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Since the old thread is bumplocked
This thread was made earlier today, the fuck are you doing?
new NEB
Wow, she is so Huge
Alex looking like the absolute fat goddess she is
Soon to be a immobile goddess
Alex is pretty cool fat of she, and doesn't afraid of anything. Her continued (if reluctant) mobility will be the 8th wonder of the world.
Can you at least write decently, idiot? I swear god it's full of Spanish people here
The kids don't know no more...
>Alex is pretty cool fat of she, and doesn't afraid of anything.
had a stroke reading this
Imagine outing yourself like this
the next page of the cheerleaders and it's in kumoko party
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Banger page. My fav comic from SDC so far.
oh god, why the foot
it make the eyes flow from the bottom of the image to to top in a fluid motion
plus is hot
Cheerleader comic page
Has she just gone Yandere?
could someone update kemono
Impressive that chair is holding
Cheerleader page
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jesus how many projects can this guy do at once
Seriously though. SDC is like, the poster child for quantity over quality right now. The art is suffering, with pretty crap anatomy and proportions. The way the characters look is horribly inconsistent. And I swear the writing quality has dropped as well. All of the comics have become characters spouting nothing but bad porn dialogue at each other.
Well, I still think the art is good and let's be fair, the comics aren't as annoying as whatever Kip is doing
Agreed. Haven't managed to find interest in the Bite or Donuts series for ages. The part twos of both have been beyond poor compared to the first.

Is Elizabeth showing up fatter than ever before on the next page? Just a guess.
Hand is too small and not dark enough, I wonder who it is.
Maybe the hand is from that someone, but Elizabeth is along side that someone, and the hand is to make us believe Elizabeth is not therre, but in the next page she is
Cheerleader comic
Someone update the kemono party please
Kumoko party has already been updated
Diva comic
Anyone got the new page
Can someone upload the new page of never enough bites?
new character just dropped
my idea, since at the end her powers don't make ppl desire to get fat, but ratter "remove their inhibitions" maybe the new girl is a feeder that now is more "open about it" ?
Just to clarify, she's not new per se, she's actually on Page 37.
Oh! I wouldn't have caught that.
Panels like this make me wish SweetDreamCoffee was willing to do explicit stuff like fingering or pussy eating.
It could happen in that comic
Ikr, do you know any that do? There's not enough explicit fat art out there, especially comics.
New cheerleader page
Anyone think alex will actually get challenged or is the artist gonna keep putting it off to extend the comic for money...
alex's role ended a long time ago and she's simply a background character
Background character is what the maid is, Alex at least still gets focus regularly, so she's more a secondary character.
I agree, Alex had her story in the last comic and I hope she gets less focus from now on. Liz however is just getting started and I'm betting we will see more of Hana to. The green haired girl is a nice shift change into a new arc.
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Diva comic
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I agree Alex is so fucking huge already
yeah but we havent seen her reach her limit yet
>didn’t get the memo
It’s literally in the name change, one more to: “never enough”.
Not stopping till the fat lady… also doesn’t stop idk.
Can someone post the new page?
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She’s a porker and a fat queen!
Yes think she's bigger than Christina her chunky legs are the best🔥
Is another Alex stuffing session gonna get interrupted smh
Good, Alex is done. Hope she doesn't get shown again.
I will say I am a little tired of seeing Alex. I don't hate her but i think her story is the weakest.

I think Cheerleaders is the best comic rn. Diva to Donuts maybe second but idk about that ending
Ehh i wanna see Alex get to immobility while the others get bigger

It could very well still happen even if we lose focus on her.
I'm personally hoping for Christina to finally fully lose to Liz, and I think the new girl is goin to do that.
Anyone have the new nsfw second hand gluttony piece for Hana that was posted today?
Can someone update the kemono party
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Is it just me or did their quality tank in the last year?
Here Alex from Just one more bite Series in 2022 vs 2023

What Happened?

