
(399 KB, 680x494, Schizo Thread.png)
In leu of the inevitable site shutdown I would like to revise the infamous "discussion thread" regarding artists and other notable figures in this niche.
Keep schizophrenia to a minimum and don't fall for obvious bait.
>>173515 (OP)
Better-with-salt’s OCs suck. Except for four of them.
Bubblina is trash, I don't know who's paying 40$ for trash
>>173515 (OP)
too many big artists do flavour of the month constantly

its much better to see small artists (whose art may not be that good) do characters not often requested or commissioned
i dated an artist and i got her to draw a panel of a fat fetish comic where im the main character (feeder)

still havent met anyone as fun as her
The main ones? Or swap Chloe with Courtney?
The four safe ones are Shannon, Courtney, Selene and the witch that he did for Halloween in 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2020, everyone else is mid or completely insufferable.
Can we see the artwork?
Possibly the unpopular opinion to end all unpopular opinions but as the ship sinks I may as well say it while I still can.

Anime girls in general are overrated both in terms of attractiveness and just as characters, and I’ve always found it annoying that they dominate fat art when I think western animation and video games have much better (and also much worse, to be fair), and I think a lot of artists are wasting their talents by focusing so much on them and it makes a lot of art look samey since they look so similar to each other.

So long and thanks for all the fats, bbwchan
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I think most 'artists' in this community don't deserve payment. Half the shit I see is barely mediocre and not worth my attention let alone my money.

This is coming from a fag who does shill out money for like five different Patreons.
What's everyone's artist tier list or top 5 artists?
>>173564 No order whatsoever, but BWS (shocker), Maxfullbody, Kawaiidebu, Kappass (when he's not posting fat guys), and Dasan.
No order either, but Salt, Fusa, Belt Buster, debuiscool, Pixiveo
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Insane Ranting V21/"Civil Discussion" was simultaneously the highest and lowest point of these threads. Don't know if there were any more after that, but that thread was actually some of the most civil conversations I've seen on this site. Of course, everything went to crap as soon as the usual schizo's found it and started up their usual nonsense, Jiren-Poster included. Some of the old threads were pretty fun too. The one where we managed to bait 5 different "important people in the community" into the thread was funny.
No particular order. Not even sure if these are my top 10 but: BWS, Herumonlulu, Miramiraclerun, Hypnagogum, Darkfireballz, Gnibbles, Fefero, Popposa, Belt Buster and some stuff by Foxfire/Toroboro/1halfofZhuliHuli/That guy that hides his art on Bambooale's patreon.
I have not been on this site long. Only came here to find some artist and writers archives. But as shit as this site could be sometimes, occasionally there would be some gold (Insert the entire essay someone made analysing how Toroboro's OCs changed).
Don't really know how the new site is gonna turn out, but we'll just have to wait and see I suppose
I don't think they're popular here... But certain Pro.Doc. C pics are hot as hell.
I wrote half of the early "feed the previous guy" bhm posts.
Oh, and next go around, show elite some more love everybody. Shit was so slow there.
The Mariana Trench
Everyone else

You are spared. I love Courtney.
So they don't suck then
I swear sometimes it felt like I was the only one there in days. It was a ghost town half the time.

- I'm the main contributor for 1/4 of all posts in the "images that make you go wtf" thread.
- The only reason I have half the social media accounts I do is literally just so I can look at NSFW art since more and more sites are asking people to sign in.
- I have done an embarrassing amount of research into determining whether or not the slob cabal was actually real
- I spent a small amount of money on a J-BBW's fantia only to immediately be like "Wow, that was shit." and that was enough to make me stop being into IRL feederism and pornography all-together

I like the theory that Nihijack is an "community plant". Dude post 1 single piece of artwork and the entire community was drawing his OC and treating him like a king of goth girl OCs even though he barely did anything. I really liked his art though. Would love if he comed back.
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Man, something I need to say is just how insufferable fat artists can be. IDK why, but almost all of them have this "I'm better than you" shit about them. The "drama" is also something that I just fucking loathe. Why the fuck am I supposed to care about a group of people who make wack-off art?
In some particular order: BeltBuster, RounderSofter, Hypnagogum, Meatpedal, and Butty-Butter.
Honestly, salt is such a basic bitch favorite IMO.
Well, in my case it's not a take, more of a "asking recommendations". I love Miramiraclerun's artstyle, and since he barely draws something every four months: are there any artists that kind of ressemble his artstyle? I wish I could be more specific, but no other artist "scratches that itch" as Miramira does.
>>173950 (Cross-thread)
I wouldn't say he "scratches the same itch", but some of Fefero's old art looked like it heavily used Mira's art as reference. Probably not the best comparison though. There really isn't too many other artists that are in quite the same vain as Mira
Aw shucks, well, I'll go and check old fefero's art in that case. Thanks for the recommendation!
Salt, Kurocaze, SweetDreamCoffee, YummySinpie, Pixiveo
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Man I missed these threads honestly. they turned to shit after a while but the first few were great, sometimes you just gotta vent a little and you can't do that anywhere else. I will say this though, I think there are more quality fat artists than ever lately and its nice that so many of them do large sizes too.
But to the FE fans in the fat art community, if you're not going to play any of the older games at least try to go for different characters from the same few games instead of Corrin and Edelgard.
Anyway cheers.

>Honestly, salt is such a basic bitch favorite IMO.
Kinda agree but he's just really good at what he does. I think his immobile/really large sizes don't look good on the other hand.
Forgot to add one thing I wanted to mention, YCHs always feels overpriced for what they are. I get that it isn't just filling pieces in with the paint bucket but their base often already doesn't look that good and sometimes they come with too specific scenarios.
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Fucking spot on. That's why I love rounder, softer. Say what you will about that Tana and Erika sequence, he at least was giving some attention to a lot of different characters. He drew Minerva, and that was enough for me.

Also, fair about salt. But I just think he's the bar at this point. If you get what I mean. We all know he's the top tier, and we all know that unless some shit happens and his quality drops off the face of the earth, he'll still be good.
Roundersofter is easily my favorite artist right now, lots of different sizes and he himself also just seems like a nice guy. Hope he continues the Eirika and Tana sequence.
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Seems like he is. if anything from the FE thread was to go off of. Fingers crossed FEbro.
>Kinda agree but he's just really good at what he does. I think his immobile/really large sizes don't look good on the other hand.
This 100% BBW is does good, SSBBW he does great, USSBBW he does good. Anything more than that he doesn't do too well, but it's far from terrible I'd say.
>Corrin and Edelgard.
I'm pretty sure most of the Edelgard art you see nowadays are all comms from the same person.
Rounder Softer does really nice shading. Not the biggest fan of when he does blobs, but he still does good shit
My butt's itchy
It sucks this shit is going the way of the buffalo, it was so good for consistent piracy. Where the hell am I supposed to get bbw stuff I can't find on kemono?
Heck, I'd say most Fire Emblem art in general is made of commissions by the same two or three people. Kind of a shitty thing to have a rich elite, but whatever
His pokemon stuff was good, the rest you can throw out tbh. This new transformers kick he's on is fucking AIDS
>>173515 (OP)
>In leu of the inevitable site shutdown
Excuse me, what?
Saxxon's art is extremely ugly with too many walls of text, and I never understood why this site was so enamored with him.
>>173515 (OP)
So what's the ETA of the site being shutdown?
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Since this thread's around, I may as well try to articulate something about WG/fat art that's been bothering me for a long time.

Just because this community is centered around fatties, doesn't mean you're not allowed to have standards with them. Fixating on shit like the elephant powerup, characters who make offhanded references to overeating/weight gain, or 'chubby' characters with no personality just comes off as desperate like all the stereotypes about fat admirers/chubby chasers/whatever tend to say.
I always understood it to be the same kind of enamouring view as a car crash, or a forest fire, or on-air meltdown. It’s not interesting cause of the quality, but instead the sheer lunacy of it
There's something about the people in the scene that spend 24/7 on their fetish accounts and just endlessly hornypost all day everyday for years straight and have to tie every single conversation back to their fetish, that fills me with some kind of primal repulsion. The kinds of people I don't wish to become
>Just because this community is centered around fatties, doesn't mean you're not allowed to have standards with them. Fixating on shit like the elephant powerup, characters who make offhanded references to overeating/weight gain, or 'chubby' characters with no personality just comes off as desperate like all the stereotypes about fat admirers/chubby chasers/whatever tend to say.

Completely agree with you.
More related to your last point and a partially a matter of my own personal opinion, but fetish art works better if it's on an established character I already give a fuck about than some artists (usually) awful OC.
The western artist scene is awful for anyone who's not into the never ending stream of bitchy lesbian OCs.
I like it for the hedonism and sizes but he frequently also draws shapes I'm not into or overdoes it even for what I'm into. The text can easily be ignored.

Fully seconded about the powerup, I have no fucking idea how people are into something as hideous as elephant Peach. But I get wanting to do something with characters that mention they like to eat.

Yes thank you, established characters make any piece of fat art so much better than an OC I have no attachment to. Also this is more subjective than anything else but so many OCs don't even look that appealing when you're not into furries, demons or whatever.
im retarded why is this site shutting down?
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Pic related.
Ultimately I'm kind of put off at how picky artists have become when it comes to taking commissions, what you want always seems to come a distant third to their own taste or whatever's going to get them the most engagement on twitter.
I don't want to end up like the furry fandom where artists will uncritically draw hideous sparkledog OCs shitting into each other's mouths, but when you need to roll up with references for your favorite Nintendo character instead of your waifu to secure a slot I'm soured on the entire commission process.
This has always creeped me out too, there's sharing horny thoughts on things once in a while but when you're constantly in "unga bunga" mode it feels like they're either playing it up for engagement from their followers or genuinely have a porn addiction that usually tends to lead to them trooning out. It's like the gooning shit I see people post about, it's repulsive and the fact people are so brazen about it is obnoxious.
>>173515 (OP)
The vast majority of fetish artists (not everyone, but most) have zero respect for any of their fans and viewers and in some cases it seems like they perceive themselves as superior human beings to all of these worthless paypiggies. You literally cannot trust a single fetish artist, ALWAYS save your favorite drawings from them the moment they appear, no matter how nice, humble and reliable the person seems, he/she can betray you in a heartbeat without warning. So many artists just remove everything without explanation or warning, INCLUDING THE COMMISSIONS, which's incredibly scummy. No, you weren't "drawing for yourself", if that was the case, then you wouldn't have posted any of your drawings on social media, you clearly want validation and attention for your skills, so you reach out to all of the randos on the net. Their decision to give you their time, attention and (sometimes) money is something they give you in exchange for your craft, it's not much different than people paying to have their phone lines fixed or their walls painted, so don't act like you require some special privileges or praises compared to everyone else or have it worse than everyone else (yes, I am looking at you, PressurizedPleasure). Seriously, before you post your artwork on the interent, consider whether you'll try to keep it on the net out of your own volition for as long as you can or if you're gonna feel "quirky" at some point and delete it for some retarded reason. If you're leaning towards the latter option, do everyone a favor and NEVER POST YOUR ART, EVER. Just keep it on your hard drive, draw for yourself, only show it to your closest friends, because once you introduce it to the internet, it becomes fair for people to react to something appearing on their "virtual public square". They have all the rights to be mad at its presence or sudden absence and you either accept it or stop interacting with them.

Sorry (not sorry), I just had to get this disjointed, visceral tangent out of my system, it's been on my mind for quite a while. I have no idea why bbwchan is shutting down, which is saddening, but this also seemed like the perfect opportunity to finally come clean about all of my feelings regarding the sizeable chunk of my favorite fetish artists nuking their accounts without warning. Every instance of that occuring felt incredibly painful and depressing and the process of recovering the favorite pieces from my past is always filled with genuine despair and deep sorrow.

So long, my friends.
>>173515 (OP)
First of all, why is the website shutting down?
Also, I have never liked BedBendersInc
I'll sure forget some, but:
Go check gen, it's all laid out
If an artist isn't a full time pro with sufficient backing on Patreon, they probably will eventually delete their stuff. If their posting is about just having fun, and they they get bored... yeaaa.

Site is shutting down because for some reason after squishing these discussion threads and deleted all quality discussion in all other threads, and removing all reason for artists to come here and interact or even just get mad at the site and discuss the site - viewership significantly diminished. Viewership down, ads paying less and less people to see the ads - now there isn't enough money to pay the hosting bill.

On the bright side, Kipteitei's feelings have been spared through their countless efforts in deleting all discussions here. Mods just needed to ensure the death of this entire website.

