
Fuck y'all niggas, Claire is the best
some r-list character that's not sammy, aka irrelevant
...but genuinely, who are you talking about? You're clearly making a mistake with the name, because Salt doesn't have an OC named Claire...
i think thays just you who hates them
>fitness duo is D tier
You disgust me!
Checks out.
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Shame Violet isn't on there, she's one of my favourites
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I love chef girl but I'm sad I don't get enough of her.
She's not there because she isn't a Salt OC...
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Added a tier for characters I had no idea were OCs
>ummm stop posting your thoughts here
>why? umm... because it bothers my autism for some reason!
/booty/ is down the hall and to the left, pickaninnies. Go back to the shithole where the other <115 IQ black men are.
(313 KB, 1140x464, my-image.png)
Here is my stupid tier list
>rape tier
Somehow this is the most sane and of sound mind you've come across in the last three or so threads
It doesn't help
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don't judge me guys
Mods kneel to the racismchads, BOO-YAH.
I have the same top as yours, Chloe, Sammy and Courtney are best girls!
When were you going to tell me we have kids together. I see that youre still stalking me. Why would I share the sextapes ass like that I could never
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I dont particularly hate any of these girls I just like Nat and Sammy more.
(297 KB, 1140x465, BWS girls ranking.png)
I Think Val is my all time favorite of his OC, would want a story about her
What the fuck are you even talking about?

>Unrestricted racism that has nothing to do with the topic being discussed has really made this place better, guys
(2.0 MB, 2053x3416, Killing You Softly.png)
>Unrestricted racism that has nothing to do with the topic being discussed has really made this place better, guys
Unironically yes. A janny's only job is to delete up excessive spam and cp and to tell me who I can and can't call a nigger. Moderation ruined 4chan.
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Well at least we got this little chibi pic… I wonder if there’s one for Areku’s OCs helping out Salt’s
So this is how you write letters to Santa all of your life and have it make sense
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While I agree, sometimes ya gotta admit that some got more sauce than others or they're able to stand out with so little
Hey there!
Guy who accidentally got a gf by talking about bws here to give a small update.
It's been a bit over a year since the "incident", and things are going steady. With the holidays right around the corner I'm gonna be meeting her folks for the first time, I just hope they don't say any weird shit.
In terms of the "fun stuff" I'm sure you're all hoping to hear, she has been rounding out nicely. I've been architecting to make sure everything is as healthy as possible, and she's nearing the weight limit we set, 180 lbs.
I'm not sure what the future holds, but I've been happy.
If you guys got any questions I might have some time available to answer them.
>>181226 Holy shit, you are a lucky man. Hoping the best for you.
Everyone of the characters is "OMG I'M SO FAT I LOVE BEING FAT MAKE ME FATTER !" except Hallie, I mean that's pretty much literally every fat OC ever
>>181226 ok hater

>>181238 Is this artwork just a slightly skinnier older version of Sammy?
First one was meant for >>181235
What the fuck are you talking about? Chloe Nat and Sammy have never acted like that, ever. The black and orange haired girl from Tipping the Scales don't either. Do you even actually read?
Do you not read, or are you just retarded
What shit you smokin dog?
The king, dude you're a real one for giving us an update, I wish you the best, I hope her parents are easygoing. ;)
And then everyone clapped
>weight limit is 180 lbs

Hoping everything goes well for you, and hoping she reaches the goal you’ve agreed on
Godspeed my man, best of luck
Ngl, she kinda looks like Taylor Swift?

No? Aight, I’ll leave…
anon is based for ensuring he will still have a normal looking girlfriend in 10 years
Does anyone have that colored kaguya sama sketch, please and thank you
Literally none of them are except for the new couple.
Pinkie never talks about it. Just CONSUMES.
Big Red seems to merely live with the fat.
Sammy has given in to the thickness conceptually, but still isn’t completely caught up to the reality of being fat of she on par with her two roommates.
>chloe never thinks about it at all, just CONSUMES
We need terminally online meme edits of best girl (Chloe)
>consume product then consume next product
>”never think about you at all”
>the 20 something year old CONSOOMER
>you’re just going to eat all the food in the house/Hailey left me as soon as I turn my back? “Yes”
Truly best girl.
I agree with this. Portray Chloe as she truly is.
A miserable piece of shit that should get her skilled caved in with a spiked baseball bat right infront of her “Friends”
Got to agree with this top mostly, I think Sammy is A tier
Witch girl in d is blasphemous
>>181726 Just like witches at black masses!
(297 KB, 1140x465, my-image.png) (345 KB, 1280x1882, sweltering_sunbather_by_better_with_salt_df9pbpd-fullview.jpeg) (8.3 MB, 1945x2859, Nudist Beach.png)
You guys are all seriously sleeping on Maddie. I've been hoping to see more of her since she was first introduced. Salt said she was created for a comic project that "will likely still happen at some point". God, imagine this cutie with another 200-300 pounds on her 🤤 Sammy is still best girl, but Maddie is the one OC that comes close.
where can I make a tierlist of my own? I have opinions.
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Might as well jump on the bandwagon
This is a really great piece, it needs an explicit! :)
>>181843 Last time i saw a bws art that good we were in 2019 jeez
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The arched back, the defiant stare, those adorable eyes, have you ever seen a sexier girl in more dire need of correction?
Salts flagship fatgirl DESU. She gorged so the others could graze.
>in need of correction
The last few hundred lbs didn’t do it, what will?
>Also last thread with the fakeout canon post where she used to be an Amazon and hailey was fat
>>Also last thread with the fakeout canon post where she used to be an Amazon and hailey was fat
Tell me more.
>How to kill a boner speed run world record any%
They're both hot as fuck and Chloe looks really good in shape.
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I think pew should’ve drawn Chloe, Nat and Halie all getting raped, I don’t care what anyone thinks, I think that’s hot
anon this is the 7th week in a row you said chloe, nat or halie should be raped
Why does everyone keep putting the black haired gym to fat chick on the bottom of their tier lists? I think she looks great and is really fat :)

