
(513 KB, 510x907, 720583_heftycuties_leaking-problem.png) (457 KB, 510x907, tumblr_p9f4heB9VQ1xsk0jyo1_640.png) (440 KB, 510x907, tumblr_p92bf6zbtm1xsk0jyo1_640.png) (512 KB, 510x907, tumblr_p8odf11LOi1xsk0jyo1_640.png) (747 KB, 655x732, tumblr_pcibokHA231xsk0jyo1_1280.png) (806 KB, 655x733, tumblr_p9mf067JHb1xsk0jyo1_1280.png)
I came across years ago about this artist work.
Used to post stuff on newgrounds and twitter as far as i know but suddenly there were no more new pictures from the artist.
Does anyone know something about it?
(some art as reference)

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