
(4.8 MB, 3507x2113, Doughru.png)
Last one bumplocked and we're on Zelda page day
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Nueva pagina amigos
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On the real, wake me up when Saturday hits...
my god she annihilated that pond
sonia getting some cake there. Hope it gets bigger next no the chapters
Suppose it’s not too surprising we jumped to the end of TotK’s story. Also looks like Sonia got even softer since Zelda was there (or just her actual weight instead of the chibi body she’s had up till now)
Could just be because she's lying on her back fat, but dare I suggest she might be smaller than in page 8?

Also yeah she was going to go back to normal next page, but am I also wrong for overthinking that she just went years without food presumably?
To me she looks just a little bit bigger then page 8 but just a abit smaller then 9, but honestly i an’t complaining it’s still hella good
Yeah, aside from some small details, this has been really good lol
Somebody please upload the colored sept sketches
Not really. The fact that it's called tears of the wardrobe and we only had damaged clothes happen once in sequence and once in the cover page is a disgrace.
1. It's just a clever title playing off of the title of the actual game.
2. There are still 3 pages left.
Chill tf out.
yeah you're definitely all right if you thinking the sammy supremacy'll ever end
Image the cracks in the ceiling on the floor below. Those tenants/landlord can't be happy people.
i meant to say "loonie all right" FUCK
Literally unfappable!

>They've gotten too fucking wide to share one couch, so they just returned to their respective worlds
A cure for erectile dysfunction. Imagine if there's a third one where both girls have to share one dimension again because nowhere else can sustain their gigantic body mass.
If we wanted to be technical here, she only had the one wardrobe outfit available to her at that point anyway lol

So it fits.
(3.8 MB, 3105x3385, unknown-1.png)
This is the latest timelines pic I have. Has there been new developments?
Which salt OC should have a massive futa cock?
(314 KB, 1800x1986, Halie is in heaven.jpg)
This is a good question. Of course there is always Chloe, Nat, Sammy, the two fitness dykes and the other two dykes. But in all honesty, it should be, Hallie. You gotta figure all of them are pillow princesses anyway so the only way a Nat x Halie hot lesbian sex would work is if Halie is actually a futa/shemale or a femboy. I spend almost a minute thinking about it and this is the most logical and sane option.
About as unlikely as Salt drawing fat males. That man will never draw a cock, no matter who it is on.
Been waiting ages for this, today is good


The vast majority of people only find one sex hot and I'm sick of these people who will argue to the end that "anything fat is hot" be it woman, man, animal, household objects.

I and many other fat fetishists wouldn't date a fat man in real life so I don't know why all the other bi fetishists seem to think they're in the vast majority.
Imagine being so horny, lonely and terminally online that you end up as a gay furry kek. The community has normalized this shit too much
Anything fat is hot though. In my ideal fantasy world everyone gets fat at some point. I personally think mutual weight gain is a very underrated kink. If that makes me bi, then so be it. Although I'm sure there are some bi men among us who only like fat women and not fat men.
To be fair the vast majority of us fat lovers are very very autistic. Liking fat just isn't the norm and if you do like fat you were either dropped as a baby or you were just fucked up to begin with.
At least he seems happier than you fucking nigger
(3.0 MB, 1668x1880, Sammy coffee.png)
Based and fatpilled. 2 700 pounders fucking like rabbits and going through the floor is top tier. Sammy deserves a man as fat as her.
He seems happier because he's a flaming autogynephilic? Retards also seem happy, but nobody wants to be have an extra chromosome.
>Bi men who prefer women and not men
It's a misandrist world.
>fat men = useless retards with celibate genitalia
>fat women = bigger the pelvis, the more fertile
Have you seen men celebrating their own morbidly obesity?
(4.9 MB, 3008x1686, Stuffed Turkeys.png)
>he has a small penis
>he thinks everyone has a small penis like him
Sad, many such cases. Let me guess, you also have stick legs, don't you?
You started with a baseless assumption that someone's happy because they agree with you homo, then got teeth-nashingly mad when I pointed that out.
Personally I find you vile, and even if I didn't the bbw board isn't the place for you. Do everyone else a favour and keep your tranny fantasies where they belong.
So in addition to the regular faggots we now have literal faggots shitting up this thread. Go where you belong.
Lmao based fellow mutual fan
(218 KB, 1280x1813, close_encounters_of_the_fat_kind_by_better_with_salt_dee44b3-fullview.jpg)
>You started with a baseless assumption that someone's happy because they agree with you homo
Inbred, no such thing was even >implied let alone assumed, nor inferred for that matter. What was assumed and >implied was that you are a fart huffing retard, and here you are, proving me right. Use that big brain of yours.