Oh and also being asleep at the wheel and letting CP posts stay up on the front page is resulting in the domain being seized. They couldn't moderate and delete those as swiftly as they deleted all the discussion threads.
I was against this threads getting banned but you're seriously deluded if you think it had any hand on the death of the site. Fact of the matter is that sites like this aren't really sustainable unless there are actual financial backers behind to keep up the funds
>Reducing exposure the site had from scene influence's with established follower bases from advertising the site didn't contribute to the death of the site!
>Deleting power users' posts ensuring they wouldn't waste their time posting again didn't contribute to the death of the site!
>Removing a reason for users to check back often to see the latest thing going on didn't contribute to the death of the site!
>Driving users away from the site didn't contribute to the death of the site!

Ahh jeez, I'm so deluded!

>Fact of the matter is that sites like this aren't really sustainable unless there are actual financial backers behind to keep up the funds

The advertising the site had generated funds for the site when they had users. Barclay's chief reason for site failure is:
>reduced visitor numbers, which stymied ad revenue

Wonder how that happened?????? It couldn't be running the contributing users off the site by deleting their contributions, shutting down all discussions of anything worth a new user joining this site to read, and removing the site from any word of mouth advertising that'd let a new user even find this site.

If 99% of the sites' users want to post and shit on Kipteitei, fine, that's the site. If you delete 99% of the posts on the site and run off 99% of its users, what do you have? Remove all the discussion from the Kip thread, the hottest thread on this board. Tell them to make another one. Then delete that one too. Okay 99% of your users are gone.

I feel like I'm writing 2+2 over and over again and somehow it never occurred to the site runners.
>Ahh jeez, I'm so deluded!
Yes. I'm guessing you were one of the terminally online schizos that lived in that thread going by your response.
>>173515 (OP)
No goddamn clue where I'm going to go after this besides scrolling twatter or some shit but it's been a good run lads.
In no order:
>Yes. I'm guessing you were one of the users on this site that posted things. The reason anyone visits this site!
Actually brain dead.

Yea guys, let's just get back to the final civil discussion. The reasons why the site is failing is so incredibly obvious yet can't be seen by anyone.


Question: What's your favorite weight gain comic? Why?
The fact you brought them up I take it he's still a piece of shit that takes advantage of his simp army, then?
When I last checked these threads the board was so fucking compromised that even "mean words" on this fake chan board were getting censored anyways.

Anything new beyond the everlasting "when are they going to get to the fireworks factory?" Patreon scam?
Though I'm surprised you listed Pixiveo as a favorite artist, I recall them not much being much better than him in that regard not to mention he'd drawn a lot of Kips bland as fuck OCs.
Don't expect this kind of shit to go away anytime soon when retards have made it so profitable for no actual lewds, only light touching and rare nudity.

The only time I saw the artists the mods so feverishly defended talk about this site is to shit on it from twitter and try to moral grandstand about mean old chan culture.
I remember another discussion here about how some artists were pissed about piracy, but then they pirate each others stuff also, that one was hilariously hypocritical of them.
Don't remember which ones do that though.
(102 KB, 1205x901, Leading Rat Meat Expert Pixiveo.PNG) (111 KB, 1027x776, Highest Quality Rats You'll Ever Eat, That's the Pixiveo Promise.PNG) (39 KB, 1149x216, Dead Rats Smell Good.PNG) (53 KB, 1084x415, I'll Fuckin Do It Again.PNG)
>I'm surprised you listed Pixiveo as a favorite artist
I know, I can't help myself. Pixiveo may be a part of the rat cult but his style is really pleasing, those girls look so soft.

I fished up old posts by the rat cult and I couldn't believe my eyes. Look. Artists used to mention this place, because people could speak here in the past. If you don't like your fat girls eating rats, say it. That shouldn't be banned speech here. It generates discourse, it generates site visits.

I'm making a stand! No rat or gum blobs in weight gain comics!!!
Not even joking I'll miss this place. It was nice to have a place to vent and joke around about shit that I can't irl because I'm not insane. Mods got really overzealous about entirely the wrong stuff but still. I hope a new chan for fat fetishists pops up, I'll miss you guys otherwise.
>Calling anyone braindead while having Kip living rent-free in his head for several years
The irony
Wholeheartedly agree with this. He's very friendly, and I love his size variety.
Hypnagogum / Hypnanphy

房 / kohntarkf1
にも / b45ui / nimo22
栞 / plzcallmeshiori
てるを / teruwo / vvossdpy
葉ボタン / habutton
加藤 / katohayabusa29
きーだ / ipKCTE5B0HtjNEd
あらららららら / L30N10_
零 / mimeticflesh
ごさんこ / karaage53ko
toro / ZUmMyecZCsxlCof
福原たかや / takayafu
しげきっくす / shigekix501
矩形波 / squarewave29
シネクドキ / synecdoche445
More of a sequence than a comic but most recently [habutton] GF came back from student trip.
Not really greatly translated but I don't care too much about that.
I'm probably in the minority but I enjoy straight content that minimizes its focus on the guy, even better when first person perspective.

Got tired of most lesbian shit because western artists produce it in extreme overabundance and nothing lewd ever happens beyond light petting, maybe you'll see fully exposed tits once in a while but beyond that, good luck.
BetterWithSalt is probably one of the few exceptions of tolerable lesbians that comes to mind due to being more concise and aware he's making stuff people want to jerk off to. (Save for that one "ended in nothing" comic they made.)
Probably more but I'm not in that mindset right now.

Yeah, I'm remembering that shitshow now.
I'm surprised that's what you're mad about and not the myriad of other things he's guilty of, as a person and not just their edging focused comics.
To this day I have not been able to figure out the people who can yank to the endless fucking nothing happening with the vapid tropes for characters that Kip produces.100s of pages of bad comics with slight kink attached to it.

Things went REALLY downhill when he started dragging out No Lunch Break and the whole turning Sandy into a 'tragic' villain near the last quarter of it was awful. Far as I know it was because readers liked her more than the rest of the characters which is a really shitty thing to do as a creator, this was also about the time of the "Patreon rant" he dropped and he started blocking anything remotely negative on deviantart outing himself as an asshole. What a fucking mess.
Comic-wise I was never big into his works to begin with myself because I don't give much of a f about lesbian relationshits, teen angst,etc. I wasn't even big into Breakfast with Sister but it was more to the point at least.

But yeah, I do agree with you that last arc with the rats was fucking retarded and I stopped giving his work any attention at all since then.
No idea what you mean by "gum blobs" though.
I take it nothing has improved?
>Jeetdoh removed "fat admirer" from his twitter bio
>Recently opened commissions explicitly asking for no nsfw or fetish requests
>Hasn't drawn a fat chick in ages, going all out on his cringe Transformers OCs
>Continuing to crossdress to the delight of his tranny followers
We're reaching levels of It's Over that shouldn't even be possible.
To round out my top 5 in no particular order
Belt Buster
I stopped reading Kipteitei stuff years ago with the intention of coming back to it later, only to learn that No Lunch Break went nowhere and there was a ton of new comics that, also, went nowhere, so I don't actually know the full details on what happened in regards to a few other "cringe moments" in some of Kip's comics over the years.
>Gum globs
This refers to some weird "But why tho" thing that happened in one of the comics where out of nowhere there was the existence of a Gum monster brought up that had absolutely no reason of being there and it was a really strange inclusion. Not as aggregious as some other stuff, but it's still pointlessly random and only serves to distract and take people out of it rather than the supposed comedy it was probably meant to be.
While I'm here, I'll also mention the time where in one the comics Kip drew one of the chicks full on vomiting upclose near the camera. It was probably meant to be a comic "rainbow vomit" but because the comic is monochrome, and Kip drew it with a bit more detail than he should of, it just looks like gross vomit. That frame should of been delegated to an overly cartoonish chibified gag drawing or something, it being drawn in his actual style and being as detailed as everything else just made everyone grossed out.
I like SunSlept's blobs
based and true. I can't reasonably expect my literally who waifu from some random webcomic or obscure game I like to get tons of fat art, but a man can dream, you know?

I'll also add this: I really yearn for more high quality 3d stuff. I think it has the potential to be awesome but in my opinion so much of the 3d bbw content either falls into the uncanny valley or is just plain mediocre. I don't know if it's a limitation of the medium or the artist, but I digress.
Its one thing when an artists retires or silently leaves but it just stings that Jeet is still around but "denounced" his previous work that made him popular.
My god the Nessas he drew...
Artists should include cellulite and stretch marks more. Shiny and clean fat art is boring to look at
It can really enhance a pic if done right but I find that more often than not it doesn't look good IMO
>I really yearn for more high quality 3d stuff.
I second this. I swear all the decently skilled 3D artists in the expansion sphere either don't do fat stuff, or are gay furries. Tis a shame.
This is a big reason why I got into giantess and muscle girl stuff; there are loads of talented 3d artists doing expansion fetish content in that vein.
One 3d fat artist I liked that unfortunately fell off was awesomed00d; they did fantastic pin-ups, even had a patreon but unexpectedly closed it without a word earlier this year.
He does some of the best around
i dunno why you guys are surprised that people who draw porn for a living are unstable pricks
(87 KB, 828x1279, a_whole_lotta_joey___albedo_by_axel_rosered_dcq2jda-414w-2x.jpg)
fun story i requested a pic from Axel and was prepared to buy but then forgot about it but months later he emails the pic! idk what happened he probably got things mixed up and drew my request thinking i paid but i got a 60$ commission from him free! So awesome.
Im am the creator of Rebecca and the official commissioner of the Vacation comic from Superspoe. want it to drop it here :3
Dude YES. Is it complete or unfinished?
It is not finished, I am still wanting to continue the story for you guys and bring Rebecca to bigger sizes
Any teasers on what to expect in future installments? How far along is it?
It's hard to pick, but I suppose my top 5 in no particular order would be:
Was it this Albedo?
If so, thanks, based Overlord chad.
Even though this is just a silly fetish website, sad to see the old ways of the Internet are slowly dying.
Such is life, I suppose.

Seconding this, I also feel like a lot of artists don’t make fat sag enough, which I think adds a lot to making it look soft and heavy
I want to say, "Smile because it happened." It still pains me to see this place go.
Im going to have to forget NNN, if the site lasts that long.
UnloveableSuika/Dekkaionna/PoopyButtface (all the same person)
higgy (Japanese artist)

Sadly a lot of my favorites either quit or became furrypilled. I don’t hate furs per se, I mean I like girls with animal ears & tails ffs, but I really prefer humanoids above all else

All of his characters look and feel exactly the same. They feel like the same character at different weights in different costumes
(870 KB, 558x842, attachment1.gif)
Anime artstyle is a plague for artists. It causes artists to only learn how to develop one singular style and draw only one specific character type. A person like BWS is held back being an even better artist by his own artstyle. Jeetdoh stopped experimenting as much as he used to which is why his FETISH ART started to get bland for me. They're still phenomenal artists they just don't try because they're dicksucked so much.

This community is also WAY too lenient on underaged character, I DONT CARE IF ITS FICTIONAL you're still attracted to their child features.

Last thing for this hellsite, stop dicksucking specific artists. Seeing the actual results of your dicksucking in real time with the artists I know actively make them change for the worse.
I think saxxon is a competent artist but his content is boring debulover makes him do too many commissions and is smug about it and he only does fat art which is really "normal size woman becomes an all consuming evil eldtrich horror blob" and its so tiresome and his animations are decent but too fast and he is just boring and all he does are anime girls.
And his walls of text are boring and a waste of time.
In what fucking world? Seriously, in what ways do Chloe and Nat for instance look and act similar?
Seethe, cope, dilate, mald, sneed, chuck.
Not gonna lie this is kinda based of you
I cant share much since I really like to surprise yall but I can just say someone will get quite fat with competition brewing up. I am glad you people like rebecca and hope to do more stories with her
The fact that Tdookus has an ungodly track record of leaving all his WG drives unfinished kind of ticks me off. The only one he did end up finsihing was, of coruse, the one of his OC and of course it was when his threshold for maximum sizes became laughably lower and his artstyle turned weird.
Unfinished sequences in general kind of irk me. Like, if you know you aren't going to finish it and have no desire to, just rename or reupload the previous part in the sequence to be the last one. Every now and then I have the occasional thought of "maybe this will be the day that Dewsh finished that Workout-Milf sequence."
Schizo's found the thread.

It was good while it lasted. Time to finally abandon ship.
G. I will MISS you...

>out of FUCKING nowhere

Jiren the Gray.

