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New thread since previous one just got bumplocked. Here is what I have of Fusa and Ha Button, hope you guys enjoy em.


Accidently forgot to archive the translated page 243 of Ayano. The one done by cx. If anyone has the page do upload it as sson as you can. Or if you guys want me to translate and upload the page here, do let me know asap.

There are still some links active in the previous thread here>>. Do check em out b4 the thread is gone.

As said b4, you may notice some strange alpha-numeric strings of code in some of the posts. Here is a site u can use for decoding them. Just follow the instructions and erase them when decoding.

If u have just missed the reups, don't worry since most of em are available over here.

Since Fusa has taken up translating his pages into English as well, I will be mainly focusing on translating After School for now. Will take up translating Ayano only on request. Anyone else interested in translating can take it up as well. As long as you are open to constructive criticism.

Also keep in mind not to use more than 2 posts for uploading or reupping images. Try to use links (not encoded) allowed by the global rules for big posts. No one likes a post fag.

And finally here are the sites where the authors upload their works along with the pages on kemono.



Do vote for their updates on kemono from time to time.
as soon*
Anybody got the translations for Ayano 242 and 243?
Just a theory but what if Rio's weight mostly goes to her ass?
Where can I find the translations for some of the other comics/works?
New ayano
New after school?
Gigantic if factual
I think they're referring to the page posted earlier this week on the old thread
Alright alright, this joke has now reached its zenith of stupidity. Either post fan art/translations or hold ur comments for another page.

Also in other news, here is the new translated page 84 of AF.

Sorry for the delay. Sprained my wasd arm the other day. Had to take a bit longer than usual to finish this up. Hope u guys enjoy it also if u guys spot any errors on the page, do let me know asap.
Any translation for the latest aoba?
The translated pages are posted to the artist's Fanbox page, and kept on a 3-page delay from the original pages.
You and I both know that's not what they were asking for.
new ayano
I hope it not just more Rio again
On the other hand, I like Ryo's story. Ayano is now so fat that you can't see the gain.
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Ayano's destiny is to become immobile at 267kg and suffer a catastrophic myocardial infarction at 345kg, ending her life at 25 years of age and the heaviest Japanese person to ever live. Moemi will be scared straight and drop from 120kg to a healthier 70kg. Miyuki will hover around 150kg for the rest of her life due to depression and die in her 50s. Rio will go all in and balloon up to 390kg from 210kg within three years and suffer the same fate in a unfortunately successful attempt to surpass Ayano, but she will feel sad she didn't hit 400kg as she dies. Their four cases will be studied for decades to come as a cautionary tale. Then one day another girl will discover the fat(e)s of these four and decide to repeat history. Deathfat shall always continue.
I think the huge if true joke was better than this
Who can send it?
Here is all the files of the new Ayano also with the eng translation so I guess there isn't much need for translators anymore, but anyway enjoy

We look you, Ryo-chan 😭
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Okay. 22 pages and I think we are WAY far away from the last time we saw Ayano's pov. Is Fusa trying to show the other girls reaction on Ryo's sudden change or something
Anyone also have pg 244 of Ayano?
yeah i'm missing it too, for some reason?
Page 244 was shared on the v5 thread, I don't think the link is still active but if someone could reupload it to this thread that'd be fab.
Something unexpected = weather is cold in winter
Did fat clog up her brain arteries?
>Heart eyes
Rio is honestly right next to Ayano as my favorite character
I really hope the "Something unexpected" is just just everyone else looking bigger making her still look thin in comparison

I really just wanna see her reach Ayano levels
I really love the enthusiasm outta Rio. Like obviously Ayano was also into it just as much as she was but Ayano was a lot more low-key in her bliss with her gain. Meanwhile Rio in her private life is just getting massively hype over every new kg gained. Esp after she finally broke through the metabolism wall. It's some refreshing energy
could you instead post the one that doesn't have the gaussian blur applied to it?
I think people will be looking at her weird for being chubby and wearing tight revealing clothes.

Or she’s scared of actually going out to do this.
Gotta say her butt crack is hot
I gotta say that at first glance she seemed like the stoic model type to contrast everyone else, but she pleasantly surprised me with how persistent and eager she is. Definitely up there with Ayano.
The bad news is that it is neither of those things. But the good news is that I know that because you guys are one issue behind :)

