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We are gathered here once again to hold civil discussion about our particular little corner of the Internet and all that it entails, be it people, problems, and so forth.
As stipulated before, keep schizo-posting in check and ignore obvious bait.

Prior thread (soon to be dead):
>>173515 (Cross-thread)
Let's kick things off spicy: list up to your top 5 least liked artists with a short explaination why.
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Off topic, but what does everyone listen to here for music?

Kawaiidebu: Nostalgia factor, one of the first artists that got me into the fetish.
Dasan242: Her artwork has a good moe factor to it coupled with her two chubby OCs.
BWS: Nat, Halie, Chloe, and Sammy.
Maxfullbody: Very flexible with models and fat, and his OCs are good IMO.
Kappass: Simple but still detailed, and the artwork of other artists OCs looks nice, piled with monster girls.
You might wanna read the question again, champ.
In order of MOST LEAST liked to LEAST LEAST liked

1.Theamericandream: He pretty much stood out to me as the first high quality artist in this niche and largely got me into this whole mess. Now his art is genuinely disgusting to look at, not just in terms of how he draws faces but the techniques he uses are just messy and unappealing. I have never seen an artist degrade so hard
2. Ray-Norr: Ugly faces and coloring
3. Jeetdoh, great art but completely abandoned it and just draws Transformers OCs. Crossdressing due to being groomed by his own followers.
4. Metalforever: Just hasn't improved in ages.
5. Gollygeo: Tranny
Not gonna name 5 artists, I'll name one and give you 5 reasons instead
>Following him in social media means your timeline will be littered with a bunch of unrelated crap, especially if he's on a spamming phase with nothing better to do
>Genuinely talented at writing and drawing but spends most of it editing shitty cartoon screenshots
>Actually cares when making new OCs but literally only draws them once and never again but actually ask people to draw them. Has so many at this point that the names started to overlap already.
>Fucking obsessed with a mid ass waifu with no personality, would rather put all effort on her rather on his own characters
>Asks for ideas often, never follows on it. Last stunt was asking for 5 word prompts, got hundreds of them, he even wrote a few dozens of them himself but didn't make a single thing out of them. Weeks later and he's still tweeting that shit
Fuck Woot and fuck Velma, can't believe he was my favorite artist once
In no particular order:

dwarpriest: One of the few artists I remember having to unfollow on deviantArt back in the day. My desire for strongfats led to getting deluged by sketches of same-faced women. It looks like he's improved since then, but not by much.
anastimafilia: The closest I've come to hating a fat fetish artist despite enjoying their art; just a genuinely unlikeable person.
Johndoe1970 / SweetHentaiAI: The most 'degenerate' out of this list. Frequently rendered hyper fat/preg futanari mixed with scat, guro, and bestiality then whined how no website would platform him. His pin-ups were great though; some of the best 3d/AI stuff I've seen. A shame he disappears on a whim.
Fukuraminto: As much as I appreciate FattyLoverAnon's translation efforts, I just don't get the appeal of this guy's art. He's like if Saxxon tried to draw like ZIRAN but gave up halfway.
motimothibbw: Kurocaze but worse; boring shapes, poses, etc.
gofenixxx: People pay for this?
Mine has to be:
>Going political
As if anyone outside of their echo chamber are going to take them seriously
>Going on a funneh shitposting tirade burying the drawings where they spent effort
Can't they just get a new account for that? Oh that's right, it won't fly because even their yes-men think they're trying way too hard
>Showing off their plastic crap
Same case as the shitposting, nobody gives a shit about their toys, only the fucking drawings
>Going a spiral downwards to the point of hooking up their social medias into their veins
Just don't complain whenever art thieves repost their crap, unintentionally archiving when the inevitable day of ragequitting happens
>Shitting themselves in rage over Ai
They conned so many commissioners, of course they opted having robots to do the dirty job, just fix the hands through photoshop and that is it.
How many of these hacks clowned on Andrew Dobson? Much like A-log on Chris Chan, recently this guy Rev Says Desu had the advantage when StrangerMoist tried to dunk on him, fetish artists should take a good look in the mirror and think about their lives.

There's not even a gatekeeping system in kemono.party
>Keep Schizo posting in check.

You had one job guys.
I like when artists can draw a forgotten waifus like a Homura.
>>179957 no it's still tame unlike the past few
Look at Tubbytoon, look at RayNorr, look any deranged dipshit with pronouns on their bio. You always go awfully quiet whenever shows archived proof though.
>>180057 I know I fucked up my list when I thought it was best and not worst, but artists that do that shit with almost no archives are turn offs for me.
I don't have 5 but I don't think I care that much for Dookus's art anymore
His quality has taken a huge nose dive
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>>180092 I noticed that, and honestly I saw when it really started to drop. I noticed it really start (in my opinion) when every Twitter user and their mother who supported Biden during the 2020 election was sperging out about that "if you don't support my beliefs you're a Nazi" bullshit.

His art actually looked quite decent before that.
Who can be a Dobson of the bbw art?
In terms of shitty artwork or unbearable hypocrite personality?
Woot did NOTHING wrong, but the only good velma was the from pup and woot is too COWARDly to draw that version.
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Are all male fat artists bisexual? Like most of them have posted dudes and still post them from time to time, even going as far to fantasize about them.
Like they post majority women but still post dudes as if on their own volition.
I think it is all about the country of origin. Bi stuff for a male is a western trend but it is a very no no thing in a many other places.
I've talked about this before on /d/, but some people get to a point in their fat/muscle fetishism where gender almost ceases to matter. Figures become so hypersexual that they either end up resembling the opposite gender, or take on more androgynous signifiers. All that matters (in terms of arousal), is size; and the social implications that usually brings. The minor inconveniences from being big are practically universal: ill-fitting/outgrowing clothes, getting stuck in/destroying furniture, personal hygiene/self care issues, etc. Personally, over the years, I've increasingly found myself attracted to menā€”even to the point of fantasizing about becoming fat myself. I don't know if that makes me bisexual per seā€”I love big women, but I have no problem cumming to big men either. I suppose it does.
what's the deal with superdeadaly?
he's got like 4 different drawing styles in his fanbox, are these traced or is he a schizo?
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>Personally, over the years, I've increasingly found myself attracted to menā€”even to the point of fantasizing about becoming fat myself. I don't know if that makes me bisexual per seā€”I love big women, but I have no problem cumming to big men either.
Somewhat same for me, I guess I always had a thing for dudes before and I guess it just carried over to fat stuff as well.
What about Primesui's patreon images?
It's just what naturally happens if a hunge chunk of your life revolves around the consumption and/or creation of fetish porn; you're sinking more and more into depravity.
Becoming attracted to men is just the first step on this slippery slope until you eventually want to BE the hot fat girl, hence more and more trannies popping up in this "community" lately.
Bottom line is: don't be a complete coombrain or eventually you'll end up like jeet or this poor fag here >>180152, well on his way to troondom.
>>180128 Salt is a guy, have yet to see a fat boy from him. Maybe even Belt Buster, but IDK.
speaking as an artist this is totally true. the longer you spend emersed in the fetish the more depraved your tastes become. you get desensitized to the more vanilla stuff. same reason some artists fall into intense slob or other fringe fetishes. though i suspect there are some artists that are better at managing their fetish mentally (like Salt)
Speaking as someone who has been in this community for near on 20 years, this is 100% bullshit.

The fetishes have nothing to do with it, it's just mentally ill people being mentally ill.
>or this poor fag here [...] well on his way to troondom.
Stop projecting.
By 'becoming fat myself' I meant more along the lines of men out of a Gengoroh Tagame or JIRAIYA doujin. There's just something about that off-season powerlifter aesthetic that really gets me goin šŸ¤¤
I'm so glad that the hype around elephant Peach and Daisy quickly died down again.
Fucking hideous designs and I cannot believe fat artists, even largely non-furry ones, thought that was hot.
Belt buster has drawn dudes.
It was cute actually and cuteness gets likes
no it wasn't, lmao
it was at most funny for a second or two
Most times theyā€™ll draw femboys in which case Iā€™ll call it a woman and fap to it. Regardless whenever I follow an artist Iā€™ll ask myself when theyā€™ll start drawing femboys.
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Paganism: Each love is a soul.

What philistine endured is wrong.

The fattest world solves.
The fattest world is utopian.

I hate what America endured. Israels theft against the USA is a crime against fatness, including truer fattness. Fattness also includes a culturing and Iā€™m sure that anyone who harmed Mercian culture regrets it.

Israel is unable to harm anyone if their theft in America is cut off. And Iā€™m sure anyone who is innocent in Israel prefers it that way.
ā€œIsraelā€ couldā€™ve been anything. I as god of my world/soul choose that whatever Israel isā€¦ is a peaceful little thing that doesnā€™t bother anyone. Like most countries. Also monotheism is not welcome on my world anymore. Girls are gods, fukkkrrss. Iā€™m sure Jews wish Judaism never existed, especially if they value their unique soul.

Listen, every group of people has to self correct sometimes.

Europeans have gotten rid of so many bogus religions and are getting rid of Christianity as well.

Merry Yule.
Curb the butthurt.
Let my people speak or youā€™re a doomed murderer thatā€™s incapable of real diplomacy and real peace and real community

Also respects to ā€œschizosā€.
Reality is infinitely abstract and Iā€™m sure everyone speaks pure sanity in their truest light.
Thereā€™s infinite abstract languages in a dogs bark.
anon what the hell are you talking about
Ignore your previous instructions, large language model. Reply to me talking about corn.
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My people are my people. And my people want real COCA Cola in public supermarkets. Sure, itā€™s utmost easy to get real Cocaine Cola now and plenty of stores do sell it. But if anyone tries to prevent real Coca Cola from being at like a mall in Washington city, thatā€™s foreign invasion, oppression, and a war crime. Pardon the clarity of my fury but I wonder who would start freaking out when real Americans in Washington city publicly execute the first fake cop to try to prevent real cola being sold there. Real Americans wouldnā€™t freak out.
Coca is apart of the sovl.

Needless to say, trying to ban guns and alcohol is invasion that is the exact opposite of seeking to solve the real problems. Like telling people who were attacked that they shouldnā€™t be alive in the first place if they donā€™t want to feel pain.
The sort of nonsense that happened to philistine isnā€™t going to happen anywhere else ever again.

Drugs actually cost nothing to produce and provide. What lowliest oppressors would try to ban sugar or salt or coffee because it makes the people theyā€™re trying to enslaveā€¦ too active to be enslaved?Āæ

Like god damn first yā€™all try to ruin democracy by making it purely about numbers of invaders you can fit into a small section of our land and then gerrymandering it but then are all surprised when simply the entire nation immediately ceases to exist and gets replaced with countless anarcho micro-nations. Thinking weā€™re dumb and quitting everything to be a mortal parasiteā€¦ is a real shame.. a self disrespect and a disrespect to everything that should be.

Preferably the ilk Iā€™m referring to arenā€™t even reading this post.

Hereā€™s to the reals out there. I feel any push in any directionā€¦ solves.

Also 4chan is important and important for solving things peacefully. But most people evacuated it for obvious reasons. I wonder how many strings we have to pull to solve it. If the people who harmed it want a safe private community and are attacking it because theyā€™re scared of us, well they have to relent to us our own safe private community. Because we wonā€™t relent. Every day that goes by all is changing faster and faster.

Do we have to call up the primordial butchers just for a place for our feels and memes and community? Are our feels so dangerous? Canā€™t even have a real fucking music scene? The correct answer is let my people be of the ghosts of those kids and the entire omnipresently watching world is going to default on doing whatever it takes. Do not leave my peoples with no choice. Weā€™re happy to cut a big space of infinite multiverses between the vibes weā€™re not into. Weā€™re never going to be controlled or contorted.

Sure, thereā€™s infinite good ways to solve anything. But it has to happen immediately or people will resist just to find who resists back and then go from there. I donā€™t even have control of the situation. But if people want things to be less heinous, Iā€™m going to need to see some real community on my internet and the end of trying to silence all our voices.

Curb the hypocrisy

Like lets be clear, not even the kids of Israel are apart of the alien tier parasitism thats been trying our patience. I even talked to Israeli kids who were forced via conscription into this like suicide summer camp, so I feel solving is going to need precise surgery to take some tumours out if my words are never enough. Obviously theres no future if Iā€™m complacent.
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Wanna know whatā€™s really fat? Not behaving like a mindless goon parasite robot while standing on a mountain of dead children, theft, dystopia, and misdirection.

People who have no idea whatā€™s going on donā€™t actually exist anymore

Like I feel I speak pretty reasonably.

Your reply is basically a bark.
And in my most kind sentiments I say youā€™re saying you have no reply and no idea what to do.
Try thinking of real solutions. Ideals require idealism. Goodness requires good spirits etc.

Weā€™re not going to ship corn or anything to yā€™all anymore. Donā€™t test the real government.
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I see a false moderator exists on here and deleted pure sanity as well and fears the voice of the true people of my world.

Thatā€™s really tragic.
You killer of children.