Amusing how this simple name inspires even the most stalwart of Brolytards. Lizardcucks, and Gokufags to tremble in fear and commence their ultimately fruitless shitposting--a pathetic attempt at whistling past the graveyard and a testament to CHADren's pure, unadulterated strength. TIME ITSELF falls to his might. Kachi Katchin, the STRONGEST MATERIAL IN THE KNOWN MULTIVERSE, which even the GRAND PRIEST HIMSELF claimed was indestructible, crumpled like fucking CARDBOARD beneath GODren's power. A technique that only the angels have mastered--a technique that escapes even the GoDs--was mere FODDER against ALMIGHTYren once he unleashed his true power.

Why is this, you ask? Because DISCIPLINEDren knows the value of cultivating pure inner strength through intense meditation, studious adherence to the Warrior's Code, and the complete lack of ties and bonds to anything that will do ANYTHING but increase his strength. He's truly a momentous character, a quintessential testament to the overarching theme of Dragon Ball that has been oh so omnipresent since the series' humble beginnings.

(86 KB, 859x1153, He RISES.jpg)
>Thinking jeetjew was EVER decent
>Gives a shit about character's ages reironiclly
You are BROWN! Your skin is the same color as a bejitaturd's poop. Even SHITTER would find your being VILE. I won! Enny Ree! I fucking WON! RENchad Renney diddly dee with smithin tee!
Nihijack? A plant?
...Now that you say it...
I would almost suspect that they're somebody who did some other format first: literature, maybe morphs? Maybe non-fetish art?
Then they made Nihijack, did well, and went back to whatever it was before.
Oh god, you schizos managed to summon this retard. At least he will disappear along with BBW-Chan
Is there an end planned in sight?
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I seem to have a habbit of summoning people.
The fact that when the ranting threads got banned, Jiren-Posting appeared in the loli thread was the pinnacle of comedy
>>173515 (OP)
So will there be any new/alternative sites after this one dies?
That's his worst character though
literally all correct, b45ui and kohntarkf1 are the best right now
In Jeetdoh's case specifically I think the fault is on him getting an industry Job.
Those force you to constantly draw things in a "standardized" way, and likely leave someone too exhausted to want to experiment.
>This community is also WAY too lenient on underaged character, I DONT CARE IF ITS FICTIONAL you're still attracted to their child features.

I hope you're at least just talking about lolishit and not stuff like pokemon girls and MHA and ect.
1- Better-With-Salt
2- Ekusupanshon
3- Jeetdoh
4- MaxFullBody
5- Kohdaru
Nope, he became a deranged tranny.
This is the only good post in this thread.
I've loved kohdaru's art for a very long time.The way he draws the breasts and the belly squished together just makes me hard.
Having Jeetdoh over Kohdaru feels illegal
Not at the moment, Id like to explore a bit more with rebecca and make her a ending that I think would please the fans and also love her size too so its in the process at the moment. I aksi try to give other artist the shot to do a small comic of rebecca with Macarena or herself so everyone can draw Rebecca how they like to see her
Funlito (Shameless eructophile)
You should make a DeviantArt account, these artworks are great!
That's a good way of putting it.
Hey there lad, whatever happened to that one mass WG comic you were working on? Has it been shelved permanently?
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One of the few bearable features in DeviantArt is that you can avoid their funneh shitposting or mental breakdowns, no wonder why they end up purging their shit, how they're supposed to rub their autism to their followers if no one is paying attention?
I see where you're coming from, but I'm willing to wager that this website is shutting down due to things outside of it's control, like modern day content aggregation and piracy. I'm pretty God damn certain a majority of users here just used bbw-chan to pirate fat porn from artists and models, or at the very least, collect a pool of it from assorted threads across several boards. Sites like kemono.party, coomer.party, or even Twitter/Tumblr/DeviantArt in conjunction with gallery-dl or some other mass media downloader is much more effective at collecting porn than bbw-chan with none of the brain damage you expect from here. This website's few strengths include being able to find obscure or lost media you wouldn't find normally through the more public social media platforms or trying (emphasis on the try) to talk about your absurd lust for a chronic disease with other anons.
I think your reasons are the natural reasons for user decline that's also occurring, mine are the active ones accelerating the decline.

For anyone not following the Gen thread closely, the situation is more or less the admin has hit his limit on passion for the site. He apologized that the other mods here aren't clones of himself. He only used to come to BBWdraw board to shit on Kip in the Kip thread but he totally lost interest in Kip's latest stuff so he never visits here now. But he's very disappointed to hear about how things have been over here.

The admin has a lot of options on the table, including just asking for the relatively small amount of money he needs in donations ($200/month) or some other deal is on the table for free hosting from another chan. I think he is doing some soul searching to see if he wants to continue the site or not. The plane controls are yelling "pull up" at him with all the options he has but the sweet scent of crashing is appealing to him also.

Sorry, that got dark. I'm optimistic, the out pouring of support will warm his soul and we'll all be having beers together and sharing fats at the next civil discussion thread laughing about that time our pirate ship plane thing almost crashed straight down into an ice burg.
There's a lot of artists that draw secret/alt stuff that somehow find their way to bbwchan, and it's pretty much the only real reason I come to this place, so it going under is hella sad. I don't want to go dumpster diving in the abyss of 4chan for the secret cool stuff.
Same. It was also just a good way to find art for specific characters or franchises.
Trying to search for art on Twitter is fucking impossible and there is no good "gallery" feature either.
DA might still have it but so many artists prefer Twitter for exposure.
What happened to @tashoelle on Twitter/X? I was checking their profile yesterday and today it says that it doesn't exist...
Does anyone have a way to save all images from a thread?

Yeah. I remember posting something on my Twitter explaining it, but i can go into more depth.

Originally i had jeet helping me make the designs and the comic too but i was in college and he was busy with his job so he had to drop out of the project.

I tried to pair up with a few other artists to make it work but after a few tries it didn’t really go anywhere.

The kill la kill thing i did was suppose to be a spiritual successor in a way, and i have some comms in the pipeline that have the same premise so im excited to do those.

In regards to the original comic, MAYBE I’d do it if i had the funds and more help but ive got my sfw webcomic im focusing plus an animation job of my own atm.
Late to the bait but I still give you an 8/8 for effort. You're still gay tho.
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As an addendum to that pic, here's my hot take that applies not just to fats but all art in general:

You CANNOT separate Art from Artist. NOTHING in life exists in a vacuum, but is influenced by countless factors. Read that again and let it soak in; you just can't. ART IS A REFLECTION OF THE SOUL. This has been said since Antiquity since it's just true - the Type-Prototype distinction(!) in culture and psychology is incidentally as old as the Venus of Willendorf, our favorite fat mommy artefact.

If someone has ugly beliefs, it shows in their art and creations in general. If someone is a woke gender goblin (in the rare exception that they are just confused and SINCERELY for example think everyone no matter what is actually "valid" with childlike innocence, and isn't just a vindictive, resentful scorpion) even the most beautiful stuff they draw is only skin-deep and you can feel it. Their stuff might be hot, but it still radiates a weird energy (off top of my head, Aka-FA and SoftestCore drawings are sexy but you can tell they werenot made by the most pleasant people. An ever-present cynical speck. This is the most schizoid part of my rant maybe but I can feel it deep in my heart when art is made by someone with true love inside)

Yes, fat art ain't exactly a classical Aivazovsky painting, or icons of Saints, but on that note I'll butt in with the observation that even the best artists I've seen tend to be either Westoids that are consciously "based" in some way, or from non-West countries like Russia (cozynakovich is a golden boy) or Japan (insert countless examples here).

And this applies for ALL media, even games and music too. An ugly society makes ugly art and their stuff doesn't stick with you pass the dopamine rush. When something is truly beautiful, and you can remember this from you fave childhood "serious" movie or your best crush or such, it stays in your heart. Even with this accursed fetish, there are some pieces that I really admired for buckets of love poured into them and it comforted me to remember in times of stress. Or more poignantly, beautiful and powerful media inspired me to change my life for better.

>TLDR; Most Twitter freaks are bad artists becuase they have ugly souls. Do not support goblins who draw smut when you can feel under the surface it's not that good anyway.
>Cozynakovich is a golden boy
Are you fucking trolling? Or have you been living under a rock? He's genuinely one of the worst. He has a track record of taking comm money then disappearing without completing them, only to come back months later. He went on a fucking schizo rant for days basically calling people who are into fat people terrible people, then blamed it on alcohol abuse. He openly supports Russia's atrocities. He's a horrid piece of shit.
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LOL the second to last sentence, that tells me all I need to know. You didn't get to be drafted into Azov Battalion, don't worry anon you'll be conscripted for Israel soon enough.
fine, I'll bite the bait:

>He has a track record of taking comm money then disappearing without completing them, only to come back months later.

literally slander, no proof of this.

>He went on a fucking schizo rant for days basically calling people who are into fat people terrible people

You'd accuse many great artists of history with the same. Like I said he has a moral spine in tumult with the horrific sex pests on Twitter (note this was pre-Elon). You have no idea how wicked they can get, surprised they didn't doxx him but he did get threats. Regardless, most people can't quit this fetish at all, only mitigate it. Cozy is very talented and hating him off gossip is peak Soy.
You can't just do no research on something and say there's "no proof." There is plenty.

Also, you don't see plenty of other artists going on fucking screeching retarded rants, and they deal with the same people.

Finally, are you really just straight up denying that the Russian state is horrible? Seems like you're just trying to be a contrarian cock.

Cozy is a massive turd of a person. You're praising him over western artists when plenty of them haven't done half of the shit he has done.
We walk about CozyNakovich's antics but what the hell happened to Jaykuma? There art was so fucking good back
(56 KB, 600x800, Janny_soyjak.png)
>You can't just do no research on something and say there's "no proof." There is plenty.

>doesn't post even one (1) example

I've followed cozy for ages and every accusation I ever read was at most a miscommunication. If a commission gets delayed because of some minor issue like war in that country, or mental breakdown, that's just part and parcel of "caveat emptor". Learn to have patience swarthoid.

Also wondering about this too. I remember they purged their accounts before but I was really liking their stuff this time around. Has anyone archived it?
Of course, it had to be that Jeetdoh and Bamboo-Ale were 2 of my top 10 fat artists, and they became Judases. I don't even get it, it's not like their reputations will just disappear. They don't even bother changing aliases. Would you want to help normalize fat art at all?
I wouldn't be caught dead buying one those "Girl with fat ass" pins he's making. The attempted commercialisation/mainstreamification of fetish stuff gives me second hand embarrassment.
The weird thing with current Jeet is that he still seems to be into fat. One of his transformers OCs is pretty much "the writers thinly disguised fetish", so I don't know what's stopping him.
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The SFW-only commissions thing, I can't blame Jeet for that. He did a huge load of commissions last year ahead of a big change to Paypal and the reason was that Paypal was being shitty in his home country (Thailand IIRC) and throwing up barriers to its' use so he tried to do as many pics as he could under the deadline. He'd probably get banned if he took money to draw fetish art. And hey, sometimes people wanna draw something different. I think that's fine.

I don't feel any anger towards Jeet, honestly. He can crossdress and draw fat boys and Transformers all he wants, whatever. His life to live. I just wish he'd draw more cute fat girls and hadn't gotten harassed because a random number on an anime girl's Wikia page wasn't the right random number, reeeee.
Jeet was based when he didn't care about the Spider loli's age
Why is this website being deleted?
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>He openly supports Russia's atrocities
And if you're an American, there's a high chance you either ignore or do the same too.

>I just wish he'd draw more cute fat girls and hadn't gotten harassed because a random number on an anime girl's Wikia page wasn't the right random number
That's why he's garbage; instead of bowing out and saying he's no longer gonna do lolis, he tries to weasel his way back into the good graces of twatter by spitting on his fans on the way out and then what felt like not even a full year later, starts doing loli again because he couldn't handle the Bea withdrawal.

Is anyone else surprised people didn't start cranking out Punished Peni; they could easily look the other way like they do Evangelion.

Money issues and constant problems born from the constant cheese pizza links.
Bea isn't a loli though.
The thing I hate about that whole debate is I kinda disagree with "It's just a drawing" for lacking nuance and the other side fixates too much on a number rather than the gravely serious harm PDF files commit. I don't interact with loli shit but I think you can tell an artist's intentions by what they draw. Some of the Pokegirls are a classic example. You probably can find questionable depictions of them if you look but most artists clearly aren't doing that.

Persona's also another easy example. I don't think anyone's inherently a creep for liking the girls in it though they could be. Now if they start going for Nanako, I think an eye should be kept on them....