You got the next page already
God, no one draws asscracks as hot as Fusa does
Seems sad she has to cover up for the winter
Hopefully this just leads to her putting on more weight in the winter with a big reveal during spring
Sorry to be that guy, but can we get a reup on the links from >>170819 (OP) ? Please, and thanks in advance
245 has been out for almost a week now.
Learn to read.
last batch of studying abroad updated
>the last page
holy shit
>the last page
holy shit
Do you have the page of the habutto student abroad?
Hope continue this is fucking amazing
Holy Christ that epilogue page. BF made sure to inflate her to the moon.
"Ah damn, I might have become a feeder because of her" Dude spent most of this series inhaling copium
KipTeiTei, pixiveo, BWS, Belt Buster, SweetDreamCoffee, literally every fat fetish artist ever needs to take notes from habutton.
THIS is how you do a weight gain sequence. Best I have ever seen by a LARGE margin.
aww man I wish we could've seen her whole body with that final frame
Is a epilogue or continue?
You asked this before right after someone said that it's over. It also says at the top of the link you are responding to that it's the end.
Habutton take commission? Is there any way I can contact him? I want to see a continue of this comic
I don't know if he makes commissions, but you could talk to him kindly through his Twitter/X account, he makes translations of his comics into English, which means he is open to that audience.
Fuuuck, we need the full body version of the last page, sadly this is the last.
It's also the biggest girl he ever drew, iirc.
Can't wait Sage reaching the same state as gf series.
Just got curious: why do Fusa and Habutton share a thread in the first place?
habutton's power is maximum
habutton's power is maximum
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Just came across this... Does anyone know where the rest of this is?
look in the previous tread

It's over and he'll be moving onto another side series.

A decent amount of people are begging for a full body of the epilogue though so who knows maybe we'll get lucky, also the original comment on the jp post says 一旦完結 which implies "for now" which didn't get put in the English post.
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Here's a little challenge for those that wish to do it. Recreate or making their own image of all the girls in it as the same weight as Ayano
Thanks for trying.

Yeah, I don't know if Habutton has ever accepted commissions.
Rio best girl
He does got skeb, so maybe someday, we will get the chance.

Would you mind uploading Japanese version as well?
I absolutely agree. Who knows if Ayano finds her and decides to help her
So who's gonna find her account first and why is it Moemi
I'm more curious about how the others will react once they find out
I'm just hoping that her and Ayano become proper allies in their pursuit, I don't want the Rio arc to end...
Does anyone have ayano 245?
Fusa said 2 or 3 more pages on the Fanbox. But We'll still get to see Rio gaining alongside the other girls, she just won't be the focus.
I know, just hoping those pages bridge to her confiding in Ayano so she's more in focus, even if she's not the sole focus. Them doing stuff together vs her passively continuing in the background.
So anyone has some kind of backup plan given the news of the site?
Guess by now, u have all read the announcement post by Barclay in >>>/gen/37424. Seem like this is the final Fusa and Habutton thread on this chan. Its been fun translating Ayano, AF and other works over the years. I thank u all for ur support. Also as of this post on, I will be stopping the translations for AF and any other works of these 2 artists. Though the good news is that these artists have started posting the translations on their sites. Hoping for a miracle but honestly speaking, this seems like this is it for Bbw-chan. See ya around and once again thanks everyone. P.s. don't forget to bookmark the sites mentioned in the OP while the site is still up. Will post a big reup of all the content I have of Fusa & Habutton later on if the site is still up.

Man. I only came here for this thread. Thanks for all the work you put into translating these doujin + for maintaining the threads - I know at the end of the day we could dismiss everything and boil it down to it just being porn, but that was real time and effort you put into it and that's worth appreciating.

I'm a little confused though - is the shutdown happening imminently or in January?
Godspeed to your other endeavors Zeph
Good luck to you, and everyone.
new aoba
Fuck, I didn't know we were losing the site, that sucks. At least we got lucky and both fusa and habutton are putting out in English these days.
Reminder that you can find all (I think) translated shorts from fusa in here: https://e-hentai.org/g/2708159/57b2d6295c/ (I've taken the liberty of uploading it with the new translations from Twitter, which aren't mine. If the guy doing them is here, bless your face, and sorry for not asking beforehand.)
Also, reminder that Pocha mMusume eventually got translated: https://mangakakalot.com/manga/tl925702
idk if it will work for most ppl.
but if the site is going down using NOSTR might serve the same usecase.
u can post notes (text) and images (as URLs no hosting u must do it yourself).
similar to twitter but no mods or admins.
Here i posted a first Note with all the links that are usually posted at the start of the thread and some How To Get Started
(links to nostr are long sorry >.<)

Hey can someone put the Ayano dream sequence on e-hentai?
any1 got new aoba
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I have no clue where to get good translation pieces for Ayano, I think I was around the point where Ayano hits 250 if I remember correctly... but then I see fat Rio here and I wonder just how behind I am since Rio is still skinny as a stick where I last read. Does anyone have a good source for reliable translate pages?

E hentai seems to be the main archive for ayano
The recent commission is not on there unfortunately
Does anyone have anything they wish to post before the site gets nuke?
Hate to ask this, can someone reup please?
To the person or people who's been translating everything, thank you.
Ayano and After School were some of my favorite weight comics. You were doing gods work and I hope you doing good in life.
So long, and thanks for all the fish. My only regret is that I didn’t contribute more when I could.
page 247 is out
Thank fuck I managed to find fusa and habutton through this thread before this place got rip'd. Best shit I've read in years.
Even though bbw chan is dying I'll still try and post the new pages when they come out. Here is the new page for Anayo both Japanese and English versions enjoy you guys.