the first one is super cute the second one looks like an absolute monster
Does anyone else think the drawings here look like shit in comparison to the beginning of Never enough bites and just one more bite series?
Alex's head looks like a circle. The anatomy is completely off. Is Alice (sweetdreamcoffee) rushing them out now or WTF happened?
no decrease in quality, just the struggle of perspective
different angles and she looks fuller in the second image
also need to take into account that alice has like 3-4 different comics going on rn, on top of comms/regular drawings
Bro doesn’t know about angles
She is fatter in 2022 she was walking but now she’s close to immobile her stomach touches the floor
If there was a new cheerleader page can someone post it please
I think SDC has been trying to do a little too much, but has been trying out new things. Some work some don't, but over all I think she has gotten much better, and I'm really excited to see what comes from all of her expreimenting
The art has always looked a bit wonky to me tbh.
Sdc seems to have a decent grasp on color, line art and rendering, but anatomy and perspective aren't their strong suit
Her perspectives are fine, it's mostly her facial expressions that need work.
Behead those who disrespect best girl Alexis
Overworked and his feeble mortal mind trying to comprehend the sheer mass of that absolute unit
Can someone update and post sweetdream's new content please
Anything new?
Yeah the cheerleader comic
Anyone gonna update or not?
New page NEB
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Finally real glutton is released. Need montage of Ellie stuffing herself getting huge like Alex so hot
Somebody needs to break chair or bed that would be insane. I can’t wait for next page we need 2 pages a week of never enough bites and more Ellie and Christina
The art on this page feels... really off...
Definitely, I hope the artist doesn't start rushing pages.
couldn't blame her if she does
Hey, does anyone finally have this? Marin's thing looks interesting
I hope she goes sabatical. She really looks like she needs some rest
Emily must been the one who made the blonde fat in the past and Ellie does not know that. She may be bigger than Alex soon can’t wait
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Quick question: I saw there was a discord pull on Kemono and there was this scenario. Did it win?
How many of Alex's stuffings gonna be interrupted, she hasn't been challenged yet
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Next page please
>>176001 I don't have any right to complain, but honestly this really kills the pacing of the storry so hard,

We don't get to even see them starting
At least she makes them large, unlike Kip (Spoilers: He's shit at writing too)...
Read the thread name silly goose
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What are you talking about? She's been the same size for the last 12 pages, and spent the last 4 stuffing herself. If anything this week's page brought it back on track.
>>176044 I did not mention anything about her weight, I'm talking about the passing of the pages, more specificly the gap between page 23 and 24, in 23 we see that they are about to start, but 24 starts straight to Naomi waking up after passing out, to me if that was the case I would prefer 24 showing or highlighting her passing out, and 25 being what we got with 24
I did not mention anything about her weight, I'm talking about the passing of the pages, more specificly the gap between page 23 and 24, in 23 we see that they are about to start, but 24 starts straight to Naomi waking up after passing out, to me if that was the case I would prefer 24 showing or highlighting her passing out, and 25 being what we got with 24
>>176041 I did, however I couldn't find the artist >>176034 commented for some reason,
Any1 have the new NEB page?
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Damn those two are like extra large pillows compared to Liz
is it just me or does anyone else think the quality of this page seem below average?
>>176302 Yeah, at least this file is 1MB, some of the other ones were around 8MB, sommething might have messed up the resolution maybe
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I don't know if I'm the only one that has noticed this or if I'm just autistically screeching into the void, but it seems to be that even some of the most prominent fat fetish artists don't know how to do basic paneling. What I mean is that they keep making mistakes that imply the flow of the story goes in one direction but it actually goes to other panels. In picrel 1, I drew out what I mean. In red is the actual flow that Sweetdreamcoffee wanted you to read, which follows the story correctly. In green is the flow that is implied by the paneling. The issue stems around how he makes a T shape with the panels, which is usually used to direct the readers' eyes. The "T rule" states that you cross the stem of the T before the arm. In picrel 2 shows how that type of paneling changes where the readers go. I noticed error a lot in just the Food, Cheerleaders, and Other Pervy Fantasies comic alone, and it's really distracting because I lose the flow of the story. Kipteitei also makes this mistake a lot too. Actually, both of them have messy layouts. They just seem to make panels random sizes and align them in anyway they feel that day with no consideration of where they want the reader to be looking. BWS is a lot better at paneling than both of them, imo, and only made this mistake once that I can remember. I get that they aren't professional comic artists, but people are still paying for their art. Anyway, just wanted to see if I'm the only one that's autistic enough to notice.
I’m not reading all that
tldr fat fetish artists don't know how to do paneling
>another episode of a statmonkey trying to suck the soul out of small scale things that are actually enjoyable and turn them into dull, by the book "industry and research standard" products
shan't be watching this one
you can think that's what I said if you want, but it isn't. If a picture had bad proportions, clashing colors, incorrect perspective, etc, you would say that it's just a lower quality picture, right? or is trying to fix those things sucking the soul out of it? All I'm saying is that there are similar techniques for drawing comics to make them more appealing to read, and certain artists who draw large amounts of comics haven't learned them yet. The stat image was so it's not just "trust me bro".
Maybe it’s just me, but I just see the comic laid out as the usual 6 panels and go left, right down a row and then repeat. I haven’t even considered that others would end up reading it in the wrong way because the bottom left panel is slightly too high while the middle right is slightly too low
I just assumed I was retarded and couldn't read. I'm glad that's only slightly the case
I think there will be no page today
Screech away, Anon. I like this style of technical analysis to comic-craft. A good and informatve post.
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I think it happened again on the new never enough bites page. My brain naturally read it in the wrong order, going down to the panel that was meant to be read 3rd right after the first
SDC's work is awesome. the panelling topic is interesting though and I hadn't really thought about it before
That post got deleted? Anon was 100% right and helpful, shit I didn't get to save that statistical guide thing they had attached.
Praising yourself in a chan board is as pathetic as it gets
I hope she and the blonde get as big as Alex and Gina I'm loving her chunky thighs and double belly!
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I don't know why it got deleted when I was talking about a comic from SweetDreamCoffee, but oh well. Here is where I had gotten that graphic.
It has a lot of interesting pictures showing how paneling, image composition, and even speech bubble placement lead the reader's eyes.
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New page
I know the overlap between people who are subbed to SweetDream's Patreon and users of this site is probably microscopic, but to those who do fall into that category you would be my hero if you voted for Hinoa this month
Can we get the new page pls
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NO FN WAY! It’s cow on cow submission feeding! YOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
She's paying her back from when she force feed her nice!
Finding it hard to believe this isn't sexual for the maid, but wasn't it said she has a boyfriend? They on the rocks, is she cheating on him, or is this not considered sexual for her?
greenhair probably put her up to it
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She and blonde going to get huge as well and fight over food
New NEB anyone?
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God how many more characters are there gonna be
The answer might be:

Not really a fan of these recent NEB pages. Feels like the pacing is way off with the introduction of too many new characters. Also more characters on one page -> more work that has to be done -> overall downgrade in quality. But hey, thats just my dumbass opinion on the internet.
glad im not the only one who thought this
Doesn't help Alice is working on another comic as well as other single pieces.
I do agree has well, just hope that Alice can still keep has much has the pacing with the story has she can, considering that she's working on other drawings and has well has comics
Yeah SDC genuinely overworks themselves. Their art would be so much better if they did less.
They will have the new cheerleader page
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Even my ex said I was handsome without glasses, but I can't see anything without them
>>178908 I have a hunch that she's not involved, but rather going through the same thing behind the curtains, not that I think it's necessarily bad for the story to get to that point,
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well that was underwhelming
Lmao the belly is almost identical except for one line
Discretion is the better part of COOM
Yep, SDC will become yet another shitty artist who rushes their art
I think she's doing it on purpose because she doesn't want to give her the satisfaction of making her really fill up, but I have a feeling that now she's going to make her really fill up.
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this page looks decent compared to the last couple ones
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is nerd girl going to gain weight because it looks like it in some parts.
I hope to find a girl like her someday, i forgot her name though
could anyone update kemono
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Good god she’s going to get massive
this is finally starting to look interesting
Are you actually retarded?
Oh this new girl is best I love forceful she next thing you know it the green haired girl will be force feeding the blonde and she'll be almost as huge as Liz is getting!
The new girl is the best mean if she were to put on weight she'll resemble Alex in a way
Were is the “before” panel from? The whole thing looks like it would go well as a comparison to the first panel here >>176252
Also, is there a picture of her at her previous largest?
Does anyone have the new Hana sequence?
Could someone update the kemono party
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Anyone able to post this piece from the patreon?
It definitely isn’t but whatever you say
Alex will be the queen glutton out of all them she did say she wanted to be the fattest model
Liz will be the fattest because she is a glutton at heart. She manipulated Alex to fulfill her desires. Liz will surpass Alex soon after milk shake she will lose control give into to true self. Then you see a time skip with pizza boxes, ice cream, chips and all fast food piled up wrappings everywhere. This time Liz is demanding food. She will surpass everyone.
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[Bible Alert]

I never said that Hana is the fat queen (Alex has that title), I only make a comparison of the fatter version of Alex and Hana.

By nature, a woman's butt can be larger than a belly.