I'm not the best at putting it into words but I think anyone with a grasp of reality can also recognize what I'm talking about.
Yeah, she doesn't even have a fucking age (At least from what I've read on Bulbapedia). Jeet should have no qualms about drawing her, unless he's become a full on retard who betrayed anime
>Starts doing loli again
As much some others are questioning this statement because you mentioned Bea, you're actually right either way because shortly after he came back he drew inflation of literally the entire Xenoblade 2 cast including the Furries, Quadrupedal Animals, and, of course, Lolis. When I saw it I was seriously like "You can not make this shit up is this loser serious?!"
every good fat fetish artist has either offed their accounts, slowed their content output to a trickle, or has had a long stretch of mediocre content lately. even fusa and habutton are putting out mid. it's time to stop yanking it and get on that no fap, maybe reprogram our brains so we're not weirdos.
honestly man, i'm with ya, gonna keep on this site for its final days but once its all over I'm gonna try going back to being a normal person
A few months ago I dated an actual feeder girl and it was so cringe that I don’t like the fetish anymore and got together with a normal woman now
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One final time. Gonna miss BBWchan. Gonna have to stick to Kemono Party now. (I doubt they'll have a message booard added to site. But it would be funny.)

Either way. Here are a few things i have to say before we lockdown.

1. I'm so tired of seeing lesbian relationships all of the time. Not that I'm against it. But i would appreciate some variety. All art with it just falls in belly touching and kissing. That's it. If you like it. Go-ahead. But it's fine. BWS art with his oc and her boyfriend are nice.

2. Anime is nice as an influence. But I wish people were willing to leave that comfort zone. Like Instant-Girl or Plus-Spider.

3. BWS is the Big Mac of fetish artists. It's good. But ultimately a really basic option that doesn't really go beyond.

4. Nickgam and Softservice are underrated. They really deserve having more attention put on their names.

That's all I can really think of for now. My opinions aren't unique but they are my opinions. Later, BBWchan.
(5.0 MB, 2237x1209, Lesbo Licking Love.png)
> 1. I'm so tired of seeing lesbian relationships all of the time. Not that I'm against it. But i would appreciate some variety. All art with it just falls in belly touching and kissing. That's it.

How about them belly lickings?
Stretch marks sucks and most of people who add them in their pictures doesn't know how to make them.
the site's not gong down just the .nl is ya dinguses
counterpoint: Alot of japshit fatty wank art is REALLY really really grodie (especially the faces) due in part to their bugman mentality,not their literal and genuine phobia of fatness unlike whatever the 'roons like to claim about. They are a soulless breed artistically through and through with few exceptions.
they hated xir for telling the trvth
Another schizo has entered the ring!

This time it's the "I'm totally not being racist against Japanese people!" Schizo!
Fetish artist spergs and randomly wiping themselves from the internet: name a more iconic duo.
1. At least it feels like artists are starting to let up on this a bit. I think one reason a lot of artists go the lesbian route though is because it’s another girl they can fatten if they feel like it.

2. I agree and disagree. On the one hand, anime style can be a bit limiting. On the other, art of fat girls in more western art styles almost always makes my skin crawl. Don’t know why.

3. I’m always confused when people say this and give no explanation of what they mean. What about his work is “basic” compared to most other artists?

4. Nickgam is all over the map quality-wise. He’ll post a banger but then the next 10 drawings the characters will look like 3 ft tall gremlins. And Softservice is only appealing if you care about nothing but belly.
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>I literally can't get off unless some dude is on-screen, half-naked and grunting

I keep seeing slight variations of this complaint and it's always bogus. Like dawg just because you want to look at some dude's hairy ass doesn't mean everyone else does.
Ok, were the rats being swallowed alive; or were they slaughtered prior to consumption?

This is extremely important context.
they were cooked iirc and had X's in their eyes
I'm gonna' miss the guys who were kind to post recent drawings from the terminal online manchildren who refuse to update their main DA accounts and now everyone has to go through their political cancer on their twitter feed, I highly doubt they'd leave their echo-chamber any time soon even if Musk ends up locking all of their accounts.
Do you know any non lefty she artists?
I assume you're referring to artists who are women that aren't......overly lefist.
The ones that aren't overly leftist are most often the ones that don't even feel the need to point out that theyre women.
Most people are right handed, I don't think they'll be that hard to find
>be right wing
>constantly shit on art school, hollywood, and basically every form of entertainment
>all of those things get taken over by leftys

Yes it is, gaylord.

Also koudelka, but damn he can't draw for shit. Maggie is still my favorite wg even though the early pages are shit in quality and the latter part is just drawn in a shit style imo.
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>"Salt is so overrated and Kip sucks, amirite fellas?"
For a real unpopular opinion: the overall level of fat art on the japanese side is quite low. If you asked me to name a great japanese artist I'd struggle to name any, girls either turn into some weird bloated goblin spawns or into round fridges with boobs and when they don't the anatomy or faces are just really weird or straight up bad to not even speak of the more technical side like lineart of coloring. Perhaps there are some exceptions out there (I do really like @mimeticflesh but he's quite recent and has posted barely anything) but when most of the western artists are already drawing anime styles or close derivates I'm hardly pressed to look out for them (despite how retarded or annoying they are). And yeah I could never get into into Fusa or Habutton stuff which are supposedly "peak", I saw a page of Ayano a few days ago somewhere else where a character was comparing an old picture of her where she looked thin and completely normal and at the side it was her current look which looked like a weird plushie with a beanbag for face and I couldn't stop laughing kek
other way around, fuckboi. rightwingers constantly shit on msm BECAUSE it's been taken over by leftists
>"Salt is so overrated"
He is. He needs to do more fat sizes then just SSBBW, like doing more Immobile and Chubby sizes.
>The thing I hate about that whole debate is I kinda disagree with "It's just a drawing" for lacking nuance and the other side fixates too much on a number
Sort of in the same boat here. I'll always side-eye someone who draws obvious children like Loud House characters but once you get into late teens it's a lot vaguer, especially as characters in kids media tend to not have strict canonical ages.
Like with Disney princesses, a lot have pretty vague late-adolescent ages (excepting a few where their age factors into the plot, like Aurora's 16th or Rapunzel's 18th). Plus in a lot of cases someone has a cartoon crush/waifu when they're younger that they're still fond of as they age. It feels like you're missing the point to interrogate someone with "DO YOU KNOW HOW OLD JASMINE IS, YOU SICK FUCK?" when they just think of her as "princess I've liked since I was twelve"
Man, I've tried to use that argument. "Yeah, it's a drawing, but what is it a drawing of?". How else are these drawings suppose to be interpreted?

We aren't talking about Frida Kahlo's level of painting, but you can still come up with your own interpretation of a fetish drawing. It would be a simple one - probably not even eight words long but still, it's something.

That's my two cents.
Schizo's who cannot properly separate fiction from reality are a danger to others.

If the first descriptor of something is "Drawing/fictional" nothing else after it matters.

What happens in fiction, stays in fiction.
He still does chubby a lot but his immobile sizes don't look good IMO
Yeah, I get what you guys mean.

When it comes to anime for example, I feel like most teenage characters aren't really written or drawn as realistic teenagers. They kind of just feel ambiguously aged to me with a random number attached to them.

I don't think people who draw sexy fan-art of a character like Tsuyu from My Hero Academia are thinking "fuck yeah, that 15yo ass", I think they aren't even thinking about her canonical age and are just thinking "fuck yeah, cute frog girl".

That said, if someone's drawing sexy fan-art of a character like Anya from Spy x Family that definitely does come across as suss. I don't necessarily think they'll do anything bad IRL but it gives some unsavory vibes nonetheless.
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I think there's plenty of great fat art coming from Japan but it takes a slightly different form than in western FA circles. Not many Japanese artist draw weight gain sequences or super huge girls and the few who do aren't great. Most Japanese fat art is simply cute girls who happen to be chubby.
>I feel like most teenage characters aren't really written or drawn as realistic teenagers.
This is something that a lot of people seem to forget. Ages for cartoon and anime styles are almost always very arbitrary and don't really matter. There are very few anime where there is an actual noticeable different in how 15 year olds are drawn compared to 18 year olds, and if there is, it's usually just meant to be an "upperclassman compared to younger classman" type of thing. Theres basically no difference between Pre timeskip Yoko Littner and Post Timeskip Yoko Littner aside from main outfits.

Yeah when it comes to Japanese artists, there still is a decent amount of what we would consider "fat art" but the motivations behind them are usually different. Comparatively, there are way less Japanese artists who make fat art specifically for it being a full on fat fetish thing and a lot of the time it's more of a sub fetish for something else that they draw, whether it be body horror stuff or just cute chubby drawings.
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I'll never forget the in-house iceberg of this community. god the summer of 2020

>I kinda disagree with "It's just a drawing"
if its based off a real person, then you got trouble.
What I wanna know is where do we go from here?
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While I do enjoy Exupanshion/Alterexu's art, I hate how many of them end up as just as unfinished. I just find what otherwise would have been a good sketch looks bad because of the red outlines they use. There is also an issue I have where in their Patreon they set up around 5 sketches but only complete 1 of them based on a Patreon poll, while the rest need to be "community funded" by the price being split amongst other people who want it finished.

I dunno, I really love the dude's art, and I simply adore how they draw chubby gals, but the way they handle sketches rubs me the wrong way
>>174995 (Cross-thread)

I've seen this iceberg before and I've always thought the placements are a little whack. For instance, W-oo-T's doodle or die account and that one anime VA that hilariously misinterpreted Magicstraws fetish art as body positive nonsense shouldn't be as low down as they are considering they're decently more well known than whatever some of those other one's are.

>Fefero-Kun tracing
This one was always interesting because barely anyone seemed to talk about this even though it was extremly clear that Fefero was either ehavily inspired or traced Miramiraclerun's art. Doesn't really matter anymore since that was with his really old art, but it's still interesting
>Tdookus 4chan

>Munimuni's OC being 12
Yep. It honestly feels like a ticking timebomb that people are either too ignorant to realise or just choose to cautiously ignore that his main OC is a loli. Probably because I believe the only time her age is listed in a fanbox reference chart.

>The american dreams corruption
Funny thing is this is kind of outdated since he has a weird un-corruption in recent years where he apparently hates it

As much as there's a lot iof cringe in the community, I'm definitely a bit glad that we moved on from the really trolly and cringe days Jeet, Kip, Princematcha and Bamboo acting all high and mighty and like absolute weirdoes

Honestly you could make an entire iceberg just about these threads and all the nonsense thats has happend in them over the last year and a half
Nah, he's good. It's just that he overdoes it nowadays, but even then, his artstyle doesn't make it look that bad.
Jeetdoh turning into a cross-dresser obsessed with transformers shit will always be fucking hilarious to me. The man just never seemed to strike a balance between drawing what he wants and drawing stuff that appeals to his viewers after his schizo obsession with drawing bea from pokemon.
I liked the Digital Circus pilot but as someone who is not attracted to any of these weird characters I feel a gigantic disconnect to all the artists that are spamming Pomni right now.

>Dokkus 4chan /d/ requests
No idea if this is where he started but it gets under my skin how the characters and scenarios he started out and gained traction with are now the same things he demonizes.
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i agree. they have such a nice and soft style yet they only complete some of the things they draw based on a patreon poll, it only takes one person to suggest an insanely popular/FotM character to completely fuck over the entire poll and skew the vote.
Last thing ive heard of him is that he ghosted a ton of commisioners for months and dissapeared until someone called him out on twitter.
Honestly I stopped following Jaykuma after he changed his artstyle a long time ago.
>Bamboo and BWS rivalry
What does that mean?
You know that image used in the second tier?
Bamboo made that mocking Salt's Lucy comic on a stream before.
I don't remember much but I'm pretty sure they were just mocking the entirety of the comic being pretty generic and going on for as long as it did.
>Woot and marmalade man are the same person
>AbsolonAnonymous made Jeetdoh leave

care to elaborate on these?
>>173677 Kip had already been getting on my nerves at this point and this just cemented the idea that Pix was a jackass that considered himself an intellectual. Conversely, it made me appreciate Mira a lot more because I believe he's also European and was like "Hey I get what you guys are trying to say but how the fuck do you not understand why people think this is gross?" It's insane how this completely flew over Kip and Pixs' heads...

>characters who make offhanded references to overeating/weight gain, or 'chubby' characters with no personality
I find that the token fat/glutton characters end up being really unappealing 9 times out of 10 and it always leaves a sour taste in my mouth when a series wastes that slot on a trash character/design. Thankfully we have characters like Filia, Prototype Labiata, and a number of girls from Blue Archive.