Godspeed, anon, hope your kindness crosses paths with us in another time
Thanks man, hope to see you again soon.
Maybe try curvage?
new ayano re upload please
thanks smug, you're a real one
Rio is super into it <3
ayano might want to get fat, the the blissfulness in Rio's face as she eat is sooooo good
also nice ass <3
Could I ask for rio page 24?
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Do you know where this art was posted?
Jesus Christ she is turning into a real bbw slut
im gonna miss this thread when the board is gone...
where is the one on the right from?
aw hell no fusa hasn't gone and drawn a kid ahegao'ing has he. hell no hell no
It's a drawing, take your meds.
The Kid is a bit much, kinda creepy. Can't get off on this.
almost been 2 months since fusa's kemono was last updated
Can someone post more Fusa translations on some of his work that hasn’t been translated?
Post the untranslated ones you're interested in and I'll try to get them done within the month
Good news everyone. Seems like we'll be here for a while thanks to gigachad. Will be resuming the translations for AF and other works of Fusa and Ha Button.
Wait what?! Someone made a donation to avoid the nuke?!
Yup check the new gen thread.
Cant wait to see your transitions for one more year.

Attempted translation before Zephyr cooks:

>Sorry for the wait, I'm gonna line up dinner one by one.
>Whoa, mabo tofu! It smells so good...
>I make this much everyday so I got used to it, but...
>Each meal takes so many kilos of ingredients, it's making me gain weight...
>Inukai-chan, I'll do the dishes, so leave it to me.
>Ah, thanks as always.
>...The fact that Ushimi-san eats as much as everyone, and yet she can keep her figure... it's probably because she burns more calories, right?
>The person who consumes the most and burns the least calories:
>I'm full...

Ha Button I kneel
Inukai finally getting a taste of her own medicine? I am HERE for it.
Donator, if u’re reading this, thank you from the bottom of my heart
Kindness generate kindness, don’t forget it guys
Anyone know where i can find the aoba translations for the most recent pages? Ive seen up to 33 but in the previous thread i think someone posted untranslated pages that were more recent
>That overhead shot with the first panel
new ayano up please
New Ayano pages with English translations enjoy you guys and glad that the server is lasting for a whole year

Can you get page 24 too? I missed out on that one
Oh my god, she's getting sexy as hell, and she's one step away from obesity (because until she hits a BMI of 30 she's overweight, not obese, but getting close).
Urghhhh Rio's arc has been insane. I wonder if she'll make it to 100kg before they go back to another character
>I'm no longer the person I used to be
The combination of horror and arousal is a nice touch
Pegue fusa, pegue
Pegue fusa, pegue
Wow she's developing much more of either a top-heavy or hourglass figure than I would've thought for her body type
Does someone have this translated?
We need more Fusa Translations
Yeah she's bustier and has a bigger butt than the early visions she had of her fat self. I like going back to those pages now and imagining there being 3-5 pages in between. Not such a huge jump anymore. Rio is the best
Rio got a lot of ass shots so far. Can't complain, keeps her distinct from Miyuki or Moemi.
Fusa said the Rio arc would end in 2 or 3 more pages about 2 pages ago.
Hopefully he changes his mind, she is too good
You miss one. The "Fetish 3" page is not here
I just realized I'm missing pages 245 and 247 of Ayano. Is someone willing to do a quick reupload?
Many thanks as usual, m8
Do you know if habutton is continuing Maru's weight gain journal
As far as I know, the thing hasn't been updated for more than a year, so I'd say it's over. Last page had some tone of conclusion as well
For real damn you have the last page though
Is the shortened wetransfer link not working for anyone else either? It keeps giving me a "Server not found" error, and the same goes for older links that I know I've used successfully before.
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Let's begin.
These taake a bit longer becaus I have to figure out the freaking kanji
Yeah, but the Ayano on ch.ai is just... Idk, too simple? Lacks character. If more people like the Rio I made, I could see myself making an Ayano one too
I'm really liking this Rio. SHe's maintaning the fact that she wants to gain weight, wants people to notice, but doesn't want to make it obvious that it's on purpose, quite well.
Hey, thx. Too bad I can only share a fetish related character with links to keep it unlisted since one of my irl friends knows I have that chai account
What about the one on spicychat? Is it a bit better?
Is there more fat anime girl ai chats?
Yeah there are tons. Go look at the chatbot threads on /bbwai/
does anyone have habutton's streamer girl drawings?

ANd end.