Hana has been highlighting for a while that most of her fat is in her hips/buttocks/thighs, so the difference in those drawings that compare which are the fattest versions of each girl... Alex has a bigger belly and Hana has a bigger butt, but that doesn't mean Hana should weigh more than Alex. I like Hana better even though she's not the fattest, her Godzilla ass is more than enough.
Oh yeah you have a point but I don't see her surpassing Alex Gina or Christina the blonde girl but that would be hot if she did surpass them

I said that most of Hana's fat is in her ass, Hana has her ass bigger than her belly, not that it surpasses the others.

As the story is currently going, Hana just has a bigger ass than the blonde girl and I think she does Liz too.

What's more, Hana was the third fattest, but the way things are going it seems that Liz will become the third fattest.

The thing is that Hana, being one of those who has to work the most as a Maid, is the one who gains weight the slowest.
Hana is not trying to be like the other girls that's why she's gaining so slowly
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Anyone noticed that Gina has blow up a lot since we last saw her I wonder how much she eats compared to Alex she barley gets any pages with her current size
Remember she started this to full fill her own appetite. Once Liz loses control she will be a hungry demon living in room filled with fast food. Ordering more and more. Liz will be dictator yelling for food. Since she controls Overeats, Liz gluttony will never stop. Alex is hunger monster, but Liz was born to be one. Mark my words she will be bigger or big as Alex in next few chapters. I think it’s brilliant what author did with blue maid looking like Alex. It gives appearance of Alex taking revenge.
New Page please
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at this rate shes gonna get as big as Alex
>>180592 with a time skip yeah really
The chair is going to break
She is going to be the fattest after time skip. Alex thinks she needs food, but Liz has always love it and wanted more!
The blonde Christina is next I just know it
And hope fully some more Gina and Alex rivalry
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For those who don't know her name and bio
Christina will be big, but Liz will become biggest and the greediest of the ladies
Yeah she's finally accepting who she is and wants to get even bigger and bigger I still can't believe she's this huge now!
Honestly does it really matter who is going to be the biggest of them all? I say the thrill in seeing them all gaining weight and getting others to gain weight along with them is far more exciting than knowing who is the heaviest.
I totally agree. I just think Liz becoming most gluttonous would be icing on the cake.

I hope she falls off her chair and lays down on her back on the ground with her bulging belly like a beached whale at the end.
Not really, but Liz's rapid weight gain now devalues Alex's weight gain from before, since it's happening in the same way. The pace also devalues Alex's size since it's looking like it won't be unique to her in terms of this comic.
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Can anyone post this most recent piece from their patreon it’s a piece of Liz
sorry not in private, yes you can upload it here bbw chan>>180739
Sorry, this post indicates that I'm barely knowing how to use bbw chan.>>180740
>sorry not in private, yes you can upload it here bbw chan
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Hottest fattest face the comic has drawn. Still think she will get bigger can’t wait
what a time to be alive. This stuff is maybe the best fat fetish stuff i've ever seen
Yeah she going to get bigger than this!
I hope she gets as big as Alex and Gina soon so they can all have a massive USSBW three way!
Glory to the Liz double chin
>tfw no obese boss that orders you to push her through door frame
Double chins are all that matters in this world, fr
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great angle, kinda wish it would've kept going for another like 2-3 pages
So she's gonna make Alex even fatter now while she herself gets fatter. I wonder who's gonna fatten the new girl up?
if by blonde girl you mean the blondie, my guess is she'll be influenced by Liz or peer pressured into gaining
Can someone update the kemono party please
Nobody fatten new girl. This is about Liz losing control. She still thinks she will be feeding Alex. Instead Alex and Gina will be feeding her
I rather more Liz or like time skip were she is covered in fast food out of control instead of going back Christina. Need to keep Wg progression slow but messy.
Christina still needs her own stuffing session and while she's getting stuffed we can get her past story for never enough bites and how big she was in the past.
I agree but let’s at least have protagonist become a greedy sow before we dive into her backstory.
Cheerleader page anyone?
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Finally timskip baby! Liz is going to be the queen glutton I want her to be a slob bigger than Alex
Holy fuck, seeing Liz bent over a desk like that is hot.
It think he meant the next chapter will be a time skip and that is going to show Liz bigger.
My guess is were getting another feeding sequence or two before an inevitable time skip where they’re all near immobile or already immobile
glad she got bigger and all that, but I'm starting to get tired of SDC doing these cliff hanger character reveals
SDC gotta stop with all the timeskips and off screen gaining
Ok wow I like that there's one character that's all "tsundere" or like actually disliking what's happening to her
I knew she was next and she's fatter than Liz is now nice!
I really like seeing her turn into a fat tsundere, although I also like that she has a big double chin.
I do wish they go slower with weight gain progression like they did for Alex. Mostly I want to show them eating food like slobs.
Can someone share whole NEB?
So the pretty much abandoned Alex…despite the fact Alex should be immobile at this rate as she eats more than all the other girls combined.
Cheerleader page anyone?
The secuence is canon? Why, my God, do I want to see it from the front
now that kemono is working could someone update it
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Was thinking this as well. When the page from >>181818 first dropped my first thought was back to Alex saying "It's only a matter of time. Kiss your twig body goodbye"
This comic simply brings me peace and puts a smile on my face, really wholesome uwu (the one about the pink haired girl)
The pink haired girl is Noami and other one is Mei and same here
How do I open the files after downloading form that web?
What’s the blonde girls name again, it’s so hard keeping up with names
I don’t think they necessarily ABANDONED Alex. I think this is supposed to be build up. Like, they’re showing the others, then we may get a big reveal. Ya know?
I'll be honest, I think NEB has kinda gone off the rails in terms of its story. And yes, for a lot of people that's not a big concern but for me it's what gives the comic its substance. The procession of ladies getting fat for increasingly vague reasons and a departure from its own internal logic with the whole 'whisper' thing is starting to feel shallow in its indulgence.

