
(170 KB, 1047x1011, EY3qLe1XkAIQToK.jpg)
haven't seen any of his posts on this board, let alone his own thread so let's see how this goes
Looks like a cross between pewbutt and ridiculouscake with a pinch of woot
He hid his Twitter, damn
Again? Isn't this like the second time this year
His art is nice, but why do so many artists including him always have to constantly rant about "Nazis" not sharing the same opinion with them? I'm just tired of it.
considering hes been around longer if less active, maybe THEY copied him :p
When did GG rant about nazis or whatever?

It was literally him responding to people who were being openly racist and white supremacist, like, two different instances. Getting this upset about it is telling on yourself. People aren’t obligated to like or respect your views.
My dude, white supremacists are literally Nazis.

Sorry if my wording wasn’t clear. GG was saying he disagreed with the people describing black people as subhuman. I think it’s good he did that.
being a fat admirer/worshipper/ fat fetishist, WHATEVER YOU WANT TO CALL IT. AND being a nazi/white supremicist at the same time is insane. i don't know why, but it is. surely nazis hated bigger people? black fat women are gorgeous. i don't under- stand racism
Post art you retards
Most of his art is gone from twitter but there some left i can gather so far

Please explain, what is that string supposed to be?
>>181937 I believe it was a Image but by mistake they only messaged the name of the file
Would be better if dummies stopped deluding themselves into thinking encoding links actually works.

There even used to be a pinned post saying to stop since it was useless.
Feeling a different race is hot, and believing they should have equal rights for their sapience being on par with oneself, are not even remotely comparable. I can easily admit when a black dude can be smarter than me, but if you had a gun to my head and demanded that I found afros, dreads, and broader noses attractive, I'd have a permanent dot on my head.

Thanks to genetics there can still be women that are 10/10's in any color, but to say a black woman is basically a gyaru is disingenuous at least. It's a moot point anyway, for the 8+ billion people on Earth there's enough women to choose from, it's the relationships that are the problem.
You just know it's a twitter artist when there's 20 replies and one actual image
It looks like he just nuked his account.
Did anyone save his art?
africans are hot!
african americans on the other hand… are retarded and not!
Bump for what retard they nuked their twitter account

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