I'm on a roll, open to suggestions
Hey I'm the one who uploaded the Manga in ehentai but missing the latest pages from 23 up to the most recent, I got kinda busy so yeah if anyone is able to post the pages from 23 to the lastest would be appreciated
Hey, ive used to frequent a 'roleplayai" website, I hope someone.could help me
Hey, I was using "roleplay ai* website to talk to girls, but I can't seem to find it. Would you help me?
I've used.to use roleplay qi thong to talk to girls, but I can't find this website now, sorry
I used to use the roleplayI thingy website, but can't find it anymore. Please help someome.
Could someone help me with finding a website that was like a chat cpt helping point, I could upload chat gpt links there and they would talk to me.
Hey, may you help me, please? I used to go to a roleplayai website, but I can't find it anymore.
Hey, may you help me? I used to go to the roleplaiai website, and I can't find it
Fuck, my internet bugged, sorry, I didn't mean to spam the thread with this bullshit
This isn't the place to ask about AI shit.
Is there a rule about posting the image as is? Honest question here. If there's s a significant advantage to it, or a rule about it, I'll use WeTransfer, but I don't like that the link stops working after a while
>Is there a rule about posting the image as is?
No, he's just retarded. This is an IMAGE board, after all.
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I really like this one, although I had to adapt some translations that looked weird, the overall story should be the same
Not really much of a rule. However this thread is for everyone interested in doing reups. The thread gets bumplocked faster than u'd expect if 4-5 plus posts gets used just to reup a single comic. Ideally each post's max file upload limit should be more than 10x of what's available rn. But since that ain't the case, we have to make do with the transfer links for now. Even I admit that I'd rather prefer directly uploading images than using links but in the long run using transfer links is more beneficial.
The belly bump one was really cute even if the character design isn't my fav, thanks for translations!
Looks nice, what technique did you use?
new habutton
U on discord? If love to work on an edit w u, my @ is vict._0
I actually don't know how to answer that ahh sorry, I've been coloring stuff for 6 years at this point I use my own style and my color palette, I like using bright colors and alot or blur mixing
Just added ya!

I'm case anyone wants to add too my discord is Rinytsu
new habutton series
What even is the order for that one?`Is it 2 6 5 4 3 1?
Or 2 6 5 1 3 4?
damn, hope this series continues for abit
ah well…
Just about every other series Habutton has done has been het, how is this not expected by now?
There a new Ayano page today?
Seem nice, hope take a continuos like the study abroad, maybe more fatter, habutton goat of goat
No, they tend to come out on thursdays
Where the fuck do you faggots even come from?
I believe you can sign up for email updates for fusa's fanbox and you get an email whenever there's activity on his account. If you can't read Japanese it's an easy mistake to make. I used to do this too sometimes lol
How do you link pixivfanbox notifications to your gmail?
>login to pixivFANBOX
>visit fusa's pixivFANBOX page
>click follow
they'll start showing up in promotions subfolder.
New Ayano page?
i think it's either 4 1 5 6 2 3 or 4 1 5 6 3 2
Thank you very much for your awesome work/
Rio-chan's gain should've been it's own comic instead of completely taking over Ayano-chan's comic. It's going to suck when we get back to Ayano-chan since she'll very likely not be any bigger then when we last saw her despite the time was put into Rio-chan.

lol. She still looks exactly the same too. Yawn
Honesty I wouldnt mind if the rest of the comic focuses on Ayano's friends catching up to her.
I'd hate that, it would devalue Ayano's journey and her weight if everyone caught up to her.
I feel like the only way to make Ayano stay relevant (since it is her name on the title) would be like if she directly help her friends get used to their weight gain and make them accept their obesity. I know it may sound dumb but that's the only idea I have
I partially agree with you. I am liking seeing her friends get bigger, and I hope they all buy into weight gain like Ayano did.

But also we shouldn't forget Ayano either. Seeing all of them be SSBBWs would be amazing one day.
Yeahhh I think there's a few ways Ayano could stay relevant

1. She takes on more of a feeder/enabler/encourager role with her friends
2. She suddenly loses a bunch of weight due to illness or uni stress and has to regain it - this allows for some fat redistribution and lets us see another body type perhaps?
3. She completely overdoes it. Becomes immobile. Her friends try to help her but their new eating habits cloud their best judgement and end up making her continue to gain.
4. She reaches an upper limit and her role becomes more being visibly stuffed than gaining, similar to how Rio was at the beginning.

I am pretty intrigued by the fact we haven't seen any of the other girls in a considerable amount of time now Rio's arc has surpassed where Ayano last left off by several months. Are they all going to be massive? Has Moemi got her weight under control (...for now)? There's gotta be something happening behind the scenes whilst Rio is so focused on her own gain.

Also wouldn't be surprised if we see an arc with the girl from the plus size clothing store at some point. Or at the very least more of her in some capacity. I digress.
Anyone willing to try making one of these scenario?
I'd feel so cheated with scenario 2, such a stupid contrived "plot" to redraw the exact same size and postpone the bigger sizes further.
That's how I feel about Rio gaining weight now, and am wanting to see Ayano's weight gain continue.
4 u, Rio's arc is goated
That's exactly why I like Rio's and Miyuki's arcs so much. Weight gain stories are hot but the super huge immobile stuff is a big turn off to me. I find the early stages of weight gain much more appealing than endless weight escalation. Having multiple characters take turns gaining weight is way more enjoyable to me than watching a single character gain weight until they become immobile.

