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Old thread is bumplocked, time for a new one
Is the new chapter out or no?
speaking of
does anyone have like a folder containing every chapter or whatever
Belt has gotten Covid, so there is a chance there isn't a .5
It's unknown anon... probably has it on file somewhere and he forgot about it due to Domnio Effect Comic being on going for at least for a few years now...
Oh he’s alive let’s hope she doesn’t get caught in the next page since this one came out.
She was so fat that the fall made him develop a different personality all together wtf
Okay... this personality shift is weird. I can think of three reasons for it:
1. He's suffered a bad head injury and is likely concussed as a result of Tanya's heavenly ass landing on him.
2. His horniness is overriding his social anxiety and panic issues.
3. Whatever normally is inside of Elijas has taken residence in Niko's head now and is in the drivers seat.
its the other guy, not Nikolai, huh. was kind of hoping it was really him, but I had my doubts since his face has been hidden the whole time
Her parents are right inside bro’s dead
My bets are that it's not actually Nikolai but someone else instead. Although at the same time, Tanya would surely recognise Nikolai's voice, so maybe this is some dream thing as he got knocked unconscious from the fall
im liking how nikolai is becoming a smooth chad all of sudden :D
belt really knows his game..
he's not being a "smooth chad" he's being a pervert
You know, they asked Belt what Tanya's weight and height was and he answered between 240 and 270 pounds and she measures about 5.1 feet, that is, about 1.55 CM. Although Belt should also see well the weight of the the other girls since Niko's cooking teacher, the chubby one, weighs 100 kilos and is 1.50 5 cm tall. Less than Tanya and still looks much fatter than her Although I wouldn't be surprised if they said that Mary only weighs 85 or 90 kilos, although she already seems to be the same or fatter than Tanya, I put it because of Mary's height, although also talking about heights so she responded to a comment from her discord Emma is taller than Tanya, she is 1.65, although I have noticed she is shorter than her, but who knows.
Part of me wants to see the weight gain turned up to 11 and have all the girls hog the fuck out, but I guess what's making this comic special is the slow burn. And the girls actually have personalities and conflict.

Amyone ask about the other girls' stats? Anne's in particular.
Nah you saw wrong, Tanya is around 5'10. But yeah somewhere in the 250-270 lb range.
>smooth chad
go start quoting this panel to a fat woman see what happens
i blame Elijah for this

Though this could also be from what was caused in his past.
okay, i wonder if Nikolai is the mysterious guy that's been influencing the girls?

Unless i'm wrong

You know what, I'm sold. Fat fetish Fight Club.
Yeap, more fighting game months will be good!
Actually lol’d at the
Tanya is getting absolutely great art panels
>4: it’s Tanya’s fault for being so FAT and HOT. Take responsibility!

You ever just go goblin mode?
(1.3 MB, 620x15500, unnamed (1).jpg)
Nueva parte fresca de los estercoleros su incorporeirdad
Yep, he’s gone insane
I don’t really like this “alter-ego” shit. It’s kinda lame
Agreed. Green Goblin ass mf
Goblin mode huh.
Tanya even deduced that he couldn't have bashed his head that hard because he was wearing a helmet. So how the heck did he achieve this state? Nikolai did let out a strange sound after the impact, like he got the wind knocked out of him.
The other panels you can see how wide Tanya is and what a massive dumptruck she got now, glorious indeed.
I feel like you could absolutely still get a conclusion with a helmet on if you smack your head that hard against the ground, thats besides the point but I'm also not a fan of the alternate personality
Oh boy, sexual assault in a fat fetish comic...
Not the first time it's happened in the comic either.
first kiss technically right? wow it's over
Really? When was the last time it happend?
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>omg le thing in fiction i disagree with happen!!!
Go back to Xitter you buck-broken niggardly NIGGEEEEEEERRRR.

I seriously can't wait until the USA collapses from you <115 IQ bipocks mismanaging it, so gangs of White men can go around in pickup trucks shooting you DEAD DEAD DEAD NIGGER DEAD ALL THE NIGGERS DEAD AS NIGGERS DEAD KILLED DEAD WE SHOOT EM NIGGERS DEAD.


I want to use blackoid infants as fleshlights during the collapse of the USA. Extra squirmy gooey babbyfuck. Enter the asshole, eviscerate the colon. Internal bleed the niggerbabs to death while enjoying warlordly pleasure.


BBWchan user with the best social skills:
You guys ever think the artists were right about what BBWchan has become?
>>180617 partially yes partially not, BBWChan is a 4chan-esque forum.
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>So how the heck did he achieve this state?
He had an atavistic reversion where he slipped back into his racial memory and temporary become the viking berserker all nordics hide behind their benign facade of liberalism, modernist furniture and well-managed alcohol addiction.
It's over Emma chads we lost
No way. Mogus in last panel.
Yo It actually looks like amogus there woah
As a writer, I think I can tell where this is going.

