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Thread 13 bumplocked so pack your stuff and move on over here.
STBY 4 page 388 of “One Serving Choice”, fresh from the presses.
So crisis averted? Kinda?
Here’s hoping she won’t just have one plate though
Incredible, absolutely nothing of consequence happened. Both characters are retarded.
I'm really hoping that this ends with Saiya getting nothing and being called out for being a piece of shit that only cares how fat these people are.
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I hope there is no more plot progression, literally none. I want the same number of pages dedicated to a mediocre, directionless, sophomoric, unfulfilling story to be dedicated to all the girls we've seen just mindlessly stuffing and fucking. Plot in a porn comic is gay when it gets in the way of the porn and even gayer when we all bitch and moan about it.
At this point can the people who still defend this mess admit that Kip sucks ass at character writing? Aika’s change in attitude over the course of this conversation makes me feel like I’m getting whiplash.
Aika will stuff Saiya until she's bigger than her and Tessa combined, surely

I hope god hear you brother
why are you guys still following kip? I ducked out when NLB ended and I realised it was all a crappy waste of time. why are you continuing to read this overlong lesbian soap opera comic with light stuffing fetish elements
Honestly I have no idea why, I suppose it's sort of a sunk cost fallacy type thing, spent so long watching this comic that I need to know just how the hell it ends.
At the very least, there's some good shots and angles in the art. And even if Kip doesn't draw proper BIG fats, the soft guts they do are pretty nice
Glad to know that last page went somewhere :)
So what was the point of any of that.
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Unironically the best ending to this shitshow would be that Aika just goes crazy from all this bullshit and decides to keep Saiya to herself by locking her into a room and feeding her until she's too fat to leave.
It's also the ending Saiya deserves.
Why even make the last few pages if she's just gonna go teehee it's okay and didn't matter at all. This comic fucking sucks
Ah yeah, Aika is also as dumb as a rock, haha. Would be nice for her not to let Saiya wriggle entirely off the hook, but the universe bends once more to Saiya's plot armour.

Nah, that just gets you into the lame and boring realm of "stuffs you with forty pizzas" cringe. We can do better than that.

Sandy comes back from the other comic and kidnaps her to fatten up would probably be the in universe way that makes the most sense.

Trust kip to fuck it up tho
The trashfire keeps us warm at night...

But really, it's morbid curiosity. I'm still watching him on DA so I sometimes skim new uploads, plus the discussion around the comic is pretty fun to read.
How many characters in the kip-verse is not a terrible person?
Kip, and only because she's kinda of a dummy.
Maybe Turbo nerd from Lws as well?
Said it in the last thread and this pretty much cements it. Aika's pretty much an anti-plot device at this point. Existing purely to maintain status quo.
1) kip
2) kip dad

I think that's it, actually
This comic is truly the gift that keeps on giving lmao
>>177943 (Cross-thread)
>This is getting too intense, how about this: you guys ask for a funny scene and I'll draw it
But no racism please I still have standards

>>177953 (Cross-thread)
>Aika eating dog food at a party after mistaking it for fancy food

>>177960 (Cross-thread)
>Draw Tessa losing weight, but she only loses weight from her tits and keeps the gut

>>177965 (Cross-thread)
>>>177960 (Cross-thread)
I’ll one up you, her tits shrink and her gut grows even bigger and rounder

>>177961 (Cross-thread)
>Draw the most hated character getting hit on the head by Lucile from the walking dead

Preserving these requests from previous thread in case drawfriend comes back
Cindy and Tessa massacring the entire serving choice cast
I’ll raise you one. Cindy & Tessa noming the one serving choice cast.
Actually yeah this one works as too
Cindy massacring the entire OSC cast, including Tessa

I wanna see ALL them bitches die
I know kip isn't a great writer, I just respect them for having made NLB and for posting consistently. Also for some unexplainable reason i like coming back to this thread
I'm one of the people that calls out the people who constantly mindlessly shit on this comic and Kip, but holy crap, even I have to admit that this page sucks. Aika's shift from emotional wreck to total acceptance to eating machine happens at breakneck pace and it's just so jarring. Any and all tension that had been built up evaporates immediately and the shift is so sudden I can't even enjoy Aika making a pig of herself in public. However, unlike most complainers, I'm going to offer something constructive instead of just bitching. Rather than just blowing the load all at once, this is one of the few instances where Kip should have taken as many pages as necessary to allow the conversation to progress naturally. It seems like this is supposed to be the culmination of Saiya two-timing both fatties and Aika finally finding out about it. It's integral to the story, regardless of the quality thus far and requires the proper attention to handle it correctly. Slow pacing has always been an issue with this comic, but this is one instance where it needed to take its time.

>>178427 (OP)
Also, this page and sequence is one of my favorite parts of NLB. I hope so bad that we get a sequel where Grace takes Tina up on their deal and Sandy gets her revenge and we get to see Tina turned into a reluctantly submissive hog. Bonus points if she's slimmed all the way back down to her old weight and has her hot body ruined against her will all over again. I'm a fan of force feeding if you couldn't tell.
More fat Tina content would make the world a better place.
I wholeheartedly agree. And some more belly button play. NLB did it the best out of any wg comic or story I've ever read.
Yeah, I agree that the safer road was taken here. Having Aika confront Saiya here and now could have meant Aika potentially discovering that not only Saiya wants both T and A (even were S to disavow her feelings for T, her actions say otherwise) but her belly fetish as well, which could be interpreted as only liking Aika for her body. Both of those are fairly grody prospects for Aika.

