
(3.7 MB, 3363x2591, Untitled223_20231105205807.png) (326 KB, 1223x956, F_2hxd4bwAAIS8p.png)
New thread since previous one just got bumplocked. Here is what I have of Ha Button and Fusa. Hope you guys enjoy em.

There are still some links active in the previous thread here >>170819 (Cross-thread). Do check em out b4 the thread is gone.

As said b4, you may notice some strange alpha-numeric strings of code in some of the posts. Here is a site u can use for decoding them. Just follow the instructions and erase them when decoding.

If u have just missed the reups, don't worry since most of em are available over here.

There has been an increasing amount of instances where death fetishers have been describing their crazed fanstasies regarding Fusa's characters.These guys are sick fucks who are beyond any kind of redemption. From this thread onwards, death fetishs are strictly banned from this thread. Report anyone who describes any sort of death fetish for any character on this thread on the spot without much fuss. Do not give them the satisfaction of your ire. It is what they want.

Also keep in mind not to use more than 2 posts for uploading or reupping images. Try to use links (not encoded) allowed by the global rules for big posts. No one likes a post fag.

And finally here are the sites where the authors upload their works along with the pages on kemono.



Do vote for their updates on kemono from time to time. Once the patreon and pixiv importers start working again after the transfer to new servers.
Ayy my coloring W, I have like 20+ page panels I wanna color, never know which one to pick
does anyone have the last 2 pages of after school pages 85 and 86?
kemono finally up and running again
Any new Ayano yet?
Imo you would be a hero if you did the dream sequence
new ayano up please
YESSSSS I've been wondering how fusa is going to incorporate the store girl more! I wonder if she's going to take on the feeder/enabler role we've been clambering for? Either way, excited to see her again

Love ayano’s bulging arm fat. It’s very underrated :)
New threads should start with a zip containing all the previous pages of each respective series
It’s there on the first post dumbass
Hello, I'm making something. Does anyone know what Sage's current weight is in After School on the latest Fanbox page?
(3.9 MB, 1200x5546, ongoing weight gain arcs copy.png)
I made a thing. Thank you to the guy above who provided Sage's weight. Will try to keep this updated similar to the boob charts that were made in the past.
Now Im curious xD, could you please share the boob charts, I think I havent seen those lol
Can you post the link to these please
Kill yourself or learn to read, I'm not a contributor who answers stupid questions
Where can I find Hinata's weight gain diary?
Anyone have a link to the English translated version of the Ran-chan series?
habutton update
New Aoba
Mahira is the name of the artist. They're active on Pixiv and Twitter.
any aoba?
I was gonna color Ayano but I've realized do we know her eye color? And hair is it pure black? Or a dark blue? When I did it in the past I just took a guess, same with the other characters, but is there any picture or character sheet where it's shown their colors? Asking because I wanna make it accurate
her BF always has this dissatisfied / ashamed look at all times with aoba, i hope no NTR
(1.4 MB, 860x1214, 1.7.png)
There was a guy who colored early pages of ayano not sure where he went
That third drawing looks nice
looks more like he doesn't want to admit he likes it, but I'm no Sherlock
Kinda but neither are official
I'm the Manga besides Ayano all of the look like blue eyes blondes :')
any new after school?
Any new Ayano too ?
We seriously need the same rule the annonnxyz thread has.

These bumps/begging are pointless and annoying.
Hm, I mean, I agree, but Ayano tends to come out on Thursdays. Recently it's been more like every second Thursday, but sometimes there's a surprise one that comes out quicker.

Maybe as long as we limit the bumps to once per Thursday that would be alright? No chains of begging or bumps on other days.

However I would advise that folk who want to stay up to date get on fusa's pixiv mailing list (no need to pay) and get email notifications whenever he posts. Can't expect everyone on this thread to do that though, which is why I'm suggesting a once per Thursday maximum rn.
Any1 here has the latest pages of Aoba for both japanese and english? I only have upto page 33 for the jap version and page 30 for the eng version. If u guys have em, pls upload them in here (in links and in original filenames for archiving purposes) since at this point its kinda obvious that the pixiv importer over at kemono is officially dead.
>Maybe as long as we limit the bumps to once per Thursday that would be alright? No chains of begging or bumps on other days.