Nikolai's good "friend" is the brother of the fattened sister we've seen (dude with glasses, forgot his name.)

He befriended Nikolai in order to take revenge for his sister being so fat and more than likely depressed; if I had to guess, Nikolai was once more 'Out' with his fetish once-upon-a-time and dated the dude's sister. Who more than likely fattened up thanks to Nikolai's involvement.

However, seeing how depressed she was, this probably caused some mental trauma in Nikolai (similar to Autists who try to insist they didn't fatten up their SO's to the point of death/depression despite well and truly doing so) that split into a dual-personality. (Hence, the friend's 'confusion' if they truly 'Got the Right Guy.')

The sexually repressed Nikolai (that we've seen up until now) and the 'Real' Nikolai that Tanya just encountered.

It makes me wonder, then, what Elijas's role in this is. I have two theories so far:

If I had to take a guess, I'm guessing the dude either knows about the OG Nikolai (and is into fat women himself) and Elijas wants Nikolai to fatten up his sister SPECIFICALLY for a reason. Hence why he introduced the two, knowing about OG Nikolai's sexual preferences along with the cooking classes, or, Elijas is the mysterious 'Player' that Nikolai's friend has been gaming with and plotting revenge with, and is doing this as a long-con way of exposing Nikolai for being a pervert, etc via a 'Domino Effect' of women getting fatter AROUND Nikolai for his attention.

Man, I need to get back into writing again... I'm psycho-analyzing other plots now of stories not my own...
Why the fuck do they gotta pay him to draw guys? I swear god...
Well the person who asked for that does give 100$ per month for that tier of a commission guarantee each month , so if the guys want male, guess belt has no choice to obey, plus he did drew a fair amount of male before, though it’s still a waste
reading this theory out makes me hope that Nikolai gets help from the girls to help fought his negative side and maybe find a positive line with loving a fat girl.
I can enjoy dudes but this just isn't a great drawing, save the marks on the stomach being a nice detail lol.
As far as I understand this character doesn't have a set gender, it's intentionally ambiguous
What's wrong with it? I think it looks fine
>>180724 Honestly, that's sounds really good.
>>180616 Nobody cares soyboy pedophile faggot
At this size how does miia move? Her snake half looks like it barely if at all can slither
I just imagine someone pushing her around

There's no way this can be explained in a way that won't be garbage.

It's a dang shame. I was really enjoying this comic too.
>If I had to take a guess, I'm guessing the dude either knows about the OG Nikolai (and is into fat women himself) and Elijas wants Nikolai to fatten up his sister SPECIFICALLY for a reason. Hence why he introduced the two, knowing about OG Nikolai's sexual preferences along with the cooking classes, or, Elijas is the mysterious 'Player' that Nikolai's friend has been gaming with and plotting revenge with, and is doing this as a long-con way of exposing Nikolai for being a pervert, etc via a 'Domino Effect' of women getting fatter AROUND Nikolai for his attention.
This is substantially more kino than anything that we're going to get out of the comic. What you've written is the AoT we should have had instead of the one we got.
Relax, I trust belt. He's had the plot lined out since the start and there is a reason for everything.

This theory seems very likely so far, so wouldn't be surprised if it goes down this route with everything shown so far.
Can someone upload the new art its been 3 days
Glad at the very least that Mari’s reveal wasn’t going to be delayed until January
I'm glad to see that now Mary is no longer that girl with abs, and now she is completely fat although she still looks like a large Amazon.
I’m really stupid, why is Mari a big reveal here?
She's fucking huge, like far bigger than the other two and approaching Anne Marie's size
Good I hate how this comic is formatted
Mari was slowly dripped like that because he obviously wanted to show her appearance has changed, not sure I like all the Flanderization to Anne though she wasn't talkative like this to Niko before so it seem strange she goes all out on Emma, Tanya and now probably Mari. Same with the whole "princess stuff" with Emma, I think it's weird she didn't mention Anne before but seems to have somewhat of a pass with her, it's also strange that Elijas knows so much about Tanya despite them never really interacting one on one.
mari best girl
i've been a tanyabro since day one but i'm questioning my loyalty
Santa told me to tell you to shove a piece of coal up your ass if you dont shut up
>spring time for Mari