Unlike Tessa, who already twigged Saiya's fetish and was ready to roll with it for Saiya's sake, we don't know how Aika will react to this revelation since she's been blissfully unaware of the attraction all this time. I'm hoping that we see more of that hidden edge to her personality and she can pragmatically leverage her newfound position over Saiya for herself - presumably for more time with Tessa.
Bitch looks like a slug on the bottom left panel
Someone said this awhile back during the Aika nun shit. Aika is basically just slapstick stupidity for the same of stupidity. And that is all I see in the most recent page. She might as well make the banjo kazooie GUH-HUH noise while doing shit, because of how much of a meme comedy character she is.
I think that what would be interesting to happen is that Saiya fucks up even more talking to Aika, like others have already said, accidentally revealing her fetish for fat bellies or that she greedely wants both Aika and Tessa. Aika then tell Saiya to never speak with her again, leaving her in the table alone.
When she calls Tessa by the phone to ask her how she is doing, Tessa says that last night occurance was the last straw for Stacy, and that she forbid Tessa to see Saiya ever again. By the way, Stacy somehow found out about that sharing money thing and she cancelled it. This time, Saiya is at her absolute lowest: she doesnt get neither of the girls, and she is about to get evicted. Emo Sadness MCR Forever mode 145% activated.
Crying her heart out, alone at bed, in the middle of the night, desperate to leave this hellhole of suckery that is her useless existence, she calls the only person thats she still have that she can trust and be herself with: her sister.
After hearing the whole messy situation, with the occasional snorts and hiccups, her sister tells Saiya what she really needs to know:
1 - Nobody is perfect, and everyone can be stupid about something.
2 - Please keep your horniness in check and save it to the right moment. You will know when is the right moment.
3 - You dont need to change your personality to please someone you have a crush on. If she doesnt like how you are at your best, its her problem. And if you were friends already, just be frank about your feelings, and be always prepared to receive a no.
After hearing her sister talking, Saiya was crying a little bit less. Still crying, because she screwed up everything, but now she knew a little bit more of how to no suck so much as she did right now.
Agreed. At least Tessa had a little bit of that.
Aight it’s been a minute since we’ve done this. Who’s your top 5 Kip characters? For me;

1. Cindy
2. Tina
3. Tessa
4. Sydney
5. Kat
Pretty much the same tbh

1. Cindy
2. Tina
3. Tessa
4. Fiina
1. Kip
2. Tina
3. Sidney
4. Grace
5. Tessa
I'm genuinely baffled why anyone would choose Sydney. She's one of my most hated characters

She’s the fattest and a glutton so I like her
Quality over quantity. Sydney also never looked that fat to me since she almost always looks stuffed and I hate how kip after DWS entirely skips fattening up the face and arms even slightly. It makes the whole look of Sydney at larger sizes look off and unnatural.
Meh, it’s the first comic I ever read so she’s nostalgic for me I guess
This would actually be great. So much better than the story Kip is giving us rn. Saiya really needs to learn that her actions and shitty behavior have consequences.
Like yeah, we're not kids and we don't need these stories to have some sort of life lesson, but reading this and seeing Saiya literally being Kip's most despicable character up to date, unpunished, and the main character, isn't doing this comic any favors
It'd hars to believe saiya to be the worst kip character to date if only because there are so many awful people in the kip verse that it is steep competition
I don’t understand how Sydney can’t even come 5th bro I love her
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If we get a burp next page I’m absolutely willing to look past the plot that got us to this moment being an incoherent mess
There's gotta be some kink or gratification she's getting out of this. Aika as far as I can tell doesn't know about Saiya's predilections, so it's purely for her own indulgence.

I ain't complaining here, just more amazed at her being such a natural hog, haha.
Damn that was fast. I genuinely thought she was gonna get as big or bigger than Tessa after the sushi stuff but Aika legit looks the exact same as she always does after finishing that whole plate
Who's to say she'll stop at one plate~? Even if she's the same size as before I don't think we've seen her let loose with such intensity like this.

(I mean sure she did tear off and eat that girl's sleeve that one time so, eh, maybe this is par for the course after all...)
Didn't they say they were going home to talk abot the "Saiya two timing" situation after Aika finishes her plate of food?
You know what Anon? You’ve convinced me to add her at 4, I’ll move Tina down to 5.

This is a Kip trademark... they slim down before they get back to the same size, and we're supposed to believe its PROGRESS. Its like when retail stores raise prices before a sale, then lower them to what they were presale and the soccer moms cream their pants over the BIG SAVINGS. Its all high powered bullshit.
Damn that's a pretty big falloff
I think patreon has just had a pretty big drop in revenue ever since they did the big overhaul: BWS also went from making over 10K a month to like 8.7K
Honestly i hope kip gets to the point of needing to draw bigger sizes to keep peoples atention.
Bigger sizes isn't the main problem, its the really tedious writing that gets in the way of what everyone is actuallya9 here for.
is kip were talking about, probably the last thing hes going to try fix is the writing.
idk, the "samebody" syndrome definitely makes the situation way worse.
I know, just let me dream that he'll stop being so fucking verbose.

He could spend more effort differentiating the physiques of his characters for sure, but that's not a top issue for me. Even something like Full Night Nanny could of had a dozen pages cut out and still got the same thing story across.
Sorry I was thinking 9K, which is verifiable since he literally had a special poll to celebrate making 9k in January of this year: my point being that patreon just had a dip in revenue overall
bws loosing 300 bucks and kip 1600, i dont think is the dip in fault here
Can’t go wrong with a face full of Sydney
There are multiple patreon numbers:
There's the total number, which is a flat-out total of backer value.
Then there's the personal number, which is how the total after Patreon takes its cut (and also converted to your own currency if I remember).
And then there's the actual number you get, which is calculated after payments were made and is always lower because of declines.
Sprinkle in new on-the-spot charges from new backers and you'll never know how much they're actually making except that it's less than the number you see.
So uhhh when is Kip gonna start drawing fat on her arms and legs?
Never lol. I wish it were otherwise. I don't think Kip (the artist) has drawn a character truly fat since Kip (the character)
That sucks. Fat kip has the best body to date
Can you do one for Dr. Worm? Curious what their numbers look like before and after.
Would unironically be a good way to build up no lunch break 2, we going cinematic universe mode lads
No. We should leave it separate.
>does mpreg niggery and has a mental breakdown so he uploads a fraction as often now
If his income hasn’t tumbled that’s a testament to the utter slop retards will fund
Fat kip at the start of DWS was the best ktt has ever done, and unfortunately he's never going back
This your first Kip comic?
I'm old enough to remember kip in LWS and DWS having nice padding throughout her body
Kip's popularity being built on the back of incest should be no surprise to anyone why these comics suck
Is there no new page today?
Page late due to cloud storage mishap
20 minutes ago

Did not upload from my office computer for some reason, sorry for delay! I will post tomorrow so no worries...
shut the fuck up and die already, you ruined my fetish and feel no attraction to this anymore
So it was Kip this whole time
Kip why the fuck are you posting here
Go back to your hugbox on DA
Man now I just kinda feel bad
Actually Kip or just our uploader?
Doing great work either way. (:
I never understand when celebrities come here to respond to the posts, it's like some sorta of self harm for them to come into these shitholes.
Why would Kip EVER come on here
Real as fuck, going onto any chan website for your own work is like punching yourself
Kip actually did interact once a while ago, maybe a couple of years even so yeah, he knows this hellhole exists lol
I hate that you're right. Though the end of LWS is nothing to sneeze at. Man, I wish we got more of Kip (the character) someday. She was fun.
Take it easy. Anon just copy and pasted Kip's post from patreon/kemono. That's why it says "20 minutes ago" below the subject of the post
For both of these questions:
1:Sandy before the bad writing got her and she was just a weird side character. Anonymous was right again.
2:Cindy probably one of the only characters without some kind of extremely unpleasant personality or mental defect.
I only have 2.