All it takes is one bump for it to be a problem. It's annoying seeing threads getting moved to the top of the board when no content is getting posted because of whiners who don't get what they want without providing anything themselves. I don't get how people like you don't see that as a problem. Either learn how to sagepost like what I'm doing now so you can talk or request something without bumping, post content yourselves, or shut the hell up.

Eh, I just don't take this as seriously as you or others do it seems. To each their own.
New habutton post
agreed, he does this in all the series too. pretty nice to see
I'm going to keep bumping just to spite you specifically
Yeah u will be reported if u do that. Being a jackass doesn't necessarily get one permabanned. Learn to ignore.
ah hayami from habutton hit 100kg already

Anon I'm so sorry but "Ayano! You whale." has me absolutely rolling. Good general idea though it feels pretty out of character for miyuki, definitely keep up the work though. I don't mean to be rude or discouraging - there's definitely potential.
I never said it was mine. I only said this third picture had a fanfic with it when someone else post it on a previous thread
>>185654 i don't know why you posted this here, but it makes perfect sense. thank you
anyone got the translated hayami from habutton?
Does this mean Ayano is wearing shape wear at the end of the Rio arc! How big is she if that's true?!
I also want this job like the cashier
question: why is the kemono not getting updated? is there any way to get the recent stuff from fusa?
The fanbox importer has been broken since September.
>is there any way to get the recent stuff from fusa?
Yes. Coughing up the measly $3/mo on pixivFANBOX over Paypal. :)
+0.7 kilo

God I hope she gets a feeder partner soon who either forcefeeds or tunnel feeds her. At Fusa's drawing rate we won't see her grow to 300 kilos in 2 years if she gains so little each time.
(111 KB, 780x1102, WG_159.jpg)
I wonder how she fits in the lecture hall now
Habutton updated on Kemono

We see her at the end of the rio arc sitting seemingly just fine in the lecture halls. I wonder if the shape wear just makes her weight shift to the sides as opposed to hanging in front of her.
Is anyone translating Fusa's ongoing manga series, "慧都様にはお見通し?!" or "Keito-sama has a good outlook?!" It's not explicitly fat fetish related but the characters are clearly softer/chubbier than what you'd normally expect. Also has lots of foodie scenarios from the looks of it. I wouldn't know where to find RAWs.
The pixiv importer over at kemono is working again. Any 1 interested in updating the Fusa and Ha button threads, go on ahead.
Sorry meant to say pages instead of threads.
Anyone The latest After School pg
No one wants to update Takaya's kemono for some reason.
new after school update please
Got the English translation version?
Working on the translation. Will be posting it here as soon as it is done.
the fanbox importer is back supposedly
Sage-chan is losing to her friend in eating competitions? No wonder her friend is rapidly catching up.
New Ayano out
She eats too much, tears the shape wear, and gets stuck inside the restaurant

Will Fusa bless us?
I wonder if this means Ayano is double her size at the end of the Rio arc an is closer to immobility than we thought
>closer to immobility
Nah, she's gonna end up with mechanical leg braces, like the one batman had in dark knight returns
This woman is 4'11" and 494lbs. I kinda want to see what that would look like on a real person.
Yknow. This whole shape wear thing is a goddamn clever way for fusa to keep this thing going for a little longer. How it's gonna unravel (literally) god knows
Translated page 87 of AF. Hope u guys enjoy it and as always do
>> 187445
It ain't the normal universe. It's the Fusa universe. Getting fat without consequences is the norm.

I am actually subscribed on Twitter to a very fat Japanese girl with exact parameters of Ayano, 230 kilos and 150 cm height. She constantly writes how she can't stand up from the seat after eating, if she falls she can't stand up, uses a cane to walk and can't fit through doors. This is not a larp, she posts pictures and videos of herself, although no fetish stuff, she is fucking huge. Honestly, in comparison Ayano is a fucking athlete. This girl also gains like 30 kilos a year, so I don't think she is going to be around for much longer. I subbed to her when she was 170.
Share the Twitter page numbnuts.
(838 KB, 2150x3036, ayano_real.png)
quick and very dirty edit of her 'real' size
Not the anon but I assume he’s talking about the painfully obvious faker yuuhi_chan2.