>Ann is enabling (and fermenting) alcoholism, effortlessly bullying Emma for being cringe, Tanya for being poor
it’s as natural as inhaling (food) for her
>Emma, the drunken gremlin, wobbles over to Niko for head pats
>smallest girl by far, literally dwarfed by half of niko-bowl competitors, one of two (2) to be purposefully gaining
>complains about weight
>is rewarded with sought after headpats
>tanya, despite (subconsciously) calling Anne shockingly fat, is actually wider than Ann (at certain latitudes), if not as voluminous overall
the thighmaster herself
And Finally-
>whole cast: “n-NANI!?
It’s fucking happening aaaaaaahhhhh a weapon to surpass Anne come on Mari score some fucking goals bring home the Christmas niko-bowl lets fucking gooooooo
>she isn’t a one note character
You can’t do that belt it’s confusing the readers!
How she behaves with niko and her brother is different than how she behaves around the other girls. It’s pretty believable and imo appreciated.
Even her dynamic with Emma vs Tanya was well done (but in Tanya’s defense, she was weakened by the violence of her previous slapstick escape).
Looking forward to her being introduced to Mari in set up for the Kaiju battle of the century at the Niko-dome.

The hints of foreshadowing is very nerve wracking tho, between Tanya being assaulted and Emma’s social angst, not to mention the creepy siblings who have been MIA for awhile… makes you worry about what’s going to happen after this carefree winter break.
I hope Mari doesn’t get hurt by all this. No Emergence ending for best girl please….
>typical catty “trying to fry her to death with laser beams from her eyes” routine she gives to anyone getting close to niko, let alone an aggressive man eater (confirmed via her buddy fred) like mari, manhandling him, taking him away from her drunken purring and headpats session with him
>shes done this every time she’s seen Mari so far btw, it’s probably her own predatory instincts warning her about the mari threat
>looks at Anne, looks at Mari
>”this is getting out of hand!”
>doesnt quiet have her head so deep in on the nikobowl game yet like everyone else, still just plainly shocked whenever she looks around and sees how huge the women around him are
>she was shocked last time she saw Mari too, who is just plainly big even before you consider how much “bigger” she is getting
>Mari is behaving very gregariously with Niko, which is a shift from what Tanya probably remembers her being like in their short interaction previously, especially when Tanya is the only one drinking this time!
>”here I am, minding my own business, bullying these two womenlet-lightweights, waiting for dinner and a niko, when who, literally who, walks in but some big ginger bitch, disrupting the pecking order I’ve so casually established! The nerve! again LITERALLY WHO!?”
Anybody got any pic of how Mari looked before? I genuinely don't remember lol
Anyone could upload a wettransf with the whole comic?
If its not asking for much can you also upload Daily Pic 335?
No one talked about this here but Belt edited the dialogue on these pages. They're on Kemono but for some reason I can't upload them here (now the personality change isn't that jarring)
>"The dialogue for the two latest Domino Effect chapters has been changed, in particular the dialogue for Nikolai, as it portrays his behaviour in a manner that conflicts with the tone I originally wished to convey. I hope that these new revisions will present the chapters in a manner more accurate to how I wanted Nikolai to be perceived!" - Belt
I wonder how substantial the change is. Hopefully it removes his mf Green Goblin mode. Was kinda dumb imo
I didn't mind the "gremlin mode" since it's obvious Nico did something messed up in his past by acting on his impulse that he has mentally locked away that being said I can respect Belt for making changes when they feel it necessary and better for the audience. Far better than some artists who just create a slog
Anyone got the new art?
Any notice?
i am foaming at the mouth for the next comic strip. i should contribute to the comic but i dont want this coming out on my bank statements
>>184185 notice no es noticia, noticia es new
Who cares? Own that shit
Poor Tanya, the aftermath of her pig out will be mortifying for her. Peak entertainment for us though.
Emma's unintentionally setting her up for some comfort from Nikolai when she snaps the chair and splits her pants
>he removed the goblin mode scene
Lame. When I first read it it it seemed cringe but reading it again the dialogue was actually the best version of such a cringe subject I’ve ever seen.
Holy shit that IS well drawn
gonna ask this again
does anyone have an archive of the entire comic
As an Emma support i pray for the best.
I hope Mari pops a button!
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it's peak
and I'm sure someone toldja, its coming out piece by piece. This is an ONGOING comic series BB is writing.
All previous parts is uploaded to his deviant art
>tits lifted up to her chin out to a mile by a gut the size of ann
SOON (tm)
and im saying an entire archive up to this point, so i can start saving it
Could anyone post the new sketches? Thanks!
best girl mari
sooo that new chapter today or what…?
he just uploaded the new page on patreon I believe
They have the new page
Jesus Christ Mari retvrning to her barbarian roots
Is it just me, or has Anne-Marie visibly lost weight in the last few chapters? Compared to her earlier appearances, at least.

