
(433 KB, 3389x3505, 32830468.png)
I agree, she deserves so much more
But god DAMN that one is a good start
Anyone have that pic of Peri from Fe Fates with incredibly fat legs? I think she's on a horse or something, too
That’s a good start I hope we get more of her in the future. Who made the art?
But he deleted his account sadly
I actually found him on Pixiv, by accident funnily enough. His name there is Aeleon.
Well how about that. Thanks for the info
Anyone got fat art of Sully? I feel like there's gotta be some considering her support conversations with Robin
You are a godsend. Thank you kind sir
I hope one day I see this Marianne art before the site ends and gets lost again.
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I have done SO much searching because she's fantastic but unfortunately she doesn't have anything out there.
...Buuut with that said I may have drawn her once on my own time
It's not the best thing in the world but I hope it's some consolation!! I really hope she gets some more art in the future
Hey, I recognise your artstyle! Hope you're doing well! I'm sure you had your reasons for the inactivity but man, I loved your work!
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Oh gosh thanks so much!! I'm doing well enough, just kinda got tired of the social media of it all. Might post stuff around these parts when I like how it turns out, but we'll see :)
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dorothea by mfa :)
This what we have for now.
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>>173199 (OP)
Anyone have the last two panels of that Axel Rosered Constance/Bernie comic? The ones where Hubert's talking with Lysithea and Edelgard
Seeing Edelgard just hedonistically shove those sweets in her mouth gives me life.
Same here. We’ll get more of this soon.
Hope there's some legging tearing.
Now there’s something I wanted to hear let’s wait next month. I hope Marianne and Mercedes is next.
I feel like it would be Hild/Mari or Mercie/Anne if it was another pair after this
Which I doubt unless the Commissioner behind these pieces just got back from an unreleased Mr.Beast video.
I spoke with the commissioner myself.
But I still have hope on my side.
Nice. That was made by Cherry right.
Source for this one? It's so cute
Would be great to see some more Engage stuff!
Engage is getting as much effort as IS gave it.
So for anyone that wants to contribute because there is currently a bidding war going on between Marianne and Rhea getting bigger
EBC Art is doing a weight drive for the 3Houses ladies. Currently a bidding war between Rhea and Marianne.
It's for shits and giggles but you can donate to fatten a girl up.
1 Canadian dollar for 2 pounds.

https://linktr.ee/ebcart is the link to donate as well just write the name of the character to fatten up.
Wait really. I hope Marianne wins that round.
I've noticed a distinct lack of Azura art. Is she seriously that unpopular?
Is it because she's from a hated entry?
It's because she's one of the worst parts of a hated entry.
She competes with fucking Camilla and Corrin for wg stuff I doubt anyone's gonna pick her when tits mcincest is over there
Didn't stop Corrin or Camilla from being popular choices.
Azura isn't even that rare of a fat art character, she's mostly overshadowed by coombait Camilla, basic bitch taste Corrin and Three Houses
I guess I'm saying I thought Azura would be a shoo-in for this kind of thing, seeing as she's the only mother in Fates that can have 2 children. There's no way she's keeping that skinny waistline after birthing 2 child soldiers
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I wanted to bring some more attention to ExtraBaggageClaim's WG Drive for all of the Three Houses girls, which is probably gonna be the BIGGEST WG project for FE3H ever, just in case if anyone was interested in contributing a little extra weight to the girls by donating to his Tip Jar on his https://linktr.ee/ebcart as he still accepts extra cash until he starts the final line art in a few days, he also livestreams and chats during the process on some nights at https://picarto.tv/EBCArt so you can follow his Twitter to know when he goes live, I just wish I had a lot more extra cash right now to fatten up at least one of the few girls up to 1000 lbs
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This is the current weights as an update. Lots of people yet to reach 1000lbs and some getting close to 2000lbs.
All for a bit of fun for folks who like more blob stuff.
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She's only 4th place but Petra is gonna be like the unintentional centerpiece of this while some of my other favorite girls are shoved way in the background or in an awkward angle like Catherine or obscured by a table or other character but whatever, I'm still excited for anon's commissions from Axel-Rosered but I think this is already gonna be the best FE3H art piece there will ever be, EBC also said might do a FE Heroes piece next year and have people vote for any FE girl to be included too
Marianne is in seventh place. Not bad at all for her since she met Alto on a remake art.
That Kronya is going to have me going feral once this is done
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Don't ask me for sauce, don't know and I can't find it either. Was just posted without credit in a server I'm in.
Really hope Shamir will end up looking nice and as fat as possible.
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"WHOAH! This is gonna be piles of work! And did you now I'm gonna be doing THREE of them? Well, that's how funded this got. But it's not too late to fatten your fav. If you donate on the Linktree Tip Jar, https://linktr.ee/ebcart and leave a comment with your character's name, you add two pounds for every Canadian dollar- and those are cheaper than normal dollars!