Why is she a faker? She seems very legit to me, with the videos and all.
In the Asian BBW thread a while ago there was a Japanese woman who was posting pictures on twitter of herself in a fat bodysuit. People figured out it was fake, and then she deleted her twitter. Meanwhile, Yuuhi-chan has been posting pictures of herself for years, with steady and realistic looking weight gain, but morons on this website got some wires crossed in their brains and now think that Yuuhi is the same Twitter fat suit girl from before, even though she's not. And it's impossible to convince them that they're two different people

Yuuhi is indeed for real, she has literally posted medical forms from her doctor confirming her weight and height
Her and the other woman are both fakers. Keep crying and jacking off to bitches in fat suits, doesn’t bother me.
Huh, so no proof then. Fuck off.
Can you upload one of her pics?

Thanks for the translation! Great that she's explicitly trying to out-eat Sage-chan nowadays....
any updates?
Any new Ayano people?
Actually the guy has a point. Both the artists inform on their feeds well in advance when a new page is coming out. U wanna make request for a reup, go on ahead. But don't waste ur time and ours by asking something u can easily check out urself.

Imbecile tries not to respond with "chill" when called out on being an imbecile challenge

difficulty level: impossible
Whatever man I get it not going to ask anymore I'll just look on twitter
He only said nigger because he is figuring out your demographic based on how you type. You type like nigger. Start typing like west european white male who is pro white. Seems like most ceos lol
Mods will defend niggers instead of supporting White Civilization by deleting sub-115 IQ comments. Maybe I should start posting gore in random threads across the site again.
>>189298 Forgot to add, but no one wants to see your mutilated tranny genitals. Dumbass.
I only know where he warns, but where does he warn and I check Twitter a lot?
Does anyone know how Habutto notifies that a new page will be uploaded, why does it never notify on Twitter?
Like I said b4 they usually inform on their feeds well in advance. Check not only their Twitter but also their pixiv and pixiv fanbox accounts for news.
Friend, with all due respect, notifying that it went up is another thing to let me know how fusa things are different, I do have notifications activated but it doesn't tell me a few days in advance if it is going to go up.
Well I had heard that either Fusa of Ha Button had a newsletter a while back. Not sure if its still there. Couldn't find anything concrete.
So yeah regarding news on what they are upto atm, u'll have to wait like everyone else who are keeping tabs on the main 3 sites I had mentioned earlier. If u don mange to find a newsletter though, share it on the group.
share it on the thread here*
any updates?
Does anyone have Fusa's Twitter?
Aw Aoba is cute so chubby and cuddly
New Ayano out
new ayano up please
(1.8 MB, 640x360, 1705790052012537.gif)
Can we take a moment to appreciate that bird's eye view of Ayano on the right in the bottom panel? That's craaaaaaazy
Linking back into rio's social media arc maybe???? She's recording a video this time, not taking a quick pic/selfie like she has done in the past.

also how the hell would you stand up or lie flat in that costume. wow.
(10.2 MB, 4016x3519, ayanop255color.png)
A bit rushed but I had to color this part the momment I saw it,
I might change a few things and redo her skin next week
Also still unsure what her eye color should be
>she's almost 500 lbs

the light blue you picked suits her
The more I've been thinking about habutton's "Study Abroad" series, the more excited I am for his future work

Ayano is getting more and more cartoonish over time. The author has been focusing on other girls for so long because it's clear he can't adequately picture short girls over 500 pounds.