Still best girl though, just smaller. Belt gives her the best eating panels.
Nah, Is just belt's art style is normal for authors to have a hard time keeping the designs of the character consistent all the time
Yeah I remember the photoshoot page where she was one hell of a blobby whale and niko's body just sunk into hers XDDD
They are right about that. Annie Marie looks smaller and now that the four girls are at the same table, you can already see who is the heaviest girl. I don't know if this is right, but I see that Ema is the one with the smallest weight, although I don't know. It seems that she weighs between 85 to 92 kilos, Tanya looks so good that as the pages turn she is getting smaller and smaller since in the first pages she looked huge with her belly and big butt but who knows if it is or not or how much she weighs, but it is obvious that more than Emma, perhaps 100 kilos or less, since Marie is more than evident that she is the second heaviest girl. Being tall, it is not easily noticeable but it is obvious from the size of her breasts and if If I had to calculate, she would have to weigh more than 100 kilos or a little more since her height does not show it, even if she were not poor, it is very possible that Mary would already be the size of Anne Marie or a little more, although Marie is who I expect. I may end up very fat and Annie Marie may weigh about 150 kilos or a little less, who knows.
That's why you make character sheets to prevent that from happening. It's a pain in the ass to do but it helps a lot in the long run.
Damn Mari is a food monster!
I went back and honestly, looks like it might be due to the outfit
that dress hides alot but Im sure that at the end of this feast we will see her in her full glory
>tanyas face becomes concerningly porcine when Niko offers a cut of ribbe
>mari goes full beer hall berserker from a taste of the good stuff after young adult life time of athletic caloric intake on a totally trash diet
>the seasoned veterans of nikos cooking trying not to OD while looking on in awe at absolute the size of that lass(es appetite)
Mari is Convincingly best girl, also:
>the cheeky side boob/pit flash when she stands up at the table
Belt really knows how to convey the idea of
>tfw the first thing she did was put niko in a headlock
Especially with Emma next to her in a warmly huggable if ugly Christmas sweater and Anne Marie in a low cut dress the panel just before. Truly a based booba appreciator is belt.
>Mari gets pretty physical when drinking & Emma loses her inhibitions
>They’re seated together
>non 0% chance we will see some good spirited girl time between the shortstack and the titty Titan before the end of the night
>tanya and Anne Marie may bond over simultaneous chair breakage
"Mari is Convincingly best girl,"

Which is why i want her to win Nik's heart at the end, too bad it feels unlikely.
Mary is the best girl and the one who accepted the quickest. Nikolai liked fat girls compared to Emma, but in the same way because she likes Niko, although it would also be due to jealousy of Tanya, although Mary also initially out of Tanya seeing Niko and her in the cafeteria although I would say that she is already fatter than Tanya due to her height and Amazon shape.
Yeah, he did a character that looks just like Emma too recently, had to do a double take.
Some times I like to think that his non-comic art is practice, kind of like a “ghost of Christmas’ future” for the comics later pages, & that he is artistically calculating their projected growths like some kind of stock mocket day trader but for fat chick OC art.
Yes, Belt also made a year or two ago an Oc of an elf girl from Moonster who looked like Tanya and another of the same one but with two other girls of ussbbw size.
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Really miss the old Anne-Marie. I get that it might be hard to keep character designs consistent all the time, but the size difference here is staggering.

She's still best girl, so fingers crossed Belt brings her back to size.
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It's a lot more pronounced when you compare her now to her first appearance, or her two eating scenes against one another
Holy hell, that difference is STARK. It's almost like Belt made her arc revolve around a diet but still liking Nikolai's cooking. And the diet is winning.
dont know if i sped read or if the comic is long enough i forget details but i never knew she was on a diet???

shes trying to loose weight???
That's just it - I don't recall her saying anything like that either in the comic but enough time has passed where the effects of a diet could be visible. Can anyone confirm or am I going crazy?
she's asolutely slimmer to the point it doesnt look like a problem with the style or even an inconsistent size character sheet. she is visily slimmer and it looks deliberate. look how her stomach barely bulges now, from an enormous ballgut to a modest, somewhat flat pudgy stomach. sure she is still very fat but not as fat as she used to be when introduced. maybe belt decided to slim her down? mabe he thought she was too big for that point in the story and slimmed her down just to fatten her later?

if this turns out to be a plot twist and she loses all of her bluber and starts bullying the other girls i will go to belt's house and personally strangle him with his own guts. (i will not i just dont like that trope and i like her too much for her to be ruined like that)
I’m coping that she’s using a girdle or some shit to look slimmer
You know, we just collectively had a grumble huddle about Niko becoming a goblin...

but for Mari I'll make an exception.
>>185704 This may just be schizo ramblings but I feel like since she isn't the primary focus of the arc, belt isn't drawing her as big to put more emphasis on other characters.
(216 KB, 1080x1708, Example .jpg)

Eh, this is from the Anne Marie foodgasm arc, and she looks the same size here like she does on the recent one.

