
(465 KB, 1971x2706, Fern5.jpg) (117 KB, 600x846, Fern1.webp) (316 KB, 1409x1817, Fern2.jpg)
Anyone got some content for Frieren? Bonus points for one other than Fern; I love seeing content for her, but I've seen almost no WG art outside of Fern thus far
>>180998 I almost told you to look in the corner but that's a piracy site and not an artist. But IDK.
Why the fuck is Frieren getting no fat art??
Get that AI shit outta here
how the fuck do you mess up a face that bad?
is that Peter Griffin cosplaying as Frieren?
>>181533 possibly the funniest response I've seen to Blewdle's artwork
>"Ah crap, this is worse than the time I fell for that mimic!"
Wasn't expecting me creating this thread to spawn Family Guy and Frieren crossover content, but here we are
i need more like this FUUUUUUUCK man...
This literally put me to sleep and I dreamed about cuddiking her body and bring hugged by her fat arm.
wenisberry really does such good work when they aren’t posting furries or scalies
Yep. Main reason why I still follow them.
(136 KB, 1600x900, IMG_6455.jpeg)
can someone post this?
Anyone know the artist for this one?
TAD managing to make Frieren and Fern unappealing.

It's like a super power at this point.
I don't like TAD modern style, but that Fern looks a bit cute. Frieren looks weird tho. His style doesn't fits cutesy characters in general.
Wait, needing a mod to delete the pic or unlink the file.
It's missing her as SSBBW, USSBBW, Immobile, and Blob.
Officially using this as my second monitor's background. Her disapproving expression will motivate me to be more productive.
Cute chubby Fern supremacy.
Nice, fi ally someone who isn't Fern or Frieren.
(626 KB, 3000x3000, frieren_render.png)
Added some lineart and flats. I fucked up my layering so I don't think I'll be adding shadows but I hope you enjoy

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