But the end of Study Abroad... even if habutton wasn't able to draw the whole body in one frame, the end of that series was truly incredible for an ssbbw lover. If he's willing to get other protagonists of long series that big... he could one day go down as the greatest wg artist in history
Correct. Ayano's obesity is not consistent at all, she looks thinner or fatter every frame. And she definitely looks too skinny for her weight. It bothers me too.
new ayano
New Ayano and New habutton athletics circle girl Hayami on same day
Ayano's best friend is not looking to bad herself
Anyone have athletic circle?
Could you pls upload new Habutton here as it isn't still on kemono?
damn, that page 29
Thank you! Wow those pages are amazing, love that insatiable girl
Here's hoping Moemi overtakes Ayano (with shapewear) and becomes the fattest-looking
Moemi is my favorite of the side girls, its not that she wants to be fat but had to try hard like Rio, or that she's now ambivalent to it like Ayumi, but she 's a natural born glutton who can't help herself no matter how much she tries to deny her nature. She gained more in a single break than the others did in multiple months
Question: Is Habutton going to continue the "GF came back from student trip" comic or is it over?
Page 27 is all black. Is it a bug or did he post it like that? Can you also post the first 23 pages?
he posts like that. all is on kemono buddy
its nice to just close it off, rather than stagnating for a long time.
@plzcallmeshiori just released his comic/manga


his art is good, but he posts more random rambling than actual art in his fanbox, besides the fact he put this in his 1000 yen tier.

posting here for exposure, following discussion should go to translation tread as always.
Could I kindly request a reup of Ayano 250-255? Thanks.
Check on e-hentai. It has been recently updated with the new pages
e-hentai only has low resolution versions. official english versions exists since page 244 though, and those are all on kemono at full resolution.

however, i'm missing the full resolution versions of (english translated) pages 225 and 233. anyone able to supply?
Where can i read it man? There's nothing on kemono, maybe someone has an archive?
He said in a newsletter an English version will be released in a few days.
All hail king dingle ling. Suck my cock and take this cock bitch. I know youre here
Your mom getting fuck by someone other then your father shut up
My advice. Report and ignore.
>>193388 Aren't you a mod? Why don't you outright ban this guy?
Nope just the OP and translator.
anything new?
good god what a sight....
Nice page. Translating it atm. Will post in a few days once I am done.
Okay, Sage and what's-her-name are huge and all, but...

Wait, did the other girl already passed sage chan in weight? She looks way bigger.
Sage chan is definitely much bigger, the other girl is just taller. Shes just fat while Sage is practically spherical
Translated page 88 of After School

Hope u guys enjoy and do let me know of any errors found.
More than a month without any new Ayano, wtf? I love his work but Fusa is the slowest mf out . And I bet Ayano will only have gained like 0.7kgs in the new page.
nah, it's a new sidestory next. bet.
Would anyone mind just posting this here?
It's still active. Just click download and u'll get it.
In the meantime, would anyone mind sending me the raws for Ayano? I have some free time coming up and it'd be fun to redo the early pages.
I'm also having some issues with sendgb. I can download the file using Microsoft Edge; however, when I try opening the link in Firefox, the link automatically redirects to https://www.sendgb.com/upload
Now I'm curious at what scenario could work for a sidestory
New Aoba
The same vacation trip but then from Moemi's perspective or something similarly boring
How much does she weigh here?
New Ayano, finally
(7.7 MB, 4299x6071, 綾乃257大学70en.jpeg)
I'll upload it here for good measure, but if you want the full size you need to use the transfer link
Looks like moemi is trying to make ayano fatter so she looks slimmer in comparison lol
Can't wait to see more of Ayano and Rio spending more time together I hope she's a little bigger now and get even bigger at the end of the festival!
How the hell does she even bend her knee lol
>ayano is getting so fat she cant fit in a full panel with one of the other girls

Not that it matter for anyone that lives in a country that doesn't use the imperial measurement system, but she's officially 500 lbs here 👌👌👌
I know it sounds bad, but i really wish they canceled the legit manga Fusa is working, so he could focus on Ayano.
I dont want to wait 5 years for another Rio arc
Any financial gain that can benefit Fusa will allow the artist to have more room for hobbies down the line. You should be wishing for a big success instead.
Looks more like she's sharing reluctantly since everyone else is sharing with Ayano as well
Really? I got the sense that she's panicking because Ayano suddenly looks much slimmer with her shape wear and is trying to fatten her up or at least have her maintain her weight so she's not suddenly the fat one of the group.
Speaking of which, is this panel with or without the slimwear? I swear she looks like one hundred pounds heavier here than the last page
I'm gonna say without, because there's no other explanation for the discrepancy in size.
Can someone reup AF 87?
is this autosaging already?
NOOO we love Ayano
we'll never sage!
post the new pages blessed zephyr!
Kemono isn't accepting new uploads right now, both it and coomer are in one of their "broken" phases.
Aw fuck, that explains things. New pages should be uploaded to the E-Hentai galleries anyway