Belt has talked about in his discord how there are moments earlier in the comic where he says he had "sizeblindness" and drew characters bigger than intended. Like how Tanya got very obese quick, but later got drawn thinner.
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I guess sizeblindness sorta checks out, but even that's more or less an outlier panel from that arc.

That said, the monthly pic here >>185616 is supposed to take place at the same period, and I'd imagine he'd pay more attention to that than individual panels.
Only action I pay attention to everything else is lagging like bag of hay tits
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I don't care for May-Ann. The other girls might end up fatter than her eventually. What's the appeal?
Because she started off fatter than everyone and should at least be in the running for fattest after everyone tastes Nikolai's cooking at least once.
Size aside, she's always been the most forward one with Nikolai. She also has that backstory to her as a bonus.
Holy shit if she's somehow as big or bigger than Anne-Marie I'm gonna lose it
Damn, idk why I forgot about her appearance in the other chapters
For a moment I thought she was the girl who got dumped for lene >>
anything new?
Anyone have the finished Rider that's on his patreon? His kemono hasn't been updated with it yet.
I cant imagine what kind of chaos awaits us in the next page :0 (well, I kinda do, but you all get the point lol)
Tanya being best girl as always, quite majestic
I love Tanya, she's so cute
Dude is a based protagonist for a fetish comic
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Supremely but-
>just casually putting the pieces together during the dinner to end all dinners.
I can’t believe this is happening. No male protag in a romcom is allowed to be this aware. The phrase is supposed to be “better late, but never” when it comes to such things in this genre!
What's the text above the bowls panel?
HAHAHA I changed my address i didnt get fired. Loserrrrrs
Keep talking shit and hating its going to be s great year. Buku. I dont beg I just take. Fuck you thought.
>wonder what's for desert
didn't even phase her ffs, good thing their family is rich
Wow I can't unsee it now
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"well, that sure was a domino effect."
(roll credits)
Can someone amazing share full collection of "Domino Effect"???
>Series is called Domino Effect, not a single Dominos Pizza has been consumed, nor has there been any dominoes
Such false advertising

Jokes aside it looks like things are starting to fall into place
*orders Dominoes Pizza*

"This sure is going to have an *Effect* on my waistline!"

Seinfeld theme plays.
Who do these big butt women want my cock. You how's patiently waiting
Nah, Belt's style is more painterly compared to Trinity and the asses he tends to draw are also a bit more flabby. The highlights do looks similar though.
he's talking about the proportions
"wow character has big ass it must be trinity fate"
Belt hasn't posted the new page, pain x'd
Page usually drops later in the day
I love Tanya because I love Tanya. The massive ass is just the icing on the cake, so to speak.
Pages usually drop weekly, idk about timezones but normally it would be posted on the thread in 5-6ish hours, unless there's a delay
I seriously think that if the girls stayed with Niko for a week they would gain about 5 to 10 kilos.
Now imagine a month or more, the most likely thing is that these will end up the same size as Anne or weighing more than 130 kilos.
oh yes! pixiveo should learn a whole lot from belt-buster when it means of girls gaining notorious weight gain in short amount of pages.
This looks more stuffed than weight gain though. Not like that is bad either.~
it took 6000+ calories to "slay" Ann...

This is just bloat from a lot of food in a short period of time, don't get it twisted.
You could say Kip could learn a thing or two as well along with consistent story progression that doesn't simply run in circles.