Its because she is an asshole in the comic, at least that what suppose
>>182014 shut the fuck up

>>182032 yeah it's because she's kind of a hypocritical cunt
Because she sucks
The comic she is from would have been miles better if the red head had been the one to gain weight
She’s not fun or interesting, she’s just a bitch
The second one?
It's on Pewbutt's DA, in color.
That little girl’s reaction would be mine if I saw what made a thump on the roof
Nah I could care less if she was shallow as a pool, her design is just boring as hell. Its something weird Salt has where he will draw very well designed fat girls but drop the ball when it comes to girls that are (or start out) thin.
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to be fair doesn't her being a hypocritical bitch make her weight gain more arousing?
its her downfall, its total justice, karma.
she's exploding; all because of her own fragile ego and self-control clashing together violently.
i like.
Role reversal is fun in some doses yeah. I feel like wanting to punish your partner, or experience being punished or humiliated is a very common undercurrent in a lot of wg art. It's the same thing with gts, hypnosis, tg, tf, diaper shit, etc. Either way people that like it had weird childhoods.
100% this. Particularly the uination is so good & cathartic.
It's a complete 180° alteration of her.
Look at her old, tidy self & her new self, which shows how much she let herself go: Long/unkempt hair, immense sweat, a buttery shine & food rests everywhere from everything she has been gorging on.
And the clothes, once well-kempt/fitting, now barely being able to serve as a bra.
From self-sufficient & strong to a complete mess of a person. Everything in her life had to change too.
And all because she just couldn't stop herself from indulging once:
It's so good to see someone struggle from their own selfishness, to see someone dance to the tune of their own ruin.
My only complaint: Far too less parts & too less text. I would have liked to see her gradual downfall, how every single (in)action led to this, how every otherwise non-significant burger/chip/soft drink/whatever added up, each one a new failed opportunity to intervene, etc.
Without her being a bitch nothing of that would have as much meaning.
Ok I formatted my comment wrong lol
I was mostly referring to characters like Halie, Shannon and Brooke? I think I dont know her name well, anyways I was referring to them mostly because they are like the skinny girl archetype in Salt's comics, and they always just tend to look bland

Id say Sammy is the exception, since its a similar case to Chloe in that its normal for her to just be fat as hell now

But same could be said for Shannon so dont mind me Im just rambling out of my ass at this point lol
You mention the diaper bit and I really wished salt drew Brooke also pissing and shitting herself, maybe add some puke stains while he’s at it
I mean same person who wants rape art of Chloe, Nat, and Hailie so it think they did just hit their head really hard.
Well I appreciate the multiple comments explaining Brooke hate to me.

I just like her cuz she is fat.
I didn’t get a rude vibe from her.

Maybe salt can vindicate her by including her and the redhead sometime downline. To me she is a top 4 fatty OC of salts especially her fat face :)
They def are the most underused out of Salt's OC, but the red head (I really dont remember her name fuck) is one fo my faves so id love for her to come back

Hopefully she gains her weight back
This piece looks awesome, just an explicit version will make it even more amazing!
high art. furthest from mid.
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Am i the only one who doesnt like the latest works? Like, i feel like the girls are almost too fat. I prefer when the girls have more realistic proportions rather than blobs or cartoony massive tits because it fits better with salt's style. Also i dont give a flying fuck about the OCs, i think they are mad boring. It would be so much better if they tried to do hetero nsfw like the pic. This shit was so goated why the fuck we still get boring ass lesbian mutual gain lame ass comics
>doesn’t like the OCs, they’re boring
>goes on about a drawing of his OCs
i agree with the first point, as just someone who stops in every so often to see whats new. i know my taste skews to what yall consider chubby and ends where yall would consider small. ive stayed silent here knowing this and not wanting to be a bitch about it to others, but seeing im not alone in this feeling made me wanna speak up. not calling yall blobtards, just personally disappointed salt is straying away from my tastes, but im not even paying and i get my fix elsewhere anyway oh well

on OC's, i think theyre salt's strongest pull outside of outright commission work. discernible personalities, unique designs and funny/cute interactions AND consistent comics about them, just wish the love was spread a little more evenly(looking at silver-hair with the dumptruck ass). i hope yall realize just how peak salt is in some areas, outside of drawing skill
Respect the point ab size difference (even if I like them large) but hard disagree about the OCs. Salt’s OCs are fun and charming and I’d take a comic of them any day over the one millionth Zelda/Fairy Tale comic.
I agree in that I like Salt’s sequences. Losing Control and Couple Stuff were great because they did more with gaining than others. However, call it escalation or chasing the dragon, but it makes sense how someone’s tastes skew bigger over time, especially when his entire schtick is big women. Still looking forward to slice of life comics like the one where Halie takes Nat clothes shopping.
>>182373 Chloe really stole way too many cookies considering that Christmas photo from 2017.