So do you have a fav you want even fatter? Or perhaps want a character is slipping behind you want to push ahead? Well, it isn't too late to change their fat(e)!"
He's gonna have a long livestream this coming Thursday on picarto.tv/EBCArt, where he's gonna start doing the line art from the biggest girl to smallest, so if anyone wants to add more extra weight to any of the girls, now is the time, you can check his https://twitter.com/EBCArtWork to see when he goes live
I like how Marianne and Rhea are fighting over a sandwich on the art. Show her who’s boss Marianne.
Shame how not all the girls are 4 digit weights.
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Annette went WAY up and he said he's streaming the mega spread today at 2 or 3 Pacific picarto.tv/EBCArt If anyone could please contribute a bit of pocket change to the girls who aren't 1000lbs pounds yet or even the already big ones, that would be just perfect.
Dunno what difference it makes since I'm saying this so late but he did also say that he'd make a 4th image if enough people or just one guy came outta nowhere and just donated to make all of the girls blob-sized, like 1300 lb or something. He also said it would take like around 2000lbs to make the rest of the main three digit girls swell up to 1000 lbs, excluding the extra girls like Anna, Cornelia, Monica, Sothis and Arval.
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Shamir is now 1000 lbs and Lysithea is 801 lbs, if anyone is planning on bumping Catherine to 1000 lbs, let me know because I'm planning on donating 80 CAD to add 160 lbs to her if nobody else is
>Shamir is now 1000 lbs
Noice. Won't donate though, I'm a poorfag
Same, if not every girl would be quad digits, with my top 10 being five digit
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These girls keep growing. Keep donating for a hell of a piece if you want.
Almost all of them are in the four digits.
Yeah that's the plan. There will be an earlier piece with them smaller as well as an fyi
I wish I can help Marianne but can’t.
>>173199 (OP)
Anyways who made the first two starting photos.
Fat fuck Rhea would be amazing, someone should get her past Annette.
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They keep growing goddamn
Five more until all hit the four digits. Marianne is growing let’s go!
https://linktr.ee/ebcart is the link. Use the tip jar and say the character. It's in Canadian dollars so if you use Euro or American Dollars it will be worth more
Now that the livestream is done, is any able to post the updated chart? Because a LOT of changes happened in just a few hours
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I dumped more, but I think I'm too broke to go further, so any more would be pretty rad
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if any other dorothea enthusiasts would like to donate to her i would be forever indebted to you <3 we've gotta get her cracking 1000 pounds
By my calculations, these are the amounts needed left to make the rest of the main girls on the chart plump up to 1000 lbs.
Shez: 115 lbs = $57.50 CAD = $42.45 USD
Dorothea: 120 lbs = $60 CAD = $44.30 USD
Mercedes: 218 lbs = $109 CAD = $80.47 USD
Byleth: 314 lbs = $157 CAD = $115.91 USD
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Here's the updated chart, had to pay $80 CAD to boost Catherine to 1000 lbs and he even gave extra chub to her face for me as a bonus
Good lord they got huge. A few are so close to being immobile too. If any of you richfags want to donate to Maneula or make Rhea bigger than Leonie then that would be rad.
Edelgard needs to hit that Immobility threshold.
I'm surprised at Hilda's relatively modest weight
My poor Edelgard keeps falling behind. Curse my poverty
Kronya remains in the lead, and all is right in the world.
Hey guys I’m trying to find to stories related to FE one with ursula where she is a neet playing video games and one of the white wings sisters