Both Log Myu and One Serving Choice have been dragging on forever with very little actual plot/story progression.
>by the powers of good posture and A S S , Ann is taller than Mari while seated post stuffing
>mari is confirmed a based food appreciator
>ann dunks on everyone by the numbers
>emma pound for pound did breddy gud
>was the calorie count for the whole meal, or just the desert :D???
>will there be casualties incurred from “girl talk”?
Find out next time on Nico Bowl Z
I don't really think we need to bring up other content creators everyone has their own style and ways of doing things, I find it hard to not say Domino Effect doesn't suffer a bit from running in circles and plot progression either. Belt's webtoon format definitely is different compared to others and has allowed his overall page count seem smaller while also making his pacing better due to more panels per page than standard format, however there are still a bunch of plot points he has opened up that haven't concluded yet.
its okay kip. keep coping with ur mediocre writing skills
Belts long running comic is god tier especially to the likes of Kips garbage it at least follows the cardinal rule of most if not all pages should pertain to the fetish or be a set up page. There is actual progression both character wise and weight wise, he'll its a nice touch how he has characters not directly related to the MC gain weight and have their thing going on but still ties the over all plot. I will take that compared to having a bunch of filler garbage like what kip has along with multiple regression and wonky weight gain where they don't really get fatter just a bigger stomach
Agree and disagree. The webcomic-esque format definitely helps the pacing out a bit - you never feel like single character interactions are being drip-fed to you or anything - but I also think Domino Effect itself has settled into solid pacing on a fundamental level. That being said, I think Domino Effect had a really iffy start. The first 15-20 parts or so fling an absolute shitload of characters, relationships, and potential plot points at the reader and expects them to be able to keep while constantly shifting focus from Niko to Mari to Lene to Tanya back to Niko et cetera... I had to put the comic down for a while before returning later, when the mess of introductions faded away and the narrative became a bit more settled. The plot points yet to be concluded feels less like an issue at the moment and more like a holdover from early problems that the comic had - if he were to go back and rewrite the few bit of Domino Effect, I think Belt would likely introduce characters at a more manageable pace and keep certain plot elements (such as whatever the fuck is going on with Kai and Maja) a bit more in the forefront.
Suck kip ur not fooling anyone
The numbers don't lie: Anne's best girl
new pages should be dropping today
Belt wrote in his discord server that it would be 1 day late.
>What is she fucking planning Belt
whos the chubby chick in the purple dress
need more of her tbh
That second pic is godly
I know it’s cliche to bandwagon “durr this comic is so much better than Kip’s” but unironically even excluding the pace, it is refreshing to read something with comparatively deep characters going in a direction I find interesting and can’t predict
Panel 6
>Is soon here to pick us up
change it to
>will be here to pick us up soon
Wait, there’s a discord?
Belt has a server, yes.
Completely forgot about his gf, wondering where this subplot will go
It feels like the perfect recipe for the "you want this bitch to get fat" subplot setup
I'm hoping that's the case. Maybe he'd pass off Niko's cooking as his own and get her hooked
"Gets her Gf to sign for a role were she has to put on weight"
Delightfully devilish, Seymour!
We have all felt like that last panel
Did his gf name ever come up? she's acting exactly like how Tine did in chp 22, A guy like Eli seems like he wouldn't have to put up with a girl like that in earlier chapters he was shown to be very popular. I kinda wish belt would get back to closing up some of the subplots like Eli's "revenge" party and the glasses friend of Nikolai and Emma heel turning.

I forgot how obviously evil Eli seemed in earlier chapters but i'll admit belt has done a good job of making him look less suspect but this current chapter is bringing back some past Eli vibes a bit.
Nah bro I doubt it's time since she would've never tried to go after Niko(in that page I remember she was trying to sit on niko's lap or something)
Page out now
So nice that Mari give Nikolai a genuine hug, even if nick might feel like his spine is cracking.

Also, Tanya gave him a game which is also nice.

Emma's was good too, though i'm glad she wasn't the last person to have her gift open.
You do realise none of this is real?
Yes, its a story. Your point?
Made me laugh so hard at the last part
it may be all fiction but it's still leaving me cautious about what's gonna happen.

Doesn't any story do something like that?
Yeah, it's just called being invested into the story
Damn that belly is so massive it could be used as a gong
So powerful... Love the shading.

And the sideview in the sketch.
>posts that don’t need even need an accompanying soyjack
High level kek
(6.0 MB, 940x18800, chapter78.5.jpg)
i'm just too tired and wanted to get this out.

Also, No comic part this coming week, taking a "mini vacation" to play FF7Rebirth, but will still try to finish some leftover pictures inbetween.
Did the ring just disappeared or what
>>191712 What is he holding? A Book? A Game? Maybe a Drink?
It's very clearly a bottle of alcohol, it says 60% on the side
Emma’s face is her hair color in the panel where she looks at Niko. Probably an oversight or layering error.
Ain't no way BB actually posts here, that being said don't blame anyone for taking time off to play Rebirth
It's likely a transparent effect due to it being on the side where her hair is covering the face.

That is likely an oversight on his part. I have seen Belt forget drawing Emma's mole at times.
When my godfather becomes president. Ill be an b/a mark this post remember what I said!
Oh shit the black haired girl was Nikos girlfriend. I wonder what he did to her that made her fat
Oh wow now that is some plot I didn't expect, it's weird seeing Niko go from being a social butterfly to an emo "loser" loner, I wonder if Emma coming in had something to do with that or the glasses nerd guy, it's weird Sara was at the party on page/chp 27 I wonder why she didn't approach Niko
Im gonna have to be that guy but,how long do you think is going to take for the girls to reach those sizes.
Summer parties. Just because you broke up with him doesnt mean he doesnt still see her in queens lol
Queens got the baddest.
That wasn't Sara, that was her little sister I think.
The one Kai played with
Who was at the Halloween party*
So, based on the recent release, it seems I was right about Nikolai dating the dude's sister.

