
Fuck you and that shitty copypasta. We've ready it like five times already
>>173231 you've counted 5 times?
What? It's fucking hilarious.
>>173232 "My HoNeSt ReAcTiOn" Seriously, is that all you have to say? Go back to Reddit or whatever social media site you came from.
You’re just jealous I’m a sigma 🤷‍♂️
>>173212 (OP)
this thread is already a train wreck, can we start over?
Gonna cry about it? Jesus, it doesn't take a lot for you to seethe over basic insults.
>>173271 No, it's just fodder for scratching at the bottom of the barrel and I see it fucking everywhere.
still waiting for the followup where anon turns her into a feedee and scores her as a gf
Did bro just get lucky?
This, Chloefags lack constitution. Once Sammy's fatter than Chloe they'll jump ship.
Okay retard, I can't wait for the day Sammy dies of an heart attack
I just want Chloe to not be insufferable to the point where I wanna blow my brains out with a 12 gauge infront of her…
Maybe it's just me, but it looks like Salt actually keeps drawing Sammy fatter and fatter? I love the thought of her eventually surpassing Nat in size (she's close at this point) and possibly getting as big as Chloe or even Courtney.
Her getting bigger won't change the fact that she's such a nothing character. Both her and Chloe suck ass.
Can anyone post the Zelda comic on here?
(6.8 MB, 1506x2778, 2d90650a34f6780d451fc5b0ecf48b799b5835be7a6cd9e5026711c2ea839001.png)
Chloe being a bratty bitch is what makes her fun though. It creates some interesting dynamics with the other girls
He has but he also has been drawing Nat bigger too. This pic is kinda wild and nearly Chloe-tier, if you look at Sammy's version it ain't even close. I think Nat surpassing Chloe is actually a more realistic situation since Nat has Halie bumping her weight up
Eh, it's fine if you don't like them but they pretty much have the most overt personalities of the cast, kinda far from being "nothing characters". Chloe even gets hated constantly for that but I'm glad Salt didn't try to make her more friendly.

Also, Nat is my fav. I hope he draws her this month
I think the next part is coming tonight so wait till then okay?
(6.9 MB, 1506x2778, The Squeegee Squash.png) (279 KB, 1280x1810, losing_control_pg30_by_better_with_salt_deyqr6w-fullview.jpeg) (124 KB, 373x795, Untitled_Artwork (1).png)
True, Nat looks much bigger than Sammy in their respective shower pics, but the Chloe shower pic, which is the one that started this short series, is based on a three-part story called "Dinner and a show", which undertaker33 wrote for Salt. I would definitely recommend reading it to anyone who loves Salt's OCs. In that story Sammy's weight gets mentioned and she's just short of 200, so it definitely takes place before the end of Losing Control. On the other hand, Sammy is clearly above 200 in that shower pic, so her shower pic must be later on the timeline than at least Chloe's.

There's another story undertaker33 wrote for Salt titled "Winter's Warmth" where Sammy, Chloe and a new OC called Auvie are the main characters and where it is also mentioned just how fat Sammy is now. The story takes place at a fashion show and I'm pretty certain that this recent sketch of Sammy is based on that same story. Nat becoming even bigger because of Halie is certainly a realistic scenario, but I can also definitely see Sammy becoming huge because she continues to lose control. Honestly, if Nat and Sammy both became as fat as Chloe, I'd be thrilled.
is there any art or sketches of Auvie?
(1.5 MB, 4061x1673, Heavy_Exercise.png)
I read all that and I know it's based on that story but I'm preeeetty sure that Chloe's weight in that shower pic is based on her current size. I remember that it's stated in the story near the end that Nat and Chloe are 300~ and 400~ respectively which doesn't fit the shower sequence at all. They should be around the same weight as Heavy Exercise (pic related) but the difference is HUGE. Both of them are indeed catching up though
The most important thing I’ve learned is all of Salt’s OCs make me diamonds and every time he draws another generic anime bitch over one of them a piece of me dies inside
New Zelda Page
Wake me up with Tuesday hits…
definitely the perfect Sunday ending
yep he's following the plot of the game
>>173389 I don't know why, but drawn messy hair gets me really hard.
I wonder how he'll play off the rest of the game
(416 KB, 2072x1446, zelda.jpg)
She'll fall like a meteor at the end where they are sky falling and Link gets caught underneath her and gets crushed. The End.
You ever think about how this anatomy works, like these girls must have the longest skeletons in the world
they should probably be longer, as immobility never seems to be a problem for them
Hey. Wheres the Selene nsfw alt?