Seconded for both of these posts.

Good news anon, you're likely a shoe in for being the guy she imagines using for his money in page 3.

>fetish comic artists

Page 9 of No Lunch Break shows he definitely knows about imageboards. He likely occasionally shills himself here and there.
VPNs and whatnot make ID hopping effortless.
She really only thinks with her dick, huh
I hate this bitch
>I'm obviously not kip.
Sounds like something kip would say
Why the hell does she still look smaller than she did in the church scene? God dammit Kip...
Damn she's worst than a teenage boy, THINK SAIYA THINK
Daily reminder that Saiya is a horrible person and the story should end with her death
There is something so despicable with Saiya's horny, romantically ice cold heart. Legit villains running around the genre and force feeding others against their will who are more honest and empathetic. Kip about to ass blast us with the twist that his signature psycho villain character is the main character this time. There doesn't seem to be any other villains in the comic, does there?
Since full time nanny introduced the possibility of succubus existing in the kip-verse my headcanon for saiya is she is herself a succubus who had amnesia either by an accident or because she keeps messing things up with her mission because she's too horny for fat bimbos by being sent to earth thinking she's a human but her old tendencies still linger and she keeps "ruining" women's figures and their lived inadvertently nourishing saint's succubus side.
Question: Why do we keep whinning about how bad the comic is when we can just, I don't know, ignore it and move on to something?
I know this is your first week online, but complaining is (and has been for a very long time) fun, especially when the thing you're complaining about is less entertaining than the complaints themselves.
Gotta wonder if anyone has made any kipverse chatbots
I only have respect for your passion of Sydney anon. U had all of these saved and at the ready???
Well Thank you and no I just went and screenshot these quickly
Also reconsider your hate for lil Syd
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It's so fucking funny to me how the story just switches from a serious teen drama into a fanservice fetish comic back and forth

Regardless the writing tho Aika looks lovely here
I know I can't be the only one but I just love disproportionately huge guts. Fat all over just doesn't tickle my pickle.
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Have you heard of Sydney from hit fetish comic no lunch break
bro uploaded the lowest res possible
Are we paying by the kilobyte now?

Complaining about characters in the comic =/= complaining about the comic in general, or about Kip. It's okay to have negative opinions as discussion is formed where friction arises. Not much to talk about otherwise, no?

Beyond echoing the distaste of how Saiya's just straight back to thinking with her lady-boner again, I hope this is where we can see Aika hopefully avoid being sucked into Saiya's psycho harem and lay down some rules on her terms. Put Saiya in her place a bit

Aika's power level is rising, what with the page showing that she can put food away with increasing ease for her own benefit. Time for her to assert herself and put this rampaging MC in her place. She simps only for Tessa - if Saiya wants a piece of this then she has to earn it!
I hate syndey's t-Rex look with such tiny arms compared to her legs and belly.
To be fair to Syd, her belly is fairly massive comparatively. She's practically gravid so her arms will look smaller.
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I'm still waiting for something to come of this set up from page 17, i swear kip was building up for a reveal that this kid was tessa back in the day and never did nothing about it
That kid looks like aika a bit
Back when there was still hope for characterization and depth in the writing. The next two pages where they splash around in the pool are also the extent of the motivation Tessa has to get with saiya. Literally a single conversation and a dip in the pool are what have served as the driving force behind Tessa making a blimp of herself.
Kip be savin that one for the final page cliffhanger
Only two I remember are Kip and syd.
Couldn’t be bothered to remember this rest.
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There was one follow up to this: that one picture of Tessa all but confirms she was the childhood friend, there’s too many similarities. I’m guessing Kip is saving the revelation as the final plot twist to make it harder for Saiya to choose between Aika and Tessa
I think it’s hot cause it would offset her balance
I think saiya might claim she has no motivation to get with her outside of lust and tearing her away from aika only to be given the revelation that they were friends at one point and that she’s a hypocrite for wanting to get with someone just to fuck them since she’s so easily swayed by someone’s body.

If it wasn’t the best way to get her attention then she can’t really blame her. For trying that way.
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Here’s what doesn’t make sense. In this photo, Tessa already has huge tits. But she clearly isnt a streamer yet. This photo implies that Tessa was picked out by Stacy because of her tits.

But when Saiya went to stream with them the first time, it was revealed that Tessa had tiny tits when she started streaming and had to “buy new ones every month”…

So I think this comic is just made up as it goes along.
Of course it is. This comic is bonafide trash when it comes to storytelling and consistency - when it does kink, it's pretty decent. It's just that everything between it is legitimately awful.
She might not have gotten so confident so quickly like saiya.
They’re the biggest after all
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OSC is on page 391 and I’d just like to remind everyone that by page 111 the best girl was already Aikas current size and glutted herself so hard that by page 259 she could barely fit in a bus seat, thank you that’s all.
At least on the bright side, it's a good page (good as in hot). But yeah it's taken too long to get here. Look, I'm trying to stay positive lol
I get "she breasted boobily..." meme vibes with how Kip approaches writing Aika. Don't get me wrong, she is consistent here as she has been throughout but it's still odd to me that she does stuffs herself like this just.. because. No real driving desire or motivation. She exists to have a belly fot Saiya and us to ogle at.

"She stomached tummily as she bellied onwards..."
I like that she’s kind of a bimbo eating machine
I think I would like Aika more if she was written by literally anyone else
Once she gets the Sydney’s size she’ll be great

Cool story. Let me continue it.

"Oh, bellies!" she obesed, as her gut accidentally flabbed her bloat.

oh my lord, that middle panel just reminded me how incredibly annoying that manic pixie dreamgirl character was.
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Well I appreciate the manic pixie dreamgirl cause she like doubled the size or Sydney’s belly in a day
Yeah, I get it and it's cool. But for me I think I'm ready for Aika to take more of a stance on it, just to round out her character (hurr). She clearly enjoys eating, I just wanna hear her actually acknowledge it on a more personal level. "I enjoy eating because it's my passion/my kink/keeps the mind spiders away etc"

I assume if Saiya is gone be coomer-brained again she might stumble the situation forward, dragging Aika into that position. How is she gonna feel about it I wonder? Objectified and horrified? Or excited to be venturing into bold new territory with someone who wants to worship her... Or at least in theory, given Saiya's promiscuity with Tessa.
Being fat isn't a kink or anything like that for Aika, I know kip is a shit writer but even I payed enough attention to this shit show, Aika just has a sweet enabler mother that likes to cook a shit ton of good food and Aika can't say no, on top of her being a broke college student, getting any full homecooked meals that are not $1 packet ramen or $2 campus lunches are probably a dream.