It's occasionally nice eye candy, sure, but it's getting harder to care about what's going on, I don't know if you'll agree with me.
I don't think there was much of a story to begin with, lol. I think sweetdreamcoffee just likes making characters and putting them in fun situations.
You liked one of the early characters and don't care for the newer ones, and as a result aren't following what is happening. Happens all the time for people with ongoing fiction. It definitely hasn't become more vague in its reasoning, and psychologically there's more going on than there was initially.
Heh, you're not wrong. Even reading the initial arcs, pre-Christina, the story was tantamount to "Alex and Gina are made fat." A bit simplistic but hey, it was consistent, even with the Whisper thing going on.

Now with more random characters turning up out of the blue to fatten others, that initial weakness in story is getting exacerbated. While there is arguably an appeal to seeing everyone fat, it has diminishing returns and makes the initial acts less significant (as others have already pointed out with Alex).
I think it’s by the inability of the artist to make an evil character. Originally in JOMB it’s hinted that Liza is hypnotizing Alex and fattening her up through coercion or at least unethical means.
Then she(sweetdreamcoffee) retcons everything. Actually Alex was a dumb eating machine with no character from the start and Liza(which is her the author written in) wasn’t actually doing anything wrong she just innocently stumbled on this whisper shit.
She’s like team4kids (producers of anime bleach) she’scompletely incapable of writing a villian or writing characters that aren’t all lesbians that want to get fat or enjoy being fat.

A really great artist, not a good writer.
Same thing with the cheerleader one. I thought it would at least turn into a “it was all a dream and the skinny creepy lesbian(again a stand in for the artist) was in a coma after breaking her leg. She tries to fatten the cheerleader only for the cheerleader to fatten her self anyway and fall in love with her creepy stalker.
So the stalker chick isn’t being unethical or rapey because the cheerleader did it to herself.

I just expected this kind of writing from a 18 year old boy not a 31 year old cis lesbian woman.

But I guess she’s just catering to her audience?
Well, I do admit that I am in no position to judge, but I would like to share my perspective has well,

I do agree that SDC is not really in the prowls of making excellent Weight Gain stories, but, I believe that's not exactly much of the matter, it will all be determed by what what she whatever desires the story to be about and how everything will go, if she fews the need to do has such, and even if the narrative and/or story she makes, or even her wrighting is not the best, I do not few it needs to be,
I do enjoy weight gain stories with a decent narrative, but in my opinion, it's sometimes really hard to make that up and make interesting for almost everyone to enjoy, simple WG stories, are just that, short, there's not much in the making process, so there's only the worry of making conscistente, others try to focus a little bit to much on the overall narritive and it becomes really stretched out, prolongued and becomes to long for most to enjoy it has a weight gain story,

but in SDC's case, I do few like she makes a few mistakes right there and there with the narritive, but then I remember she usually works more than one story at a time now, it is not like the old times of TWoE Comic, where she was working souly for one story and much later another,
So, if I minded more about the narrative and story than the overall weight gain aspect, I would rather prefer SDC to just work on one comic and/or story at a time, giving her more time in producing the overall story and this would be a good way for her to improve her writing,

