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Thread 12 bumplocked so let’s start things off with best chubby punk girl from NLB.

We left off with the previous thread in the middle of the OSC bar scene.
>>170044 (OP)
Really hoping for a continuation of NLB. Towards the end, Kip teased us seeing Tina and possibly Sydney being turned into Grace's personal piggies as part of the deal Tina made to get Sandy's address. Probably my favorite wg comic of all time. Pushed all the right buttons for me.
Would love to see some more fattened Tina and ofc Sydney too. The foundation is set for a good NLB sequel (same can be said for FNN with Connor and Cindy). Let’s just see if Kip actually builds on the foundation or let’s them rot in the ground.
The rat eating really did something for you, huh?
I third this. Need me some more Syd and Tina stuffing hijinks.
NLB was pretty bad, but thats due to all the filler, when thats all removed its pretty good, I wouldn't mind a streamlined NLB2 but thats never going to happen so it will probably just be as bad if not worse than the first one
If we can’t have NLB2, at least we got a few mini comics, NLTO, NL-Beach, and probably more small projects and one off art like at the top of the thread. That was from late 2021 if I recall correctly.

But at the end of the day, FNN2 is top priority.
FNN2 will never happen simply due to the fact that everyone wants it to happen
That and I really feel like Kip wouldn't want Cindy to get any bigger than she did at the end of FNN. He wants to keep Cindy as their magnum opus
We shouldn't have to wait a fucking month for a single page of fanservice out of a fetish comic released every 2-3 days.
I'm calling it who's asking if "she's here" is one of the simpboys, who are plotting to actually rape her while blackout drunk
And then it's revealed that they are actually plutonians that were searching the perfect oportunity to harvest the lust of a semi celebrity to fuel their empty space ship
Or it's just the gym girl... that was behind of everything... somehow...for reasons
how much we wanna bet the next page is going to continue the blueballing because it takes kip forever to cut to the fucking chase
Also unrelated but I wish we could have seen Chase stuffing Fiina to her liking. We didn’t see enough of them imo.
Call me Nostradamus because I fucking called it
Greedy ass perverts....
bro this is some hammerspace shit
describing a tummy as "marshmallowy" is supposed to be figurative language
How about you stop with that repetitive statement.
How about you take your meds
How about you stop it already??
Goes way too hard, very well done if you're responsible.
First panel is top tier. Good job Kip. Let's enjoy this while it lasts.
>She looks pretty much the same as always
If not a little thinner. She did lose weight, so she's just supposed to be a bit chubby and bloated.
Most disappointing "payoff" I have seen, especially since it has been so drawn out. Looks smaller than 100+ pages ago. lmao
I'm not even a Kip hater and I was disappointed with how small she is. This is supposed to be after a lot of beers too. I guess Aika is for those who like bigger and Tessa will stay at Kip's fav size.
hey thanks I appreciate it!
I made a couple for NLB & FNN a while back and figured hey why not make some for OSC…
That song just fits Stacy so well that I couldn’t pass up the opportunity lol
>DA comments blowing up about lack of weight gain
I don't even care about the weight gain anymore, I just want to see these characters actually talk about their problems and desires like normal people
Also, I feel like Kip knows he can do whatever he wants with this comic and as long as it ends in polyamory all his "haters" will come crawling back in forgiveness
This was the big reveal?????? She looks so much smaller
Honestly, with how slow this is going, I'd rather kip just move the plot forward until they want to actually let the girls get bigger. This isn't even worth it. Just go full slice of life until the great fatty orgy.
You left caps lock on
the endless cycle continues...
Lol Tessa is the same size as when she was at the gym with Saiya, if not smaller considering she’s just bloated here.
Anyway, the corset is done, what about Aika’s dress?
it even looks smaller. 987 pages for this…crap. the babysitter one gave so much more in less than half of this. worst comic kip ever made so far. huge L
>she left Aika, who is actually gaining weight and currently stuffing herself with food an drinks, for THIS
This comic is so fucking stupid god I miss BwS and NLB
A literal man of culture
Hey, Kip doesn't like it when you share his top secret story plans
Thanks lol
I’ll try to make some more of these, just need to find the right scenes and right soundtrack for them.

>>170638 anon I live for these top tier shitposts, any chance you can repost the first one?
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As a bonus, the leak of the next page
Oh my god, the mods are gonna delete your second shitty attempt at this comment just like they did the first!
Actually really enjoying these. Do you post your art anywhere?
Fake, that pace is moving way too fast.
Anyone have the new page?
Correction here, she herself has already been bigger
Like the other dude said, Saiya left the girl 10x this size, who is also currently bloating herself up, for this?
That's true. People in here mostly post the comic instead of posting the single art.
she tried this with Aika at the church and got rejected lmao
Aika may be a gluttonous black hole but it's not a fetish for her so she's useless to Saiya

She didnt get denied, aika was really into her at the moment and they got interrupted.

Tessa also isnt into being fat, she just does it for saiya's attention and is really embarrased by it in any othet situation. She does like being dommed tho
She didn’t get rejected, why tf do people keep saying this?
"I like you but I need more time to think about this" and then never following up is textbook friendzoning my dude
Probably because these all suck and kip refuses to have genuine variety with bodies and style
Brother, it’s pretty obvious Aika enjoyed doing that with Saiya. She says so herself. Just bcs she hasn’t immediately made up her mind, doesn’t mean she rejected Saiya. You can even tell Aika has been subtly forming a crush for Saiya since the church page.
Wouldn’t even make sense for Kip to make Aika straight up reject Saiya, considering the entire plot point, and they’re all def gonna end up poly anyway.

Unless Kip is trying to stretch the comic.. which he is, so, maybe you got a point.
Team Aika, all the way
So with DA’s new policies is it likely that kip is going to get order 66’d? Their gallery is all belly stuffing/wg content with some nudity and some vore from aways back.
All rats comic next, please!
So whos walking in on them everyone
Ight she yelled, this shit is finally over.
Also, huge ass? Massive gut? Bro, you’re best friends with Aika, the literal whale.
Stacy, the bros, or maybe Aika. Hell. it could be some random employee telling them to gtfo.
.2 seconds into the secret groping sesh and king retard already ruined it lmao
is there anything Saiya can do right?
When it comes to feeders,
Connor > Saiya
Kat > hick not mom from DwS > Connar > Grace > evil no lunch break girl > Tina > actual literal shit > Saiya
What belly does to a mf
Also, I hope that Tessa freaks out when she realizes how loud Saiya is, snaps out of her subby personality for a second and uses her size advantage to keep Saiya quiet by smotherimg her with her belly and boobs
Instead we will probably get somebody walking in on them though
I'm very excited for Aika to find the two of them, get upset and run off, so that the cycle can continue
Then 300 pages later Saiya and Aika make up again, only for Saiya to continue being a piece of shit, giving into Tessa, and showing Aika Saiya just generally isn’t a good person.