If I were to rank my preferred progressions they would be:
1) The story ends and Fusa starts over with a new one
2) Ayano meets new friends and they all have their own weight gain arcs
3) Her current friends get even fatter
4) Ayano gets even fatter

I just want another moemi arc, wanna see her slob out a bit and really lose control. Messy eating, almost always overstuffed, more fitness issues than the others suffer from, some burps would be awesome. Preferably whilr staying embarrased by it.
>Having multiple characters take turns gaining weight is way more enjoyable to me than watching a single character gain weight until they become immobile.
I don't get that, what's appealing about getting the exact same sequence over again with no differences? It's much better to have one character be forever ahead of the others by a big margin. It adds size variety and prevents repetition from happening. Have everyone end up the same weight is dull.
I never said all the characters should end up the same weight. I just don't enjoy massive immobile characters.

Even without constant weight escalation you can still have plenty of variety in terms of how each character distributes fat and how each character reacts to their weight gain. For example, one character could get big breasts while another gets thick thighs. A story could also have one character enjoy their weight gain, a second character stress out about it, and a third be oblivious or in denial about it.

That type of variety is more interesting to me than simple escalation.

When are we getting more aoba…. She is so cute and is growing very well
Same I like unwilling weight gain where it's just in their gluttonous nature to be fat, it's insane how she is heavier than Miyuki after only a few months

I just wished Fusa made one of them truly bottom heavy, talking full on pear shape for more variety. Rio has some great ass shots but she isn't a pear
Maybe they don't have bottom heavy reference material. The good artists in these circles see all sorts of BBW models and builds and know how to do belly heavy, bottom heavy and fat all over builds.

I imagine for Mangaka, they may not have a lot of BBWs to reference. They may reference some Western BBW models, but may not have access or know how to find more reference material for their art. I just thought it's the case of someone who knows only a little english needing to access sites that are english. It being hard to search and look stuff up in a language one has a basic knowledge of. Since most Japanese BBWs tend to be belly heavy, they don't get variety for BBW builds. Maybe Fusa has this problem. They may not have as much references as artists like SuperSnackSized, JayTeeFAartist, Raynorr.
(746 KB, 267x200, 1631681570779.gif)
>Maybe they don't have bottom heavy reference material
>I imagine for Mangaka, they may not have a lot of BBWs to reference
>They may reference some Western BBW models, but may not have access or know how to find more reference material for their art
>They may not have as much references as artists like
Anon, stop projecting your retardation onto others; it ain't even slightly hard to figure out how to do a simple search in any of the major languages but now unlike when I had to figure out Japanese when I was young, people can take advantage of following lists on shit like twatter to gather up pictures and good words to search with.

I'd say the most likely reason Fusa isn't going into other body types is because he either doesn't want to be bothered or he never felt any issues so he hasn't noticed the problem.
He could also just like the build he gives. Us men have ideal female forms and it varies from man to man. The mainstream is thin, big boobs, long thin legs. For some it's musclebabes. Maybe some men prefer abs, thick biceps, thick muscle thighs. For us, we love big and plump. SOme of us obsess on bellies, some are thigh, some like big boobs, round double chins, thick meaty arms. Maybe Fusa likes the builds he draws and doesn't feel as interested in bottom heavy builds.

Plus artists reuse features and builds a lot. They just need to now how to make builds different enough that they aren't recycle bodies with different faces/hair colors/styles, etc.
>Even without constant weight escalation you can still have plenty of variety in terms of how each character distributes fat and how each character reacts to their weight gain. For example, one character could get big breasts while another gets thick thighs. A story could also have one character enjoy their weight gain, a second character stress out about it, and a third be oblivious or in denial about it.
Having different weight distributions and different reactions from each other isn't enough, their sizes can be used to tell a story too. It's always felt like a cop out to me when a character shows that they've lost themselves to weight gain, only to end up being in the same size range as someone else who isn't serious about weight gain.

>That type of variety is more interesting to me than simple escalation.
I still would like to see Ayano stay ahead of the others by a big margin. My concern with the comic right now is if Ayano is still the same size as when we left her despite there being no story reason for her stopping or slowing down. It would be unnatural to have her frozen in time while Rio's weight gain happened, especially now that Rio is double her starting weight since we left Ayano.
New Aoba
I hope we get to see her hit 100kg.
Awesome thank you! Rio best girl, Fusa did it again
(427 KB, 1283x1746, IMG_1470.jpeg)
A while ago Fusa made this, and it’s awesome to see him do this through Rio. It’s funny how at first I thought her journey would be a repetition of Ayano’s, but now she’s my favorite of the bunch
any1 new aoba?
Thats not the new Aoba. That's the new page of Ayano in low res.
Thx for the upload as usual.
Also can u also post the raws of page 249 in orginal res as well?
Why wouldn't you post the new japanese text file in the same rar upload to begin with