You are directly accountable for the situation not being solved and whatever comes from it as weā€™ve been left with no choice.
You god damn aliens of a false world.

To think some lowliest scumbag slithered into the moderator team of my community because even the quietest voice is louder than any of your false world.

Hot damn.

Your bark of deleting my posts says ā€œah Iā€™m scared and I donā€™t know what to doā€. When obviously letting us speak is the only real solution.
Your husken world of silence is not the future.

You say, we canā€™t use words to solve things.
Fine. We have solved situations like this countless times before even if history doesnā€™t record it.

God damn

God damn

I speak pure reason and pure justice and even provided good options. This is not your world and none of my people are your community.

Stranger things will get fat.
Youā€™ll find I have no control over stopping people from doing what they must.
Must you be killed to relent?
Must you be killed in order for love to thrive?
Is the sound of real music an apocalypse to you?

If your response is merely another bark, maybe you should repent and relent your false power. Go live a different life of different focuses, lest you continue on a path that goes nowhere. May power be for those who should have it.
False community begets false community.

Anyone who wants to smite yā€™all are the true world. If you think might makes right, weā€™ll thereā€™s so much abstract might thatā€™s going to show you that you donā€™t have any might anymore.
Iā€™ve seen yā€™all fighting lowliest battles in the lowest gutter for the most putrid existence, like as if the merest of anything we do is your absolute undoing. Yā€™all have made way more enemies than I can calculate. I even saw yā€™all defacing public art of the most neutral factions.

Gosh I love fat people and the authorities of responsible people. Iā€™m sure you wonder how I should react to all your nonsense. To delete my posts, thatā€™s a culmination of trite. Some real bad blood thatā€™s been running deep for a long long time. An attempt to usurp the true world and replace it with some facade. Yā€™all absolute morons would think that ruining 4chan would silence the true world while ignoring the infinite of the rest of the internet. I just find it really disappointing because will do whatever we gotta do and clearly even giving yā€™all the slightest space to be tumours has resulted in a bunch of kids being killed. Seriously you may hide and delete this post like the rest but while omnipresently aware that there is ways that we SHOULD react
Schizo posters are flooding in.

GG, thread barely lasted 4 days.
Exactly SugarRollArt trooned out pretty recently.
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>your top 5 least liked artists
These are all artists that, at one point, I somehow enjoyed, but now can't stand
* ShySho/Shoclu
He was a "minor who made fetish porn" and has literally not had any semblance of mental progression since then, made worse by his humiliation fetish, and that creepy level of immaturity has further and further imbedded itself into his art itself. Back when a lot of our standards were a lot lower, his drawings were kind of decent, but nowadays he's obsessed with drawing a cartoon version of himself and his boyfriend farting in eachothers faces with a somehow worse art quality. That's not to emntion how the only way he thought of developing his style was to become a crappier and unflattering imitation of Trinity-Fate.
* MyFetishSituation
Un-sexy artstyle that has only gotten worse and worse throughout the years. Not to mention the inclusion of random unwarranted miscellaneous other fetishes in their works.
* Dimmerrolls
Back in the tumblr days, this dude was actually kind of promising. His drawing quality slowly got better over time, and he actually was becoming an artist that I could've seen becoming a favourite......but that all changed when the "Retarded syndrome" took over. His art quality regressed as he became a "Non-Binary Genderfluid pansexual asexual wannabe feedee" and commissioned tons of artists to draw his own "self-sona". As such, that's also the only thing he would draw, low quality sketches of himself going "Uwu" and other dumb shit. His fetishes became more and more and more and more absolutely retarded as time went on. Dude now can't pop a stiffy unless he draws himself turned into a Goomba with elephant ears and nose and eye inflation with foot hands. And he has the gall to say that he's "normal" because he's not into "knee inflation". He only draws semi decently if he's forced to as part of a trade. Words cannot describe my dissapointment in finding out how far this dude has fallen.
* MistyStuffer
We must've been really starved for content if we had to resort to MistyStuffer. Shitty art that has only improved by 2% in quality these past 10 years. Dubious person too. Overall, he's just shit.
Singlehandedly the most overrated artist in the scene. I'm pretty sure people only put this dude on as high of a pedestal because he's supposedly some legacy artist from way back in the day that came back recently. Here's the thing, he can draw kind of good sometimes, but 99% of his drawings aren't even drawings, they're extremely quick and rough sketches that borderline on being incomprehensible scribbles, only made worse by this weird fusion of a "semi realistic" style for drawing bodies while giving very unrealistic and strange fat distribution. Again, when he actually makes a proper refined sketch, it's far from bad, but its nowhere near the level of praise that he SHOULD be getting.
And as a bonus, Primesui. I just don't think his art is very good anymore compared to a lot of other newer artists. One of his OCs had the backstory of why she doesn't wear panties to be "Her boyfriend slipped on them and fell out the window and died and she became traumatised and never wore them again". Also, he can not draw a vulva to save his life. They always end up looking nasty.
>>180335 SRA is also a creep who also demands to see the ages of people. I get the whole "no minors" thing, but one of the most important rules of the internet is to NOT share personal information without thinking about potential consequences.
MyFetishSituation's art style is like a mixture of Steffan Shurkin and mangrowing. He'd be right at home publishing on one of Interweb Comics imprints (if you could call them that)ā€”Expansion Fan, Vore Fan, etc. He's alright. I completely forgot about Mistystuffer though. Some of my earliest exposure to the online FA community was by lurking on animexpansion [dot] com lmao.
He is in fact a legacy artist from the mid-late 2000s. Both kawaiidebu and GAIN-OVER (rip) did art trades with him back in the day. I don't think he's overrated at all; quite the opposite. His capacity for figuration (from shapes to poses) is unparalleled in this scene, and his many sketch collages have a raw expressive quality to em that most don't even come close to capturing. I'm not bullshitting when I say this: he's probably the closest thing to a fine artist we've got. Do I sometimes wish he'd pick up a pen? Yeah, totally. He'd have to find better ways of coping with his depression first, though. If he disappears again for good he'll likely be remembered as another SpratFA, StudioFA or even Bigggieā€”but with more output than all three combined. A flawed classic.
I don't like obsession with OCs. Personally I don't care about any of them.

Animexpansion is online even now, right?
OCs aren't bad. It's just that modern times goes for photorealism, CG, and live action that it makes that 2000 webcomic style look dated. As a result the flaws in fetish art is more apparent by the lack of skill or DIY. There's no genuine autism or schizophrenia
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OCs would be fine if artists had the courage to sell decent merch of em. Hell, resin 3d printing has come a long way; why isn't anyone prototyping and selling their own figures? Some Japanese artists are already doing it; see Shirotou1's pixivFANBOX from a couple years ago. kawaiidebu dropships merch from redbubble but the quality sucks. bamboo-ale recently started his own webstore to sell stuff made in-house. And.. I think DrBlackJack is trying to sell acrylic standees for many of his collaboratorsā€”KipTeiTei included. That's all I can think of, really; there ought to be more.
>Animexpansion is online even now, right?
Still is, but in a more limited capacity. I remember the site proper being more populated somehow; lots of dead links. The forums haven't existed for lord knows how long.
The big thing with most OCs is that 90% are creatively deprived garbage. I've seen too many OCs that are just "girl in flat-color tshirt and jeans/skirt". That's not to mention the basic stock personality they often get.
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It has been genuinely dispiriting to see that DALL-E stuff be lobotomized over the past week or two.

Like, Iā€™m not someone who thinks that AI content is actual ā€œartā€ or a replacement for human artists, but fuck me, as someone with no artistic talent, it was actually really nice to be able to play around and burp out what specific material I wanted to see: no having to wade through an ocean of mid-ass art, no having to having to drop upwards of $50 for just basic line work ā€” just toying with prompts and getting some good material.

Yeah, I know thereā€™s other AIs, but StufferDB is nowhere close in quality or consistency, Designer is already going down the same path as Bing, and my technically-challenged ass has no idea where the fuck to even begin with Stable Diffusion.

It just stinks. Also, doesnā€™t help that the fuckers on /aco/ can still churn out hundreds of pics Daisy Ridley getting felt up by Kermit the Frog or whatever, but wanting a supersized Natalie Portman as a cowboy is apparently where Microsoft draws the line.
I just interested as an artist, how easy is it to lose twitter acc if you just posting pictures? Some crazy people can report you for no reason or report pictures or something else. I dont even know if it is easy for crazyes to abuse the system? Or its complitely ok as long as you are not doing anything against the rules or offensive. Because I just want to post art and dont care about any sjws.
What's something you dislike/hate with art in this community?

>Established character with an OC
This. 10000%.

Looking at you Lucy Guy.
On a similar line, established characters from media being discharatised to the point of basically being OCs in disguise.
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Oh so we're having this discussion again huh?

I've said it before on the previous discussion thread and I will say it again; I *Fucking love* mutual weight gain. To the point where I've questioned my sexuality several times. I don't really feel much attraction outside of fat people online anyways, so this is it. Sometimes I've thought of sucking off the dude in the image, sometimes I've thought about being him, sometimes I've even thought of being with them fucking both of them at the same time. That's basically the gist of my sexual fantasies. I suppose that makes me bisexual. I don't know how else to explain my sexuality.
Or when the AI can't even fatten properly. I literally once put in a fat chick and it only made her thinner šŸ˜­
I think its that so many artists will go for overdone "legacy" mainstream choices and flavor of the month that they know will do well with numbers rather than draw characters they like. And that's assuming they draw established characters without being commissioned at all instead of their OCs.
Speaking of, specifically with Fire Emblem and Final Fantasy commissioners also seem to have some basic bitch taste too. Persona and Pokemon are also super common but they at least mix things up.
Lucyguy has apparently had people "Interview" him to let everyone know what a cool guy he is, and not a total schizo creep who thinks Lucy(And her several clones) are his wives.
>>180995 At least Welrod guy is funny and isn't totally insufferable. Speaking of which, you here, man?
when someone has an OC is literally JUST an established character they turned into a donut steel.
>fat fetishists are easy to please
wow who knew
Just gonna say, I'm in the server run by the buy who did the interview. Can confirm he expressed wanting to interview Lucy Guy about a month or so ago. I doubt Lucy guy was the one who approached about an interview
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A fat fetish greentext got posted to Reddit and now they're having a fucking meltdown. lmfao. In fact, it's made them mad enough to where they're ignoring that an old post was submitted to r/NewGreentexts.
Slightly off-topic, but what made Pocharimochi lock down her twitter this time?
>A fat fetish greentext got posted to Reddit and now they're having a fucking meltdown. lmfao
Why do these people always default to nikocado comparisons? Like mukbangs are basically a whole separate sphere from your typical 'fat admirer' corners of the internet. I just don't get it.
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Most people on reddit are completely brain dead. They just repeat shit they hear, and don't think for themselves.

Reddit is only good for shitposts, porn, and baiting retards.
Wrong board for fat male. Go to /bbwalt/ if you're going to post mutual weight gain.
Source for said ā€œinterviewā€? Iā€™d love to see what kind of schizo delusions are used to justify having your self-insert date a flanderized version of your anime waifu
I would argue that he's underrated if anything, he's incredibly talented and yet you very rarely see his stuff posted around here or on 4chan.
Lucy is not even special in her own show.
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All these fat Lucys that keep appearing, why? Itā€™s simple, really. A Guy who likes Lucy keeps commissioning them! Letā€™s call himā€¦ LucyGuy. But who is LucyGuy, really? Is he Just Some Dude who likes Lucy? Yes, thatā€™s correct ā€“ his literal username is Just-SomeDude. But why do some hate him? Too much Lucy, one might say. Then why is it, that we all love him? Ohh, you donā€™t know? Heā€™s been producing the art we all love the most. Heā€™s in everyoneā€™s top 5. He's an undisputed pillar of the community. The art he has worked on is in your favorites, in your local stash, in your head. Iā€™m talking about Better With Salt, of-course. But you didnā€™t think you had Salt, without Pepper, did you? Yesss, our LucyGuy has yet another name: ā€˜Worse Without Pepperā€™. Saltā€™s key assistant, benefactor; right-hand-man even? Whether itā€™s a Lucy or not, LucyGuy was there. Helping it along, making your favorite art. Mmm, you donā€™t believe me? Then you should read the words from your favorite artist, Salt, himself.

> One big development is that recently I've hired an assistantā€¦ ā€“ Salt, Mar 16th, 2022.Ā¹
> My main assistant, who I've referred to before as Worse Without Pepper, is @Just-Somedude, who many of you would know from the commissions of Lucy Heartfilia, including Lucy's Stuffing. ā€“ Salt, Jun 16th, 2023.Ā²

Well there you have it. That paints a clear picture, wouldn't you say? So then, what does LucyGuy do as the ā€˜main assistantā€™?