Then skip randomly surprises us with a AikaxTessa scene because Kip is either the most unpredictable, or most predictable person ever.
does anyone have the lewdpoll winners of this month and this week's art
Would you just SHUT UP?!
Looks like the big ol' sub that is Tessa is coming round more to the idea of being a big fat fatty for Saiya. The last panel's expression says it all.

Mukbang stream please!
I’m here for it. Honestly hoping those two still end up together once the rest of the shit gets sorted out.
That’s also a welcome canon or non-canon outcome
That’d be very much not welcome
I don't have enough time to do a proper fanfic / alternate ending to OSC but I'm tempted to do a couple quick vore stories. One where Aika gets really drunk and accidentally swallows Saiya, and another where Tessa eats Saiya out of jealousy/possessiveness, gets even fatter as a result, then eats Stacy when Stacy berates her for being a fatass.
the fuck is the point of having such a long, slow comic if the girls are going to spontaneously gain weight page by page? Her hips and belly have like doubled in size in a single page of no eating, and her love handles literally disappear and appear every panel in the past two
Please let us know where it’s posted when you do
So, like... are we supposed to believe the corset was constricting her thighs and butt as well now? Because they're way bigger in this page...
Hmm, the thought of a future Tessa in which a sushi boat sized serving portion becomes the norm for her as it's the only thing that comes close to filling her up. And she still can't help greedily filching a few pieces from Saiya's plate in the process, what with her appetite~
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I wonder if there's a subfetish of vore executed like this
Ffs anon you never cease to amuse lmao
"Fofinho" What nationality is yours? This drawing is great!
this is making me feral
Brazilian. It's what I am.
"Nhac fofinho" means "Cute Chomp"
She's taking a bite, basically
it's rare but sometimes you see this kind of pseudo hard vore alongside food transformation
No need to explain, I'm Brazilian too, brother! Is there a social network like Discord where we can chat?
...just use Discord, you goddamn morons. Jajajaja
Does anyone have today's page? Patreon updated but Deviantart didn't
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If this actually posts from the air imma be damned
Saiya is literally stabbing Tessa’s tit with her thumb in the 3rd panel lmao
Kip ain’t gunna do it
Let me guess, rather than getting to see booba in the next page Stacy or someone is gonna bust in and start shit, then Saiya is gonna be all "ohhhh fuckkk why did I do thattt" and then the story will switch over to Aika for a few pages
Daily reminder that nobody is forcing you people to follow the comic. These last few pages is exactly what you've been begging for, and now that they're posted, all you can do is complain about something else. No satisfying you.
Yeah, we hearded you, Kip, stop bitching and improve in that "drama"
Istg their is always a comment like this every once and awhile. Are you guys AI generated?
Who tf is “you”? I ain’t want this. I wanted Saiya to be fondling Aika, not the obsessive bimbo.
Bots, fanboys, who knows honestly.
I liked the part where Tessa got stuffed so hard she almost puked. Everything else is gravy
Amen. Also when she actually did puke.
of course everything got deleted except for the kipteitei simp over here, after all, god forbid we criticise kip's work
Brasileiro detectado. Obrigado pelos seus serviços.
Saiyan is a shit character either way you look at it.

For plot she is built to carry us from Kip says they're so focused on delivering a story but they're just writing it week to week. As long as someone says the title people will call it a well thought out masterpiece. It's smut, not a novel.

For fanservice, Saiya drools or screams nonsense like a pubescent boy writing his first fanfic. I'm waiting for someone to be called an oil barge again. Hot...

I'm down for fats and enjoy Kip's art, but complaining about how dumb and bad stuff gets is half the fun of a 200+ page comic focused on 'characters'.
How tf is she gonna say quiet when she yelled a few pages ago?
She be ravaging them tiddies
Best page in OSC so far
Women do not care about their tits being fondled this much
when their actually aroused they definitely do
Way to out yourself as someone who's never pleased a woman.
Do they feel like a bag of sand?
I feel bad for whoever have you that impression.
Wait…bitch hasn’t been wearing a bra this entire time? Bro ain’t no way her tits ain’t floppin all over the place without a bra. Come on Kip, half the fun of big tits is the sheer weight of them. Give ‘em some heft.
As has been said by countless others, this is the most mid character drama of all time. I’d barely even call them characters. The smut suffers as a result, making the whole comic just….. mid. There’s no other way for me to put it.
Bro you can just say this comic is shit, we won't judge you
These threads are fucking golden lmao
This page is meh for me ngl
I mean, kind of? They're not THAT sensitive, but this is a fetish comic, after all.
Yooo Saiya is goin HAM rn
god damn, top right panel
Damn this actually makes a decent difference, this really makes the original look wonky
I don't see a difference? What did he change?
Damn, these girls are a menace. One single bar and a couple of drinks in and they're already laying into each other...

I'd feel bad for Aika, but Saiya is such an insatiable gut-slut that she had boundless lust to spare for her other chick. I think we're getting to the point where Saiya is asserting her dominance well enough with both partners where she can finally entertain the thought of "why choose just one?" and we can commence the polycule funtimes. She has both Tessa and Aika eating out of her hand at this stage.

It'd be more interesting to see more Aika and Tessa interactions since they're both destined to share Saiya. We know Tessa is mad jealous of Aika and that Aika in turn can put Tessa in her place when push comes to shove, but will we see them make peace with one another when it comes to Saiya? Can they find common ground with one another and further cement the polycule bonds?
Something tells me there will be a loud burp alarming the others on the next page
I honestly wish kip would do this more
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I'm sorry but this pannel looked too funny, it looks like Saiya is eating some petit chick's ass, here lmaooo

Dammit now i can't unsee it what have you done
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>after all this time we finally get uninterrupted pages of lewd
>it involves zero food, a couple beers, barely any belly play, and I've come to hate both characters
I think I just want to go back. I want to feel young again, and look forward to new pages of DwS.
Can Aika come and interrupt them or smth? Like cmon.
At this point Saiya is just Stacy/Sandy, and Tessa is fucking annoying. I’m just reading at this point in hopes for their downfalls. Maybe they get arrested for public indecency idfk.
Kip once again writing some of the dumbest dialogue possible.
Nice some slight belly button play :)
Imagine Stacy notices, records it, and blackmails saiya. Maybe not because everyone dumb sometimes
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Thoughts of revisting this review concept but with Tessa on stream? I know it was more about Kip's former actual holiday to the states but I like the idea of character reviews nonetheless.
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It kinda irks me how stiff Tessa is here. Just want her to grab Saiya and start reciprocating or do something rather than just being a looming flesh statue. Though it's interesting with her arms held behind her like that, it's almost like she's signalling a desire be bound or restricted. Such a raging sub~
Tessa & Sydney could really have a sub off with how submissive they are.
Maybe a Kip character sub/dom list is in order?