Merry Christmas everyone!
If anything, I feel Salt doesn´t draw his OCs nearly enough considering most people seem to like them a lot based on the tier lists yet their stories move at such a glacial pace.
I can't decide if I want to be Santa or Halie right now.
Yeah, last time he drew Nat and Chloe before these little sketches was back in like august and september lmao. Most of the recent output was towards the comic and commission work, and while a lot of it was great I'd rather have more OC stuff. I personally don't mind much the general story not moving (since it's more like a slice of life thing) but I'd totally prefer a longer-form narrative like Sammy's comic or some of the stories he wrote, there's a lot of potential that goes beyond simply the character's gaining weight or Halie's and Nat's relationship.

I got to admit, I do quite like immobile fat art. There’s something so pleasing about a rotundly big body unable to walk anymore. However, I do not mind more realistic sizes at all, contrary to my hatred for house-sized-blobs with little to no actual human traits.
Okay but why did he went so hard drawing the hands here. I see people often get nitpicky with his stuff here but yeah he's so good
The perfect Jolly drawing...Merry christmas everyone <3
Soo Nat is now as big as Chloe right?
(5.9 MB, 1506x2778, Double Squeegee Action! (Full View).png)
I don't think those sizes are fully accurate since they're just cute little sketches. At some point Chloe had nearly 100 pounds over Nat, although the gap seems to have gotten smaller over time. Then again, this is the last time saw Nat and she looks fucking massive compared to before so who the fuck knows
Yeah. There 100 artist worth of lesbian relationships. That's why i like Belt so much. They actually switch it up with The Domino Effect. I wonder why everyone now-a-days is so adverse to heteo relationships. Not that gay ones are bad. If you like it. You like it. But it's everywhere now. I just want more mxf.
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Okay so I can't be the only one noticing Salt has been cooking with Sammy and Halie right. I think Halie got more content with her this year than with Nat
Not yet, but she'll end up being bigger than Chloe if Halie has anything to say about it.
Second pic is giving me diabetes
>second pic
The cute is too powerful…
Weakest comic of his in general. Even though I can’t point to anything in particular and he hit all the good points, it just wasn’t clicking.
Should have been reversed character gain wise at the least.
More like nat turned into her “minnie-me” proportionately. Chloe is literally bigger, as in 5-6 inches taller, and +1-2 in every other dimension/direction, so when there’s nothing to scale them or they aren’t next to each other, they look about the same.
if salt wanted to create perfection, here's what he should do:
>long form comic like losing control
>starts at the second halie nat Christmas single page with her binging the basket in a single setting
>over the course of the comic her appetite escalates, halie obliges, nat gets bigger
>last few pages, nat's shirt doesn't fit, goes to borrow chloe's, it doesn't fit and rides up
>panicking, she grabs chloe and stuffs themselves into bathroom to compare sizes in the mirror
>nats ass is wider, her gut sticks out more
>chloe calls her a fatass, nat, in shock, has no retort
>hallie knocks the door, she has a massive dish
>nat sighs, resigns herself to gluttony
Ill rather have Halie being the one getting bigger, has for size contrast i personally dont care my focus is always in the fat bitches when it comes to this comics.
never gonna happen, Hallie is salt's "bait other artists into drawing her fat for free" OC
I think I would’ve preferred a comic where Chloe
Pulls her head out of her fucking ass for once
Salt will never draw Halie fat. Shannon is basically Halie if she turned into a feedee.

Also, the OCs are the main reason I'm subscribed to BWS' Patreon. I couldn't care less about all the borderline immobile anime characters. I want more Sammy, Nat and Halie, Courtney and Shannon, Selene and even Chloe.
I mean what better way to break the curse than a comic.
U need big dick inside u
Damn did Courtney get even bigger what a belly bulge!
Idk lesbian porn is fine and all but man if i cannot see myself reflected whats the point of it? I feel theres a surprisingly low number of mxh art in here
LGBTQ content is more more accepted and even expected these days. So i can see why. Keep in mind. Salt does have a mxf relationship. But he doesn't flesh it out like he does others. And that sucks.
Domino Effect still sucks ass tho
A long form harem comic by BeltBuster
What are the current jan 24 explicit poll results
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Lesbians are boring at this point, frankly. They were fun and sexy ten years ago but now they're dull and mainstream and played out. I'm tired of lesbians. I'm tired of gay shit.

Hell, Sammy's a breath of fresh air among Salt's OCs precisely because she's straight.