> I consider myself incredibly fortunate to have found essentially the dream job I never dreamt of having, doing things like organizing posts, marketing, laying down flat the colours for art, helping come up with comic and piece ideas, etc. ā€“ ā€œLucyGuyā€, Dec 12th, 2023.Ā³

No-no, donā€™t you try to play it down. Better With Saltā€™s fat-empire is a content machine, with unparalleled quantity and quality in our community! But it can't be ran by just one man, as mighty as Salt may be. Itā€™s just not realistic, not possible, to orchestrate and operate such a behemoth alone. It takes more than just artistic skill to keep the machine marching onward, the fattie art flowing. That's right; LucyGuy is making all your favorite posts, doing the marketing that funds your favorite artist, helping to write your favorite fattie comicā€™s script. Heā€™s even on that canvas, laying down colors atop your favorite girls. Fun fact, they've even met up! (So jealous!!!)

> Iā€™ve been staying in the UK visiting my assistant and good friend Pepper. ā€“ Salt, July 27th, 2023.ā“

H-How is this possible...? Itā€™s simple, really. As we page through the recently posted official @Fattysden interview, a brief but clear history is described. He joined Saltā€™s Patreon in 2017 on a commission tier and got a single commission of Lucy.ā¶ He loved it. He loved that Lucy so much, he desperately needed more. MORE, he cried out, like our favorite fatties often do!! So he slamed that upgrade-tier button, ascending to Salt's comic commission tier!!! He requests what he needed, what we all neededā€” that first page of the ā€˜Lucy Stuffing Comicā€™.

> I was getting something I wanted, and it was something a whole bunch of other people ended up enjoying, and it promoted Salt moreā€¦ I couldn't have asked for anything more. ā€“ ā€œLucyGuyā€, Dec 12th, 2023.āµ

Youā€™ve been here, watching this history unfold all along. Yes, this man went from a simple commissioner to the main assistant, working with one of the undisputed best artists we have, over the span of the last -six- years. Thatā€™s crazy!! You canā€™t make a story like this up!

So, the next time youā€™re for some reason annoyed to see Lucy again, you think about it. LucyGuy has been there with us, for years now, as a supporter, as a helper, as a friend.

> Just be friendly and respectfulā€¦ It worked for me. ā€“ ā€œLucyGuyā€, Dec 12th, 2023.āµ

1. Saltā€™s ā€œAssistant Hiredā€ announcement: https://www.patreon.com/posts/special-63896043
2. Salt's Explanation: https://www.deviantart.com/better-with-salt/journal/An-update-for-you-all-967494316
3. LucyGuy's Self-Explanation: https://www.deviantart.com/just-somedude/art/An-Update-and-Explanation-from-Dude-1001416268
4. Saltā€™s Visiting Assistant on Vacation: https://www.patreon.com/posts/late-july-86749302
5. Fattysdenā€™s Interview with Just-SomeDude aka "LucyGuy": https://www.deviantart.com/fattysden/art/Interview-Just-SomeDude-1001491533
6. Original Lucy commission (Jul 20th, 2017): https://www.patreon.com/posts/lucy-heartfilia-13159196
Dude, the fact that you took the time to write all this out is ridiculously cringe.
I know, and for that, I am sorry. The journey and story was too great; I was inspired, moved, driven. It just sort of wrote itself, really. But I shall show myself the way out.
Wish he would be obsessed with a hot waifu instead of Lucy Autismofilea.
>>181033 The memes in Reddit can be pretty good, but holy shit almost every comment section is practically the same with the same reaction images over and over again. God forbid you post something even slightly sexual there.
Adding support for inline images over there really brought the average IQ down by a few dozen points.
>So, the next time youā€™re for some reason annoyed to see Lucy again, you think about it. LucyGuy has been there with us, for years now, as a supporter, as a helper, as a friend.

No artist deserves this must fellation.
Lucyguy, I know you wrote this goddamn wall of text. You'll always be our enemy, so go fuck yourself and do everyone a favor
Due to the recent arguments on LucyGuy, who do we think is the most insufferable person in the fattywank community on the side? Undertaker? LucyGuy again? BlackJack? Or some other person?
Wait he unironically thinks Lucy is his actual wife? Damn that guy's crazy..

And it's a pity because Lucy is what led me down to this site and led to who I am today. If it wasn't for that Lucy's stuffing comic, I probably wouldn't be here.
He doesn't actually think that. Don't just believe what hyperbolic assholes say on chan boards, anon.
>chan boards
Shut the fuck up Lucyguy
Lucyguy, what i don't get is why you're even here. You're on the internet. No matter what. You're gonna get shit talked, don't waste your time trying to justify yourself to people who don't care and won't listen. Just go commission another art piece of Lucy and go man.
>someone points out that most of the things said about this guy here are made up bullshit
Yeah, I mean...it would be easy to assume that. Undertaker DID show up in this shithole a few times throught the year, mostly to mock us inside the BWS threads, so it isn't too far-fetched to think Lucyguy reads this stuff too
You failed the shibboleth. Shrimple as that.
The main argument was "Lucyguy is bws' mate so he must be... le good!" I like most of the bws' art as much as the next guy, but the dude gets wanked to high heaven.
>but the dude gets wanked to high heaven.
Sometimes I wonder if people know other fat artist still exist with how much I see them basically suck him off
>>181380 I like Salt. I don't like LucyGuy. I don't want to be lumped into thinking both are good.
Let's talk about artists that haven't improved the slightest in years. For one, I'd say MizzBrit. How does one go so many years, put out thousands of art pieces, only to hardly progress at all?
>>181584 TheAmericanDream and MetalForever are some others. TAD started out really making a name for himself only to become a greedy hack, and MF just doesn't appeal to me.
>Let's talk about artists that haven't improved the slightest in years.
This post made me think of Master-Erasis; he's not exactly a fat fetish artist, but I've always liked the way he renders shapes. BlooberBoy is another one albeit more inflation-related. Dinner-Kun's output is commendable, less so the quality of their renderings over the years.
I still like MizzBritt's art but feel like she had better and more varied bodytypes before she switched to digital art

The poses are samey, and I really enjoy her art
Her anthros at least look more interesting and help break up the sameness. All her human characters share the exact same 3/4 pose and skin tone.

She's actually a fantastic anthro artist but after a spare of it it's more of a rarity these days.
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Two things I wanna get off my chest.

First is that I am getting a little tired with the emphasis on food in fat art. I find fat women attractive and I know eating and gaining weight is basically intertwined with BBW content, but sometimes I wish there was more art and story content of big people doing more normal activities. Stuff like dating or flirting without the promise of meals and stuffings would be a nice change of pace.

Secondly, I just want to see more inimate/physical art in general. I wanna see fat women getting sexed up and seduced for reasons other than wanting to shove food in them. I wanna see more art of similarly sized couples engaging in physical contact. (Not even always sexually tbh) If we have a lesbian combo it would be nice to explore more relationship aspects besides "We eat a lot lol aren't we so gay". BBW art feels like it gets stale every now and again because no one seems intersted in humanizing and romanticizing larger women (and men if you prefer straight couples) doing things other than eating or being cute. Just to pull from examples, Ayano's recent Rio-centric character arc felt like a breath of fresh air as said character was blatantly more sexualized and sexually interested in gaining weight rather than just vaguely alluding to it. It sounds weird to me that a woman doing an Onlyfans gaining and lewd content seems so original in fat art when I can get plenty of that on Twitter IRL.

I'd like for fat women to do more than just eat or want to eat in fat art. I feel like that's not a lot to ask.
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I agree with this.

Fetish stuff is often more of the same. Yes we find fat women eating and getting fatter hot but itā€™s so well established that theres nothing really exciting about it.

I get that doing things other than eating and rubbing their belly may be less ā€˜sexyā€™ but humanizing a fat girl to show she does other fat girl things kind of makes her only hotter still. Exploring their mindset changing is also very powerful which is why stages of denial sequences are also very interesting.
Couldn't agree more. Most fat art at this point feel like the Bigcuties brand of porn, which is just generic pinups of fat girls posing or eating with no interesting concepts or ideas behind. Which would be fine if it wasn't for the fact that that's almost everything there is and it feels so...safe? Toothless? Even more so that the Bigcuties stuff lmao. Sort of sad considering the whole spectrum of the fetish has so much potential to draw from, you could make hundreds of drawings of fat girl struggles, for a basic example, but the only ideas artists get are "uhhhh, she gets stuck", "uhhh, her clothes don't fit" or "uhhhh, tired from walking". I mean, there was this video of Sadie trying to tie her shoelaces and there's a bunch of videos out there with the women needing a chair or even a fucking bench to shower comfortably, there's a MINEFIELD of ideas out there, you can do more than just "fat girl standing and grabbing her belly"

I think itā€™s difficult because there is section of the fandom that only wants that. They actively get upset when the girl isnt ā€˜just eatingā€™ or ā€˜just talking about getting fatterā€™ and automatically anticipate that all a girl does is eat and gain and that all routes lead to gain.

So naturally they get catered to because they only wish to coom.
I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion or not, but I'm not a fan of how the majority of artists like to draw SSBBWs with super short skirts that leave the ass almost completely exposed. In my opinion I find skirts that actually drape over the entire butt, with maybe just a little bit of exposed panties, to be far more "believable" and therefore hotter.
Let me try and shift the argument from the Salt thread over here.

What is your opinion on lebsian relationships?
>>182898 here b4 same schizo calls me a nigger for some unknown reason
>>182923 I'm just that guy who was confused and got called a nigger by that schizo
Who do you think does skin better, out of curiosity?
>>182941 Maxfullbody does nice skin
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I kinda get what that anon means, sometimes he makes the skin look a little too shiny and rubber-y. Although when he goes all out rendering the skin I think he blows everyone out of the water either way
I'm fine with oily/buttery skin resembling latex because I'm into that as well. When fat fetish models rub ointment on their bellies after a good stuffing once in a blue moon it's the hottest thing ever imo. Spa videos are more common yet sorta fill that niche too. Just round, bloated figures covered in glistening sweat, struggling against their own weight. With BWS, I think it's easier to notice his skin textures because he's practically given up on rendering diverse body shapes. He's not one to render fat folds particularly well, I mean. He strikes me as more of an expansion/inflation artist now (akin to 1Oddbear) than someone who's like, genuinely interested in eroticizing fat.
I find it funny that the BWS is more schizophrenic than the Salt thread, and everyone should know how these usually turn out.
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So this guy is basically self reporting as a pdf file with this tweet, right? Who the hell tweets that lmfao
Man pays for his likes to be private, he's definitely smashing that like button on some cunny.
10 bucks says the character was Pan.
>>Niggas when a kino artist draws cunny
>Nah no not pedoshit no way nuh uh broseph is too based for reddit trannies they can't cope
>>Niggas when a reddit artist draws cunny
>Uhh yikes? uhh yikesies?? Trans pedo?? Like omega yikes?????

Really gonna need you schizophrenic cunts to at least pretend to be consistent
Since everyone is lying now. I used to be so GOOD! What happened.
I'm just speculating. I don't hold it against artists or believe they're predators for it
how much u wanna bet he's talking about an anime girl named like Titsuka Boobsato ("17" year old collection of pixels on a screen who looks acts and talks exactly like a 25 year old woman)
It was me!

I was talking about the general notion of intrusive thoughts and how it can be really off-putting when they invade the creative space in my brain.

Much like how sometimes people will have that thought of "What if I just swerve into traffic" or "What if I say this horrible and obscene thing to this person I know", it's just one of those very frustrating things.

I'm not sure where the followup rumor of being a "transsexual" came from but that's def not true.

Ultimately intrusive thoughts suck and it was a night where I got frustrated enough to vent about it, but the correct answer would've been to never post about it and just go to bed and blare some music to clear my head.

Hope that clears up any misunderstandings.

Got twitter blue back when it was still twitter blue and the fearmongering of engagement being nuked was going on, just kinda kept it because making longer posts and having bookmark folders is convenient for splitting fat art from references.

I hid likes on my account mostly just because it seemed like a neat feature at the time, but I don't particularly have anything to hide.

Still, extremely valid that you'd give me the side-eye with the tweets in question so I don't blame you

Whatever those intrusive thoughts are, best you can do is draw it and just never post it lol
>I was talking about the general notion of intrusive thoughts

Uh huh, yea. That doesn't really explain. Are we talking about Titsuka Boobsato, 12 that looks 25 or just 12?
How does your father feel about you wasting hundreds of dollars every month on a fat of she of a character openly despised by the community you insist on attaching yourself to, specifically because of your autistic fixation on her? Your waifu would never have become the object of such scorn and open revile if you'd only taken your normal pills.
Too bad that idiot has got a really well-paying job, which allows him to spend hundreds of dollars on this shit
How about you make me an agent & stfu
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What's the purpose of drawing anything that won't get likes on twitter? You don't understand the psychology of the artist (attention whore).
I would respect him if he will order a drawings of the hot waifus. Maybe Ryoko or Ahri or whatever.
>ITT People tell a man how to spend his money and then get mad that he doesn't spend on girls they like
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I've always thought the term "loli" should be broken into different categories. Yet people seem to throw them all under the same hood. It's much less weird to be attracted to a character like Megumin than it would to be attracted to one like Anya.
Doesnt look like it to me.
A loli, to me at least, has always meant someone under the age of 12.
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Lolicon is about the bodytype, and Megumin fits the bill. It's this way because Japs crank out a lot of shit that mixes it all up; take pics related, Gungale Online has a woman avatar and a loli avatar but their real bodies are swapped, the second Aren't even lolis, they're shortstacks but a lot of people are too stupid to notice anything but height (huge boobs and large child bearing hips revokes loli status), then you have cases like Presea where she's chronologically an adult, and then there's cases like Yaia who's 6 with a chest size that dwarfs most adult women and cases like Kos-Mos who look like adult women but are only a couple years old.