Do you have any idea?
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Lysethia suddenly joining top 5 in the chart as Rhea is now off it. Shamir also slowly gaining too.
The donations close once they finish line art which has currently started so if folks still want they can add more to the girls
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Lysithea has maxed out her bar and Kronya has broke past 10k. Wild that this is still getting donations
I pray someone puts Edelgard at her weight limit
I hope Marianne can make her bar max out soon.
Who knew, fire emblem fats is an infinite money glitch
The weight gain community has done well to get a good chunk of characters immobilized in EBC's drive, but I think it is possible still to get everyone left in the list to the same stage as the immobile blobs. I'm certain everyone interested in this drive already promoted this elsewhere, but perhaps we could try more and harder to reach the places in the community that haven't heard of this drive yet or haven't had enough of a nudge to be interested in funding this. So what I'm saying is we should do more to tell the internet, with caution of course and not poking the wrong hive, in places like discord servers that would allow this kind of promotion or other sites, along with the message of both donating and spreading this around. Even if they don't donate money to EBC, they may have a higher chance of spreading this information to other people and perhaps that could attract more people to donate. And also making sure the link to EBC's link tree is included is important along with relevant info like when streams happen and when the donations are closed off to persuade and inform others to boost the chances of succeeding and getting people to donate. So far the current goal that I think, in my opinion, we should aim is to get Edelgard, Manuela, Hilda, and Catherine to be immobile, so we could add the message to send money to those four. After that, Byleth and Shez are next, followed by everyone else who doesn't have a bad yet. This is the path I see as more important, but getting more people in the sheet to be fat enough that their icon are at the bottom of the status update sheet is also a good idea that I could support. But the point is we should advertise this more in a more precise manner. And of course, I did donate money to the drive and did provide some help in getting Mercedes to become immobile earlier. With good communications, dedication, hard work, and luck, I'm certain we can get the Three Houses ladies even fatter before EBC closes off the donation!
Marianne needs some love since seeing on top five.
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There were some big moves yesterday such as Annette taking 1st. A push to get Edelgard, Hilda, Catherine and Manuela to immobile would be great. Despite all the changes the guy is still hyped to draw so may as well help get these girls bigger or hell put more in a favourite like Marianne, Bernadetta or Rhea. Either way this will end up the best piece in the FE community.
Comparing Edelgard's immobility threshold to where Petra is at, it appears she will need around 600 more pounds before reaching that threshold. With quick maths, it should come around to 214 US dollars after converting that from 300 CAD. That is a lot, but if we rally the weight gain community online through Discord, Twitter, DeviantArt, and any other site that could accept this being posted and shared around, we could potentially reach that immobility threshold for Edelgard, or in this case, "Edelard". Mention the math if needed, but be sure to include the constantly updated bar graph and the link tree tip jar link with each promotion.
We can do this and get enough people to get the remaining characters immobile! Share on!
I think it's specifically because it's 3H. I can't see any other game reaching this levels except MAYBE Engage
Plus I'm sure if you had a limitless drawn drive with any reasonably game/franchise with 12+ girls in it and were a good artist it would do well
Fuck, guess it's time I finally pony up the cash. I can't let Kronya lose.
How long do we have?
I heard in a stream, once EBC is done doing line art for everyone, the donation would close off due to making changes to the bodies while doing color would be really hard. So if we want as much time as possible, probably donate to characters he drew already, that could buy us more time. Who were drawn already? Check the Livestream when they happen to see.
Still, it is best to get as many people to donate into this drive as soon as possible.
They have mentioned that they plan to do a Fire Emblem Heroes one at some point using all the most popular girls throughout the series.
Two more then all the girls reached four digits.
Is there a up to date chart? I completely missed the stream last night because I thought by Thursday, it would late at night on that day and NOT Wednesday late.
How much was done and when is the next stream?
As of now the most up to date chart is the most recent one.
As of now with the stream, Hilda, Manuela and Catherine are the only one's still mobile.
Hilda is now immobile. Only Manuela, Catherine, Byleth, and Shez are mobile. Ignoring the characters without bars that is. As in Anna, Arval, Sothis, Monica, Cornelia, and those two other characters.
Lysithea and Leonie are tied for third place.
How long until Fat Art of Christmas Edelgard and Byleth?
she doesn't even go to that fuck ass school.
In her bond with Byleth she wants to go there. She wanted to know how the academy free time goes since I’ve played Engage.
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Current update of the chart for the huge 3H girl drive. They said they may be finished lineart soon so donos are also going to close with them so if you want to donate then now is the best time for it.
She is now 4000 so she is bigger
That’s good to know. Marianne deserves more love in my opinion.
I need an Oil Magnate Edelgard fan to push her to be the fattest Eagle.
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Last calls on the drive as it will likely end by next stream today so if anyone else wants to dono this will be the last chance unless major changes happen.
4 of the original girls are still mobile as well.
Come on Marianne you deserve more love.
Come on Edelgard Oil Baron, I BELIEVE IN YOU
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Update on the drive, last stream before donations close is ongoing. They have also said that if all the main girls not including Byleth and Shez get immobilized they will do an extra part 4.
As of now only Mauela and Catherine are still mobile.
>>181749 Manuela is now immobile. Only Catherine left
We have to spread the word as quickly as we can before it's too late. There has to be some remaining spots online that could donate to those two. As of now as I am writing this, Byleth is either not yet inked or about to be, so time is running out. To anyone who reads this, spread this drive and link to the tip jar to every possible corner online that would tolerate this content. May fortune shine on us all.
Edel now weighs 4000. Whole 2 tons
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Catherine is almost immobile! EBC said about 48 more dollars to go before that happens and if that happens, there will be a bonus part four! We're almost there! Spread the word and get more to donate!
>>181752 Catherine is now immobile
>>181761 we’re now getting 4 parts
All the girls are immobile. 4th picture incoming
Mission accomplished then! Now that's been done, and it's unlikely that Byleth, Shez, and the rest without bars will become immobile, I suppose we could use whatever time is left and hope that more of the blobs get as big as the 11 mountains on the chart? As in big enough to land on the ground instead of being on the top of their bars.