It's the ONE thing I can nice about kip is that for once (technically twice) we see a character that's not motivated on getting fat for the kink of it and it's just bad habits and slippery slope, Tessa on the other hand is where you go for the kink since she is well aware it turns Saiya on and only does what she does to attract Saiya it seems she too is not really hard core into it and not trying to blob out but will do it if it gets Saiya wet.
You're not wrong, however we can see that she's definitely getting greedier. I agree with you that she doesn't have to be yet-another kinky feedee weirdo, but the lack of acknowledgment drawn to it makes each act and the overall progression in her appetite feel a little empty, y'know?

If she were just a bit character this would all be fine. "Here is Aika: she likes to eat." but as a joint-deuteragonist with Tessa she needs a touch more depth in my view. Like it or not, she's important to the story. I'm keen to see where Saiya's blunderings will take things with Aika.
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I predict we'll get something like this next.
Aika will pound a "protein shake" or some such because "fitness is her passion"
Dude it's a fucking porn comic. I know we all make fun of kip's writing but come on. You can't get mad that the characters in the fat fetish comic are doing things for the reader's titillation.
Who's mad? I can both enjoy the characters and comic whilst also voicing concerns about shallowness of certain key characters. Doesn't mean I hate Aika or Kip now, hah. Besides it looks like Aika's gonna get her moment soon enough.

Sure, it's a fetish comic, but it would be dismissive to say that it's just a fetish comic, as we both know.
if it weren't for the fact that the porn comic takes over 50 pages to get into the actual porn for like a couple panels and go back into nonsense
This page really shows just how shit Kip actually is as an artist. Jesus christ.
This is bad, even for kip. lol
Who else laughed because you first read staring as starving. Like a land whale stuffed to the max walking past poor starving people
I wish Kip would lean more into his obvious preg fetish like this.
I read staring as starving and thought it didn't make sense, so I reread it as starving again. Finally, I got staring on my third try.
Bro this is laughable. She looks like she swallowed a boulder. How does ANYONE defend this
Did you think that any fetish artist would ever be a woman
I mean... they exist... There are threads on here about some of them...
I'm surprised kip didn't make a vore comic yet.
It would have been fine if she looked like this the whole time but Kip can't keep anything consistent. That's the problem, I find it hard to be turned on by this when I feel like there's a good chance next page she's gonna shrink again. Consistency matters a lot. It helps build a picture in the viewer's mind.
lol ok retard. Keep telling yourself that.
I have faith he’ll keep her this size
I guarantee you, Kip does not look in this thread. And if Kip does, they certainly wouldn't take advice from us for any reason. As someone who's been following Kip since dinner with sister (before the hiatus), this is another classic case of Kip page inconsistency.
Kip made a post complaining about people complaining about the inconsistencies, and I understand their perspective. But he makes it out to be like people are nitpicking things from 20-30 pages apart. No, people are complaining because Kip can keep things consistent in back to back pages.
Yes, in my opinion, I still find this new page hot. But it's definitely jarring to see her balloon up for no reason in the very next page. The only excuse I can think of for it is that she's swelling up with gas from having ate so much
I swear there was a post here that sounded a lot like Kip talking
Aika, once again, failing to understand simple cause and effect...
I wish there was an edit button because I'm noticing two typos in my post. Serves me right for not proof reading
Then Kip would be peak and they're belly sizes would work :)
While I don’t care much for his comic I’ll admit he’s been killing it with the indivial pieces lately
Say what you will about kip but he knows how to deliver with stuck drawings
They actually did a bit of vore early on but idk I think they got embarrassed or something. They even came up with the DA Diva OC. Anyone have kip’s vore art?
Fishflavored…. sugarbabi…. Eatmorecake (vani)….

They most definitely exist
Why no page? Anything from Kip?
It’s one every 3 days not 2
Unless that's a very recent shift in scheduling, the format has been for the longest time Wed-Fri-Sun. Page should be due today unless events say otherwise.
Sunday-Wednesday-Friday dumbass
>inb4 complaints about the TV or Aika being too tall/fat

The best girl Sydney of course
Too tall for her usual height, and not fat enough. Just as predicted, stomach shrunk considerably from the previous page. Nice try though.

When is saiya gonna get fat. I don’t think Kip will keep her skinny
When are we going to see Aika's mom? and will she be fat? also Saiya's sister and mom should return too but also fat, I think Stacy and the gym trainer girl need to be fat, they can't stay skinny forever right? like that wouldn't make sense.
I wanna see some dark horse Aika action and have her take the lead here. It's when she's relaxed and uninhibited that we see more of her dominant self. Unlike Tessa, we know that Aika can push back so I hope that she picks up from where they left off from the church, with this time Aika in charge. Yes, there's the matter of Tessa so I could see Aika trying to squeeze Saiya for a confession to choose between the two - not to mention seeing Saiya squirm would be a fair punishment for duly toying with her emotions.

Will Saiya finally make a choice? Or will finally confess to wanting both?
So aika stopped being mad, gave Saiya a show and a chance to feel her gut, got home, and is now mad again. This is neither consistent in art nor character
The size thing I'm not gonna argue, but what you call a character inconsistency is just simply a change of mood... Seems pretty normal to me?
It's a different angle and she was significantly smaller at the buffet.
I personally dislike her the most
Yeah, extremely inconsistent, that's the argument

It's the fact that it changes on a whim. There's massive shifts over the course of a single panel. I don't know about you but that doesn't seem normal
We’ve been over This, how can anyone dislike Sydney
Top 5 for me are
1. Sydney
2. Aika
3. Cindy
4. Tessa
5. Tina for being real asf
She isnt, they just need something to cry about
She's a genuinely bad person which is what majority of these characters are
How isn't she? If she isn't her behavior is absolutely stupid. "Oh my friend who hurt me wanted to talk to me. Let's watch tv." It makes way more sense if she's doing the whole "I'm just gonna go about things until you bring it up because I'm pissed off and want to put the pressure on you to speak up."
She literally rejected a rich dude that was into her just to make the one woman feel better
There you go, finally someone understands who’s the best
Bitch what. She seems perfectly fine to me, just exhausted, she even brought it up on the last panel. Despite it being fast as shit, they’ve already made up at the restaurant.
"They made up at the restaurant" lmfao if you think Aika is actually over all that you don't understand shit.
Independence from whom?
I don't know history

I can't wait for Saiya to realise Tessa was her childhood friend ten pages from now
Cool, so Aika actually demonstrates some value in being able to extricate Saiya's head from out off her ass when it comes to relationships. And given her past simping for Tessa, she's effectively a Camwhore Whisperer to aid Saiya.