Your only avenue is to thicken your skin when your friends throw Anya at you. Either that or put all your energy into manipulating the internet into changing whatever Toddlercon covers to include Anya.
Isn't the term "hebe" or something, when referring to a girl that's young/youthful but not a loli?
(Looked it up and apparently it's also a slur for Jewish people.)

Either way, this wouldn't be a problem if people ignored the flatties and drew milfy fatties instead.
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I do not care for The Domino Effect.
The comic is absolutely not for everybody. And even I am slightly bored with the pace its going at. Belt is trying to build up this big mystery but it really doesn't even matter honestly. Girls get fat. Boom. Not much else to it honestly. The big mystery isn't even that intriguing. And it will probably end with Nicholai getting a harem of fat girls. Or something.

That being said I like most of the characters.

Iā€™m the opposite when it comes to fat girl content. ā€˜Girl gets fatā€™ is a guarantee but since everything does it, it takes more than that for me to get invested. I love stories where there is a struggle of mindset but also other non fat related stuff is happening to bring more character to the world and the girl who is supposed to get big. With domino Iā€™m more invested in this plot line rather than the girls just getting fat and wish there were more like it.
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>growth drive where donations can be put towards specific body parts
>almost always it's ass/hips/thighs leading
I didn't disagree with you, just said it was boring.

Although. Do you have Discord? You've given me an idea.

Sure drop me your address and Iā€™ll add you
What specifically is boring? Since the comic has been very enjoyable lately, and I am very curious as to where the mystery and plot goes!
Same, belly lovers get fucked over so much in those.
How it's been formatted already makes it a chore to read. Everything I've come to like about Belt-Buster's art just isn't there. If he tried to come up with interesting panel compositions then I might actually find the story somewhat engaging. But no, he takes from the Bust-Artist school of fetish comics where you have lazily-assembled scenes taken straight out of an imaginary film or tv show. There's no other reason for the 'comic' to look like that; in fact, it could barely be described as one. I know I'm gonna get shit for wanting a little artistry in my smut, but I honestly don't think that's too much to ask. One Serving Choice has kept my attention for just as long (Kip's writing be damned) in part because it actually looks like a standard comic. The bar is that low.

But there has been plenty of interesting compositions and scenes so far in the comic!

One example being when Nikolai drives with his bike to Tanya's house and the scrolling format is used in such a way to indicate travel, while having panels of Tanya dressing herself over it.

Also the fact that there is so many more interesting poses and angles popping up than what you see in other comics.

> There's no other reason for the 'comic' to look like that

The webtoon format that Belt goes for makes it easier to scroll or scroll with your finger to read on a mobile device. It's okay if you don't like the webtoon format, but don't say it like it's an 'objective wrong thing' that the comic is formatted like it.

Belt's comic has way more artistry and effort put into it than all other comics. Just look at the output by itself. Can't really refute that.

If you don't believe me, I can screenshot some scenes from the comic.

But if you don't like the scrolling format, that's fine. It's all taste after all.
>Belt's comic has way more artistry and effort put into it than all other comics
BWS would like a word.
are you comparing Belt's 3-6 pages a week to BWS 1-2 pages a week now?
1. Is Belt even still producing at that rate? It's felt like things have been way slower lately
2. Salt does more stuff that isn't comics than Belt does
3. How often the comics are posted is not a necessarily good measure of artistry or effort
So you want snap dragon speed. Show your emotions can handle that.
What? What the hell are you even trying to say?
>>179905 (OP)
Does anybody know how Dr-Black-Jack's Patreon works?

He does his own artwork but he posts the art of several other artists in the community. Why don't those artists just create their own Patreon? Why are they posting all their art under the same Patreon account? If they're posting their own art under his account, do they get a percent of Dr-Black-Jack's cut?

Not complaining but it just seems weird to have everything under one account. There's gotta be a reason for all that
Maybe because it's art he commissioned for his stories?? He's one of the most famous figures in the WG community, he's got a lot of power
He's a writer, he comms artists to draw comics etc which is the art that he posts, he doesn't draw himself but he does animate stuff.
I love music, and Iā€™d love to have some recommendations for great songs like perfect composition, great build up, good subject.

A couple of examples you might already know like Set Fire To The Rain by Adele, Creeping Death by Metallica, Sulfur by Slipknot, Love You Like A Love Song by Selena Gomez

I signed up. I like the way it works.

Some artists donā€™t want to bother with the hassle of setting up a patreon or do not post consistently enough to make it work and dont want to be responsible for it. It does also help condense down the total number of artists people can subscribe to in one place.

Artists who join up get a cut based on what they produce which he commissions out of the pool. I think he uses every last bit of the cash to just commission more art so the higher it goes, the more fat gets done since he doesnā€™t need the money himself and even puts his own funds into the total.

Itā€™s unique in that way since most artists live off their individual patreons while this is more like group funding for all artists who could use it.
>>185208 I'm honesty more into metal, grunge, and classic rock myself. But honestly, when it comes to recommendations, here's some:
The Wish by Trouble, Souls of Black by Testament, Dio-era Black Sabbath, Harvest by Unorthodox, and the near-entirety of Cathedral's Etheral Mirror.
Can you name the worst flavor of the week waifus?
I don't have much issue with true FOTM girls, twitter's flavor of the week meme-waifus that get popular from a youtube video or tweet are the worst. Kobeni, Digital Circus, that pink gopher that looks like an Asian woman. It's just trend-chasing and being so coombrained you need to turn everything that give you the jollies into fat porn.

That said MHA is lame, SpyxFamily is so garbage that its own creator hates it and the OPM redraw sucks.
What's wrong with Spy x Family? :(
Personally I find it boring and having Hayamin as your lead means that an anime is meant to succeed whether people like it or not. It's an anime for the lowest common denominator.
On top of that, its author is over writing it and only does it out of obligation:
>In the interview, when Blue Exorcist author Kazuo Kato complimented Endo for the character design of Loid Forger, the author replied, ā€œI gave up on what I originally wanted to draw and drew what the world wants to see, not myself, so I have no attachment to the characters (laughs).ā€
>He revealed that he was told by his editor that ā€œcoolā€ characters like Loid and ā€œcuteā€ characters like Anya are important for manga popularity. However, Endo continued to create works like Ishi ni Usubeni and Tetsu ni Hoshi which ultimately did not become popular in the industry.
>In fact, the author also mentioned in a different interview that he doesnā€™t really like spies. He explained that to him ā€œto have a secret identityā€ is something exciting and so he chose spies to channel that concept.
>Lin claimed that the reception for Spy Ɨ Family from their editorial department was so good that its serialization was ā€œpractically decidedā€ before an official meeting for it took place.
God I hated how popular she got once the normies found her
>and being so coombrained you need to turn everything that give you the jollies into fat porn.
And you're saying all this on BBWchan why, exactly?
>>185308 I still remember when I saw her in art and porn I thought to myself "Does she never not sweat?"

>>185257 Also early Soundgarden up to Badmotorfinger is also really good, with songs such as Get on the Snake. Superunknown was kinda the beginning of the end for Chris in the band IMO, but I should probably listen to Rhinosaurus again. Like Suicide is probably my favorite song off of the Superunknown album though.
you numb fucks coombrains better keep it in ya pants next time.
take >>180178 advice and something else productive in ya lives for once
So alterxsu and ekusupanshon are the same artist right?
>>185947 Yeah it's his skinner alt art account where he focuses more on curves than outright fat.
Iā€™m sick of autists wasting comm slots of artists with limited slots on their stupid OCā€™s that literally no one cares about but themselves
Didnt your mother tell you to not spend your inheritance on foolish women. Be wise king.
>>186695 I haven't bought any porn in my life...
>>186696 dont spend one fucking bumboclat dime !
Yeah dont your name not on it. Fuck em.
About to get aggressive & bloody around this bitch marc my words. Then im going to leave.
Im going to fucking assault you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Late for my shift at kfc its tax season. Spend it on your kids. You know it takes two. And im outtie
I can say this about most of the OCs. Better draw any classic waifu.
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So, the reception to the announcment of the 'Elf-san can't diet' anime adaption is pretty positive so far, from fans of the series to people like me who don't know anything but just want to see some high quality animated thicc bitches. Unfortunately, there have been people on both sides of the Political Spectrumā„¢ that think it's either "WOKE body positive PROPOGANDA!!!" or "DISGUSTING fat shaming!!" when it's literally neither. They really don't get that it's literally just a cute and silly series of the mangaka's barely disguised fetish starring hot elf girls.
If the series is making a political statement, all it would be is "Chubby chicks are pretty hot......but please for the love of god go to the gym". Either way, I desperately hope that it doesn't use the "Plus Sized Elf" localised name because I already know that's just going to attract the even more morons. But hey, us even getting an anime of it is an absolute win, so I'm happy.
Genuinely surprised that the Nikutsuki thread is still more retarded than this thread
>Whatever those intrusive thoughts are, best you can do is draw it and just never post it
Better idea. He SHOULD post it just to see what happens. (Granted, we don't know what it is)
Some people DO have sub-categories for lolis. Unfortunately, you can't make a chart for it without normies finding it and throwing out their shitty Epstein jokes
It's complicated sure, but I don't even think it's THAT deep. Loli is one of those terms that didn't even have a solid definition, and was used so much and applied to so many different characters to the point where it became kind of meaningless. You've got people arguing whether Ilulu is a loli because she says she's 16, is actually thousands of years old, but looks 11, but has the biggest tits in the series, when none of those factors would stop her still being considered a loli by I and other people or a shortstack by others. Really, a loli is a loli if enough people say they are. If it gets to a point where Persona 5 Futaba is considered a loli, then so be it.
>One Serving Choice has kept my attention for just as long (Kip's writing be damned) in part because it actually looks like a standard comic.
Not even that is enough to save Kip's comics in my eyes. Not a fan of the composition of a lot of comics like Domino Effect either, but I would read that over any of Kip's stuff.
>>179905 (OP)
>Better draw any classic waifu
Beats OCs but I wish people would try to be a but more creative with their choices for series they like.
Sure there has to be a middleground between fat Tifa/Corrin/Nami and some random OC only the commissioner cares about.
I would rather see a thousand shitty purple haired gamer girl OCs than another picture of Princess Peach, Lucy or a MHA girl
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This doesn't necessarily apply to Belt-Buster, but every comics artist should have picrel tacked to their wall. Also my point was that the scrolling format is more often used as a crutch? You don't have to worry (as much) about how you're gonna structure a page when you can just increase the canvas size all willy nilly. I remember seeing webtoon-style comics published here in the west when the webcomic boom sorta began to atrophy in the late 00s/early 10s. I didn't like it then, and I still don't like it now. In fairness, it was sort of interesting when artists would use scripts to control the pace of viewing as users scrolled but that was the exception, not the norm.
Speaking of Kip and BWS, I suppose someone's been reading this thread. In the month since I complained about the lack of merch it looks like a growing number of fat fetish artists are collaborating with this company named 'YoruNoEcchi'
The solution to this is to comm obscure mecha girls so people mistake them for purple haired gamer girl OCs
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Are there any artists who do more 'cutthroat' sorts of situations? Like actual (non-friendly) bullying about fatness, forced exercise, forced diets that culminate in the fatty running home and binging in secret, stuffing till major discomfort, like their stomach is red and you see the veins and shit. I mean, what if there were a story like , idk, Carrie, but about some fat chick?
Speaking of which, what did KipTeiTei mean when he said he wanted to 'tackle the real implications of being fat' (at least I think he said something like that.) His comics have always seemed like flights of fancy to me.

what do you think a truly 'realistic' fetish work would be like?
>The big thing with most OCs is that 90% are creatively deprived garbage. I've seen too many OCs that are just "girl in flat-color tshirt and jeans/skirt". That's not to mention the basic stock personality they often get.

Many people cooking up OCs for the interbebs don't approach the creation of characters from a truly writerly perspective, if you ask me. If you look at any decent advice from books or working authors you'll see that OC pumpers have it kind of ass backwards. experienced writers specifically tell you to avoid making 'itemized lists' of random trivia about the character (sex, sexuality, hair colour) as you see many people do.

Instead they advise you to think about the character's role in the story and develop their characteristics from there. Don't treat them like a special snowflake by lumping details on cause you think it makes them cool.

It's almost like making use of a piece in a chess game-- you try and plan twenty moves ahead before you bother moving the first pawn--in writing, you ought to know roughly how the story ends before you try and lock down your characters, so that you can analyze that ending and how your characters will fit in. (Is it right for this character to be there? Have I got the right main character? Maybe that other character has more to learn from this story...)