Some of us aren't black so we're smart enough to learn a second language.
You racist piece shit I’m gonna kick ass don’t ever come back on this forum
(412 KB, 730x1058, rio1.png)
From the looks of it, Rio is almost as big as the idealised vision of herself from back at the start of her arc. She's made it so far.
>>177880 you faggot bbwchan is a 4chan subsidiary
It really isn't, /d/ didn't want you idiots anywhere near the site when it was almost time to shut everything down for good.
I think another 10 pages and the aoba will be end
Not sure. That girl in that exchange student story got pretty big.
dude you're literally black. you're black as shit. shut the fuck up.
Ngl I expected racism in the Kipteitei or the BWS thread, not the Fusa one. That racist piece of shit must have such a pathetic life to get upset over something like not including the Japanese version of a wg fetish manga on an English forum. Get a life fr
I just hope those message will be deleted soon
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If only your zookeeper taught you sign language instead of how to use a keyboard, you ape nigger. I wish a school shooter would've killed you when you were still in kindergarten along with the other proto-thugs in your ghetto shitclassroom. I'm literally feeling a high coming on from dunking on you blacko-boys in this thread o' mine. More dead black kids, more joy in the world.
Imagine being like this 😭

You probably think you're so cool for doing this shit too, makes it even worst. You're behind a screen on a fattywank image board dude get a grip
Y'all we're just here to walk to fat chicks
Racism aside.... Is Rio wearing a buttplug?? That bunny tail seems to be sitting square in the middle of her ass, above her panties. She's gotta be wearing a buttplug. Holy shit.
Were people in this thread seriously getting triggered over "muh rasism"? Like enjoy your chubby girls and stop biting bait.
Are you retarded? It's obviously at the back of her string, and your asshole is not that high up.
>Fusa starts translating comics himself calling into question the need for these threads to even exist anymore
>thread immediately devolves into a autistic racist meltdown
Go fuck your cousin, you white trash retard. And then do us all a solid and buy a rope.
(34 KB, 600x452, main-qimg-7328defd1e48d2b4fc484a6862fbabea-pjlq.jpg)
Maybe you're trying to intentionally misunderstand my argument for the sake of your own, but I doubt it because darkies have such a hard time with reading comprehension. You're really just that black. I know Japanese and can read the original text, free from any awkward phrasing. I know that the vast majority of users here are SWARTHY THUGS but I'm not, and thus have a high enough IQ to read a second language. It's inconsiderate to smart whites like me to only release the English translation.

See pic, you ape.

Bash a piccaninny's head in. Bash a piccaninny's head in. Bash it in bash it in. One less white crime victim. Thugbashing. Thugbashing.
>Are you retarded?
He is most likely black, AKA an AMERICANIGGER. They have IQs of 85 on average. That isn't *technically* retarded, but only because they lowered the retardation threshold to avoid being racist. It's still functionally retarded.
Can't believe this thread got derailed by someone that's too retarded to leave his house so he has to spend his time anonymously starting shit in a fat woman forum.
(2.3 MB, 3000x4000, z3qv5ibbjj0b2.jpg)
>errhhmmm u dont touch grass!!
K here's a commensurate argument, blackoboy

>this pic is banned from being uploaded
LMAO 18 seconds in paint
I feel so bad for your mom, or whoever else has to take care of you.
>>178025 please post your tranny shit somewhere else
In the process of getting diagnosed actually, yes.
(31 KB, 1200x677, Jiren.webp)
Mods kneel to the RACISMCHADS.

(2.0 MB, 4032x3024, F9kVZO9aEAA41ZY.jpg)
Anyone know of a good proxy site I can use to get physical copies of Fusa's manga series? I know scanlations exist already, but I still want copies of my own.
>>178093 I wonder what publisher would get it if it got an English translation. I'd bet Seven Seas, because of the chub of Elf-san and Dumbbells, and the erotic manga in general from Dragon Maid and Monster Musume.
just buy from amazon.co.jp? or Fromjapan but i don't see why you'd bother, especially since it's just gonna end up costing more