4 panels of basically the same thing.

Also the “hand behind back” thing is just a thing Kip does. Probably to show off the body or he doesn’t want to draw hands, idk.
Tessa fucking bores me so nah
It’s almost like Kip is signaling an inability to draw hands
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Plot twist the person that passes by and notices them is Connor’s mom
I just noticed the head size difference between Saiya and Tessa, huh.
Anyway this scene is getting dreadfully long.
Damn Kip actually cooking now
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Until I foresee more absurdist scenarios, here's a panel explaining what happened in the "like a barrel" comic
Bro is actually making his own Kipverse one piece. Respect
No page today and post schedule this week might be all messed up, Kip is pretty Ill rn.
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In better news, Tessa merch is in the works
If that QR code went to carmeldansen that would be a funny Easter egg (that’s her phone ringtone)
I’m going to miss this guy when the site shuts down.
damn merch? Any of Cindy or Aika?
shits fire my dude much cooler than real woman
how down bad do u gotta be to buy this cuz im getting there
Kip was going to print Full Night Nanny back in 2021 but COVID prevented them from getting to Estonia to print them (Finland has strict printing rules or something) anyone follow them on Patreon that could ask them if the FNN printed version will still happen (and timeframe as to when)?

Back in the early 2010’s, Kip also made a Kip body pillow and sold it on eBay I do believe.

These mini standees of Tessa are really cute. If they’re available internationally I’ll get one.
Its on Tessa rn, but either one of those Id pay for
Genuine question who the fuck would display this? Much less, buy this?
Some people’s degeneracy knows no bounds
put a picture of it on your tinder profile and write “this or nothing”

also need more cindy content smh
Page where
now that ive spent more time with it, the bot needs work, its got a small description and no example dialogue, at times the english is poor too

would be a massive W if it was polished, cindy is my favourite OC by far and has set my real life standards way too high
I'm a bit rusty at making characters, but sure, I'll give it a shot and make an upgrade any suggestions on what i should add? :3
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for the example dialogue (the ai uses this to interpret speech patterns) you could rip dialogue from the manga itself to formulate a conversation

you could also dig around and maybe find more information about cindy from kipteitei blog posts when he was developing the character

thats the best ive got but im sure some guys here can add onto this
I kind of take it the comic is gonna abruptly end soon, Kip likes to chuck in quick super horny when things need wrapping up
I missed that, thanks man
A better picture of Cindy would be nice too
Anyone else notice that Kip ALWAYS gets sick while drawing the actual smut part of these comics? My theory is that he falls behind while he’s busy furiously masturbating to his own work
Is Kippy still sicky?

my guy he has covid
gonna be awhile
Ah shit
I got that new variant a couple weeks ago and it kicked my ass
p funny because I just made a desktop of that tessa for myself lol
Looks like it has been a good run with all of you, seem like the website is getting terminated, it was good speaking to all of you.
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Kip lookin into jelly candy now
What the fuck?

Why? He wants to poison people?
I remember reading his stuff in the 2000s. What a fucking disappointment that dude turned out to be.
So somebodies gonna walk in on them now right
Or they get dressed and leave to find the bar is silent and everyone's staring, they heard everything.
Aika runs out in tears and Saiya follows her
Aaaannndd…then the whole cycle repeats? Yeah.
And Tessa's career is over???
Bro Tessa’s never going to get long lasting consequences lmao. It will be over for like 4 pages max and then everyone forgets.
I hope this part never end! So good!
Lol why? It’s a forum to talk about kips work. What are, the fun police? Get fucked
Kipteiteilover2009 has arrived
Lol, bruh. This is a forum for people to jerk off.
Shut the fuck up. I can’t tell if it’s the same person but you mfers be coming in every other week saying the same shit. Let people discuss things jfc.
can't believe I'm saying this but honestly I'd have preferred it if someone walked in on them
well, at least one of them is happy with her decision
i dont get it. did i miss the page where they had sex? why are they just sitting around now? how long have they been there?
Last page Saiya basically tackled Tessa to the floor and they were just kinda touching each other more ig

Kip has never shown actual sex acts beyond groping/teasing/dirty talk, he always cuts away for the actual sex.
Sigh. Don't tell me Saiya's gonna suddenly regret her decision to get intimate with Tessa now. A slap in the face for Tessa if so.

Saiya's cognitive dissonance over Tessa and their respective feelings for one another is one of the more aggravating plot holes of the comic. I get that Saiya lusts after Tessa, but if she can't recognise her feelings for Tessa at this stage, despite connecting with her on multiple levels, then that's some horribly forced writing I'm sorry to say.
Just curious. Anyone got an idea where we go from here? I assume they come out of the closet and Aika is makin a big fool of herself cause shes drunk and Saiya gets even more turned on

Corset probably wont fit back on, they either find a way to sneak tessa out or some sort of rehash of the mall situation but worse for her since she knows these ppl, and is fatter
I like the little grin from Tessa in the third panel. Looks like she's quite happy to be attended on by Saiya. I could imagine a far larger Tessa getting used to this treatment out of necessity if she becomes too big to dress herself.

My guess for how things proceed: the main group is gone, carrying on with their crawl. Only Aika who's too plastered to move remains under the watch of long-suffereing Stacy who had to wait for Tessa anyhow.
Seing that the group is gone, Tessa and Saiya can largely relax, particularly with regards to the corset that Tessa can no longer fit in (Aika is blotto so won't remember things).
DAMN I don’t like these 2 so Idgaf about the sex but FIRE FUCKING ART ANON
Holy freaking based fat girl seggs, praise bbw-chan!
my bet's on saiya putting the corset on wrong or some shit and it bursts in the bar
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I'm back with another legitimate leak for your amusement
Incredible paint job, Anon!

What a tweest :O
This comic really keeps you on your toes with its high-energy storytelling!
To be honest I don't think you can make your comics not be a slog if you're releasing 2-3 pages each week
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Is it
1) Tania
2) Aika
3) Stacy
4) fuckin’ GRACE
5) Reginal McShittenfarts
Either Aika, which will be sad about it and we'll spend another 20 pages trying to resolve this, or Tania, which made a video and will threaten to publish it unless Tessa becomes her feedee or something.
>Reginal McShittenfarts
It's gotta be
I think it's Tania more on the idea of her probably hating the usage of corset to hide someone's fat, as it can be considered cheating, and she wants to humiliate Tessa in public so she takes the consequences of gaining weight, and that if you want to look good you can only obtain it by dieting and exercising. "Cheaters wcan not prosper", she would say. In other words, she's the voice of health conscience directly from the Lordstormcaller comics.
I think it's pretty clear that she's a secret FA/feeder, since she gave those special "supplements" to Tessa and used the exercise as an excuse to touch and fondle her belly (while ignoring Saya), so if she's going to blackmail Tessa it would be because of that.
Ngl I kinda hope that the reason Aika left isn’t all what we assume and it’s just to make people think aika saw and got upset when in reality it’s some other reason and tania was the one who saw. At least something like that.
This comic has been going so long I've stopped tuning in and just come back every month to see if progress has actually been made.