I'm tired of lesbians too, but I absolutely cannot stand any male aspect in fat fetish art whatsoever. Even a generic boyfriend is off putting. When your customer base is far. Ore autistic than that, and will pay for what they want, it's easier to just have lesbians so two women can get fat instead of one.
Nah, I think its very good. and refreshing to have a comic thats more than just "girls get fat"
Sammy is straight you dope... it'll make her character bland if Salt made her Lesbian, would be tiresome.
It also feels it panders to the male fantasy that we want women sexual but if they're with a man, then they're taken from us. How dare a fictional character be involved with someone in universe. With lesbians, I also feel that it's not a "real relationship". Somehow they aren't taken when they're with another woman. Plus it's done so we can see women be sexual without it involving men, because us straight men don't want naked men and guy butts. We want women getting all nude and sexy. Though you are right if this fantasy keeps happening it becomes less sexy and more played out.

I joke recently how many ecchi stories are either loser nerd lusted after by a group of women or a group of women with powers/doing a sport and with some of them inevitably being lesbians.

I also guess that female bisexuality is fetishized because not only do we get hot girl on girl action, we also get women open to being with men. Thus are willing to date us.

P.S. I know they won't date us because a) not real and b) even if they were, I doubt they would.
Sorry for "real relationship" should have mentioned how male creators fetishizing lesbians don't always treat it as a real relationship and know that the male audience fantasizing about it don't want their dream girls to be taken but feel that they aren't been taken when in a relationship with another woman.

Just how historically sapphic relationships aren't seen as "real relationships" unless there's a penis in the relationship. And how works fetishizing sapphic relationships done poorly by male creators subscribe to this mindset.
>>182524 fax, sorry if any crybabies call YOU a crybaby for using your fucking brain to form a complex opinion. much love
Agreed. Woman + femboy/trap/shemale is the future!
>I joke recently how many ecchi stories are either loser nerd lusted after by a group of women or a group of women with powers/doing a sport and with some of them inevitably being lesbians.
Name five.
>Just how historically sapphic relationships aren't seen as "real relationships" unless there's a penis in the relationship
I mean it's true tho, they don't like men but tend to use dildos and strap ons, whereas you will not see some gay dude buying a pocket pussy. Kek, reminds me of the fact that muslims used to and still now only kill gay men but not lesbians cause lesbianism considered to be a phase.
Instead of paying real money to support Salt, my current payment plan is to wait for people to post stuff here and see all the braindead arguments people have here over
*checks paper*
OC personalities and lesbians?
I just wish salt would do a proper Heterosexual relationship and ACTUALLY invest in it like he does that others. Lesbians are old.

Like. Wouldn't it be cool of Chole had a boyfriend? I can imagine some fun moments from that. Or he can actually give Sammy a boyfriend.

I wonder if I can commission that.
I'm amazed at how ignorant you need to be to not understand why lesbians are so popular among straight male artists, even outside of the realm of fat fetishism (and it's not even related to the LGBT movement or whatever). Guys are pretty much nothing but self-inserts or a complete afterthought, it's honestly not very interesting from a creative POV when you can just draw/write another cute girl in their place.

Also, for all the people who want MxF: the Lucy x Lucyguy stuff is right there kek.
(1.1 MB, 3540x2888, Between a Wall and a Hard Place.jpg) (1.1 MB, 2942x2984, The Lap of Luxury.jpg)
I just don't want to look at a guy's ass and dick and it's annoying how people here want to complain how they can't self insert themselves with this guy's characters. I want to see fat girls, not a dude involved. It's only a matter of time before someone commissions him to draw fat dudes.
i'm a simple man
1 woman is sexy
2 is more woman so more sexy
actually looking at it, there's also boy meets girl and with rivals to their man's love and stories that have will they won't they scenarios. Or a group of girls in a slice of life setting.

With the stuff with a male protagonist, he is either a loser nerd or bland everyman. I figure so the male reader can insert themselves in his shoes. He can either be in a will they won't they or be lusted by a group of women and this too continues will they won't they. Stuff like Cat Planet cuties, monster musume, world's end harem, rosario vampire, Chieri's love is 8 meters tall and do you like big girls? fall under this. Or stuff like Plus-size elf can have a male protagonist that is in sexy scenarios but doesn't end up with any of the women. Or loads of hints that he'll fool around with them.

The action/adventure stuff I refer to is stuff where the cast is most to all women and they go on action/adventure type stuff or are sports girls who end up in sexy scenarios. The stories like this are bikini warriors, keijo, queen's blade, kill la kill, and the seven deadly sins. Not to say all of this is bad, just that the main focus is sexy women in sexy outfits. They can vary things by having different plots and settings, like making it sci-fi, fantasy, etc.

This stuff is to ensure little to no men in sexy scenarios because the audience is straight men who want to see sexy women in sexy scenarios. Not have stuff where men are sexualized as women or women getting it on with men or men with other men. The stuff I described has girls, girls and girls and them being sexy and with some stuff of them being sexual with other girls.