>then got teeth-nashingly mad when I pointed that out
Suck-start a spas, midwits deserve the rope.

>Do everyone else a favour and keep your tranny fantasies where they belong.
>out of absolutely nowhere
Kek. Is that what /pol/ teaches newfags these days, sad, so so sad, truly sad.
It's a fun watch. Watch the dub.
(75 KB, 784x1145, media_FZiVF0CXkAAO2UQ.jpg)
>Watch the dub
I've been stuck in mangos and outside of any group centered around talking about anime, so I gotta ask, is there some kind of new meme about the spiritual successor of 4Kids, Crunchyroll?
OMFG!! This explicit is GODLY, that insane belly with that gorgeous belly button, damn
Mutual garbage is just another autogynephilic fantasy.
If you see yourself as the object of your own desire, in this case, fat, then not only is your sexuality broken, you're on the road to becoming a tranny. I'm starting to miss the old moderation for stomping on how quicky they would stomp on vitrolic wastes of oxygen like you in these threads.
(591 KB, 1358x956, Fast_Food_2.png)
>Mutual garbage is just another autogynephilic fantasy.
Retard. Autogynephilic fantasy in this context would be (You) in a lesbian sex fantasy with Sammy.

>If you see yourself as the object of your own desire, in this case, fat, then not only is your sexuality broken, you're on the road to becoming a tranny.
Another retarded take. In your retarded case, everyone who watches straight porn is a tranny. You waxing your dick to Salt's art is tranny behavior. Do you understand what you're typing?

>I'm starting to miss the old moderation for stomping on how quicky they would stomp on vitrolic wastes of oxygen like you in these threads.
Not only are you retarded, you're also a comformist bootlicker. This actually explains quite a lot.
Chill the fuck out and shut the fuck up. You make people who don’t like mutual look bad. I say this as one of those people.
Having an object for your sex drive is normal, turning that onto yourself is not. Hilarious to see you seethe after fucking around and finding out that this is the one of the few places where people will still call you a faggot when you post about how much you love dick. Go back to twitter if you want a hugbox.
Anyway, say less, cry more. I'm not going to waste anymore time arguing with a future suicide statistic like yourself.
>"go cry to your hugbox"
>is crying about someone disagreeing with him
if i had a nickel for every time I've seen this happen I could be the next lucyguy
>"say less, cry more"
> writes multiple paragraphs crying and moaning because someone says they like something else
do you realize how fucking autistic you look?
Out of all of Salt’s art I think this one is my favorite. The idea of fucking a 400+lbs woman’s belly button is so mind numbingly hot!
Does Salt draw lolis?
I hope not
Salt really needs to draw Makoto or Takemi.
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Colored versions of some drawings that I liked, (I tried to imitate the style of the original illustrations)
>fags seething in replies
>you’re calling me gay and retarded, well I admit I am but so are you!
The most tiresome of faggot cope. metro coon tier.
Good job man, we have to cope with our lack of the colored sept sketches
Has anyone thought about making a bws OC tier-list?
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Nueva pagina amigos
How the hell did she get through the door?
Nice page, surprised the top fits if the bottom is tearing up. Also I guess it throws out my theory on how she didn't gain anything if she presumably had to eat all those years. She simply didn't.

Also chocolate girl belly grab pose lol
Could probably wiggle your way into it or she's been waiting there for some time after getting stuck lol
News flash: Not everybody thinks the same way as you.
>Waaaah, muh fetish u got small peepee
So Mike Myers has also small dick insecurities? Because thanks to him Fat Bastard became the face r/fatpeoplehate, it's not funny when your fetish becomes the butt of the joke.