Second. Are we going to continue these threads in lemmy or discord?

Adding to this. We could make a disc server so It doesn't mix Up with the other stuff of bbw chan's discord
>>173212 (OP)
>thread is impossible to find through search
man, she looks so pretty in that first picture
and super hot in the second
to be honest I'm not too keen on the second pic, face looks weird and she seems too... unhealthy, I guess?
Too many artists draw burps like an O-face.
Ok that is hot. Nice juicy piece of bottom
wow, talk about having your bogos binted
Yay, a shitty Starbound character...
who cares, she's hot, go fap
This does not feel like it was made by salt, it feels like it was made by sunslepteOS
(9.7 MB, 3011x3727, IMG_0225.png)
Both of them are fucking insufferable, where’s the love for my homie Cicatrix?
Don't know who this is but I must admit he looks badass
>>173924 sorry I don't play shooters man but I like metal if we're not talking fat chicks
How does he not have water leak out of his mouth when drinking?
Probably has to tilt his head when eating/drinking anything >>173942
sammy vs chloe fans would be more one sided than mike tyson vs wingsofredemption
I guess mainly because the community unanimously agreed they’re good, while salt’s main four get the constant attention, which idk why since they suck and I wished Halie Replaced Johnny in GTA 5 (if you get that last part, Lost MC forever.)
Looks like this one is getting the explicit edit
Holy shit! That looks like salt did it, do you take requests?
goddamn this is good, you do this?
(72 KB, 578x528, 1697327119293785.jpg)
one thing I won't miss when this site bites the dust: autists seriously arguing over fucking OCs
This is a... decent edit, I guess, but seriously, why do people feel the need to hate on Chloe this intensely? It's honestly pretty cringe.
There only one reason I can think of and it's because of the fact he is a "bitch" character. Rude, insult people, greedy, all that stuff
Dude one of my girl OCs is a dominant and will fuck Chloe yo any day, although she’s not fetish related.
oh BWS was COOKING with this one
One thing I hope for this comic/sequence is that there’s actually some butterfly effect/time paradox stuff of a fat Zelda tampering with the past
Yeah, I can't understand why the fuck they all hate her. She's actually one of my favourites, so if someone doesn't like her...well, feel free to suck a cock
I mean she can suck my cock.
She takes pagespace from Nat and Sammy.
A lot of people have said why they don't like her already. You're being tone deaf.
They're just stupid reasons, you're being snobby for the sake of being snobby
I think you forgot the September sketches.
bitch was so fat she fell through time
She fatter than them and fastest girl in the cast, she deserves more attention just due to that fact.
And the fastest for getting on my fucking nerves followed by Halie
Ok, I can kinda understand disliking Chloe. The hell is wrong with Halie?
Controversial opinion maybe I don't know but I find Halie's interactions with Sammy more interesting and enjoyable than her endless will they won't they thing with Nat.
The bitching thread is the other way
Absolutely nothing, he's being a contrarian fucktard.
who fuck said Halie was popular

Where to begin? That's I wanna say...
Halie IS popular you dipshit.

>where to begin?
I dunno, but start somewhere.
Well In short, I want Halie to learn to stand up for herself and do something to feel not like a immature strawman...Hell I feel like the main reason why I don't like salt's main 4 girls is that they seem to refuse to grow up past early high-school, that's it so far, if I can write a more longer and thought out critique.
Does anyone have that image where its the forward facing references to all the Salt OC's lined up?
They're an exaggeration of archetypes that definitely exist irl. Chloe is a Karen, Nat and Sammy... what about them feels "early high school" exactly? And Halie, sure she's immature when it comes to her feelings around Nat, but like, come on, that's not uncommon. I could almost guarantee that there are people on this chan who would lock up if a girl talked to them irl.
>little known fact: Chloe’s bustle still infact has the most bustle in it out of the roommates
Guess it makes sense since she used to be an amazon before she got FAT
Does everyone forgets Halie helped Nat out when she got stuck on a gym machine while some jock was berating her back when they met the first time? Halie can stand for herself, she's just really shy around Nat because she has a crush on her
nigga get better material.
...Who? (this isn't a set up to a "Who Care's?" Thing, I genuinely forgot about that whole fucking story.)
you know... in a different timeline, I see Halie being the "Crouching Nervous Wreck Hidden Strong Dom" thing and grabs a nearby barbell and hitting the guys head with it... I don't know why...
I mean, she just got the role, so it’s a start.
This going to be a sequence?
No. It won the new "chubby sketch upgrade poll". Seems like he'll be rotating the sketch upgrade polls monthly with three different sizes for variety. I guess enough people got fed up with the bigger sizes dominating every poll
(174 KB, 1007x793, IMG_2502.jpeg)
Could someone maybe post the Shannon and Courtney pic. Or maybe update Waltzpurgis’s Kemono?
+1 on Waltz’s Kemono, been waiting for an update for like a month to see the Secret series
somehow a fucking skeleton beat the other choices in the first poll for the 10$ sketch, someone has to go into the stream and take a pic of it just to see how it looks.
>Actually voting for memes in your porn
What's wrong with these people.