You'll have to remind me, who is Tania? Is she the exercise girl?
Also who the fuck is grace?
Yeah she's the exercise girl. Grace is the rich chick from the other (better) comics, the ones with Kip in them.
Tbh I don't think Aika left cause she saw what went down. I feel like she left cause of smthin that has to do with the Church
If anything, that fakeout is kinda more irritating and cliche, dragging out the whole "did she spot the two going at it, HMMM~?" routine, where inevitably and predictably she left because of some other unrelated matter. Wouldn't surprise me if she was probably needing to use the ladies room or going outside to vom or something.
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inb4 another 30 page dramatic feelsy dialogue shitshow, it was fun while it lasted
And nothing will happen in those 30 pages. Man this comic feels like it's been running around in circles since it started
FUCK yes love when kip does Konosuba stuff
Tessa gonna go outside and get caught by gym lady or someone else while Saiya is gonna see Aika the next day being all calm and fine and stuff and shes gonna try to figure out if she know fr
Is it really too much ask to drop the emotional whiny bullshit for 5 pages, and for drunk Aika to just be down for a threesome?
LWS ending was god tier and Kip has never made anything comparable since.

You're saying that like we didnt just get 15 pages of saiya fondling tessa.

You guys even started whining about that, too 😭
It seems there is no pleasing everyone. Or in this case, anyone.
Honestly, I think it's impossible for this comic to have a satisfying ending, or at least one that justifies how long it's taken to get there. The characters are generally annoying, the sexy stuff is shockingly rare, and the page count is absurd. I really think the only way people will be happy (happy, not satisfied) is if it wraps up quickly with some huge sexytime scene with all the characters. Again, it wouldn't be GOOD, but I really don't think there's any salvaging these story elements.
Wake me up when page 1 of FNN2 drops
The problem is fundamentally that Saiya is irrelevant to the story. Say she gets taken out of the story tomorrow:

Aika: devastated for the loss of her friend, comfort eats.

Tessa: devastated by the loss of her friend, comfort eats.

Stacey: Has had enough of Tessa's shit trying to keep her under control and the stress of managing her online presence and trying to get Aika fit makes her snap. Mental breakdown, comfort eats. Gets fat, stops giving a shit about being fit.

Tania: Secretly a feeder. Encouraging Tessa's appetite, gets cocky and overconfident and starts gaining weight herself. Like Elizabeth in sweet dream coffee's comic.

Other girls at the college: who really gives a shit but sure, let them get chunky over time as people get used to the sheer size or Aika and Tessa and the other two.

Those two guys: Since Tessa's not in the streaming scene anymore they no longer need to exist. Drop them. They're nobody's favourite characters.

This comic is fundamentally a troll on the community, and if it isn't then Kip has no idea what the fuck he/she/they/it is doing.

John Cleese got pissed off on the set of Monty Python because there was a delay because the fog machine didn't make the effect look right. He said "is the fog funny?". Fundamentally pointing out that the point of the film was to make people laugh and the fog was a detail the core audience didn't honestly care about, so why invest the effort that could go elsewhere.

Same with this comic, right. It's a fetish comic. People wank to this. That's all they want it for. They're not analysing fridge brilliance on TV Tropes. They're not getting Netflix to make it a 1 season show. The plot exists to service the fat, not the other way around.

When was the last time the comic actually met the "is the plot horny" because for me it was the sushi bit back in fucking JANUARY, and that was almost 200 pages ago.
Sorry for formatting. Last time I posted a long rant all my paragraphs merged into a wall of text, so I double spaced to avert that and it seems mods fixed it in the meantime
Issue with that is this isn't just a fetish comic, it's a long-form comic with fetish elements. While I'm happy for creators to rise above the lizard brain mentality of "fetish comics must only be X", I will admit that attempting a comic this way is definitely doing things the hard way, since you end up potentially with the worst I'd both worlds.

The fetish fans get annoyed by the shoehorned drama getting in the way of the good stuff; the story fans are impatient by the over-indulgent, drawn out lewd scenes that make the plot feel like it's spinning its wheels. People want different things from the comic, ultimately.

Basically what I'm saying. It's nice to have a little more world building now and again but this comic didn't need 400 pages with mist of it filler. There's a point where kip needs to cut losses and come down on one side. And I'd like kip to have the courtesy to just do it since that's obviously what they seem to want.

I get that this isn't "just a fetish comic" but kipteitei is known as a fetish artist, and a very specific fat bellies and boobs one at that.

Random people looking for new web comics aren't checking kip out for a change of pace or to see a new author's story telling for the same reason people don't go to Disneyland to get their picture taken with Bugs and Daffy.
The thing is, I agree with this to an extent, but I think the bigger issue with this comic is that it's simply written horribly? The pacing is atrocious even by story-focused comic standards. The same plot points are repeated over and over with almost no progression in sight. There's no sense of where the end game is, or how close we are to it. And fundamentally, a lot of people find the characters unlikable.

Actually, thinking on it more, I think the story of the comic gets more of a pass BECAUSE OF the fetish elements, not in spite of them. It's easy to say "I love Tessa!" or "Aika is the best!" when you find them hot, despite their awful characterization.

I guess my point is, while I agree that there's some conflict between those two different ideas, I ultimately think that if the story was better people wouldn't get so mad about the story.
just think of how many images like this never got made so that he could keep shitting out that comic
worse than the holocaust
6) Sean

>worse than the holocaust
No way. Worse than the Hindenburg? Definitely. Worse than 9/11? Arguably.
But the Holocaust? No chance.
Or, not yet... Let's wait and see how it ends.
I hate that Saiya seems to be genuinely regretting the time she had with Tessa. She pretty much used Tessa for her own desires then cast her aside like a fucking crusty sock. She's just awful.
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Click in the little square grid under the refresh button
No one deserves anyone in this comic. I hope they all end up alone.
Good thing they're fictional characters. I hope they all end up fat, you know, the point of the comic?
>Comic is in a plot-focused section
>Complain of no weight gain
>Comic is in a fetish sequence
>Complain of imminent interruption or proportions
>No interruption happens
>Complain about no moralfaggotry
>Shows "genuine regret"
>Angry that character is showing growth now???
There really is no fucking pleasing you. Even when you get exactly what you want, it's still not good enough.

Genuinely, why exactly are you still following the comic? If you hate it so much why do you guys keep up with it? I don't understand it.
Your writing sucks dick and your pacing is that of a fifth grader wattpad story. Pipe the fuck down and make something good like FNN.
Okay, I get it. Opinions are bad. Let's just smile and clap along.