Mr. Terminal Online Sperg, meet Dr. Now
so is this the last page or is there one more? i cant remember
I believe there's two more
i hope the next couple panels are just them smashing
>Zelda tearfully apologizing for her condition
The penis in my heart is fully erect
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I guess we could add this into it, but I’m not sure if Areku would wanna add all the little sketches as well…
>from frame four to five
How did their faces get closer together, with her gigantic gut in between?
would be funny if the next page shows link had to fucken climb on top of her to get that kiss because doesn't make much sense
also a bit sad to see sonia go, wanted to see her get bigger but whatevs
Same tbh salt needs to do more b/g stuff
Anyone have the explicit version of Phoenix grilled, the one with Kiara and Mori?
Who doesn't love a big girl I hope link makes her immobile

People got the salt threads mixed up
This thread's about the artist, better with salt, not the angry kind of salt
twitter police is gonna freak when they see these pages
Chuds seriously love making up arguments to get mad at. This thread needs some clean up
Your just angry as ghosts brother…
have you actually been on twitter you retard, they eat this shit up there
Go to therapy or at least touch grass bro
That navel was built for fuckin.
(74 KB, 1447x356, image_2023-11-15_123552579.png)
I'm not mad at the pages, I'm laughing at the eventual melt down.
The last time someone suggested that link isn't trans or non-binary they(twitter trash) freaked out.
For what? Making fun of retards on twitter?
wish there were more pages of her actually eating..
Link the slim proving that he's not a twink. Seriously have the guy's instincts kick in when his girlfriend can barely fit the door frame is a top tier kink, reminds me of another drawing of Zelda suffocating Link with her gigantic ass.
Which drawing are you talking about?
People post art of Link and Zelda together every single fucking day on Twitter and every other platform, nobody gives a fuck. Again, seems like you're making shit up to get mad at (as if the people you're reffering were to care about some niche fat porn comic or follow BWS)
Why can't Link just be bisexual so he can have the best of both worlds

Radicul left chwitter be canchelling all thhe schtraights again ermahgerd MAHHHM
Link is supposed to be a blank slate for the player to project on, so I guess this is canon
Everyone who likes this artist's work, which should be everyone who clicks onto this thread in the first place?
I mainly meant the comic…
The Salt thread really does live up to its name.
They told her to plop her fat ass down somewhere and built the house around her.
Fucking love the way he’s been drawing legs recently. Just so fucking fat
Made for belly button fucking
Is there a thread for belly button fucking? Some anon here really seems to like it.
why are these fatties so fuckable bros
I'm considering creating a lucy thread. There's so much Lucy stuff I think it should be separated from all other Salt art. What do you guys think?
no. hate lucy guys stuff but this is just pointless, keep it in the salt thread
eh fuck it, do it. You may get shot down, but as long as I don't have to be face to face with that cunt, I say do it.
Don't you mean the Fairy Tale anime thread? :^)
Holy fuck, i need that next page NOW
Really decent, but this page is just kinda filler for a the bigger surprise, it feels great but incomplete for me sadly
Seems like that's exactly the point of it tho
I’m gonna save my full thoughts on the final page…
The silhouette makes her look like fat human Bender
Yeah, as I said, even if ot was the point it makes this whole page lose some value, but still is great stuff tho, I ain't hating
Ugh, kinda sucks that we're gonna have to wait 4 days for the final page, especially when this was all we got. Bet the foot fetishists are loving this
I get it, would've been better if this and the next page were released at the same time. The next one doesn't come out until thursday and since it's Thanksgiving who knows if it gets delayed or we get a special drawing that day instead
Who knows, maybe salt will grace us and give it tuesday
Funny. I didn’t know this was a Comedy Chan
Safe to say she’s hit immobility
So does this mean Zelda still has her Secret Stone or does she just somehow have the Recall ability?
I think she still has it, haven't played the game in a long time though
(552 KB, 1183x542, IMG_0835.jpeg)
Assuming symmetry Zelda be huge
Honestly, now I'm just thinking there are two Links because of some time travel shenanigans that both want to fulfill her desires lol

Also nice idea with the symmetry there. I do hope it's some kind of two page spread type of illustration.
And while I have some doubts due to his ocs and Thanksgiving stuff (and sketches), any calls for an extra extra page happening, like an epilogue of sorts?
I would have assumed the Secret Stone merged to become part of her body when she ate it, which meant that it pretty much completely disappeared when Rauru and Sonia un-dragonised her.