Now to see if I'm right about other stuff (I'm very good at pattern recognition, lol; and being a writer myself, I've gotten REALLY good at being able to see plot threads and where they might lead.)
I think she probably had an issue with saying "no" if he was the Social Butterfly back in the day.

By the time she finally could stop, it was probably too late and she had an addiction.
I'm gonna be that other guy, I hope they don't or at least to satisfy people like you maybe ONE girl can reach that or be brought in, there's no need to have the entire cast be immoblie butterball blobs, the differences between their builds in their current states are nice, the faster you apply WG to characters in the story the closer you get to basically reaching the end unless you want to go full saxxon and have them imploding the universe or something.
seeing the sizes belt works with, is probably gonna be the opposite,leaving only one of the girls mobile,also nobody wants another log myu.
Plot twist - Anne ends up being the only mobile one despite having at least 150lbs on any of them (or 100lbs or even 50lbs, depending on some of the angles in the last few strips. C'mon, Belt - keep Best Girl Biggest Girl!"
>aspie elf art by popular demand
>focused and done in the least popular way
Based and sigma Grindr pilled
This was the most telegraphed revelation of this series so far… which honestly has been pretty good in regards to twist implementation
What do you mean done in the least popular way?
Damn Mari's gains are awesome I hope she gets bigger than this!😍🥵
>>194399 marichads we keep on winnibg
I hope Nikolai's dad is chill, i feel like there's too many characters/subplots and too much drama. I'm still enjoying the comic, but it's getting a bit much in some aspects
Although it is surprising to see that Mary is the biggest girl of the three and that she gained weight very quickly. Although I also hope that Mary turns out huge.
I think it's supposed to be Tanya's dad.
The panels of Tanya and Mari look soooo good!
Even with melodrama happening there's always good art and at least one sexy panel, can always look forward to this compared to kip's comic or log myu
That is the strength of Belt's comic, due to the longer format, he can tell the story he wants while putting in fanservice here and there without making people impatient.

Releasing 1 page at a time while telling a story makes it feel disconnected in other comic.

Also just having strong characters in general
(6.3 MB, 3870x2952, Untitled_Artwork 1.png) (2.8 MB, 3973x4084, zeri comm.png)
It is surprising to see that Belt has put stretch marks on the girls and if very few artists of this type of sequences add stretch marks or some other physical element, I give the example of CasualMuffin or Feeeaad and there are others who rarely add this type of things.
oh, maybe it is, point still stands though.
Domino Effect is leaps and bounds better than kipshit, though that's not a high bar. I still really like the comic, but it feels like it might run the risk of going a bit off the rails, so I'm just a bit hesitant every time a new character or subplot gets introduced
They are right although Belt at some point said that the story would have 100 chapters or who knows or maybe more.
it's a butt and i'm glad B2 isn't afraid to put these in, going to enjoy this.
I like how they seem to correspond to the areas most to the focus of each girl goes too, Mari with arms/chest/top of back because of her former muscle build up and atlhetisim plus the quick gain

Tanya on her love handles, and bottom of her ass and thighs

Emma mainly on the bottom of her baily from the bloats but a bit on her thighs

I wonder if Anne has any or because of her fashion work uses salves or have them mainly faded since she's had a larger body than the others for quite some time.

Honestly those are more interesting than Nikolai's dad coming home lol, don't see what this dude has in store for the plot but he literally doesn't seem important.
Because it follows the cardinal rule of a fetish work all or most of the content must exemplify the fetish. You can have maybe a few page of build up but with Kip there are entire arcs that has nothing to do with the fetish and is just drama for the sake of drama. In this in almost every page save for the very beginnings there almost always something fap worth to some extent
i need more anne marie art man
Who is the blonde woman on the left I forgot her name I feel so stupid.
>Who is the blonde woman on the left I forgot her name I feel so stupid.
The truth is that it is curious to see how he draws Marie the same size as Anne and to see how Tania initially looked very fat and now not as fat and as Marie does.
Nina likely.

Anne Marie looks Way fatter than Mari, who had more muscles etc.

Marie's tits are massive
>annmarie, big in Japan
>mari booba
>mari pita
>mari BIG GUTS
Nah, mari is a beast (specifically a titten monster) but she isn’t close to Anne (except again maybe in their cups) in basically all dimensions other than height and personality, she just bridges the gap between her and the other girls. not just depth, but width especially, you’ll see that even though mari is definitely the next biggest, her profile hasnt BROADENED/filled out and built up past her base frame as dramatically as Anne’s has, and is more in line with the other girls,
Specifically If you look at their builds, Mari is actually very similar to Emma in that picture, obviously taller and more athletic, more impressive thighs *chefs kiss* & built arms, but proportionately not so much further up the % chart than you might be lead to believe by her otherwise striking size. She’s basically giga Emma in that shot.
>beer gut/spare tire+
Best girl +++
>tanyas thickest friend/hater will be involved in the beach episode
Nice. was pleasantly surprised at the Christmas special being so wholesome but the series is seriously overdue a catfight, Sandy bottoms or not.
I want to guess some of the weights so far of the girls