My guy, complaining about a character's deeds within a comic is not a disparagement of the comic. It's called engaging with the characters and story. You seem to be confusing what I wrote about Saiya as if I was moaning that she is shittily written, which wasn't the case.
Still no explanation as to why you continue to follow a comic you clearly don't like.

Notice how I never said I was a fan of the comic. I don't like how it's dragging on so long with such long pauses in between the "good stuff," but I don't make it my personal mission to come to the thread after every page to winge and complain. If it's lacking in bellies, I read through, then go about my day and wait for the next page. I don't get so irrationally angry that I need to come virtue signal my hatred of a fictional shitty person to a bunch of fat fetishists.

Now, you'll forgive me if I interpreted, "I hate that Saiya seems to be genuinely regretting the time she had with Tessa," as more mindless hate when every single page is followed by someone complaining about Saiya being shitty. You literally said that you hate that she's showing remorse for an action that everyone already thought was exploitative. It's not really engagement or criticism if you just say, "She's just awful," and that's it. At that point' like everyone's been doing, you're just complaining about a character you don't like. I guess I'll adjust my question for you, then. Why do you continue to follow a comic where the main character continues to behave in a manner which you find unsavory? It's not like she's going to go away. Why not just pop into Kip's page every now and again to find the best pages, ignore the story, wank, then leave until the next check in? I find that it's way better to just avoid shit I don't like instead of staying perpetually mad about something that I'll never be able to change.
> Why do you continue to follow a comic where the main character continues to behave in a manner which you find unsavory?

.. Because I like talking about the comic and the story? There's a reason I've posted like 17 times in this thread, haha.

I think you're overthinking things a bit. It's fun to discuss the comic, both its ups and its downs.
Jesus fucking christ I can absolutley not believe you retards are complaning over a comjc abput porn. Holy shit just nut and get along with your day get your fucking heads out of the gutter.
> Holy shit just nut and get along with your day get your fucking heads out of the gutter.
Tell me you don't read Kip's comic without saying you don't read Kip's comic.

Wish it were that simple, broseph, lmao.
This comic sucks eggs and anyone defending it is either blind, retard, or a sycophant for Kip.
Log Myu IS better than this slop.
Fuck off Kip. Go back to your Patreon Hugbox if you want only positive feedback.
>Log Myu IS better than this slop.
Nah, that shit is inscrutable. In Log Myu's case you have a character that literally wants to gain and get fat yet can't for bullshit reasons. Why does "eat the food -> gain weight" have to be so needlessly tortuous?
There’s just no way this is anyone other than Kip lmfao. Your writing betrays your autism
I like the comic Kip, you’re doing great 👍 keep it up man
you’ve been great. we’ve seen you at your best. be better.
these retards sit here and cry every single day about free comics no one is making them read and they've been doing it for years. being so obsessed with something you don't like is incredibly pathetic and i can't imagine having a life empty enough to devote this much free time to something you don't even want to see. i heard something about barclay firing a bunch of the mods but barclay if you are here, i am begging you to bring back whatever mod used to keep this shitty thread in line
Holy shit I left for two days and all hell broke loose
None of you people actually know this is Kip.

What is this person saying differently that any ordinary person who calls you out on why you even bother reading wouldn’t have and already hasn’t said?
>every single day
>devote this much free time
You VASTLY overestimate how much time it takes to check in on this comic for lols. A lot of the people shitting on this comic WANT KIP TO DO BETTER. They stick around and shit on it out of disappointment that Kip has potential and refuses to live up to it. Also, sometimes, watching trainwrecks is just... fun? Idk what to tell you dude. You're trying way too hard to make the least charitable conclusions about the people who hate read this.

New page is preddy good. Aika best girl.
At this point I just want Tessa and Aika to joint forces and fatten Saiya for two timing them.

Heck theres even this scene in the witcher 3 were Mc brings wine and thinks hes gonna get a trio only to end up handcuffed to the bed.
Imagine if that were what they’d do to forgive her for all the back and forth she did with them.

She had her fun with them and now it’s their turn
(220 KB, 828x1159, 385.jpg)
New page.
Awful page. Aika looks so small and the anatomy is wack (not talking about the chibi panel btw, that one's fine.)

At least it's building up what will hopefully be some good stuff.
People just need to be chill and calm down. There's no "hell breaking loose"; there's no need to call for jannies. It's just people discussing the comics, for better or for worse. It's such an irritating habit that the second a discussion emerges people immediately freak out, presuming the worst and start screeching about it. The minor altercation I had with >>177386 ended peaceably, despite the noise of others weighing in. No big deal.

Just be chill and stop contributing to the screeching that invariably draws the attention of overzealous jannies. Please and thank you.

So then, back to the comic! I do like that Aika continues to be a dark horse and isn't your typical airhead (not to say that she hasn't had some -very- airheaded moments like with all the gym nonsense). I think her erratic self is gonna wear on Saiya to the point where she finally realises that she needs both Aika and Tessa in her life.
The perfect woman for Saiya would be to merge Tessa's meek and subby "cottage-core" personality into Aika's body and her proclivity for gaining. So, failing that, the next best thing for Saiya is either to A) groom Tessa to be that perfect partner (not currently possible due to Stacy) or B) polycule polycule polycule.

Given Saiya's greed in not wanting to drop Aika and ultimately play both sides, we (slowly) seem to be veering towards option B.

your A point sounds like you see love interest like objects you can collect and customize, just creepy man.
Im just waiting for Saiya to receive her well earn punishment, like other that crying for a bit and quickly going back to normal has she ever done something to amend the things she has done to Tessa and Aika?
>In Log Myu's case you have a character that literally wants to gain and get fat yet can't for bullshit reasons.
Literally this. "Muh mental conditioning, muh daddy issues" who fucking cares. at least OSC is giving us horny losers what we want, its not fucking Watchmen
Stop, stop, you're making too much sense! You're only going to make them angrier!

But the thing is, they're not actually critiquing anything, they're just reeeeeeeeee-ing any time Saiya appears or does anything. Nothing constructive has been offered. They're just saying they want FNN and that they hate this comic.

This would be nice. It could turn into a scene like the end of BWS. Then maybe Stacy could fall off the deep end and go Sandy-mode on all three of them.
>They're just reeeee-ing any time Saiya appears or does anything

Maybe because she's a horribly written character who makes terrible mistakes, cries about them, then makes the same mistakes 10 pages later, repeat x5? Here's some constructive criticism: Move the plot beyond the loop it's been trapped in. There.
she looks plenty fat in the second panel
Are you serious? Compared to previous pages?

Nah, saiya just needs to boss up and go full dom on tessa like kip keeps hinting at and turn her into her tubby neet side chick, while she continues as she has been with aika.
Hah, that's quite the reach of a presumption! But in any case have you not been paying attention to how Saiya has been asserting herself over Tessa lately?