Also, to Saiya's defense about the whole Tessa makeout snafu, we can't forget that Aika full-on kissed Tessa and drunkenly declared her feelings for her. Turns out falling for Tessa is easy to do. Though where Saiya gets off with her wild deflecting I don't know. "Using you" for what exactly?
Saiya is pretty clearly projecting when it comes to the whole idea of Tessa “using” her when it’s clearly the other way around

Holy autism, Batman! Almost every line of dialogue this guy writes makes my skeleton want to cringe out of my fucking skin. At least it seems like he’s starting to wrap up this garbage fire of a comic
Don't get you hope up, buddy. I feel this is only the end of act 1 of this horrible comic.
Can't wait for the next two pages of saiya explaining the Tessa is secretly fat
Sigh. It's annoying how right you are.
>Aika: Hold on, but Tessa doesn't have a tummy?

Ball's in Aika's court but it's quite a pill to swallow. Not only does she have to deal with Saiya potentially only liking her for her body just like with Tessa, but the thought that Saiya may have ruined Tessa's in the process as well were she to connect the dots.
Hopefully next page it ends up like FNN and Aika just downs a foot long or smthin. But fr tho where do we go with this now that Saiya gave herself up
So maybe when it comes to matters concerning Tessa, Aika now happens to be as sharp as a tack. Aika may soon realise that, because of Saiya, Tessa has lost her slim body and has been faking it all this time. Aika doesn't ultimately get what the appeal is, which will allow Saiya an invitation for a hands-on demonstration.
I have faith Kip will use this to make Saiya blimp up
It's amazing how utterly boring the story is when Tessa's not directly involved. I don't give a shit about Aika. I still want Saiya to be hit by a truck. Is Kip under the illusion that either of them are interesting?
Is Tessa interesting to you? Cus honestly she’s right next to Saiya for me. Both of them make me want to pull my hair out.
For me, I like Tessa overall as her character is pretty solid. Aika however brings something interesting to the story by being unpredictable. She's like a savant character where she's useless in almost all areas except for the few times it matters, such as now. It's just taken us a long time to reach this point, hence why so many wrote off Aika as dull and a waste of space.

I'm really curious how she's gonna react to Saiya's confession. Sure it's kinda gross for your bestie to admit they pretty much only like you for your body, in a way you may not even really understand. But on the other hand, it's an acceptance by her friend of her habits without wanting to change her like Stacy would.

That Aika is unpredictable is what makes this compelling as she could go in any number of ways. Personally, I think it would be boring if Aika also suddenly developed a kink for it, as that's very much Saiya's thing.
Yeah, I didn’t realize this will go against what Stacy told her. Saiya is also going to have to tell her the reason she became a thot in the first place.
Sorry, didn’t clarify that last bit. Dressing up in clothes a popular mean girl would wear.
Thier is no way your the same bozo from the Metalforever thread. You must have a lot of time on your hands
You're right, arguing over a single artist is silly, I vote we start arguing about multiple artists!
To kick things off I'm pretty sure just mentioning Jeetdoh can stir something up
They come back every couple weeks, tag like 500 people, yell in all caps, then leave. It’s the same thing on repeat. Nothing is going to make them stop so it is what it is I guess.
The funny thing is no one's actually arguing. The discussion's been pretty smooth all told.
¿Kippo olvide la pagina otra vez?
Bro imagine if it was a dude character saying she tempted me with her titties!! To the woman he just confessed to and kissed and then cheated on right away
It is the same person I can tell that.
Yes, but Kip is a bottom-tier writer so it isn't surprising that that was ignored for the sake of the current conversation.
Who the hell do you think you are? You’re any kind of artist? Anybody know who you are? Maybe evrybody else wants to enjoy the peace and quiet. This is one of the most important places in North America and who are you? Who are you? You miserable presumptious no talent. You’re no artist. An artist respects the silence, it serves the foundation of creativity. You obviously don’t have the talent. You don’t have enough respect for yourself or other people, or know what it means to respect yourself. In music or any form of creativity. And I’m an NYU fil-school graduate. Sucker. And the School of Visual Art in the Academy of Art University in San Fransisco. You suck. You’re a no talent. If you really have talent, go practice. And then get yourself a gig, instead of ruining the day for everybody down here. You disgrace. You are everything that’s gone wrong in this world. You’re a self consumed, no-talent, mediocre piece of shit. And I’ve earned my right to say it. Okay? In 1975, I walked Bob Dylan up on stage. Who the fuck are you? I knew the Grateful Dead from 1966. Who the fuck are you? You’re nothing. You are nothing. And you will never be anything. Never. How dare you? You miserable, mediocre nothing. Shame on you. You crack a stupid little smile, you little pimp. Go learn to play. You’re flat. You can’t even carry a fucking note. I don’t care about your little horn lip, it doesn’t mean you know how to play. You’re flat. I’ve trained classically, I’ve trained contemporaneously, and you suck.
Maybe you should write the ending to this comic instead.
The girls accept how much they love being fat, have multiple binge-eating arcs, and become morbidly obese.

I'm not even keeping up with the story past skimming the images for good tummy, and even I know what the readers want.
Stacy or whoever the chick is that’s “managing” Tessa said that the picture photoshopped as damage control or some shit
(432 KB, 1129x467, tessastummy.png)
Maybe (hopefully) Aika will call back to this moment, next page, to at least corroborate the situation. It's funny as well that there have been times when Tessa's been lax about wearing the corset in class, post-introduction of said corset. Heck, both Aika and Tessa were in the changing room together that one time.

Looking back on things, was it ever established that Tessa intuited Saiya's liking for tummies? I recall at first she was doing it more for her own sake and exploring the kink from initially watching Aika stuffing right at the start. That still seems to be the case when Tessa invites Saiya over for "boldness" training; Tessa gets off on the humiliation and being domineered over her belly and being a feedee moreso.