Not really an unpopular opinion but polls and votes are absolute cancer and only ensure the safest, most boring/overdone characters get drawn. What's worse is that this shit sometimes pushes popular but underrepresented series/characters into a weird state of limbo where they are too popular to be "obscure" but too weak to go against something like Nintendo.
On that note, people who do things like ask for obscure characters or do "Unpopular Character Polls" are absolute chads and I wish more artists did this.

Now for the actual unpopular opinion: Kobayashi (the character) sucks, Kobeni sucks, Spider Gwen sucks, and I wish I didn't have to see them every single fucking day.
If I remember correctly, Marmalade Man didn't have any social media accounts when he started out, or dipped out of having one early on, so Woot would host drawings for him on his account since they were friends. The joke then became that they were one in the same, kinda like how people are making that joke now about Foxfire/Toroboro and Bamboo Ale.

As for the Jeetdoh thing, he was friends with Absolon and some other guy and they were already talking about leaving the community and may have given Jeetdoh the idea or convinced him that he should step away as well. I believe the other two were looking into different artistic ventures and Jeetdoh wasn't always strictly a fetish artist, he was more of an artist who also liked fetish work.
>the characters and scenarios he started out and gained traction with are now the same things he demonizes.
On one hand I can kind of get the possibility that he might of just became a little less "coom-brained" on certain subfetishes and just isn't as into the things he was once in, but I can't help but feel he swerved may too much. He only just barely dipped his toes into some of his really obscure fetishes before mysteriously never doing it again and act like fat arms was his only subfetish. Dude's artstyle completely changed for the worse. The "max sizes" that he would draw would be way smaller. And of course of course, when he stopped drawing """underage""" characters and instead tried to make his own aged up character designs that just completely removed the original appeal of the characters. He just kinda "fell off" as the cool kids say.
Also about Tdookus, I find it hilariously dumb about how he would bitch that he would never draw Ochako and would go on these faux intellectual rants about how she's a shallow, bland, useless "save me" girl character.........and yet he draws Mario princesses......THE. FUCKING. IRONY.
Crackpot theory, but IRL bbw's should be quarantined away from the communities eyes so artists stop trying to simp for them and clean up their accounts for their enjoyment and to make art for them. RainyDayGlutton did irreparable damage to the community a year or so ago.
When in doubt, blame Lucyguy
>I'm definitely a bit glad that we moved on from the really trolly and cringe days Jeet, Kip, Princematcha and Bamboo acting all high and mighty and like absolute weirdoes.

Its funny because I remember Jeetdoh backpedaling out of all that drama almost immediately as soon as he saw the backlash it caused. Then the same thing happened with him refusing to draw underage characters for a while. It clearly showed how he will stop drawing what he wants at the slightest amount of peer pressure.
>Rainydayglutton did irreparable damage to the community a year ago
Elaborate on this. Speaking of her goddamn she is the laziest bbw I've ever seen and she's still collecting hundreds off Patreon every month with nothing so much as an occasional selfie. Always promising she's gonna make more content.
>Elaborate on this
Not much to really elaborate upon. Just that every artist, writer, commissioner ect felt the need to obsess and simp over everything that chick did literally because she was 400lbs and liked da vidya games.
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He only has two flaws.
1. too wide
2. heads, hands, feet too small

But as far as shape goes, he's the best at realism I know of.
-“Schizophrenia is when you can grasp your actions.”
I heard she died, No one has seen her on anything since her post of going away. Always good to see a fatty go down, she always acted so kind to everyone, had to be an act.
She was very close to Sweetdreamscoffee. I imagine something would've been said had she died.
>starting out
Surely no one thinks this guy is new? Marmalade Man was posting before this site, Woot didn't even count as a fat artist when he started.
>Franchise with many girls.
>most fat Art focus on the same three girls.
Every single time
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One thing I feel like is missing on this is the sheer amount of artists who demonize lolicon shit but in private they are all over it. Had the displeasure of talking to a number of big names and yup, they’re pretty into it. Not that I give a shit per se but I find it rich that in public they shit on others for drawing mha or whatever but in private they’re gooning to blue archive lol

Almost 90% sure it’s just her health issues, think she got diagnosed as diabetic (shocker) and she’s taking a step back. Never liked her tho, I hate retards like her and gollygeo etc who endorse obesity and how ‘everyone should get fat^^’, just plain weird imo
They hated him for being the voice to the voiceless… he told them Lucy fucking sucks and they shunned him…
That's what I''m saying. Her mentality and others like it have actively rotten the minds of many in the community.
Why must not taking fetish stuff into real life make ME the weird one? Give me a 10 ton anime girl drawing and I'll take it, but if my gf ever hit 300lbs I would force her into the gym so hard.
The plight of Fire Emblem and Final Fantasy.
Pokemon is more varied but used to be even more varied, I wonder why the character choices became less varied, its not like a piece of fat art on a character that isn't Cynthia or Melony is doinf bad with likes and retweets
Since this place is going straight to hell, I might as well vent some bullshit I know about Jed
The dude is probably one of the dumbest motherfuckers I’ve had the displeasure of knowing.
Names of the big names?
You'll never have a GF so you don't have to worry.
i would like to add to this "Pixiveo is Emmanuel Macron"
wow, the proportions on the Courtney edit suck ass.
Who's everyone's favorite underrated artist?
I feel like this is a trap to draw a bead on some new targets, haha.
Dookus was one, Arkveevan is probably the most infamous example. Plumnpknight drew a fat Kanna not too long ago and has since deleted it.
Not too sure about much else personally, but there's probably more.
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Not regarding any one artist in particular, but this is probably worst trend in fat art
Reusing nearly the same proportions but scaling it up so the head and limbs looks feakishly small while the character somehow becomes taller
I can't be the only one annoyed by artists who do this
Getting taller as they get fatter is a sin... and lazy.
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ok never mind fuck me i guess, exupanshion did finish the moona image. still my point still stands: amazing artist with some messed up sketch projects
Saying Arkveen likes loli is a nothing-burger if I ever heard one. I would go as far to say that a lot of people on this site only know him for the loli stuff he did.
It was pretty obvious that Tdookus was just a closet lolicon that likes to mask it by "aging up" the characters. The dude's very adament on liking short girls with small boobs.
As for others that I know for certain don't care about aging up characters but have to be less quiet about it for deviantart rules and such:
- Darkfireballz (I distincly remember a poll he made on deviantart where he listed his favourite personalities, and one of them literally said something along the lines of "Cute Loli". It seems like he kind of has to hide a lot of art that he makes of the more younger lolis like Eri from MHA, but with other characters that are most definitely quite underage but people don't complain about as often like Koume from IMAS he seems fine with posting publicly.)
- Gnibbles (He hasn't drawn as many characters who I would consider explicitly loli per say, but he has done some from time to time, and I'm pretty sure his old username was based around another fetish artist, G-Night, who from what I understand exclusively does loli. He has also outright liked loli pictures.)
- Pivk (Literally had two alt accounts, one for slob, and the other for loli. He even posted a couple lolis on his main account trying to get a reaction but then was surprised that no one was complaining because they thought he was joking. Pretty sure he deleted the alt accounts once people started catching on to it though.)
- Metalforever (He might not be into it anymore, but he had a furry roleplay family with Cakecatboymechhoarder and that one guy that would eventually become her boyfriend. Weird stuff)
Trinity Fate (There was an OC they drew which was literally named "Lolli" and even though suposedly she wasn't a loli, I call bullshit because Trinity was perfectly fine drawing Cakecatboymechhoarder's shota catboy OC. Pretty sure it might be deleted though since Cake has become more active on deviantart and finally cleaned up her deviantart favourite to no longer have a Shota folder.)
-Jeet (Prior to the underage incident, Jeet basically did not care the age of the characters he drew. He did a couple Spider-lolis. Even after saying he wouldn't do underage characters anymore, he drew a couple xenoblade lolis in that one inflation image he did.)
-Miramiraclerun (Not explicitly loli, but many of the characters he has drawn over the years are quite underage, but yeah, he just doesn't give a damn. He also flat out likes Loli pictures occasionally)
Sunnysundown and Fellatrix(Not a full on fetish artists persay, but the ladies they draw can be quite thicc. Many of Fellatrix's are quite literally "You can clearly tell this is a little girl but we're just gonna say she's 18." As for Sunnysundown, his fanbox is elusively loli-shota content, while his Patreon is the normal stuff.)
Goblant (It's not really a secret and more of a "Don't draw attention to it because I don't want to get banned" but Goblant has drawn plenty of lolis.)
Mister-Man. (I had no idea that he was a previous artist when I first saw him on twitter. Turns out on a previous account, he drew a loli WG sequence)
Presi (Drawn Kanna. Even said something like "Lolis are cool" on Twitter. Same thing goes for his partner in crime, Marmou/Qwer/FrogyBax/Debucake, who, like Presi, also drew Kanna)
Decisivetang/Intangibletang (Y'know, I thought it would have been obvious that this dude is like Eishiban where he's borderline an exclusivly loli artist that does the occasional adult, but the amount of people I've seen that supposedly hate lolicon but go unga-bunga over this guy's art leads me to beleive that they're so caught up in the horny to realise this guy almost exclusively does loli.)
RottenLuck/SpoiledLuck (I don't care who you are, his short blonde bratty OC is a loli. If not that, then she's a "legal loli." No matter how you slice it, you have to at least be a LITTLE into Loli's if you create a bratty OC that also looks like that.)
Scythejudgement (He's liked plenty of Loli pictures, including Anya from spy family. Sure, liking picutres on twitter isn't the best evidence since you can't guarantee that everyone knows the age of every fictional character, but with Scythe I think it's common enough to say the dude probably doesn't care if a character is a loli.)
Writers are probably the most "guilty". There's people like Sir-Wales, Cooly52 and pretty much every Love-Live and school idol based writer that quite literally couldn't care less about the ages of the characters they write about. There are other writers who also seem to really like lolis and write about lots of them but seem to try to keep on the down-low recently, like TheRealRNG. Unrelated, but I found it funny learning that Borin23's first literature post was a short femslash Onee-Loli fic.
Every Japanese artist would probably fall under this list too. People like Squarewave and Munimuni draw loli's all the time.
>5115 characters
>Mister-Man. (I had no idea that he was a previous artist when I first saw him on twitter. Turns out on a previous account, he drew a loli WG sequence)
This is literally the first time I've heard of this.
Who was the character?
Oh yeah I remember this now
I think this is moreso because fat artists are sometimes ironically dogshit at proportions. Either that or they're into giants
>be fan of theamericandream for years
>go into streams finally
>ask about his patreon and comms
>all his slots filled by people who have been there for months
>asks if he can change it
>tr4shman, an awful writer immediately starts whining
>her rainbow friends dogpile
>leave because I'm not letting mentally ill people run me over

that sucked.
Good news everyone, I threw a big enough of a shit fit in the Gen thread relating to the site shutdown. Site admin announced they got a year worth of hosting cost donated, and included an apology for mods deleting discussions and rant threads on bbwdraw.

You heard that right, we're back on, here, being civil man babies in our rant threads for the next year to come! And Kipteitei is back on the menu too while we're at it! Let's fucking goooo!!
You set yourself up. Stop whining faggot
learn to pirate dumbass
That sucks bro. Dang, dude has a patron and comms blocker sitting in his own discord server.
Can't pirate commissions 😏
Honestly, those guys did you a favor considering TAD's got one of the worst reputations for delivering on commissions around while still barely ever being called out for it.
>Presi (Drawn Kanna. Even said something like "Lolis are cool" on Twitter. Same thing goes for his partner in crime, Marmou/Qwer/FrogyBax/Debucake, who, like Presi, also drew Kanna)
Can you show this? I didn’t see this
>>be fan of theamericandream
There's your first problem
you like the tiny head?
Thank you. So, he drew loli and furry. He broke some laws of his country. Hehe
Yes. The edit makes her look way more ridiculous. At least the original is close to actual adult human proportions
I didn’t make him leave, i just told him if he wanted to do more sfw stuff he should.
Why European artists don't care about weird shit and loli and can draw anything for money?
That motherfucker had the audacity to charge like $200 for commissions. His art quality isn’t even worth that much, like maybe $50-80 but not what he was demanding
Maybe the only good artist who still draws loli openly is DarkMasterN. Hell Patreon actually banned him a month ago over it, which is kind of hypocritical since they’re other big name artists who draw Loli and haven’t gotten banned.
I find it unnecessary that every time I see new art by Maxfullbody there always some fags writing like 2-3 paragraph about how much they like there art or talk about a character that leads to 11 messages,like bro just dm if you're riding someone dick so hard.
You see a LOT of this kind of stuff in patreon comment sections. There will always be AT LEAST one guy writing a entire giant paragraph over how much he likes the art, but it's not articulated well and is basically just saying the same 3 things over and over again like "I like her belly" or "she's fat and hot". I wouldn't be surprised if it's the same half a dozen autists doing it.
As an artist I fucking hate these fags. I'm not a fucking fag. I don't want to know about how some other dude gets horny and other shit and how he find this or that hot or sexy. One step to become fag or tranny behavior. I don't want to know about what made anyone's dick hard because I don't care about other dudes sexual shit. If it is ok in the west so fuck it. If they like art they can just tell it.
I think you haven't seen a human in a while
You sound like the kind of retarded feminist who posts her tits online and then gets mad when people reply "looking good baby you wan sum fuck?" You're drawing wank material, not art, don't forget that for a second. If knowing people jerk off to your fat of she is enough to throw you into an epileptic fit then why do you post at all fuckface?
Anyone who has to state that they are not a fag is clearly a fag in denial.
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>As an artist I fucking hate these fags.
As an artist I appreciate every person who takes time out of their day to leave a comment on my work.