If I had to guess he'll draw a character like Thrasir or just someone using a regular skeleton costume
Lighten up, it's bone season
if this was actually on the poll and won then that's too funny for me to get mad about I'm sorry
One of us has to go in the stream and see how it looks… I’m out cause I don’t have patreon…
butter with salt could just be memeing and it could be afat girl in a skelly costum.. but then again halloween is far to memey
Fucking golden how the patreons voted for the skeleton cause its a fun joke but the leechers on here are the ones sperging out over it.
I mean I don’t really know what it looks like yet, maybe it’ll be a cool design like some sort of skeleton samurai or something
(158 KB, 819x1500, 1601602508070.jpg)
Could've had an actual bone gurl as a choice, but no.
(3.2 MB, 4152x1600, skeletons.png)
y'all are just bitter you got sent to the Bone Zone (tm)
If anyone has seen the stream, can they screenshot what the skeleton looked like and post it?
That site hates my ass so I couldn't even get to see the whole thing before screenshotting but it's not a literal skeleton if that's what you're wondering (as expected)
So one of Salt’s OCs as a skeleton I assume?
I'm hoping it's just a character in a skeleton costume
Kek, it's high time for some r63 Skeletor fats.
>6 parts.
>still no torn clothes
fucking misleading title
Does anyone have the September sketches?
It’s low iq low impulse control retards who don’t even know the source material lmao
Need to kill they selves frfr no cap
They are back at the last thread, it's still up, so go get'em quick. Or wait
Even the colored Septmber sketches?

No, until they magically pop-up in his kemono
I think someone forgot it, right?
September's patreon and private sketches
Cringe weird operator OC

Enjoy the eye infections, like wtf is this?
The colored sketches are missing on kemono
Hope Zelda's eating habits affect Sonia and Mineru.
Please god, I want Zelda's interactions to have drastic effects on the present day
Nah I’m just saying he’s better in general…
no need for kys' in this establishment, as the leading authority in Sammy simping I decree that there's no need to debase the integrity of our side in this one sided war :)
Can anyone explain what that website death notice is?I don't understand but from what little I understand it seems like it's going to be turned off or something like that
i would give anything for one of the five people able to pay salt to commission a sumo bitch
side shot/sitting down is such a hot combo
That'd be fuckin wild

not quite in line with how TOTK's time travel worked, but it would be hot lol.
Looking like a fertility goddess
So round and gorgeous, this zelda is awesome!
Anyone think she'll reach immobility by end of this sequence? She's getting huge
Someone suggested that we create a server for this topic, well, here it is, it's simple but we can improve later https://discord.gg/hdnPgeWfc the link is valid for 30 days
depends, how many parts do we got left?
>>174891 nigga is your mother,I just thought it was a good idea since the site's days are numbered.
Nigga is you, retard lol
And start learning how to speak English properly
>>174913It's not my native language,gaijin
i'm only now finding out now BWS picartotv has a passkey. I can no longer watch their stream for references for the female chubby figure
Sad days indeed
(1.5 MB, 820x905, IMG_1902.png)
For the continuation poll
Hope 4 gets another sequel one day
The passkey is only for his private streams. Seems it hasn't been set back to public yet, but if he streams tonight it should be.
I’m hoping for 4,5, or 15
Some of you guys seem allergic to fat girls with big boobs. I’m going for 9, 14, 16, 17
praying for uhh, for umm... ok I'll be honest I'd be happy if any of them other than 17 wins
Hope it's 13, that image has always been one of my favourites
Ann was winning last time I looked
17 needs to win so we can actually see her belly this time
Definitely want to see a continuation of 8
So Aoi is gonna be next Saturday?
peak content coming out last couple weeks
Agreed! This is his best!
Wait...sido salt erase the girl she was sitting with?-
Forget it. I've checked the newsletter
No he’s doing it in Separate bits, Aoi will come in november
I wanna slam a fucking hockey stick into her gut so badly…
5 more parts
Goddamn it she's huge.

