
(58 KB, 370x537, fat_angewomon_card_by_gm_incubus_d970qg0-fullview.jpg) (138 KB, 900x1214, angel_food_cake_by_pochasentai_ddlbdup-fullview.jpg) (39 KB, 400x371, dzcs__olympus_sized_color_2_by_blueike_dbxjl8w-375w-2x.jpg) (438 KB, 1280x1812, meat_in_the_system___part_1_by_lewdwok_dgderjj-fullview.jpg) (116 KB, 1280x854, plump_digi_gals_by_sxdeluxe_dg0sz5j-fullview.jpg)
I don't know how long this tread will last (Maybe even delete it for a better one), but let's give it a try.
This is alt stuff. Go post there.
You should have enough sense to spoiler ALL of the furry pics and throw out a warning.
Sorry dude, I thought the "No furries" rule was going to apply here.
God damn it all.
You think people would know better.
If there's one thing furries are good at doing, it's ruining everything for everyone.
Need more massive mommy Lilithmons

[Perfect Devil]

"I have to lose HOW MUCH weight if I want to evolve into Lilithmon?!"


[There is nothing holy about this.]

"I thought you had to lose weight to evolve into Lilithmon!"
I lost weight.
I gained it back~

Art by MeatTamer
(17 KB, 673x673, dgrx966-48a32135-0a74-4458-be91-0f8a15b8ce62.png)
Madamemon finally finished her ice cream served in a cup designed to be proportional to her demonic hand.
She can't move for now but she feels good having Ice Creamon admiring her ice cream consuming abilities.
On the other hand, Little Dragon is slightly outraged by the prices that Ice Creamon charges at her ice cream shop.
Still one of the hottest ones posted. Need more Digimon like that
This is a long shot, but anyone remember Sssilver-C's Rika and Renamon sequence from like before 2010?

I know the rest of his gallery was completely weird furry shit, but that one had Rika/Renamon go from thin to immobile in like 10 pages. Only the first two pages are left on his deviantart. No one knows if theres a way to find the rest of the pages?
(11 KB, 560x560, it_fits_by_oo00mike00oo_dguxr1b.png)
Mistressmon has recently developed the habit of visiting her friend Ice Creamon's elegant ice cream salon. Nico, her little assistant, couldn't help but realize that this could become a problem over time, so she decided that intervention was necessary.

Nico: Mistressmon, I fear you must reconsider visiting Miss Ice Creamon so frequently...
Mistressmon: (I knew sooner or later she would notice my weight gain, now she's going to try to put me on a diet???)
Nico: You can't keep eating so much ice cream at that place...
Mistressmon: (I knew it, here comes the scolding! Do I have to remind her who's the boss???)
Nico: I know that place is your favorite and that Ice Creamon is your friend...
Mistressmon: (Impossible... I can't... she obviously only wants what's best for me, even if no one asked for her concern, even if she is just wrong in general! I can't get mad at her.)

At that moment, Mistressmon had an idea. It wouldn't be necessary to stand firm with her worried little creature if she could show Nico that there was no need to worry. Without explanation, she jumped out of her chair and, from Nico's point of view, decided to escape from the reality of her situation.

Nico: Mistress?! I didn't think you were capable of running away from your problems like this!

Following a trail of clothes scattered on the floor, Nico arrived at his Mistress's room. Mistressmon stood in the middle, her body barely contained by a swimsuit at least two sizes smaller than it should be.

Mistressmon: Nico, see? There's no need to impose diets on your dear Mistress! I still fit into the swimsuit I wore last summer, and back then I was still a Madamemon! I say we visit Ice Creamon, to celebrate that you've come to your senses and seen the light again.
Nico: What on earth are you talking about?! We should stop seeing Miss Ice Creamon because the damn lunatic has no scruples and charges an arm and a leg for her so-called "artisanal ice creams". Your ever-increasing figure is not on my list of past, present, or future concerns!
Mistressmon: Oh... Was that it?
Nico: You should invest the profits from your potion shop better.
Mistressmon: Oh, my dear Nico, you scared me for a moment. I thought I'd have to get tough with you.
Nico: what
Mistressmon: If money is your only concern, then I must inform you that I already have the solution! Ice Creamon has a new promotion: "Eat one of every flavor in less than an hour and receive free ice creams for the whole month."
Nico: (Does she really need that much ice cream?!)
Mistressmon: Come on, Nico. I'll take you to the beach to celebrate.
Nico: So sudden...
Mistressmon: I've already got into to this thing, I say we make the most of it.
Nico: Can... you take it off without tearing it appart, right?
Mistressmon: The sun is calling us, darling!

"by oo00Mike00oo"
(100 KB, 1280x1280, big_flower_and_big_angel_by_meattamer_dgzqr7p-fullview.jpg)
"Nothing to see. Two fat women with no apparent relationship being beautiful on a day at the beach!
Could the one eating have fallen in love with the flavors of her ice cream or did she noticed the better angle of the other lady?"
Big Flower and Big Angel by MeatTamer
Cowboybefat is the guy who commissioned it. This was drawn by Ecchipandaa.
(29 KB, 894x600, dh2uonu-1bf3090e-2744-4476-9cce-d140d4fe3f65.png)
"Goldie, when I met you, you were already an expert at making ice cream, but since then, you've improved tremendously. What inspires you?"

"I'm embarrassed to say..."

Had her skills grown so much just to impress one person?
What the fuck is this shitty ass writting?
>>183412 (OP)
This Pochasentai guy hasn't posted anything in forever, does anyone know what happened to him?
(105 KB, 1280x1280, pumpkin_pie_by_meattamer_dh8tnme-fullview.jpg)
"Is nobody strong enough to defeat me? Where is my prince capable of conquering my heart in battle?"
The princess of the ash castle wondered as her servants brought radishes after slices of pumpkin pie to satisfy their mistress's boredom.
Among them, they made bets on what would give in first, her throne, her belt, or her glass slippers.
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Any of whoever frequents this thread thought of any ways to reasonably cause weight gain?
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>There is a Digimon who's a cute girl and has a cake theme
Why am I only now hearing about this? And why isn't there fat art of her!?
>>183412 (OP)
Does anyone have CarCupHolders old digimon stuff?
(171 KB, 608x624, GRWTia0XcAAWTdn.png)
Reasonable in a Digimon sense? Considering there are Digimon who are entirely food-based, including powers, it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to consider them causing rapid weight gain.
I think like many Digimon, the design is just too complex for most artists to want to tackle.
>Considering there are Digimon who are entirely food-based, including powers, it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to consider them causing rapid weight gain
Yeah but you'll need to contend with the characters personality, so I'd suggest data corruption from jumping to another location and passing through a gluttonous Digimon also transferring; leaving the female stuck having to fight against a newly gained insatiable appetite.

>the design is just too complex for most artists to want to tackle
More that it's not in any animes or games. The design doesn't look all that crazy; most I can see anyone having problems with is thinking if they want the cake hips buckling under a large belly or not.
I need to try drawing Zephyrmon, I fucking love seeing her like this. Maybe Ranamon sometime because she has her fans. But Frontier brought a lot of great ones, it doesn't deserve to get ignored.
(7.8 MB, 3507x2480, Enty01.png)
Oh 100% I will. There's not enough fat Digimon as it is, and I've got the desire. Trying to one up from my earlier Beelstarmon would be great anyways
Awesome! Love me some chunky LadyDevimon. Which artist made this?

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