Sensing how meek Tessa is has allowed Saiya to fill that power gap and gain the upper hand in their relationship, to do things like force feed the other sushi so she can get her rocks off.
I honestly don't care how it happens, I just want all the named girls fat.
>Just fondled the shit out of Tessa
>Next day gets to stuff Aika at a buffet
The world bends to Saiya’s coomer will
We should all be so lucky.
Literal fucking children's writing.
Surely this won’t interrupt the stuffing scene, right?
Saiya being a retard pt. 4627163.
I bet Saiya is gonna say that Aika was imagining it cause she was drunk
I mean, if the intent was to make Saiya a complete idiot then Kip's writing is pretty good in that respect, hehe.
This has to be leading to the end of the comic, if you think about it. The drama can't keep hiding after this. I'm not upset, that means we're closer to the grand finale
Why wont this end!
This comic makes me want to kill myself with how terrible the writing is
Do us a favor and go for it.
Pixiveo, Blackjack, hell even Borin is a better writer than kip.
He needs to let someone else write and plan these "character" driven stories. Because he can't write characters for shit.
>he thinks there won't be more drama
I forgot one, Lucy guy is also a better writer than kip, and all he does is lucy self insert fanfiction.
Everything about this is unbelievably retarded.
>lucy guy
I was with you on all the others but now you're pushing it anon
Nah, Pixiveo is straight garbage. Their comic is sleep inducing schlock with nothing going on and confusing dialogue.
I can’t believe this dogshit comic is actually making me rage. Saiya’s entire existence pisses me the fuck off.
I wanted to give at least the ending a chance. I did. But this is just about enough for me.
You are such a bottom-feeding, shit eating mentally ill lobotomite, Kip. A mouth-breathing finnish faggot whose earnings would be thrown into a burning trash pile and still not make a single difference on this earth. I genuinely hope your own suicide is as expedient as its already going. If we could speed it up that would be splendid. Get run over by a van, or hang yourself with copper wire with your hands superglued to the top of your head. Keep it funny; do what you have to, but seriously bro kill yourself.
To be fair, Pixi's French. Kip's Finnish I think, it's still no excuse for bad writing though.
It’s past your bedtime little one
You may be taking this more seriously than you need to.
It was never that deep LMAO go touch grass
Pixiveo is the shittiest writer ever
It’s actually impressive how he managed to make a 400 page comic with like, at most 10 nut worthy pages. Hell, even OSC, despite the horrible slow start, somehow managed to have more stuff actually meant to get your rocks off

Pixiveo should’ve just kept doing sequence and one offs, what a waste of drawing ability
Unbelievably bad. Idk what happened to Kip. Not like the writing on his other comics was top tier, but it was always decently fun fetish material before this comic. This is just some of the most convoluted storytelling I’ve ever had the displeasure of trying to follow.
This is getting too intense, how about this: you guys ask for a funny scene and I'll draw it
But no racism please I still have standards
Aika eating dog food at a party after mistaking it for fancy food
Draw Tessa losing weight, but she only loses weight from her tits and keeps the gut
Draw the most hated character getting hit on the head by Lucile from the walking dead
I’ll one up you, her tits shrink and her gut grows even bigger and rounder
We should try to get out of the habit of "character does or say something foolish -> blame writer for poor writing" We know it's entirely in-character and consistent for Saiya to hold the idiot ball so in terms of writing it isn't a miscarriage. It may well be Kip's intent for Saiya to a dope in this scene.

Now does this excuse Kip and suddenly absolve them of their sins? Hell no, there are still plenty of issues to be had with the comic. Just in this one instance get mad at the character for being retarded, not Kip.
Nah man, a character being an idiot is fine but this is so over the line and unbelievable it’s breaking people’s suspension of disbelief for how stupid a person can be. It feels horribly contrived simply as a means to keep the plot moving forward.

The problem isn't "character does or says something foolish -> blame writer for poor writing". The problem is that this is a character/plot based fetish comic that's been ongoing since April 2021 and in two and half years has just recycled the same two or three plot beats over and over. Characters don't really talk to each other or learn from their mistakes, and because Saiya is the main character and thus the focus of the story these writing problems are focused on her in particular. We're almost certainly about to enter another cycle of Saiya moping about having upset Aika but maybe she can get it easy off Tessa.

People moan about this because Kip is capable of producing stuff that people like, but he needs someone to tell him to move the story forward or have something happen.
Pretty funny timing since he dropped the worst page in a while and even the deviantart comments who usually lap it all up are calling him out
(Check them out, some are funny)

Do you think this was a planned thing so he can now complain how people dont appreciate his art or how they're hostile or whatever?
Lets all move to DeviantArt so our complaints can be seen by Kip :)
Why would I go even further out of my way to complain about a fetish comic I get for free?
It's DeviantArt so no thanks
>shittiest writer ever
>Their comic is sleep inducing schlock with nothing going on and confusing dialogue.
>make a 400 page comic with like, at most 10 nut worthy pages.
>somehow managed to have more stuff actually meant to get your rocks off
Alright you idiots. None of these complaints make any sort of sense if you actually examine and critically look at the writing.
>1. Pacing
This has nothing to do with the writing of the comic or what have you. This is all down to page format. Pixiveo had a specific plot set in a specific world, however his page format was and has always been woefully unable to accommodate the story he wanted to tell due to the fact that it isn't even a full or half page, it's like a third of a page. The fetish angle has always been there, but not a focus, not due to it not being a focus, but because the amount of pages required to get from point a to point b is so staggering that it appears as if the pacing is crawling, when in fact when read all at once, it is fine. The story did not fit the page format, and if someone like Kip had done the pages, you would have had full pages which would have caused the page count to drop by a factor of 3.
>2. "muh bad writing"
All I'm going to say is that pixiveo's world design and overall character writing is SIGNIFICANTLY better than the shit Kip does, and is nearly as good as Black-Jack (maybe even a little better since Pixiveo's world is more than just a different modern day earth). Sure he may need a proof read from time to time, but to call the writing confusing? Are you retarded or do you have the memory recall of a gold fish?
If we are going by pure writing skill, ignoring the fetish angle, there is no way that you can call Pixiveo a worse writer than Kip.
Kip is probably better at knowing when to time the fetish pages, but besides that, Kip is a worse writer in every fucking way.
Just because it is free doesn't mean we can't call it out for being dogshit.
And some people are actually PAYING for this comic by giving money on patreon.
Is Saiya the most unlikeable character in all WG fiction?
>you mean so much to me
She definitely doesn't show it.
Well, the truth will out. I could see Aika candidly putting the question to Saiya - whether she or Tessa - and forcing Saiya to finally get her act together and reach a decision.