Did Fusa or Habutton take a break?
It's pretty common for them to go up to a month without uploading anything, who knows what other things they've got going on in their lives.
That's true with a lot of the artists in these circles, most of them draw what they do whenever they have time. I also imagine most of the artists have a job and draw BBW stuff as a side project.

Because of this, yeah there can be periods where projects are delayed or it takes a while for them to communicate about a commission.
Do you have page 14 & 15 of Hinata's weight gain by any chance?
What's going on with Ayano guys? It's been too quiet on this thread
Author's taking a break, I guess.
I guess while we wait, we can post some edits and all that stuff. That could help pass the time
He’s been busy with another manga and watching Formula 1. I wonder what Habuttons doing though…
o hey habutton finally updated
Anyone know what weight she's listed at now?
any English version?
Well, there was something uploaded just recently that SAYS it's the English version, but it seems that Habutton just forgot to actually post the translated pages.
The English version is also on Habbuton's Patreon too, I just checked on Twitter
Does anyone have the pages in color? Or if there is a link.
Of the Ayano WG sorry, I forgot to specify
There's a problem with the download. It says there was a download limit.
I guess the athletics circle girl English version is only on patreon as of now. I just paid for the fanbox and the one labeled English is also in Japanese by mistake
Anyone have the English version of habutton's athletics circle girl?
I don't think anyone here has the new pages in english only the english pages that were posted here >>199046
I cheaped out and just got the fanbox instead of patreon because 500 yen is cheaper than 5 bucks. I'd have been able to post them otherwise. Habutton doesn't seem inclined to fix the mistake. Great comic though I love Hayami-chan
>Habutton doesn't seem inclined to fix the mistake.
Do they even know about it?
August cant come soon enough
People have been commenting about it still being in japanese on fanbox and Twitter
I got the patreon too like an idiot and it's in Japanese there too
New Aoba
Hubutton fixed his mistake, posted about it on his twitter
Anyone got the new Aoba?
How much does she weigh?
Aoba is 142.3 kg / 313.7 lbs
New Ayano
Are we really gonna have to wait a full month for one page from now on?
btw, to the people translating, be it zephyr or others, is the translation fusa's been providing accurate?
imo it feels a little off sometimes
Hope we switch focus back to Moemi soon. She's already been set up as somewhat of a rapid gainer, and it would be great to see that really snowball. The fact that she's desperate to lose weight but has no self control makes her a great counterpoint to Ayano. I'd like to see Moemi eventually, unwillingly, rival her in size
Thank you so much for uploading this new page!
Please could you reup full res previous page?
>ayano’s back to looking inconsistently small for 500 pounds
>setting up another year long side arc

yeah this page sucks
>>199753 meanwhile habutton's series
Every month got good progress
Long story short not exactly the best and not exactly the worst. Got to give credit to Fusa for doing better than most doujin artists. But that being said, there is still a lot he needs to work on before it can be called accurate.
Go hold your sister hand little nigger. Before we kidnap you
nice to see ayano trying to get some excersize, perhaps it'll help her stay mobile with her body and balance her fat with muscle.
She did mention quite a few pages back that she was building up muscle mass for her body to support her increasing fat mass.

Yeah tbh I'm already willing to call habutton the goat of weight gain progression comics
That’s fair, but for me Fusa’s art style is just so elite it kinda trumps the other issues. I can’t think of any other artist out there with an art style as good
nothing wrong with it at all, perfectly adequate and properly accurate translation. much better than the amateurish ones attempted by others here.
the first volume of that 4koma thing came out so they were likely very busy working on material for that
(1.2 MB, 4299x6071, WG 162.png) (7.4 MB, 4299x6071, WG 217 (University Arc 58).jpg)
Does Fusa fucking hate Miyuki?

