
>>169576 (OP)
Why? I don't think Pew much if anything anymore.
So far from what I’ve heard RN they’re kinda in a limbo cause of moving
Why does an artist who, to my knowledge, doesn't even draw anymore, need a thread? Just go on man's deviantart or something.
hey guys, pew just dropped something new. Can anyone post it?
It would help if you said where it was posted, dumbass.
I fucked up I wrote a reply but decided I'd just put down that image but I forgot to remove what I had initially written
Deviantart doesn't have everything. Kind of like a lot of artists his stuff is scattered across old accounts and shit. Best condense it in one place.
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>i would normally not post just one sketch on it's own but my next post is taking longer, so i figured i'd post it instead of sit on it, a drawing i did for someone
literally all of his posts are in a single dropbox that he himself made and has linked on his deviantart.
does anyone have the pic with the girl staring at the ice cream cone and her belly is showing through the glass? I cant find it anywhere
You guys know the drill… replace Halie with Lucy, I’ve called out salts OCs for being shit characters but Lucy is WAY fucking worse
if lucyguy gets pew im gonna kill myself
Hey pew posted a couple new things on his patreon, can anyone post them here?
(404 KB, 615x1369, pewmon.png)
This character checks a lot of my boxes but pantsuits are superior to pencil skirts IMO, and yet I like those boots, so I unironically spent an hour in Paint.net on this.
I’m flabbergasted we haven’t seen any new Fionna from Pew yet.
You just KNOW those would be amazing.
Truly a golden opportunity right there, it’s never too late though.
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Guys can anyone help
Looking for pewbutt’s sequence of burgercat, the one he deleted from his twitter
i think its already too late
Still on his Furaffinity, "masterp123"
Who’s Lucy Guy?

New here, sorry
It’s a nickname given to a guy who keeps commissioning better-with-salt to draw Lucy from fairytale
Um actually? That’s Rebecca from Edens Zero not Lucy 🤓
He also commissions rebecca since she is a lucy clone
>>172236 I don't know what fired up in your brain to post this but absurdity is nice every once in a while
I had that truck,so cool... also yes, run her the fuck over. (:
We’re gunna need a bigger truck
And that’s why we’re gonna make it look like something out of mad max
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something something rouge the bat to rouge the fat
I love how she's breaking the door frame!
the goat

how does he hit every nail on the head for this fetish he's a wizard
is this new? I don't think I've seen it before
Hey guys, pewbutt just dropped something new, can anyone post it?
It’s on his patreon if anyone’s wondering
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The anatomy of the bottom girl is pretty horrid, but oh well, not everything is meant to be perfect. 😭
>Those faces
Is the reason why Pew disappeared because of playing a ton of old King of Fighters?
Could anyone share Pew's latest post? Thx in advance! :)
Valid Reason, shit is BASED
You’re retarded if you think that’s horrid anatomy
Chill, its not that serious.
Is this a reference to fatty office sim?
Dont understand how this mf can drip feed us the best art in the community
Fr, one of my favorite artists!
or if anyone has a way to make them seperate from each other i could color it myself its a mess all in one
i would pay so much money for a super fatty office admin sim with pew’s art
Drawing burps like these is really uncharacteristic of him.
Yeah, the "looks more like an orgasm than burping" style is something I'd expect out of Kafei, not Pewbutt

then again considering how shitty Kafei's artstyle has gotten and how much I love Pew's artstyle, I don't mind it
>>176186 Huh, didn't know people hated KafeKafei's artstyle. His Felicia is pretty good IMO.
Wtf I love Jeet's transformers OCs now.
The usual suspects resent Kafe's slide into slob. I just hate he became a tranny.
kafei had a style that was almost a carbon copy of pew's very early on in his postings. You can still kind of see it in his sketches.
(97 KB, 705x1200, FFon5bDVcAQPrGx.jpg) (4.1 MB, 2406x3128, 693c998faf7aa395cf2842a9fe07d030773d19a3eaf38dcfeff47be3c4619ef2.png)
to me its less about the slob stuff, i love it when art has a character burping
its more about the weird shading he sometimes does
the first image has an alright if basic shading, the 2nd one just looks completely fucked and looks like actual ass
if pew is going down the kafei route of doing burps ill be happy since pew's artstyle arguably has some of the best shadding in this community
It boils down to preference, Artists are allowed to draw and style their works anyway they want if it makes them happy, furthermore i see nothing wrong with his current shading, to each their own.
I wanna see these girls get raped, I’m not even joking.
You literally said the same thing in the older BWS thread, retard. Go outside and touch some fucking grass
Some guy said he wanted to see the office girl OCs pew did get raped, I assume he wanted to get under pew’s skin.
Hey guys, pew dropped something new on his patreon, can anyone post it?
Hey pew dropped something new on Patreon yesterday can anyone post it please?
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Does someone know where the chick in the middle is from? I can’t for the life of me find the post.
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I wish 3 won so bad, but 1 beat it by just over a percent.
Nah man I’m happy with 1 when they get so fat their ass peeks out from under the pencil skirt is perfection
It would be so cool if somebody could just remove these fucking ears
i'm sorry but if you can't look past some bunny ears to enjoy some primo fatfuckery you're a faggot
yeah lmao the ass cheek on the right needs to be lifted up more since it's being flexed, and maybe not make the right arm look like a noodle and also the line on the back just doesn't make sense
There’s something about Pew’s Tracer art that really just reaches a whole new level.
>Blizzard took away Tracer's ass
>Pew gave it back and then some
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Pew making a fantasy office setting feels pulled out of my dreams.

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