But, honestly, I would like it only to be centered around Zelda. Link could just stay as a background character really
I mean, let it be Zelda shenanigans, only hers
It's nice that Sonia's indulging too, here's hoping that by the end she'll have plumped up too. At least before the inevitable end
Also makes me wonder how the latter part of the "Past Events" is going to play out, wonder if we'll end up with a fat dragon of if Salt's gonna skip that part
Anyone thinks he will reuse this at the end of the sequence >>175326
"truthfully theres really only one person's feelings im worried about"
she better be talkin bout link
>X-ray skeleton sketch
How would she look like when she reaches immobility?
Oh hey look, it's not just a skeleton.
Bet all you reactionary retards who were throwing bitch fits feel stupid now.
Seems to me that Sonia won’t gain any significant weight since Zelda’s basically eating more than the two of them combined lmao
How? Genuinely, what's actually wrong with it? Are you just a fun-hating incel?
Why is the skeleton so realistic
You know… I like skeleton girl… she might be the better one of salts OCs
Hey um, isn't the skeleton sketch too on the nose on how we've talked about his girl's skeletons?
Hey if its not to much to ask, could you (or anyone who is willing) color the witch sketch?
It surely must involve the supernatural of somesort
Nah man, this sort of size is the stuff I like. Too skinny for you, just right for me.
some people will just never let go of the idea that bigger is better
Yeah, the concept was spot on, but was hoping for the brunette glasses girl getting a seated picture crushing Halloween candy
We're free to think bigger is better. Deal with it.
I’m hoping to see that one witch girl of his
No matter what piece it is, I still wanna fucking hurt Halie so goddamn badly… like beat her to death with a fucking baseball bat.
Ah, yes! Free serotonine 😌
How can anyone hate on Halie? She’s making all the other girls fatter :)
Is it just me or is she fatter
I’m gonna be honest, I don’t know what it is… I don’t know if it’s her personality, the 1 note trope she is… anything could be the reason why I don’t like her.
I think image number 6 are two different girls… black haired girl made a man go berzerk, so I don’t think salt will bring her back…
There's not liking a character, then there's the psychopathic incel energy you're giving off ranting about how you want to actually harm her.
I’ve had this theory for quite some time that Salt keeps drawing Sammy fatter and fatter after the end of Losing Control and she may eventually overtake Nat in size and possibly even catch up with Chloe.
They’re called Olivia (redhead) and Brooke. They didn’t fare too well in his poll about which OCs patrons liked the most, so I’m assuming we won’t see too much more of them. Also, the final pic definitely isn’t them.
> the final pic definitely isn’t them.
>same hair
>same skin tones
>same freckle and part in her hair
>same builds (at first lul)
only way it isn't is because she's feeding her instead of shaming her.
i like to think she's super in favor of supporting her friend to the point of helping her get fat or fit with equal ferocity.
>Does something for Sammy's birthday after not doing anything for Courtney's birthday.
Fucking bullshit.
(414 KB, 820x617, OC Popularity Poll.png)
Their names were revealed when BWS did the OC feedback poll a few months ago. They were the 2 least voted girls.
They got beat out the fucking painting XD
Their rankings on the poll were:
1st Courtney
2nd Nat
3rd Sammy
4th Selene
5th Chloe
6th Halie
7th Nicole
8th Shannon
9th Val
10th Brooke
11th Olivia
No they beat the painting, was trying to not acknowledge it.
I'm a Chloe simp but that is a travesty
i wanted to see Brooke get bigger and destroy that couch with her tan ass.
we need a comic with val stat to rectify this
He's probably waiting Shannon's Birthday to do something with them together but you have a point it is bullshit because he could have made a piece with Shannon force feeding Courtney or something
if all else fails she can just become a Sumo, she'd probably get away with it.
(1.4 MB, 2181x1935, 6adc2d1562d108d05ebfaa11f448950f64243d74747df7b40ed25d1f347917ac.png) (1.2 MB, 2433x2184, 0920c73700ad2172774c0330a013f0de45af1a0ec2f042f13ab18f47a3f289cd.png) (1.2 MB, 2505x1937, 726c3b9f908de1aa18ca647c6fd10f5fd9f2eb5fbc616d9ea2704086f9ae1d23.png) (1.3 MB, 3421x1936, 3b701757bf9b4813e92ec8212ed65a7e60e0a15dbaf5d3548baf28974a24ef22.png) (1.7 MB, 4362x2378, 1eaba563dc5e3a27372b50bb3a29df4f192206652b34c3bee1b60a8c9918b189.png) (2.5 MB, 6047x2454, 339583036882f2ad651323991fc9a085dddee707f9d0fea35b0fb25d147836d5.png)
Surprised no one posted this sequence yet on here. I hope Nikume gets a very fattening sequence of her own too one day.
Like what he's doing with Zelda
Good lord this is the best thing ever. He has a few more in the sequence to go. Can’t wait to see how much bigger she gets.
They’re all 1 note tropes they’re just OCs made for porn. What are you on about?
yeah easily his best piece for me, throughout the day I've found myself staring at it
>she do be getting fatter
Bless Halie for fattening up best girl as well.
I love Sammy so fucking much
The characters in the final pic are someone else's OCs. They're not the characters from Tipping the Scales.
There’s a story undertaker33 wrote for Salt called Winter’s Warmth where it’s mentioned that Halie made a tray of brownies for Sammy for Christmas that were supposed to last for a while, but she ultimately ate them all in one night. Halie’s definitely contributing to Sammy’s weight gain and I hope it will be brought up more in the future cause that’s such a great story arc.
So, are Chloe, Nat and Sammy roommates or something?
Nat and Chloe are roommates.
This month’s sketches dropped, can anyone post it?
They seem kinda.. lacking?
But still, that filia burp is godly
Main question is... Is that her belly roaring or herself?
Fuck me that Courtney is godly
hope someone colors that megumi sketch
(4.1 MB, 6760x4184, Patron 10-22.png)
yeah, this months sketches didn't do it for me. Last years for October clears. But that's ok he has been on fire lately.
1. The sketches are patron requests, so the content isn't really Salt's fault.