I am seeing mixed responses on having men in a story. Some of us want to avoid more lesbian stuff, others hate the idea of men in a story. Perhaps this is the other reason why these stories avoid loads of men. A good chunk of the audience will complain about too much men not enough women.
You get it
>It's only a matter of time before someone commissions him to draw fat dudes.
He explicitly won't do them according to his commission sheets so nah. I do remember he did some blueberry art for Undertaker ages ago so maybe if you're a friend of his you could get around that but since I never saw any of that shit again either it's kept privately or he just won't do it anymore
I don’t like dicks as much as the next guy but incessant yurifaggotry is borderline troon shit
Kinda tired of constant lesbians and the incessant obsession over them
This entire concept has already been done by hadoukenchips with in for a penny
It was implied berry, not actual blueberry
Man you need to fucking chill out, it's not that deep
That’s the exact same reason for me too, I’m here for cute/sexy fat gals, not some skinny dude’s naked butt
Yeah, considering harem stuff is normally made in Japan, having the protag be a short black haired rando makes him a perfect self insert for most of the Asian population
Calm down, it’s just a drawing
Thanks for responding seriously, it's an interesting topic. I would say that the flaw in your analysis is thinking that the best point of comparison for material like salt's is ecchi and harem anime because they both have a cast of hot girls getting in lewd situations. I think the better comparison isn't with ecchi or the polar opposite yuri, but with cute girls doing cute things manga focused on girls doing some kind of hobby like lifting dumbbells, riding motorbikes or driving around tanks. It's just in this instance the "hobby" is being fat. Manga like this exists so that the reader can read about girls (cute) doing something that they, the captive audience, are interested in seeing women doing. There's room for sexuality and fanservice (even Yuyushiki has some changing scenes), but because the focus of the anime is the female cast and their activities, males are tertiary characters or simply don't exist at all. They're simply out of the scope of the manga.
I think most webcomics and twitter galleries with a regular cast of OCs fall into this category.

When it comes to it, I would definitely prefer things to stay this way. It's nearly impossible to have a male character in a webcomic or artist's "verse" (there really should be a better word to describe having a stable of OCs that feature in short comics and illustrations on a artist's social media) who doesn't feel like someone else's self-insert. There's a lot of reasons for this imo, most of us know the pain of seeing a perfectly good piece of fat art ruined by the inclusion of someone's lame ass self-insert wearing a black hoody and cargo pants. Also if you're drawing for a Western audience, where there is a far greater diversity of appearance and life-style, it becomes nearly impossible to create an "everyman" like it is for the Japanese - short black haired schoolkid/salaryman just won't cut it. Males are just inherently more divisive than women - I would say it's ten times worse to see a girl with the "wrong guy" than it is to see them with a girl or nobody at all.
The Valentine guy here >>182559 doesn't trigger that for me, because they feel compatible as characters. Their designs mesh well. That's a rare thing indeed and hard for any artist to do consistently.

That's my thoughts on the matter. Now that they're out of the way I'll spread the objective truth that bws needs to draw some /ss/, preferably featuring Chloe stuffing herself while babysitting a shy blonde-haired blue-eyed shota before falling asleep on the couch halfway through the movie, leaving her soft globe of a tummy ripe for exploration by curious young hands. I don't need to go into what happens when she wakes up, you already know it will be kino.
I thought personality wise the protagonists of harem stuff, they would be loser nerds who have little to no friends, is disliked by others and whose only joy is video games and porn who finds himself lusted by hot women. Just a figure that nerds identify with and wish they can become. Or has the personality of blank white paper. You are right, physically they are what most Japanese men are, average height, black hair, average build. With stuff where dudes are ripped, this is often wish fulfillment. The story may have them nude/near nude but not focus too much on their bods. After all we want the women desiring them or who they interact with in the story.

What if the story has a dude with a woman but we don't see him naked. Just if we want a story that isn't just women engaged in sapphic relationships, and guy butts are a no no. How should it go? Have dude but no male nudity? Or just a woman fattening herself up?
I concede that yeah perhaps instead of ecchi/harem/yuri, to call the stories, cute girls doing activities. I am just so used to seeing stuff where it's women doing sports, slice of life stuff or action/adventure stuff, with a fair amount of them being scantily clad. I was focused on the basic plots these stories go in. Either have a wish fulfillment everyman nerd who hangs around the women or focus solely on women with little to no men in a story.

I do agree how hard it is to make male characters that aren't wish fulfillment, maybe make different male characters that look different and with different personalities? I do now see how hard it is to do an everyman character in the west now. A long time ago, our everyman would be white, average height and build, and works an office job. Nowadays with people working different jobs and being of different social standings and ethnicities, making an everyman is a lot harder now.

Plus making a wish fulfillment character now is harder because it gets more flack here and than in Japan. If you're writing porn, it can be overlooked. But an official comic, tv series/movie/etc. it will be more critical evaluation and face backlash for it. Loads of japanese manga has this and keeps on making it.
My plan is in my works even when I indulge in my fetishes, I throw in beefcake, but have men that aren't my avatar. They aren't me with a different/altered name, and share my lifestory and are me who's good at everything and gets all the women. I also need men with different personalities.
With the need to have protagonists that the audience connects with, I pondered if this is part of sumos portrayal in anime/manga. Why the wrestlers are ugly/cartoonish and are either comic relief/minor bad guys. I was shocked to learn that wrestlers have fangirls who find them sexy. They don't seem to exist in anime/manga. I don't see women who lust after sumo wrestlers in anime/manga.

