedback post and the only crap we get are those retarded waifus from the patreon whales that no one gives a fuck about. Last time he drew a full thing for Nat was in september and that's supposed to be his main OC kek
>But muh polls
Hard to influence the polls much when these are the fucking choices you get and this is what the other retards want. I literally don't know a single person who cares about that retarded quintuplets show or fairy tail but look here which are the most popular choices
>Ah, so it’s come to this. Time to finally speak.
Nobody has been stopping you. You’re just too weak to speak your mind until you think enough people will agree with you.

>Belt does some damn good poses and fat
Too bad his style is ugly, his proportions are crap and his faces are creepy

>Draw fat Samus in her armor
Holy shit taste Batman

>Most of this is just kind of meh
So are most of the pieces he posted. What’s your point?

>his art really did have a drop off after Lucy guy
Are you really saying Salt’s been dropping off for 6 of the 8 years he’s been posting art?

>Anybody who doesn’t feel the same way as I do about Salt’s art is delusional. He’s clearly gotten worse in several aspects that I won’t elaborate on despite how obvious they are
>>185160 so who gave you money? Your job? Seems like someone gave you money for your time. Doesnt seem like rocket science to me
Lmao that's the same excuse they give whenever a shitty woke movie or game flops. Stop coping brother, guy is a good artist but his content last year was abysmal. I'm sure his two assistants could help him figure it ou...oh wait, those fags are part of the problem
Exactly, it only grants you the chance to ask. He's also shown to be very picky with what gets commissioned, and because most of them are more of the basic bitch fare, good luck getting picked if you try to be interesting or are wanting an uncommon size.
It's not cope when every other Patreon I can think of went through a dip around the same time. Maybe actually look into the matter rather than say "yeah other people use that excuse so it's impossible for it to ever be valid"

Besides, he's approaching 9k again. He didn't drop as much as you think.
...Dude what the fuck are you saying?
Facts. Now suck some dick bitch
What you said literally made no sense. What "facts" were in there? You're retarded
Stfu its done already the world knows
Having pointless arguments is what's causing these threads to die so quickly, because you just can't have anything good these days. If you like the art, fine. If not, that's fine too. Just don't go around wasting your life trying to prove points that don't exist.
Those same business agents docever In their power to make sure 90% of white people are working at all times I think its time to start shooting up crowds of whites while minorities get nothin. Because fuck white supremacy
That one Bamboo comic mocking the Lucy comic ended up being right huh
No one asked for your opinion, Undertaker
Are you actually a kid or just retarded?
I don't usually invest myself into conversations unless I really feel compelled to do so.

Thanks for barely even responding to what I was saying.
I wish everyone in this thread would shut the fuck up and bring this to Community Salt. You fuckers destroyed the last thread and this thread is soon to die. Dipshits.
Even though the artists name has salt in it doesn’t mean these clowns gotta bring it here. Then those few love covering it up like saying “it’s just criticism” my guy your talking to a brick wall as if BWS even checks these threads or even listens to your idiotic comments
>barely responding to what I was saying
Motherfucker are you fucking blind? Or do you just don’t want to respond because you don’t actually have any responses? Your whole rant wasn’t exactly in-depth criticism my guy, it didn’t really deserve a thorough dissection
Calm down. Even I'm not this heated. I just didn't spare a lot energy on you.
Thats how u catch angry business agents lmao
Visiting this thread feels like taking a shotgun round to the balls just for a chocolate gold coin
The hell have I gotten to do with this? You pinged the wrong person
(4.0 MB, 200x174, IMG_2256.gif)
oo ahh!!! Where's tha jag
Are the gays still trying to deny that they're gay while whining about the lack of dicks in new BWS art.
It's a BBS retard. R U a noob?
As someone who just waits until any art is posted and decides "like vs don't like" I can see the idea of Salt art seemingly being worse than before.
Part of it is catering to supporters of course, other times being commissions he does.

To keep it short, do you think the lack of creativity is just from the fact he has to do so much now for what he is making? Patreons get something new every what, 3-5 days (sometimes with alts)?