But of course if she's fine being willing to do that, I'm not going to demand that from her or anyone if I just want them to make better stories, she should only do this if she wants to, or for her own good, because probably focusing on multiple weight gain comics at the time might become unhealthy for her eventually, at least I believe so.
>I think it’s by the inability of the artist to make an evil character.
I might be remembering wrong here, but didn't Patreon change their guidelines a few years back to include something about depictions of characters having things happen "against their will", effectively some sort of rule against art showing rape? I seem to recall this rule started getting applied very loosely and a lot of artists had to start adding caveats and disclaimers to work to indicate "consent" (baffling, given that these are purely fictional creations). It feels a lot like such a thing happened here, with the shift from a pretty clear brainwashing/subliminal control angle to "the words can't make you do anything you didn't already want".

I think it should also be noted that there are two people working on this; one creates the art and the other writes the story. It should also be factored that things get changed at the request of Patreon users (if you go back through the pages, pretty much every moment with a sudden jarring shift in focus or characters being followed coincides with people in the Patreon comments asking for specific character focus). That kind of thing always weakens a story.

Feels like a lot of this belongs in the rant thread, however. Threads like this work best for dumping new pages. When discussion starts to flood it they become garbage to use - just take a look at what happened with BWS threads, or the absolute cesspit of Kipteitei threads (although in that case, one could argue it's a case of audience reflecting the quality of the work).
Just stop complaining pussies. Art is good most of time and Wg comic not Charles Dickens.
Agreed that democratising the creative process rarely leads to a better story and only betrays an author's lack of conviction.

I believe that discussion is best handled within their respective threads primarily due to moaners and shitposters never being too far away. If you want to improve the quality of the discussion then one needs to actively lead by example. Vacating and surrendering that space fills it with shitposting and mod overreach. Kip's thread, conversely, while it has been shit in the past is doing a lot better these days.
Don't most of the people here cry over things like that, like I prefer darker wg stuff (unwanted weight gain, forced stuffing, humiliation, bullying, teasing etc.) but from what I can tell most would go "it's too dark not muh heckin fictional chunkerino" and then overwhelmingly pan the work. That's probably what would happen most just like uwu wholesome stuff anyway
Holy fuck. Stay in the Kip thread you autists
Nevermind artist on a break
Artist is on a break say it on kemono for those who were expecting a new page for NEB
There's a balance to be struck. No one said good storytelling was easy. It's a skill. Plus some stories just come down to personal taste; I myself enjoy when the boat is pushed out rather than sticking to safe harbours. Makes a work more memorable and interesting.

And to address >>182555 Sure, no one should be expecting amazing writing (although if one is confident they can deliver, don't hold themselves back) but that doesn't mean we should be happy with the bar resting on the floor now. Much like with artists, insist that your authors do better too!
I hope that's the case. My real hope is that after Christian fattening, which is probably 2-3 weeks, we go back to Alex and then finally get a timeskip.
she's going to make the nerd gain weight, just watch.
Facts there no way she's going to stay slim for the whole comic and Nerd's name is Mei
doubt it considering the nerd chick is meant to be a self insert character
Nah if you look back on the drawing of her grabbing her belly her arms were huge
yeah, if your reasoning is "nerd chicks art style is the same as Sweets!" thats pretty weak; like bruh, were you expecting an artist to learn an entirely new art style just for a single piece of paper within a single panel of one of multiple comics?
New page out anyone have it
have you ever seen an image of her? i don't think she's cis.
How TF did you get a pic of her?
If "she's" not cis then "she's" a he.
i saw one on rainydayglutton's (her gf) twitter, idk if it's still there
I mean nothing crazy except a weird filter
>>183067 "You got games on your phone?"
Always assumed she was some young college girl not that old looking.
Do you expect any internet artist to look good, man? XD
anyone got the new never enough bites page?
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Alex 2 electric boogaloo
>>183100 think we're about get some back story soon and when she gets as big as Alex she's going to struggle even more!
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Supermodel my ass🤣🤣🤣
Honestly? Kind of a missed opportunity for Alex to have squashed her here lol
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Am I only that thinks it be interesting if Alex and Gina lost weight; instead the real gluttons Liz and the blonde become the biggest.
Yeah she's Alex number 2 but I hope Liz ends up bigger than her the next time we see her!
I totally agree Liz is my favorite because she is the true big pig. She made all these girls fat. It’s only right Liz becomes the biggest of them all.
I just meant it would make a good story I didn’t mean as she become fat because of Karma. I’m sorry, I like Liz I think it be hot if she was the biggest of all her girls. I didn’t mean to upset anybody.
Most noble anon on bbwdraw lol
God I fucking love when SDC does this food addiction/immobility denial/teasing scenes. Are there any other artists or writers who are also good at this?
Is anyone able to link me the Alex chatbot?
don't get me wrong, it's still great, but my main concern isn't so much that the comic keeps switching characters out and losing focus or that everyone keeps getting fat - (it is a problem though imo because I like size comparison)