The only exceptions are the soys that rush in to post the most obvious and predictable reddit tier jokes and puns that they can think of based on the image in a desperate attempt to get upboats, these ppl should get the rope tbqh
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Here's an actual breakdown of the head heights. The after is 6 heads tall, which are the proportions of a very short woman. The right is 7, which is very reasonable for an adult woman. There is nothing wrong with the original, you are all just whiney morons.
As if spamming the same retarded funneh zoomer catchphrases wasn't annoying to begin with, they think they're special by regurgitating the same predictable shit.
Most of BWS's patreon comments.
Or rather most of the comments they get anywhere.
Wtf are you talking about, 1/6 is the normal proportion for anime style.
1/7 is the normal proportion for anime style, there's nothing that "sucks" ass about the edit.
1/7 is for realistic style*
If you were able to grasp your actions, you'd realize that nobody is actually being harmed from jerking off to cartoon characters. You'd have to be genuinely psychotic to believe otherwise.
(1.2 MB, 880x1144, Screen Shot 2023-10-30 at 11.49.14 am.png)
It's depends heavily on the style, but yeah that's the general gist of it. 6.5 - 7 heads tall for the typical "beauty" would be what you are taught in character design/animation classes. 6.5 heads tall is what you generally see with Disney Princesses. The typical average female character in more "grounded" western animation that is less cartoony than something like, say, Fairly Odd Parents, will usually be around 7 heads tall, see girls from Invincible and Arcane.
It's important to also remember that a lot of the times when a character is drawn "attractive"
If you get a character in a anime/manga/Japanese game that is meant to be an adult supermodel of untouchable beauty, then that typically means that she's a lot taller than the average Japanese anime girl.
Some characters also may just be slightly taller than average but not overly so, so some anime characters will fall a little bit more into the Disney princess proportion category of 6.5 heads, like Emilia from Re:Zero
But here's the kicker...Using this character's reference sheet...this character (Courtney) actually IS 7 heads tall.
Taking her double chin out of the equation and stacking her head up multiple reveals that she is 7 heads tall, and the reference sheet says she is 5 foot 6 aka 167.5cm and 5.5 feet.
The typical head height for anime artstyles that aren't outliers with cartoony character proportion like Luckystar Nichijou ect have a height of 0.82 feet. give or take Calculate that by the number of heads that Courtney is in the reference sheet, that being 7, and you get the height of 5.74 feet. This means that Courtney is technically drawn taller than she should be, around 5 ft 9. I suppose artstyles sometimes vary though and the discrepancy isn't as bad as some other artists who attempt to draw "short" girls, but make them 8 heads tall.
So the verdict? That one picture of Courtney is slightly off model more than anything. Far from shit proportions or whatever though
I also perhaps should've tested this out of BWS's other character sheets that he's done, but.........I'm lazy lol
Name me a single artist who doesn't get these comments. Unless their social media presence is toxic as fuck or they have a bad reputation behind (tracing, scamming, etc) they'll always be showered with retarded compliments
Any artist who's below 10K follower on twitter
If you put a blanket on her head she would look decapitated.
You "educated" yourself into blindness.>>175415
Dude what the actual fuck are you talking about
Here's the biggest problem with this community, a lack of tomboy art.
We need more fat tomboys.
That is all.
Lmao, I made that pic and caught a ban for it.

Marmalademan/gelatingent makes somewhat decent fats, but would not stop screeching about Nazis on twitter (Elon musk)
I don't get this shit, pretending like there's literal brown shirts with MP40's taking over the government. Musk posts trans furry memes and is ethnically part Jewish himself. He's not a Nazi

Furthermore, why do these artists think their followers/patrons care? We're coomers, you're going to penalize us because you don't like the politics of the twitter CEO? Why not just stop using twitter?

I hate that liking fat women is associated with vore, cannibalism, and bondage. All those artists have terrible quality too who draw that stuff.

Women who are just enjoying themselves with a meal, not stressed out, are soft and warm is the hottest stuff ever. No, i don't want to see a neon colored, badly drawn girl eating people and shitting out smelly diarrhea. Ugly society indeed
Unpopular opinion: The Nikutsuki thread is the most retarded thread on this entire site.

He has stated numerous times he has threatened to quit drawing fat art if people don't stop posting his shit without his explicit permission. Unless you want more and more intrusive watermarks stating "don't post this without my express permission", stop.fucking.posting.his.art!

Besides everyone there posts fat males anyway. Surprised the jannies haven't struck them down.
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Honest question, why are pierce brosnan memes so uncommon in the FA online sphere?
A lot of memes that originated in 4chan picked up steam such that most everyone uses them in normie online circles, such as gigachad, wojak, etc, but I've never seen an architect reference.

Perhaps thats part of the FA sphere being massive liberals and alien to 4chan memes but still, the idea of James Bond fattening up women is popular on twitter at least. Any viral tweet debating if a chubby woman is attractive have pierce brosnan replies saying yes
>Lmao, I made that pic
Good stuff anon, I enjoy a good meme.
>and caught a ban for it.
And that would be why I'd been so disillusioned with this site previously when the mods would pull shit like that.

Was it because of the soyjak content stigma, "stop having fun" (making fun of those who deserve it), or another reason?
And you both consider yourselves arbiters of what is "pure" and good?
Though I doubt you are capable of self doubt in regards to that stuff.

Anyway Cozy's stuff is slippery, loose and bland. It has good technical skill, but no solid character to it. I don't give a damn about his politics but his self loathing and spiteful nature is pretty apparent, and that's why his art looks about as substantial as whipped cream.
it was off topic

cannibalism, or murder porn, isn't sexy. People don't want to masturbate to killing someone else, you can go to another site if you want that.
As for the weirder fetishes having terrible artists, that's just objectively true. The amount of bad anatomy vote fur garbage is astronomical.
> 1. I'm so tired of seeing lesbian relationships all of the time. Not that I'm against it. But i would appreciate some variety. All art with it just falls in belly touching and kissing

This is my problem. I like Lesbian stuff but it's all so bland. Stuffing, kissing and fondling is all you get. Lesbians can do more than that. Even just implied fingering or pussy eating would be an improvement.
This'll be my only take in these threads, but y'all take the internet way too fucking seriously.
I've always thought of high commission prices as a double edged sword. On one hand, it helps an artist filter a lot of low quality commission ideas from people who just want their fat of she fix with no actual thought. But on the other hand, it also causes their market to be cornered by types who spend whole ass savings having their one or two favorite characters endlessly drawn by every artist under the sun.
>Honest question, why are pierce brosnan memes so uncommon in the FA online sphere?
I'm sure it's less to do with being a 4chan meme, and more because it requires people to specifically know who he is and about his wife, which is a hard enough sell for the former point when you have a whole generation that didn't grow up when he was 007. Shame, too. It's always hilarious to see him pop up like he's some sort of elusive fat-loving mastermind. But at the same time, it's probably better that he didn't become just another stock reaction image for people who can't or are afraid to actually articulate themselves.
>On one hand, it helps an artist filter a lot of low quality commission ideas from people who just want their fat of she fix with no actual thought.
True beyond a shadow of a doubt. I do requests instead of comms, but every now and then comm whales drop in to ask for stuff. Without fail, they're far more articulate, attentive and respectful than the vast majority of rando DA users.
I guess you can't speak english either.
There's also the matter of efficiency. If you set prices low, you might get, say, 20 commissioner offers. Set them high and you may get 5. But if you're only opening 5 comm slots in the first place, it makes the most sense to set them high.
>A lot of memes that originated in 4chan picked up steam such that most everyone uses them in normie online circles, such as gigachad, wojak, etc, but I've never seen an architect reference.
You must not be looking far. I've seen multiple Vtubers that referenced that shit without even having the fetish, and it's blindsided me every time.
I fucking hate seeing lesbian art. I just see it as a massive turn off to have two girls making out for some reason. I of course have nothing against actual lesbians, just that seeing two women kissing in media is an immediate turn off for me. I'd much rather see male and female mutual weight gain or just solo females.
(59 KB, 680x749, barry.jpg)
agreed with everything here. bonus points for the roald dahl page
>sovl good
>sovlless bad
>simple as
You remind me of my autistic friend who covers his eyes whenever a romance scene plays on screen. He's 25.
>I'd much rather see male and female mutual weight gain
I hate to break it to you but you're a faggot.
Girl good, two girls gooder, it is a simple as that
Nah. Just too many girl kissing.
I wonder if anyone is ever going to address that jakbeimbel has actively been trying to make ai to replace fat artists or not.

All the while he has completely replaced any of his hand drawn backgrounds with shit ai crap. all the while overcharging like crazy for images.
What happened to HeheGross on Twitter? The account is there but all the tweets are suddenly gone.
He had an insanely good art output
I can only find this guy's Deviantart page, and it says nothing about that on it.
Seems like he's some rando trash artist that no one really cared to know or like in the first place.

I can see the AI backgrounds, but nothing about replacing artists.
Even his main CheCheChe has gone blank.
I'm guessing something happened with IRL people finding the account or he's having a breakdown.
Wanting more male feeder x female feede and other straight relationships is one thing, but if you like mutual you're a fag, there's ifs or buts.

>talented third world artist takes on a huge amount of comms before having a meltdown and leaving the fandom
A tale as old as time. Being able to make a life-changing amount of real American dollars just by opening comm slots must be tempting, but these dudes would be better off learning to pace themselves and sticking around for the long run.
Most times if you're a third worlder, there's no such thing as "long run" my friend
My problem with the lesbian stuff is that it's way too much of a trope in this scene. There's almost no build up or chemistry, just two women becoming lesbians at the drop of a hat, or them being extremely horny and hands-on right out the gate. I feel like every comic or sequence I see ends up becoming mutual too, which gets boring after the millionth time. I like big girls and all but I also like the dynamic of the feeder/feedee relationship, as well as playing into size/weight contrast, and you lose that when the partner decides to become a feedee too.

I will say I do understand why more people opt for female x female though. It's much harder to make a male character that people will both like and self-insert as than it is to just draw a second girl that the reader can ogle at. Ironically, Kip did a decent enough job with Full Night Nanny's male protagonist. I'd argue that Full Night Nanny is his best comic to come out of his Patreon.
Do you mean Jakbenimbel? I just checked his DA and I'm not sure what you're talking about outside of him maybe using AI for backgrounds. If you're talking about the YCH thing, that's not AI, it just a way for artists to make a quick buck.
I assumed he got hacked but if the main is gone too maybe he did decide to leave.
> size/weight contrast
I rarely see it but I really like when there's a muscular/fat contrast between the girls. I like both ends though I'm pickier on the muscle side. Needs to be actually proportional and not what usually happens when people draw that.
In no particular order:
oh no now we can all link a random bbwchan post to a random discord user oh god oh fuck this is so terrible for boxdemon12.

certified retard moment
boxwife sounds like your typical trannny groomer. It's a shame that troons have infiltrated all the way to the secret slob cabal.
Unpopular opinion: I hate multiple gainers. I lose interest immediately. I want a focal point and someone else small (preferably close to the gainers original size or smaller) for comparison.