Wouldn't be surprised if the lack of creativty or quality is attributed to something like that, something similar the SDC people talked about before.

If the Zelda comic is anything to go by, besides works he really wants to upgrade, having the time and passion to want to do it shows in the quality, so an obvious, but curious thought is all.
>Wouldn't be surprised if the lack of creativty or quality is attributed to something like that, something similar the SDC people talked about before.
I said a few threads back that I could see BWS being the next MetalForever for that reason. The high workload causing either a drop or stagnation in quality, eventually making his artwork come off as stale.
Yeah but you've been talking out your ass in all the threads so no one gives a shit
Then again. Metal was never that great. But now it's worse. He just kind of pumps art out and it's never really that great. No progress in art etiher.
I like em to but wouldn’t mind some variety
All in all, on top of reducing workload, probably needs to have guaranteed slots for certain types of characters.

Let's take 6 as a bare minimum. You could do 2 video game, 2 anime, and 2 OC related works (not including the obvious commissions).
Or 2 3 1 respectively depending on his preference.

From there it's just hard sticking to when characters can be nominated and perhaps even be stricter (ex: same character can't be chosen for 6 months, the series in particular cant be chosen for 3). Should solve the variety in characters, posing and all that is up to him.

And obviously size rotations stay so everyone gets a fair shot at a size they like.
So I checked and if you count alts as separate works, I think were already up to 8 this month.
If not, it's already 6 still. Then there's sketch streams and all that. Assistants or not, I still would wonder if there is some level of overwork that could force easing up on positioning and such as others have mentioned

When has BWS been toxic lmao? Yall are toxic here, always finding whatever itty bitty thing you can whine about and filling up half the threads here with it.
Do not engage with the schizo's.

On God. I'm just here to look at some good fat art regardless of characters.
It's actually happening! I hope she gets at least as big as Serena did by the end!
No girls kissing? Peak.
>wah wah wah
To you too.
>>185630 shut the fuck up retard
that reminded me of a cartoon like gag but i forgot where I heard it from
>>185646 I was honestly thinking of the "tracts of land" scene with Lancelot from the Holy Grail. As the characters say for the thread...GET ON WITH IT!
Here comes the shoot minorities with my rifle cock sucka
Check your wife not cheating still
Ooh I love these. The last one was kind of ruined at the end by her being obscenely strong somehow, yet being way past immobile size. I hope he draws her fat and sticks with it.
anyone got other pieces with her in it?

We've seen so much lesbian mutual gain its just fucking boring. Also weight difference is better because you get to appreciate how fat the feede is
I need a fat lesbian with huge ass that likes to turn bolts
(545 KB, 1947x1200, 7aa-.png)
an edit
(342 KB, 1475x1125, aaa.png)
>the seam lines down the sides
God, it's another one of those weird dolls again
She's floating in water...
Market is going to fall to zero. Sell everything. You wont make anything.
That Kaguya looks so round, that belly stretching down is nuts :)
fapolantern is the goat
You know I’ve always wondered just how on earth Salt’s Oc can just afford the most weight gaining inducing food when they probably make like minimum wage
>do you think the lack of creativity is just from the fact he has to do so much now for what he is making?
It's more complicated than that because that's only one aspect of it but absolutely. Whenever he does something that isn't one of the Unmentionable Characters or something that isn't for one of the Unmentionable Circlejerk/Paypigs, I can tell that a lot of effort and prior practice went into it. The Kaguya pic is an incredible example.
Trump got the recount in the Saltverse and they don't have to deal with inflation.
(539 KB, 1947x1197, b4.png)
fixed hair
yes IDK746 on deviantart
Also the Zelda comic. Guy's probably dying to spread his wings.
It's clearly more than that, but at the same time you almost feel like corners could end up being cut just because of the sheer volume of output with illustrations. We know he has the skills, clearly.

Take the Kaguya pic. Did it end up that way because he really wanted to upgrade that one specifically (as he says with some posts) or something else?