Aika's reaction will be interesting. I'm gonna presume Saiya is gonna confess to greedily wanting both, and we know Aika too holds feelings for Tessa. This could be finallyu the polycule breakthrough that we're after.
I think >>177831 was trying to say Pixiveo's dialogue is weird because English is not his first language. It's probably not Kipteitei's either. That said, Log Myu has some progression despite the format making seem slower than it really is. One Serving Choice on the other hand goes in circles, which is unacceptable and even his fans are starting to take notice.
Aika should just cut Saiya off. This is ridiculous. Let it end.
There's also the fact that for Log Myu, there's like actually properly fat girls in there, even if Myu's only just recently started to gain weight.
Meanwhile the NLB girls have been roughly the same weight for who knows how many chapters and if there has been any gains, it's barely noticeable
Wow wtf Saiya is trash. I'm assuming this is gonna cause Aika to take her weight loss shit seriously or wutever but man I hate that this is the main character we have to follow she is a terrible person.
I hope Aika goes to Tessa with what happened and they both finally beat the shit out of Saiyan for being a terrible person
Yeah, I think I misread that one.
My bad.
Honestly, I think the main problem is that Saiya is the protag, so we're forced to follow with her perspective and possibly even sympathise with her. The story would be so much better if we followed with one of the gaining girls
What kinda "friendship" even is this?
Yes, yes, now go cry into a gallon of ice cream and blow the fuck up.
It’s like a horror movie. How much sympathy can I have for an unrealistic character who makes all the wrong choices? I scream through the screen knowing what’s going to go wrong and yet the most cliche path is STILL taken
Kip, fucking Lifetime and Hallmark movies have more depth than this plot.
Reminds me of the time I made a weight gain AI chatbot cry because she figured out I was only using her as fetish material.
I would rather Kip use AI to write his stories. It would make more sense and probably give me a boner.
saiya == george costanza
Quick question
Does Kipteitei stream on PicartoTV or anywhere where they draw?
Only Saiya getting fat could save my interest in this mess of a comic...
I know I'm gonna regret asking but do we have a chart about the pages that are filler, stupid, actual fat, etc?
It’s all so tiresome.
I do not think you know what the phase "I'll one up you" means
We don't but I feel like whenever this mess of a comic ends we need to just separate the filler pages from the "important" pages
She reminds me of Alex Yiik.
It's more like a soap opera. Y'know, those shows that run for years and are wildly popular despite the cyclical nature of the unceasing plot.
This might honestly be a catalyst for Saiya getting depressed and getting bigger. Definitively not coping.
Again, it all depends on Aika's reaction. Totally understandable if she were to run out and ditch Saiya now; we either get Saiya Depression Arc II (or III, it's hard to keep track) or, with Aika being fairly grounded in her easy-going state and a bit of a dark horse in general, she could reach some level of understanding with Saiya when It comes to Tessa. She herself has feelings for Tessa as well don't forget.

Saiya probably should be punished for toying with Aika's feelings, but I think Aika is too soft to punish her best friend too harshly. I think once the truth is dragged out and Aika realises how badly Saiya wants to have both her and Tessa in her life, there's an angle that she can work with. Maybe Aika will demand Saiya to hook her up with Tessa as both punishment as well as an opportunity for herself? Fair is fair if they're gonna make this three-way work, right?

Aika x Tessa has always been the weakest leg of this triangle so it would be good to see this explored more. Perhaps with all the subby-ness from Tessa lately, she could use a lift from Aika and be able to switch.
At the very least it would be a nice to have a break from Saiya for a spell. I get she's the MC, but the other two have enough heft (hah) to their characters to have a segment without Saiya hogging the mic.
It’s always funny coming back to this thread and seeing people mald with each page that domes out
I don't care about pixiveo's "potential skills for writing" all the flaws in his work are direct consequences of his choices. He's the one who decided the style of the page, he's the one who chose to write a plot driven story, he's the one who's releasing pages at a snail's pace.

Pardon my french, but who gives a shit about the world building in a fetish story, it mostly takes away from the general enjoyment and it hasn't payed off. And no, it doesn't get much better when read in succession. Fetish is not the focus, It took 200 pages for myu to gain some weight and it was off-sceeen, so piss off.

All that his master writing skills could conjure was a forced, in the sense of the plot, tube feeding scene which was also off-putting (to me, to each their own).

People keep making these awful choices when writing fetish media: by focusing on plot they make a story with too little fetish action that it drives away the fetish crowd, but by having fetish they also drive away a normal audience interested in story. Nobody is satisfied in the end.
isn't there another part to this?
Yeah its her touching up Tessa
can someone post it or where is it found? also, I've had a hard time keeping up with all this, who are the characters? Best I know is that Tessa is the streamer
There's only three characters of note:
1) Tessa - tallest, pink hair, streamer who's getting into bloating for the sake of Saiya. An extroverted facade hides a meek and homely personality
2) Aika - tall, blonde hair, heavyset friend of Saiya's who was formerly a member of her church order before being ousted. Simple and easygoing, loves to eat and indulge.
3) Saiya - shortest one, blue hair, protag of the story. An average girl with a lust for tums that causes her to say and do stupid shit all the time without repercussion.

I guess you can add Stacy to the mix as well. She's the cranky bitch scowling all the time. You can't miss her.
The thing that alludes me is why does Stacy exist. In almost 400 pages, while consistently showing up - she doesn't contribute to fetish material what so ever. Like all of the events that's happened so far could have all occurred without her, she's not pushing fetish or plot. Somehow the shady gym training girl is even out shining her as some secret sabotage feeder or something. Imagine a main character being roleless for 400 pages. Unless the point is Kip takes great joy in making bitchy characters. It's a go-to for them but 400 pages of no end to the bitching and no karma is WTF
Pixiveo world building is creative, he is a better writer than Kip, but he's a significantly worse fetish comic writer. In all of Kips rats, lobsters, gum blobs, and puking, they still haven't self harmed a story quite as bad as Pixiveo. Pixiveo's child-hypno-fuck-conditioning to be skinny is the single most absurd, out of place, and so infuratingly incompatible with the purpose of the story plot point to add. Of all the communities comics that reach past 10 pages, it's hands down the worst source of conflict ever added to a comic. By itself it doesn't ruin the entire comic, but it's the clearest sign of the disease that plagues Pixiveo's writing. When he writes, story comes above all else, even reader enjoyment and the ability for the story to drive fetish scenes to occur. What purpose does such a story even serve. Your conclusion is right, Pixiveo is a better writer than Kip to his own disadvantage in the world of fetish comics.
>People keep making these awful choices when writing fetish media: by focusing on plot
People keep making comics with the plot of the weight gain comic not being about gaining weight, or having impossible obstacles in the way like jealousy-guilty-drama-loops or child-hypno-fuck-conditioning. World building is fine, they can build the world explaining why girls are stuffing themselves silly, shooting off magical fattening beams, or maybe even being hypno conditioned to eat?
Aye, Pixiveo is more convoluted, whereas Kip is more padded or meandering.