too het for Seven Seas tbh, but this is never gonna get published in English anyway
Most sellers on Amazon Japan don't ship to the US, and those who do are usually doing so at competitive prices with other proxy sites. In my experience, going through Buyee has been much cheaper, but they have a ban on foreigners buying fetish material which is why I didn't bother checking. They have a few listings, though! Never mind I guess.
(Suppose it's not lewd or 'obscene' enough to warrant a flat-out ban on sales, unlike most doujinshi that gets shared here)
btw, the current manga Fusa is making, is it just a 4koma or are those just teasers?
l know it's not gonna be translated anytime soon but still wanted to see it
Any1 here has the new page 249 japanese raws? Or can update the page over at kemono?
Thx for the upload, mate.
>Most sellers on Amazon Japan don't ship to the US
it's sold by Amazon themselves, directly. like, it says so right there on the store page. they'll ship pretty much anywhere. it's like 4-5 ameribux on the site after conversion, doubt you'll find it much cheaper new.
Rio looks likes she's having about as much fun as Ayano had when she first started gaining.
You're welcome.
Oh, well that's news to me. I ended up getting the full set for like $6 off Mercari; not too bad. I'm so used to buying shit from Japan through proxy/forwarding services because I always felt that was the only option. I've bought books directly from amazon.fr, .de. and .es after logging into my .com account, but every time I've logged into .jp with it, pretty much all of the listings disappear. It's only after I've made a separate account and changed my address to the one like Tenso gives you can I actually see and order anything. I completely forgot about that too by the way—just ordered some Muronaga Chaashuu tankobon I've been meaning to get. The asking prices on sites like DoujinRepublic are just ridiculous.
Don't people take the longer expensive route because you can't trust Amazon to not cancel orders from Japan?
This is pretty good, keep us updated chief
(341 KB, 860x1214, Experiment 1.jpg) (336 KB, 860x1214, Experiment 2.jpg) (388 KB, 860x1214, Experiment 3.jpg)
MOnth's almost up and I'l have to go back to work. I'll try to get the last few ones done, but if there's any more requests, it'll have to be soon.
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New habutton idk if it's got more on fanbox or something this is all that was on Twitter
Currently translate the new AF page. Will be posting it asap. Thx for the uploads.
very eager to see more!! please keep us updated or add them to kemono
I think that’s the plan, ayano will very slowly grow and the other two will rapidly catch up.
I think the girl who used to be fat will get near 200, and the skinny tall girl will actually speed past her.
They might all hit a plateau “together” for a minute
>og fat girl at 150, ayano at 220-230, tall girl at 180
But I think they will always bust through it together
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Maybe? All JP sites are really concerned about violating US obscenity laws, so they try not to list anything that can be considered NSFW. You can catch glimpses past this filter by looking at public Yahoo Auctions Japan listings though. Here are some Super Pochaco resin figures I saw on Buyee once; third pic is censored but pretty gnarly. They wouldn't let me bid on any of em.
Do anyone have this translated?
i have no idea, but as someone who has bought various items countless through both amazon.co.jp and via proxy using FromJapan, both have always worked just fine (in fact the Japanese amazon works better here (outside the US) than amazon.com does). the only thing is that FromJapan always costs a premium and takes a bit more effort (payments aren't as smooth) so it's only worth using if you actually need to.
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New Ayano is up, but it seems like Fusa is planning to make more parts for Ayano and her other friends as well!
Who posts the new chapter?
was from TiT forum, her of post, got like 3-4 video maybe not on coomer? and she has some too on JFF website
o wrong page, lmao someone delete that and this
(767 KB, 1227x1743, IMG_0774.jpeg)
Ayano looks insanely big, I honestly thought she would plateau after the last page we saw of her. Can’t wait to go back to her sequence
Can somebody please post the new page of ayano in Japanese too?
Actually post both raw and english pages since this one >>179582 ain't in the original res. Or if possible update the kemono page.

Also here is the translated page of AF86.
Hope u guys enjoy it and do let me know of any errors found.
Oh great the racist is back
Damn Miyuki looking big
Yeah Miyuki is bigger I can't wait to see her bigger belly and boobs!
>>179582 I can't wait to see more of ayano's sequence she's totally an ssbbw now! and damn i love Rio's belly fills out her sweaters.
I love How Ayano is wide enough to cover almost both of her friends behind her.

Also Rio just just going full Horny.
I'm almost praying she gets a feeder just because of how happy she'd be
I may just be recency bias, but Rio’s arc is my favorite. Her getting some sort of feeder to go along with the gaining Twitter account she made would be cool to see.

Glad we can see the other girls again too. I will always take Ayano but am more interested to see Miyuki and Moemi more since 60% of the story has been about Ayano.

Needless to say, this latest panel has me hyped.
(9.3 MB, 4299x6071, 428ERbZ7MleXeL4kRmrFOwKO.jpeg)
Full res english & japanese.
Honestly Im probably in the minority here but I miss when Rio was skinny. Her being tall and super slender was a nice comparison to Ayano being short and massive

It started off painfully slow, but now that it's over I agree, this has been the best side arc of Ayano's friends.

15 pages ago I was really eager to get back to Ayano, but given how good the last few pages have been, I'm actually a little bummed its over.