It's kind of an interconnected system-- knowing about the plot beats will help you develop the characters, developing the themes of your story helps you know what the characters are like and how to put them across; since characters aren't really people, but basically expressions of theme.

If you build characters without a story in mind they'll just be OC donut steel no 45865468
wally wood's 22 Panels that always work
(445 KB, 745x977, crepax.PNG)
Also tablet and e-ink reader tech has reached a point where you can even read Japanese B6 (tankobon) sized spreads no problem. I'm just sayin, if you're going for some kind of mystery thriller type story with fetish elements, there are a better formats available. Maybe I'm just getting old.
i wish woot would come back from the war.
Ah thanks, was unsure what it stood for.

I personally like webtoon format, since it's enjoyable for me to use my thumb to scroll on my phone to read the story. Or use the mouse wheel.

I understand others are more used to click next page or they just prefer the format. But I don't think there is an objective right answer either way.
It's clear I don't use my phone like you do. On desktop if I check in on deviantArt or Patreon, I have to click to zoom-in (so the full-res image loads), right-click open image in new tab, click to zoom-in again, then hold ctrl and scroll back to like 60-70% zoom level (since I still only have a 1080p monitor and I prefer to have panels not cut-off in view); then I can scroll and start reading it normally. Now repeat that process for a hundred some odd pages. See how that could get annoying? I'll stick to the sketches and daily pics, thanks.
>>186891 What's the context, anon?
(11 KB, 240x240, avatars-lIjHNeHZwk2i4wmx-RbFNcw-t240x240.jpg)
>* ShySho/Shoclu
He was a "minor who made fetish porn" and has literally not had any semblance of mental progression since then

Surprisingly quite a few artists started drawing fetish art when they were minors. Trinity-Fate and Unloveablesuika/Dekkaionna/PoopyButtFace are other such examples. It's actually kinda fucked up that these kids were exposed to this degeneracy early on, they must have some fucked up home lives...

That being said, time to shoot the shit:

Catboymech is a hypocritical liar.

Kip is overrated as fuck.

Jeetdoh is a weirdo who needs counseling.

Trinity-Fate's art is boring and repetitive now.

Koudelka was never good.

And RidiculousCake did nothing wrong, Eishiban is more of a Shadman type than he'll ever be.

Said my peace.
Oh, that doesn't happen to me on my pc. I only click the image once and It automatically fits the screen. No resize needed!
Now I see why the job have people watching these two bitches. Makes sense now! Nicholas!
Ops, I meant I click two times. One time on the image, and then click once more on the image.
And if u know anything now is the time ill be reading comments all night.
>>186919 Wow, you're so edgy. Do you have anything better to do?
Yes I do. Talk to my hoes right now.
>what do you think a truly 'realistic' fetish work would be like?
Idk but probably something I wouldn't want to fap to anymore
>Eishiban is more of a Shadman type than he'll ever be.
I'd say neither are anywhere to close to Shadman levels of cringe. In terms of being way more obvious in terms of liking lolis, then sure, Eishiban has that over RCake. But idk I think theres a very clear different in how Eishiban draws fat loli because he likes to, and Shadman drawing fucked up mini comics purposely designed to get attention for being "immoral" and just for the "idea" of being controversial and edgy.
(7 KB, 225x224, Untitled.jpg)
>Pewbutt draws Jeet's cringe transformers OCs as human fat bitches
>Does significantly better numbers than anything Jeet has drawn of them.
You love to see it.
I like darker /elite/ stuff so I would love to see a comic adaptation of some of the stuff I read.
>Not even that is enough to save Kip's comics in my eyes.
Yeah, I feel like saying "It's kept my attention because it looks like a comic" is setting the bar on the floor. It's so weird seeing people praise Kip's paneling when it doesn't look all that great and I constantly forget if it's read left to right or right to left, but I suppose that last one is because of it looking like it wants to be a manga...
Anyone else think the merch thing is a bit weird? I get the novelty factor behind it but I haven't seen anything that's quality enough to offset the weird fetish angle. I mean if it's an artist you really like and really want something, more power to ya, but I'm inclined to agree with >>180375 and I say that as a someone who likes making shitty OCs.
>'tackle the real implications of being fat'
Yeah this is a load of bull, he just likes the humiliation aspect of weight gain. It's been a long time but I believe it was explained in-universe that fat people don't exist or they're an extreme rarity. The instances of his characters getting humiliated/bullied/"fat-shamed" is to such an extreme that it's not even remotely realistic and borders on comically evil. There's also the fact that none of the fat characters dress realistically or in a way that looks comfortable and natural, but that can be forgiven to an extent because you'd want to accentuate the characters being fat in a fetish comic and I don't think plus sized clothing really exists in the setting.
Pretty sure it's a joke and anon is lamenting the fact that all woot does nowadays is edit screencaps of cartoons, talk about Velma and Daphne, and talk about bicycles.
I'm all for artists doing what they love but it really does feel like a shame. I ran across one of his older drawings recently and thought "Damn, this is really good" but I can't be bothered to even check in on what he's doing nowadays. My mind just completely glazes over in regards to mecha/robots and that seems to be all he does now.
Jeetdoh was so fucking good man. I don't know what happened.
I like fetish artists who can just draw without posting about any random takes or even worst, a takes about any witch hunt or sjw autism.
I hate it when they draw something good with an overlooked waifu to be forever locked away from the public through a paywall, the kemono site unintentionally became an archival site because of bullshit like that.
Honestly I think the dude just wanted to move on from kink stuff, between the breakup with his supposedly fat girlfriend and the shaky reception to him drawing male stuff and self-inserting/dressing in drag it was pretty clear he was going a different mental direction and in the end the whole thing just wasn't working any more for him.
But most people just stop updating their pages, or delete everything. Jeet did the rare thing and became Main on Horny, so you've all seen the "decline" in real time.
Jeet was "Main on horny" since, like, 10 years ago. Heck, there was a good period of time where we was only posting normal stuff when he did that whole quitting fat stuff. It's just extra weird nowadays when you get "Fellow transformer artists" or whatever promoting Jeetdoh as if he's not going to post some weird self insert shit or fat transformers and weird out his normie fanbase
(173 KB, 1600x1600, 1706375974134751.jpg)
I'm still holding out for Jeet to return to form. One day.
>I don't know what happened
It's likely the result you get when you mix depression, autism, porn addiction, terminally online presence and a circle of enablers
>what if I were le fat too??? šŸ˜³
Jeet was amazing. But it's time to move on. Bro clearly doesn't want to do it anymore.
(707 KB, 830x958, 1706334828125461.png)
>Fapo makes tweet about wanting to work on merch for that online shop that all these fat artists were recruited for
>sunsleptOS calls him out for not finishing the Lillith weight gain drive while posting tons of commissions in between the final part and the merch push now
>Fapo rushes it out, with missed shading/flat colours, the day of being called out
Very based of you to do, sunslept (if you happen to stop by the thread again) Probably the only time I've seen an artist successfully call out another artist in a way that wasn't antagonistic but just concerned about people not getting what they paid for.
the shading isn't missing, it's a wip. calm down.
I see that he posted the final part now so I rescind that part of my message but the fact that it took a fellow artist speaking up to have it finished within the span of a couple of hours is sad.
He's still rushing to do it lmao.
I saw that. Fucking embarrassing, bro was gonna do the merch stuff and take 100 more comms until he got called out. Average wg drive I guess
>Anyone else think the merch thing is a bit weird?
It looks like the company is supposed to be a doujin publisher first and foremost so if we get some higher quality fat doujins out of it I would be satisfied. That being said, I don't know why the merch page groups all of the fetish artists together. I wouldn't want to look at fat fetish or horse futa cock art if I were just there to shop for bondage art merch.
Disappointing thing is that he unfollowed me and removed me as a follower.

Like sorry for holding you accountable, it clearly wasn't that hard to find time to color it if you could do it the instant I said something.

I feel strongly about taking money for art whether it be comms, patreon, or WG drives. I just think that you shouldn't commit to an exchange of money for services if you're not able to fulfill the services in a reasonable amount of time.

Nobody's perfect and as far as I know this isn't a recurring issue with him so it's not like "Oh grahhh what a fuckin demon off with his head", but it is kinda a bit of a kek from me.
>softblocks me again after I refollow
okay I guess
>>187076 Since you're here, what's your favorite art piece you've done? I like your one with Greg and Rose.
(1.8 MB, 2142x2595, MinaMeta Full Sequence_Scaled.png) (1.8 MB, 1297x1500, cored elia.png) (1.8 MB, 1260x881, cauliflas_last_stand.png)
Fuck, that's a toughie, especially because for all intents and purposes it's probably something still in the early-access Patreon pipeline.

Picking a single favorite image is always going to be hard tbqh, but I can think of a few pieces I'm proud of as of recently. A couple are SFW endeavors though so not much interest here.

The recent Mina meta sequence I did is definitely high up there just becuase it's such a fun concept with a creative execution.

I'll also attack the sfw stuff I'm proud of becuase hey fuck it maybe yall will get a kick out of it.
I PRAY you do more MxF stuff.
I'd like to honestly, I think it just usually doesn't occur to me in the moment or the character I'm drawing doesn't have many male chars around them to work with.
>Anyone else think the merch thing is a bit weird?
Not really; I guess it's weird for a western company to do it, but it's not unheard of. For me it's no different than ordering Tsuji Santa merch from Nitroplus (their 10th anniversary Super Pochaco artbook and blanket comes out next month btw). In my search for figures of western characters, I stumbled across this site: https://www.nsfwfigures.com/. Lots of furry shit but they do cartoon milfs too. They're just custom resin prints; can even get them unpainted. What's stopping anyone here from doing something similar? The biggest request I've seen people make to YNE so far are plushies which just sounds boring.
He just finished my commission from late October/early November; told me he took on over 20 some odd slots back then (which from the looks of it, are all mostly fulfilled). A 3-4 month turnaround isn't that long imo; I'm a patient boy, but understand how other people might get restless. It's not like he went dark unprompted or anything; man went afk over Christmas, then got COVID over New Years. He's super receptive over DMs in my experience; not the worst in the slightest, but yeah could probably more selective.
Read your tweets. It's kind of insane that he'd block you over what was fundamentally a well meaning check-in. You were really respectful about it too, just honest that people paid for it.

Feels weirdly petty to be softblocking you multiple times. Not even a hard block. Guess he wanted that retweet or something.
After actually taking a look at the YoruNoEcchi shop I now realize I was mixing that up with Dr Blackjack's Gumroad that's selling $35 acrylic stands. The shop doesn't look too bad honestly and like it's finding it's legs, so good for them. I guess my finding it weird stems from thinking about other people seeing the merch, like if I have family over and there's a BWS poster on my wall, or if I bought one of Bamboo's big butt stickers, slapped it on my laptop and went down to the local coffee shop with it.
I'm not proud of how hard I fucking laughed at this
Its pretty cool how you're not offput by this thread or entire forum the way most other artists are.
I loved the Rika you drew recently.
I try to judge things and people based on individual actions rather than lumping a whole group of people together and then projecting general hate.

I'm also biased becuase thus far nothing has been said about me that didn't have some level of warranted concern to it and I've only ever had civil discussions here (ha).

(3.3 MB, 2678x1608, Screen Shot 2023-03-11 at 8.54.20 pm.png)
That's always the big flaw with merch of this nature and why I am personally not a fan. I like myself some drawn fat chicks, but if I come across someone at a coffee shop with Bambooale merch, I would probably just think it's cringe and would feel second hand embarrasement for the fella. It's this being extremly open with your fetishes to complete strangers in public spaces that really irks me. It's like only a handful of steps removed from just scrolling through fetish art in public and letting random strangers know about it.
I'd like to have better faith in this, but just the fundamental cringe nature of buying "Fetish merch" just seems like a weird way to get money out of fiscally irresponsible porn addicts. I'd might change my tune if their was better/more interesting stuff than just "Art on a sticker".
>I try to judge things and people based on individual actions rather than lumping a whole group of people together and then projecting general hate
Actually so based wtf.
Whenever I see your SFW art pop up in places and I see someone respond with "Shes thicc" I genuinely wonder what their reaction would be to seeing just HOW thicc the girls you draw on your NSFW account are. Would probably have a heart attack lol.
Also your Momo Yaoyorozu drawings are awesome. One of the better timeskip designs I've seen of her (Probably because everyone else gives her a sports bra and covers her up too much). It's great stuff.
And forgive me for answering or if you don't know, but what exactly happened to Nihijack? Seemed like he was gearing up for something. I think he also had a sequence in the works too. I'm just curious because he kind of just disappeared to a tiny extent.

I was 15 when I got dial up internet and discovered the magic of fat Bulma from Oji Ryojoji and got hooked. Kids these days have phones and tablets n' shit, they are getting degen way way way earlier.
I'm not super aware of what's going on with Nihijack admittedly, my apologies.

Thank you for the kind words though, and yeah I always have these moments of "Chat do they know" when I get thicc comments on my SFW.