It's that the gains themselves keep getting skimmed over. It's like the artist wants to focus on the gain but is too hyperactive to focus on it. The early comic was amazingly slow burn especially at first - like a sequence that didn't just stop at regular fat. But now whenever they try to do that again it suddenly skips ahead and they're fat already without properly showing the in between

do they have adhd or something?
It’s my favorite Wg comic, but I agree unlike the Alex arc they skip over in between does not show enough rod girls eating. My Wish is Sweetdream Coffee and Better With Salt and BeltBuster collaborate on a comic. That Liz becomes the biggest of girls and the queen she was meant to be.
Well put. This dovetails with my original thoughts about the comic's lack of focus. It's the concern that everyone is suddenly reaching sizes comparable to Alex so it cheapens the effect overall - where does the story go from there?

Don't get me wrong, simple bubblegum plots are fine but they don't make for a compelling long-form without confusing plot elements being shoehorned in and getting in the way.
I still remember when we were told there's going to be a comic about girl versions of the WoE characters. It was heavily teased by SDC, it even received a 7-page minicomic teaser, and after a while everything just sort of went silent due to "the comic being in preparations" for roughly a year now. It was always supposed to come out after the current big comic ends, but we're just getting more and more arcs that keep getting increasingly convoluted as SDC keeps swapping between fan-service and storytelling which honestly really feels like it worsens the longer the comic goes on.
>do they have adhd or something?
WG comic fans? yeah they do, it doesn't matter. Right now the average fan is wondering if the blonde girl is going to become immobile and when someone is going to start fattening green hair and blue hair, SDC has already set up an infinite loop with this story setup so you better like it
New cheerleader page please

So I think there are three problems with this story and the characters.

1. No one cares about anyone.

The story as it started had us fallow a blue haired girl who got herself in a weight gain fetish house. We saw her as the focus of the story and what she goes through. Now that she is reaching to a point where it's to hard to draw her. They make another character start to grow. Then to make sure we don't go to the point again, let's add 2 more with more characters.

The problem is that everyone is the same character now. There is no unique people in the story. So why should we care or want to see grow unless they have a look they like.

2. The comic is being written as it is being made.

For my perspective it seems like the writer thinks of a idea and just puts it in without thinking. The problem with that is there is no time for other characters and the growth. So we have to keep skipping to get that idea out there.

3. This needs to end.

This comic should of ending when they made the blue hair chick to fat to draw. A great story/ weight gain comic is how it ends. I think the writer is afraid of ending it because of a. Makes them money, or b. Can't think of one.

These are my thoughts on the matter. I don't know where this comic goes and sadly don't care about it. There or more stuff being draw and written every day so keeping up with this seems pointless unless they have a character design I like.
What needs to happen is the new blue haired chick, and the green haired chick need to have some depth to them. Like I’d like to see some kind of a plot twist here like maybe they’re trying to steal Alex’s money or something like that and fattening up the girls will make their job easier. I don’t know something interesting.

as for the cheerleader comic, after seeing the newest page, I’m honestly ready to tap out. if the nerdy girl doesn’t start gaining any kind of weight, then there’s really no point to me investing time into this
>I think the writer is afraid of ending it because of a. Makes them money, or b. Can't think of one.
I should add that I think one of the biggest problems with SDC is that she stop drawing males. It was her male Fatties that got her the attention and her popularity to begin with. I love her females a lot don’t get me wrong, but when she stopped drawing males, I think she started to decline.
TBH when the boss started to gain weight and out of no where she was secretly a feedee, but couldn't because she wouldn't make the money that she has now unless she is thin. That's when I tapped out. Now she is gaining weight and probably lose money to where this hole thing won't work anymore.

Typing that out sounds so stupid. I can't be fat because no money. @.@ so be thin and make others fat.