I have seen male creators deliver on beefcake in their works. Even male creators who deliver loads of cheesecake can have idealized male forms. Usually it's thin, ripped men. I figured this is what the male creators and their audience fantasizes about being. Not being a big fat sumo wrestler. So they wouldn't wish to present that build as desirable. I also figured that the lifestyles of the wrestlers isn't desirable to most Japanese men who suffer overwork and rarely interacting with women. Just how since the life of a sumo wrestler isn't the life of most Japanese men and the lifestyle isn't desirable they wouldn't want to fantasize about it or show it as desirable.
>"I dont want to look at a guy's ass and dick"

That's weak shit, man. How insecure you have to be to look at a guy fucking a chick and be turned off bc you accidentaly look a the dude's ass? You should be like, "damn i wish that was me"
Anyone got the colored ones?

This is the kinda stuff i was saying about the exaggerared body types. Like, look at the bottom left bruh. How the fuck do you want me to enjoy this? You guys seriously wouldnt prefer a more realistic fat chick rather than a gloryfied walking blob? Maybe I'm overthinking this but man i feel theres potential being wasted here
Well, if this is the peak then I'm glad you guys aren't the majority.
I'm just tired of lesbian relationships in general. Andni want Salt to branch out. But the parts about personalities and not being able to do it for guys is quite bullshit.

It is more than possible to write a male character. Salt just refuses to do it. I suppose at the end of the day. It is more of a matter of more fat girls to do cute shit. But I am absolutely tired of looking at it twenty four fucking seven.

Salt has so much potential for mxf. But he RARELY ever does. And when we do get it it's just some faceless jack off.

Can't wait for the next 20 girl ocs that kiss each other.
Wanting to watch a man kiss and fuck a chick is one of the most cucked things I have heard off.
That's just your insecurity talking, I am happy for my fellow fictional bro winning at life
Why is it that "I'm tired of lesbians" is always a Trojan Horse for some kind of noodlewristed faggotry and passive-aggressive defenses of cuckoldry? It only took this guy a couple of posts to start talking about male sumo wrestlers.
Nobody even mentions drawing canon couple or ships to get around how annoying male OCs are in fetish comics, it's always an excuse to weasel a man into an artist's verse.
(51 KB, 680x450, IMG_0934.jpeg)
>Better-With-Salt Thread
>Sees Salt
salt just needs to start making m/f mutual fats and make you ALL angry i think that would be awesome
I find it funny how you called him weak shit as if "damn wish that was me" at a drawing is any less pathetic?
i really do bet hes done a comm like that, at least a sketch, for a private dm commissioner, i dont think he posts 100% of what he makes

into drawn fats but not real fats? i get that fantasy is part of this genre and that 99.9% of the time a fat lady irl cannot or will not look like a drawn fatty but like theres some basis of reality to this fetish, like SOME realism has to have at least sparked this for some of yall. but now i remember cartoons occasionally having the 'fat girl' episode and how maybe it is possible to be into fats without ever basing it in reality

jerking it to a fat pic with a guy in it, is it cuckoldry or establishing your dominance because you are literally him
So true oomfie, he needs to join us here in the HIV positive ballpit.
Does anyone else feel the urge to stomp on the throat of these resentful subhuman reptile-golems who get pleasure only from others' discomfort? These oxygen wasting pondscum don't actually like anything, they just live to ruin other people's enjoyment.
Need I remind you, that this thread is about the artist, Better - with - salt?
Please don't start arguing, and just post some art.
Any have the colored in version yet?
Didnt salt make a nude version of the "skinnier" hinata aswell?
You’re a retarded pathetic loser. Kill yourself promptly
Here's your MxF content, anon :)
>>182758 yet again, what the fuck does that mean
Nah bruv since these people are crying wanting to see a dick so badly Salt should just skip to drawing futa, bet you they'd cream themselves over it
I don't want to look at some other guys cock but I bet you guys love that.

They are either cucks or closet homos who can't get off with out seeing another guy's cock.
Wow, this thread is incredible... I've never seen an argument where I so strongly hate the arguments being made on both sides.
Too true man, I’m just glad I’m not phased by it
I feel bad for starting all of this with my message. To the point where it's gone down a slope to "niggers" and "cuckholds". So let me make myself clear now. My one and ONLY argument was that salt should bram h out more from just lesbian relationships. That's it. If you feel like you're getting cucked by a drawing fucking another drawing. You're a miserable person.same for any other bloke on here whos so afraid of seeing a man that they whine about it. All of you insufferable pricks.
This has been the worst thread in a hot second. I curse whoever started the tierlist posting.
I swear god this place is chock full of retards...and spaniards too, but that doesn't matter right now. We're here to jack off to fetish art, not argue like little kids
Go be gay somewhere else! Unless it's FemboyxFemale I am not interested.
I'm very sorry you have a small penis
Seriously though this is the single worst BWS thread in a long time, wtf happened to make the weirdos crawl out of the woodwork so boldly?
Hetero relationships are a thing you fucking nigga, it's not like you can pretend males don't exist. You're a dude so that's even funnier
But that’s the problem, people have always hid behind the protection of screens. Despite the topic or any reason, they’re always going to act like children cause they can…

People probably don’t like to see dudes in there because it takes them away from the piece. Either that or they’re jealous of the possible guy in the piece… cause the dimwits on this site don’t know how to cope.
(1.8 MB, 2481x2137, 1664750889504059.png)
How about you actually give an opinion instead of tutting about how both sides are bad like a centrist with a fence up his arse?