I’m bored that all wg comics seem to end up with just everyone fat as hell.
There needs to be bigger size differences if multiple gainers are going to happen. Having someone catch up in weight to the first gainer sucks ass because it takes away from the first character's weight gain, and devalues their bigger size.
What kills WG sequences and stories for me is gaining without consequences. I'm not asking for full blown realistic drama with health issues and shit but if your characters end up gaining to like 700 pounds but they have no mobility issues, are financially stable, have all their needs catered to, don't get any pushback from their closed ones, don't feel slightly insecure at least and the like shit's just boring. Futuristic tech, medicine or even magic is sometimes involved too which makes it even worse
so like another addition to the jeet shit
I have no idea why the fuck this guy is so accepted in the TF community? like is it some open secret weinstein shit? do people really think his style is that good? is it because he's an industry artist now? I just find it weird it's how blatant it is even with his non fetish shit. im just confused more than anything

especially weird considering how the community would react if they learned about the loli shit
Jeet's fetish art was great, of course the community loved him.
I will say though how weird the shift to Transformers is especially since he's still sneaking his fetish into it.
He has always been drawing TF stuff. So maybe its a matter of just having a foot in the door.

Most people really dont care if someone has a weird fetish besides the point.
I hate it whenever a fucking flavor of the month thread pops out killing the ones that HAD content, or the fact that retards can't tell the difference between boards take your faggot femboy fetish to BHM simple as that, don't be a /d/ipshit.
I think he should separate fetish and non fetish accounts. Many good fetish artists did it because they are understand how cringe would be to mix a normie or serious art with a fetish material
Caring about threads dying is the dumbest shit ever
They're gonna die eventually anyway. You can just make a new one.
You're putting too much emotional value on sand.
Pyrocynical and his 9 year old fanbase has done irreparable damage to the community.
Also doesn't help that none of his commisions are even good
Anyone have a list of fat artists that you just fucking hate? For me it's Tubbytoons and animexpansion. Jesus, how is it that they've been in the fetish art community for so long and their art is STILL as dogshit as when I first saw them?
pewbutt is one of if not the best artists in this community wtf are you talking about
Explain yourself NOW. No seriously though, why? Dude's one of the best fat fetish artists we have currently.
I don't hate him but Kip's stuff is so frequently brought up and posted by others and I just don't see how he is as popular as he is with the inflation bellies and samebody syndrome.
Tubbytoon's older stuff was fine IMO but got somehow worse over time.
Kip is soooo goddamn boring and formulaic with his stuff. Not to mention he's an asshole who loves to waste time if his comic series is anything to go by.
Isn't this a site not a person?
Most of the artist believe in that HAES bullshit and don't want to admit the fetish in inherently unhealthy.
(152 KB, 640x853, tumblr_ndochur9vf1t3trtjo1_640.jpg)
What I mean is that there's no gatekeeping, it's always a fucking guy with cognitive of a toddler who got his peepee hard by watching some shitty ass cartoon or videogame and keeps on bumping his pointless thread just to see if someone gives a shit, they all end up with bread crumbs because surprise surprise: The franchise already expired and OP already went out to jerk off to the whatever it's trending back at his echo chamber.
The response to Cozy was telling on this
It's important to remember that most artists within our circles exist within a hivemind that suffers from brainrot
Who's Cozy and what happened to them?
He hates himself, hates everyone, goes to other artists that make a comic and just shits all over it for no reason, while saying how bad and immoral it is for anyone to enjoy any art of fatties.
But enough about bamboo-ale!
Said that being fat is unhealthy, and that it might be unethical to encourage it with IRLs

As expected, HAES-types gave him shit for it
If that was only it nobody would've given a shit, you have absolutely no clue
Pretty good artist who should never open his mouth.
Fuck you too, retard. I know you on Discord and you're just as stupid as I suspected
Discord is a dead end just like Skype, Yahoo Messenger, and all the other data gathering communities.
Who the fuck are you? We're taking this conversation there. I want to talk to you about this "troons have breached the slob cabal" Bullshit
(948 KB, 748x880, Screen Shot 2023-11-13 at 10.46.00 am.png) (1.0 MB, 638x1284, Screen Shot 2023-11-13 at 10.38.50 am.png)
>Draws sexy, "adult looking" characters
>One sexy, "adult looking" character is revealed to be twelve

>Calls Oda a pedo for making an underage character that looks like an adult be sexy
>Cyynapse has concernigly petite girls in his likes
>"Oh, but I'M not a pedo though, because everyone is all over 18"
>Likes canonically underage characters
>"Age doesn't matter, as long as they look over 18"
>"Age doesn't matter."
>"Sexy underage girls are bad when they like, but its perfectly okay for ME to like it!"
>Also likes flat out lolis like Megumin
>Has also apparently sent people unsolicited dick pics

>Says he's not involved in current argument and situation
>Says trying to make him involved in current argument won't work
>Gets involved in current argument anyway
>Bitches about Lolicon
>Shocked when people go through his likes to blatant lolicon too
>"How was I supposed to know their underage? They don't look underage!"
>"Evidence" on why he's supposedly innocent is pic related
>Literally not even adult looking. Just a bunch of lolis with big boobs over top
>Lol. Lmao even.
>No one believes this shit
>People question wether he should hold this same logic for obesity in his drawings
>Dodges the question by acting like a retard
>Moist desperately tries to call everyone pedo's for challenging him while acting like he doesn't care
>Deletes the post so he doesn't get clowned on further
>Tells people to get a real job
>His "Job" is to draw fat cartoon women
The secret key to being a respectable artist, is to just SHUT THE FUCK UP. Protest culture has rotted the brains of twitter users. Your followers are only there for your art. If you don't want to waste their time, stop dicking around with trying to protest against social issues on your fetish art accounts and trying to "call people out". Have restraint, be humble, show some humility, keep quiet, and jack off in solitude.
Imagine getting this worked up over fucking drawings.
I'll never get over all the fetish artists that would censor all the art they don't like when as far as society is concerned, ALL their art would be gone by that standard.
Loli in art is a current "bad thing" for a sjw. Meanwhile they are totally ignore the most disgusting and faggy shit just because it is a current sjw norm. Or even ignoring a real groomers.
>>177174 Moist is way too insufferable, I remember lurking his Twitter because, well horny; people call him out and he blames it on depression and all his artwork was dog piled underneath uncalled for "trauma dumps," shitty memes, and politics.
(2.7 MB, 900x800, megumin - fujiyama mama.webm)
>Also likes flat out lolis like Megumin
Who can't look the other way on that one?

>"Evidence" on why he's supposedly innocent is pic related
>Lalafil midget
You got him on the two Oppai Loli, though. People really need to stop trying to make a case out of Hestia and Ilulu; you're just going full on reverse Australia.

>Protest culture
Activist Culture

>Have restraint, be humble, show some humility, keep quiet, and jack off in solitude.
You're asking for something not even God can make happen.

>Loli in art is a current "bad thing" for a sjw
EVERYTHING is the current "bad thing" for SJWs.
(54 KB, 1024x576, e9f.png)

Guess everyone in the Meatspace is a pedo now! God, this underage argument crap is stupid.
I don't understand how Cyy has as big of a following as he does. He just reposts the same five pictures for a year, collects his Patreon neetbux, and lives in his parents' house a a college dropout.
Well thats it. Last glimmer of hope just left me. Idk what I did to deserve this but I'm just too tired. Bye Darrien. Hope life is kinder to you then it was me.
also who is 'Darrien'? do they have a twitter?
Anyone who shits on Wanpiss is based in my books. It's a manga for spastic Japanese school children.
>Calls series childish

You are dripping with irony, grow up child.
I say this as someone who doesn't even like One Piece.
NSFW artists nowadays are so funny because back then they were the ones who could tell between a fictional character and a real child

More proof that the pandemic was orchestrated by schizo Jews who managed to psyop people into thinking fiction = reality
That's what it's called in Japanese SEAnigger.
Now so many of them are taking like a Dobson while keep drawing a wank material and parroting shit about a current boogiman.
>Art declined after retiring from Channel Awesome to focus in his fetish crap
>DeviantArt doesn't have a feature to rub in everyone's face his political autism
>Tumblr was basically his love over Marge Simpsons, that's right the cartoon with the ugliest artstyle at the time (probably got mommy issues)
>Genuinely believes he'll be taken seriously outside of his Twitter echo chamber without being reminded that he drew lolis/furries/MLP as diabetic blobs (ex: he used to have a rule34 account, also abandoned)
>Despite drawing like ass, he opted to fill his twitter feed with political bullshit, good luck finding his recent crap

It's bad when you're not part of their fucking cult

And Dobson was one the first lolcow to brilliantly debunk anyone outside his yes-men league with his gotcha comeback:
>You're a Nazi for disagreeing with me
(29 KB, 599x337, media_E3VQgW3UUAEhjU7.jpg)
>TFW you realize most expansion artists these days are worse than Dobson
He at least had the virtue of fucking off. Where's a biblical culling when you need one?

>Twatter's too filled with political shit to find his art
Anyone who partakes of the kool aid is better off.

>It's bad when you're not part of their fucking cult
I dunno, I think you could probably get away with it if you don't bother with polidicks at all, if you are at least around decent in quality as an artist; I just don't know how long that can go on for if you're regularly conversing with groups of the cultists.
In you're wondering, the guy got part of his fame from Familiar Faces, his main DeviantArt just happens to be ChadRocco. His artstyle is a dead giveaway.

As expected his fetish crap got more popular than his main, he really needs to parrot every fucking liberal ideal, doesn't matter if his dignity goes down the drain.
(1.1 MB, 1012x1300, Loser.png) (154 KB, 1308x592, Moist.png) (449 KB, 780x438, Screen Shot 2023-11-15 at 9.36.07 pm.png)
Holy cow StrongMoist is next level pathetic. Got involved in a situation not even related to him, claims him being on twitter bitching to people for literal hours on end is somehow not his fault, then gets shocked when somehow bitching for hours straight only makes things worse and begs to his twitter followers and discord people.
Another day, another time moist does something fucking moronic. A tale as old as time
(26 KB, 779x300, gfhjklk.png) (113 KB, 788x875, hgsfd 1.png) (114 KB, 770x831, hgsfd 2.png) (108 KB, 763x880, hgsfd 3.png)
Okay this is making me mad because he's being such a disingenuous cunt. He kept kicking the hornet's nest and started getting stung, proceeded to keep kicking it while getting stung, says he'll stop kicking it, sees the video and starts getting stung again and decides to start kicking the nest again instead of moving on and ignoring it, resulting in even more stinging.

He could've completely left it alone and ignored it but no, he's going to run up to the person who is supposedly harassing him and start throwing a tantrum. It's funny that he wants to call Rev the "Keemstar/Leafy of the anime community" when Rev's arguments and general personality seem pretty level-headed, despite the clickbait nature of his videos.

>"Haha oh boy he made a video"
Good job on "not saying anything about it."

>"I've blocked over 300 people! It's fucking annoying! I'm trying to work!"
Ignore, block, move on, that's literally all you have to do. Twitter shouldn't be necessary for you to do your job. In fact, it'd probably be a lot easier to do your job if you ignored social media. Also Rev never sent his little mob after you, you said something stupid and got called out, people will jump in to dunk on you (more on that later).

>"-MADE A WHOLE VIDEO with me in it."
You inserted yourself and kept inserting yourself when the original video had nothing to do with you. Rev covers drama and clickbait, as you've pointed out multiple times. Doesn't seem very smart to keep providing him with content to farm.

>"You want me to stop? Then fuck off!"
I'm pretty sure if you fucked off first, people would move on and forget about you.
(358 KB, 769x662, jtuyrt.png) (358 KB, 752x629, .k,jhmkjghfg.png) (289 KB, 757x720, jkghfgfg.png) (243 KB, 755x680, m,jnhng.png)
Speaking of dunking on people, surely Moist would never do that, as it could cause some of his 50k following to go and harass others. Please ignore the fact that game journos are universally reviled, Yong Yea is currently getting dogpiled and harassed, the AI video already talks about how much hate they receive, and saying "can we just raid Konami HQ and eat their management already." can be considered a call to action/violence.

Moist is just talking about public topics and public figures on his public social media account that can be viewed by the general public as well as his following, much like Rev says Desu.

I mean I guess it's not the same, since Rev Says Desu is a bad person. I know he tells people not to go and harass others, but that doesn't mean anything. He's obviously sitting in his private discord, tagging @everyone to go and flag StrongMoist's content because it referenced Rev and criticized his actions, words, and behavior. Many would consider a false flag campaign as harassment and it's against the ToS of many platforms. It can also fuck with the target's ability to earn an income if successfully carried out, which is incredibly fucking skeevy. I can't believe Rev would do something like that.
Oh he didn't do that?
Moist was the one who wanted to organize a false flag campaign against Rev?
Oh dear...
In all my time of seeing Moist on my Twitter timeline, his MO can be summed up as "I didn't do that, and if I did, well I deleted it, so I didn't."