The university comic has been running since Novemeber 2019 and we've received a total of TWO (2) pages in nearly a half decade in which Miyuki is the actual highlight of the page.

At the same time Fusa LOVES forcing in multiple Moemi pages in the middle of Ayano's arcs. It's fucking blows.

pics fucking related
She might get her spotlight at some point. But it's a waste to sideline a character that hard.
Honestly at this point in the manga, I’d like him to focus on exclusively Ayano until her “maximum” weight
Facts he needs to make her immobile like the dream she had but I kinda want to see Rio and Ayano hang out more!
> but I kinda want to see Rio and Ayano hang out more
Honestly, I want Ayano to find Rio's secret account and to help her gain
sorry - just test posting here, I was going to comment something of worth but I think I've been autobanned and idk why?

Okay, sorry for previous message, that was weird.
It's not the worst, but it's not particularly good either. It does the job + for a simultranslation (if that's even a word) it's okay I guess, if a bit awkward.

I would LOVE to get my hands on the raws for the full series and translate it myself (I did the translation for page 244 (rio at the ramen shop), which seemed to be generally well-liked and is the translation that made it on e / hentai), and I would have continued had fusa not hired an ongoing translator starting on literally the very next page. Actually, I drafted a message I was going to send to fusa to ask if he wanted me to start translating, but the translated pages started dropping before I could figure out exactly how I wanted to word my offer.

Again, respectfully asking if anyone would be willing to share the raws for the full series I would be happy to go through it and provide a consistent, higher quality translation. But, I know I've asked a few times now so my intention isn't to beg - just reminding folk I'm about :)
There is a reason why the kemono page for fusa is given in the op. It has the compilation of all the raws plus the translations txts of the entire series upto page 257 atm.

Yawn..... Why can't she gain like she used to, +3, +4 etc.

Ooh my gosh I am a daftie. Thank you for pointing this out to me!
please save us from zephyr's garbage...... please...... hoping someone pulls through and gives you what you need.
Because she is the Plaines and has no strong feelings about gaining she just sort of let's it happen. Mean while Rio is kind of slutty with her gain and Moemi (my favorite of the side girls) HATES gaining but is too much of a glutton to control herself. So much so that she's the fastest gainer and more out of shape than Ayano despite weighing less
Zephyr hasn't been translating the pages, that's been someone fusa hired or fuss himself

Pretty much the gist of it. I stopped translating Ayano after Fusa took over. And I didn't exactly start translating from page 1 itself. The entire collection is collective work of at least 3 to 4 translators.
just average zephyr hater kek. the eng translation were from the author itself
4 translators? I guess that would explain why some pages have different fonts
Yeah most fan translations are done by several different people/groups working on different chapters/pages. It's rare for anything longer that a one shot to only have one person translating everything, and even then some one shots have multiple translators.
(534 KB, 1200x1697, SKp7bSG3FjqzSwShgubnq53E.jpeg)
New after school page

Height:157.0 cm
Weight:163.1 kg(1月時点:148.7 kg)
Do u have it in original res?
Thx for the upload. Will be done with the translation in a few days.
Can someone please re-up page 81 of AF in English? Just realized I'm missing it and it doesn't seem to be on kemono
She dont miss her grand kids. She is full of shit. Porn lovers
(2.7 MB, 2066x3174, Untitled230_20240516041522.png)
Usa's sharp weight gain confused me at first, but it somewhat makes more since once I paid closer attention to the months/holidays mentioned in the dialog. Still a little fast in my opinion in comparison to Sage, but I'm not complaining
Anyone could reup Aoba complete in English?
Now imagine Usa outgrows Sage and Sage gets jealous, maybe her kinda-plateau will stop
she gained 100kg (220lbs) in like 10 months (Feb to Dec Year 2). that's more than a little fast but I'm also not complaining
Can anyone give a wetransfer of page 71. I missed that one
bump from oblivion
She isnt the invite people over type. Dont want people to like him or find him appealing. Prison.
New Hayami
Thank you, Hayami-chan is divine

can we get Japanese version as well, please?
The Japanese and English versions are both on Kemono
(130 KB, 1200x844, GOv4vcja0AA4Exp.jpg)
Probably deserves it's own thread but NIkuket 13 is happening on 6/29, and it was recently announced that a 248pg tankobon compiling short contributions from loads of JP fat fetish artists, including fusa, will be published then. Something to look forward to.