Just a point in favour of S & T being totally compatible with one another had S not had her head up her ass all this time.
I dont know how people still get this idea lol. Its been abundantly clear that its the exact opposite from the get-go. Tessa noticed saiya's preferences after already getting a crush on her. Every stuffing has been a direct effort to entice saiya, she never does any of this stuff unless shes going somewhere with saiya. Any time her weight gain comes up in any other context shes been completely mortified and humiliated.

Im sure kip will have her end up liking it or coming to some sort of acceptance by the end of this, but as of now she doesnt like it. She likes being dommed and fawned over which is why she still gets horny with saiya, but none of that comes from being fat or stuffing herself.
(542 KB, 731x1028, one_serving_choice__page_28_by_kipteitei_del78wf.jpg)
There's a difference between bloating/tums and weight gain though. And it would be a hell of a lucky guess to intuit early on that this was Saiya's fetish. Tessa's initial fixation on this tells me that she's open to exploring it for herself as much as Saiya.
Please someone help me with the math. How long did she take to finally say it/admit it?

Also Kip would draw better if he didn't spent whole years drawing the same characters with terrible writing
Would you please stop being an autist
Ah yes, the days when Stacy’s hair actually made sense. Dunno when it changed but I still hate it.

>telling a fat fetishist on bbwchan to stop being autistic

BRB going to tell kip to draw an actual weight gain comic
I can imagine Aika coming to the conclusion that if Saiya likes big tummies so much she should have one too
Why is everyone in this comic so dumb?
Because the writer is an idiot.
Really excited to see what happens next!
oh hi kiptetei how are you? next page coming along well?
>>18109 (Dead)
Let's face it. All we do is to wait for that little bit of neuron activation by seeing fat women. I can not think of a person sitting there and being generously excited for this shitshow.
Imagine going through all of this and still getting melodrama from a porn comic instead of women getting fat and fucking each other
Hurry up and pot the page already, kip

Obviously I prefer the fats, but it's a cute enough comic with cute girls and fat fanservice. I do appreciate that it fills a niche for something that's got fat girls and fanservice but not 100% for horny purposes
>A cute enough comic with cute girls
I'm sorry but... really? Cute? Watching awful people be terrible to each other is cute?
I'd argue it was cute, what, 200 pages ago? god damn has it really been that long....?
i wonder how the community would feel if Kip just disappeared one day.
I hope Sayia ends up unhappy (most likely nor going to happen) because of how shitty a person she is in general. She's hurt Aika too many times. Aika openly acknowledges and is calmed by Sayia saying she cares about her despite her proving multiple time she doesn't. Sayia works on lust and lust only. Is there is no real love behind anything, not so far anway. Whenever there is a romantic encounter it's just because she needs to get her fill of fat women. She had used Tessa and more so Aikia for this need. Of course, it might be unfortunately because of how this is written. Nobody calls her put on it. Or if they do is just hand waved away.

This is the equivalent of a CW drama. And it's not even as entertaining, because at the very least you can enjoy yourself watching bad television. This is Kip's attempt at making his own "Days of our Lives". But if you're going to force us to sit through this when we are clearly here for fat women. At the very least make something competent. Is that too much to ask?

I long for the days of NLB and BWS. Is hopefully the next series isn't as long and Kip gets co writer. Something to improve the quality of all this. Because, I promise you, nobody will be willing to go to this shit again.
I know i would finally be able to coom because i would look at other artists who actually give there viewers what they want
They'd have nothing left to schizo rant about and hopefully end up offing themselves.
>>181175 Okay, now we’re getting somewhere
I'm happy that we're getting somewhere in terms of action, but I'm upset that Aika's just gonna drop her best friend/gf cheating on her with Tessa. Why is Saiya being rewarded for being a terrible person?
Here's hoping this leads to Aika and Tessa trying to "out-fat" each other
maybe they will notice that saiya its being terrible with them and make her fat in vengance
This is good too.
Ideal ending:
> Tessa and Aika gain weight to try and win Saiya's affections
> Sexual tension develops while they are competing
> They each become fat enough that their lives are effected negatively (embarrased, unfit, etc.)
> Tension is relieved in a make-out session
> Together, they realise all they sacrificed for Saiya and how little she does for them
> "If she likes big bellies so much, she should just grow her own"
> Tessa and Aika work together to sabotage Saiya
> Saiya quickly outgains them both
> Saiya discovers she has a feedee kink too
> Story ends with Saiya working as a mukbang streamer with Tessa and Aika helping out
> Cliffhanger is Stacy vowing revenge (maybe she plans to launch a rival stream where the gym girl gats fat?)
Aika's looking a lot smaller than she did in the church scene lmao why does nobody care that Kip's subtly shrinking her?
Kip, if you're reading this, please steal this idea

I think that's just kip struggling with making the sizes consistent.
Why should I? I'd find this hot if she actually looked bigger. But it takes a lot away from it and leaves me disappointed when I've watched a similar scene play out with a bigger version of the character already.
Only a giant orgy between Sayia, Aika, Tessa, and Stacy could save this.
So we're getting some of that sweet wildcard energy from unpredictable Aika that I had hoped to see! While yet again it would seem that Saiya is getting away with her shenanigans without repercussion, I wonder if she is possibly being led into a trap. What if Aika is testing Saiya here?

By this I mean were Saiya to go full coomer mode at touching Aika and in not being able to control herself, then this could tell Aika all she needs to know about Saiya and what to expect from her in a relationship - both in Saiya's lack of control and essential unfaithfulness, along with what she values in Aika (ie, just her body).

I could be wrong here and it could just be Aika wanting to take the reins on exploring some more sexy funtimes, exerting some influence over Saiya to complement the love triangle, but there's some about the framing of that last panel that feels... poised. Like there's an underlying tension, y'know? Underestimate Aika at your peril!
Exactly. It’s giving “you like this? Good, cause you’re about to be fatter when I’m done” vibes
Thid dude just greentexted a better story than what Kip probably has on mind.

Kip, mf, I know you're reading this, and you're trying to milk this shitty coimic as much as possible, but it's time to give it an ending, this shit has been on for 2 years + it's time to move onto a new story
Who is that character and why does she miss a finger on her right hand?
The only good end is aika and Tessa together after dumping saiya
Either we get to see if Aika does have some self esteem or just the third grooping and making out session in a row...
My only concern is, following on from what I said above in 181223, were Aika to shift the mood and rebuff or reject Saiya here, then what? Another round of Depressed Saiya? While it would make sense, the comic's flow would only flounder so I'm hoping that were Aika to make a stand against Saiya it's done so conditionally so as to not kill the pace. Plus there's an opportunity to show Aika with a savvy streak of her own. We know she wants to get with Tessa, so this could be her chance to come to an arrangement with Saiya!