2. It seems like he cut down on the number of sketch patrons he has. Curious why though.
That Natsuki is pure sex.
that pochi is amazing

whoose the girl on the bottom line in the middle?
Can someone color that Filia? Pls
us sammy fans may have some competition now hold up
I wanna see that fat suit one edited into actual fat
Halie in a sumo suit just gives me the idea of Nat seeing her wearing it and wanting to see her get as fat as the suit, or, if the big-thin dynamic is to remain, awakening in Nat a fetish for seeing Halie in that suit.
Where are the colored September sketches?
Wasn’t Selene supposed to get an NSFW page last month?
guess so...
Does anyone have the old sketch salt did of squirrel girl?
I love Courtney and Shannon but I think Sammy needs more attention this month
You know if this was the end, I’d be fucking giddy.
Wonder what the next 4 parts are going to be, since from this point on, Zelda doesn't really return until the end of the game.
I guess there's one scene with the Master Sword and the final rescue and then I suppose the ending. So I wonder what one of the other pages will be, fingers still crossed that Zelda's gluttony in the past has affected current day Hyrule via butterfly effect
Sequence went from 60 to 0 in a heartbeat.
It was always at Zero for me my man…
Because it's Zelda again or what?
Is it just me or is Rauru looking a bit pudgy alongside Sonia. Like he definitely looks to have a belly there
Don't think so, I think that's just how his clothes look.
It’s just Zelda. And I don’t know why I don’t like her… if you like her, good for you.
Ngl I kinda feel like he should've ignored the game's story or make something up instead of this lol, I know she'll be back to normal next page but it almost feels like those Anastimafilia sequences. Not a fan of TF stuff AT ALL
I'm usually neutral towards Zelda, but she's gotten so much art this year that she's grown stale. Even though some of the pages have been really good, BWS shouldn't have bothered doing this.
she isn't holding the master sword in this though (well we can't see it). so salt is probably gonna have her return to normal some other way
Get your male fat speculation out of here.

>Not a fan of TF stuff AT ALL
Me neither. Is it the first time he's done transformation art?