All I want is just stick with the characters that have been established and stop last minute changing them completely.
reading this over you're exactly right. It makes no sense for her to gain weight when she knows its going to ruin her job and cost her money. If this plot point is abandoned somehow then its awful writing. I'll also say again, the two new girls need to have some kind of plot twist going here or else this is going to get boring real fast. Make them like either thieves trying to steal Alex's money or maids hired by Alex's rivals.
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new page.
I actually like where Never Enough Bites has gone, but here's my thoughts:

- I like that Liz, the skinny, powerful CEO who started acquiring a harem of feedees, has now fallen victim to her same trap of incredible obesity. I like that she is now too fat to work in the office again. I think instead of her losing her job/wealth/power now though, the writer should lean into the world of remote work for ol' Liz. She can manage her company while gaining incredible weight and no one realizes just how much she is gaining. Maybe she does get caught at some point, perhaps even blackmailed. Could be hot. Also i think whoever keeps mentioning Alex's money meant to say Liz. Alex was a broke waitress who moved in with Liz to start her journey to being an obese pet of Liz's.
- Speaking of Alex, the one with clearly the greatest eating capacity and no desire to return to her old life, we should see that she is now bedbound and immobile, taking up even more space. Not much else for her character to do beyond that though. Perhaps Gina takes care of her while still maintaining her obesity as well.
- I really like where they went with Christina, who moved in to sabotage Liz, but also fell victim to the trap. Show us her, struggling to walk, perhaps trying to regain control, and then finally giving in.
- Finally, i don't really give a shit about the new green and blue-haired girls. They're there to do what Liz can no longer do since falling into her own trap--feed these women into oblivion. Maybe one of them can blackmail Liz, who attempts to still lead her company despite her own out of control gaining. Other than that idea, i don't think these new girls need personalities or backgrounds, nor do they need to gain themselves. Focus on the main 4 girls and their gaining.
>- Finally, i don't really give a shit about the new green and blue-haired girls. They're there to do what Liz can no longer do since falling into her own trap--feed these women into oblivion. Maybe one of them can blackmail Liz, who attempts to still lead her company despite her own out of control gaining. Other than that idea, i don't think these new girls need personalities or backgrounds, nor do they need to gain themselves. Focus on the main 4 girls and their gaining.
All the girls are going to get fat. Its just inevitable. Every girl ended up getting fat in From Diva to Doughnuts, so it makes sense the new girls pack on the pounds as well.
So all of u didnt purchase puts all week. Scared money dont make money. Now fuck outta heaaaaa
I also agree that the 4 main girls need to be focused on, but its hard considering Alex has been basically reduced to a background character now.
I forgot about Hana when mentioning the 4 main girls. Obviously she gets fatter and fatter and attempts to continue being a maid until she simply can't anymore.
One thing that’s always been on my mind in regards to the Bites series of comics is just how the hell do the phrases work? Like is it magic or are the girls really persuasive when they say the phrase
No more mac. No more. Spongebob siblings.
Indeed. The old days where instead of neverending continuations of earlier comics, you'd get 4-part sequences or donor-requested OCs. And unfortunately, broken promises followed pretty soon after SDC decided to gradually cut off the old, male content. One Chance Karma being suddenly halted before something could even happen in the story, despite claims that the first chapter would be finished. Weight of Experience genderswap spin-off bezing quietly shelved after From Diva to Doughnuts ends as SDC comments that "FDTD was the last link to my old content", suggesting that a year of teasers was worth nothing...

Bah, this is just pointless rambling. If only could she accept herself for what she - a great artist, but not a great storyteller. I am sometimes concerned that SDC will go the Pixiveo route of an endless comic consisting of nothing but story fillers.

In all honesty, I just wish we'd see more 4-mini comics where both sides get what they want on equal footing - the short story and the weight gain. Best way for fanservice. Unfortunately, this disappeared after only three such comics, never to be seen again. In no way I hold the current content in contempt, but I am pretty concerned over SDC's directions.
>as for the cheerleader comic, after seeing the newest page, I’m honestly ready to tap out.
Yeah, it feels once again that the weight gain of the central character was incredibly rushed, and what follows is a few dozen pages more or less filled with dialogue and the occassional fan-service tease.
There's that, and the fact that the comic feels completely devoid of any direction or plot at this point. She's supposed to be a cheerleader, that's literally a part of the title, but I genuinely forget sometimes unless I look at the title of the post because of how little that has to do with what's going on.
new page?
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Also, here's a coloring attempt for a past Violet sketch that's kinda mid. Imma post this on the coloring thread, but could someone color this, please?
Wrong thread, mb

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