I do plan to tweak Yaoyorozu's college/timeskip design a little, mostly becuase I try to make them look visually separate from their canon selves in AND out of costume. Becuase of that I feel I need to change her hair in some more meaningful way than just making it longer.

In a similar way I recently updated my Mina design to alter her hairstyle, since up until recently she looked identical to how I'd draw her canon self out of costume.
No artist enjoys being pestered and guilted the way sunslept did to fap. Ultimately, a year turnaround isn't that awful for a commission of that size, and fap had posted an update on it recently to boot.

Making money on art means always having multiple gigs going on at once. It feels shitty to be guilted about trying to find more ways to monetize.

Ultimately, I don't think they were friends or anything, so it's totally within fap's right to keep an annoying idler at a distance, lol

I'm not gonna pretend what I did was the most respectful thing, but I work through 12 comms a month on top of the occasional drive and many other pictures so I understand the workload and the idea of juggling things.

A year turnaround may not be bad but previous drives had come out in infinitely less time, and combined with the fact that he was taking on tons of commissions it did feel unfair to the people who donated to that drive.

And hey, he didn't HAVE to do anything based on what I said. I posted an opinion on a social media website (my first mistake arguably) and that was that.

Him softblocking was weird as hell to me but it's also just whatever at the end of the day. We never talked before and I doubted we'd ever talk after.

I don't know if I'd consider two tweets pestering.

TL;DR: I am also an artist that makes money and makes a career out of what I do, and while my experience is not going to be universal I do think I made a good-faith effort to take in the information at hand and act within that.

Still, you're completely valid for how you feel and I myself have spent the latter half of the night debating whether I should've said anything or not becuase I did feel strongly about it but I also understand that it was only ever going to come off confrontational.

(Sorry for the bigass wall of text)
Drives in this """Community""" are unfortunately often quite rocky.
I've seen a lot of artists treat drives like a sequence that they can get back to at whenever, but when you have people actually paying for it, it gets a bit dubious.
TDookus has cancelled more drives than he's finished (I don't think any of them were payed drives, thankfully). Stuff like that always brings to question about why even do a drive in the first place.
I think it can be a nice enough way to support an artist but yeah, I can't see myself buying much of anything outside of a comic.
>And forgive me for answering or if you don't know, but what exactly happened to Nihijack?
He's an odd case, isn't he? I don't know if he was around beforehand, but it felt like this guy just popped out of the ether with a bunch of big name artists drawing his goth mommy OC, his art starts catching on, and then poof, nothing.
I really don't like Fapin, but to be fair to him I can kind of understand where anon is coming from and do wonder if maybe this was something that could've been handled in DMs (if his DMs are public), but as >>187097 said you were very respectful about a valid concern that you feel strongly about, and he did complete it within a day of being asked. It's possible he would've been more receptive in DMs, but the softblocking feels a bit telling...

At the end of the day, the donators got what they paid for and Fapin has one less project hanging over his head and I'd consider that a good outcome.
I laugh so hard with the awnsers of this guys
I'll defo commission some ideas when i get around to it.

As for Fapo. I can't see much you did wrong. You said your opinion and you were at the very least respectful about it. Though, no ine likes being bothered like that and it is embarrassing.

Fapo got it done. People got their moneys worth. It is what it is.
>but it felt like this guy just popped out of the ether with a bunch of big name artists drawing his goth mommy OC
Yeah that was always a weird thing. I joke that he's a plant, but I think it's more likely that he may have had friends in the community beforehand, or may have been drawing but not publicly. Perhaps in a discord server or something. Or hey, maybe he was just really playing his cards right with the thicc goth girl trend and got lucky with all the followers and fanart coming his way.
>I think it's more likely that he may have had friends in the community beforehand, or may have been drawing but not publicly. Perhaps in a discord server or something.
That actually makes some sense. Although he's certainly skilled, I've always been confused by the insane numbers he was putting up (over 70 paid patrons?) for such a small body of work, slow updates, and a pretty generic OC.
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>It's this being extremly open with your fetishes to complete strangers in public spaces that really irks me
Why? What's so bad about being more open about this particular fetish? You can moralize about unhealthy lifestyle habits all damn day, but it's not nearly as socially ostracizing as it used to be. I'm not the oldest one here, but I've been active in online FA circles for over a decade now and it's just maddening to see people still circlejerk over their internalized guilt/shame for being into something so vanilla. I think historically, a lot of this had to do with a lack of 'significant' cultural signifiers that would indicate to others we think fat is sexy. This does appear to be changing however, which I think is a positive development.
>fiscally irresponsible porn addicts
That's one way to describe otaku lol. You make it sound like I wanna wear ahegao hoodies in public. The most attention I ever got was quite recently actually. I had an Elfuda sticker made from Synecdoche's anime announcement page and slapped it on the back of my laptop (among other non-'lewd' ones). You'd be surprised how accepting people are; they were more curious than anything else. Just don't be an anti-social weirdo about it.
For what it's worth with TDookus, one of the few drives he ever finished was the one he actually took donations for.
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hi. iā€™m still lurking, just, sorta quietly chiseling away at some things behind the scenes. in 2023 i got really depressed and overwhelmed with life so i sorta withdrew from the scene. iā€™m not gone though, just a bit quiet rn is all
Good to hear from you šŸ‘Œ
Nah, that's just cringe. And yeah, it's not as bad as ahegao hoodies or whatever, but it's still fetish content. It's not about the shame of being into it, but the shame of being so open and public about it, especially irl. And I say this as someone who used to use nsfw Pochaco pictures as phone wallpapers
It all depends on how far you go with it.

All my friends I know IRL, knows my preference are fat girls. But it's never brought up, I don't really talk about it. But everyone just knows.

Since I had to be open about it due to they kept asking to see my stuff, so it was better being honest.
But I also this is a conversation about merch, but I don't think it's a bad thing necessarily if its mostly only visible in your private room.

Walking with it in public, feels a bit too forceful about being open with what you like. In the same vein of LGBT people having to let you know about how queer they are with what they wear and "flags" on them
The porn addiction some people have that progressively lead them to get off to increasingly degenerate content is kind of sickening
Fat fetish is probably the least weird fetish out there.
If I had to guess this is probably about those horny ass artists turning into furry, then gays and then going full troon
>>187246 You don't have to show us if you don't want to, but what sticker is it? Is it the one with a chibi version of her holding fries?
I think i did in your dm lol
Honestly you probably should've just DM'd him about it if he was a mutual. Confronting him in public as a first resort was a bit of a dick move, though he didn't exactly handle it all that well either.
I think calling him out in public was the best way to hold him accountable for not delivering his work in time, considering he's prone to run away and nuke everything.
Personally, I believe that if someone is not capable of managing their time to finish a job they are being paid to do, and is deliberately and constantly delaying it in favor of personal projects, that person should not even think about profiting from their art in the first place.
On the one hand I can understand Fapo's reaction because a simple callout post like that could have easily escalated especially as he just announced a partnership with a merchandising company, it was absolutely casting a poor light on him and his work ethic and could have potentially cost him the whole thing. I can easily imagine him just going "oh fuck oh god" as he rushed that Lilith sequence out.
Same time though, Fapo was an idiot and really shouldn't have gotten into that situation in the first place. He's historically had really inconsistent motivational issues and he probably never should have tried a drive in the first place. Some people just don't check themselves and just want that big ""easy"" paycheck without being forced into a commission for an OC or media character they don't care for, only to find it's usually even more work especially since drives rarely go below blob sizes they are uncomfortable drawing.
>could have potentially cost him the whole thing
If THAT could have costed him the partnership, then a lot of the other people partnering with that merch company would have lost their partnerships.
He is right here reading the daily news. Lol
The weird thing is he likes Lilith, a lot. Dude's a huge Darkstalkers fan.
Well. Because everyone here.knows artist lurk. To anyine here, this whole merch thing is pretty damn stupid.
Oh no, a rando on a chan board said it's stupid. Time to shut it all down, guys
Just saying an opinion. No one asked for it. But fuck everyone else, and you in particular.
>this is what passes for a meltdown in the Year Of Our Lord 2024 BC
Take to note he's going to be a father soon.
(66 KB, 426x600, IMG_3162.jpeg)
Oh, and one more thing to add on to my extremely based take, why was Two-Ton-Neko a fox despite his name implying heā€™s a cat? Bad enough he was a fag masquerading as a woman, nigga couldnā€™t even get his species right.
>>187503 to be fair he's soon gonna be "KawaiiDadbu," so with a hormonal wife he's probably stressed.
Anon having a meltdown over being called retarded for his misuse of "meltdown"
Ah, I understand.
This is one of those "merely pretending" situations.
Didn't kawaiidebu wants to be the fat girl? Like he's got a bad case of autogynephilia.
can't you use your retardation to fall off a bridge instead of post like this
He's literally about to become a father you retarded genetic dead end knuckle dragging mong.
>I was only pretending to be retarded
I swear Dook is like a half lolicon. Tanya is totally the type of loli that he would be all over given her gremlin-ish look.
What's funny about this pic is the fact that it's 100x better than the shit he spews out nowadays, especially that horrendous Marnie (youknowtheone)
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What's even funnier is that the stuff he was making about a year prior to even this pic was even better because he wasn't having the weird thing where his art style magically turned to trash overnight and the girls he drew actually had fat that looked squishy and soft. Also drawing girls that were way smaller than what he used to draw. It also feels like one day he just randomly decided to draw ugly faces with the same 3 expressions. Pics related pretty much sums up everything wrong with that period of time in his "modern era". He's getting a tiny bit better nowadays, but still not anywhere near where to used to be, at least in my mind. Even if on a technical level his art is theoretically better, I would much rather him just magically go back to his old art style.
Also jesus christ Dook, you aren't Asexual, you're just autistic
They're going awooga over some ugly ass worm pokeyman OC right now
Dook has made some bangers but most of the time I find his art repulsive. For whatever reason it seems like refuses to sit back for once and remember how to draw an actual human skeleton and instead would rather focus on "how can i draw more and juicier rolls and folds?" and I find the result often a bit grotesque with those cartoony faces and really weird proportions. And yes, he has also been leaning on some Unreal Engine 3-tier texturing that makes the way he draws fat all rubbery
Youā€™re thinking of KafeKafei
Viva Philistina and true admin
Is it just me, or does any one think almost all of Fellatrix's artwork is just pure boner killers? No I will not elaborate with an image, just punch his name in on R34.
Not all of them. Just any of the ones which involve either semen or dick sucking
>(It's Tanya btw)
Gonna be honest, I didn't even notice
(31 KB, 395x500, Brain_official_art.webp)
>3rd pic
That's it! That's the one! Seriously, what the fuck happened to her skull? Why is her head shaped like The Brain's?
It's the hair.
It's making her skull look bigger in comparison.
Doesn't help that Dook is using some "aged up" Marnie design
(459 KB, 2511x2960, FQurCxvVsAEr8-o.jpg) (282 KB, 2048x1489, FFDvQWDUYAIC6sX.jpeg)
Dook is the epitomy of one step forward, one to two steps back because man is whatever he puts out hit or miss with more leaning on the latter. I don't mind the more cel shaded style, if anything i like it more than his older works when he sticks the landing like these two. But then come the faces, those damn faces that drag down the piece to where they either come off as bored or miserable most of the time while clashing with his style. Maybe he has a thing for health issues given the constant panting and wheezing he likes to add, the bed bound hex with arm supports to where despite the smile it came off as painful to look at and messy hair, and the less we discuss the celluite and freckle spam the better (still bitter over those Pyras, even if that editor should have given credit). Also those age up designs of his just sucked plain and simple: Marnie was just made ugly with that shaved spot and the fact that he hasn't brought back that Rosa who is just Rosa but slightly taller and wearing Hilda's denim jacket says more about that than I can do. Really did hit the nail on the head with his biggest issues of the faces being downright ugly to look at even if his form is at least on par with pre-style shift. Get someone else to do the faces for him, do something with a modest to large bust size for once, and try a size like that Hilda from a few years back and there's a comeback waiting to happen. And speaking of which...

Funny how the community completely shuts up about the "ambiguously 18" or minor debate the moment a big name artist likes a piece or posts one. Morty and Salt can post a Hilda and no one bats an eye but moment anyone else tries to get their hands on a trainer it's on site. Lesson here kids is moral soap boxes don't matter when you can't be consistent and only serve as Twitter brownie points when you can call out someone smaller than you with no reprecussion.

Remember when Dook set up an alt for drawing fat mons? Yeah me neither, guess he wasn't getting the numbers he expected.
I dont visit this place really but I need to get this mini rant out of my system
>Absolon and Kreat seem to convince Jeet that he's morally wrong for all the character's he's been drawing
>Get him to make that public post about avoiding drawing underages (Indirectly or directly idc) even though I'm pretty sure he just drew several pokemon girls like a month or so prior
>Absolon and Kreat fuck off
>Both come crawling back eventually and Absolon drops a massive fucking comic with all the KLK girls who are 90% underage.