INB4 Page 8 is where her fatness peaks.
If anything, my wish for Zelda artwork would have been the continuation of the collaboration with Undertaker a while back, and the fact the latter had dropped it has really peeved me
It's Undertaker, nothing good would've came out from that.
Your personal lack of interest isn't a reason why someone who clearly likes the character shouldn't draw her.
>Is it the first time he's done transformation art?
I'm pretty he has never posted anything like it in his account at least. I'll try to ignore it and act like it didn't happened...
My interest has nothing to do it, I'm saying that the comic was poorly timed because of all the art Zelda got this year. Fucking retard.
New Zelda page
Oh ok then, so because other people have drawn the character he shouldn't, even though he wants to. Got it.
I don't know the timeline of events, so I do have to ask: what is the difference in time between the past here and the present? Especially since she has to be a dragon to supposedly live to the present. I only ask because while I figure Salt won't go overboard, she got this big over the course of a year. And at least in my mind, this part takes place presumably centuries (let's generously say decades). She still would have to last quite a bit of time with that same ravenous hunger. With that said, how much larger could she theoretically get, again noting that I don't think Salt would get that crazy with it?

Long message I know but just a thought in mind with my lack of knowledge here. Whatever I'm wrong about can be corrected lol
did mods delete the page lmfao
(4.1 MB, 1920x4346, dc8c55b1084dff8fb9b5671d6d11d3c1.png)
This is barely TF y’all she’s a human with horns for a moment and then a regular dragon really small in the background (not even a big fat one), be fr, it’s no big deal
Plus her belly getting all bloated looking like that is so 👀
They deleted the page I posted. Wtf. Becoming like /d/ mods are we?
>Sonia's dumper
great googly moogly
Could you dumb mouth breathing bastards stop deleting the goddamn pages? It's a fucking miracle this site didn't crash and burn sooner with such stunningly inept moderation.
>>176235 Don't eat the yellow snow anon
I feel like we missed a few pages or something. it's hard to explain but it just feels like something's missing.
It’s because BWS skipped the entirety of the Ganondorf section of the story. So we jumped from the meal straight to the end of the Past Events
This is just a sequence if it was a comic I think he will include the Ganondorf section of the story
Ah, the cry of a man who doesn't have any argument anymore.
I’m not so sure, since Zelda fell down to the past before Ganondorf would’ve been awoken. So it’s unknown if Link would’ve delved deeper into the caves to continue the story as usual or if it would’ve changed
>sequence called tears of the wardrobe
>clothing only tears TWICE (it only happened once in the actual sequence)
The best thing about it is that bws has drawn some interesting angles most artists wouldn't try their hand at, bonus points for drawing her consistently. Other than that the story is bland, the dialogue is rudimentary and Zelda is a horribly overused character.
The comic's not finished yet.
It's a sequential comic, the story and dialogue isn't going to be anything special.
It isn't a comic, so story is irrelevant.
MFW my fetish comic doesn't have Shakespearean levels of prose
We are saying the same thing.
This is a sequence not a comic.
this is absolutely retarded. zelda is hot and is fat. who gives a shit
True af, people need to chill and be less critical

did i just get spoiled by a fucking weight gain comic
That would definitely be one of the funniest ways to get spoiled on a video game
Damn. I had high hopes that she would’ve gotten even bigger before he went that route lol. I know there’s a couple more comics left to go, so hoping when it jumps to the future she’s even bigger.
>more FUCKING Lucy
glad I'm not paying for this shit
I honestly still think the dragon thing was dumb as hell
Those aren't on his Patreon anyway
Dude, this is a sketch that was colored by a fan. He does sketches in stream and they literally take him an hour and don't take up any regular posting slots. Stop sperging out.
(162 KB, 372x286, pizza.png)
lucy art so good when you dont have someone bitching about it in your ear
Fat half-dragon Zelda. I won.
I know that these drawings were redone in the same manner like the Frankie and Erza one from years ago, but I do like the idea that they were drawn separately because they're too big to fit on that same couch now.
There's nothing adult about letting other people determine what you think. Adults have opinions, children do what they're told.
I’m surprised Lucy guy hasn’t been in the thread at all compared to Areku
Maybe these threads wouldn't get bumplocked so fast if people could just stop bitching over everything.

We have a dedicated bitching and rant thread. Keep that shit to there, and use this thread for posting BWS art.
(416 KB, 2072x1446, zelda.jpg)
>>176666 I coloured this one a little while ago. Didn't do the rest though

Different user here

Has salt colored those September sketches or not?-
He did but no one posted it. Sadly...
God her sitting panel is just magnificent 👌
If Link wasn't in the panel, I would have just assumed she fucking landed on him. Ded
Would've been cool if there was a panel of Zelda cushioning Link's fall. Just give him a good ol' faceful of chub.

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