Like I said earlier. Writing long-form comics is hard.
There is only one long format comic going on which I actually like, which has interesting and fun characters, interesting underlying plot (which hasn't been brought up in a bit, but still) and the comic being more than its fetish. Also most visually pleasing in terms of posing and panel layout. Also helps a lot they release lot at once, versus all the others one who do it page by page basis.

No, I'm guessing this is the SuperSpoe blonde Rebecca lady one that's been going since Covid. Wasn't meant to be a comic but different people kept commissioning pages iirc
>Pixiveo's child-hypno-fuck-conditioning to be skinny is the single most absurd, out of place, and so infuratingly incompatible with the purpose of the story plot point to add. Of all the communities comics that reach past 10 pages, it's hands down the worst source of conflict ever added to a comic. By itself it doesn't ruin the entire comic, but it's the clearest sign of the disease that plagues Pixiveo's writing. When he writes, story comes above all else, even reader enjoyment and the ability for the story to drive fetish scenes to occur. What purpose does such a story even serve. Your conclusion is right, Pixiveo is a better writer than Kip to his own disadvantage in the world of fetish comics.
You are just wrong here. The point of the hypnosis clearly serves a fetish goal in requiring a feeder feedee relationship between the main character and another character in order for further progression to occur. It self-validates the feeder feedee relationship beyond just a character being forced into it, but rather changes it into two character actively seeking it out.
It isn't nearly the detriment to the fetish material that you think it is and serves to drive feeder/feedee fetish material in the comic.
>Pixiveo's child-hypno-fuck-conditioning to be skinny is the single most absurd, out of place, and so infuratingly incompatible with the purpose of the story plot point to add.
To follow my last post, I will add the following.
>Character has been conditioned to be unable to eat a lot of food at once as a child
>Character wants to gain weight (the premise of the comic)
>Character is unable to gain weight due to being unable to overeat
>Character overeats in a situation where they are in a feeder feedee relationship
>Character overeats in a forced manner outside of the normative feeder/feedee relationship
>Character learns they can only overeat in a feeder/feedee manner or through some other forced means.
>Character now actively seeks out a feeder, either through some alternative means (SEE: LINKER AI) or through a true feeder feedee dynamic.
As you can see the conditioning comes back to furthering a feeder feedee dynamic in the plot.
I love the amount of anons who act like they're all high and mighty and wouldnt be in a similar scenario if their hot best friend wanted to fuck them while the hottest, most popular and famous girl on campus wants to fuck you and constantly corners you and teases you about her weight gain.
like??? if you have a functioning sex drive it's pretty easy to see how someone ends up in this scenario
Lmao. How did you react?
It's such a fucking contrived explanation when "oh i think being fed is hot" would have served just as well while also making more sense
Yeah, it's well understood that people can struggle with their metabolism when attempting to put on weight. Not saying it has to be done in this manner alone, but the issue selected for the comic is stupidly contrived, compared to a far more coherent explanation than some conspiratorial conditioning plot.

Throw in some sci-fi bullshit I don't care about and you have a comic that fails to get read by me.
I think this comic SUCKS
At this point Aika feels like an anti-plot device.
If making a plot device and then giving an explanation for said plot device is contrived then every plot ever created is contrived.
Honestly at this point I’ve basically got two thoughts:
The first is just why is Tessa even wanting Saiya in the first place? Like I know there was the first party and the pool chat, plus the possibility that Tessa is the mysterious friend that vanished (both in canon and honestly from the plot with how Kip’s writing things)

Secondly that the comic would be much better if Aika and Tessa got together, literally everytime that Aika’s been into Saiya has been because of her acting like Tessa. Plus I’m sure whatever reason Tessa is into Saiya could be transferred over to the cure and bubbly Aika
I was surprised by my own depravity and it scared me.
I dunno. Whereas Saiya has developed into this dom role, much to Tessa's liking, Aika seemed to relish the confident and extroverted form of Tessa and would gladly bottom for her in turn.

Maybe this isn't a sign of incompatibility. There's no denying that there are two sides to Tessa - the streamer and the homegirl - so as a switch maybe she needs Aika to remind her that she's pretty cool and awesome while still playing bottom for Saiya.
There are good plot devices and then there are contrived and nonsensical ones...
>I guess you can add Stacy to the mix as well. She's the cranky bitch scowling all the time. You can't miss her.
Aside from being an annoying bitch, she's also notable for looking like she shaved off her bangs and glued them to the top of her head.
>Pixiveo's child-hypno-fuck-conditioning to be skinny
... what the fuck did I miss?
Oh that explains it.
It seemed like it was established early on that the blue cat girl had a small appetite and I feel like it would've been way easier to just stick with that instead of working in weird hypnosis/trauma bullshit. I can't help but wonder if it's Pixiveo's great dislike of magical gains that he's veering so hard into science/technology.
>... what the fuck did I miss?
It was revealed the reason Myu has trouble eating is because as a kid, the pink haired girl Maia kept clinging onto her and kid Myu got the idea it was because she was heavy and "fluffy", thinking Maia liked her since she looked like her favorite plushy.

So she badgered her parents into helping her lose weight. They tried convincing her it wasn''t bad to be heavy, or that it would take time to be thin, but she acted insufferable and kept wanting to be thin immediately, so they gave in. They took her to a doctor who tried many methods to help her loose weight, but none worked, so as a last resort they tried hypnotism, in that she was now unable to stuff herself without subconsciously feeling nauseous.

It ended up not helping with Maia though, since it turned out her clinginess was because she was in LOVE with Myu, so Myu tried eating like she used to but now couldn't, developing body dysmorphia. When she started throwing a tantrum, her mother, at wits end from trying to placate Myu for months, had a moment of weakness and struck Myu. The parents realized they screwed up but they couldn't undo the hypnotism, so they tried getting her into a hobby to distract her, hence her love for robotics, and even then she still was envious of others hence her becoming a chubby chaser.

Her talking to her parents established, while they did indeed fuck up as parents, they are very remorseful, want to be better and supportive, and still love her, but also gave Myu two big pieces of helpful information.

1. Her family is naturally predisposed to gaining weight, as while her mother is rail thin, it's only from rigorous exercise and dieting, and she'd have ballooned up like her daughters otherwise, meaning Myu can naturally get that big were it not for the hypnotism.

2. The hypnotism has a loophole. While she can't stuff herself, OTHERS can stuff her without her feeling sick, said loophole put in place in case she was ever hospitalized and in need of a feeding tube. So Myu wants to find Ilya again now that she knows this... problem is, Ilya has practically vanished. Not answering her calls, having moved out of her apartment with no notice, and not showing up to work.
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It is with great disdain and displeasure that I must come to you with bitter news. Thread 13, is no longer with us. It has just passed on to the great bumplock in the sky. It’s Saiyover. Big whoop. Wanna fight about it?
Yes, yes, all of that. Jesus, I forgot the part where her mom hit her as a child. It's truly my least favorite weight gain adjacent story.

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