Looking at the quote tweets and yeah, everyone and their grandma has contributed one to four pages each. Lots of artists who have their own dedicated threads here already.
>>181984 (OP)
Where can i found the ayano’s WG colored version??
The university arc
There isn't one. The colored pages are the works of someone else
well, we can hope so. note that there will only be 100 copies of this for sale—almost certainly selling out to attendees at the event—and no digital edition planned. not very likely that we'll see a scan of this.

with that said, i will be in Tokyo at the time of the event, and might try to get a copy. even if i do though won't promise to provide any scans though out of respect for the artists.
Fusa just announced on Fanbox that Ayano's WG Diary is going to be in its final arc starting in July. Rio will help Ayano make a rapid push toward 300kg, which she'll achieve in three in-story months, but she will die shortly after due to the rate of weight gain destroying her heart. Rio will eat Ayano's flesh until her stomach bursts as a means of atoning for her role in her death. He posted this spoiler ahead of time because he knows the subject matter will turn some viewers off, and he wants to give them an option to support it or not.
Man I wonder what's happening. Has fusa ran out of steam with the series or is there something else going on rn hence the hiatus?
I think Fusa is working on a big project with a lot of other artists right now.

Just report the bloke. No point in engaging with scum like that.
Habutton is pretty inactive too. It stinks cause I want to support these artists through their fanbox but it doesn’t feel at all worth it if you can’t even manage to upload once a month.

I mean I get it if you have other projects in life but supporting their fanbox is unjustifiable now
What is this big project the creator's working on called?
True, they should at least upload sketches so there is something being posted if don't have enough free time to work on making new pages
I thought it was funny...
Congratulation. No loves those death shit. It was even said to not post them months ago
shut up, backseat jannie
I don't get how she's able to sweat as much as she does.
Do you have the previous page too?
What even is that outfit she is wearing?
Great, she looks skinnier yet again. Ugh...
Many thanks for the upload though!
I believe in Japan they call it a kigurumi. In English it's usually known as a onesie.
She is a cute fat piggy!
Hey, I remember someone has posted a Rio characterai bot in the previous thread.
Does anyone have a link?
New Aoba
How much does she weigh
I love these side views, they always look so thick.
The fat arms are great too
144.7 kilograms, or 319 pounds.
I can't see what it says since I don't have twitter. Mind showing a screenshot?
(221 KB, 1055x1500, 816rvA6hV4L._SL1500_.jpg) (182 KB, 1054x1500, 81W67BV7XvL._SL1500_.jpg) (1.5 MB, 1400x2024, 1.jpg)
The least you can do is post 41's cover as well. It appears to be anthology comic featuring six artists, one of the others being Ziran. The last time Fusa and Ziran's works showed up together was in the MIKEPO doujin from Comiket 94 back in 2018, which also had some spreads from heroherotom, of all people.

what is the context here?
what number is this in the series? it's confusing trying to go through the series without adding numbers to all my downloads...
Well I bought a physical copy of it; gonna be a couple weeks to import. Hopefully someone can do a digital rip.
Sign up on one of those proxy buying websites that give you a free Japanese address (Buyee has Tenso, Japan Rabbit has Blackship). Make a new amazon.co.jp account using whatever address they give you. Buy the Kindle edition of the tankobon and rip it as you normally would any other .azw3 file.
*proxy forwarding, sorry; it's been a while since I've ripped from Amazon Japan but that's how I did it with this one Atsuji Yamamoto manga back in the day.
I bought it for 5 us dollars and I regret inform save your money not worth it.
Welp atleast you can try translating it yourself with ichigo reader
How do I import this? Doujinrepublic?
habutton update
Anyone have the new habutton?
(765 KB, 1000x1333, niku.jpg)
yes it is