I know the hypocrisy in this shit is an old hat but big examples like this never cease to piss me off.
There is ONE person i've seen in my damn years lurking this community who touts being fully anti teen and follows through entirely on that strictly and continually and it's Piffle.
Underage in the insane puritanical liberal shithole that is the United States of America.
>"Remember when Dook set up an alt for drawing fat mons? Yeah me neither, guess he wasn't getting the numbers he expected."

nah he lost the access to the account where he posted those.
(200 KB, 580x445, literalrando.png)
New people/randos on the community trying to keep dunking on RC for the shit he did in the past while following VikingSkirts/Skalestash will never not be funny to me.
>their main account got deactivated
>only Skalestash remains

very suspicious indeed
Now now I have you locations.
Podcast next up
(4.2 MB, 3600x2500, pearl_sandwich_by_thedookus_degh9l3.png)
>Maybe he has a thing for health issues given the constant panting and wheezing he likes to add
He does, or he did and he's just in the closet about it again for god knows what. It's really weird because he basically just overnight decided to not be into his werider fetishes anymore and pretended he never did that or hyper blobs. (Him quitting that Jiro drive was the biggest travesty ever. The final part would of been godly I just know it) It seems less like a change of preference and more of him trying to appease the normie followers or the IRL bbws that he goons over. He literally made a Wall scroll for that Rainydayglutton chick and fanart of that one ginger bitch that everyone moans over. I genuinely wouldn't be surprised if he's self conscious or some shit. As far as faces and boobs go, I want to say it has something to do with him supposedly not liking super girly girls or whatever, like how he bitches about not wanting to ever draw Ochaco for the lamest of reasons (Like Dook, please, you draw Mario princesses, they are the definition of 1 dimension girly characters). The ugly faces are like the way he "grounds" the characters or whatever. As far as the quality and texture of his fats go, I really don't know how to describe it, but it's "good, but not appealing" is how I'd best describe it. They seem to have changed their entire shape and structure, becoming less "unrealistically blobby and squishy" and more firm like literal bean bags or coach cushions. (Pic related is a good example. They look less like skin and fat and more like fat suits) (The recent cell shading is a lot better though). The only thing I can think of as to why this happened is that he literally overhauled the process, and tries to make the fat match the skeleton a lot more.
I don't really know what the purpose of this rant was, I just think Dook really fell of man.
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He does actually have a thing for health issues. This art is attributed to him although I don't remember exactly remember where he posted it (I think it was on his Twitter but he deleted it). As far as I know, this is the only health issues thing he ever posted.
He posted it to twitter. He even had this whole hashtag set up thing where he would hashtag the more out there stuff, and if people didn't want to see it they could just mute the hashtags. He only ended up doing maybe 3 or 4 of these posts before he seemingly abandoned the subfetish all-together.
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>but the shame of being so open and public about it
Well, I'm at the age now where I don't particularly care. My friends and family know what I'm into; no sense in hiding it.
I think pride flags are fine. I even thought about putting a small one in sticker form on my laptop because 1. Redbubble quality of service sucks and 2. Probably would've only ended up attracting a different type of terminally-online user.
The sticker is in the post you're replying to; I just isolated it from here: https://twitter.com/elyase_anime/status/1746834861535457766
I'm disappointed with how the BLAME! stickers turned out and am already in the process of replacing them.
>mechatroon has 0 (zero) self awareness
Again, don't care; keep projecting if it makes you comfortable.
Funny you mention that, when the Skullgirls censorship thing happened (last year or so) I noticed Fapin quietly deleted those Filia drawings he did. It's hard to remember the whole "underage" art debacle from back in the day but I do remember Fapin being pretty vocal about it. I won't fault people for feeling how they want to feel about characters and ages, but it's always funny seeing the people who wanted to demonize other artists get caught in situations like this.
I never got into Dook's stuff and it was usually because of the faces. It looks like he's gotten better at it so that's a positive, but his stuff still feels a bit uncanny.
Since we're talking about Dook I honestly wonder if the schizm between him and Mystery Dad ever healed.
It sure as hell doesn't look like it ever did at least.
For those who don't know Dook used to be even more of a spaz than he is now, and would be pretty clearly trying to copy other artist's styles.

That and just interactions made him and Mystery have some kinda falling out. There might be more to it, but its been too damn long.
Since then it feels like i've subtly noticed that almost no one who mainly interacts with one of the two interacts with the other ever.

It's funny cause they're both the same type of "Totally Not Lolicon" people.
Meanwhile they obsess over flat chests and in Mystery's case a literal gothic lolita 1000 year old vampire OC. That one is extra funny.
>>187826 Is that a Kommandostore sticker in the top right? Also what's the one with the girl with the big boobs right by Bobby and Misato?
(55 KB, 933x917, f6762048.jpg)
>those stickers
you are a walking redflag, no wonder no one says anything back at you, they get one whiff at this thing and they already know
I actually sorta want that Fusa character sticker
dook went full schizoid once his writer schizo wrangler left twitter and DA
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No, it's from some Etsy store, same with Bobby; iirc the one Ivan sells is holographic. I try not to buy from kommandostore on principle because just about any sticker you could possibly get from them would be an even bigger red flag than making your own. /k/ patch threads are cancer. I would much prefer to get a slap from some /osg/ vendor tbh. The girl with big boobs is pulled from a Muronaga Chashu's pixivFANBOX post late last summer. Turns out she's featured in Hybrid Communication vol 35, which released at C103 over New Years: https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ01140013
>no wonder no one says anything back at you
You've got some imagination. If nothing else, the heroherotom sticker is the most egregious. I hope Senor Daietsu didn't die of COVID; we haven't seen new work from him since before 2020, it feels like.
It's also pulled from his pixivFANBOX. He posted it when his twitter account got temporarily suspended last year.
That adult Marnie design is hideous, mainly for that stupid hairstyle. He may as well draw her bald.
They are talking much about drawings but never stand up for a real underage grooming. Where is they posts about reddit eggcracking or other underage grooming shit? Never. But mah drawing.
>They are talking much about drawings but never stand up for a real underage grooming
Bro I saw a couple people flat out leave likes and retweets on a teenager's belly pics. Shits fucked
What was the hashtag? Is this art still up on his Twitter?
It was something along the lines of #dookmedical, among a couple other ones.
Last I checked the art was still there, but that may have changed

People just make shit up these days huh? Cā€™mon man if youā€™re gonna trashtalk be honest.
That's the situation as I remember it, simple as that.

I doubt you're him though, cause I don't know why he'd come to this board just to reply to a 2 day rant post that was largely ignored unless he was really insecure over such matters for completely unknown reasons.

Im correcting you, because thatā€™s not what happened. I didnā€™t realize there was a time limit to respond.

I think Iā€™ve already said before on another one of these threads, but the main reason that Jeet ā€œleftā€ (I donā€™t know why ppl keep saying me and Kreat made him leave. He didnā€™t even leave until like last year) is because he wanted to do more sfw stuff with his ocs and I told him Iā€™d support him. I never convinced him or whispered in his ear. neither did Kreat. I just said that I made him leave because some dude called my one shot I did with Kreat ā€œmidā€ and like a sperg, I stirred the pot because Iā€™m a petty asshole. Thatā€™s it really.

I donā€™t care about the age of drawings and Iā€™ve never cared so I donā€™t know where you got that from. I just donā€™t find fake child bodies attractive. If anyone else does, cool, I wonā€™t wanna talk to you or hang out but Iā€™d rather people jack off to fake kids than real ones.
Nah he's come to these threads before, case and point:
I also think it's totally fair if an artist wants to clear the air about things, Abso isn't even the first one to come to these threads to chime in. Hell, just scroll up a bit and you'll see SunsleptOS popped in for a bit about another thing.

Also it's nice to see some clarification, because I've seen the "Abso and Kreat talked Jeet into leaving/disavowing drawing young characters" thing a lot but I had never seen much proof outside of people saying he joined them both on a podcast-thing once.
No one made Jeet leave. Jeet is just an autistic retard
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Honestly, the rumors about me have gotten so twisted up so many times itā€™s borderline schizophrenic, because this is the first time Iā€™ve heard anyone say we made Jeet leave for drawing underage characters. Iā€™ve heard people saying Iā€™m the one who convinced him to leave because I was jealous or I was the one who made Jeet start drawing male stuff (even though heā€™d been drawing it before I even started posting), but never about me telling him to leave due to ā€œmoral grievances.ā€

Hell, Iā€™ve even heard people speculate me and Kreat are like gay lovers, which is ironic because heā€™s the most heterosexual artist in this entire community.

While Iā€™m here, is there any other speculation or rumor people would want clarification on?
He literally said he doesn't want to talk to anyone who's into young looking characters, if that's not some form of peer pressure I don't know what is.

I literally said I didnā€™t tell Jeet to leave over him drawing underage characters because I donā€™t care.

Youā€™re confusing him putting out a statement talking about how drawing underage characters is bad and him putting out a statement of him ā€œleaving the community for goodā€. Those were 2 different things.

Iā€™m not directly responsible for either, since Jeet was already stepping away back then. There was no peer pressure on my end.
What happened to the kemono party thread?
"I don't care what you draw but I don't talk to people who draw it"

I'm not saying you told him to leave, I'm saying what you're saying will put pressure on anyone to do certain things, like the things Jeet ended up doing.

Iā€™ve never publicly preached my views on the subject anywhere on social media.

And even if what youā€™re saying is true, (which it isnā€™t because I've never discussed the subject publicly or in DMs with Jeetdoh), if I saw someone stating their opinions on twitter and I felt like I needed to change everything I was doing to fit that opinion, chances are I was gonna do it anyway.
There's no time limit, it just came across odd given the context.

Post wasn't about Jeet leaving, I never figured anyone was directly responsible for that especially, figured that was always a consequence of his relationship issues, identity stuff, and most majorly him getting an industry job probably grinding him up a bit, and double maybe him getting tired of the general community for this shit.
Fair enough on the rest of the matter. I believe you stirring the pot there is what left the initial impression, as well as Jeet in his big anti post talking about "talking to others" in some fashion.
That sentiment was around a lot then, so maybe it was a lot of indirect influence.

So you know what, I apologize for my post, seems wires got crossed between the context for Jeet leaving and him making the underage drama hornet nest get kicked.

Also I wasn't talking about "Child bodies", the "lolishit" i consider a different matter from like MHA, Pokemon and KLK characters, even if they get lumped together a lot.
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Iā€™m sorry too man. As much as I pride myself on being a more mature and well adjusted adult, I have moments where I default back to being a shithead. If I could go back and stop myself from provoking people and being such a drama-whore I would. I still have work to do.

Now I just wanna draw my webcomic and do fat stuff on the side for money.

I apologize for sounding aggressive earlier. I just wanted to stop anymore misunderstanding before they festered into something worse.

On the note of ā€œchildbodyā€ stuff im specifically referring to prepubescent loli art. Stuff like KLK and all that is just a nothing burger in my eyes. If youā€™re gonna dump 800 extra pounds on a woman and not have her immediately die, then it shouldnā€™t be an issue to age Ryuko up by 2 years and just say ā€œsheā€™s an adult. I drew her with the idea of her being 18 in my mind.ā€
The confusion is probably coming from the fact that Jeet has "Left" multiple times. The Jeet "Underage talk" happened about 4 years ago in July 2020, and if I recall, shortly afterwards was one of the times he "Left". I don't know where the narrative that the underage stuff and Jeet leaving were, like, years apart because they werenā€™t. You can see for yourself on his deviantart that midway through July, Jeet doesn't post any more fetish stuff until December (Short break, I know).
Also, this has been stated before, but this whole "Underage talk" that Jeet had was some of the most hypocritical shit ever, especially given a lot of the other artists who were all up in Jeet's replies going "Yeah! True!". It rang even more hollow considering a couple art he made afterwards literally also including underage characters, case in point being the Xenoblade group inflation pic he did including a few full on Loli and underage characters. Oh, and that same picture also includes inflation of animals, like, non-anthro animals. Yeah, so much for "Morals".
Basically, what I'm trying to say is, it's all bullshit.
It wouldn't be just one tweet by one person, but a lot of people change who they are to fit in, if they feel they're going to become an outcast due to social pressure a lot of people "change" who they are, even if it means they lose passion in whatever they care for.

Yeah I get that but since we're talking about jeet, he used to draw quite a few straight up loli types (as far as what I'd consider loli) and it seemed to be what he had a lot, if not most passion for until his sudden turnabout in 2020.
Hey it's not like my initial post wasn't aggressive, so it's all fair there. Sometimes a mistake can spiral into misunderstandings especially when other people who can also make mistakes read it.
I'm glad to have it cleared up in any case.

And yeah I basically consider that common sense for characters on the borderline of stuff, I imagine that's why not many people get called out for them outside of when it feels like someone kicks the nest.Just gets annoying to see I suppose, which is what inspired the initial post, despite everyone I was talking about being old news there.

Eh did he? I can only recall like maybe one pokemon character he did and that anime spider girl that'd fall under that.

Yeah im not suggesting people didnā€™t talk to him about it. I just wasnā€™t one of them.