However in the game, the other Sages are capable of using their powers before they even find the stones, so I guess the stones aren't necessary for using the Sage powers and all that matters is that you just need to be taught how?
Lmao! That would actually be hilarious, and could work in the LoZ world. Two Links running into each other at the same time feeding one Zelda. Can’t blame her she’s hungry - calling all Links 😂
Maybe he found the foursword and there's four of him
All these Links bound together by their fondue wheel of fate. All Links on the color spectrum each giving the one Zelda their cheese of preference to an unsatiated princess after 1000+ years of unbriddled hunger.
Which btw, it's not story driven, but I dislike how Zelda contradicts the fact she was sleeping for those 1000 years, but was still able to acknowledge the hunger after the fact.
I imagine it's like when you're dreaming, need a pee in the dream and suddenly wake up and have to run before you pee yourself, except without the waking up part and hunger instead of the need to pee
I suppose so. Well, I don't know how long they live for, but let's hope she's fed for 1000 years worth of cheese.

Speaking if timelines, not counting the big gap, how long do you think the time of weight gain took?
I guess either 2 years 5 months or 2 years 8 months (depending on how you interpret the initial time.
Last Zelda page today?
Hell yeah. Someone else who loves both Sammy and mutual gaining :)
Aww, look at that soft gaze link has at her
(26 KB, 240x204, rating.png)
usual good art at all sizes, i mentally checked out a little after she fell in the pit simply because my taste in size passed its limit, but yknow pretty good otherwise, no major emphasis on plot, nice focus on gain and the gain only, and it didnt feel rushed or dragged
Is this the first time Salt draws an actual blob face?
Honestly, just a good endpoint overall for Salt. Was able to appeal to his fans of all sizes throughout the 13 pages (I wondered what it would have been with 11).

Inb4 any could be bigger comments, those sizes seem to just be for Nikume and Serena. Sometimes others get close lol
If it was 11, I feel like the last two parts would've have been around, instead ending with the kiss.
You think he would have avoided small blob sizes if it was kept to 11 pages?
Holy fuck what a fat chin! A literal neckbeard one would say...
Throughly satisfied. Good time was had by all. Wonderful comic. Can't wait to see what he cooks up next
How much do you think she weighs now?
Glorious neck. Always a fan of when artists focus on the neck at any size.
Don't be ridiculous. She's closer to 1000.
Her leg is bended in the wrong direction. That thigh roll and saddle ass roll should be smaller. Or her foot and calf should be under her gut.
1) Her leg is spread out because it's pushed by her gut 2) The thigh and ass are ALWAYS larger than the foot and calf 3) See point 1
I'd say more like 1500.

Actually a weight estimation thread would be nice
Anybody have the colored sketch of Mei Kamino from Godzilla Singular Point?
More Nat and Halie when?
(4.3 MB, 3008x1686, Stuffed Turkeys.png)
Hopefully today. I think he released the last comic page earlier to post a Thanksgiving drawing today like last year
>>178591 happy Thanksgiving you faggots
Thank you Gumball Watterson, have a nice Thanksgiving day yourself too!
>Stuffed Turkeys 2: Electric Boogaloo
All of them fatter. Yes!
Where Thanksgiving pic
Finally, Nicole’s back. And less of that fucking Cunt Halie the better
I wanted Nat but I can't complain since he brought Nicole back and much bigger. I saw the blurry thumbnail on Patreon and thought it was Lucy for a second...
Jesus dude... you need therapy if you're getting that fucking tilted about a fictional character. Especially one like Halie who's a good person...
god dam this was a good surprise
Her character honestly fits so well since it’s Thanksgiving.
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I mean I’ve had thoughts about both her and Chloe meeting these two lovelies. (If you know, you know)
Very well but...what exactly do you have against this character exactly?
No idea… guess I’m just not a fan of her… or Chloe for that matter…
Post so fucking deranged I can't actually tell if this is bait.
I can tell you to start taking your normal pills right the fuck now if it isn't, though.
why do threads always devolve into this kind of shit
I think the worst part about this is that you're using fucking webp
Oh no the fucking analog horror monsters!!!!!!!! ahhhhh!!! What are you 11
Try looking at these images on your phone in a dark room.
Now lightly wobble your phone
Marin and Yor winning in the newest polls and they are the only characters I know lol
What's supossed to happen?
Could someone pls colour the fubuki one the fifth one
Salt opened a feedback post about the comic on Patreon, it does include a poll too. From what I gather:

>Most people are Zelda fans by far
>There's a small preference towards the comic-style pages he used in previous projects than the webcomic-style he used on this one
>Most people liked the balance between story and fanservice
>The "pacing was too fast" option has slightly more votes than the "pacing was adequate option"
>More people want a similar project with OCs although it's not significant amount over the ones who want something with a established IP
>Obviously most of the feedback is positive, a comic focused on his OCs is a popular request

What do you think?
Hell no, that’s just gonna turn into something like that fucking Kip comic
Why? As long as said comic has a clear outline and goal it shouldn't devolve into Kipslop
I mainly just mean the characters being fucking miserable to watch. Especially that cunt Chloe.
>>178890 is that boobs Mackenzie from yandere sim?
Chloe's a bitch but what's so "fucking miserable" about the others?
Halie is a fucking self insert, you can’t tell me otherwise.
I mean, isn't every feeder character to some extent?
>>178890 Is that Emi "fat of she" Isuzi?
I don’t know why I care so much, but I love the framed drawing of Zelda in the background.
>She likes fat girls, she's totally Salt you guys

Are you genuinely retarded?
(865 KB, 1896x1460, wallywood22panel2560a.jpg)
>There's a small preference towards the comic-style pages he used in previous projects than the webcomic-style he used on this one
This is something I wish more fat fetish artists had the courage to admit. Scroll-heavy webcomic formats suck because it doesn't take into account the different screen resolutions users are reading on. I remember getting into argument about this over bigbig's webcomics on /bbwalt/ a couple months ago. I'm always having to open webcomic pages in a new tab, click to zoom, then zoom out by such and such percentage just to get a good look at the next part of the sequence. It's annoying, and the longer the webcomic is the more annoying it gets (because I'm focusing more on tab management at that point than staying aroused). Formatting their canvases to print-replica size—whether it be the western comic book A4 or Japanese tankobon B6 would add a lot to their compositions, and open the possibility of selling physical copies down the line. Someone please show Salt "22 Panels That Always Work" by Wally Wood if he hasn't seen it already.
>prosthetic arms
>katashojou reference
Its over. One of the girls will be converted to paraplegic OC soon.
Hell yes. More Sammy = More Sammy.
>physical copies
do you really want physical evidence of your perversion sitting around your living space?
I mean I got the Unabomber’s book on my coffee table, the sky is the limit at this point
nah that's something to be proud of
Sounds more like Belt Buster’s comic, if anything.
I already do! Aside from my Tsuji Santa and Q-six figures, I got that two volume set collecting Namio Harukawa's work (RIP). I have the only Senor Daietsu tank to ever exist, and am currently waiting on three Muronaga Chaashuu tanks to ship as well. I'm also the same guy who brought up physical copies in the Fusa thread; probably gonna snag some volumes of Uru's giantess maid manga as well. I've gotten to a point in my life where I just genuinely enjoy this kink and wouldn't mind having evidence sitting around my living space, yes.
another one converted men, we're winning
That piece is just heavenly, so insanely good!
Nat, Chloe, Halie, Sammy and the 2 dykes in a post-apocalyptic zombie survival comic.
You know you want to see it as much as I do.
But how would Halie fatten them all up with such limited supplies? Wouldn't they all have to lose weight to stand a better chance of survival? I have several questions on your vision for this situation, anon.
Not when fat logic is applied. Halie can bake zombie flesh into all sorts of things.
That's one happy dragon girl! I hope she gets a full color picture soon!
Based but I don’t think he did her gut justice. That thing looks way more unwieldy and bigger in the first pick. Ffs look at her elbowing it
Full disclosure I think this >>179023 is his best pick since the demon lord part timer one though
My beloved Komi and Megumin
Fat girls eating undead human flesh would not make me horny, anon. That is not a good idea unless they were on their own and all taken prisoner by some sort of raiding faction and brought back to their compound to be kept as feedee slaves or something. That might be hot, but not survival. Too many questions and too much disbelief to suspend for me.
This but I kill the artist, not the innocent fat chick.
Now we need the colored sept sketches
This is like the Nami sequel all over again. Not hating but...it may as well be a different drawing of the same character and not sequel
Man, I wish this was real, it would get me to buy a Persona game
>Drawing of the same character at a larger size than the original
>I wouldn't call it a sequel though
Man some people will say anything to complain huh?
>>179420 part of me was referring to the Mercyful Fate song lol
for real lol, I immediately pulled up the original and the nude version. She has gained at least 150 lbs
This piece gotta be one of my favorites, that angle is glorious to show her round shape & the texture is so well done!. PD: Ann is my favorite female character from Persona
>>179402 If you could play on PC there are mods for Ann, Mika, Makoto, Sae, and Futaba with more on the way. Three sizes for each with all outfits.
And what makes you think I'm talking about the size? For me a good sequel isn't just about drawing the same character but bigger. The scenario, composition, tone, angle, etc matter too. That's why I said it looks more like a random drawing of the same character and not an actual sequel
So you want the same thing again but bigger?