Mari: 140kg, muscles and height contributes a bit.
Emma: last seen weight we saw Belt documented was 89kgish, maybe she is 95-100 now?
Anne Marie: I want to guess about 170kg~
Tanya: about 120kg I would think
New page out
It's just like one of my Japanese animes...
Doing Johnny dirty like that smh smh
Dear Diary,

Today, Tanya's Dad was a pretty cool guy.
(90 KB, 754x608, Tanya.jpg)
I like this
Stop cursing when you have sex.
Saying fuck and shit during sex is still cursing. Careful.
>heartwarming moments with Tanya? Priceless
>bratty moments with emma? The cost of doing business.
Being so bratty is a dirty job, but somebodies got to do it.
[spoiler] Tanya’s back fat is so impossibly hot. Last thing I expected out of these panels.
get the fuck back in gen you tards!
i dont wanna here a god damn thing!
really good chapter, I'm glad Tanya's dad is chill. i have a feeling she's going to have drama with her mom trying to get her to lose weight, so it's good her dad is more chill
>>195658 It only gets bad once politics are thrown in the mix. Then it just becomes a shitfest, regardless of political sides.
Next comic part will be delayed to tmw.
Bit more work than I anticipated with this one.

hace 4 horas
>when they want you to make porn but you just want a karambit dopplar
I'm so in love this
(I'm gonna die a lonely motherfucker)
Never give up buddy! You'll surely find love, just don't give up! :) <3
>read it as LardLord, Nerdlord, then Nordlord
I’m not dyslexic I promise just conjured the image of his alt account names on accident
That's one artistic execution panel
>in today's issue of the Domino Effect, the Nordic ubermensch dispatches the slavic hordes with his grosshousefrau Aryan baby-factory at his side
>”love you Emma”
>tanya: oldladyWAT.png
>mari: Lightning crashes, sad piano music plays, watery eyes bulgy wulgy 🥺
My heart is bulgy wulging
Thanks, Random kind person on the internet :)
New page out
I forgot about the guys at the end lol. I'm not sure if the ones other than Fredrick showed up before actually.

I'm still rooting for Tanya despite it seeming like Emma's leading right now
>niko and knock off niko take Emma shopping
Mari in shambles
I'm certainly interested in how Tomas is going to play a role in this. There's hearts beside his face in the second last panel meaning he might have a crush on Iselin or something else.
Thomas support child pornography kick rocks
That's not even
Hinata Bro
Was there a new page this week?
Tine isn't anywhere on the page no.

Lene and Andre is at the end
Yeah sorry, just got confused with the names of the characters
Thanks for the clarification!
Buffet Time! Its your time to shine Emma!
New Page is out
I need more lene, bro. I need her to be fucking huge, man.
I agree, we need more Lene
Ultra confident smug fatties hit hard
Man I need a fat woman. Tired of these survival built humpback bitches.

Thirded. Hottest girl of the comic. Hoping she ends up bigger than Anne by the end.
Honestly, I hate Lene now. It was one thing when it was just more self confidence she was gaining and standing up to Tine. Now she's practically an abusive girlfriend to Andre by forcing him to be a feedee, and she's blackmailing Emma into eating and practically force feeding her.

I don't know if this is just the influence of whatever it was that got to her and Andre when they first got together, or if this is just her personality now that she's not shy anymore, but I can say I don't like it. Fuck this bitch. Hope Andre dumps her and finds someone else.
I feel you bro. I feel the exact same way with Saiya from One Serving Choice, like she's just an awful person and all you want is for both Aika and Tessa to dump her.
However, although Lene is a bitch right now, I just can't deny she's one of the hottest girls of the comic to me, so I wouldn't mind seeing more of her, whereas with Saiya I just want to see her suffer and have some Karma
Yeah, I would have preferred for Andre and Lene to just be a normal, dare I say, wholesome couple considering how they got together.
It would be funny if he dumps her and goes back with his ex (after she repents for treating him badly).
Honestly I can't tell if it's fully one sided and abusive cuz of how belt drew him all blushy and shit when she grabbed him, but I'm sure it's intentionally vauge. Hope she keeps blowing up though, kinda wanna see her get as big as Anne-Marie.
i do have an idea on lene's demise, due to the influence of the mysterious person who made her gain weight she reaches a point were her happiness becomes negative and it starts putting people off including andre.

Ultimately, leading to Lene hurting herself in the end, atleast in a headcannon idea i have for this story.
There can be no story without conflict. Lene acting like this means she will apear more often

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