Come to think of it, maybe Aika's unorthodox thinking is what initiates the potential polycule? Saiya seems autistically clueless about such matters but can it work if given the guidance...
You guys actually want a fat saiya?? I think she’d look terrible fat, I just want aika and Tessa to blimp up already
I mean theres no need to send Saiya into another one of her episodes, Aika could play coy and make Saiya pay for her actions on the long run, side she just goes into brainless coomer mode so easily, literally any smart bitch with a nice body could have her dancing on her hand.
Ahh kip thats what people want, probably some of your patreons are here too, so is a matter of time before Fat Saiya brainrot comments strike there too.
Eh, I kinda agree with >>181293. Not to put down the idea suggested with >>181201 as at least there's a bit more thought and substance added to the "and then they all got fat" schtick. Though it's not my personal cup of tea or desired outcome, I wouldn't be averse to going down this road.

For me, I find such plots pretty dull and a sign that the story has either run its course or the author doesn't have any fresh ideas to draw upon. It's why I stopped caring about Sweetdreamcoffee's Never Enough Bites. Great, just add more ladies to mechanically enfatten by rote and watch them get bigger. Rinse and repeat. The visuals are nice, sure, but why even have a comic at that point?

I do get the appeal of mutual gaining and the potentially interesting ideas that it can bring but I'm not seeing it... yet. Who can say how the following developments in this comic will play out though?
I really have to say I'm a big fan of the Aika having fat arms change we have going on here.
Considering AI art is getting to a point that the style is nearly identical, I'd say we would be just fine until the next replacement comes in.
I agree with you, I personaly would prefer Saiya not to fatten up, I like her design as it currently, and if she were to fatten up the comic would turn into another "everyone is fat" comic, of which there are already too many and also reduces the posible scenarios to just stuffing scenes. I want to see how the dynamic between the characters plays out, and how Tania (which I hope was the one behing the door) reacts.

As long as Kip doesn't send Saiya into another depressive episode I can declare myself content with the way in which Kip is managing the comic. (even with the pacing, which allows for re reading)
That 4th panel is dogshit lmao
Dang, panel 2 is pretty nice. Got some "Ara Ara~" energy behind it. Meanwhile, panel 3 and Saiya desperately trying not to immediately nut is so goofy, hahaha.

We know Aika can eat, but she's showing here she can cook too.
This bitch has fluctuated in size in every single one of the last 4 panels wtf
Anyone got the Albedo pledge pic?
what the fuck is that last panel
Right? In panel 2 she looks the same size she did over 200 pages ago. Kip is retarded.
Thinking about it, I wonder if Saiya is inadvertently teaching Aika about belly appeal and appreciation, something she presumably wouldn't have realised about herself in the past. This will help Aika when it comes to accepting and appreciating Tessa's new form in turn...

They could see about getting a bigger corset for some corset play in the future to switch things up~
Shit is a joke at this point bro doesn’t even know how to draw his own characters. Don’t even get me started on that page of her struggling on the stairs, which was about 10 minutes ago in universe time…
"i cheated on you"
"you what?"
>few pages later
"i like big bellies"
"oooh so you must like mine"

could've just left out the cheating reveal altogether if it wasnt gonna go anywhere lmao
(116 KB, 780x1116, DNS54XL.jpg)
The more things change, the more they stay the same
ngl that has way better facial expressions, angles, posing. God damn what happened Kip
>could've just left out the cheating reveal altogether if it wasnt gonna go anywhere lmao
Maybe we'll have Aika discover that Saiya is a little coombrianed troglodite who'll just run to the nearest belly.
With how much Aika eats while actually trying to lose weight, it would be good to see what she could do if she was trying to gain.

>God damn what happened Kip
Three pages a week + creatively drained from doing this for over a decade
Miyamoto Musashi from Fate/GO and holy shit i did not notice the finger. I guess it's just a weird perspective (in the 2nd panel her finger is meant to be on the other side of her waist)
Does anyone have the Musashi pic that kip posted?

I like Fate :]
The pinky is behind the ring finger

This anon over here givin the best takes
I miss OG kip so badly. Still the best feedee to date
Thoughts turning back to OSC, I could see a future Tessa doing something similar here, pushing herself to get extra bloated to please Saiya. Meanwhile Aika would be blithely eating her fill, with the added furtive knowledge that she knows she'll be turning on Saiya.

I like that the two approach overeating in different ways and we get different things out of it in turn. Let's hope that they can get competitive with one another and find connection over that - a bond of both vying over Saiya and of food!

Yeah, it sucks. Beginning chunk of NLB is probably Kip’s strongest creative era
Id say FNN is a strong 2nd
You sound like the biggest nerd
Me too, anon, me too. I really dislike incest but there's no denying the truth on these matters. Hopefully one day kip will return, despite what kip the artist says.
(886 KB, 1125x1575, IMG_5270.jpeg)
Well fuck. So much for a Tessa+Saiya ending.
While it is nice to see some action I can't get over Aika's inconsistence size. The best thing about these slow-burn comics is to see the gradual progression of the girls, and it's made completely irrelevant when said girls can randomly lose or gain 50 lbs from page to page or even panel to panel.
Yep, and she’s also smaller than she was in the church stuff 100 pages ago. Completely kills any enjoyment.

Three pages of the same 3/4 angle shot over and over… Kip is such a lazy hack.
Well fuck, so much for the Saiya dying alone ending.
You chose the panel where she looks the smallest from the nun pages and the two panels where she magically doubled/tripled in size for the current pages. whereas if you were to take the average size per panel from both scenes, she'd definitely be smaller now.
If Kip is based then once Saiya has told Aika what she's into Aika will then pull an uno reverse and fattens Saiya as punishment for bein a bitch
So it looks like Kip is going for the milder outcome of not having Aika take Saiya to task for her indiscretions. Lucky for Saiya who gets to have her cake and eat it too. I don't see this as an elaborate ploy to play Saiya at this point as such a manipulating streak from Aika would be unjustified.