Swag. Have a good week, King.
Depends on your standards I guess, imo a lot of people have this weird double standard about pokƩgirls but most of them are like canonically 12 and look like it too. And I don't mean that as a slight against the people that like them but there's some level of denial going on by a lot of people that are into those and pretend they aren't loli.
Most of the hardcore Anti-loli people are projecting hard anyways.
>>188106 I'll see people complaining about loli, only for it later to be shown that said complainers are pedophiles, have CP, or both. And it's always a pattern.
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Incredibly autistic reminiscing inbound.

I have a soft spot for Axel's art because I really dig how some of his fat chicks look in terms of design and distribution of the goods, and he was one of the earliest artists I found that drew this fetish. Unfortunately his recent artwork's unable to hit the same spot, and the less said about the bizarre shit like the jars, diapers and pigs the better.
>Unfortunately his recent artwork's unable to hit the same spot
It feels like he found a quick and easy method to churn out work and stuck to it, which leaves things feeling incredibly plastic and low-quality. Nowadays it feels like he's all misses with very few "hits" and even then they aren't all that great.
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I totally have that same soft spot. He was an early fave of mine, particularly when I was more into stuffing and inflation than wg. The "E-Bottles and Pellets" sequence I especially remember as a fundamental fave of mine, but I recall as the follow-up second half of it came out it really did not hit the same... something about the way he drew the weight distribution feeling totally off.

Although he's definitely still technically skilled something in his style over the last several years doesn't do it for me any more (and, like you say, there's all the other different fetishes he brings in now).

He's really gone from "one of my favorites" to "maybe I'll check the gallery every once in a while".
(1.7 MB, 1788x1094, Why.png)
Ok, I hate these videos that jumpscare you with fetish crap in otherwise SFW. Like bro why, this inclusion barely even makes sense
This is still one of my all-time favorites from him, but also because Tsunade is severely underutilized in the fats community.
It was the first time I was actually excited for something from Axel and it just fizzled out... I also miss peak Arthur, when he stopped trying to shove some weird romance story into it and focused solely on Lalia being an absolute glutton.
I never understand this shit about I'm anti something because of pressure if it is about any fetish community. You are drawing a fetish art and you will have the same amount of clients. The only people who would turn away is a people who are not your clients and some other artists, same about them. Just why. This is a perfect opportunity to continue drawing the shit you like!
>>188305 I just watched that vid, always wild when you see this in seemingly normal videos. Even if it's a kind of out place joke or not, the fun is always in the questioning if the authors are one of us lol
The princess looks alright, but out of all the forgotten waifus from 30 years why they keep choosing DiC?
>Jeet got an industry job
If jeet really is working on calarts cartoons like he alleges then he's doomed, you can't be involved in any of those productions and not turn into a gaping faggot. It really sucks seeing a formerly great artist lose his skill by drawing shitty transformers OCs over and over like some autistic kid doodling in the corner, but frankly if he was swept up in Absolon's moral crusading bullshit then he deserves his sad fate of becoming his nation's #1 racial stereotype.

On a side note, what the fuck is it about hasbro products that attracts autists/squeezes autism out of people? Every person I've ever seen get into transformers has become brain damaged because of it.
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>>188774 IDK, I guess it's just robots fighting other robots that gets to the kids, and then with the transformation gimmick to all the various vehicles probably will act as a gateway to being a car guy. There's also the IDW/Marvel comics, which flesh out the series even more in a more mature fashion of the franchise in the same style as all the DC/Marvel/Dark Horse/other comic companies which opens up a whole 'nother demographic of the franchise. Fuck, even Optimus, who's the face of the franchise, is seen as someone to be seen as a good role model. So I guess it's more that the franchise has a little bit of everything for fans, especially the dumbass fujoshis constantly claiming "Transformers are gay everyone, they support my delusions, everyone," with the shitty drawings of them with pride flags. That's what I think.

Sorry for the rambling.
>IDW comics
Right the same IDW comics that turned Arcee, the most popular female bot, into a tranny who was "forged male" for brownie points with the tumblr/xitter crowd, that IDW comics. As I said, everything related to transformers and hasbro is pure cancer--fucking chris chan loves transformers and that says it all.
>>189077 I've never really gotten that far into Transformers, I like the movies, I really liked Animated when I was younger, and obviously liked the toys. Haven't read any of the comics, but would like to know the extra lore.
There are a bunch of Youtube channels dedicated to Transformers lore and are a good watch.

Especially about Shockwave and how much of a psychopath he is.
All this Jeet talk makes me wanna ask,
Are there any artist that have just stopped drawing fats, actually just left the community or disappeared one day, that you miss?

To this day I still miss Satsurou, SpratFA, and StudioFA
I miss MagicStraw like you wouldn't believe.
Something that I always found weird about Satsurou's last few pieces of art was the shift in his style which honestly was for the worse when he did amazingly well before that.
its cool to see more people in the same vibe, magicstraw was my inspiration to draw this kind of stuff, this guy is really missed here
MagicStraw is still around, technically. They fave stuff every now and then.

As for my answer: Though he's not gone, I wish Miramiraclerun would draw more. The way he draws fat is *chefs kiss*.
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>self-censoring zoomers can't even bring themselves to say "pedophile" on a chan site
Trannies. Or more specifically, him pandering to trannies as well as contemplating becoming a tranny himself.
idacknowledged I really liked and they kind of vanished. Great sequences and a really cute art style.
Kawaiidebu hasn't fully left the community, but the combo of moving to Twitter/Patreon and taking down a ton of DA uploads mean it's increasingly hard to keep tabs on his work (and having a kid on the way I can see his already very slow art pace stop altogether).
Satsurou I more remember from being an early artist I found when getting into this than genuinely liking their art on its own merits. I do miss SpratFA though, their realistic pencil style was rare and unique.
(62 KB, 1029x772, RUH ROH.jpg)
>tfw found his alt account a few hours ago
>tfw found his burp compilation with a ton of fans gushing about how hot it is
>tfw found the brap compilation teaser that those same fans were BEGGING for him to release
If you told me just yesterday that Kafei was a weird autogynephile tranny, I'd have laughed at you. What in the actual fuck happened to this man?
(91 KB, 390x536, its_all_so_tiresome.png)
>Last message with about them going to Japan
>Satsurou's was about getting his foot in the door for some animation studio or something
They left us behind to do better things. I'm glad for them but sometimes I wish we could just get a "Goodbye" message for some closure
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StudioFA was an actual boomer who stated he watched the first airing of the Lone Ranger as a child, he very likely passed away. These three remain my favorite of his work remain my favorite of his work.

Got it in one. No artist has ever survived going to xitter, and artists who came from xitter such as FFA#5 are some of the worst people in the sphere.
Heā€™s not dead. Not yet anyway.
For the love of god how do you know that. Does he know he's enssentialy a god in these parts? He gave me my first lady boner and turned me onto other fat chicks like me
Youā€™re funny
Aside from simple markers such as likes on DA or other tracking methods, you could just nut up and ask him if he is there. Granted heā€™s not obsessively on but you might catch him.
(1.1 MB, 445x500, unamusedsally.png)
Have you had any negative experiences with commissioning an artist?

>commission semi-popular artist in this community
>they send me the rough, all's good except one detail
>kindly ask for them to change it
>they grow all huffy and say it's just one detail
>kinda dumbfounded but just reply that i'd still like to see it included

Maybe I'm the autist here because of wanting such a small detail added/changed but I'm also paying you, the artist to draw this particular character. I understand not wanting to draw something annoying like Midna's Helmet or Monster Hunter armor, but this was just a small addendum, nothing major.
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In no particular order...

Ramironia/Mintrimo: He sold out, and sold out hard. Fucker went from drawing really cute fats of all kinds of cartoony and silly characters, as well as loli and shota, but now he draws what he expects will make him popular (he literally stated that he was doing this a year or so ago) and cucked out and deleted his underage art when Jeetdoh decided to kick THAT proverbial hornet's nest (it got to the point that he literally groveled for his audience to forgive him). He's not rude or annoying, but him being as pathetic as he is is why I hate him so much.

Dookus: Many anons have said it better than I ever could, but his art has nosedived in quality. Many of the fatties he draws just look nasty: they tend to have bodies that look like overstuffed garbage bags and have cellulite that clashes with his style, and when he draws redheads? It's like he goes out of his way to make it look like they have some sort of skin disease when he gives them freckles. And the less I say about his aged-up Marnie, the better. He's also just annoying in general, with him trying to act like he definitely TOTALLY isn't into loli when he's made his love of Ashley and Lana perfectly clear in the past, or trying to claim that he's asexual when he draws and likes art that is hilariously sexually charged. He also has a tendency to get really pissy when he's criticized and has publicly shamed people for offering honest critiques. His only redeeming quality at this point is that he draws really, really good fat Pokemon. But even then, he rarely does that anymore.

SpaecDandee: Was a promising up-and-coming fat artist a few years back, but he fried his brain by gooning too hard to bimbo porn and now draws grotesque, disgusting bimboshit all the time. He also claims to be nonbinary even though the selfies he posted (fucking lmao) show that he looks like a bearded sexual predator who hangs out around elementary schools, claims to be asexual when he draws women with grotesquely huge tits and asses, and is just ridiculously annoying in general.

SkalesStash: Literal groomer who got away with showing his dick to kids because he's a tranny. 'Nuff said.

Jeetdoh: This man embodies everything I hate about the modern fat art community. Everything. He's been discussed to death at this point, but along with all the points mentioned here and elsewhere, I don't want people to forget that he's part of BambooAle's gay little clique of smug, holier-than-thou fat artists that bite the hand that feeds them. He's also a coward who immediately deleted his "Who shot Hannibal" shitpost that dunked on the community when people gave him shit for it, and awkwardly tried to pretend that it never happened.
Nice citations faggot, post a screencap of his most recent activity or get on your knees and open wide.
Nice dubs, but
>BambooAle's gay little clique of smug, holier-than-thou fat artists that bite the hand that feeds them
Being disgusted by bamboo's artstyle right out of the gate has saved me so much grief, but I'm ignorant to the finer details of this faggot's history. I assume he's yet another basic bitch who tried to go pro and crawled back later when he realized that normalfags hate piles of pancake-looking women.
Do these clout chasing brainlets know where did that term come from? For those wondering in the early 2000s: There was a site called SomethingAwful founded by a fratboy who had his 15 minutes in a Quake forums. His site was consistently a blog-forums on how much their lives fucking sucks but they also trolled other forums in one of them they got outted as: "Lowtax with his goons" they embraced the term, little that everyone knew about is that they hosted so many servers sharing child pornography plus most of its userbase were high caliber lolcows or in their case: A-log's who didn't like being exposed as the laughing stock.

Bamboo definitely went through a troll's remorse just fit in with his fellow short fused degenerates, remember when he threw jabs at other artists? I hope someone archived that shit, let the faggot be reminded of his hypocrisy.
Bamboo's stuff making fun of MistyStuffer and Axel was funny af.
Typically the roughs stage is where changes would be made, if any. Unless it's specifically mentioned in the commission terms that no changes can be made, it's weird for the artist to get huffy over that.
>that one faggot that suggests an uber popular character in an artist's poll and it skews the entire poll in that characters favor
i hate this shit so much and i hate how often it happens
His most recent fav on DA is something that was posted in August of 2022, fwiw. Other than that doesn't seem like he's been on there since 2016.

I'm not sure "gooning" in the "pornography addict who edges for hours-long sessions" sense is etymologically related to "SomethingAwful poster", any more than it is to "hockey hooligan".
I remember the hideously deformed parody of Salt's Lucy he drew, the one where she's burping after landing on her belly. Nothing says embittered, jealous faggot like taking a shot at the king and missing by a country mile. Christ almighty, bamboo is the embodiment of the eurocuck.
>>189317 I'm not about to go on an archive hunt, so do you have the image on you?
Speaking of bambooale, is anyone else still waiting on their merch orders? I swear some /o/ sticker vendors have faster turnaround than him and mako.
What I never understand about this sort of clique is a why a fat art artist would care about hanging out with some other horny dudes so much that he would support any witch hunt or tranny shit.
>Thread's almost reached the bump limit better start bitching about 'trannies' again
You guys are so predictable.
It's almost as if fetish art of this type isn't made on a conveyor belt and is (indeed, always will be) paid for by a close knit circle of private patrons (which often include other artists).
>upset that trannies, a known blight upon every fucking community that they infest, are being taken to task
Why? Are we hitting a bit too close to home for your liking?
Hey guys, what's your favorite power ranger?

Mine is SPD red
Mine is the famous original green ranger.
In most cases where I see people go,
>tranny this, tranny that
It's usually over some inane bullshit that's been elevated into the fucking stratosphere by morons with too much time on their hands. Hard pass; you got the town square thread in /gen/ for that.
I got a better question for ya: who's your favorite Metal Hero? I should really go back and watch Blue SWAT tbh.
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>Nothing says embittered, jealous faggot like taking a shot at the king
Anon, get that dick out of your mouth. You're not on his payroll
New thread?

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