Things like the Zelda comic at least was planned for months, so the quality was going to be good for that one no matter what.
Anatomy wise, an illustration can look weird simply because it's a matter of how fat they are and the positioning.

Ultimately in a possible rhetorical question, if time constraints aren't an issue, then what is if people feel the quality could have dipped (because let's say troll complaints among other things)?

I'm not necessarily saying that because I enjoy almost all the works, just asking from a more neutral position.
Who is the artist of the Shantae ones?
He isnt even fucking her. Trying to be nice for the draws someone already told her flat out what kind of dick she is getting. Just passing time. She is.
How has this schizo not been banned yet?
Because youre an idiot who think users on a website with no sign up is banned. Stupid
>>185931 Shut the fuck up. You are the main reason why maintained threads are being destroyed. Rant about your schizophrenia somewhere else.
. Im going to stop. Tomorrow im going to start and not stop until stop visiting this website. You have been warned
omfg this is the worst thread to scroll on if you want to wank to some fat bitches STFUUUU
>Did it end up that way because he really wanted to upgrade that one specifically (as he says with some posts) or something else?
It is fully possible for someone to be in line with the interests of others because they get the same reward and something more. Additionally, doing a good job for someone who made a request, especially if money is behind it, is motivation enough to ensure you deliver something you feel is high quality.
>what is if people feel the quality could have dipped (because let's say troll complaints among other things)?
I read that as "why do people think/trolls say that Salt's quality dipped when the art still looks the same?" and the answer is that when a creative starts to move their work towards a limited domain to appease either their "friends" (extremely small group) or their source of income (extremely large group), the middle group of horny bastards who like the artist for making fat art of a variety of characters that isn't just 3/4 shots or just the same blobs everyone else does either pick one of the supported groups or end up disenfranchised. It isn't that the actual quality of the art drops, even though it's debatable, but the fact that the artist does far less that's interesting and the character diversity drops.

I figured it'd be worth it to respond to you since you at least seemed interested, but it's essentially impossible to have a dissenting view like this because the artist's inner circlejerk and their sources of income are appeased, so those two groups are more than willing to start internet fights on why you're wrong for disliking the new common output of the artist. Additionally, there are more than enough capnfapin-inspired midwits who are locked and loaded with "uuuhhhh i don't care just jerk off to le epic fat bitches??????"
Regardless of how you feel about the quality of the ideas in his work (I agree with certain aspects of the”things are getting a bit stale” argument) I don’t see how the technical quality of his work is “debatable”. It’s always been improving. The issue is it isn’t always the most important thing.
her leg looks so weird
>>186058 I just want to see more of Nat, Chloe, Sammy, and Halie.

>>186055 Is Salt having a thing with plushies rn?
I’d fucking love to see those two mutilated or raped.
Serrano loves it up her butt
I wanna see halie sucking a skinny guy's dick, let's see who gets lucky first.
Eont be mad because I got all the work and took your wages you hall bitch faggit mother fuckers ill do it again!
>>186072 Oh great, you again. Kill yourself.
Salt, or any of his asistants, we need the lore doc
I wish there were at least one or two more stages before we got to age 22 size.
This doesn't have to do with the actual discussion but
>It’s always been improving
this just isn't true. He still struggles with height not scaling with weight, and it's not just limited to that one OC whats-his-face has Salt drawing constantly. Other posters earlier in the thread have brought up texture inconsistencies and lack of "natural-ness". The floor is 100% open for valid criticisms but like I said earlier it's impossible to talk about it anywhere, even here, because of the groups I mentioned earlier and their responses to criticism; pushback is perceived as potential for the stuff they like to take a backseat.

Regardless, even though it isn't true that his improvement has been a straight line upward, it's also not a black-and-white "no he's just bad" declaration which is also untrue. He has been improving a lot but improvement is not linear. Regression is entirely possible on the path of improvement, and conversely improvement can be imperceptible unless you're in a similar space (i.e. a creative, competitor, etc.).

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