Any new Axel panels yet?
Anyone have a good screenshot of the final look of the EBC drive image?
I'm completely onboard with Hilda being the fattest.
Wish Shamir got a bigger push, also I'm not a huge fan of the pose she's in, in the sketch. Wish her body was more visible but I don't want to dismiss anything.
Seethe and cope. Us Hilda bros are so back.
I fucking fell asleep during the last livestream, I was pondering on whether or not to donate to immobilize Shez for the last major change, I know both her and Byleth are one of the feeders in the context of this WG Drive but still, now I'm gonna have to try to shrug of this FOMO during the next livestreams of him coloring this :(
>The oil baron was Team Hilda all along
There's a joke here about lazy wealthy elites.
Also Edelgard missing out on both top five and fattest Eagle saddens me
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Did anyone manage to catch a screenshot of the final sketch for the EBC spread? I totally forgot to do it myself when I was watching
im trying to remember a very specific fic regarding edelgard and a birthday wish to end the war and i cant manage to find it ANYWHERE. it had a few ""dark themes"" regarding vore and domination if that helps. if anyone knows the fic im talking about that would be fantastic
What You Wish For by Anomnomnom
Oh fuck you gonna summon Gecko lmfao
Anyone know if there's more pages to this?
Why's she got a jetpack?

And I agree. Her skinny body was MADE for plumping up.
Its the jetpack from Smash bros.
To the guy who's commissioning the Axel-Rosered FE3H sequence, if you see this, I was just wondering if we could get an update on when you're planning on commissioning the next 4 parts for Edelgard and Lysithea, since I think you said you had to find a job at the time, your last posts got deleted along with the last Axel thread and my memories a bit foggy on everything you said, like whose getting paired with who and which girls being included along with you saying some girls stay thin at first like Byleth while watching the other get fat.
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The next 4 have already been paid for and I'm just waiting on updates from axel.

As for who will be commissioned later this chart should help. I have the next sequence already planned out and written. And yes byleth will be one of the last to get fat despite showing up earlier. I'm not entirely certain on the pairings I still have much to think on.
I hope Marianne and Mercedes become the next pair.
>And yes byleth will be one of the last to get fat despite showing up earlier.
Jumping the gun here, but could that be a sign that she'll outgrow her students?
Perhaps, i haven't decided yet.
That’s surprising but good luck. I remembered something but don’t know what.
Any Hinokas?
This is amazing, thanks man
This is peak. Pure ecstasy, this could be the end and I would be satisfied.
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time to bring some real quality
>>187917 why would you do that, anon
As an artist I have to ask. Aside from the subject matter which is its own fail. How can someone draw and just stagnate for so long? Like you take 2009 vs 2023 and it’s all the same. I get if this were a show requiring consistency but even then you see characters change slightly and techniques improved but here… nothing.
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Starting a WG sequence featuring Sakura and Hana.
Sakura wants to gain weight but her body can't so she's gotta find an alternative.
Looks cool. Speaking of which is their anymore art of her anywhere.
There needs to be more art of Velouria, and Selkie
Damn, what's with all this shitty spic art?
Thanks I’m liking that view of her.
Think I saw one too but there's never sauce attached
Stupid whore got stuck LMAO
Dumb roastie bitch deserves it
No she didnt thats fucked up lol
This is excellent. By the way do you take requests or commissions it’s fine if neither.
I don’t take either at the moment but maybe one day. I’ve been hesitant in the past due to my slow output but I’ve been on a roll lately.
I’m just curious that is why I asked? Another reason would be is that I’ve liked your art style since I already saw your other works.
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Anyone have this new piece by roundersofter?
BRUH. Literally two posts before yours is the first one.
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Finally. Canon bbw in feh...

You guys think this will spark some art of her?
Looking for a pic I had years ago

Edelgard before and after, where she’s skinny in her pre timeskip look, and fat in her post, white background, and it implied she gained the weight to be a heavy armor class?
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If anyone's interested in a WG/Slob story, Sicstories is doing a drive for all the FE3H girls
I hope Leonie gets in soon.
Dont go showing love to ppl who dont come see you. Fuck em.
If you find yourself always going to them. Then its a no for me.
Same guy, I didn't wanna take any chances so I just said fuck it and paid $100 to fund both Petra and Hapi.

I then DM'd sicstories on if he'd ever include Shez and Monica but then said he'd think about it since he hasn't played Three Hopes yet and doesn't wanna mess up the characterization, hopefully he can include others like Judith, Kronya, Cornelia and maybe even Ladislava and Fleche but I kinda don't expect this to get as big as Extrabaggageclaims drive spread.
You don't have $50 that you can spend now and make back later?
She said im good on the affiliation lol
I don’t unfortunately.

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