Man you're boring
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Where's the sketches, William?
Share your fav bws pics
I like the bottom left one, I wonder who the character is.
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On the topic of Areku, this little chibi Nikume from a recent commission is just so fucking cute
What’s the full picture?
Get it, cos she's making pancakes?

Alright, I'll see myself out...
LET HIM COOK, really great work!🥵 Still the Ann continuation it's my favorite of the month
Who’s the bottom right?
That's hot! It would be nice to see some pieces of Oku and Kuroeda
>>179932 Oku would look really good in Salt's artstyle, considering the fact she's chubby all around.
Salt's done a bunch of sketches and a couple drawings of Kumiko, but the one here, top middle, has to be one of my favorites yet. Great butt
What does it mean by crossover thing?
Did some people discuss what the weight of Salt’s OC’s were? I wonder what happened to it
Hey guys, salt dropped the newsletter. Can anyone post it please? WIPs included?
Who's the character on the bottom middle is that Rebecca Bluegarden?
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Fine, I'll do it myself.

Hi everyone!

December has begun so it's time to share the newsletter for this month!

Let's start with the poll winners for the month:

Firstly, for this year's Christmas Upgrade Poll winner, we have Pramanix from Arknights:

She will be upgraded into a piece during streams tonight and on Thursday, so come in and watch if you'd like!

Next, for the winners of the Explicit Edit Poll we have A Sweet Surprise, and Soft Seduction:

These edits showing a little bit more of Sammy, Serena and Nikume will posted throughout the month.

And last but not least, we have our winner of this year's Christmas Poll, Marin Kitagawa from My Dress-Up Darling:

She will receive an original piece, posting close to Christmas.

I also have some WIPs of upcoming content:

And there will also be some Christmasy surprises posting throughout the month.

That's everything for now. I hope you all have a fun time this holiday season and enjoy what I have to share with you all!
Let her cook, I mean let her eat ;)
When you drink the wrong fluid
Gonna need a before reference image, stat
I've waited for the one for a good minute to be remade
>>180345 Honestly I want the Rosa one from April of 2018 redone.
That glow up is amazing!! How things have changed this far!
Nothing today?
death-feederism enthusiast endgame
They gain weight
That line will likely never continue.
That fubuki needs to get colored too cute
>>180522 damn my comment got deleted lol
>>180596 Oh yes we did...or oh yes she did?
Wasn't the original sketch at the right side?-
Gotta love it when Miku takes advantage of the partnership
>>180613 Honestly, despite the memes and the Vocaloid partnership, even though I don't live in the Midwest anymore, Casey's makes some great pizza for a gas station chain, and they're one of my favorites.

Anyone else?
Sooooooo, how much would it actually cost me to commission a Chloe vs Sammy fighting over food while Nat and Halie watch?

Never hurts to ask.

I’d guess $200 for a full color shaded image with multiple figures
Some nice pieces of meat Samantha is packing
dam, i know that the good stuff is expensive but dam
best early christmas present so far
My statement on Chloe and Halie still stand, they are both miserable pieces of shit that need to be killed in the savage ways possible.
Well, I just have one question for you, who asked?
C'mon man, I can understand having a hateboner from Chloe as she keeps getting fatter and fatter against her will, but Halie? Girl is meant as a self insert so that Natfags can be crushed under Nat as Halie.
You're just doing this for attention now aren't you

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