Ironically enough, I'm lowkey hoping Fusa starts the second Miyuki arc now instead of going back to Ayano just yet.
Can anyone reup the ayano dream sequence from last thread?
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Here you go. And if the guy that responsible updating the pages on e-hentai is reading this, mind uploading these?
(674 KB, 1200x1695, 7.jpeg) (674 KB, 1200x1695, 8.jpeg)
They are in the original size. But unfortunately, these are the low res ones. The ones that end with b are the high res images.
I suggest using a transfer link for uploading those pages instead posting them one by one.
I'm sorry, does that say 250??
Holy shit, I've been out of the loop. Looking through my archive, I'm missing pages 243-249.
Any chads out there that can repost?
Thx for the uploads, mate. Much appreciated.
>> 179713
I don't know who you are or where you're from. But you, sir, are the goat. And the community needs to know.
Screwed up the tagging. But again, thank you so much
NTA but believe it or not some of us here are actually paying subscribers lol
(236 KB, 941x1200, FzU8bgnWIAUSgdN.jpg)
I think it would be funny to see Rio lose weight and Moemi get bigger than Miyuki currently is
IIRC when the Rio arc started Fusa said they were going to do short arcs for all the other 3 girls before getting back to Ayano. I'm assuming the plan hasn't changed since then.

Really all I hope for is that Miyuki's next arc doesn't start at the beginning of university like Rio's and Moemi's did. We've seen that period from three different perspectives already, we don't need a fourth one.
Thank you for posting this! I missed this one in the previous thread and I thought I would have to be content with a Korean version I found somewhere online. Thanks!
I just reup pages when people ask, I have all of them in english
would you be willing to reup 244 then? The one I have is low rez
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Found this post on reddit and I am wondering does anyone has a link to this guy's fanfiction?

It's probably self insert shit too.
Yeah ikr the simping get better each year.
bro uses way too many commas
Why do they gotta come up with a whole new character just to turn the story into hetshit
(178 KB, 500x492, 1635357659445.png)
>redditor fanfiction

If I were a mod I'd ban you for having such low standards, anon.
I'd need them in the original quality

I could've swear I posted then on ehentai when they first got out but I must've forgotten and lost the pages
Any new Ayano?
not for the moment
anybody know something new about habutton and their new sequence?

No higher quality pages were provided in the original pixivFANBOX post. Both the JP and ENG versions are higher resolution, but suffer from jpg compression. Fusa didn't provide separate attachments like he normally does.
Guess the only option now is to download them from kemono when the page gets updated.
It's higher Quality than the ones I had so I appreciate the upload! Thank you
new page?
New post from Habutton
habutton new series updated
Fusa cooking again and it's good fuckin food
And we're back to Ayano once more. And not even a flashback just a direct continuation from Rio's story. I'm actually glad that we're just goin right along. Also I'm hoping that with that one commission dream sequence that Fusa has now gotten inspiration and experience to make Ayano properly bigger
Oh wait I'm stupid Rio's arc ended after winter break so we are flashbacked lol. At least we're back with the main girl again.
It took 251 pages but Ayano is finally fat enough to get stuck in doorways! Immobile Ayano is on the way I can feel it
I'm glad we got a little bit of Rio in the new page, thanks for always delivering Smug
>>181772 god please tell me this gonna continue with more parts, habutton always cooks a fucking storm with these comics
I see no reason why it wouldn't. I'm pretty sure this is going to be in the same vein as the comic with the studying abroad girlfriend, and if we're lucky this girl will get just as big.
I don't want Ayano to end up in the usual way girls her size do, but I still want to see her die tragically. It would be lame to watch her slowly rot away in a bed after being immobile for a couple years, eventually dying of heart failure or sepsis. Too normal. Instead, my ideal ending for her is to get in a mutual feeding relationship with Rio, and then Rio's horny takes over and she stuffs Ayano too much, resulting in a gastric rupture and near instant death. Then she keeps her in her bed, rotting away. Before anyone else can find her, Rio sticks a tube down her own esophagus (with a balloon to block food from going back up) and inflates her stomach with slop until she too ruptures and dies, only for her corpse to continue filling with slop long after she dies. The police would find a massive blob of decaying flesh in the form of Ayano and a slop balloon in the form of Rio, with slop leaking from her rectum.
>>181966 who the fuck is letting these idiots spew this garbage
Yes, now is the juice! No, the death of the main character from overeating is too much, but! We have now been shown that she now has more difficulties, and the door is just the beginning! Perhaps there will be turnstiles, a water park, or where she will need to go through a small alley and so on, not to mention things that will be able to support her. At the beginning of the story itself, they show that there are already other girls past her who are even larger, so most likely there will be no deaths.
It would be interesting, too, to see Ayano inflate herself with air through her anus and die from a ruptured intestine. In this case, I am mainly curious if the air will cause her belly to bulge outward or not before the rupture point, due to all the fat in the way. I wish to see an automated pump, so her corpse can continue filling after death.
Just report the death fetishers for the scum they are. No need to entertain these sick fucks
You plan to do more of these?
in what sense? type completely painted?

Didn't color in the sweat stains around her pits smh
(807 KB, 1080x2156, IMG_20231221_084521.jpg)
In general, it is very problematic to paint due to some kind of mesh, so you have to layer by layer
(642 KB, 1080x2116, IMG_20231221_084835.jpg)
if you want to try coloring it yourself, here is the skin color
New thread is up and running.

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