So is fluid-build up, diabetes and exploding knees, but you don't see bws put that into his artwork because it's not something that people want to see a cute fat girl have to deal with all the real consequences of being extremely obese. The discussion has definitely broken down, but even when we were having a civilised conversation I don't think that anyone in the "bws should draw more hetro couples" camp has adequately answered any of the posts from people explaining why they don't care for seeing dudes interacting with his OCs.
It's only because of this jej worthy post >>182771 pointing it out: bws draws a lot of MxF art with canon characters, you just don't see them because the focus is on the fat chick
>>180900 (Blue Bish x Literally Me Faceless Voiceless Unseen Self-Insert Ryan Gosling)
>>182267 (Marin x Gojo)
>>182622 (Naruto x Hinata)
>>182763 (Lucy x Lucy G*y)
And pic related features harem king RexCHAD

I'm not sure if it's just people wanting to see some more SEGGS or if they're just a bunch of people here who are so tired of lesbian couples that they're viscerally mad whenever one shows up in another artist's webcomic, but the argument that's been thrown around that bws only draws lesbians is completely bogus. Personally I like it this way.
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lol shit thread for a shit artist lmao
It's not fence-sitting when both sides are acting retarded. There's a place for lesbian stuff, there's a place for straight stuff. It's also ok to prefer either. None of it makes you a cuck, or gay, or trans, or an incel, or whatever else has been spat out here. But acting like other people are any of those things because of their preference is retarded to the highest order. That's why I said what I said. Everyone's wrong.
Ok, what artists do you like then?

You guys are putting an extraordinary amount of time and energy into something that really does not matter at all. Can’t believe how much arguing there is on a fat art board — really shows you how petty and bitter the majority of the user base is. Please just post fats and be on your way, there’s nothing here worth getting upset over.
Right? It's gotten completely out of hand for no reason.
>t. gay anon is gay and wants everyone else to be gay like him
This board almost died because mods essentially banned discussion. If I wanted to silently stare at fat bitches I would go to the kemeno, this place has been completely superseded for anything but discussion, it's not like you get any creative writing here unlike /d/. Barcley gave us a comment form and I intend to use it. Also taking five to ten minutes to write out a longer comment giving your opinion on bws' brand of fat of she isn't an extraordinary amoung of time.
Big enough for your mother

Ok Kip

It's fun to shit talk from time to time, still can't believe so many in here want to see another guy's cock
I have a feeling that he's more into Austrian landscape painting.
Why is there no post tonight?
So what, you want to see YOUR own cock in a drawing?
To be honest, those male characters bare little to no importance to the scene even if they're drawing with whatever fat chick is there. They'd need to be physically present and visible by the viewer, like that dude having sex with the Valentine's Day girl.
I wanna jokingly say salt saw the shit in the thread, but I assume it was him taking a well needed break
I for one want salt to do a reverse sweetdreamcoffee, quit drawing girls entirely and exclusively draw dudes from now on :)
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Can you fags kick your chairs already? This tread is half bitching and moaning. About not getting good chicken soup at a steak house.
Soup is superior to steak. Anyone who disagrees is a faggot and/or cuckold.
Not anyone is saying. Stop being so disingenuous.

Everyone is being unreasonable.

More M×F is my taste. But if you want FxF. Whatever. THAT'S FINE.
I would unironically kneel at the huge shitshow it would cause, Wonder if you can pay him good money to start drawing dudes for commissions.
>I would unironically kneel at the huge shitshow it would cause
Personally I think people like you who get giddy at seeing people just minding their own business have their fun ruined weren't on the receiving end of enough bullying at school. I would take great pleasure in slamming your head into your keyboard.
I think you deserve a good acid bath sooner or later
Has "lesbian porn is woke" finally weaseled its way into culture war discourse? For anyone with a functioning brain it should be clear why lesbos are popular among men.
Too much of something isn't always good.
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Any based anon that wants to become the male fat art version on lucyguy? I might do it sometime later, so maybe someone can fill in till then.
I see crying bitches who want a free artist to do what they want. You know who gets what they want? The crying bitch with money. Lucy is proof, so go earn some money with your little bitch energy and come back with the art you commission that has a dude fucking a fat woman or a woman fucking a fat woman and tell us you won.
I would say this whole discussion shows why
cheesecake artists don't have men in their work. Either their audience is mad that there are guy butts in their work or nude men. The guy is accused of being the writer's stand-in.

This is probably why they go with lesbians, not only are the women sexy and doing sex stuff, but there aren't any men doing it with them and giving us male nudity. Then I hear people who object either to sexualizing lesbian relationships or complaining about how cliched it is. So it looks like there's no pleasing everyone with this. Some people want men with women, some want women with women.