Half the shit I see him defending himself for, someone is replying to some deleted tweet of his where he absolutely did do exactly what ever his accusers said he did. "That death threat I issued wasn't a REAL death threat" he'll write. Like, what? This is a weekly occurrence for him.

He's the kind of person who lucked out that he has an ounce of drawing talent, because nobody is following for his reprehensible personality and shit takes. I breathed a big sigh of relief the day he deleted his fats-specific posting account and for the most part abandoned this community. He'll still randomly draw fats occasionally and dump them onto his hyper-boobs seeking audience, I'm sure they greatly enjoy that left hook 😏
So...is there any update about the shutdown?
>>177556 We're not going down, so the fatties are here to stay (bring it down).
(516 KB, 693x1227, lolai.png)
>be big 30k+ fat fetish hack artist
>cut moist out of my socials many years ago
>got backlash from other artists and moist fans because I was being "salty"
>look at this thread
I'm glad I was not wrong about him

I'm not going to defend the guy, like at all
I think he's done and said a shit ton of tomfoolery and you're in the right to be mad at him (or make fun of him) for those things specifically
but I think with those screenshots you're only looking for more reasons to be mad at him, lmao, I know the guy is awful but do you really need to side with konami, yong yeah, AI and fucking IGN? all these are absolutely valid complaints he's making there

AI art should ALWAYS be shitted on no matter what your angle is, this shit shouldn't be allowed let alone encouraged anywhere online, it doesn't matter how many people is currently complaining about it, all that buzz isn't nearly enough the amount of backlash it deserves. he's an artist and he's got every right to complain about AI art (see pic related)

the whole konami tweet is clear hyperbole and I actually find funny you immediately twisted it into "he's literally telling people to do cannibalism on konami's management" LMAO, did you know that not being able to read sarcasm is an autistic trait? messing with konami is a meme at this point, everyone has done it and they will keep doing it as long as konami keeps being konami, turning Silent Hill into a live service game IS a legitimate valid reason to be mad at them, UNLESS you approve and even consume these kind of games unironically

IGN doing clickbait articles while deliberately being disingenuous is nothing new, why on earth would you side with them? LMAO

and lastly fucking yong yea LOL, I've never played a yakuza game and now I think I never will, this guy used his "influencer career" to force himself into the gaming industry as if this shit isn't already plagued with talentless hacks already, and produced one of the cringiest dubs to ever exists, shit is so bad it wasn't included as part of the launch game but as part of a future update, every single person who cares about yakuza is rightfully shitting on the guy and sega for allowing such travesty
>but he's asian so it's fitting!
the guy is fucking venezuelan! LMFAO

All I'm saying is that you can shit on the guy as much as you want for the right reasons; shitting on Konami, AI, hack VAs, and IGN aren't valid reasons, IMO.
coal post above
He is just a fetish artist. Ho cares about his opinion? Wtf is this postmodern, whatever fallowing he have he is a wank material maker. Also Megumin hot.
>got backlash from other artists and moist fans because I was being "salty"
Let me guess, Moist and other artists mocked you because you weren't happy that Steve was in Smash.
Little did anyone know then that there's a Steve in Smash Moment™ in store for everyone.
>All I'm saying is that you can shit on the guy as much as you want for the right reasons; shitting on Konami, AI, hack VAs, and IGN aren't valid reasons, IMO.

It's not who he's shitting on or what he's saying (some of which I happen to agree with), it's the fact that he's doing exactly what Rev Says Desu did to him: publicly criticize. I'm being extremely pedantic and hyperbolic about it because Moist is conflating Rev talking about him as Rev "sending his fanbase to attack him" when I haven't seen proof of that at all. Yes, getting covered like that will obviously cause the subjects to get unwanted attention, but what's the alternative? We just can't talk about anyone or anything anymore?

I haven't seen any evidence of Rev explicitly sending people to harass/dox Moist/Cynn (aside from the dubious claims of doxing), but there is evidence of Moist sending his fanbase to flag (harass) Rev that Moist even admits to doing.
Why do you like sexually explicit drawings that look like children anon?
Why do you think drawings are real? Schizo?
So let people draw and wank off to what they want, who gives a shit? Let them enjoy what they like in their privacy.

It's not illegal to jerk off to Sailor Moon.
I’m so sick of this stupid ass argument, yeah it’s a drawing but you’re still entertaining your sexual proclivity towards a child you fuckin creep. How someone can be into fat AND lolis without just accepting that they’re bent is so baffling to me.
next you'll be going after the death feedists, yeah?
They are not real. They are not even a child but a cartoon.
(5.2 MB, 976x550, The Beach Boys sing Hurt.webm)
>Yong Yea is currently getting dogpiled and harassed
Yong was being a smug asshole about it and was thin skinned to the point of blocking people who were defending him; anyone with half a brain knows that's like cutting open a vein while you're swimming in the middle of a swarm of sharks.

AI can't hurt you if you actually put in effort to get better. The actual industry won't be able to put out anything that will attract people in droves and I doubt much will change with another decade of training. The only actual thing people are actually right about is the shit where studios are trying to use AI to put peoples likeness into movies. It does open a weird door of joke remakes and "what if" albums.

>but he's asian so it's fitting!
Where'd that come from?

If people can only stomach and enjoy anime series if they are adapted into live actions, why is it impossible to think the same for lolis, especially when most don't even act like real children and have a giant bug eyed head?
I look at a drawing and see just that, a drawing. I can separate fiction from reality.

You on the other hand, see a real person.

Go outside, touch grass, walk in traffic.
That's ignoring a whole bunch of messaging the image is conveying. Yes, a drawing can't literally cause harm, but it's a bad faith argument to pretend that there's no impact from the things people draw.
If a drawing influences you to think having sex with a child is okay, you're the problem, not the drawing. Most people in society can tell the difference, don't project your mental illness on others and get some help.
Literally what impact does loli have on people? None

Loli is purely fictional and does not fall under CP like so many claim, like name 10 artist arrested because thew drew porn of Kanna from Dragon Maid or Klee from Genshin, you can’t
"Drawings made me do it" is an actual excuse that real pedophiles are using to not take accountability for their pedophilic actions. Unless fictional content involving minors uses the likeness of an actual individual, then it's fine.
No one would run to fuck a Megumin. She is not even real. Same for any animu character. Even animu loli looks nothing like a real human. Stuff which actually trying to teach people making disgusting things with a kids is a Sophie Labelle comic strips
I mean...I WOULD run to fuck a Megumin
If only we did, I hate them far more than the lolifags
(481 KB, 1640x1408, BRO JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP.png)
You didn't even stay on private for 24 hours.
You couldn't stop talking about it.
You thought continually sticking your dick in the hornet's nest would yield different results after the 3rd or 4th time.
Just fucking stop.
You can't even blame Rev at this point, this is all on you.
You are being trolled by people looking for reactions AND YOU WON'T STOP GIVING THEM ONE.
You want this to go away? You want this to get better?
Y'know, I was feeling both angry at and bad for Moist, but after seeing this exchange, I'm just dumbfounded... I know it happens, but I just can't fathom how someone can be so arrogant while being so ignorant of the situation he put himself into at the same time.

The teeniest, tiniest part of me wanted to message Moist myself or see if I could get an acquaintance to pass along a message, but if this is how he treats someone who wanted to help, I don't even want to bother.

This whole shitshow was pretty funny at the very start but now it's just getting really sad...
No its not real but it looks like a child and its clearly meant to be sexually arousing so why do you want to look at it?
>plays GTA
>”dude why are you killing people?”
>”these aren’t people they are pixels”
>”yea they are just pixels but they resemble humans”

How you sound
Just admit that you're a pedophile
Pedophilia is when someone is attracted to children, REAL children, not drawings of fictional characters, please learn the difference of fiction and reality you left-leaning schizo parasite
> "I jerk off to gay hentai but I'm not gay/bi. It's just a drawing bro"
> "I jerk off to beastiality hentai but I'm not a zoophile. It's just a drawing bro."

Literally your retarded logic.
You are just moving the goalpost at this point
Ok, let's assume you're 100% correct. If the dude's attracted to children; but he CAN'T look at drawings of them...what exactly is the alternative?
You're the one claiming "it's just a drawing" is a catch all excuse. If jerking it to "gay hentai" makes you gay or jerking to beastiality hentai makes you a zoophile then jerking it to child hentai (loli) makes you a pedophile.

Except it literally is a drawing, no children are being harmed if someone masturbates to Kanna or Megumin because again they are not real

By your logic I bet you think murder in games like GTA should land you in jail because you are committing manslaughter
(1.4 MB, 384x834, 1681585778576058.gif)
Not to mention our goobermint actually went to bat for Japan when the UN tried to force them to make lolis illegal.

I wonder how many Anons against lolis, still have Netflix accounts. Whatever happened to the goobermint going after them for Cuties? Did it end by being protected by free speech?

Moist is getting off to the attention this shit's giving him.
You came to bbwchan to argue against underage fats and expected anyone to hear you out I think you need the suicide bag

Yes, precisely. Glad you're starting to understand.
The only reason anybody looks at loli is because they want to fuck real children. I would bet money that the only reason they don't fuck real children is because they're scared of the very real but often not severe enough consequences.

I bet you wish you could vacation on Epstein Island.
This is absolutely insane and says more about how you think than anything, just because I run over civvies in GTA doesn't mean I secretly desire to do so IRL either.
>>177721 How ironic of you to say that.
>>177660 Getting awfully defensive over a word for someone who preaches apathy.
Not my fight since I don't even like loli posters but I'll post the thing I said about this topic before >>174143
Do you have an actual argument or are you just gonna go "nuh uh pedofork" every single time it's brought up?
First means you are into girls the rest means you are a degenerate. Now go under any Uraraka or Megumin art with a 2k likes and tell anyone who put such a likes about how they are want to harm real children
Any idea why Kip ever stopped doing giantess/vore?

I was going through their gallery feeling nostalgic for the mid 2010s art, and I noticed early on they really did alot of giantess and vore art.

They stopped doing vore pretty early, while he still had a few giantesses here and there /the most recent being the Fate/CCC Kiara on his Patreon from a few years back)

wrong. i wish i Was the loli
As I understand he was never into it personally but he created a vore group and a mascot girl
(59 KB, 769x581, kjhgfdfdf.png)
He cowarded out, and by that I mean he actually listened to reason. Congrats Moist, you made the smart move and decided against sticking your dick in the hornet's nest after the first 7 or so attempts went horribly.
Someone talks about why does artists delete they art. At least I do it because I see only bad parts about my art and only mistakes. So l delete. I have a big fallowing but idk how. Started to post bbw art and for some reason people start to fallow at a big numbers. Probably because I draw a popular characters and not OCs. I think that if anyone would constantly draw a popular waifus they would have a big fallowing.
>At least I do it because I see only bad parts about my art and only mistakes. So l delete.
You might not realize it, but that's what they think to. It's people who second guess themselves, their own work, what they are into, and the capability of doing this work while having a SFW presence/job. Deleting is just an easy quick solution to have a 'soft reset' for all these problems.
Or I dunno, maybe all artists are bad fucking people or something.
I just think in general all this feeds into the self confidence issues all artists seem to have, I keep my old art up because I want new artists to see that everyone does start with "bad" art, you just get better over time. It's very discouraging for new artists to only ever see perfect art and never see that everyone started out like that.
I'm gonna miss these threads
While they normally devolve into what's going on into community and ranting about a specific artist, but it's nice to see people not dick ride every artist and show they hate/dislike some things about them
I keep sfw and NSFW accs separated as many artists do. My sfw fallowers thankfully don't know about NSFW stuff. I use a very different art styles for both. I don't like my art but at least I just post art without posts about supporting another cutthroat terrorists or tranny shit. I hope that more western NSFW artists can just post art without retarded text takes
Is there going to be more threads or is this the last one?
Based. Would ask who you are but I get the feeling I won't get an answer.
I assume this is the last one since it was made when we though bbwchan was a sinking ship
OP here, ignore the different ID I don't know why it changes. That's exactly what my idea was.
arguably, we could make a new one and just see if the mods delete it.
Only reason I think they had to stop was because of them being less "Civil discussion" and more full rage and shitposting.
snom is the most annoying cunt anywhere ive seen him so this is more funny than anything
That's fair. Some of the later threads definitely became very...un-civil to say the least
So, is this the end?

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