managed to buy a copy of the full volume
Be patient kemono just start working again. Rn ppl are more interested in the new doujin.
Also her weight went from 200 kg / 441 lbs -> 191 kg / 420 lbs -> 212 kg / 467 lbs
eh? no sex scene like usual
the foreshadowing is crazy. she may end up the biggest and most indulgent girl habutton has drawn yet. I hope he shows her exercising again at her biggest
Ayano's new page will be coming out soon just got confirmation from the artist hoping Rio surpassed Moemi and Myuiki in weight class
as i understand it's not complete, right? on the patreon there are at least six blocked pages....
>managed to buy a copy of the full volume
but how? I've been checking just about everywhere I can and haven't found any listings.
>brags about how easy it is to move at 200kg
Most athletic eastern mikepo. That’s how you know this is erotic fantasy lol. Normally act like they’re immobile blobs at half the size.
i bought it at にくけっと in person, among other stuff too, very nice event
also quite unlikely that you'll find copies of this on the 2nd hand market any time soon. iirc there were only 200 of them printed, and half of that run went to the contributors themselves, and only about a hundred were actually sold.
that's what I figured 😔 hope you had fun. seeing people's merch hauls on twitter made me wish I'd gone

The pages are on ehentai already.
Disregard above msg.
Link cause one I found hasn’t been updated since June
Can i ask that does someone upload the doujin to read for free yet?
I like you, what you need from black Im suscribed to his patreo
Nm in particular. Just irritated at this point by the fact that posts are still missing even inspite of the page getting updated. It's like they are on auto-import without anyone actually checking anything.

This isn't the first time it has happened and this isn't the only page that's like this. Lots more are still in this state or worse on the site.

At this point, I am just hoping that this issue gets resolved and that the pixiv importer starts working again.

But since that's just wishful thinking, I don't think it really matters. We can't wait around forever for kemono to fix their shit.

If you are still subscribed to his patreon, get what posts u can from 8th of May to the 25th of May and post them on the Paid Content Thread.

the importer reads from most recent post to oldest post, sometimes the spider will time out and break the import because the import took to long, when I run my own import of someone I am subscribed to, and I notice this, I just re-run the import over and over until it's complete

but yeah if people are relying purely on the checkmark box for auto reimport that doesn't rerun imports on failure only on schedule
New After School
new ayano upload please
New Ayano. Sane as always enjoy you guys. Hope fusa get back to a faster paced schedule soon.

Does anyone have dub versions of pages 71 and 72? I missed out on those ones
Thank you SO much. She has the cutest onesie
All three together are too wide for a single sofa.
Am I the only one who's become more interested in usa's weight gain than sage? Idk, I just like her design a bit more (Gray/white hair with glasses just sticks out more).
inukai getting abit thick too
Thx for the upload. Will be done with the translations in a few days.
Oh, it seems that Fusa's 4-koma is done!

I feel kinda mean, but I'm glad, hopefully he'll do more side stuff now...
Hopefully his next thing is closer to pochakuma, which at least was accesible and had proper chubs.
From what little Japanese I understand, it seems that Usa is leaving the shared house to go live somewhere else.

So that means... someone else is going to have to eat all the food that would otherwise be going to her. Do you seriously expect Inukai to make smaller portions?
(9 KB, 462x65, +5469.png)
We might get too Ayano this week
His legit manga ended so we can hope more Ayano content now...

It's honestly crazy how much dumber fusa is than habutton, not as an artist but as a human being.

A girl at 500 pounds wouldn't be moving "easier" in shapewear, especially not at Ayano's height. She'd just be struggling to fucking breathe and it'd interfere with her ability to eat. Shapewear is not a polymorph potion.

Thanks for the share btw. But even though the precursor to the f&h thread started with just fusa, if it had been the other way around I'd be saying that fusa doesn't even deserve to be in the same thread as the realism GOAT habutton
English subtitles please
I dunno man, they're both kinda shite...
New thread is up and running. Also just finished translating page 90 of After School as well. The translation is in the link posted in the OP.
well, if only habutton was a competent artist and could otherwise string together a story worth following
honestly though, just separate them already, no reason to have two completely unrelated series running in the same thread
Can you upload it please

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