Plus I do agree, an artist does choose what they wish to create unless commissioned to do so. If they want to have men with women, that's their choice. They want women being with other women, also their choice.
I swear it wasn't always like this
Wha happen
BWS stops posting for the end of the year and this thread snaps and has this mega sperg out
Btw does anyone have a compilation or something with all of the sketches that have been colored here?
absolute *favorite characters
Well, as they always say...it's better with salt
God damn, those are good fucking merry christmas
those are good, fucking merry Christmas*
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>4 of some of my absolute characters in this one sketch feels like it doesn't happen a lot
Artists draw these shitty shounen manga sluts all the time. Try having an obscure waifu and never getting art of her because artists are addicted to likes and only draw bottom of the barrel Nintendtoddler and shounenbabby slop. Only then will you know pain and become Obito from Naruto Slopidden.
>Nintoddler, shounenbabby, Naruto Slopidden

Are you even old enough to be on this site?

Or do you just have the mental capacities of a 12 year old?
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>uhm, did you just disrespect my favorite anime AND the greatest gaming company of all time?
>yikes, big yikes. That's my childhood right there man, show a little respect okay?
Thank you anon for posting actual content.
So the one with a mistletoe is the girl who hides her blades inside her fat rolls? Emi Isuzu if I remember.
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I love retards trying to have superiority fights on a god damn fetish forum. so sane and productive
Oh Height difference...where for art thou height difference...
Nice discussion guys, y'all got tiny cocks though
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while we're on the topic of raging over non-issues I would like to submit a formal complaint for the lack of transgender lesbian women of color and/or the overabundance of minorities (japanese IP characters) and lesbians in salt's art. Truly he has been consumed by the Nazis and/or woke mind virus

If this site truly is dying I don't even care anymore
>>183052 It should probably reset in the next thread. However, the Community Salt thread is more barren right now compared to this thread.
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Gay women are boring. Straight relationships are somehow more interesting than women just eating and being naked near each other. Yall are just asses.
I just know this is a edit and next to him is a text that says "Cover them up slut"
>check salt thread
>schizo mxf vs fxf shit show
>agp accusations

I think it's time for me to hit no fap, good job guys
>>183077 who the fuck is agp. Masturbate to kill yourself now. Sodomy and lust.
Now I'm wondering if Salt reads this threads because the coincidence is too funny
She finally speaks again!
Honestly couldn't even tell they were the same character. And I'm not talking about size.
I mean...she already got big on Valentine's Day lol
Does this character even have a name?
im sick of lesbos. hella overrated
need more straight shit
Hes been drawing a lot of his staple characters a LOT bigger recently. I have to wonder if he'll draw them smaller, draw new ocs, or keep making them bigger?
He’s stated that he’ll never draw his ocs at immobility/blob size
I just like looking at big girls like everyone else, okay??
Lucy could potentially get even bigger, since she's not Salt's OC, obviously.
>>183131 immobile Chloe or Sammy would be hot though
>>183131 oh and definitely Courtney as well she's already an ssbbw
Salt heard the MxF whiners and gave them this.
because it's been a few years
Unrealistic therefore trash. Who even has a gut this big irl?!
Where and when did he say that?
So, realism niggers won in the end? Sad.
I think that's just because literal blobs of fat are a pain in the ass to draw. But whatever retard, keep believing what you want
I said OCs, he’s not against blobs at all.
Why tell me to shut up when I was only asking for when and where something was said?
Selene is god, 10/10. Although she's gonna catch a cold, somebody give her a towel
Which salt oc would you have to represent each month of the year
Hey guys, salt posted this months newsletter to his patron, can anyone post any WIPs that were in the newsletter please?
So what's on the newsletter?
(1.3 MB, 2905x3152, Reference Sheet_Shannon.png)
Her birthday is coming up soon I wonder if there will be a art piece for here and Courtney this Friday
Am I the only guy that found it weird salt didn’t post last night?
More of the Lesbians. Yay.
Can ya stop yapping about this bullshit, you fucking idiot? BWS will never listen to your complaints
Probably, considering it's pretty obvious he posted art on Sunday for New Years instead.
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Poor little closeted Anon. Lesbians not only bully him IRL, they also bully him in his fetish fap material.
Show them your dick if they bully you again
You're going to jack off to a picture with a male present?
Are you such a pussy that you're threatened by a drawn man?
You fool! I actually feel MORE AROUSED if there's a man in the pic!
How do people like you even manage to jerk off? You have to touch a penis to do it. That's super gay, you know.
My brother in Christ are you worried you're gonna get hard to the guy. Actual straight men confident in their sexuality don't mind at all BECAUSE THEYRE NOT FAGS lmao.
Disappointing ngl. Its like a half assed job so we can shut up I guess
He didn't actually do this because of the whining here. Nobody here is that important. Saying this is "disappointing" only makes sense if you think this was some retaliation to people saying he doesn't draw enough MxF.
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Ight, new threat time
I wonder if he stated that to please his patreons or for personal taste either way is disappointing
You retards bump locked a thread over the most stupid bullshit.

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