
The most fucking useless thread I've ever seen...
mfs are this desperate to waste main page space.

can some mod just cull some of these useless threads?
Kilotroll now in bbwdraw?
If I lost the thread I was looking for so help me god anon
Girl 1: 580lbs

Girl 2: 620lbs

Girl 3: 440lbs

Girl 4: 760lbs

Girl 5: ditto
8. Maybe 9.
Girl 1: 260lbs
Girl 2: 350lbs
well I have no real knowledge of how women look when at certain weights but I'll go for a solid 320lbs
(2.9 MB, 1122x1642, 제레 10.png)
I'm curious about the weight
Was thinking about somewhere about 1200 pounds tbh
Was thinking about somewhere about 300 pounds tbh
This thread makes me realize none of yall know how much a fucking pound actually is.

That Zelda pic is at least a ton, probably more. If you genuinely think she's only 600 you need to look at an actual 600lbs woman and realize how small they are in comparison lmao
Sauce on the 2nd pic anyone?
Why would she do that over there thats wrong.

Guess somewhere about 720 Pounds.

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