With Aika looking to make a move on Saiya it seems we'll have a competition between her and Tessa - unlike before, though, this time Aika knows the score. If her moving on Saiya invites more involvement from Tessa than this plays in Aika's hands as well. It still irks me that Saiya is so quick to ditch Tessa when the need suits her, so I'm hoping for Aika to simplify the internal struggle for Saiya be suggesting that she'd be open to inviting Tessa into the fold as well. Aika is pretty easygoing and takes what she wants, and she seems to want both.
she lost her top rolls,and thicc thights, shes now basicilly a meatball with toothpicks for libs
Anyone have the pledge with the title: "Npc Buffs Overflow"?
just wish kip would stop doing their shitty comics and focused more on doing art like this
Theoretically, the comics are supposed to be a vehicle for art like that, he just totally forgot how to pace his stories properly.
With the say that Saiya's talking, I feel like Aika's gonna mention that Saiya should gain so that she can experience that softness all the time.
My thoughts exactly. Like a “if you like this so much, get ready to love it even more on yourself” sorta thing.
Just realized after all that food Aika never did give a burp. Maybe next page we get one because of Saiya's tummy patting? Also on DA Kip says next page is Monday
I'm not sure if it'll happen in such a direct fashion. Neither Aika nor Tessa have expressed an interest in such a thing, but hey with Aika's newfound education into tummy appeal maybe her thoughts will shift...

Never say never! Saiya kinda fills the role of Tina in this relationship and she wasn't exactly skinny by the end of things in NLB. If all three girls end up together in OSC, maybe a future epilogue will show Saiya chub up a bit. Kip's already demonstrated that she has the potential to put some weight on.
I would near about rip my dick off if Aika, turned on by Saiya's belly worship, would say she had room for a little more even after all that she ate prior and this turned into a feeding session with Aika calling the shots.
Or if saiya takes what she’s learned from Tessa and plays to her thing for bossy girls
While I do want to see some (adopted) fatties, what are some irl burping experiences you have seen?
Holy shit is that cringe. I mean, I get the effort and trying to do something different, but oof those voices lol.
Saiya sounds a bit dorky but I think Aika’s voice works nicely
Huh. Well it's something different I guess. Dubs aren't my cup of tea but hey ho, we got a nice belch out of it.

Whether Kip will continue posting next week or the comic will resume in January, in any case happy holidays, fellow anons!
>we had to wait an extra several days for a fucking video
God fucking damn it Kip you actual retard
Nobody wanted this
I wonder what snide and sniff will do for this page, lok
Speak for yourself, I wanted this.

Voiced WG is rare and hotter than just a flat comic
Can someone make a webm or just post the page. I don't want to pollute my feed with this
This was really good. I still hope we get the flat page tho just for the archives
Last years’ Tessa animation was 10/10
no drunken finnish accent 0/10
"It is finally done! This took me a whole week to make but the majority of it was a learning process. I think I managed to improve the concept from last year in the end!

Voices are not final for Saiya and Aika, I had to work with what I had within the time constraints but I'm very happy with how they turned out! Will keep working on them and trying different voices in the future!"

As taken from the DA post. Oh thank God the voices aren't final
I appreciate the effort Kip thank you
It's all come full circle, this entire story started with a stuffed Aika burping
Very nice. I still stand by my comment about Aika still being peckish, her appetite being galvanized by Saiya. Especially since that belch may have made some room~

Last years WHAT?!?! How did I miss that?
Yes it 100% exists… it is an animation of her belly bloating out after she presumably ate a lot of food. She’s wearing a bikini in it and moans a lot. Not sure if anyone has the link to it…
(1.5 MB, 1125x1752, IMG_5988.jpeg)
Here’s a still from the animation
She’s just so fucking hot
Hope you're all having a good one so far! Would it be safe to assume that Kip is taking a break until the new year (ie, next week)?
You too and probably a safe bet

Speaking of here’s a terrible idea, sports betting but instead it’s on how these stories turn out
Either poly or it does some “to be continued” type shit where none of them are together yet
considering how the comic has been going so far, the latter is probably gonna happen
(939 KB, 1140x647, Tlist.png)
They aren't in any particular order but these are my placements
(1.1 MB, 1282x605, t3.png)
I'm a bit biased since I'm likely to like a piece more if I like the character in it, but some of them like Chel's and Asuna's are 10/10

Kinda of a shame I didn't like Karlach's or Musashi's. I like the characters but the bellies and composition in them just don't appeal to me
(937 KB, 1140x646, my-image.png)
Big factors that influence my picks are whether I know/like a character (Sakura Matou is my waifu), preg is my main fetish so pregnant/bloated looking bellies are more appealing to me, and burps are hawt.

As a particular note I just don't like how Kip drew Hinata's face. Normally she'd be higher. Not a fan of Musashi's belly shape, burp carries the pic. Sakura is just so hot, that bloated potbelly, her massive former E Cup tits, her embarrassment, delicious. Most of D and C tier are pics that I just don't have much opinion on, none of them are what I would call "bad".
(314 KB, 1140x885, IMG_6549.jpeg)
Fuck it I’ll hop on the tier list train, seems fun. Pry gonna have a lot of stuff in different tiers of most people but I’m not exactly good at art so it is hard to see what is wrong with anatomy for me lol. Simple man, I see big belly, I like
U bitches are sick. Didnt know you spanish women liked hentai porn lmao
>>183356 You're on a porn site, you holier than thou hypocrite
Go to sleep u weird ass bitch. U on this site 24/7 stalking being strange
>>183369 dude what the fuck are you on
As of this year im over fucking seeing everything from where ever im at. You all report to me! My Dune!
Not before your mom gets it up the butt faggit. Shut the fuckk up I know where you go for supplements
No new page today. Just 401 was a normal page instead of the animation.
A little disappointing, but hey ho. Guess we're back on for Friday then.
Damn the total for this is 60 bucks with the shipping fee.....

Already bought one of each
anyone got the nami pic?
(78 KB, 640x640, FtbtpHBXsAMApL6.jpeg)
The animation is neat, but (as usual) the voice-over ruins it. One has the tone and cadence of a disinterested Burger King employee, the other is the audio embodiment of why people prefer subs over dubs. Looking at the comments section is making me second-guess every compliment I've ever received.

Are you guys really that desperate for literally any woman to read these comics out loud without insulting you?

This isn't rare. There are plenty of weight gain/inflation themed works having their quality jeopardized by random chicks on discord moaning into their microphones.

>it's just a beta they'll patch!
Dawg, leave some copium for the rest of us.
(1.2 MB, 1388x2203, NAMIBeastpirates.jpg)
Can I just say I'm not a big fan of Luffy just being in the images. Yamato and this one wouldve been great if Luffy wasn't here it just ruins it for me. Robin is his best One Piece pic by far
The disparity in quality between Nami and Luffy here is fuckin crazy
Even the Nami sucks. Her legs are insanely long, and the shading on her hair, gloves and shawl is very simple. Kip is just lazy at this point.
She got them sailor moon legs.
Well in that case it fits One Pieces wishywashy art style then

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