
Sauce on the first pic?
Yeah, and a lot of the artists that do do it either obsess too much about it or don't even draw it in appealing way (Or both, in the case of Skelesoda). Either that or they use it as a further excuse to pretend the character they're drawing has no genitals like some weird 'asexual/nonbinary' complient thing.
They are all Ashvenit if I recall correctly.
(85 KB, 689x400, FUnBwqKUsAAz7Hi.png)
I've always like how decisivetang/intangibletang does it.
The artist name is shown in the top left.
>>180843 I hate how he draws dick sucking lips, makes the characters look like horses.
(1.1 MB, 1123x1440, F7Eq9z-boAAvhzl.jpg)
Preaching to the choir, man. There's quite a bit I hate about his art, but I still consider him an extreme hit or miss case. When he hits, it's fucking phenomenal, when he misses it's the most repulsive shit ever. There's rarely anything inbetween.
That seems to be a problem in hentai altogether, too many artists apparently think sucking dick elongates a girl's face..
>>182821 I'm sorry but how the fuck do you get off to fat like this
With Weapons Grade Autism.

I usually don't. I dislike loose skin. This is very close to being unacctractive, but the text kind of saves it? I don't know. We are all mentally ill.
Speak for yourself, sag is peak, makes the fat look soft and heavy
Yeah but there is realistic sag and unrealistic sag. Too much of a good thing
sagfags are mentally ill
>>182869 Look, everyone's got standards, and that is a line-crosser for me.
And.,..? You say that as if you're not a fucker who looks at Women who'd die of heart attacks at ANY second all day.
(22 KB, 374x364, barrel.webp)
sangy is bottom of the barrel
please raise your standards for your own sake, you can do much better than absolute shit
I follow like 2 hundred, it was just recent so I thought I would send it in.
Stupid monopoly contestant finally sent to the blackhole. Out numbered now for that statement.
I wouldn't mind Sangy much if he wasn't such a shameless plagiarist. Seriously the fact that the dude outright traced Fusa's art at one point and hardly anyone called him out on it is wild.
both pics are by Raynorr
Genital erasure in WG art is real dear god
triple fupas arent and never will be a thing lmao
Idk what this oc is meant to be. Either futa, "futa sometimes" or trans or something. Either way, theres probably a dick somewhere there.
(181 KB, 2048x1447, GGA4vhSbIAAWlbz.jpeg)
He only ever drew her as a futa ONCE. Any other time we see her she doesn't have it, so it either wasn't that popular or was just redundant now that there's the futa self-insert.

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